D.L. 1POTTER. MISS EVAl, 1UTTRELL Ta eepar ed tQe 1- 1s-,iss on organ and piano alt ' resdence, King t. MISS8517THEL 'MORRIS, S115.Instructionîs givenin PAINTING il, ul, Water Coler sud China. Sketehissg and [,aitlng from nature-.IILN eon promises, tir tigat cuual pritem 516m. -D.JCMITCHELIL, k,--MMBER OF COLbEGEOF VHYSICIANS .0 -an d Surgeuns, OntarijeCoroner, etc, Resideuce. Eniakitien. 74 A, B. MoLAUGHLIN, f3rrtster, Selicltor and Con veyancer. Offie:- SBcakiay fBlock, King atreet, Bowmanvilis %ocgy to lbau ai reasouahie rates. 48-lyr, BtOBFRT YOUNG, V. S. O FF10E IN WEST DURI=IAM NEWS "Block, where btmseif or lits assistant wilui befounidfrom8 a. m. te9 . M. Night catis ai ieidene, dlrectly opp)osite DritiShed. Osil by tlegrphortelepbonewilreelve rompt O.t lention. IT71 - yr. JTAIR WORK-Ladies wishnThair Ldons over, cal t iMaS DICKINSON S ,Xtnlg Etast and Cor of Otaneo St Bowaa nlie. 34tif M ARRIAGE LICENSES,-M. A. JAmts, Thener of Marriage Lieense. Rusldence: Centre street. ~~~~FICI TO JJ.X~.J~J.~.'.3 on geedmort- scrt tmederate rates of issierest, MLu LI,q;oliitor,Bowmauville,Out. RPEAE TAILOR G entlemenur's Clothes miade to Order. "DENTI STRY G. EHARNDEN, L.D.iS. liraduate of thse Royal Cllege of Dental Sui geons, Octanto VITALIZED AIR ONTARIO BANK continuestodo a Generat Baiiktuig Business at lfowusanville Agesîcy. DEPOSIITS ieceived ln Savings Bank Depastment andi [itex est allowed at current rates. Notice of it=r Ia net necessary, Ail depeits payable ]EXCHANGE dought and soid and Drafts lssued uspen Europe Vrited States and Canada, aise Gotl, Siiver anâ 'nited States Greenbaeks bougbt and setd COLL ECTIONS Prounptly nmade at curreit raies "Pol) Il parts f Great Bri-taii, th, Uni tee Stateand thse De- iipionef Canada. Telegraph Transférs 'aecrlarge or samaîl se'ms 0e1 all partsc mklos uc-e Oece as the ia' - For ther uarticulars eaul ati tbe bank. A.J. MCCLPILAN, O. McGILL, Accuntant Manager Mîs. X.-I say, John, I arn going te Stop baking ualtoge[beî'. We i cani ger aI V1'VîEL Iowmanviiie,stuehooodï'ireati and !uîîs, andi Pies, and Cakes, and rX.-All ri Yht,3ara dont tell me any more. it will no doular be the best plan for the summer anyway. Alex. Luttreil. Bakerand Cenhictiouer, Bo wnailville Tolephone 97. Tîred Ilouisckepers. Disordered Kldneys bring them a multitude of pains and achoe Hlow often women Mrs.Menhe . ]ree, Littbe River, Digby l Co., N. B., recentiy -wrte as f ollews : 11 have much pleasure lu elating that Dean'. liduey Pilla have wonderf ully improved my bealth. 1 had be suffering wth lamne back fMr a caubor of years and et the time 1 began taking Doans Pille 1 wae lmost enable te do any honsework. 111 have mied tbrea boxes and muet Bay Îhey hava talken the pain out of my back fld reatoîred my stneugth. I don'& thik &Lmreàje ýY C ýor rweeineequal to Dean'.I Kldley PIlle for kidcty troublea. iS Why let -think. you rnust be twenty > y e arà ole han you areP 4 Yee ifs îipossibIe to &oo young with the ~ color of 70 years in the hair, It's sad to 14,_ sce young persons 4 look prematurely old in this way. Sad be-> cause it's ail unneces- sary; for gr ay hair may always be re- s t 0re d to its n at- U r a Co0l10r by us- ing- For over haif a ceýn- tury this bas been the sîsndard hair prepara- tion. It is an elegant >, dressing; stops fail-. thgeoft he hair; makes th air grow; and cleanses the scalp from dandruif. 