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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1900, p. 8

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Mý1T. V ER1NO0N. ~ViFitos:-Mr. and Mns, Middleton and daugbten, Cannington, Mn. and Mrs L. B aley, Enficld, at Maple Corners; Mn. ani Mrs, G. Milîson and daughter home from Gn venhurst San O R I IN A itoriam ; Mns, J. Langmaid, son Chas. Mns. 0. Hezzlewood, Oshawa, and Mn. BLACKBERRY CORDIAL Wifrid Hezzewood,U S,at Mn. J. eï Grfa 'S Reý S.Crokshaks.Ennis- A RELIABLE REMEDY. ~kîllen, Mn. A Abraham, Scanborongh, \J~>at Mn. A. Abraham's; Mn. and Mns. F. You an dpendon i to ure Wilson, Foley. Mn. J. Ashton, Eufield, You an eped o it o cr A~? t Mn. H. Camernn's; Mn. and Mns. E. Choera, ColEC, Diarrhoea, Crms Annis and daugbters Florence and D sneyand ail bowel complaints. Marjerie, guests of Mns. Hoidon, Dysentery hitbv; Mns. J. Onchard and Mioses It quiets the pain and allays trritation. 'Elsie and Marion visited at Mr. But- son's, Brooklin ; fn. and Mrs. G. Reid, Crea of itchHaze. ~Mn. and Mrs. F. Onchard visited at Mr. Crea of itchMaze Williams', Cartwright; Mrn Mrs. j. Butson and son at Bnooklin , ... Harvest A so ohin prparaion fortheis i ful bast Suminer je a season of heath when yenU take Our Native Herbs Tablectsý Cool the blood, keep the vital organe fortified against suminer diseases8. 81.0Ao-eoh for 200 da7s. Reg- ~ guraneein eaoh box,. SA draggiots, or we nmail 0. ~, Thie loazo 0. Bliss Co., f P82 s. PaulStreet,~J DISTRIICT NOTES. Mn. Albert Chambers, Millbrook, leaves ehertlv for Hlonolulu. U xbridge stonekeepers have stented the weokly baîf holiday ochemo. Miss Gladys Preston, Midland, bas been a guest at Mn. F. Scott's, Brook- lin. A pavillon is about te be enecteci at Wbitby on-the-lake costing about $2,- 000. Mn. Sleep, Wbitby, has lest two cattle latelv euppoeed to have died fnom p-oison. Mn. D. W. Campbell who went to the Klondike in the faîl of 1897, bas netunn ed te Osliawa. Mn. Wilson of Gananoque hiiZh echool staff is visîtingý his fathen, 11ev. A. C. Wilson, Pickering. Tbos. Roach, Napanee Road, bas ton cews fnom which was milked for the montli of June 10,000 lbs. TEM ASO N uC Two Stores in Bowmanville. BIGGEST BEST BRIGHT] ORDERED OLOTHING Our tailors are stili working overtime. We ha some choice iiew materials for suits in our British G-'oo, just passed into stock. Do not faîl to see them if you n-( - - ~ ,.-.t.~ r t I - ~ I ~ A SLATE FOR A "SLATER" -Slatef Shoes" have -their means of identî- *ficatS a, distinguishing them-i from the hordes of nam.9ess shoes. A siate frame with the name and price in it is branded on every sole by the makers. Look on 4U %ûle for the slate, as without t's no - Satee Shapes 1' t the foot and meet fashioa's requiremen& Oniy lIee-ignost reliable and colora rnost £uiîlable. EwveV paIr Goodyear welted.- JOHN HEILLYAR, Sole Local Agent. BOWMANVILLE, JULY 25, 1900. Rev. Il. Thomas and family leave this week for Enzland. Th ey will be absent about two inoths. ,..Mr.Foster, Wansaw, is expected to take charge of the work hene during the pastor's absence . ... Mr. J. Baulch and family are visiting friendshene .. .. Mr. D. Mal- colm and family, Nestleton, spent ,un- day at-Mn. T. J. Clankes.. ..Mr. J. Furse 'y and wife, Oshawa, are, visitîng Ibis brother Mr. R. Funsey .. . .Master Glen and Louise Llddy, Oshawa, are 8pending holidays at Mn. 1H. ElIott's.. _Mr. E. Switzer,Bloomfield,purchased the first hal! of July cheese which was shipped Tuesday. ENFIELD. Ileenut isitors:-Mrs. and Miss Grey and Mr, Steele, Toronto ; Miss Mc- Laughlin. Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Mc- 1laf', Puî p]e Hill ; Mrs. Thos and Miss Goard, Bowmlanville; Miss M. Pascoe, Solina; Miss Pagli, Wbitevale; Mr. and Mrs G, H. Hogarth and family, Whitby ..ý.Mn. W.- ordiff has returned fnom the far west hax ing taken up land near Calgary, N, -, .T..., Mn. John McCul- loch erd a position as book- kepr wlhhe McLaughlin Canniage Co l~hw . dssMay and Charlie IVeU!lin- ICCeefullv passed tiie en. trar -,; ain..Mr. G. Or miston lost a va' IablhI1orse last we . uigthe ejt.etrie Storm lst Tuesýday th,ý -barn of lM.r. johïn Ormiston was stnuck by liglýiirig. No serieus damage done. Yon tiard'It nealize thatit is medicine. whiirakig (ýaiten'ïs Little Liver Pil ls: tý, >re ver% small; no bad effects, al ti - f. m torpid liver are relieved MAPLE GHOVE. _Reports o! promotion exams.Entrence Sherwooco Colacutt, Aida Cllacutt; Jr. IV te Sr. IV, Meud Power, Leslie Snowden,- LolaW- Snowdenu;-Sen-.-HI1-to- Jr IV, Leslie Cox, Russell Power, Ida Wood,Laure Crawford; Seu.Il te Jr III Manueil Beilamy, Elsie Collecutt; Jr. IIl to Sen. 1 -I, Shirley Sîuowd'en, Giedys Snowden, Pearl Snowden, Mabel Cex, Myrtie McReynold's. Elva Snowden. BERTHA HANOOK teachen,. ITCoING PILEs-Mn. O., P. St. John, Dominion Inspecter of Stoamboats, 2463 1Shaw streol, Toronto, writes; 'I ufe for nino years with itcbing piles. After tnrying many remodies in vain, I bogan te use Dr. Chae.e's Ointment and it bas entirely cured me." More people have been cured e! piles by uing Dr. Cheee's Oulment Iban by ail Ires tmente cern- bined. It nover feue te cure piles. Mossrs S. and T. Snowden, and T. J. Colo have new Massey-Hearnis olnd ens and Mn. C. Cox a McCrmck.... Mn. and Mrs. D. H. CeaIes and Master Lyn o! Brantford are visiting friends bore. - .We congratulate Mise Isabeila Law- ie on euccessfully pssiug bon exame et Ottawa Normal Sehool.. .. Mn. T. J. Colo was lu Peterboro on business lest week. ... . Miss Mande Bounseil, Indien- apolis,. md , visited fionds bre ...,. The Snowden femily picnicked et Hall's Marsh last week and Miss Heston Pow- on with hon Sunday Sehool ciess picnick- ed et tuie barber. AIl enjoyed the lako breeze and neoet excellent lime. "An International Wbeat Corner." by J. D. Wbeploy, lu Auguet MCCLURE'S gives a somowbat startliig ïnelation o! aproposition made not long ago by the Russian goverurnont le the Ujnited States. wboreby the two nations should control the wbeeo suppiy of the entîrei wonid and fix its pnice et a unî!orm rate which sbouid net fluctuele. S. S. Me- CLUIIE Co., 1111 East 251h Street, New York. How She was'Saved from the Death that Claimed her Mother, Grand- mother and Aunt. Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pis Cured Her. Wby womon sbould suifer more fromn ili- hoaltb than man, le a question that bas nover been satisfectorily anewened. But ougbt women te suifer more than tbe maie portion o! the race? We say ne. Ne wemau need suifer the comn- plainte gonorelly knowu as "Female troubles", wbicb render so many thons- ande of women mîsorable any more tban she needs te hold ber hand in the fine. Thero le a moans of curing ai these diseases, a safe, sure, simple and un- failiug means o! curing tbem, that means is Dr. Arnold's Engiish Toxin Pille fer Weak Peeplo. Dr. Arnnld's Englisb Texin Pille are the onry modicine on eaith that kilI the germe o! disease. Whon the germa eof dîsease bave been kiied, the disease cen ne more exiet than a tre eaulive after its roots have been eut off. There- fore Dr. Arnoid's English Toxin Pille confidently nelied upen te cure alh Fe- maie troubles, wbich aie caused by germe. A trial wlll convince the meet scepticel. A few boxes wiii cure the worst case ef 'Female Troubles". Read the foiiowing lotter, wbich will show hiow these wouderful pille do their wornl' Hamilton, Ont., Nov. 7th, 1899. 