- -----,------------- ,-,- - - I An inîcdent that aîtracted more than passîng interest was the re- inarkable cure c Mr. William Boyd, a most honored resi- dent of Wolfe Island, Ont. Mr. -Boyd's health had suf- fered from frailty, which led to an acute attack of rheu- matisrn, Throughout the autumn and winter of 1897 he suffered most distressingly from rheumatic pains. His constitution became so weakened and the affected parts so painful that he was rendered perfectly helpless. His appetite becanie impaired and sleep for- sook him. To move unaided wvas an impossibility and the help of an attendant was constantly necess- ary. A friend whom the, treat- ment had benefited advised Mr. Boyd to give Dr. Hall's Rheuma- tic Cure a trial and the advice was acted upon, and te Mr. Boyd's great surprise and joy, a cure was ffected after ail other treatmeuts had aiied.ý "I used the contents of fîve botties," he writes,«'and the pains ief t me etirely. 1 arný now enjoying the very best of heath. $ SDr. Hall's Rbeuiatie Cure is put up in 50 eunt botties, contaiuing' ten desys' treatient.' or sle bail drug sts and dealers in medicine. ke Dr.Hal Medicine Co.. King- ston, Ont. ONTARIO BANK ontinues te do a Generai Banking Buoiness at DEPOSITS i eeoived l r vings Bank Department and hAi i-t iiiialowed at crrent rates. Notice of sldrwlnet necessary. Ail deposîts payable r, demnand EXCHANGE q ught aetd sold and Drafts îssued upon Europe nlted States and Cianada aise GeldSil Vr and nited States Gre@nbacks'beught and sole COLLECTIONS Prempt i' ade ai urrent rates upen ail parts -f Great Britain, the Unted States and the Do- infflon of Canada. Telegraph Transfers Mad fo lrgeor mai smeon ail parts of Canada. TE 's le apeciaiiy advan tageons to per- sci)s living lu Manitoba or the Nrth-West, It mares the fun ds avallabie at one t the place ut pay~ment. F'or other oartieuiare ccli atthe bank. A. J. MCCLELLÂN, GEO. McGILL, Accouatant Manager AlilHands- Agreeablessi. Mrs. X.-I say, John, 1 arn going to stop baking altogether. We can get at LUTTRELL'S, Bowm ianvilie ,suehgoodBrýead and [luns, and Pies, and Cakes, and Mr-. X,-A]l riglit, Sarah, don't tell nie any more: It wilI no doubt be the best plan for the summer anyway. Alex. Luttreil. B3aerand Con fectioner,Bowna nvilie Telephone 97. Rev. Dr. Tainiage Discourses ôtn Their Reward. Q IC iere is tuýeiene I Gent-I received a sa-ple cf>mrr i lein l.dey Bean.Tesm~ I di me codami aitthe box of t l î.ey Be ain otfrou you bas lakn al te prnofi t Y beck. 1at ,i f ctrou te blofth oesroyGoreben i.1shaIli be cured of ail Rbeuzn.. 154 Aelaie StW .oronte, will e re you of Riteurnatism.. Te>' them. ca cts. a box at your deuggist, or by mail, 188 AOELAIDO 911. W. L TORtONTO Electine K iev Beans Soid b½ STOT T & JURY, druggists, Bowmaui ville. brated, as- if ln ail the space, from galte to gate 'uniohili 10 bill, lhewere t'le ouly inhitilant ; no mixing up- no mob-no iniscriminate rushi; each Crsinwoýrker standing out ilaus- tricus-ail t'h.e story of earthiy aûhiývemenït adhering to each one; bQi jseif-deujals. and pains, and ser- vtces. and victû,ries, publisbeLd. Â-ain; Christian w orkrsý will chine lik'e the stars ruý swiftuess of motion. Tbe worlds do not stop to shine.i Tb re. are no fixed stars save as 1 b A deepatch frona Wa singtou says:- 1ev. Dr. TiL'lmage preachsd frum the folewiug lext:-"'ThIey that turu mauy te righteousness shal shine as chu stars for ever sud everz."