THE WATEI DID IT. were nsd newas reeu armruw ua m ad it has not sînce tr oubledclhlm. edid net look for snnh raîpid results, and 'weuld have been satisfied with ob- tining relief, whereas the mediine Dr. Eaii'a lI-eumatie Cure ilputup nt , 50 ct botties, containing ten days' treatmnent. ?or sale by ail druggiste and dealiers in miedicine. The Dr. Mail Medicine Co., Knig- stoin . Ont. wçtinosito do aGenerai Banking Buosnese t BWmanvlle Ageney. DEPOSITS Iseeived In Savîxags Bank Departmnt and ý,î-.-rest allowed at ourrent rates. Notice of ttdaant necegaary. Al l eposits payable ;an demand EXCIIAKGE d otgtadsld and Drafts issned n p on Europe, altd Sats afiCanada, aise Golcd, Stîver anSd Ited States Greeobaeks boaght anîd sod COLLECTIONS pro-pl made et crrent rates apon Il parts Ui GreatyBritain the Umited States and the Do %nion cf Canada.1 Telegraph Transfers Stads for large or small sumo on ail parts of Canada. This lespeclally advantagennstn per- sens living in Manitoba or the lXrth-West, it makes the fonds available t once at the Place rft paymeat. For other particulars eaU atthe baxk. A. J. MOCLELLÂN, GUO. McGILL, Accountank Maager AL Hands AngrýýeeableUmm B Mrs. X.-I say, John, 1 arn going to, stop baking altogether. We eau get at LUTTRELL'S, Bowmauvile,such goodBread and Butte, and Pies, and Cakes, and Mr. X.-AIl riglit, Sarah, don't tel me any more. It will no0 doubt be the best plan, for the suammer anyway. Alex. Luttreli. Baker and Confectioner ,Bowmanville Tlephone 97, Via-tt for oaa- lnteîestîng bocks I lnvent.~ er'& fehap' and IllHow you are swindled.1) senS us a rough sketch or naodel of ynna- in-? vention or improvement and we wiil tell yenl free aUr opiniona s toearbther ih la paobablyl g atentable. Rejected applications have often, cen successfaliy paosecuted by us. We iconduct fiily eqoîpped offices an Montreail ,and Washngton ; thas qualifies us te prompt-J iy dispatcb woa-k and qickly secure Patents~ >as broad as the invention. Hagbest references furoished. Patenta procured through Marlon & Ma-i tin o eeve speClai notice witbout charge inJ oýver 100 ýnewspapca-e distributed thronghnut, coins -a dvances. As lha app ears ut a-ha cee a-hoeoaalia-es nofiaUS characlea- comîýng tata01rer, 'a wecail de,,sury ---the feabjures. But w lien, aI las-, lie sa-epýs apon tht platina-m nifIlheNew' Tewstaîcunt, ama-dthe tnrches ni evan- galaI's a ne apasa-les, a-ha orchestras ni aesven itaminou-ncaHlm uwitasbiaI nif mlina a-.eisy tIhat 'aakes up Bethlehemi aI muidnight. Ubare le nnthýiug more suggestive lb-an a cagcd bîis., lu a-ha doten ofj ils breasI yen eau ses the g oa-- ni snotharu dus; buna-ha sparleofni las eye yen 'cao ose the flash i distant sas; in, ils mica yorîeau heura-h son-g il learned in the ld wond. Il ire a chilIS ni the sey it captivi-yi.,Nowa the de-ad biird ofaf ry taxa-, captureS frein ithe air, sugge-sts the Lord Jes, - n ho isam doywn fmi: a-bhe realaras ni lighal aud gicry.,'De once aronis ina-haeI sunlight ni heaven.,Iffe wias a-he favour-l of ni ele anS.,H-e a-st-le Ring's son. Wiaanever a vira-ay na gaia-îc, or a a-ha-oua set rtp, Hien'as liheoj fia-at a-c har il. -Ho oieuS nI walk iucognito ahong a-ho sîreets, for ai hoavan kleea- -ini. For eternsi agas Ha, liaS d'e lta- aaid a-ha nighty po-pulatins nf beavea. No hioliday buS evea- dawn- cd on