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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1900, p. 1

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TERMS -$1.5 P~ ANUM.O0R TOWN AND OOUNTY KIRST JRZ WORLD ÂTEWAD TEMS-$.5 PRANUM TRWRD.M. A. JAMES, EditoradPepitr NEW EIS BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WVEDNESDAY, AUGUIST 22, 1900. VOLUME XV o 4 Big S r Sale. I t 4444444444444éééééééééééééé.4é4ê*,ê**~**** FARM TO LET - 2M0 acres te ho Fworked on shares. will furnish al] impie- moents and seed, orsart te suit tenant. Apply te A.W.FAnEWELL, shawa. 3i-3w, W ANTED.'.ME In every oeality through Canada to introduce ._r os, tackjr.g n p show cards on trees, feces aon roads and ail conspicueus places, aise di.trib.ting smail advertising matter. Commission or salary 8W,00 per xnonth and expenses net to exceed $2.50 per day. Steady employment to good, henest, reliable men. No experience needfal. Write for full particulars. Empire Medicine Co,, Lonidon, Ont. &eryderman Bowmanville, Will from to-day sell off a Good many uines of Sum- mer Goods at greattý re- duced prices. A lot oT Dress Muslins worth from 15e to 25c, reduced to 10c and 12ýc. Scotch Ginghams worth from I Se to 25c, redueed to 10e and 12, Ail Colored Blouses selling at haif priee. Children's Print and Pique Dresses seil- ing at one-thii d price. Parasols of ail kinds and Ladies' White- wear of ali kinds at reduced prices. Leather Beits selling off at 5c each and a good jet Beit for 25c. Ihese are genuine reductions and ail will ho sold as advertized, * LETTER FR031 IINLI The followingl- etter ifî Mallett, iB. -A., Bnhm will interest many ef ou-,r writer is well known u in ýVicinity, having at one tir of the 1B. C.- Cburch here: I often think of the i; circuit of twenty yearsa many kind friÏeuds eomf gene to their long honr mnemories of blessed mi- corne troeping over the fleil- to--day. This beautiful cit: derful industrial hiPe. Tht, 25 cigar factories alonea, be of others tee numeroius The city is just at the confliý Chenango and Susquehanuý' low vallev whcre catarrhi tensively. The peeple g, neot look as heaithy as tthe-. cities and towns of Ontario, linos of the Erie, Delaware wanna lillreads, between and Buffalo, run threugh"ai is aise 'ho terminus of thc and Hudson R. R, whie Albany. The city has a quality of water. It is tak'(: Susquehanna river. The j'i are fortunate euough te i outskirts, get doudeous water and springs. The city is we with churches which are pr' atteudod as a rul, the maý people rosorting te the pleasuro and entortainmont the many Sunday oxcursio the various railreads atwî charming lakes in other pa groat stato. The wrath o. surely corne on this country en account of the almost trampling under foot ef Ii laws.Màoney, ploasuro ai seema to be tho triune ged oet The roal followers of Christ imail porcentage ef the over population over hore. Dr.S died recently lun New York C short time hefore his dc churcli is threateued now-1 iously confeis the fact-thre prosDeritv as it never was bt tion. Men now iu our chi logarthic with woalth. TI itself fattons on xnonoy until tottering and its muscles lim eld athletic and conqueri seomi te belong te otherp azes. Our wership, how it the timo te beceme ernanî eur service, pertunctory, ar how it is limitea and restrai. Carmel Crove. It is a most place among fine oaks, beý chestnuts purchased 27 year is abeut 7 miles west of the the street railway. Two fiel, and authors were there. Prc of Chicago and 11ev. Chas. the author of "P'm a Child of1 IChancelier Simi of Syracuse noed preachers were p rosen ol time power of the H olyI great secret ef the early pri this great church was ahncQ wanting'. It does seom such see such small rosults whent inuch splendid machineri modern lazy habit ef sittirj instead cf the old time and1 ef knoeling, accounts for th power in a large measuro.1 rng prevalenco among boys ef the tobacco habit iu tbr chewing, cigar and cigarette the increaseofe the drink ing the constant increase of clubs J. S. Rundle, $2.50 Collar, 3rd prizo for Roadîter Brood Mare. McClelan & Ce , S3, hall ton Ceai, lit prizo for Heretord Bull. John Darch, Balmoral Hotel, $5 cash, lit prize for Durham herd. W. Chartran, $1 Shavhng Tickets, lit prizo fer Light Bnabmas. Alex Hume, butcher, $1 mait et beet, lird prize for Berkshire boar. Mason & McLeau, $9 Scufiler, it for Hleavy Draught 3.vear eld filiy. Miss Medland, Millinon,'89, lu goodi, for collection et Canod Fruits. Jas. Merrow, Blacksmith, $1 cash, lIrd prize for Carniage Sucking Foal, H-. C. Tait & Ce., $3 dozen photos. 