-D)auiei xii. It wouod be absurd for me te stand bure, aud, by elaherats argument, prove, that the werld ie off tht track. Yen might ms weli stand at the fotuao f au embankmieut, aniiid tbe wreck oft a caç.sized rail-train, proving by elabor- ste argumaent that -,enasitbing is ont ef order. Adame tumhled over the em.. baukment sixty centuries ago, and the wboie rare, la oee long train, bai gene on tuimliblhuin utbe Same direc- tion. Crash! crash 1 The only ques- c-tu Church wtll pray witb ils face te- waird the wî'st, aud ail the prairies and inland citiegs wiii surrender ta God,; and wi.1 pray wiLh face toward the sua, sud ail the iýsiandsansuchips wîll1 become Christian. Parents who have wayward seons will gel down on thorir kueas sud say, " Lord, seud mi boy hclme,"' sud the bey lu Canton M,11l get right up from the gaming- tainsd go dean te the wharf te find ont whiiph ship starîs finst foi Areirira. A4 statrs, the redeemned brave a bon- cwdliî1hl. What xiakffee-Mars, and' Vemnus, -,ud Jupiter stO luminiius 1 W1tîtesun lb'ows: drwn bis luch lui fia, hpaveris, theî stars pick un the tion nos le, By what leverage _can the se' tte,red braurds, sud b id thern crueshed tbing be liitted ?, By what heým'. inî pr. ettaloion as the quesu of the uigt mter iy the fragmnt,% ha reen- r dra nns; s0 ail Chistian work,ers, strucl'd ? ( taaa-ding cfreund the tbrone, %vi Fir.st: We nmay turn them by thet shina the light berrowed trom rhe char'maut a right example. A chiid, Sun ut Rightýeousiies,. Jesuib teir corOiiag from a fili'thy home, waA tac, J esus ln their oings, Jesitr tangbt at mcbeel to wash ifiýfae. tu tbeir triumph. Christ left beaven s-ual home se murch intprered lu ap- once feir a toutr (ofiremption on pearance that its maother, washed ber earunhyul the glýorifierA ues knew he face. And wben the father ot the wsuuld coe b huk again. But lut hlm bousehoid came home , and saw the im-~ abdicaite bis tbrcoe, and go asay te proremeat iu demestic appearauce, ha ckay f oit everr, the- music, seul stop; wsîshed bis face. Tbe neighbhura the cungregaliein disperse; the tem- coming lu, saw the change, and tîred plesofetGed h3 darkerned; the river-- the came experirnent, until ail that ut, lirgb, Istagnijte; aud avery chariot mtreat wsas puritied, sud the next w juld bece-me a hearse, a'nd every bei] istreet cepied its examipie sud the w.ould o, asd thBeuweuid not be wborle city feit the resuit et eue schoui- iecm eon the bill sides te bury the de.ad boy . wasbiag hic tare. - Ubat is a etfthe great metrepoli-,, for there l?,tii3 OPOstiuii The star meat fable, by whicb ive set fort1i thal thte' wonId be pestilence lu beaven. But thoikigbly tixed fi3*es iÉbousands et bitwYte, gel hewerld ws et ofJesus l1 su d soal theredeemed m'1l' a 5minuits, The astîin'omer, ils sins sund j. lîtien la te bave aur lire with hlm. es h cil recegnîza l].n i eesop o nApn estu beart sud lite cleauaed and puri.- tîbm as his cenades in sartbiy tolo, stock, leaPa fremi world-orag9 , tied. *A mon sith grace la hic heart, aud remember wihat tbey dîd fer tht worldaerag, snd finds necial' stand- sud Christian cheerfelaess in býs face, houir et his nns, sud for the sprsad mug stîil. The chamois hni' bas lu sud holy consi-ýteacy lu hic behavieur, et hic kinigderm. Al Iheir prayers, fiy te catch bus prey, but oot socawifl iâ a perpatuai cerimanu; sud the cer- sud tsars, sud wo>rkte iili nis before ta btýs gamc, as, fiat which the scient- mon diffeîc from ethers3 in that, il bas inl as lie looks) ie their faces, sud t tris to shoot tbrejagh the toe-r but oeebasdsud the longer il ruas, he ivilI divide bis 'kingdom wilb Ihem;,' ofethfe ebseevatory. Likt poperels m-d the huter. 