111 have buen natng Âyr's Haîr 'igrfor oser 20 yers and 1 eau oeriyremes il te thi- public e as ths est hir te le ex istence. airs.G.LÂLitou April 24, M82. Eror, Te. DR. J. C. AYER, There bave been placed upon the markret seaeral cheap reprints of an ebsoieto editien cf "Webster's itieuar-y." lTahey are being offered under varions cames a bwprîce igrticers, agentsec., aud as eaitnfor subscrip-1 o f [laes eti. lparati cly w1 orthless rernsare vcry mis'laaling - for instance [bey are sînes-tisel to ha the substanitiel eq-eiuaient of a higbcr-pricad book, when iii seailil-.se far as ase keour and baliene, tbey as-o ail, from. A te Z, Reprint Dicetionaries,. phototype copie ef a book of cnet fty yeasago, avislelin ite day was solSd for about I 00 sed wiel was mcccpersoir su paper, u neud biulicg ,Intthese!IEiitati,=beDg ibmlni a tao f seimeu ert icutead 0 u Long Since Obsolete. Tise suppiesucut cf 10,00 s-ileS ' esu words," wrîiel soieotf [base bocks are adncr- tisard te contain, asas conîpilel by a genile- rancwho ded oves- forty yuars ago, and urss publitiel 1s foe-eis death. OCher uiner addjitions as-s probabl y cf more or l est value. Ul euseEdition of Webster'sPuna- bri 0_1ge D m Lctous,wblc,4e.G,,a is the ooly mri- [osSos netaularte thiencrseatin- t-uns oves- 2000 pages. avtiS llst s il o nnriy eu,,es-y a ,,,,, etsoui impnunt on fuir~~~ Piot'e tl prote-ted by cepyrîglît Ysslueabl as tîsýis wQil, ave bave aS s ast ex-t ns- published a sutbei-ehgisty revisedilsuc- casaor, the nasse of wurbiazis leW-EBSsîs'l IarERNATION- AL LICTInso-ri., Ilustraiel pamphlet free. 0. & C. MERRIAM CO., Springfield, Mass., U.. S, PA- must Bear 3gnnture of Seo Puc.Silie Wrapper Baicw. Vaey @=&Mano s etoy PTTL FOR IILIOUSNUSS. FORE TORPID LVR foc CONSTIPATION. LL FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THIECOMP¶.EXI DM ' CURE 810K KEADACH-E. 0DR. A. W. CIIASE'$ 2 CATARRH CURE 250à paria by île Improved Bloweur. Huais tle nicers, dean, tle air paiagea, stops Iroppings ie the ubmroat andI penmanaul cure$ Catanl aS Ha Faer. Bi,"c frea. Alel ursor s. A vCas n-'nd-l by [tet-ra c es, -fo>r [a! u1,pport cfl w bobh grsa t arc hes aveslft1ed. 0!n the top ef thI1l' aicba tlat atOne'l wset-o laid; tofa ay r t n'bl5ase bitumas ; [heu tan s-ow'a cf lrie k8, -Clccaly ceantced; then thick sheets cf leal, upon as-ida lahe ccli a ac i- ed. The esrtla -here depeaitad usas s-e drap thi t tha. las-geai. trees bal Po oin [o snor i.betr recta AIl tlas giory cf [he flon es-y ropies avas spre-sd ont at [bat [remendonus beiglar, ujitil àt sel f cu chus-chais int(> [b"ýý tan, asud structure, [lacusacîds a!da. Oui ,-sest chut-ch - ~.e5i~.t[lasminis- [ls ainldlas grand thai coai hun-ireda of et lotît-ts, ou the sanme [be c'tLasr side cf [lae scales liwa puta te[la-" Ids et piritua li11e thati the Chur-ch ctrghAt te possse, or broïrhury ions, or fairla, or synmpathy *not hî Dc are for beli An & r ~bai get, r ou Rev. Dr. Talmage DosourairOf the Subjeet. an A despatch fromn Washýngton says: 'tunities on eu aid of the balance, -J11ev. iii. Talinage preaclied front the andl lis s1ne cet a ethe'r. Down followiug t Tthoau art weighed wcnt lais sirn; np eut lis opportuai- 0 in the balance and fouud wauiting."