a-be cty a-hon Ha n'as absaena-. le was nIlikceauaneara-iay Prince, ocr- casbonaily a-ssuing fa-niai a palace bier- aideS hy a ta-.ep ni claukîng lier-e- gu-airla. Na-; fne'axas groorted avery- m--laere as a brother, and al l oaven n'as peafcctlyý at home with-l. j Bt t as y a-harecaîma word a-c tht palace a-hait au nbxsgniicsnt saSna bu rebelon, andS aacurling ilsahf I-o piece n'itl asurcby. Ilihea-ar an augel say, "e.aI an-.'rht iiim sa i is rait eaaough wia-ioua-thiianmd. The iiibhrtei a-a tle King aimelagin gi j nithout a-bat. We can.apare il," "Net &on" saiS tle prince, îlie King's son; and-i1Ises Ifat as oautone daiy, ,î-, dea- ahaearotest ni a greal cnrcpany. Ha star-a-staailbtfor a-harebellions ilan. R-e lande amiS a-haenecrallons oi tihe uhab-ltantis, lIaI grow n' 0vio- lence unil the ,maJpilceniof aa-il las smitten Dira, aud the spirits nf the lwna-ih put their blackn'lngh e&ver Dils dyiugliseaS, andSchaI the Sun out., The ffawks anS vnitures sn'upied upon Ibis dove ni thie lent, until heýaS, anS baci and aSeea- iai, tlu-unlil, un- der- ahe finales anS taals oni Sarlness, a-he-' p-a-o;ahing peribIý-J No a-i aer ma- n'as a bird that ans aceeuanS slain riover an earîtu nvessai ni îuuning wa- t er. fit WaS a child Sfci ILeskies. Il lYpiid fim v, Whoa-e doî,-mîfa-n h-cavanitnluaguny acul blond tb cave oua- bouls. Blaaaaad îe Rie giniluaus o-uine for ca-art 1 ontice al,lu in Mytant, tîilat a-ha hýoly of hoUaes, ma.kiog in.tercelssion fox thae people I Blood! What Was it that Jeisas swoat in the garden of Gothsemane? Grat drops nf blond. What cloeni thýe wiue i, the sacra- mantai cup s!igniiy ?Blond. Wltat makes the robes ni the righteous in heaven eu fair? They,ý are washed ir the blooad of the Lamb. What is il thsit cleaanses ail our pollution? TIhe blond of Jesais Christ, that oleanseti from all sin, Ais this seoad bird of, the tlext xvu plunged in the blond of the firnst bird. so we uat bha washsd in the blond. ni ChrijL, or go polluted, for ýever. 1 natice ow~ that as soon as this second' bird was dîpped in ihe blond of 'the firýst bird, the priest nfoosen- ed it, anîd at weas free-free of' wing and frie eof foot. It could wheL its beak i any tree-.branch it chose. la co*ld peck ilie grùpes nfi aoy vineya rd it chose. It was free, a type ni oui souls ieafter we have washed in ah ,blood of the Lamb. W e cao go where we wIl. W e caio do, what we Iwiii. Yort say, "I-lad yort not better qualify t.hat?" No; for 1 rememnber a-bat fin conversion t-he will fa chang- ed, ind the man will not wil i hat ,vhmcli is wroog. 'I-Liera s no sraight jacket in our religion. A sLateofnissn a-s ai state, of slavery. A sta-eon pard duo a-s a siate niemantçipattin The, hammer oi God's grace kioks the hopples fronit thp feat, k.'oks t-hi liaýnclooýflefrom ta-i fi wrs-, npeisathe, dlour.Jnicalandscapa, ail ahimmaer WL'th foitýiïnss .îîiioxi wi ad- de4à. It as £reednm. If a man hait becompfa Ch r as!tian, hi is noi more afrafd of Sînai. The thoqi- kid f mrkmoan nieinlike. Too aymen In their t e b igr bal. hisisabsprd j and o ailknec ssay Healthy hair shows man's stren gth. To bud up the hiair from î the roots, to prevent- BIR DS FOR PSACRIFýICE61 HEREisa', L ýold adage Rev.D'r. Talmage Speakcs of the reco rded which tea- Blood of Christ. ches thati___________ 1 i ghtn ing A deapatoh fronia Washington says: ers. 0 thou spoitlegis San nf God, 1mb.. neyer strik- -Rev. Dr. 