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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1900, p. 3

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a) TETILLER 0F THE SOLS When afflicted with disease, the farner, perhaps more than auay othe-r artisan, is oblîged to sufer acptel y, sImply from-the fact that relief is 'eý iniconvenient.At the same tirne a, mari might live in a block surrounded by I mnedical practi- tioners,andthen MR. JOHN CONNELL obtain little or rio îcf from rheumnatism, once te di îe pe1rmeates the blood. It is the e overy of Dr. Hall's Rheurnau, Cure that then proves P boon to the rheumatic sufferer. Mr. John Conneli, Bedford MillS, Ont., hiad a bad attack of rheu- i~aimfrom April tliijune, îwo cçars ago. 1He was so had that1 Ae could flot put his foot on the E ound. Ile saw Dr. Hall's e, umtratie Cure advertised in the ~papers, bought two bottles and used them boîih. This so relieved 111111that h'e was ale te 1walk around, aind after using four botules lie was perfectly cured, andJ bias flot been troubled with rheu- matism smnce. ]DSr. Hl hetIc Cure is put up in 50 cent bof oïtei nts&uS day,' realuuent. Fcr sale by wi 1mgqgi8t,,ax-i dcasera inu modijixe. The Dr. Mi.ll MedicunU , L5ton Ont. ON TA RIO BAfNKR ~ n1 a I aGtuI lankiug Buineses at DEPOGSIrg jievûd ilu Saývings Bank Departaient and iteéIaliowved at aurent ratas. Notice ef Wtld ua ot necesSary, Ail deposits payable 13demand EXCHANGE deught aliIadiniDrafteissued upo -Puoe 1 nled Itates ad Canada, aiso Gol1 Siver .ad yalted qt tes Greeniuaaks bougbt and sold COLL ECTIONS Piompiymada t :Irunts ,y pn ail parto "ifGreat-Britsin thlt Upîu'n ýte tasaid the Do îaîuîon of Canada. FIAT JHINK YE 0F CHIRIST? Rev. Dr. Tainiage Speaks on the Un= certainties of This Life. A despateli f rom Washington says ; hundreds juto beaven; that Doddridge 11ev. Dr. Talmage preached from the took in miany thousands; that Paul followLng text, "Tis year thou shalt toeok in a hundred million. How many die"-lnremiih xxviii. 16. will yen taku li If yon get iuto hea.. Jeremiah, accustomed te sa ying boldiyen, and find none there thît you hings, addresses Hananiah ini thesa sent, aned that thfere are none te corne words. îThey prove true. In1 SîXLy througbh your inistrueientality, I beg days Hanianiali was a dead oal f you 10 Cra'wl under .some seat ifl the The text will probably prove t rue back corner, and never corne of soeaof us: "This year thou ahUt o ut, lest the redeemed get dia." ihýý probabili'y is agn~c eyes c4n y0u, and semaeue hy the facit thut all of us who are ; I ' na l tl iamnwonv ovar hirîyye ia cf ga hae goere lifted baud or voice for the redemp- bayond tha average cf humui.n life. [ha ý!tien of his fellows : Lok t hlm. aai tp, is ore, th n de. Ilis ,,! haven !" Better be busy. Better pick liy suffeanca that it la not ccllactad. \Ve are like a dabter îvba la taking the "tbre a ds' grade" cf tha banka. Our race started with ni ne hundred years for a lifetima. We read cf but on1e antediluvain yeuth w hosa eariy death disappoànted the bopas cf bis parents by bis dyi.xg atcaeu buan,. dred and seveinty-seven years cf age. Tha world than maay bave beau ahae cf what il la naw,ý, for men hsd se long a lima in wvbieh te stîidy, sud invent, and. plan. If su artist or a philosopher lias forty years for workJ ha makes grat achievemants; but what musI the artIsîs sud phileso. phars hava doua who hsd nina han- dred years haera them? In the nearly twe tbousa-nd yaars bafore the flood, censidering tha longevity of the inhabitants, there msay have beau