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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1900, p. 2

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i Beores Att. r I 22ou Otlap Face HumoursI Pimples, blackheads, simple rashes, red, rough hands, falling hair, and 1baby blemishes prevented by Cu'n- cýdRA SoAp, a sure preventive of in- flammation and clogging of the Pores. &va 4y p Çaam. Çca.. Soes Irov,, BItton,1U. 8. A. 4A11 Dunlop Tires in iqoo" The wheel fitted with Dunlop Tires gives no trou ble to the dealer -after its sale. That is one reason why dealers favor Dunlop-tired wheels. They know that Dunlop Tires are the out- in the building of a bicycle. --The oraY tooà. The DmblexTitre Coàe . rosi, i.ttg. St. John. TBF III E AN'SST Y Saw Gerald S]Lfton Beat Out His Pather's BrainsWith An Axe. A despatelafrein London, Ont., says: Josephi Sif ton had f alleu f romi the barn --Gerald Siftten is iehind the bars, wbile endeavouting to knock tlown cbarged witli the murder cf bis aged soeaboards with the axe. The old father, and Walter Hlerbent, bis self- man was stili breathing, but did net ceufessed accomplice, is beld for the regain onsiousness hefere be died, a same awful crime. Young Sitte few heurs later. H'erhert seemed glad made ne resistaince, and1 expressni eau- te tell bis ghostly tale, and declared fidencGe that evewything weuld be à1l bis ýwillingness te repeat it in the wit- righti. 'nesq-box,. Her bert les a big bay cf 20 yeans, TUIE CULPUITS ARRESTED. who was emplpyed by Joseph Sifton After hb hd eased bis mLd, be s a farm hand. w'tnt te rced at Geraid Sifton'.s bouse1 During teliset couplse o days the where 4e was guarded ail ntgbîL by pressure b as been gettin g toc two -constables., Eariy Monday mcmn- gttrong for fHerbert, and eanly Titurs- ing Murnay dreve eut, and Ge rald day morning he told the stary cf the _Qif Ion and tht' biîred Man were avens- killing cf High Constable MVcLeoà. ed and brougbt te gaoi. Mobeed as interview ing Edgar inspector Murray's oek f bard Mordetn, whc lives on the tarm ad- wtork bas disciosed much etîldec,*ce jcining tht Su ton place, wlien Herbent whech moters tbý case ,agai:nsi ithe son9 walked luto the roem. Uc banded 5îs very black. fRiree mea bave sa aed watcb te the constable, witb a requeest that Gerald had tbreatened te do that should anythiug happan te him away witb bis ftar rathler than al- the timepiece be, given te bis grand- 10w hlin 1 marry kagalil. mother. Then be broke down and told RIVAL WAS APt'IOACHEI). bis gtory. mtin Meýrden, wbo at oe e un- HIRED MANS CONFESSION, w as e'ngaged te marry Mary McFar- Aecordiug te it, Gerald Sitton, had lae, the yautng weman te wbcm the arr anged with hlm te do away witb eider Siftton was te have been mar- thh eldWman-Tb'e pa stryr-ieY -ent-heý-d-a-y--e-f-hLasa-h,-wa-aL- eider Sittn wtt intc the loft, and as prottcbPd hy Geraldt wbc wanted b-m lie rame tbrcugb the f loor te brain te coute OuIte the tarin. Te lim the hlm witli an axe. The twc were lun son said tht it wculd ba an easy the lof t wban the old man came up the mtter ta let something tali on the ladder. At the last moment Herbsrt's cld man an dput him eut et the way. ciourage failed, and lie daims that lie LOOKS DARK FOR GERALU. struck the e4d