'falmage preachad frcma the, press svith tahy innocence!I es twice in oîwo en -idte retsa But 1 cornae n'w to speak ni this the s a me ccmmand that anc i,,o the birds he second hird ni the lext. We muet place. The kiljed in au eaaithen vesseî over run- ntlat that fiy awvay ummliwe have f rheumratism, ning ,watear. As f or the living bird, exaroined il. '[ha priest locale the sec- cks employees he -shahll ake il, and the cedax-oottd, onna bird, aled it'to the hyssop-braoch, S, in the hands and the scarlet, and the hyssu-p, and and theix plunged it in the blond ni ýount of them shah dip tliem and the living bird inteliIbrd Ah htasmyot, )ldsubtanestne blond ni the bird that was killed 1plrtnged for cleansa-og in the Saviour's oldsubtanes!over a-he rnnniogwataer ; and ha shall blond. Thatre a-e not anough water d watcr al the ernkeaoi ii htbstibeu ns nthe Atlantic andlaPacifie Occans to 3carPery, fr-'ed fa-cm the leprcsy seven limes, and waash away our smallesait sin. Six, je tJ. R. Hinds' shal preunounce him citait, sud ,halsuoh an outrage on God'sunoiverse Jngston, Ont., let- the living bird lna-ase into the ope thùat nothing but blonld can atone for 1this respect. fibId." Levia-icuas a-n. kandoais the li e is be a-lie ed hîm in the! The Oid Testament, to very many bcoada h u a eufr -s, and besicles pe-ple, -is a great s]anughter-house, j feît'ed, nozthing couid buy il back but edhe suffered stravn with the blond, and -b ians blond. What aras il that was sprbua-- er havinig tried sud haras, and ho'fs ni boachered uni-Ilalidonu the dor-posîs when a-he de- ithout oblaining mais. I f oUa-da ahebr 'ighl ; il dis- sI.roya-ng angel went lhrnugb the tan g ire Dr. ll l~egisa-a theàir ta-ate; il acîuaily nanse- j1aSI Bodl Wa a tta ;il. Lae than artes a-be saomacli. But to0atho intelli- 1vent- streaming troa-bte altar ni au- relief,' an à bafore1 cicat Rsacrifice ? Blonld. What n'as ,fhe first botlbe genÉ Chria-aaîi a-be Old 'testamaent le a1 .A f- ~ . ihml- I--!-- n x:ala hat the priesa- oarriad ina-a-athe zame can be said of which usually atta'l of ail bottlingworks and armns, ý.on acc having to hanidie co and dabbie in cold year round. Mr. Osc nieriy empioyed at bottling woa-ks, Ki %vas a sufferer in Rheumatism affect( armns and shoulders the pain experiencE pleoary1083. Aitel varinue tamentswi ellef, Jas was induced - heumatic Cure a t: hahf a beI-Vie gave hlm r the entire eontante of aneWhiole life-objetilsje tamake jdllars, lhe xvii h rtaning againsat Il ,toase who- are mnalcn dollars. If pzO NOTs whole object i t gel plue H ST T -lie will be ritunning againat, SDelay- are daxgeroas.If Yeu are plausa. But if be tises higlier ahan- ufferxog -wih baclcacbe t lodicates Ilia-, lie will neot ho interrupa-ed lunlaIs- soxaathin& ag wrong. You have figlil leaeenward. Why dots ahaitj Kidney Disease. you aleould flot - fia-cia- ni birds, iloaa-ixg np agaiosî aho nueglcct t. £al.....bitue sky se high Ihat you cao bard- ly sea them-t, na-sa change its course ior obsrcions. Soetva would nul have sn n1f«Leu te change our Chr-istisn course if we lived lu a highrar tamos- phare, nearar Christ, nearor the - thr ofniGnd. Oh ye vaho bave been washed in the Theyw ililcure yxn. If you. drukgist bilond nf Christ-ye taho have beau dora not keep ahem lan stock, take no lcnsad irom thtelyssop-ranch-sa-art CtherBy Mail, 25 ctls. a bol.