- tieýs. Weghdan fand wantiug. iL5 Daniel v. 27. Theýre has b ic.agreat deal df Babylon was the paradise of archi- cheaaiing in this couu-,ýtry by false ~ tecture. uriveu eout tront thence,she wekghts and li uasures. Gcvernmente mnost elaborate structures cf modern app-Intedi ii'oesto sa mp Rn tintes are ouly the evidenceb of b-er fail. the w siglts îýnA reasures. Mach 0 Atter thae rste ce Babylon had been th{,.,vn 'g bas b'- righte, I. selected, twve million of men were arn- spea-k C-f annîber kind o ca1aes. W eAM ployed for the construction of the wall ail have beau lun the habit of making i Lt and principal w'orks. The walls of the mistakes in ourcirweglhng of men anud f city were sixty miles in circumference. thinigs. There ila, indeed, ouly oelt They were surrouuded by a trench out pair of ba]amaeïs absolutely perfect, roe of whicb laad been dug the material and that is suspuuded frant the throine1 ot for the construction of the city. There of God Alm!ighty« Othar balanes u were twenty-fivn gates ocf solid brass get out cf orier. The ch in1 breakzs, Ye oni ea(ch aide op,4tjie square ity. Be- cor the rneta1l Lýýý1ipped, or the eqili- erec tweu every two gares a great watch- podýSe in !ln I thr way is brokan;i tiower sprang lup into the heavens. anal a pa'und d>lns not Lai vays ni an a ,N Fr(ontsacl of the twenty-five gates, Pcund; and you pay fer Onu [bCing1 j, on either sidea, a street rau straiglai andi gl a .ýue4er. But [ths balances O' thrieisgh to[las gate on the other side, cf God never loa [eir adjastin',nt. aga so that there were fifty streets, eacha With themi a pirrnd is a pouud, and' as fifteen âniles long, which gave te the riglat i riglar, aini1VrOng ls wrong, lag a city an appearauce cf wonderful re- anid a saoul is, a se>ul, and ýet.ernity saJ'es( gularity. The bouses did net jelu each etcrntty. Gn-ad b ts a lushel mneasure, A other ou the grewund, aud between a pack mceaisu.î, iad a gailcin meas-AR [hem were gardens and shriasebery. ur4a. Wlaenîever a merchant meas- sai From bouse-top te bouuse -top bridges unes a bush"l of whsat,,or sait, ori, swung, over wbioh the inhabita.uts cm~Go lh timdaeyaiter sasi avers accustemed to pass. A branelahi'. Tha marchaint, mensure mav bie jar, cf the Buplrates aent through the wroug, but God's na-ï ure la just righr. cccr city, ever which a bridge of marvel- But I ar nontùnew ýtoe asi of ths uci, k ut arutre-ta.1xhowný. and - w i-iig ýnffus ndsuas-, n der which a teauuel rau. To keep the eef 19 i in f principles, of lu- one river from overflowing the city lu dividuals, ocf chulebe.s, sud cf werlds. and tintes of freshet a great lake avas ar- Many suppose tbat sLie tas ipoirder- i rangeal to catc h the surplus lu which all,, but it la heavy enoeugh, [o crus'hlui the aater ivas 1-ept as in a reserveir a wri. Ya crnat tsfi ela s until tintes of drought, wheu it avas las put uin al airla 3ii -,mun- e saut streamninr dcwu over the thirsty tainsan'd va1il-.ya, and seas. -Y lw o' land. A palasce steod at eacla end cf wonîî [hink that the kAlps, and -yr-- und tbe ('pratea bridge; oeepalace aa nsessud Iziffalayaai, sud MtntjI suds sud three quarters lu compasm, Wsigos c i h iisc lsa sud the ether palace seven and a udaf atactnaiscfhsiwudps mi.les su cerrdnmference. The wife of crusb it. No! -God -wýill at last sae s ma Ne'u'haduiezzar, hlaviug been brouglat wbat potu ti, he wril hud, and eut up amcssg