man a light hiow itl . James Meuir(en is said t o bave the side cof the axe., Thet, e bealieges been oftered money by Geraid Sitton Gernid Sifton, ceizea hie fatber's arlu te belp in dîspesing cf the tather. bot and dragged hlm, hait unecOnscieus, Up refuised ta have anything te do tritit te tht tîcor ef the loft, at the samne hlm. To seveiral neiglibours Sitton le tinte crushing the head witb îepeated aîîeged te have stated that lie wouid biows of the axe, whioh lie snatched put the oid man out cf the w-uy ba- frot bis trembling accomplice. A for'. he wculd ailow lim te m1arrYe rýoupIeet ou orde had heen knocked giand EgrMod warn-l e r a GENERAAVANCE BEGUN., Boers Stili Withdrawing, Wreckingý Br7dges as They Go. A de6pateli frcm o, odon Thursday, say.s:-Tbe next fevv days should pro- duce intexesting developinents ln Southi Afxica. Lord Roberts bas again advanced, but the burgiters are reported te be already mcving te the norti-u, with the intention of car- ryîng ouct iheir lenüg-announeed plan cf retiriing te the Lydenhurg.rmoun- tains. Gen. Roberts was xeceutly credted with saying. " canne-t fol- low thein ie the, centre cf Africa. If tibey cheOSe te ShoUt themacîlves up in the Lydenurg mountain,,I cannot prevent thein." The Boer.s are neow repeÉîing the tactics thev bave followed ever since Bloemfonteï n feil tbat la, withdraw- ing safeiy, wrecking bridiges as tbey go, and always distancîng their pur- 'boped when lie broke threugli the Bri- tisb who, were hemming bim in, te go soutliward and concentrate at Storm- berg. At present, bowever, ha is ne- tireeating nortbward. He was lest re- pctrted te be witbiu a few miles cf the Vaal river. Ha wae being followed, but bad not beeu evertaken by a Bri- tish force. Notbing bas bean bea.vd of Gen. Bu]- 1«r for several days. His whereabouts is unknown te the public. According te a report frein Maseru, Basutoland, a con8iderable number cf Boers are still in the eastern part cf the Orange River CoIoeiy. They are well equipped, have pienty of supplies, and ave not thinking cf surrenderng. Heavy rifle firing wvas beard near Cuert. Ficik.sburg Tuýesday, but no et.ails Thexe is a report that Ger,. De WVet have been received cf fighting there. TIEN-TSIN IN RUINS. Not a Dozen Bouses lntaet-Streets Filled Witb Dead. A deHit ci frein Tien-Tslu, via. Shangliai, save :-The native city pre- sud desolation. The subuilis were cent- pLetely destr-cyed hy fine, meostly cans- ed by tht shela et the allies. On tho side taciug the settientent, hi is b- Ikved that net a doetn liouses are in- tact, and ail were a little darnaged bY the trernentieus tire cf the allies ar- tileýry, m-hich, however. was apparent- ly net heavystucugli leproduce muchi effeci. A curious spectacle is present- ed by a nuntber cf nud liovels im- mediately under the w ail wliere thes latter was rmeet damaged, liirdly cne of theni îshowing adens ot hf3.ving been hit. Curbs; and Al Forme of frein the side et the barn, andi ibrougli 1 epl i Suton clf what bis souni tu, Jsdettciytedaieivstr LaeesYld to ibis bols the body wae tlirown te the tand tht niglit befere tht weddngdy u.lh;biligscar tewail ýgrounti, .4 feet helow. Ige itnadMs e in esa Olai bs bouse. Tht, cid man left for were mosîly gu tet by f ine, and many A YARN FIXEl