-heýaveýnw ard. ia- miii ha Losomit of yna- a -long figha-. 'lenapaaainns îîîay ï,CIEEWIEO dispute your way ; toneoniboa-ave- L MITED menta-nsd trouble mnay sarike your 1680ADELAIDE 13T. W. TORONTO sual; but God wiil sea ynu thrnugh. Bujild unot on a-ha aarth. Set yonr ai- _________________________ factiî-s on tîtings in heaven, not on Fe u Kidney Beanesnsld by t1tiug on earth. 'This je ý perishiog, SioT 'r& JURY, druggists, Bnwman- wnrld. la-is flowea-s fade. Ils fotîna-ains- -ville. dry up. fIs8 promie cheat. Set your __________________________ affections upon Christ and heavan. 1 rejoice, my dear breahreu and sabtrs 1dors of Scinar do ont frightenj hi. 1an Christ, that the fliglit, will aiter Youa hava, on soieAuguet, day, stan a while ha ondeS. NUL always ha ta-n twn thuàiadertesàowers mneat. Que ai the dlali Not always going on t clond irom Ihfa mountafo, and au- wenry wings. 'fharaLi.s a va a-n dova- na-ber1oLoud froin thatt înuulnt ,cacle nifaea-ual aest, w bore we salsl comïing neiarar and nearer together, fi n d a -place nof tra, - ita evor-- su1dlreasPnuýda-ng_10oach na-ler, crash ýlastîing jny nf niarsenuls. Oh, they are tht crash týhuândor te' thundiea, boom! guing ufp ail the tima-gcinu ro-m ri btOm AnS Ilitothe, aainrs hrenak thias chu.rcha-going tap ta-ou aalaha oilnd a-ht torrents pour, and thay ara f aila-s and fri alaho, churchas ni t empta-aS parlape fua-is the vory camae the land-the waory doves sealciug estre1ànm that ceûmes dowloii eredut rasa- iu a dovecot. ynjur Èee-,t, ît it-ceonisaas af ala-ha Oh a-bat in that gond- land n'a may ca oa f ntaha stnrmn-battlo has beau aIl mee l vaen out trials arc ovar. l a empta-aS intoil. Sea ona-lis Biblea I eseecli ynn. by a-haGoS nif yeuxrsica-ar,I 1, se tw strms iathr, ne aovefor wh lisnt a sister la heavon,- lfShnai, 1the other aboya Calvaa-y, anS b h£ Gdo ou i beeÀ, the'y respoind, one te the oaher-fhlo:ch -ahaGdfyoritofbsal b flshthno-~ra-n huner 'oom yen te tuan sd liva. \V8 cannt go -hbonn in fa.a- thundîrs, "Thé alu otoule, hatr biessed prasonca, who are 1 that sa-neth,,ilt shahl diîb" Calvar-y in gia-y, uailcssn'a h ave beau cleansod - relsponds. "Save1 theinfoigon nt e ae blond that ta-ashed their repne,"ae hn.f-igogsa-ns an'ay. I1lenon' Ibis is l.aue nf al doWn ia-the-pit, fori- 1have foundr nhuaa im a -btabywr t Calai aswes Myse"W o'-! W O! onlownsed -i ani the liyseop-brauch. Meroiri marcyl" hey weoî eînging ina-a-glury. Seo rand iàacu a-litofoudalhua-st, and umpa-y ahaa- yarefusent hbu that lspeakea-l, pthelîr -treasures aino ne a-rrent, and for if tliay -uscapaýd nul irbo refuse D tht cnage cafwltl e ux f cta-d-iî, nhhha-m taaspace onu aarthî, hown mnch af thy co itýa-Ige cplurigedia Ii-e irdnuirshall oil ya escape if wae tua-n ia th- ,4e a-e aa-,ll go a-n a-the bfrc-away from hlm that gapeaketh £fmi fr"llOh, I alliMy Pole o tn- leyl dersa-and -has: Iliat ta-len a ian be- coiaca alChra-aca-an lie, doe noa-becnmoLING CHEZ. -a suavýe, butl thar lie becülmes a fra ri nico; f h-tlie lias- larger litbera-y af- The Iliphesti Feins of the ChIlsrei Execur- ta-rha iadnuesa chiS nI- God abau houel r xt. jt3 ca-e lie n(alate a chuS nif God.. Executing la a favorite amusement Generaaa isk says a-alist