the Mountains of Media, w latit ppeirt-anitite5 it iiegicteýd;and and cslld net stand il iu this flat ceuntry hae, wl ait don «-on [bet.white [brone puk cf Babylon, and so, to please her, Ne- to ses thae ld wýorld weighed, -sud Min chadnezzar had a mourain, four w iii sus,, it rise luIa ba nc lighter cry Lsandred feet high. built lu the midat [ban a fe-atheýr; iud hm wiil cry out waa efth [lsci[y. Tbis meunta i avas ur- t it-~bs - carry Ithewil, ciis avens senmt i.neusbeloav as te--the pDer. Up, gees the) grand eabOut, cver yssur laliner-aeo,ortes tîcuga th cloua anre a l i icsentm c-sing-laocie, wjth is mielier taid,;cf das-kuas r-ascug up [hait- akaîs- anal the very aky leanel on the shoul- chuti. Goal says t bar a Ohurclaje cf ion ht-ida te pU, u ye don n into muin der eft[he caetr. At the top an engins mus-de wartla eînîy as, h sana's ocuuae Sndleniy tihe Jurlg- was cesstructed, talait-l dre w theana- couls ; and if, wiih ail your meutavililas hies-e. The augai, w-tsb tas- tient[ha EtLiplattites, tas- beiow, imagcifica'at macbicarýy, yen aune bue fuootuihe sa and [lase thet- on sud mals it speeat up amuil this gar-i but- a haulful of ien avlaic yoci night the and, ul.sii savear la3 lait that liseila Ien et the skies. AU ibis te please bis sans s m udeul, ile ,il cpew yen eut HarS [lit-tT:ins c'th alins it ongte as-ste. 1 tliuh sha mu'sihave been oet bis mua.anheud fourni pîrael. wanîngmîccntaiss. hi es hîe settiug don ncf. tebalances, book! tibýea ta acte- ---uIna the idat o tifis city-ato- ailacna But I wrni:robucomte more Per- thg~rsaaTidYfdf -e cieul.. It tlae temple cf Bains. Ouae of its toears 8senal. 1 have bearl pet-ns say [lait waa~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ euilsbe it ilsdmnitr uh elettîbti~ thse-glittercf i.h-e shLing halann-us. was orieeghth ofa mi[e hgil thdeientes-gin-en des 1utaicf marthi ou [ha top et it an ciberatcry,whîcb thie abats-setî, al dnet ls prsonai1. teufrinsuso at gave [las astroîentmers greai. sînan- Wiat suceessa -mc1dl ahnuter hans if utctgeL i1te th etîýwlea. 'Ila!ay may tage, as, iîeing, at ç', gîstt sheiglaile, asset oui te shoo ý t 10er Î lsthue i cke~ot ai Glwl e couid eastly taik w til the stars.bsrat -l-e ui he a bti cf the gun ~[ens. e~ta snrs10 Thi teplewasful-ofeup Gi ad sestLh ai sat greatusihsg Tîsi teplewaafoucf -up, aud sta- tp Ghie Ireast; laye laise ye :alcuthe Ta e-lsa aewtlr hn tues, sud dansera, al cf goli. One int r ý henu l prnonae labem ei. Id hey age veiglaad a thousaud Bab3lonb h May ae weiglact ths-ntsels-esand CalaiLs talaitb weusI [s egmi e ttty R1~SÇIIiI-~Ijgivei a self grsnnlnreîsy dc ianion; but tiemillion, dollars. But unly "nIar,,e? ýL4)n-casGel wsighs [haut le unttistakab1e Thi a ity is besieged sda IconahtT"la aIcU b teis.- Os [bic aide of thesceaies [boagla prstiated for twest erjU 1ItL II - i e issusc si ip-sîn t ýýaail tlro-nighLs. Ses the goel sud e-.azte bage.thi-cean uitas pltefl-al eni.s hng [ait. One of the best known men 111 ail ge-ne, slt'cs-ts acilgeste. Nothioag Pour eut te[ha dua nse fronthelastank- East Durhiamncounty is Steven i te-m-ainste-ui ha isakel seuls of [lia un- at-us 1ttti ela- s-ps. Drink, my ' Taylor, nai.fcrîll.O Le ii ite lorsds, [o [ha bealîla ef the hing. Drink 0' ~ ,Calct~Otro -sg-sî nsltohrslse t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E csg ofi-ln.rikt[lcHs sfri-seales are piaoed aastel Ilabbats, ifendas - , îb ds-y' Drink te a from rhecuma-.