UP. bis home at daybreak and said that were lits-rally blown te pieces by tht Tht bloods;taiued axe was Placei e-lit.. alts. tfe then, sund vould have thte hlac tht alites. Arntng thee emeul- cidetht at datineigibous rostiwesding take place lu the rmerniu eing iun-ren!ycrrd ope ~in. Te thein, thtestory was told that stu-at of wading uill the, afLernuo, h htpiia.ue- ateai Tht allies ait busy reving the lUki 111Elu enseu ofee tht great A-I C'FEAR ANNIHILATI ON. fl ONTH BOXERS. nmstteday~ente been îie. Tesrestruh Russians Believe That Railway Guard Chinese Troops Sadt o be Attackingeuthctya-trwnwtiIlini Wrkeithotsssndsoet cures astousity. Endo ad by the of2G0 Bas Been YMassacred. '7hem l'ýor Their Dleceit. tcf anti e,- Dozens et Chatte are testbreedes and hors-ene t szotere. epPe:re.Tin-sn, rdy, r..- $t As a lin:tuot for family useat bas né qusat. A despa-icli ro-m St. Pet ersburg, Adspth rmTinTsn1Fia diggiaý lu i'the ruine for money and un. . t KiOLernte&rt, can., Oec. 14,1t898. 1says :-Genieral Gachreft cahles that'-aYs :-C'hinese lcigi ftm ttotber -ables. Oe Strs:-A yar ugo 1hall a atusite horse wth t onr,- e ttatteC* 1 oet m.di lookCÉloit teVeteinary iurgeen wtoolis bcntba rded and destroyeti Lauschi. outr-re-r tu ttCinese saoi itehosswh hare itc rouoetTht g fpalaalarrismen te opdiens aekilliug tht Boxers weee air ougbcirptes,herp blieen r. hismad.ernat.dThers rionfiedl. !is ue'\ believetoi,, *. lI1 en e r lit j damaged dtspiay the tlags cf osîy wreenàsd th Ctreebeetsnssorthiot otdta ' t2 the ltter are seen, o-îvino-as a reascu' mot.tandssp. Atrtsirevryrthiteloepstha tht Russian rauoway guard that2th Resûor ht ether cf tht allied terces, nie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ta onthetr eUoxIade srrtutrsi habn ei, vs déceiveit thein inte fag went ruo rettihi dto ,di tsebourt htraýe.el at I b and. eiwhicb *d said 1 tht Japansse sud the French l g rouse oeteenî s eu fe ettwo t le surrouliuded by thouseeis o et an a îio-. An There have been eS inredgeieminana atiling.ade ure and upïlhed ih trstly acordtog to diretionse. . n gore iheflslICide ihs enanurbîlateti. . any atefpt te imitc tthe flgs, and wheu thse e3veth boitte 'tsi about hiait used my this as a sign cf itiespi'eatiing dis- un1 lbrc turie waî ssusipttety uret andd cittout ieavdug a lb-' Russian agent et Rankew vtele- j wbicli, u rat ireunitaacels, emisit on han. Atter reaing irearmnent t 1-e thee1 I. .senalon. It was olamy ilatter cf a ~orse egoui rare sud didgoeue ght woriwth I mswioh. glta plia as fele-tes ý weuid lie lauglable, Mntto ifit id reeted s. cure.i thon tsrted to'-eork ts I - im ,le delrd, bfýe h eise ho-se bard ant te oy entire satsfaction Ce curer 'Feiguers are iii a constanit , saesottis e relstn h shwd niotse aneneen trough ts tthe osue, c uowgt ttbsil ts aine tate wouiti sxist lunPekin. -Theut A #tOtto' lit. but -ae sure remerty, 55 tst t ma5yith lie thought Jung Lu, comlmander - .IDnL- NACY fonrns. vourstrssty, . ^ MV EL TRITTN h natives, Éloaeafceib h chef of tht Chinese forcets, andPrnc Ak your druggiost for Ke.fsi'o is vin cure aise ev-rnîs in tht naortiern provinces. Thte a oi uai e eanstii oesan hns ryFgtn #'A T eile,, Ie rse," thse bookeS0, or a Bxr n hns ryFgtn D. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY, EHOSSURS FALLS, VT. Arnerica n sud Britisli Consuls have Ec tenPkn __________ receommendedti iein respective people sur influence te mnake peace, especiaîiy 1 Ec tbe uPkn teted herfailest Sanba.if the toreigners in tht caital weo-e 1A iepatch trein Lbefoo,sasys:- ThttoriguConulsant baban ane. This apï-earo teo represut the G-'nerai Lt, cemmanding tht Peitang trepahae benalughertilike, general native apinien litre as fan as forts, nr !Tahu, reports te the Bit- trop hveben lagherd t is possible te ascertain it. lîli of(,(-,r eemmandîng ai Tougku h ai I ý,hiekens aud doge. j --that a irunnen wbc tai r Pekin the I C-O--O-NILS-- OR-CHNA. --thpr driy r-eott- tat-Pit>klîaatm MaIny people sufer terrîbly with CANADIANS WERE BEATEN a cat, et absol-ote aearolly, that pain iu the stomacli after every- New South Wales I egisature Bas chu regujlar troope w ere iightîig tht rnouthful they eat. Clothes Tomn From Their Baeks and Resolveci b Send a Contingent. Boxers, andt hat tht latter w-ens get- Dsesaand indigestion keep Women Dreatlfully Treated. isa{hfotLîtin as-tc h hte tttsrgi ADyspepsia chaouon, ay:- tingtheMaxit ammuof te sci tite them in constant nisery. A speci despateli frein ShanghaiTaLesatr fNwSuhW e httMxn m2iiino h After tryîng the hundred and one ,sy, that tht Canatilan mlisslenanies hL~oar fNwSel at a o uri a xaseat new-fangled remedies without much rniving iluthat city on Tuesday ex- bas nesoledstio desputch saniitary tnrswsehutd n benefit, why net use the old reliable peieuceti treatiful handships su reute ct îsn-u Chi i e y hn ere uag <he rils snng I3urdock Blood Bitters and obtain a frein Henani. Tht hostile natives torte --Chia.--y;the at th ad ec-'tly rheti perfect and permanent cure? the cloches off tht mnissionanies anti Seei errifuc eitanlquake shecks gants; thut a te- Cil îtnes'1 eprinces Here is a case ini point: beat theml as tvell. Tht ladies of thie tck place on Sunday at at Cars- were deircus cf prctecting tht ton- 111 was trobled with indigestion and pîuty vanes enijectei te great indigur- cas, Veneziiela, tiing great damnage ei5nens, but vert ie a munorîtiy. dyspepsia fortiire or fouryears, andi tried otetiýldens 41mogt eve-rdector round litre acnd differ- i*telebudng.Guneraf Lt te auxioos te aveid, ont dyspepsea emedies, but got littie relief. - fightung theallites, 'I teýs sarted usicg Burdocit leed Biters, asti wiien 1ad nisheti the second bottle 1 was almost weîl, but comnueti iakirg it tntil I1listicempleteti thetihird bottie, whaluIwae perfectîy weII. Bentr taking B.1.B. 1 couli scarceîy est acy- îhing witbout hae-ung a Vaisinl ty stowsch. Now et iwltatever 1 ike witb- out causing me thue least discomfort." - MRS. THOMiAS CLARK, Brussels ont. TO IMPiIOVE THE "SPUD" -limti'eSiseflia thePat e iSld. Expeiments in grcwing ptatoees hy eletricity haves betu undetaken b3- the, Irish Agicultural Beard. Fether G lyonu, of Athea, Limerickinluehange ut ths expantuteuts, etutiteti a potato pet'eli, with li ghtn ing ronduutons con- ue'cte-d ly wirts rtnning ibreugli thtf, pu Écli 'Tli reasuIt wafi au increase cf 80 prentutilutht yiaid lu thte SCtiOn s0 meuateS. Shoti ls bofliciel expari.. mnrt lier eut tbis expenleuce, a sol- veut for tiec eronie distrees lu tht west cf IrelanS aili have la-enftunti. Bonace