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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Aug 1900, p. 3

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CO1I,"FDRT IN HOT WEATHER. Jà R1Fh»ie1aWs WW y of Takiag a jttliby N~illeh ne lteeps Ceel. As soon as the hot weatber hegins to gei in itss erious work people of ail~ deogrees of competence and incompet- ence te speilî on the question proceed taý formulate and communicate re- cipeksfo e avoidaince of sunstrake. So unmerus are these recîpes that if a man attempted ta follow ouI une- tentb of tbem lie wonlid't have time ta da anythtng else. Ail the efforts of t hese aitruistic advsers seem, bow- everý, ta relate ta tbe saving of life; none ~i hem considers the subjeot of oomifoirt, witbout wbicb life soon ceas- eas ta be wortb living. For the benefit ;Pf "uch persans as greatly deaire ta u,' col-and this category includea oiabty an overwbelming majority. of the adiuit population -a well-known phscawho is himself a man of e-xtensive adiposity and therefaDre sub- jec!t to suffering from high temper- atr h as formuiated a simiple plan which is withln the reach ocf any per- sn bhaving acceas te a bathtub. - This is a metbod that 1 have been trying on m 'self with great succes for tbree years naw," ho says. " It bc- gins in the batht.ub and ends in the bathitub. Tbere's notbing aise ta it exceýPt a tawel. A great many per- .(sns adoea're tepid baths in bot wea- lieronte ground that a cold bath ladc. eaction that beats a ne up uaidy afer vard. Weil, L've got noth Iing te say against the tepid wa- ntigte say against the tepid bath trc-atment. For a persan w-ho bas u weak beart, or wba is net con- stiituýi0oaily sound it's an excellent thing. ' t for a rohust maii the cold bath i, ietter îvben taken in the rigbt . T'HE1j POPLLAR SlO WEE BATH is a faýlacy so far as belping one ta kpcolis oonccrned, for five min- uîtes afteýr yeu are dry yaur skin is lu ai glaw. The tbing ta do is ta fi11 yanr 1»îtbtub1 up wtb cold waîer, get inta tand lie perfectly still for severai minutes. Te begin with, tbree or faur minutes will be as long as yen wiii want te stay, later yen wili find yourself remaining for eigliî or ten minutes. * "Wben You are Ibaraugniy chiled through aepa& a aie cooanl ail ver kt is lime ta get Ont. Now cames the Important part. Moat people tbink they must scrub tbemisei-res furiousiy dry w ith a crash towel. Tflat is ail wrong. It it ùpiy scts up action of the pores, and Ibere you are perapir- ing a gain. The propor wi y is>teapress off i be drcýps Ibat adhere -and da the Lea by fanning yourself witli the taw- ~s~~b.engel mb oyaur clothes in a leu ,ý.Y manner and yen will find thet for bbree or four baurs there- aiter yen will b2 cool and comfortable, thoogb ail, creation around you is melting its colla.r' ' Take a bath like Ibis just before breakfast, and if ya-u possibly can, an- ether in the middle of the afternoDn. wben the bemperature la higbesr, and you wili find the miseries af city life in the heated speli se mitigated Ihat yeu Wili forget ail about them. But it must be remembered that this traLment isnt fer invalida, or pea- piýe with weak lungs or blearbs. I dont vanltate a responaibie for doaý-ths by beart disoase or pneumonie. rlb.e safe bhing te do is ta ask yaur £aiyphysician cnetber ycsn are ha rdcy enongb ta stand sudn a course before -yautbegin" ATIPLE MIXED, TiirPee mr young men and Itbree ,ie irls- Ail lovera true as steel Decida"d iný a friendiy way îo apen.d the day awbeel. Theiy tarted in the eariy morn. AnIid !notling seemed arnais, And when ýu they reacbed bbc leafy ýl ianes, in like twos this ! Tha wndeedby the verdant dale, Bsdi herippling rnu; The s abe brigbtl-y ail the w hile; -ING QUITE PNE/-- 0 OhteFarm. s SANDY SOILS. Of ail th sails:is b lac, ulivated or ta lie restored, noua are perferable ta the ligbt qanty iy ods. Biy tbetr 'po- rousoess free accese, is givan ta pow- erfut effecta cf air;', thcy are natuaily in lb-et stabte ta which drintage( anti sui-soil plowfng are rc,,ductng the stif- fer lants af Englanti. Manuire may as watt be tbraown into cvter as an landi undlerlaiti by water. Drain this anti ne materý if thýý u pper soit lie almoat quccksant, manture w iii concert il mbto fertile, airable land. Thein bm nvering of monîti, scrceiy unue loch iu shickncss, th? producb of n century, may be umitateti anti pro- tiuçpid in a cher t timid, Py stutiîg the iaws of ils formationî., Itlisfa s*&cIi rccugntz7ed fact that tnxlta tecaperature the water sup- ply ia the moat important factor in the pro'duction of a crap. Lgbt toila give gooti cnops tn se&asans of plenti- fut anti w el distributeti ratus or when skiifnllyiy rrigatet ,but tusuffici-eiit moaisture in a soil is an eivif that no supplies aof plaurt food can neutralize. Sandy silIs are rich ici minerai doua i- luents anti fai to gve goati cropa in lime ai drought only an account of Èheir inabiiby tua retain moisture. This cao lie abviateti by the' applica- tan of fernientet peat or dlay or the snsvung of clover.. Ail ai these eus hie lîlt ta rel-aini moisture in limes o? dir auglit anti the decay of vegat- able substances lu the soàit gves off oarlaanic c, a powcnfnl soiveuýt in tbne soit. Pý,at contatus as mucli uttrogen, as Ibarn yard manuire, but ase it us tiug oq,the nitrogen us iocked np liy tctds in insoluble combinatians anti ap- pliedti 1thbbclanti in Ita condition brings tn sarrel, cairse anti unnunîi- clous grass-s. Composting t cith an aikeli la neitralize its scîiity causes th' p'eut la beat't, h'n ferment, reîîieîs il soluble anti fit for foodi for Pilatsat a ost ai 2 cents a Pounti fat nitrogen. 14 hiîfe lent is in a condition to ýbear cla1ver, l it easiiy brought ta a state ta protince any drap,' ant ilfno' ini condition il dan bei reatitty matie so et a trifling cost for fcrtiliation. A crop af lhree laus of claver contains tbe faiiaîwig constituante, 128( pauntis aikali, 210 pountis aikaliue eantbs,451 POelun'is pbaapjaoric a&dt anti217 pountia ucîrogen. aols re! Mot exhaustad.,W hen it iS seen 'ele potwer à suitabte drap hb s la liberate anti coutacr the insoluble su1cstances existing in the suit sud store> bthn in a plutut for futura us2. ThEý claver shoulti becoul for fatiti r 5th3 finEit yoler, the secondi3e'cr oui it once for fatitir. then allai, it 'a gi aw agai o anti go ta seti, wbîch sa, for fui Lure use anti there is lef t su thb ciover roots Ln the soif ta th- d p b nof 12, luches, 97 pountds aik'Às, L92 poirsats aikalicie earncba 71 punAs pho librc aciti, M8) paunda nfirog-2n avaliale for a ci-op, wbscb wvh _ pogilifumves îbelandi dean, 1gb ne cuntive a iomatture anti eastîy iii- mý n_ villa avatlable ainsinantis1,; tha ciover roats anti soit erîoogh lu produce any ci-op profiiatbly andtih-b- occessity ofi pua ch,.ssng fertiizers anti apping tibnn i ut asei. Ih3 faýim1 matie as it shoulti lie self-suppartcng but lb enauiny b' dJone sa bya judidioîus rotation ai drap. If thasiss uoic resarteti ta, fers ilîzers, w bhiio re innch mare castniy must be epplieti. SHIOEING IiORSES. Much le heing sitîten an th- suli- jcct nf oboeing hanses, andi many peoa pI' 11-o-11- l ch y- ideas cdaim te ha original liave gane tuta pnant su varions wrstings. tntcnxdad, al ore we ailI say, to give gratuitus