2nd prize tom Leicester ewe lamb. Sanders & Scott, Grocers, $2 lu geodi, lit prize for 2 bushels Largo Peas. F. J. Homne, V'atchmaker, $1.25 dlock, ist prize for Window Plauts. J. B. Martyn, $2 cash, 2nd prize tom Bicycle Race, beys under 14 yeams, Jos Jeffory, Taller Star Rouie, $4.50 pair Pants it prize tom Saddle Herse. Duitan & Hear, 84.5) Heusehold Scale, it prizo fer 5 ibi butter in relIs. J. C. Vanstene, $250 werth Cyrus Fleur, lit prizo fer White Faîl Wheat. D. BR Simpson. Q.C., Barrister, Solici- ton, etc., $5 for lit prize for boit Tumu- out.1 As there seems te be a feeling ot goemeal preîperity thmougb eut th e country tbis year, the attendance et visitons at the 'Torento Exhibition, whicb epen8 a few days bonce, on the 27th lit., promises te exceed that et any proviens year. Manv whe have nevon beou to tilîgroat l'air are talkiug ef geing and those who have been before are going again. The ontries lu ail departments, espocially that et Live Stock, are the largoît lu its biîtory, and this is a pretty good indication that the Exhibition will score anothor great succesi. Altbougli somie et the mnana facturons ef reapens and moiwoî-s have decided net te exhibit aI any faim iu future, there will stlii h a good exhibit et other farming implements at this Exhibition, The special attractions, which will te a groat extent bu et a patriotic characten and up te-date, promise te ho more interesting, includ- ing, among ether thingi, a represonta- tien ef the Sioeoand Relief ef- Mafeking in thie present South Afnican war. MNauy intomesting trophies, brought back by the retumned members et the Canadian Contingent, will heono ex- hibition. It îs astonishing the great interoît tha i taken in the Toronto Faim throughout the country, and the appreaching one ine exception. The asual cheap excursions wilI ho given on ail the railways. dealii g booî n purcuase and sale to win the confidence and esteem et ail. Our fleur and feed business will be, supplied with a full and up te date stock sncb as 16 found lu largest places, and will ho sold at prices te suit oyery one. We are nogotiating lu foreiga mar-. kets and tully coufidant that we can pay the highest market prices for al kindi et grain and soodi. Tmusting that our business relations- May prove mutuaily pleasant we are Yonrs taitbifuiiy, T. H. EEusoN, Nowceastle, Aug. 6tb, I(jûC OUR HIGH SCROOL RECORD. What a splendid record Bowrnanville- lligh Schooi has made again, unsur- passed by that ot any previeus examin- atien. We cengratulate Principat Gilfillan and staff on the excellent werk dene by the pupils at the recent depart- montai examination. Net a singlo f allure iu either Part I or II Junior- Matriculation or lu Part 1 Junior Leav- iug or iu Senior Leaving and but two iu the whele ichool. The following are te ho added te the lust publishod last woek : A31qPTON. orginizations-ail cali for money, F. C Pcthick, $1 worth shaving tick- GRAND PLEASURE TRIP. monov, mouey-meaus a constant and ets, lit prize for boit 30110w er green J- terrible drain on most men's purses. canary, singer. We have made many plenisure trips ton, . N . he hewing-gum habit ameng the A. L. Darch, $1l worth shaving tick- in this adother countries, but for a ase nl il n the t1t ha 5 ts, lit prizo f'or'best ellow or green week's downiright enjoymont lu a quiet dos s hemany girls work ncigar tactories anu canary, plumage. and social wa -, ftic trp bY steamer itow-n aiûd shoe-shops and henco 'knew but vory ite ukr& os iay Hamilton et the R. &.0, Lino trem Pert bee pstr itieabout houso koepiug-, and nearly Y., Publishers, six yearly subicriptiens Bowrnauiville te Montroal and etumn ail the mon and wen vîctimi et sintul tTeCutyGnlmn uth codc h am aypr ewmar,,nvilie tomprs-these thingseConty femorere te athann pr i-o aud the a little te do with the constant and iu- Couch, Jehnston & Cryderman, 85 sesla rlths lecality have taken this, owhe have croasing stream of divorces lu this geeds, lit prize for 15 lbs butter; butter tnp sund.evemynr euu mi nhs o.Tender great countr'y. The protanity et mest te become propemty et douers. -enay rght an ote- atu breay dig eth he bys n. mou îs something aivul E. C. Burton, Bennett leuse, 85 cash igt'and the coît ih enly what voit sn ot mmorv te hear. The increaseofe crime and fer lit prize for