Pîunkett, M.P., Vice-Presi- dlent et the Agicuitumal Board, sîtye: This muet remankeble plienomenon snay lie tht fcrernuuner cf a revoI- tien iu agriculture. The evitieuce-lun- nîsîtmeti andltht gnueineneis et Fether Trusted and Admired by Tens of Thousands of cratefui cured Ones îs Or. W. A. Chase. Fir 't, hy his famous Recipu Beek,J andtiàlter li bis great family nemede, Dr. Chuse proeatibita wondenfui ekili ( as a ctuqurer of distase. A grateful i woenît noav rit>es te cr11 hlm hîeseti andt tteelet the incalculable banefie deriveti frein the use et his great pre- scriptionus. ECZENA ON THE HEAD. Mrs. Joseph QuaniLn, Ethel, Huron with ezema on the heati anti face for about 9 ye,ýare. My heati wax a mass cf ses-bs, --anti -thesagli t tnist- th-sdo- tons 1t as ail the ti-me gettina wonse. 1 finaily begasi te use Dr. Chasese Oint- mnent, sud teatuy surprise obtained re- lief frein tht tiratiapplication. The boes have curati me, anti I w-ould Diot begrutige $2091 for tht beustit I baes denrived frein thiis great nametiy. Dr. Ch tses Ohtinent is of almesi daily use in thtebeume, and 1 avould advise evenrybcdy te keep Scta ouband."' WEAK AND NE*VotJ. Mrs. J. M. Bradley, 100 Jane Street, Ottas, sntes-"Fe eevnalyeare- 1 lita ring ef Dr. Chase's Nervo Foodi anti tht woutierfu rescults it bas ae- cotpliishe-l ini thers, I1<btained amnbox and began usinug it as directed. 1 hc- gan te improve imm'tiately, anti am n0w nestoeet tefull healhlanti vigeur.", "Dr. Cliase's Nanve Foodtisl an ex- cellen.t rentedy, anti 1 eau recemmenti ut te aIl who ane weak, nenveus, or nun dew-n ilu haalth." KIDNEY DACKACHE. Mr. D tvid Moleh, 279 SIate3r St, Ottawa, Ont., states-"i was treubleti witli kidney-diastase aud backache for four or f lys years anti bave used very m-sny ierndiee witliaut obtainîag- per- manent benefits. Some urne ago 1 be- ge.u using Dr. Chases Xdiney-Liver PUlIS, a-"t founti thein te be the best modi lins 1 evex usetd. Their use t-ook sway thut kiduay backache, sud matie nie feel better ini every way, gave me' refreshing sleep, anti made niy diges- tion goQd.*" Imitatoesof Dr.Chase'@ Rernedies do not dare tu nepreduce bis portrait anti signature, -whicb ara te bo found JAPS ARE ACTIVE. Employed lin Spreacling New Ideas Amnong the Chinese- A dsae frein Tien-Tein, dateS Friday, asýys tht farsigu commandons bave heen unahie te agret oun hIe 'p- peintunent cof e Gevemuor. sud hlis n- stituiteti a tree-beatied Gereument by the Englicli. Japausýse, antid Russisus ý- Censiderabra friction ta- ikely te re>ýsait frein thtis ark cf unrin lu htcenturol et affaira. lu is ,Aise saiti that tht Japaneet are actively emplayet inluspneadiug their ideas amcong tht natives. Tliey are d1istnibuting Japanese flage amcng tht residents (cf the totyn, andtiaire telling thent te bave nu fear, tIsai ibene wili lb io n aa(rien -resui-s-.Ns wiiIsJepan. ts COST NEAR $200,000,00O. linormnous Expense of the War in South Africa. A despatob f(ront London, says:- The supplemnutany estimates, necea- siiated ýby the prolongation o.f the wav lun Soulh ÂXica, aemeunt te £11,- M500,0 raliné a-total of £511500,00 BOERS DRIVEN OFF. French andt Hutton Exeeuted Turn. ing MGvement. A tiepateli front Londonsys; Lord Robants repents te tht War Of- -feu-a-r du4-e- -et