-msnpsa-eP-ilea, laea-e I i~s ftue. SttrttR net aut[ha tism in the back s os ncealtopr.nte i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ b- si- ,ilctbras hecgaf(lmao o f Pardon. Bis-k!hlt-sthesceaies ,),a[ k '-n otple, a,# the I (-um aos wer come clowneon tis s-dl ol asthbuts- e 1: un, ot ile atthefour y- lawe e d, Geldehoiusg asL ide balance, salsi 0- b etO !Il'- u, as theuglait w-r-eknown to every- uneoucaý, le th- ps-a tance of resu sud n14 clueg . rns. Oin , .5s- heuody in the i lvilis, andtIheubmln-sd titchanguel, st-r l! i. sari~ nI ot-s t~l itcounty. If visas iw hile geann atuu and cim irock- I t r sa qîtselse ----s~~~'W with the greatest licg conflagrstion, aud judgment j ,br baic--ted iiog si ahibacir on lis Id fl '1trumpet, anI everIastingat-t-m shahj -hR uls[re voati o ia Ma. S. O. Tavs.ou. iCulty, and 1si. Bus tbu. vacant l-- takeis on only W*iip,-aoiiizing pain that repet[,'agadi labiu, ILt a ;n affrigltel lîok le sat down upon or arasesdfulu-atn Ai- lacl gazai3, th- titis gaze. Enery ifrom a chair, and walking was "But," yen tesk, "hîcw, if ave repent ltus-ual Ici stheusail. Dat-kuas isimply torture;-,neiither the skill of tu-ic elgand couic te God l, lh a i i,uplnsa.s--oea. Ieblz tphysicians, nor the enorious li e s-ib th1 e s yee yTihel b- gil lat ges out. Ont o et[c quantifies of patent medicines lie jno'eascaipe fs-c-ni h ruiy h 't-ch leeve cf the darkness a, finger took, gaave himi any relief until lie nickel hans been tted oud -fiety terrer trembles [brettla tha etiD.HllsRemîi ue ris-e auay itu their aicel- us- cnil ca a t [b- talal, cis-dli'ie, nSa. Now leit, argaeu e b ýus as ibeugla itouiî arita, culn- After faking the ýfirst few doses Cif on ttealauceal. "Oh!" you ssy, th-n, w-lrl sharp tip cf fiante, en- 1 hsodrfleiiehoîi. let runi off; I canuot &tand the test. grives ou sla- ptsasteriug slae aout-- e crelief, andi, continuing the GaLinl, ys ýri-ghteus! "Whsr aith s-be hsepi,,-,Weighad lun[las balanetreatment, a co.rplete Cure vas afll ryans"Na htie te diacus tat and c-,ud WntLrg!" effected. Hehlas flot beenfroubleti mutter. The bell cf judgmeu[uis [oll- Tlae bang of laavy fiats against [las1 with an ache or pain since ant i tg. The balances are adjasted-get p>-laces gales la fellowaiý by [las eruala- Speaks in praLýeworîliy ternis ouinye- musat. Ail yocr oppos-uuniies in.g 'Lecf 5h" abeors. A ilacisaul ý the medicine whicli restored him e-f bli-ng bettes-anul bing more geed hic î)mieg dî'ggarîa atrjhe [larougla a tolieakth-Dr. Hail's Rlieùmaýic are pLalçaIon one aille of [ýho seul 'es, t-lu - iund qulv-crin:g heurts. And now Cure,.eu-I ye gstlu on thae etiter. Yen D bl he Kieg, andibis [brone sa Dr. Hs-l1'e RheLmtiiic cuIre is - as-e ticeligla to[cbudge [lae balances- lu Va~ ut dI in se batp -p f ceîrpaeS,; An uùs"en balane cent botties, contaiinr.tan days ireatmrna. yosar faneur. On yîeur sile are spread 1,1 ,-1up il le bejf l' drelgîruats andd sea~ al the lrind wartdis yena ever spok, 11 huit me . he Dr. ïa i Medsclne Cc., Kiug- 0e -oIsavung i. BatshaZZar' po-j owOiansail the ChffiÀwtius deda yaiti ver urel ; takes sure ait; dra-ins [he trig- ,r, sud erasi go the antiers ou the hak! Whiat if a physician, called jute it hoýuus, abtLul -sest 3 