in- fomtaaas ta bbc 0nutcomý af their. loct xpiensence, wih a vies' te bi, m siny beticial resuits ibat may lie abtaiin sl îy! taeanÉimaisud ison er aise, thle lit ter more particolarly of appetiIe, -uti pp4dite contaaon di- Southeru China, for instance, bts gestion. Think of the s zi f a ow' been bbc special field for British stomach anti remember il must lie explorers, wliile there bave been num- ccmfortably tiftendeti in order ta do eraus Russimn explorera in tbc norîli ît wxok propriy-and fecd accord- aud nartbweslern provinces, aud the Lrgy. Germons bave given special attlenbion to the non theatern Pats of tbe couns- try. DROPPING WITH A PARACHUTE. As far back as 1816 English explor- era began Iheir work Lu sonîberu A <res,5 lfie t 1nS asys lt\ Geautie andi China, for in that ycar Amherst 1Net Extra Jiazarteusa. made a jaurney along the hanka of "Coming down from the ciautis in a the Pekiang, oue of bbc nortberntri- paracbute le like a dream," saiti a bute ries of bbc Sikianig, somelimes cirdua balinan artist. ý'Ever dreem i aiied the River of Canton; but Ma- of failing fromn a bigb place? lau cartney hati already donc valuabie come dow-n, alight quiatly, andi awake,i work up bbc same slream in 1793. it aud you're ual hurt. Well, tbat'e jwas not ,bowever, until the eariy part the parachute drop aver again. NO, of the second baîf of the century-i there la no danger, A parachute cao in the '60s-tbaI systemalic explora-ý be gnided rcadily ou tbe down tnip, lion of tbat part af Cbina was under- but you can't steer a balloon. To taken. Duriug thal decatie the guide a parachute ont af harm's way sontbwestern anti soutbern provinces a pracliccd h.and can tilt it oua way ,were regularly quarlereti ouI by Eng- or the otber, spill ont air, anti thus Iisb explorers, tionspicuonSa anong wark il ta wbere yau want bo land, witom were Oxenh'am, Dioksou, Garo- or-ta avaid wnter, Irees, chim neys or jier, Bickmore, anti Coaper. La grec, churcb spires. ' Circns ascensions are a French traveler, Lu 1867 mnade a generally matie ini the eveniug. Wben journey int bbc sun goes down tba winti gaes YUNNAN FROM SlAIdI. down. The ballon ibten shoots int But it ivas Lu the seventh anti the the air andtihIe parachute drope batik foiloc ing decades that theý, explora- on the, circus lot, or not far away. A lion af China was tieveýLopad on a balloon is matie of four-cent mualin iarge scale anti became inte ýrnational ainti weighs about 509 pountis. A lu character, foreshatiowing events par-achute la matie of eigbt-cent mua- that bave since begun to mali terialize. lin. In the '70s the Engîish act ivity epreati "There ls anmch more danger in dam- fromn the soulberu provtnces'1 to the ing tiown in a balloon. When il vaiiey of the Yang-tse-Kio' , g. Baber, Atrikies the cartb it's like a big ball, Gi, McCartby, Mossamiut ollinrs pane- anti bountis again, takîng you with traletdinlto some af tbe ;moat exclus- ii. Not long ega lu McKeesport, tve provinces, anti matie v tl1uabie dom- Pa., 1 came tiowu in a balloon be- merciai anti miliiary nbsýervalinns. cause the parachute ivouiti not jet go. WVhite the. British were, tbos wnrking I neariy dame down in a big staciki lu the sonîbýeru baif of the country of asblast furnace, but Ibe2 bot airlthe Russian Przjvalsky matie bis drove the boucaon away. After Ibat firal jnur-ney into the northern Thi- 1 neyer intrusteti the parachute ar- bait anti Kausub. Elias, who was bý rangements tlaeny one, but attend- lievedti 10 ha raveing on hehaif of cd to il myseîf. the British Governmenl, madee'a jour- "The rope Ihal secures the para- încy lhrougb Mongolia anti Shansi Lu chute is