single herse net entire, wýonl pay ata goodhotel. Bverything y 's a wen- provalence et the lawless spirit will in hamnoîs. l5t bauds and ovor. 1ound ou th steamer. Special rates Cvo are about seen prevont people frem calling this M. D. Williams & Son, Furniture ai ç offered te Mr. Luthor T. Courtice'9 sidesý a, hoît "the land et tho froc." Lesterîhime, a dealers and Undertakers, $3.50 chair, party fer uext Menday's boat. Mr temention. subumb et Binghamptou, bas, it h list prize for collection et ceokiug. John McClllan itho agent See advt ofcee the said, the largoît boot and shoe factemy folBoGoos 10Lmltl nto ouu oeteScmt a rivoýrs in a lu the world. The cempanv omploy Ha rq rcr,$.0Lmitinaole oun oete5ert 1rval ex. abouit 1700D men sud girls te h prhozo for 5 Ibi Crock butter. Butter te te Toronto also bY' the samne boats, ~ur1vde annually paid about 8800,000 cr0's beome property et donor at market Hlamilten and Algerian. dlo in the are fine sheds about 100 foot long' for prico. The main the housing of the omployees' blcvclos. John Rellyar, dealer lunlBoots and A.FINE RECORD. -nd Lacka- This subumb has a very fiue cometemv Shees, si pair et Slippers, lit prxe for New York lu which are twe unique meinoriail 4 Ibi Butter, made by girl undor 16 The Central Business College, Toron- ine citv., It itoes. Both are almost entiroly ough years, te, closes its icheel year this mouth oý Dela ware as thev wero blasted eut et the quarmy. James Gale, Publisher, three vearlv showiuo. a eistration eft er Six mu""ni teO e weighs 2-2tons and the ether 20 subicrivtions te West D)urham Ne'ws,83 hundrol studOe-aents ropresenti 1ng ail them ,vovpeoo tons. The soason has been a vemy dry for Fuchsia, I3ugmansia, Femu Speci- Dominion as woll as Bermudas. Jamai- (.tr ze)mitheonee. Hay is $20 a ton and likeiy te bc man Plant. ce andi sovoral et the neîg-hboring states. xîo,-ple, Who 51111 higher. T. N. Rickard, Jewelor and Optician, Neorly al et these young people have liv1e ou the R. MALLETT. $2 Broocli, ist prize, gentleman's shirt tound their way inte geod positions cil ro supled Bgïpton, Aug. 11,1900 and collar made on New Williams through the influence and eptutation Machine, sold by T N. Rickamd. ethîs ichool which seemi te possosi rott slmlyW. C. Tole, druggist $2.50 lu goodi superior equipment andfi acilities for ta1os ett1~ElA RZS $1.50 foi, lit prize and $1 for 2nd prizo a succosîtul future. eamorsoffortom boit dezen tea bans, Buns te be Thîis College empboys a staff et ton t r ffon Citizens and ethors have boon very made with 2ti Century Baking Pew- regular teaihors, with thmee assistants ù,ns rui by geneous lu douating special pnizes fer der seld by W. C. Tole.' during- the hoavy terni, and includes in 7y te the Bowmanvjlle Faim as will be seon by W. J. Havercaft,iBooklin, $3 tom 2 l+bs its tumînîshîngi sîixty typowrîtîng ma- of~ e this the tollowing report et donations: butrl brls utrt eee chines, and ih in overy way werthy con- Ge wll S. H. Reynolds, $5, it prize for Fat prepert.- of douer. The unsuccesitul sideratien ef any one who thinÏki of -ftore lon~gSto wh-!o.!osale Ser butter coinpoting te be donated te the spending a terni in a sebool eft tiis kiud. iÎ!, Sabbatb C. M, Cawker, butchor, $2 cash for Reine for Aged and 1nfirm, Bewman- The tali ternm epens Sept. 4th as per i, husiness sports ville. advt. lu thisissue. te masss R. Worth, $2 Whip, Brd prize ton la.Iy M. A. James, Publisher, three yearlv a vomy driver. subîcriptions to THE CANADIAN STATES- 0F INTEREST TO FARMERS. iacreasing James Beith, $2, 3td1 prizo for Saddle MAN for 190U; lit prizo for Raspbemry Stoors, wbo Herse. Vinegar; lit prizo for Currant Buns; llaving purcbased frein the estateofe Ci Y, said a btBthM.P,$cahliprz and 1,t nrize for dozen largeit flous' the dlate W. T. Lockhart the grain eahI, "The for Hoavy Draught Toam. Ee dnrt gtteeg) lovator, ware bouse aud fleur and feed lei US son- T 5business lu the '.itlage et Newcastle, it etned y piofrbi aydiel edlt TEQEA OO OPI will be our ambition through honorable w- A Pleasing Article. iu 1chei are 'hî, church i; ,s stop is npif and the ho),4 stride pa't herole t tends al ictaand nUiI liberty, or the City Il bld at e'~ s andi e.Qwnler the Xing," 3a:îd Other ut, but the Spîirit, the )t eutirely 1a pity te there 16 se -y The g to pray1 Bib)le plan ýh lack et Thd a la-cm- 3a-id men mc formi, e smoxiking-, .habit and îand other

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