111 arn 46 years eid, bave six chiidren, and alweys had good health until twe yeans ago. Thon the Change o! Life corne ou. My Graudmother, my Moîli. or and an Aunt had died during this meet critical period, and I feît greatiy alanmed. Baekeche, tender, bearing down ppinssbontness ef bneatb,extreme bloating, dizzy spole, eccempanied by meet intense ecbing ou tbe top o! my head, made myv life a burden. I elso bad inflammat ion o! the bladden which ceueed the meet egonizing pain. "A neighbor advised mie te tny Dr. Annold's Engiish Toxin Pille. _hey bad cunod lber in a tome ,,of suîýtlar trouble. 1 bought a suply' îanfr#ueed thom. In two menthe I wae mysel! agein, 8tnong robuet end vigerous. net a trace o! pain nemainod. .I1bave used Dr. Annold's Englîsh Toxîn Pille off and on, eyen since, and feel as wll as wben I was twenty. I mest- higbly recommend Dr. Arnoid's English Toxin Pille, te eveny woman. who su! fers !rom any o! the complainte peculiar, te our- sex, - Mus. ýMAY E. BRADWELL. Dr. Arnold's Englieli Toxin Pille are sold- by ail druggists, large box 75e., email box 25c., or sent postpaid on ne- ceipt o! pnice bv the Arnold Chemical Ce., Limited, Canada Life Building, 44 King Street West, Toronto. Sold by Stott & Jury. Metbodisî udySholpcikda the lake Tue3dey.... Mn. Joseph Bell, Enniskillen, necently vi4ted Mn. Geo. Lumsden.. . St. George's cbunch Sun- day Scheel picnicked at the lake Thunsday aftennoon. . .. Mn. John Mid- dleton harvested oven 18 tons of beautiful timothy bey fnomn off 4 acres ...miss Bell Ilooper, Boston Hospital, spent a few days with friends et Stony Lake. ... Mr. Neil McNaughtou, son of D)r. John McNaugbton, is now in the Dominion bank at Lindsay.. .. Miss Lonne Cobbledick and sieten, Mabel, and Miss Brown visited at Mn. J. R. Cole's, Bethesda, Sundey week . ... Miss Effie Warren, a trained nurse, Boston, Mass., is visiting ber fathen, Mn. R. 'Warren,. ...Miss Mabel (3obbledick baî retunned te Tononte Mondag aften spending vacation at bier grandfatber's, Mn. A. Fenguson . ... The committees for the Durbam Old Boys are actively engaged making preparation te give the boys a noyai welcomo on August 6. .... Mn. Hunten wbo was severelv ln- jured tbrouagh jumping fnomn the front of an enginie wbile in motion is necover- in .Misses E va and Gertie Bennett, bohave been visiting thein uncle, Mn. Frank Bennett, at the "Oriental," have gene te Port Hope for a visit with their uncle Lou .. . .Mr. E. A. B. Fletcher, ing hie holidays at Port Penn y and Lake Scugog. . - Miss Maggie Wilmot, Peter- borough. bospital, le visitig fber cousins beoebefore going te Toronto te vîsît bier mother. ... Mrs. Sanferd purposes ententaining the juvenile population et the village shortly when the band will be ongaged for the occasion, Provision will be made for 200 ebjîdren botween the ages of 5 aud 13 years .. .. Mn. W. H. B. Chaplin'a new cottage at New- castie park on the lake, is about coin. pleted. It is a two-storey farne building with large kitchen attacbed and ail the lateet convoniencos. Miss Bingham wbo tas been visiting her uncle, Dr. McNaugbtou, returned te bier home in Chicago. on Monday..' .Miss.Mangaret Rogers, Toronto, ie guest of Miss Winnifned Fanncomb at "The Rocteny" .. .. Mn. Rose Crosher, Toronto,,spent Sundav with bis aunt, Miss