eut witb a kuife. The 187-2. The northern provinces w ere aeroneut drops fuily 109 feet before! also Iraversati by Pevîsof, Sezecli, tbat parachute begins ta fili. itj Fritscbe, a Gerroan, anti others dur- muai fill, if you're up higb ennugb. ing bbc saiea rioti. In Iha '80s the There are several baunreti parachute activity hecama stili greaber. Prz- men in 'the business anti the accidente jvaiisly, Potanin anti other Rus- are lesa in ratiq than railraad casual- aias conlinucdti bbnr exý aminations lies. Our business is new aI thal.» inL the nortih*estern provinces anti After a w hile the ra'Âio will ha ics Ihe provinces of Cbi Li, ln w hich Pek- A mani can'l. shake out a parachute, luinla situiteti. The '.9ri iti sh ,ere equ- if it dont opcn. A man Lu the air ally active in th, south1. Boumne, ta simply powerless. Invariahly the 'Fard, Parker anti others were going faîl is beati firat.- When the para- through the provinces of bbc, Yang- chute begins 10 fili bbc desceol is lese s e-Kianig collecbing data of a poli- rapýd, anti fineily w'hen bbc parachuteý tical anti msitary nature, while Mr. bas gradualiy tilieti it bulges out 'ArchibaitiLittle, who bas donc so wtth a pop. then the aeronaut much 10 deveiop the navigation of bbc climba on to bis trapee anti guides Upper Yanrg-tse-Kiang, was making the parachute to a safe -lnd- obs;ervations, of great commercial mng. In seCen dises ont of ben. yoa value. Mr. Archibiti Colquboun cîin land bock on the' lot wlierc ynu made,' turing the same perioti, a starbeti from. Thie firat perforrners tborougb anti exhaustive survey of the muat have bat nerve bo make the province af Yunnan from Bnrmab drop. No w, it la a regniar business,' wlth a vieav ta the construction of! not considereti bazardons at ai]. PThe a raîlway, anti continueti bis work! barde5st work is la bring back the bai- from Ynnnan 'down the Ynkiang anti lon with a wagon. Sometimes il tears iu the trees. or wberever it may Siki-ang to Canton 19anti when net Lu open." j iIn the early part anti middtle of the WIIEN YOU BUY CEfY LOIr:E.Ê- it !s a 1urchase, nlot a speculation. Yoa a ealw&,ysertain taob~ tain good resuits. In Lead Paokets. 25, 30, 40, 50 and ùOOo pasteru liane. Ail that is necessary SOME7T for correct fa rriaey ta ta keep this harny tbox ait a praper angfe ta the limb i i supports, and couns ýquentIy have, it se, sbaped as to be aisealn cor- rect proportion. COW POINTS AÉtetiorn te littie details anid en- Saie fiav denvoring io? sattafy every whîm, of____ the Cow, gradoally increaalng the ri.chner-s and quantity of the fond, ~YT wvith regniar exercise, will bring ont UJ the animal's capacity as a butter pro- ducer if she bas any. POLICY Theze are thousanda of buttermak- ers to-day auperior to the bast but-. teintitkers of a hunndred years ago, lirItIsli, but il ta exceedfnigly douhtfulfif have Ch ru La a single breeder superior te tnie Well men wh but up the leading improv- Notwil ed breeds of British sheep snd cattie teos 'i Lundrd years ago.itdt N& food fa good that is nua ldean. abledhoe If the fount-ain is unclean Lt canuot al o gitve forth a c'eaýn stream. Th. best haive tra, noNv Ln tbc, world cinnac make dlean of ýthec milk oui cof unuci'i food . Tberefore, of the CE t ooer your coW, wbetbar iii tbý Pasture Or wiht ini the batrn, La ean and w hofseý.8 wtebih Furthewmore, see tb-t thIe variety isvi ju itde aud the supply ta generoýus.1 atcl Variety vsscýntfa1 to the maintenance îirt-cu Tt will 'be seon from the foregoing that the governments more parti. cularly interested in the future of China have taken care ta be fully and accurately informed as ta the char- acter