I '~ y9~ LiktCMb:-81.50 PFER ANNum. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY PIRST ;TH,9E WORLD ÂFTERWÂRDS, M. A. J.AMES, Editor an.9 preo. NBw SERIE8. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SIEPTEMBER 5, 1900. VOLUME XLI N.3. 'Big er Will from to-day selloff a Good many uines of Sum- FAIR NOTES. Bowmanvilc PFair Sept. .1314i. AL splendid list of Special Prizes is being offered. lleduced railway fare will h given to Bowrnville Fair. Good extra prizes are bei )-, offered for Butter this year. We are lookin.g for a bgfali fair. Got yourentries ready, Get a Prize List and prepare animais or articles for the Fair. Three Bands have been enzýaged to furnish music at the Fair.ý Entries mav now be maide with the Secretary-up to 10 entri esaref ree. .If you want a Prize List, wrt tthej secretary, M. A. James, Bownanville. G. T. R . carres oc. .~nk ù 4fa! .-hib- i t THE LATE JOHN TIASKIN. Mr. John Rankin died Monday after noon after an illness of ten months at the residence ()f his daug-hter, Mrs. Andrew J. Taylor, 690 Spadina avenue, Toronto. Deceased was born at New Glasgow, N.S., iu 1815. In 1846 hie moved to the Upper Ottawa district, and carried on bu,,iness as a lumber- man and merchant, having stores in Cobden and Renfrew. Ile. took a 1z een fnterest in publie affairs, and in the United counties of Renfrew and Leeds was elected to all the varions munici- pal offices. The late Mr. Rankin was elected as a Conservative for North Renfrew to the first Parliament of Canada after Confaderation, but re- signed is 1871. Hie was aponxted Coi- lectorof Customs at Bowrnanville, and held the office intil 1897. when lie w,,g WEST DURHAMfl POLITICS. WEDDING BELLS. BurTOP, STATESXAN-1 arn a commer- DiXON-STAPLiES. cial travelier. 1 arn not a Tory for the reasou that I consider that Canada hias been a preserve long enou h for th A pretty wedding was solemnized in Tupper farnilv. I ar n ot a àrit for the Grafton Moethodist Church on Wednes- simple reason7 that I have ne vote, btiing di, August 29th, when Miss Lîllian an alien in the ]and. Business connec- Flrence' Stapfles, youugest daughter of tions bring me often into the two Mr oh . Staples, Grafton, and an ridings of Durharn in close contact with honor graduate cf Wbitbyr Ladies' many of the leading mon of eoth polit- Cle was marrîed to 11ev. Soford ical parties and. the knowledge that 1 Fiske Dixon, pastor of the Metbodist am, a foreigner lets mue intu many a charch. Seagrave. The ceremony was secret of the thoughts ana views frosu a perforrned by 11ev A. H. Reynar, M. polîtical stand point of the outlook for ý1 1 L. L. D., of Victoria Uiversity, the coming coutest for Dominion Toronto, assisted by Ilevs. J. C. Ander- honors, son,Grafton, and H. B. Kenny, Canton, A niceiy decorated church, prettily W7est Duîrham in the dhàys goneý by dressed bridai party and a large gath- was a Grit hive, lu the days of Edward ering of friends made a brillilant event. Blake the majority was so large tfial it After the ceremony the h.appy couple