li once stood a-n China, and the ce,'reninny cf,,Ling j a a laxe-lole a-heae n nd ha-s-Chee ils tht hlihtn the enecatioèner's9 -£r I- ma-na-ter xvae beîng coUl. TIhe art. FIa-st, the criminel le bouS1 iutnersiS id b ina, "Wai albld a coss, anS, as I-le n'retoh wlth lg- dnoIhLou f or i hice maan?Be is a ver in- eyeballs iooles upon the éceno in gon kiS 0 a -au li f n ixosayr."lin-aor, Ithe gentleman upoit whnm de-. Soieîe sali 'weonty dollars' hae volves the principal wr dane «as vcýry uolà and na-, wora-h much; n'a-lb rawn sn'ord. Pnasibly a-liaof- soeo-aoy aise 'ta-tenty-flva'-'thira-y' tenace w-as a light onue, or it may ha - 'hi ývjf ve'- 'f orty.' Tht ageS thatthîe xxarelch lias obtained ýpartial 'ntei b(tWa te tebe:ho de-renalaion, ti wlach case ha n'tli have mina-sa-aorbgablc temble; lilis - the ielicity oi boing kilaSin abglia- paeS h a o at 1.tuy limas dea-u sa-a-chas instead ni 24-or pnssibly 72. fars. rsud rexpeôted with the sevouty Ainte ista nu eute ni -ha yabon's dollars a-n gel frec. As a-le biàSarau j imbiy _is o.onofteybrw Ila nid man la-tibiaS mors and san neally as scaa-ceiy a-o draa-vblond,. XnQ "orty - -fort-fiv' - Bey, Presto! off comas tht othea-.1 'fi ,- 'f ifty-f ive! - 'sixty, -Witli a sliglit hoia-zontalisveep ha Thool min rid utsinlias a selldr ean fa-onitha j 'sfty~iiv-. fUe cS in a-aad ulbody, pariormiug a lilca opararîn o Mevan %v' a n a aaid tliey wod the othar ~stia a rie-nt lter. Ia outbid hm.Tht nimen around ivereth l aesiaryraedan theaucýlo oDe dystruce han d; -aandwih a lunge forwaa-S quicli as lubri- :tmheufàataLee stonyI i dwn itecateS lignaiiaai a-lite exacutinex BIitýb reý,,U-nor sn w ar porerpitaugea lias weapan ntothali vic .time' th n Bu t r a n ni sai netarc poo e eail. A fer that ah that romain se is tlia tha Aim-ca. Wecannt by o decapilate aha lifelessud mitybe Our uewa Sediveraaue. The vocaesofniL-t qnivarng body, and the axecu- dia a-hare ,biddig ina- us, nnd they aionnila complote. bad us,,1anS a-dheay bld us dela-u.But a-hoLordJesus Christ come s ais ays, rTJhis i9 the lihth-st fonai, of Ling "I wall buy a-bat maný 1 hîd for liii Ch' .Whaen, boa evar, f ull Ling Chea j-my Bethle-hemi mangea-,1 - bld for la p rmi-niaSt-le a laugîlaaued bui- liraimy h ugeç on ahe mountqan; 1 neas, and tahe ary-n saptrat-us nf bc haa- lor him my acbing li'ad; f hid for th.~ executiniiier are waa-ched as keax,- 1 ý_fua__ - aiau îog. - 11 r1L1_-Ii1leh'. ' y- 1. I ) e fn omller asi s a reat1 auraor1 SPEAKING TO KINGS. Iosiers Âne Addressed Dy Huîmble Servants. DO YOU FUEL TIREJ INIRTE MORNING? The simple litho Madarne-reduced, in praacice, to Ma'am-is ai that Does Sleep not bring Refresbmeit ? serves, betweau Queen Victoris anS lier court, te mark a-ho fnrmer'S a-ig- Do yon feel wretched, niaso and mIser.. nity as the ruler ni a n orlS-n'ida Emi- able ia the moning-as laa as whien pire.' Rad Baitaîn a king, ho wouhd yca ent to bed? 1tt a serInas condition ha o mre hanSir, ta nd F-anli---too serions to neglect, and uni1eseyeu I>-no oretha Sie, he ld ren have he heart and neromas sYstern inramonisir, sacrais 10 roylty, lIa strengtbened and 1h. blood enicheul by terni Your iVajsty le oniy for ser-- vants sud ceremonial occasions- There ara fan' othea- courts nherae ithi n'oheomesaia-picily provails. 