1naure are honet men who bis pence- their peace, his holtuess- A!lteta sin ocom frn ssaik dewa Wall Sttret, makiug the fibm holinesis; bis joy-iheir joy. Tbe no shbe, sud bu hoend te ne' haudiug teetb ot iuiquity callten. Thurs are gicry et the central îhrone refiecied Plac-tiyîng fiy'ag-ce thecu, great h.appy mnsa 1uh go ie a sick -rooma, frena the surrouudiag thiones, the laslj flooks cf soifids, resîi.,not as lhey, go-- and by s hook, help the brokeànats of etsn strck frona the Christian wtug sud wua2ý-ag, ýafler age-fuir te kait, sud the excited nerves drap te orbenlud thbs stire nature à tremble ever suid ever. Thse egie hastes te calai beating. Tbhey are pure menansd a flash with iight, tbcy shahl pr.e>. but ws-ballinb spced beat the s-bue paseue slenes Ie tngu et shne s th strs agies. Yen bave neti;cerd the velo- who8 preenc silncesthetonge o 1 sine s te strsciÊy et 1h, switlhorse under whose uucleauuess., The mightiuct agent FOR EVER AND EVER. f'-uri, themie slip like as snooth nib- af geod on etrth is a consistent Chnis- Aan hita ekrssa ehi1 u sS'pstttfu ot tien. 1 like tbre Bibis forded bat-weentj like the stars lu tht tact that the3j stnike: th( ea rtb î.n sncb quîck tieat lid o coth o clfkin o o mooco 1have a iigbt indepsudeut ot each ella- yonr pisesý take the camne-vibra- but 1 like il better '.when, in thte shae t amanit ot et 1toth Loork up at nîght, sund sue eschien. But ail ths&e thinge are net wrorl'd- . rwerid, show ils distinctù igier'. L is sWifn in i naanuensuh the motion A BIBLE ILLUTST-RATED.' niLlketeconflagration, i hel6 luiïsia. h-mo O& yrou connol tell w brene 'fia me stops îifty-fainitbousanid miles ten s day. Courage is hbtautiful ta read about; ud (,another begîns. Neptune, Han-i Vender, -atssflashes on elerea but rîher ivon1i Lst a juan witb al achel, sud Meneur>' are ase distinectas, iheuisaind mail-es iu an heur. Youdrer, the warid ag ainst Mim confident as if %Bach oeeoe them wsevre the ouhiy 1Murcuy7y gaies eue huudred sud ulue thongb ail the werid wene for bimL star; se aur Iudividuiahism wili ual bult1tbausandý miles au' heur. Se, ike Patience je beatifnl te read abhunt; lest ta heaven. A great multitude1 th,3 stars. tht Christiane s-rkerishahl but ratheir wvauId I cee a buffeled -yul esc-h une as observsble, as dis- chine tn asitî.nes et motion. Yen isoui caimi>' svaiÈing fer the time eft Lnctiy recegnizad, as greatly cejiaý lheur nets et tfatiher, or mother, aor deiiveraiicu. Faith it, beautitul Ire read i chtl-d sîck eue thousand miles away, about; but rathur woltld 1 find a man - sud it lakes you, twe days te la the mtdnight suiking bsîraight get te tbam. Yen hear o sameease on osq thougbh:le aw everything. Oh, ft suffeuring thî,t demands yonr im- hes- mai>'seouls have beau taraud me GQed by tht cbarmn of a right example 1 Again: Ve ima>'turnu msny te ight- eusness b>' prai er. i-Lare ic ne sncb deteiUve tsprayer, femr no ceue eau bide sa>' frein it. t pute îtu- baud an the hreulder et a juan tan thousaud miles off. Il jaligIlîs on a sbip mid- Attantoý. Th t tIle child Carnotunuder- stand the lasý cf eîucîricity, or bos- lb-e telegnaplie epelnster, !b>' leuching the instrument bers, mu>' idant as message undur the sua le anioîber tontinant ; noir cas ste, wîth cor ;amail intellect, uufdernstaud how -heu tucen aita Chnis- tiana sprayer shah instaty striku sý ýsertiton the ther aide of thet athl. Yo take thip and go to aunae uther 1 ente ni rv.