Fotbergill.... Mn. W. Dennison, Toronto , who bas been tbe gust of bis uncle, Mn, J. K. Allen, retunned borne Monday, accompaniod by Mn. Robent Allen ... . Mns. Sanford and Miss Eileen Thonne have juet noturnd fnomn a de- ligbhtful yecbtihg trip te the Tbousend Jslands. . .. Mn. Sanford arrived fnomn New York on Friday... .The annual Sabbath Schoel picnic o! St. George's chunch, was- bold lest Thunsday at the lake. Candies, ice-cream, etc., woe kîndly provided byr Mrs. Saniford.... The coming of the *'Dunhan Old Bays" je eagerly looked for. The Methodiet Ladies Aid have kindiy unden taken te get up the dinner, eveny one contnîbut- ing te make it a successq..Miss Min- nie Eilbeck is the guest of! ber aunt Miss Eilbeck ot "The Willows." aften a two weeks' visit in London and Embro ... Mn. Wilmiot- Thorne, New York, le the guest of bis mother. of 'l'ile VV iociiiie n ruer. Eery dopartiment wili be under feminine coutrol w'hich le guarantee of tbe oengin.- ality, varietv and spightlinoss o! ite contente. Tbis papen will net bo issu- ed lu the place of the regulan edition. Tllalkful itotilors. Hllndreds of Letters Receeied froffiGratefil IVothers whose Chidren are Clired of a coffinon Weaklless. Meny childreu are troubled witb week kidneys lu tbe fnnm of nocturnal urinating, wbîch le very bard to treet. It debilitates thom; it embanassos them; and gives the mottncre more tban ondin- ary trouble. A remedy that le barm- lees but positive lu chccking, thie wil g7-eatly intereet maur mothens. Mrs. Robt. Thompson. o. 93 McGee St., Toronto. sa e bs ,o!Dr. Pitcber's B&ckae. -- KidneyTÂhLetsýL-gave- them te one of my childreu that bad aiweys been affected witb weak kidneys. It was e case- of tbe groateet discpurage- ment, net tbe rtesult is most satisfactony 1 used Dr. Piteher's Tablete for my own back. I suffered from pain and lemenes duIl beadacho, anneyance from the kid ney secrotions, an exhausting feeling o! woariness morninge. These Tablots removed the wbele difficulty and on- couragod me te give tbem te mhy child. Wltb this evidence I have ne hesitancy lu rocommonding Dr. Pitcber's Back- ache Kidney Tablets." Mns. E. Êexter, No 170 Bolton Ave., Toronto, says;-"1 have a child that euffered fnom weaknese o! the kidnevs, Ihat I f ound impossible te relieve. Be- yond the embereesmont ceueed there was much iangour and depression, par- ticuianly monninge, requiring tbe greet- est effort'on the part o! the child te ne- siet. It caused me mucli anxioty. As othen nemedies bed failed, I decided te try Dr. Pitcber's Backacbe Kiduey Teb- letys; fnom whet I reed about thom I amn gratoful, and a depnessing burden bas benhfed from the cbold. My bue- baud bas been efflicted with laenese and acbing lu the back. The resuit o! using Dr. Pitcben's Beekecho Kidney Tabiete bas iuduced bim te use tbem withbheneficial re5ults, when ethore made ne impression, We bave a veny bigbh opinion of those Teblete If yen bave the sligbtest sympteme o! Kidne.v or Bladdon troubles, von enu test thie greet medicine fnea. Arrange. monte bave beon made whereby overy readen o! this paper cen obtain a trial packaze o! Dr. Pitchen's Back- ache Kidney Tabiets absolutely free by onclosing Iwo cent stamp for postage te The Pitcher Tablet Ce., Toronto, Ont. Wbou giving eddress mention Ibis paper. e-oular size 50 coule per botîle. 