eus-alments thea abstract I11,,)w long 1sfosre s inflammtation asculd beal, or the ,i bc a's 'ageidi W bar feiýly te taik aiut 51in luthe ab>Iat tat, wbsn yen id 1 hava in eutr ua unalady at mscuar haus-el, or ir a iiikili ns, israbiy and fuir anar! Ged lifts the balanc es [o-nîgîr. ilha igm l- s scomme-. laEvery Ceay a d-s3 cf judgmnth-Wes tre thLs mnei teieg caunasýsed, lu pecLed, eghact. Idîil do cet let is al gat the a~laLaoce. Wr nujl take le ut a [mýe. W40 ow ill gaI oc fis-st? s- la a veitesr. ie la a imot-cii' as e.priglit a manr as tliara lasetn sri c Get in, brother, .Wha[ las ilbat-yc urve awithlauen luthat ondiýe ? ilssasys, "1h la nty reputation moralsty, aud uprighsus5 3, asnd aegrsty." Leans that belasnd. It is )I, faix nier 3Ouucarry a bunîts ith Yeu., We jîist avant to mesure u. Have yen qjandaed yocir casg4s- muss Yiu Xesay, "Neyer havi I i sand- ed thaci." What outrages have 3tin nntittel againeseaciaty ? Yen say, Oua." Sio)fa.r &0 goed. Have your Luglats aiavays beau rigat ? You au- as-, "Ne," ',[ putdown îa eemark, minest yen., Have you issrved ,Goal Syc-u Outt? "seAnotheir mark Çanet 3O -Bave ycu luVýeýd tua Lord ýis Chr li svillaail 3our seul?"o. LOt ber moark agaullat ce. Conte, io; frank. Bfiva yeu nosý, ln tan tbcq-. i hinsîg, corne short etf3 ccr luty ? ues." Ifheti t put dowan tiiesiýo- mi marks againsi, yo,. Brlng mie a rg-sa Ioksna Vhcll i.May i ake ra- rd tif vur deficiti sud iaegiactas. Do t, ,junP eut cf tue icaies ucjil 1 as xamnaIt-bans. You as u ire ide, vli ail] your kin-lueuses, id charities, sud concilations cf soavio1ur. Ou LIe ethur aide 1 put s oee aeiglat. -13y the deeda et th, wshcitaitn fie-ah living ha justitiel.", )WtI goals [las weighi'; up go your t-ha. *'Weiglied su the [alanýe,, id fend wantýiugl1' icit 1 nust go on tastanseloo0k 1a ÉlitaIas grant scr-etîry. We as-e ,ssing on, beadiasa cf the muss tcuuidiug ctinsidsratitins. iu amtim sicthegroîsiel mîy break h[lre 0gb i let, yen ïaîl infthe[asgrava. lIlas Isas cif 11fe, Du- ow'SOt-gularly dlt-t ing lu [hea match uun moment Imay - Iait l On a hai--b uîg bridge tas 1hk cne- bottoaiss clasns. 'hen ave go Lto hed ah niglat was know ' that tas shah sea [las dýay dawn- siu we g-o frtb frcna eu-homes vune lw net that waala:ali rates-n again. t1gats lurk about yoCt- patt, anul ,rualy te break upon yen frotr Itishi.,lua uit-tuant [las 10cr ef rniry may swing open, and invisible sers conirduct, yeun ufer reavard or rre-trilautien1. A escîs cof giory je ng btrin'sîsl for ýyOna- lrtw, or dta are be-iug tergal tor your prison. agae Of ligh,aste makicg ready tic People who don't know it, guess the price somewhere around $5, and yet it îs only $3. Ask to see King Quaiity. TRADL a ~t- MPiFhÇ kj~N& QUALID' MaIe by J. D. KING CO., Limited, Termaîî-. - i '25~~- a -s-' ~s-4'~ut jfr5O5~ s-s did. Tou, light yei! On yonr aide-- are put aîl your prayara, ail your r-peut aries, ail yeur faith. Toc liglit yet! Ccrms sud gai ou [bis sida 0a ni, Lushar, Baxter, Payson, and Do0l- dridgeaud hlep [lac Chrstasn-t bar doavo the acale. Tauc iglat eti Gait on this aide., ali ye ma,,irtyrs Who weut throngb fireansd L'oàd-Wtck- cliffe, Itidl,2y aud Latin r 'foeiight The Oood WorkU o ~aICçint - angels cf Qed, and get ou o do She sucaias, anddae if ys cannot [cru n the balanc,-sin lufayotra f the sainte; Diing out r fer the