Frque Cue !Consumptirýýon, Heart Falue and Other Constitutional DIS- eaooe-D. Cha8os NervoFooui as a T]ie heert, the lungs, the stomach,I 1Ie !IvýEr,* thýe kldneys, and bo-wels can- ort performn thoir funetions and repa1r ated i fus ve hen eupplled wlth blood 1ï?t ic, cîflient in nutritive qualities, nd eoonier or later the weakest organi liccurO)s to the attacks of disease. Tujýe Indications of thin, watery blood ce paleneees of the lips, gums, and eye- ds. shortness of breatn, weakness or cart action, and languid, despondent lig.These syrapoms are usuaiiy ~omaidby nervoutiness, sleepleus- S, an( general weakness of the body.I ýî4ý postlveiy useless to doctor thel yiiptonlm, and Injurlous to use opiate» r stimulants. Cure can be brougtl bout gradoially and certainly by the1 e of Dlr. ChaEe'r Nerve Food, whch ç»itaine In condensed pill form ail the eents reouired for strengthening Notes and Comments. the possesser of the soul of China, they _____________________________compate, was 2,267,000 years. Accord- ing te, the Bîblical chTonology the cre- The sexiOus loss Oflilfe exlperiersced> ation of Adam, the first man, took in the capture cf Tien-Tsin by the, place only about tour'or five thousand allîrd troops is reported to have been~ years before Christ. Chinese records a g-reat surpristo their commandera., whieh mgay be accepted as measur- The attz siem o hve tkenforabiy histoirical go back to the reign granted that the Manchus and Chin- of X aou, 2356, B.C., or about the per- ese could not or wouid not fight iod of-the Flood, accoirding to the Bib- again-st soldiers equipped and disci- lical chronology of Archbishop Usher, phined in acco rdance with Western! 2318, ].C. After Yaou came Shun, who ideas. It was in pursuance of this Na socceeded by the "Great" Yu, assumpi ion that Admira I Seymour, at! and then the raiers grew steadily tha hcad of unly 2,000 men, undertook! feebler and maore dissolute until ai th&e hopeless task o.f rescuing the le-.ý lawst Kee the werof i the lot, was gations in Pekin. Is there any his- idriven from power by a popular up- teical ground for tha assumption, rlslng; and in 1766 B. C. Tang, the outside of the defeats, ncountered by! leader of the revolution, was made the the forces of the Pedtin Government first Emperer ef a new line, called in the recent war against Japan, or the Shaigý dynasty. SimulLanecusty the experiences of Lord Elgin with his reigu Moses was horu, ac- cording te the received Biblical chron-. Thedomsti hstoy o Cinais e-oiegy and the Exodus of the Jsrael- Thedomstc hstr.yofChia s r- it'es teek place doringth more vig- plete with examples flot cnly of sin- croira pariod of the Shang dynasty. gular daring but of remnarabefr titude in war. . rebellous provincoi Not long afier thIs iima, toc, c- kill the Carme whlch cause ail disoase. Ozone. The new system of treat- mient seldom fails to cure. No malter how severe the case may be.' It is a natural Element and Pow- er, absolutely free from drugs. It is flot a patent medicine. CANNED GRSEEN CORN. Gather the corn whie it le tender and juicy. Husk, and out fromn the ear. Prepare cana the same as for, fruit. Get a round wooden potato masher, or something similar, that wil.1 go into the can. Put in the corn just as it is cut f rom the car and pack Solid with the masher. Fili about one- third full, pack, put in a littie more and pack again, and so on until the can Le full. Always buy new rubbers, as the corn ivili not keep if old ones are ussd, See that there are no smaîl bits of corn on or under the rubber or around the top, where the cover screws on. Be sure the rubbers fit well, then if there are cavities where the corn le not AVege tableP1reparationforAs- siling tieTOOd andRiieula- ness and Rest.Contains neitr ro T NAU C 0TIC. THl"ATTH FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE IS ON THE