Tortiurinif Oistiguring Hmeours Itchiiig, Burilng, and .Scaly Eruptîinis of' the Skm and Scalp w ith loss of Ilair Complete External and Inter- nai Treatment by Cuticura THE SET conl3Rtlng of CUTICUIIA SoAr, te CleaUge the skin of cruEs and Pcales and soften the thickened cutce, CUTICUKA Olinment to ln- etantly allay itching, irritation, and inflam- mation, and sootile and heal, and CUTICUR RtI5oLvENT te cool and cleanse the blood. A SING05E SET is often sufficent to cure the mnost torturing, disfignrlng skin, scalp, and blood humours,' rashes, itchIngs, and irrita- tions, wth loss of hair, when the best physt- Clans and ail other remedles fail. Vold bv ail Coonial Cemigts. POTTE Dzue Aisp aries escapeti. lIIithie misailnar ies at 1I Alvices trom Vlatives'Oc',a stia,1I u u a ein' - -Kpj, i 1AhhKorin, and Kuancbang-Tseu, tiha Lth-. Chinese invasion of Eastern like-and watoh in imagination a col- l..kafie.r traggiers. Inhie l ancburia, bave arrived in îSiberia bas stoppa-d tbe Russian ad- umn o! Britisha regulars marcbing on,j pe The Cbinese fleet is ccDncentratiîngi striéketn. ~71 as., i-ny "o a nt -'-t, ted ual ai-. -~ I The Old Reliablo Remledy for DiarrhSa anld Dysentery. Th h n hicrep n et ft e General Hutton's mounted infantry u~.i~ Ju, o e eai m m os o 0 xeut n d -- - - - --hs un The hanbai orrspodent ofthedivision is ai Broncboessb spruiî, some perliaps, if the force is a large one, a were wonded. Thbe caravan ia expeci- unerestiae itbsjntrth Glb,1 h s parnlicie distance to the east of Pretoria. whole troop of cavalry will come next, ed to arrive at Hankow at anyu m.p~e ftb bns mie seosaiionalismn, telegraphsa astory to - thoen more connecting links and iasîly Tbese despatches are considor ed bore General von Lessel, w bo la to nom- bis paper tbat Russia bas been soc- tULTiT ~ A(UT Iihe officar commanclîng 'surronnrî i indicato tbat tbe rebelliin is spread- m and tbe Geriman forces in China, bas Little Liver Pilis. WOLiiýiîdlitOsis andi gefltiegs.Gentle- tried numerous remnedies, none seemed Imitators of Dr. Cbýase's Remedies bnSOtfsee-aufici!snauaa ieCo oiayWidoOt ~b m rai n nîoae- yîm woeanly W 000 -eft the rig m tesWoE i. lDaaS2BoIS anC recommended by aIl as w ben bh podermically ije d. leaving me no excuse forntmcn nw gýinteworld. oself on 'the verg,-a of despair; nothing and signature, 'whick are found on Moflank, noexploding as hahe Soos. So is theues met my case. 1 recently procurod a every box of bie genuine remnedies. At 1 No i 1sud2 sold in Bowm&rivile bV of th-- medieine intel n-lly. Dr. Mac- " antrfan rmrcmeda is snorv eigbît lest deep in box Of Dr. Ch&.ýýt's Kidney-Liver Pills, ail dealers, or Edmnanaon, Bates & Co, frekp .srn p' Adavr OTHAM & SON, STOTr & JURY,;Or1no 1by J .Gii donald and bis colleagues bave saccosa.- these pilla 10 ail suffrerssasleddcr N~wSt b OiO a~ an tankt0 a aj iatet eatI ~rono.nQefflary proesa j% Uns saMe string- - ILLÂN; Newcastle hy Da. F»NsoNIBMsafujly exfflimenied on tbemselves. for nervouasis and Weans2 à ýP YI N TH XA GHthe head means kundreds at the tatil Trivial check to the front of a long BRITSH CLUMNADVACEScolumn is a sexious delay, to the men _________________IN TIME OF WAR. in the rear of it, and continual step-. .Iapanese Correspondeïits Alake plitvt osraad utiget1d8-o 1-.Great Mil itary P4ovement on Accou]"wl er- ~~~Withth asgofh Grave Charges Soldiers. Parade.Uirh A I 1 brigade the sing est heaerage of Japanese Troops in China. A British.column advancing in time1 spectator largely vanishes. Trop, of war through anr enemy's country is there follow more machine guins,-more The Yokohama correspondent of the sued a strong protest, based upon the at once a magnificent and a'remark- tDo1 carts, ammonition wagons, led A despateh fro~m Che, Foo says:- in the ChfÊsa Sen and bo)stilitios ari Loaendn D a i, wh epeasybi'tore , gin t place. maty ihable spectacle; or rather, to be quite herses, etc., but al ibese have been Prnea Tuan bas mobilized 950-03men expected. he usinMnsro!hener-Icorrect, it wculd be, provided the oyeiseen before. The bearer companies, 1 nTh ie huiti ifrn op, Adýpac ri aknanuc feit among the allieIs on the subject Th]usa iitro h nei could take in ail the details at a sin-~ wit-h their trim atrotchers, aod thThe northern corps has 1been ordered that Prince Tuan bas ordered the& of a Japanese conmander-in-chief and or ba1s issued a noticoe that the Sîber- l l e edcaeo env hwn os i -tO expe-l foreigners tfrom Amur. The great military maements, oNing tg the general laGk of unity among tbem ian railway is clospd ta privateaf- Btglac,. red cross ot Gent tevasoig Pekinamdvddit orcrs h perneo h aaeeÎ ads: ieBut liretila ittleprocbt lyhwbathtbeuousjy on their îunjc sîseves, arouse i ry fie nofu opteapaac !toJpns oye annt d. Acolmn.o! vena ' cuîdstv.bittbe ar on ofwas tbe first to operate againat Muk- China. The Vioeray of iNankin hW adds fic. Thdu.A colm15 olittie- idouribttytbubatytae ot finf-nrmeýe; the foreign consuls ther, 1 The Japanese correspondents I>tssian auihurities were not prepar- d aj ~a oe iit xalwd~ f h utcodden and occupy-the roads between ia ocno b nwrbe f charge tbe Russian soldiers wi p ed for such an organaized Chinese 11Pekin and Shan Pai; the second events in Cha-o SinNingpo and Chi palling barbarity iowards tbe Chinese. movem'eOt in Mancos,but îhey lniesiai u bomly o lms r eraieterpoect oncntrate ai Tien Tsin and tbe Cbiu. The foreîgners are floeeng t, ~1 roçpswbicuÂn re or4erc1do r another boor or so wve shah hv nv