and recources of those prov- inces in which they were more im- mediately connerned. Those explor- ers xývhos2' nam'es have heen mnentianed are nuly a few of-ýthe many who have taken pairt in. Ithe work of preparing the way for the events now ripening in China, but il je in the Chacel- leries of the F ireigo offices and the mobiliza tion departments of the War Offices only of the different countries mentioned that their namies and the records of their work are known. AN EASY' WAY OUT. Sir Mountstuart Grant Duff tells us thatr Tom Sheridan, reading Eue- lid with bis tutor, and finding it tedi- nus, asked: Was Euciid a good man? The tutor did not know. Was he an honorable, truthful min? We know nothing to the contrary. Then, don't you think w e miglit take bis word for ail this ? s - Sh was found, exbausted hy lion- I gr od atigue, on a road Ln the de- Inoculations for lte piague are mnade partment of the Marne. luflnhe iiBambay aI the rate af about 5,000 are .it ply ki n e y dis rd e s, T h e id o y s s tr e n g l b ba d b e e n r e s to r e a s om e c era t a w e e k . arelter titebloned c il litaIs hednt b3eb y medical trealment and f ood sheHwsThs tera. Tihe bioad passes ltraugli the kid- told the f ollowing story We aller One Bundred Dollars Reward fot neya every three minutes. If lte kidocys She was harn lu Aisace ou Januitry any case of Catarrh lhat cannai be cured by do their work no impurity or cause of 2 77 niisteeoe10 er i'll's Catarrh Cure. 2, 1r9er aan remainreu the1c3rculationd. P. J. CHRNEY & CO., Praps. Toledo, 0, diSeizeti wirrhmaiboin thedesire latsec We, the ouders&gned, have knawn F. J, logrta httie hrfr fyour Sie ihabrigdiet e Che'ney for tIse isst 15 yCar,' and blileve hint biand is aut ai arder y aur kzidn ' ys have the Exposition, alhe bad lef t Alsace perfectly honorable in ail bainese transaob. faileti in their wark. Tit y are in noed of i wo weeks hefore, intending ta walk on ,an fnanclallle ta, carry out sni ablt stimlatin, srengitenng o docorin. amdeby the r rm. steimline il lttre e, r ot i iesail the way to Paris, for sbe had a ieVuTs& TauAx, Wholeqa]eDruggists. Toledo. and niatt initated blood medicine there horror of railroatis, anti besides, was Dru ilts, Taleda, O. ls poor. Ha ei' Catarrh Cure te taken interûaliy,, actk ing dlrectiy upan thse blood andi nucous sur. She bad accamplisbed more Iban fice s af the syc;tetu. Price, 75e. per bottle Sold bv ait drnýg sts, Testimioniais free. baîf the journey aud bad wcalked more lie' Fanaily Plles are the bes3t than 150 miles. On lier shgulders she ,îcarrieti ber luggage, two buntiies JAPAN TELEPIIONES. -weighing fifty-uine pounds. Her There are 5,645 suhacribers la the m o n e , w ic b sh e c ar iet in a b u d- te le p h o n e in T ok y o . J a p a n . kerchief, was a trifiing burden, as il MONTREAL MOTEL DIRECOTORY. consisteti of one 2-franc piece. In the financial cçandilian it la neeti- The Il almoral," Free Bus O5k~ 1-- l less la add that taie cantrageuott us EoMliîdeîss A , woman bati resolveat thebcoutset nol __________ amiyHte rts t DO PLANTS REASON? ta enter an inn or restaurant, dnring .dy In ottier ta finu4 tbe truc anawer to ber 'jauruey. She subsisteti entireîy W. P. C. 1035. thsqetinadugtro apo-on bloadanti cheese, siept in barns_____________ Ibisquesiona tiughtr o a pom-when she coii, or in defauit of sbel- mleut Mexicasa planter tried bbe toi- ter passeti the uight under the IreesCiLV' ER YS Lowing expetiment: This youug lady hy lte wayside. Cas-bolte Dicinfectante, Scapa, Qint, drove a nai in the wall sorte disanace As soan as she bati recovereti ber ment, 1rooth Powdrs, etc., baye been fron. te tndri ofa mrnin glr 'seruse for site was uncousciaus when aardod 100 medals andi diplomnas for superior f ro Ih tenril0f moringgloy founti-she wisbed ta resume ber excellence. 