-q ni] to, lb he- u,- nacdiate attention, but il takês .lou aa heur te get there. Oh tht joy whbsn yen saïa-l, Ln uflem et ofihe text, take sLarry cspeedý, and bu equai to oeeihuadn2d uhousand ýnrl-es au bout Fýiat igng iteartb gotusdt Chnîstin 'vork, yen wiil Ilet qit WHEN ,-DEATU STRIKES XO(T. You sihi en' tub, -kon met-& relacît>'. T hena e au dyîng chîld le tondon, a-nd ils sp4,rit rauci ,e taka up te GoQd; yes ar-,, teoe inî su instant te de it. TheTe ïtsa tu oung mn anNe-,w îYork te be' arresîed trem goiletg ti iýhat gale-of tSin; yoa are th-'r.e un an Lnscan.te oarrest hi. Whther xvîth sprîtig oet oo, or sî.rokbý aofs ig, r>' thb3 torc,-ol tcon lnsavv, tat shahl hurt yen ta tbspa. s ýhure yen wonld a LITERARV NOTES. The usxw titisetfthe ,2elf-Culture,, Magazine bas h en se genexaliy en- dorsed by the public, and by the trmends aud supporters et the Maga- zine, that i.ta snew adopted by the uwners in the beliefthtb ti.sih this more suitable and eomprebensivu de- signa lion, Modern Culture wili take tit lîatliiiig place anaung the maga- zunes and reviews oethfe day whtch the past career ut Self Culture Ma-. gZlzinujjustifies them in ciaiming fer it, anud Us h thuir plalns for the tuiLure, th"ir close personal attention, business rmethods, sud ilerary judg- maent mu-st command. Evenry effort s iii bc made ta keep Modern Culture ln lcucb with the b2slt theught et tho day. Amnerican tepucs treuîed f romthe American Paint ef vie'w sili ba gi-sen especiai pruminaace by the new mîinagement; but as moden culture includes al tiatI iset pelrmanenz value lu ancient iearning seo Amerivan culture niust be iuferîued sud broadened by contact arnd comparison with the best en- iighieamnî cf the Old Worrd, and iModera Culture wili bc theretere ces- mùotlitan in the bBst ceuse 'of the w erd. Subscription, as bitherto, 81-00 o.niy per year, or 10 cents per per number. Modern Culture Maga- zine Ce., Nos. 719, 720 C.î-xtoru Build- ing, Cleveland, O. >iTheScrilaner's Magazine -uis eeu a leader lu the use ef celer foi. severai yesns. Iu tht August numbur the cel- air feature is a suries of eriginal land- scape drawings b>' Heury' McCarter, caiied Midsammer, interpreting a numberetof ature's aspects at this seasen. Tfhe subjetts include By an uInand Lake, IDu High His, Iu the Deplhs et the Worods, A Sounrise Path, Ramn in the Valley, Cliffsud Canon, sud A' Summer Mecen. Mrs. Edilb WVharton, the authur oeThebuToucb- stone, meeoe the meet cuccucaful et receut novets, bas writteu 'Tbe Duch- use ai Prayel-, a stery off myster>' sud tragedy, the saccusetof hicb is laid lu ami old Il aluan villa. Lt bas h ':en beautifuli iliustrated b>' Maxfield Barisb. en azugnitude cif holineGs, and a mgntdiOft joy, sud ieweakest Sant lun gîOry becorne greater than fIl that wse au aow imagine o'fi an Lastly, and ceming to this point my id asimost hreaks dwnu nuder the enteplaiuniku the stars, ail Christian we'rkers shal cshine IN IJURFATION. The same stars that look doxxu upoin us lO'Oked dOw n uPOn the Chaldasan shefpherds. The meteur that 1, saw flashing acro,ss th- ski the other niglit, f won- '1'er if it w as nultheb samc oune that Poiuted dowui te whe.re Jesus lay in a manger, and if, hsviug poiuted eut bis birthpiaee. it lias ever since heen waudiaring tll>toyugh the beaveus. -atcboiag te ceee boarthe stand sould treat lm. Wben Adam awoku in the garden lu the Cool Of the day, hesaw garden lu the cool of the day, he saw coming out through the dusk of the eveuaing the samu werlds fiat greeted u8 i unr way te ehurch to-ni'ghLi Safe for ever-ali Christian xsorrkcrs. 