jaadgm-,nt la rssdiug-, and lai net the righeeîaa bc bauisbed axila the wick-ed. Tao liglryeistl Ph-e AnId 'Ing the SiCk on Ibis aids ailtithi, 5cciIre of tighti, sud ail the paint brandies ed triumph,1 and al [he tht-cnes of gins-y, T-ji t b the New System of light yeti Bot ot thia peins Jessts, ilr g rla'Soia cf God steps up tea[the bal- Treatment Still Continues, anîces. iHe pots oue scarred foot on the Cbris[iaui'a aide cf theascalas, and thg trenble and qaivor from71 top [o bottont. Hae cabîsh fc'i on, s U aud dowu go the s-aies ou the'Clais--__ tîa'n's aide wjtl a a aroke that ses a ti Aohrhgvs et YO thes Belis cf branen a-chiing! This The Marveleues Curative PoWe rs Rock cf Age s la basier than auy of Powly's LiquifledOzenec crier weiiglat. But, ch Christian; 300 may it pet a mrm uIm off ,sa eîasily. 1 pince ou the opposte CURED uFr nncuiio suai-e ait th- aina that yen anar c-m'm maýtted, and ail, the envies, sud hbate, i11 readîly give iny testimoni;al rgr- sud inecasistaucj- o fs imbrtiugtewonderfssi curative nirtues CI',th* of a"feflmebuti ew systernof ires tusot. Fer 1moat eof altoigether tlary do neýt buelge [laelaveyears 1 suffered ail ithe tentures et' seul-a. Chriat, cn yesur sAIda, bas s-t- the rackc. My pains avers e 5jvre1 tlad [be balances for ee. There 1% woi5id sceainso lad that 1 couid eal no condeamna[ios te tien t -at araeub irn lt- sa.I a ob iSurieel in bel in shEýeta. 1 had tisreecf Christ Jess. Go free! go free! Sin thie best dectora lu the city, but with ai1 ail pardpusd, sackies ail broke.n, their exceilent skili, Sisey failed Setur priean dear.9 ail openel. Go frae! 'go une. 1 get nery disceuraged, sandi ndnot kuow what t-o lo, 50 great -avas m,-Y Lt-e!',Vgid u [a alnce su isuffcring. Mr. Hili, tise inaurauce ,i-sg7-ent1i uothing aantingiasakol aie te try PoavisysLitiedOo ashidla I did, and I focal it atince egu FOR OVER iIa"TT T5Y "ARS. tase lieve my pains. 1 tookaou 0c lt' ~j~~iea~anLamprnrd tci yIarasve Mru.Wnsio' tec'îS gS1rui 7Viten uSSO I tY as star 1 have beciiin myuId. M w uilte us cf motle-a for tS&ir s tallîset bejeeayten nw sun t,bisig. 15 elturbel as cuIht inel roeAî is ay melw srn ealth bhLý -eez;, yss -st by a mick eh,.si eis and oryhig Iisepreved la every way. 1 have racoIýI uste pain cf eut lîssg Seuil seul ai ocre and menlaI the new treatment te ail 0Cl~ get bý,tïeof Mo. inslws'Sotili frS cpiedad1cno pkto ihl fer Children Teetliiig. I15 'll reli eh MD ltt-le sufrea as ee. Ilependd upen itinîuthtof t[ha raely as long as I live." liese a o iikuabutt.ItCis-5 lirsioa CHARLES DARBY, 57 Hailo St. reiuîs therîe ne,)mich sol bewels, em'es WindToot Loi, seo iegans sdca ilaimaisosi.i u, ad ginea tose an d eergy tn tue s-Stlu ýîne airs. winslows' seithi îSg 3-pfr .iie Powley's Llaulfied Ozone at ary teuihirs-tapleasasîtt50tiseta-te a(- s Theta il0 a Drug Store. 50cd. ansd S .00.. seriptuen cfasre of the clest sud ha t femaie peîysicians and nurses lu tiec Cuitedatsis lieu Me a bote. SolI by ait Is-nagi-st hie gis Send for Bookiet "Free," Explaiusn oct tle wortî. île sure and asir for airs. q; the osas' svstem of treatment. THI SLOWslS eihing Syrup OZONE CO. et Toront, Limited. -A Woman's Shoe., ' shonld te lîke herseifV Thit as pretty as a shoe can be made and as strong a., ud yet it doesn't look as t1iongh it was made for a man. t-ai f i~' fi (