Drug Stores. There are hundreds of reasrns wby it' pays to buy Drugs and flrutggist's Sundries et our store. Tbese reasons are so well known to most of the citizens of West Durham that it is flot necessary to repeat them. An experience of ovcr 20 years behind. a drug counter bas tauglit us somec things that can only be gained by experience. We know -whexreto purchase the best. We know when to purcbase, we know Sthe «b(,bt wlien we sec it and we buy i large quantities at bcst prices. Every serap of knowledge we bave is used for the benefit, of our cttistom1ers and in order to give stili better service, about a year ago -we gave Mr. E. Morley Cawker, Phrn. B., a partncrship in tbe business, so that our custorners have the benefit of thre services of 2 properly qualified chemists at ail timis. We do not play at our business. It requires and receives our undivided- attention, and best energy. We have no tirne to talk or ~eveii think about the people's business. Our one object is to serve /itepublic in the best possible way and supply them with goods a little better and et prices e little lower if possible.' We bave a stock that we are proud of. Everything usually found in an up-to-date store can be secured from us and everyone knows thiat wlien the name, STOTT & JuRY is on an article the quality is guaranteed. We appreciate your patronage and con- stantly aim to give you stili better service, )TT & JURY, Ni. CAWKvEit, Pbm. B. 81011 & JURY, The Druggists and Opticiens. I i BUFFALO, THE BEAUTIFUL. Few Canadiads have a ny idea of the attractiveness and importance of Buffalo N. Y., the city to wbicb Editor James is conducting an excursion on Wednesday next, Aug. 8, if is the "Queen City of tire Lakes", and stands to-day as one of the great cities of tire world, and stands 4th for its tbipping. A few facts: 6,000 vessels arrive annually, contains 41 elevators, largest coal trestle ln the world, q,500 factories cm- plùying 100,000 operatives, population 400,000, 26 railways, 250 passenger trains dailv, 200 miles city and suburb- an electric railways, 223 miles of asphaît streets. It is said that no other American city of its population can boast of so many beautiful bornes as Buffalo, Read the big list of "WWbat to see in Buffalo" in another columu and then arranaze witb your frieuds to visit tbis Pan Amnerican'City on Aug. 8. Glass Fruit jars et Nichoils'. Tanglefoot Fly paper at Nicbolls'. Drink Salada Tea. For sale only at Cawker & Tait's. Grand Firemen's Tournament at Niagara Falls Aug. 8. Lady's bicycle wanted, nearly new and cbeap. M. A. JAmaus. Loyers of good tea sbould testSalada. For sale nt Cawker & Tait's. Tr.ý Freeland's si der doz photos. They are certainly ail right. New subscribers can get THEF STAT.s mAN to end of 1900 for 35 cents. See the Whbite Piques at 5c per yard at Coucir, Johuston & Cryderman's. Boy wauted to learn the p botograph- ing business at George P. Freeland's. Civic Holiday next Monlay, August 6. AU places of business will be closed. Chic's batcbing uientifuiiy at Tait & PERSONAL. TREAE MN n Ites i iS eestocn tributeà to this clu iI items or' a personiA nature, the arrivalai d pairtuie ofrguetth movements of weil knIownI people, butsinless men, etc., Send us8 a postal card or. dropl a niote in Our officee letter box, Mr. Fred Joblin bas been vstigold friends here. Mr. Blake McMurtry spent blis holi- days at Sutton. Mr. J. H. Madi, Balsam, is guiest of Mr. D. D. MacDonald. Miss Agnes Dow of Whitby is visiting Miss Berthe Tamblyn. Miss Thompson bas been enJo,ýing ber vacation in Toronto, Mr. B. Wainwright, Toronito, is guest of Mr. C. M. Cawker. Misses Kathleen and Jluby -Meate are visiting relatives in Trenton. Miss Warder bas returned froni a visit to ber brother at Wiarton. Miss Greta Simpson lias been visiting Miss Sybîl Broad, Detroit, Mîch. Mr. Chas,. Gilbert, Montreal, is visit- ing bis uncle, Mr. W.RR. Cawker. Mrs Eckroyd, Lambtoni, is guest of ber aunt Mrs. Bonathan, Cburcb St. Mr. M. Cryderman and Miss Eva are bolîdaying at Janetville and Linidsay. Mrs. Chas. Doncaster and Elva biave returned from a week's vit in Orono. Mrs. C. L Holrnanand family, To- ronto, are visiting- Mr.H Baskerviile. Mrs. W. Stirling and son Tjler are spendin g vacation at Port Bowmanville. Mr. Harold Mitchell, Pittsbuirg, Pa., was guest at Mr. P. Treoîlcock's Sun- day. Mr. N. B. Allen,1 Sbrigley, is v-,isiting his father end other relativeý,sat Provi- dence. Misses Martba and Maud i(Ruiter spent Sunday w ith their tincle Ml. tGm-rge Mr.EE.Stnerleft last week for Van- couv4er, B.C Mr. Preston Tait visited bis brother at Millbrook last week. Miss DancasterOrillia, is visiting ber uncle. Mr. C. Dancaster. Master Percy Ingraim, Port Ferry, is spendîng holidays in town. Miss Mildred Grigg is visiting Mrs. Matt. Kennedy, Owen Sound. Wm. Quay, Esq., Port Hope, is visit- ing bis sibter, Mrs. F, Bleakley. Mrs. Jas. Pattinson is visiting ber sister Mrs. Thos. Beer, Brantford. M r. Sidney E. Hessin, representing WJ. Gage & Co. gave us a cail Thurs-. day. Rev. T. W. Leggo it, Orono, preacbed Suniay at Zion, -Morrislî and Wesley- ville. Miss Ida Gould aud Miss Jennie Mc- Clung are visiting Mrs. F. D. MacKay, Peterboro. iMiss Norma Couch gave a pleasant party to a number of ber young friends Mondav evening. Mrs. Thos. Beer, Brantford, bas been visiting ber mother, Mrs. Tbos. Lyle and other relatives bere., Miss Gladys Preston, Midland, and Miss Bessie Scott, Brooklin, are guests of their aunt, Mrs. Lewis Lyle. .Mr. W. R. Brock, Toronto, is at borne again atter. spending the greater part of a year in Great Britain and Itely. 1Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Jeffery, Toronto, bave beenenjoy ing a visit witb bis mother, Mrs. H. 3 effery, Wellington St. Miss Viola Gilfillan, B A., Secretarv of Y. W. C. A. and Ontario Normal Scbool of Domestic Science and Art, Hamil 'ton, is borne for vacaton. Miss Jennie Spry-bas returned from1 i'ni n.- do- on- Sole Age rts. GRAND VRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMÂN VILLE STATION. Teacber wanted, See ad. Farm for sale or to rent. Sec ad. Read the excursion ad on first page. B.et vuei in Stirlijn' Slxver Evoon 1