rtaarly as msny paople as there ara now. Tla flocod was net s frashat, that washed a faxv people Off a plajnk, but a disasater Ibat may bave swept away a thousanýd million. If the Atlantic Ocean, by a iurch cf the aarth to-nigbt, sbould drown this baemisphere, and the Pacifie Ocean, by a sudden lurch cf the esrtb sbould drown tha othýer hemnisphere, laaving about as many beingas as could ba gel lun oe or two Canard steamers, il vrculd give yen an ides of whst the ancient fl.ood waa. tha gunlock, aud bite the cartridge, sud te sue the cape ara geed. Berter put the plcîugh lu deep. Better say what yenu have tn aay quickly. Baller cri' the alarm. Baller faîl on your kuees. BLler îay bold with hoth bauds. Wbat you now' leave undona for Christ w 111 fer avar ha undone. Ibis year thon abal dia." lu view of the proliahilitias men- tioned, I advise all theý men an v- an flot ready for aternity 10 gel ready, If the, taxI ha true. you hava ne urne te, talk abount non-essentials, asking wby Ced ]et sin coma mbt the .world; or w bether theý bock ef Jonah la inspirad ; or w ho Melehisadac was ; cr what abut the etemnal decreas. if yen are as near etamnity as sae of yen saem tb ha, Ihara le ne tima for anything hut the question, " How shah I escape wrath snd win beavan V' The drowning main, whaen a plank is tbrouvu him, stops net te ask uhat saw-mill made il, or whe- ther il is uak or cedar, or evho threw it. The moment il la lhrown, ha clutches it. If Ibis yaar yeni are le die, thare je ne lime for suything, bot immediately layiug hold on God. it la high lime to get oct cf yotîr aune. Yen ssy, "I1 bave eomimitted ne great transgressions." But are yee nlot aware thal your lifa bas heen ,i.ful The snme, cornea down on the Alps flake bv flakean sd iti jeso lighl. that Il ... ,.. IW SUDDEN CHAINGE Ikidasys. Possibly you have backache, impossible to ru- tain urine, or suffrirgwit' , h in he wathsr affectowsthü your kidneys are weak- Help nature by taking. 25 dOgeS-25 ct.s. AIl druggists, or by mail. THE ELECTINE I ýIEDIMCINEC5. LM.TCP 16ADELA'DE ST.W. TO F0N TO Idiectine Kidne.v Beans sold by STO PT &JURY, druggists, Bowman- ville. may siide dowa upon yen an aval- anche cf min and conamaion. Let me announce that Christ, the, Lord, stands ready te save auy man tvho wants to ba saved. tla waited fer you ail last year, adaîl the year bafore, sud ail your life. W1ebas wait- ed fer yon with blond on ii brow, and tears in his ayas, and tweutstretch- ed, mangled hands cf love. 1 wisb you mîigbl kno% whwbt a jolo Jasus undertoeIk when ha ýcarried yeur case te Calvary. Tha,,y crowdad hlm te the wall. Thay iljtruek hi. Thay spit ofi him. Thay kckdhim. Thay cuffed hlm. Thay sooffed at hîm. Thay scourged h.m. Theiy mur- dared bina. Blood! - hcd.As lie sttepa down to lift uyoeu p, tha ecrim- son drops upue yau from huistrow, from bis sideý from bis baudts. Do yen net feet ine warm turn on yeur face? 0i. dying aluner, for thea tha hunger, the thirst, the thornsting, groan. the sweat, the struggle, the Deathid-n ,q ig Zihqthiï p LITERARY NOTES. A two-psart atory by Edîth Whar- ton, entitIed Friend4, will be publi8hed ln The Yon'th's Compýanton du.riug Auguet. One cýrjsis at a lime is ail that most peephaL have le-isuze te conaider ; and 'tie very grave cri3is lu China may dastract attention fromn The' Coming Afghan Crîiis, wbich Mr. Demetrins C. Boulger cýonaidaer.s in auariticle, ru- prinited froîrn The Fortnightly Revjaxv in The Living Aga, for July 14. Navet- thuelu'e,,dia facta wbi hch Mr. Boulger pre.scnts are jntereslfng, and, te the English reader, must