'TleEmporor nf Gerrnanv le Majesat", Iliere le no pronun in thettllaaven lu hic fanihy, oxcept a-hen. in aben- hle paivacy. Tht Emperor ni Ans-C tria le Ena-e Majessaet, at al l imas and under ah ciacumstaîîcethe IaKing ni Graee is Voire Majse-Frencli beinig the Court langaxaga, anSdlIthe King ni Sa\-t'a au, is FiEs Mjestat. ~Tleiroy~al cý addrassed -~ .1 SI4U oth $2L. 50,V a..aa spatpaor 1 f..Mv u - Jss... - C U0t UIS bCi OfCL tihe J Wiexifit a-u îxaaaa- a a-tm ana uie i L U C - E-a -' of -- ' fprce.nepaaagosa-a- '--g ' -jol Onder t once. SenS foreOur new specli"au Dc- t in ) iOame.aaiUpisOset in'aaasî aersgtMajor eneraol lila- C îea-Uutao c--o'a~-taaiaa - I ffcure. pamphlets - -oa ey addraS. aavc e-aI aaaclua alri trated catal ae miled free. Gîves ynu the îow tcxl ha dean-ils feet fraga-ua- ia-h U ':aaThea WoOd Cou UWnsr nioe lscad goD. .I.lYE, iug. Also, if the p-"rson, n'ben fia-st ioa i nt ecae est prices onu»l obons ndrssa-Srens to tIha don'thal il prassad, ils beali carr-Lowela, Mass. oore o TI-F WfreNER COMP~ANY, igsrgc h-reaSfal Aleav h aNv nga -ngo-oisca,51)e;hn)diî anad ianliaisinaiavîlle by Ior in- the Fora-rîli ChaasanSraiP- robeiers .rZ4uafsuîaîrsas. Akronio1. îg spTig-of 'hy"e and - an. caiteta-bods, go Stuatu Jury. Higgtcbothai & Sonu; Oro-mo Ùy Isoenuho hthn saeta sF-orasannthCa n îe a e [The Wcmaa rùmpany %sutassmg ti reiable.-Eitiîr. ils featherswatahaS bu sumit chon_' 1 LAAh~ ~ . ~ bh yaba-neudai j.tilifillai, Nawcasîla tirDr. Farncomnbt jtasue, aI dinucu. il te bis duty j adt We na e the t --j Because weeve they are King of ail shoes. We don", believe there is a womcant's shoe sold for $3 in this -whole world which is as go)od as our King Quality. That is a broad statement, but try the shoe and youi will agree thiat we have reason forbotig It is simply perfection. It has ail that a shoe ought to have pliAA P -ease, durability, style-and it costs but $3 while it looks like a $5 shoe. Try and judge for yourseM îlf.1f Made by J. D. KING CO., Limited, Toronto. 'IARTLINQ FAOS FOR DISEASED VGTMS 1U REuAReA N T ED OROPY!Y nr y LJ 1Norvans and despoudenf;wcakor deblifit; idmonn;xri î, '208; rosa@$$e; hage d lnnklyog; weak baktbos r; e i ar t veri OC21s]e e ii.ïe4i mn h WE AN O RouiÇDY I&E&TORED TO MANHOOb ? R. .&K à ORN- A. MANLIN, -JORN ý M NLIS. CHilAQ. 1 oWvt. H .PWEiS. ~PilTiE TMTB5, I S EEATMEST. A",, 7I5ri , ; rw11ir NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIAL$ USEO WIIOUT WRITTEýN ÎNSN. John A. 1 nhýas-" sit ftt oaieeve VAICOCELE, ?mofeji a71~re,c o cade. l y G gofsgÏ i05~id pct IC0wib ntvu. EMISSINS AI:1gavesronp Î, î55C. 'l2 danehoy yVi c Ts , nd aniwl 1 Iswes fu eirs eoand now specialils tait my affiieted feilowman.",r CURES GUARANTRED OR NO PAY.- CONFIDENTAL. "The vices of sony ho liood laid thm ondU~of aaV mIn. Latea, on a "gay 1Uts" e pesuviltýh adi- 'I sass onPlted the wroclr. lb d all the 2 pof ,S iî~,E si wyons Dea1r Vwirieo 8Je,,Curnd blotetes on body-, e. fa c re~ & Kergan. lercormtohatvgrsdhpîe."CA.OEIW SWe trea t an d cure Va icceik , £im'yeions, Net vous DebiliiS.emi al iWeakness, Gleet, Strii'tre, Syihi:, Lnaarai Discharges, Skj Abuse, Kïdney and 1/a dder Diseaset. 17 VEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CUPED. NO RISK. READER! ronrtji aeynitln ?r oionmitl ae- New Method Treatment will cosm.~liat itb oà for others it-?.ill d, for *j lý ihriiiien wnicti 1 ý