Bneuarh-eduez-- day, as follows. "XVe narclieti lire yesterday with- eut eeeing tItis enemy. "Tht Boerencgagati IFrenchbanti1 Hutton six miles soutb of Balmoral, Whilt Aitisreonu's Meuntet IJnfautry, ineiuding Canadiens, attackedth ie Hoeirs' riglit, French matit a tunning ntovament aroun i their lefLt Seeing thein retreat titreateneti, the Boers brroke anti fiet. French anti Rutton lollawed, anti propos t t cross Oie- pbiant'a river tu-day, et Naacwpot. Our casualttas were cnes wounudi" Lord Roberts aIse reports te tht War Office-te-day titat Gen. Anchibalti Ruutenr'e commandtiwec heavily en- igaget inluthe bills scadithcf Bethileem. The Boers cempelteti thteJBritish te re- tire trcuinsema cf their positions with about tifty casualtias. At iastt s- ce-ue. ,Gen. Renter hadi worked ancunti behinti tht Fedenais, aehile Gen. Hecton Mactionaiti snd Gen.Bruce Raniltoin aers lu front. Mrs.Winsloav'e SotbiîîgSyrup lis lisexu ssul b3 imillions of motera oto t t lltrnwhrte teerti-g. If titturied ti iglit sud broken et yoeî reàtl3y a sicir s ,huitisut t sitg ilanti eryiîtg ,wtilthe pai n et eutthcg teeilisen at iopcreat gsi s hîtitieetfMrs.'W inseows' Seetbisug Syrup for C,iltirea Ttsthing. t will relseve te poor title eciferer ai once, Depetiti cpoti it mettons teretis Ponitake aboutitr. ttore binrtoea rsgtîflatta tht stoirnacli aud bliela, cures Wiiud c ouitftees thteg une, reduces tinrlammation, igieseterue sud targy te the whoie systein. Mrs.Wluslos ' Scoti-g Syrup fer chiireit it'etirg l pIt-asast te tht tasts and Iletht lie I ecripi-la et onseoftbtht idest andi beet temals Pt or iissanti nurses iu tue Uniteti States rIèee 25e a hotle. Soiti hy ail tirtgghets rinro, gl eut the wortti. Be mue anti sk oitr kits. nikic SLeWsSeacý>hiug Sirte MOVING TG LYBENBURG. Boers Petiring to tihe Mountains, Before tie British fi-tvance. A despateb fren lronkherst Spruit, Tuesday, says:-Tlis Boers having got wun-tioettht Btiihnde-suce, evacuaieti aIl thein postiions, sud are repertedt t lit mevirtg ce tht northlei st, tewands u5 gcing.A. putrtiont cf tht e ers it- main uorth etflusbve-ldt, w leucesthey a tttîupt te inter-. tpi oniunicatioiis ,ceri tîisls he. Tht bridges litît, antieniler bri dgea te thtev-est, liset een des- 'Tli Br tsb terce comprises ttao bri- gades-utier Generai Frenchi, antis bri- gade anti a hl atrider General Hamil- tan. ît is net iikeiy thai ibt-eiaunce upcu Middha3burgte-dl lis ccnttsted. Thtecers nemainitîg upon Ibeir turcta ,qstate that itote iburghtrs art anious te bring nnattera te a fin- ish, but thet tht tereigners are persis- tenit. FRANCE HELPS RUSSIA. Dispute Over Control of the laku anti Peh iii Railws . A ileaîatrh item Tien-Tain, Satun- day, says -lb1 ilussians 'anunce their icr 'enrben tu keep cent-octcf îte cutine railu-ay Unet betateen Taku anti Pekin untit tht conclusion et lo'ulli- ties, t, heu tliey propce5 tbey say, te restons it te the Chusese. Atimiral Seymour strengly tiisap- prove.s allow ing thein te repuin tht linselitycetiTien-Tlsin. Us rensitiers that tht Bitieli ebeuiti insaut tht un- dertakhng anti conduci the repaira. Meanwehile tht Frenchi are endeae-- cuning te cht.eiu coutiol cf tht riee- chars the profits ailliR-ussa. b eccesfuly seu nantty by lover iota ~~H1 ars ailesd - 1r i mileen ecipiet