behaxcewhat '-itartiing. The, Century Co. anne'une2sa the dis- co'vry cf a uewt romnantic nevelist in a young Neiw Y'orkeir, Miss, Barlha Runkle,, wbeose m ilden: effort is toe ha The, Cen'tury's Ieading piece of fiution ÎT the uext months, baiginniug in the, Anguisi number. Ii1 ia descrfhed as a dramatic renuaücýýcf lovei and sdvanture, aud 15 entlted Tha Halmet cf Navarre. The sceýne us Pairis durîng lh sieg'ý by Henry cf Na'varre, and t.Weaction occupîas but four d-iys op! thi mweak preceding the Sunday w hein He'nry antared î,he dity to, give bis adbufoloil',toe)aCathofic Chuecb, accapt its ecclessiastical rites -tha occîsion of his sayîng ih4t P.iis was wýorth a mass. T'h3 story is full of ïigoro.ns action, and tha' plot Ue :-laid to ie e oe c, f tIi,? churi!acters of the, .i ry r tha king hîm eif, the Duke of May enna, wtbhce'ommanda'd th'-, ci'ty, durîug tha vestmnent, and a 'haro and heroine cf much ati ractivuneses. Miss Ilunkie le the dauighter ef Mes. L. G. Rurkia, a lady cf large literary attainmients, well knowvn h er edîtoria] connection with the New York Tribune, sud as oea cf the -workiuig editors of the Lb- rary cf the World's Beat Literature, anîd similar enterprises. This story le, perhlips, anctbea' outernppîng cf the entrunt tendeney te remanîlu fiction, ibut n ta s sîid [bat il bas nct bean in fluenced by any of the recant Amern- -,ant successes in Ibis fiald, THE RABBITS 0F AUSTRALIA. At Firi.,t Tbey Were a lPair, Tâteli a Pest niad No.w Tlâey Brlng $1,00,000 lia Tire About forty years age a pair of ralibits ivas brouglit te Australia ancd turuud loose on a farma about fifty miles from Melbourne. In an jucredi- lily short lime they multiplied te aucb an exteint that tbay hecamu et The rabbit1s sread lu millions over the Perlet Iiarmony, accounts for the perfection I of the Kig Quality 'Shoe. T h e material, workma4- shîp, fit and Rnish are alt equal-nothing is slighteçl. We want every woman to try thetu, because if she buy on parshe will keep on buying as long as slae lives. They =e00st $3, aDd thy are Worth mos. T aA 0 mR don't need Made by J. D. KING CO., Limited, Toronto. S tL TER JXE8SI AHO MAKE NERVOUS, DISEZAiSED M EN oRE gornce and f elly lu youth, overemrrtioma el miud and body indue.. § LT.? by: mu"t and exposure are centath -ër ha izie t r i 1 nd uture à thousands of promismn oug . o.. fid ntrl tsnv» atlbosmcf unhood, while o bers are c oda n V~y ~ts 'y nelsncholy existence. others reach matrimol1Vt fnd o soléce or confort ez5r, victims are found ini ail stations of ljfe:-Thé taxai, the office, the 'workoliop, t pli the trades end the professions. SRESTOREO TO MANHOOD SD» R. K. & K. r!OWsx. A. WAIM.EB. Wu. A. WALKEB, MS. CHAS. FERai. CHAS. àmny.Ti OBEIoBTBEA'BIKT ATTER 'XEÂTMEWi' Dlvorox ed itmutedn- UNO NAMES Oit TESTIMONIALE IJSED WITHOUT WRhTf,' NN7M ' ~Wm. A.Walkpr o ot 6& - 7 L SYPHLIS8 untld agonesor My fe' I EMISSIONS P, h lis. other Private jasaeue d qp mouth a tbioat, bons aine, ýaÏr ose, u desponden. sen oct rut tcla CURED Potasb, etc. They'2heipeý3 me ut counft heir ew Finally afri udinduced metotry Drse.nneà1 Ionfee yoruef gining everyday. 1 have Lever beard of theïr taillng to cure CWCURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REPUNDED JCapl. Chas. Ferry pays :-"I owe ailife to Dru. K. & Ki fËtli learned abad habit. At Ih 1ad ail the sumptomal M POTEN~ of feminal Weamness sud bPermatS rrboea, aiu'ons &were dralning sud weakeniugaiy Vitalùty.1I ,arrie VARICOCI IJ24 under- advlce of loy family. doctorbut it was a

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