26-3w. J,EWELL Bitos., Corner Queen and Ontario Ste., f3owmanville. FALL FAIitS. West Durham, Bowmanville, Sept. 13- 14. Ontario and Durham, Whitby, Sept. 17-19. Industrial Exhibition, Toronto, Aug. 27-Sept 8. Lindsay Central, Sept. 20-22. Central Canada, Ottawa, Sept. 14-22. Cobourg Central, Sept. 27-28.' East Durham and Cayau, Millbrook, Oct. 4-5. Woodbridge Fair, Oct. 17-18. Northwestern Exhibition, Goderich, Sept. 18-19. Central Exhibition, Peterboro, Sept. 18-20. East York, Markham, Oct. 3 5 East Peterono, Norwood, Oct. 9-10. Clarke Fair, Onono, Sept. 11-12. Murdoch has a fulil assortment of Field and Garden Seeds. Garden Seeds in buik-aii frebh, Field Seeds of ail kinds Still head.quarters for the GEMX FENCE- the cheapest Farm fence known. Variety Hall, BOWMANVILL'E. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steam - boat Company, (Limited.) "Str, "No rth King' SOUTH BOUND. Lv. Cobourg.............. 1.25 p. m. ilPont Hope ............ 2.30 P. M. Ar. Charlotte, N. Y ......... 7.15 p. m. Rochester, N. Y ......... 7.50 p. M. NORTH BOUND). Lv. Rochester, N. Y ........ 8.25 a. m. ilCharlotte, N. Y ......... 8.50 a. m. Ar. Cobourg.......... 1.20 P. M. "Port Hope........ .2.00 p. m. AV-Time subject te change with on without notice.ý I H. -JURY, H. H. GiLDERsýEEvF,, J ,Ageut, Bowmanville. , Manager MVACHINE- OIE IIARNESS OIL I{aving bught my Machinae Off before the advance in pie I will cou- tinue to seli at last year's price; alsos Axie Grease, Harness 011, ail k, 'nd~s of Plow Points and Soles kept ini stock. For thirty days beginning -Monday, July 9, will seil our, Carrnage Dusterg at greatly reduced pvices to elear, as well as Carniages and Bicyceles, botlb new and second hand. Jýno.S. Rundie, One door east of L. MORRIS Furniture store, Bwavle IN THE RHIGH COURT 0F JUSTICE. Ohalmers vs. Jacobs. Pursuant te thejodgmûent 1, eariug date the 22nd day of May, A. D., i9, ~amenrdec1 under orýder dated the 26th day Gf.~J~,10 hn AlIexander Weller, Esqjuire, Master o' th1ms Court at Peterborough, at the village of Nw castle by James Kerr, auctioneer. at the Orieuti. ai Rlotel in the village of Newcastle, at he hoiir of two o'elock iu the afiernoon, on AUGUST 8th, 1900 the foilowlsg lands and premises in on e par benur composed cf the north half sud the sol west quarter cf lot number twventy-three in second coneession cf the Tawnshlp of Cli contalning 15o acres, more or less. tlpon this property there are ereete frame bouse iL stories hlgb, iSft.xl,2ft ., al fi barn, 50f t.x5Oft., another farne bouse elle Sto hi gh, 54ft.x4Oft., whl frame kitclben attarl 21ftxiqft., and a frame wood-sbed attached the kitchen l ft.x26ft. ,a drtvlng sttedl,24ft.x3: with a frame horse stable attache(!,iStx and another frame barn, Sftx.Oi)t. The soi elay loam. There is a smaiL. onchard. property lis weil feuced. The property wiii beoffered for,. sale suIl ta a reserve bld wbteh lbas1b)een fixefi by said Master. The Veudor te entitiefi te th le vents1 profits cf the satd lands to e he th 1)tbr The Vendor is net te be bounfi ueýr iste the chaser te hoe entitied to peaceablepsssl satd lande until the iStai Octobe,10<,exe ntght ta plow satid lands dafter barvest stabiing for oee am sud bedroom for man, TERMOF ISALE-The ýpurchaser Li pya depotsit of 10%* of thé amueunt of tber eh.,, moneyat the trne cf sale aud the bala cf the purcbase moneyis te bie piid ilu 50Cd tbereafter wittout interest. Ilu ail otbqr - -j the termeisud conditions cf sale w"I& standing conditions of tibe 111gb Co,,. Justice. Furtber partieularskeau be hbad fromMýes, Strattai. & Hall, Barristers, Pf-terborough, Evan H. McLean, Barrister, aSIle.D at Peterborough titis Bth d )y'fJunc, - 1900. C. A. WELLER, Master iat PeterborQý strattan & Hall, Vendor's i lk-ltore,

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