ris sd wo -sent stama. he oekOanpaa Widsor Out. Go. an 8s d 2so caa reMmeded yail responsîble DruggainusCa 8. i] edicai science bas at iast established the fact, that ail disease is of Germ Origin. Germs areP Sthe cause of ail the différent kinds of illness of the human race. This fact being established, it is your k; Sduty to get wel 1. OZONE IS THIE NEW ITREATMENT FOR. DISEASE. h cures by killing, the living germs in the blood. There is no P patent medicine about OZONE, and it is abso- lutely free from ail drugs or minierais. Scores of Stestiînonials from men and women who have been cured. Send for "Booklet" the new system of treatment. OZONE is for sale at al ]Duggsts' 50 cents and $1.00 per bottie. BRITISH MARTIAL LAW. Admlistered Witb Great Lenieney ln South AI'riea. A tiespatel i ron Caps Town says. Ex-Treasurer Merniman, in submlt- ting a motion lu the Houe o f Aseci- lily on Tuesrlay, saidt lat tht tinte hat reBstoreti, anti the Iaav cf tht laundpre- mail. Attorney-Geueral Rose-lunes, lun e- ply, stated tEst hehaled consulteti witb 22 magistrates. Two tavoered tht reps-ai cf martial law, fouir favoreti a qualitieti repoal, and 16 avers oppoe- ed te auy nepeal, Tht liberty ef the etibject, lie atiteti, was sulistrvient, te the cafety ot tht State. Thetimre was neit ripe for tht reinstitution cf tht civil iaw. Ex-Attorncy-Genenal Solonten, lun suppcïrting Mn. Boss-Iunes, ste ted that oniy six cases net arîsing from a mens breacli of tht martial law regu- lations hati been tristi by ccart-ntar- sbintitteti tht records in this e-et, ouiy eue appeanet te hlm te be a mis- car riage cf jestice. Tht nilitsny au- thonitiats, uipun application, w illiugiy sebmirted the record Smn ths case, anti upon bis ativice tht savane sent- ence that bati been imposeti ceas ne- tieceti front ive years te six menths. HandalhiSpa aersunudculitstly causeti by mnartial lawvand be cympathizeti with tlicst e-ho wcee nlijecteti te thent, butt neyer before baa martial law been se canefully aîmmiistereti non lied thene ever been sudh a tiesire te do strict justice, temperet w itb leni- eucy. LING CHEE. llie 11lgtmrst Stienssofth ie CItlleses Exeeu- ulaco-',Arg. Exscutiuug ls a favorite amusement ln China, ati tht ctrtmony cf Ling Chaeith te eht et tht execuioer's art. Final, the crhilunal i,,;houndti t a crossý, antit, as the wretcb with liulg- ing tyehalsý looks upon the seene lu borner, the gentleman upon whom de- volves tht princiýipal work ativauces wih tirawen sworti. Possibly the ef- fencavas a lighut ont, oar it ntay lie that tht wvtci bas dhlaineti partial rThe Shah of Per-ala is visitins h Czar 'ait St. Peters'burg. There were 9,928 cases c(. e>ietsr ici the famùie districts in In1dia dinj.' the week ending Jnly 7, cf wh'e-b ,- 474 weire fatal. Trouble between_ British ujst andVenezuelans isonthe incýrease oýt Ciudad, Bolivar, according te a Iirg% fiU(n, Janïaia,cdèsp-a tch.