'NO tuijlshall fatigue them ; no hostil- ity overcauma thuaj ; ne pain piere theni; ne, nÎgbt shaduqs thei. Fur evur the river Ot joY flows on; for ever the jubiles Progresses. The Lamb wshir-h 1 s ln the midzt ef the thrutne shatI lead tbem tu living fouatains et water, and God csbail wipe assay al tears frum uin eîl,es. But noue outhiese things for the id- ter&, the dron 8s, the stumbling-bJeuks. They whohave, by prayer snd exarm- ie, and Christ ian w Ork, turned many te, ri'ghueuanes9s, sud ouiy they "shaI1 ehine as the stars for ever.1" in 14e6 uýpj te the preseut period, aud telle ofthlbe lynanuicai say luns'hicb the Boers treated the Uilanders. Tht publicalion ta a vahuable addition to the literature an Ibis isubjaut whicb bas appeared since tht preseaI war began, sud shaoulid ha lu tht bands et aven>' eue, se thut tbey may form au intelligent upinion on tht trouble be.. tween Grea Britain sud tht Bee The pnricaetfthe pamphlet us tweulty. tira cente sud the profits sili he dunated te the patriotic fuud. Threugb 0oliege, Converation ancd Good Form iu Puiblic Places, etc. Plto. toirisîl>' tht Angufit Journal je made unusuahl>' cumptu-oue b>'the wecrk tof ulue illucîra tors sud b>' innumnerabi, pheýtegrapha., ibrongh Pictureeqn, A,merica wiil oommand particular aet. Idutioru, .tnd Liaiward 'Chbaia4lopr ChUrimty's A-mÉericc)a Girl lu Society Asi, aùbether notable srtietic feature(-. tA walz, Golden peppias, le aitund1t tht slamberouq summer daye and se exceedi ngi>' prutt'. Prom ovrt caver tht Augusti- Jour nal is nrai- ing sud attraclire, 3Y Tht Crti Pubiish-ing Compan>', PihiadeIphiaý, COua deVi a year ; tua cents ,ýacolpy. Shteeare soearemankabi)earticles In The Forum 'n ,August, iu.ùa- tain parus, bejing " The ]?resent Statu of Afghîanirctau, b>'ne les aihgni- tany than Sultan Mohammad fie, Chief Saýcretsry (>t thai -" buffer iun 11 KINU QUALITVI stands for ail that is finest in w-omen's shoes. It means grace,I J style, comfort and economy, ail for $3. It tnight easily be $s. These are the, sort of sho(-,, that please fastidious dressers. We are sure they would please you if you will allow us to introduce you. TRRO~. Aftl King Quality's the name--$3. ~QA4 Maie by J. D. KING. CO,, Limited, Toronto. Soothes the Irritated bowe]s,,settles the o- ach, gives prompt relief j from pain, prtvents col- lapse, and cufts Darrhoea, Dysentery, Choiera, Cramps, Cofic, Sumngr K Complaint, ChoIera Infa- tum, Nursing Sort Mouth 'Of Infants and all bowel complaints of young and odmore safely and specd- ily than any othler remedy DANGEROUS DISENTERT. 17 YEARS IN4 USE. Mr. John L. Carter, ofBridgetown, Mrs. Middleton Wray writea prow N. n the following letter, tells Schomberg, Ont., as follows: "£Wr. bow it saved his lfe. "I had suifer- Fowler's Extract ofWild Strawberr ed with dysentery forfourweeks and îs the best irmçdy 1 know of for could get nothing to cure me. I theu Sumumer Compiaint and Bowel Dii- tried Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wilcl eases of children. 1 have used it in Strawberry, and 1 feel that it saved our family for the pst seventeen My ife. It restored mue to heaith years and never had occasion to eaul ýwhen eVerything else failed. I con. in the doctor for these troubles, as sider it a wonderful remedy that the Fowler's Extract alwayswre shouid have a place in overy home." like a cha.rm." ore Alwsys ask for Dr. Powler's iBrtract ef WIld Strawberry and refus. substittes or Imitations. Afrc,a f romx the time of its distovery j How a Girl Caa Work Ber *Way