'Their regniaruieprevent infectl- plan. Te tntiil ega at nceb jorny, ntiil ws dffiuit10 akeon, diseases. Âsk your dealer la obtaib t plan. Te tndrl bganat nceto ourny, nd t ws dffiultto akosupply. Listai mailed freon application. grow lom-arti the ni The naiîtivas ber nnderstand Ibat Paris was yet a Fa C. CALVERT & CO., sbifted; the tendil shifted ils course. longway off. At lasI she understaad MAC STN.-EG ND Fine liy, a corti ias hnng up la t-empt, and seemeti resigned to her feilure. _MANCHESTER________________ the bendril, sud il shifleti ils course 51 VSSVD toward the cord, and left the nail SEWSSVD which il bcd five limes persialet ini Fromn days 0f agony anti discomfort foliowing. not by great interpositions, bunt by Pthe use of the oniy sure-pip cono ONE HIE TAKES AFTER - cure -Putnanits Painl-ss Corn Ex- Instruments, Drumgs, Uniforins, Etc. Do yu tbnktirhnaakesaflerb.sTender, painful corna are Every Town can have a Band Doather? ask ohne aidfreud. r iremo-veti bY !its use in a tew days, Lowest prices ever queteti. Fine cataogue NO itlus fathr? ske theoldfrind.withont the siightest tiiseomfort. trationtnailedfroe. writeefsrasythiag in Norelie Jbns yuner iserMany substitutes in tha m larkoet male Music or Musical Instruments. Norepîe Job'sy ne ir It 'nocesssyrb tal only "Pntnam's;" Whaley Royas & Co.,orot, "dtat promptly. Be takes afler a lne ilsiconîti be asked for anti taken. Si-ire, - _________Wnipeg, Mau wbo lives acrosbbe street. 'sfbame _____________________ _____________________n______If_ MILLS, MILLS & HALES, flarrittere, etc. R mVedt teWesley lBuildings, RihsnO.W., Toronto. TORONTO'S ALL..CANADA EXIBITON. POIJLTRY, SUTTER1 ECOS, APPLESu aod Otber PRODUCE. te coter, lest reauita ea!tot The Dawson Commssion Go., Linited, Cor. Wst-mdarket & commerne t., Trcne, CathfiWlo Prayer elxs Saue R lisu Pitirsitatuary, andC Cîrh Ornamnts- Eaauoatioel Works.Mairdrreiv rcias, Loen. . & 4. SAOULE & 00., oittreiti. DyeinL lCleann gi For tIse very best tend yeur wort t,, the B' RITISH AMEIlICAN MYING 00.11 Look for agent tn your tewu, or se direct. NMontreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Queb-ec AND fq SIoEDRESSIN ÀLL COLOV33 rRagni &CO CEYLON GREEN lTEA jor as japan. only moro- delicious. )RÂTION OF CINAI. OF POWERS FOIIESHADED BY TRAVELLERS. IEqiýSle ml dGelmal xplers Traverse4l the Cl>lstry-Tie Iter anegi Resources or 4Chin1a Are ithstanding the magnitude of stacles that have always ex- travel lai China, it is remnark- )w many scjentific explorers versed the length and breadth country siricc the eiirly part entury. lit is, interesting also ve how the na Aso the ex- and the territory through hey pasýsed seem to indicate icommonly attributeçl to thle Powers now manif est ingý lr interest in ChinGse affairs. A ricb man le an bonest man, no thanks tc hlm, for be would be a dou- bie kuare to cheat mankind wben ho had no need of it.-Daniel Defoe. FOR OVER PIFTY VEARS' MRS. WINSLaWS 800THINtt SYRUP liasbeen noed by asothers for their children teething. It tel'o the ehiid, îofte.s thse gitins, aliays pain, cureswn salie, and te the bhAt remedy for disrrheSa. 25o.a botti,. Sold by &i drugglts throughotittthe world. Be amme REMARKABLE PILGRIMAGE» Story eof lue Alisscst Incie llbie EsergeY ef an Olsd '%Vernai. AuoaelmosCi noredible story comes frcmn France ofi lie resasutiton and en- ergy of aa lidAlsatian woman ýwbo was determined ta see the Exposition.

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