- ,The sister of Edmund Roitand. sho French d raimatist, was robbpd of Pje... lery worth 824,000. Burgiars broke i-j- to ber count ry residence. B'ayomnet4,s had te ba, drawn on Ne;- fouindland strikerB ini order te miýkvid <ie cargo of the schooner Hco o Gregor att Belle JIe, Nfld. The last living descendant of Siix Francis Drake bias beendsoerdh New Zealand, Mrs. Johin Anigelo, Drake, the wife of a mettier. The London Express Lorenzo Mae i- quez correspondent sends the sakd newm that Kruger has had bis halE eut and hîs wbiskers shaved off. A Kingston, Jamaica, despatcb sajz that after investigation nearly 411l the militia wbo voiunteered for er- vice in Ashanti were rejected. Zwelley Scitaffersen, an Ameîican, subject, was art ested in Paris on Mn day for picking pcckets. The maa was wearing a card acros.S bis breat on wbicb was written ln Englisb and French " Pity a pcor blind man, and was accompanied by a littie girl wbc w~as founad te nîave seventeen pre ini ler poissession, centaining ovur ,l2 hi gold and siuver. Genulne Littie Liver Pis the teliciiy of beiîîg killet inlu ight atroka-,sit ustadiof ut-or poaîbly 72.1 Ar the tiret stroke tht exeoutionen t ninhly avn i .sofl'ue ci the eyebrows se neaLly a,3sG&cneey te timaw biocti. Seo FacglmlIe Wrapper Bclow. titi, Preste! off comte the other. 5naSe VitI a faight horizonîtal steep h li les ees"gg stashas aa sbouid-'r cean traým the I1 -l body, pertotrming a ike eperatron ou t-le other side a xntctowcoî later. Then the lineuls are mimîtaniy treateti, anti 's tr a longe forwand quick as lubri- cated iigIIuIiIu.' ihte exetitionen Piîînges 1bis weaponm ie otht victîn aS Itoapi. Ater iliat ail tbat rentmatai te decapitate tht hlitties anti naybe oîlquivering b 'dy, anti thte execu- tiuntistaContplet--. ThisaDstahutcighcesit, frm, et Ling CItee. W len, -beivever, fu Ling Chet taý Perfo-med it ta a tetog'iiueutetbusi-- P.4,anti the atac peraticus cf the execuîtieîuer are w atitheti as kPes- iy by the, ouleekersans le a great acter ini a uuw pat on a first urght. ne tcsto tht-ccarea feelingî that muccl la requireti ai hin. Wen lie lias ne- rnoyeu tuele tts as iii tht tfitst me-I th oti le bas sti.1i a long andi expert caxviug operahian liefere lin titi tht ta ýmeunt whetî le shall diapo tch tht -o-reich ; eacli tearna. then siacli up- pe, rarn, tIsna t tla--h iroint tscbthigli itlieveti hy dexteus alaclses et tacl cait, andi ficaiiy aften tht heartt bas bei n pienceti, thr bands, test ani î- et parts ail came entier ditiinct aper- Minefr o ffetiets goiity of rebellien or merder nay gel tofta icI -trangu- lto.Crucifixion tas place, but tht victintt;ie ft te dit wirbastning tücde tightty cround lira threat. A Cen t.aiii Methed for turing crampe tiarbcea, andi dysentsry is liy using Pain-Killon. TT-bis nedicîne bas sus- taineti -tht -higitesu -reputation- ton- aven tityrn. Aveil solistitutes, the,-- CURE SICK EADÂCHL. IveLD. FoR PONsTIAI Watehhiîn aflly -oe cthefi i ove DbisFol e's ExtD;-. o Wild SofWi trawberry. -'-a -g no oHo weatbyer cnes t givt - liare a d on babef sceuai- Mrs.Cha. i hal'L he cttn WîldStrwbery i thybsw endcarr hpea wAs yc er mae yor cild, mothr, and 'c and tsver hiai ghei3im Dr.Fowle's Glyn' epeimut es ncutovr-.. wë e"'nervous and w ïk-A il 1deans, or Edmanson, Bate "0eted 01 i Iprpose, anrtnd ing îce.sSON.STGTT& faLly and G is utca PinKile. eny avs'evem~'~ fille. &ad wiorried gr.atly over mj future.1 aud Ce., Toronto. Ithe totail efettmates -p to £s3913 Js~e, Jwcaetlehby Ou. K05. 25e.ý antidfanl adhlisce0C.ytfie. have been in 1 on everv 1 -7 1, 1 L ý 1 1 ý ý 1

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