Nots ad Comlments. Wi th tisue <eiverance of the fu¶eign- enaý3 whoý, for upward of two mionths, have bren ýmprisorned in the legations et iPekin, thse pirimany purpose for whi'ch the forces were despatched te Chmnlasbren accimplisheti. Dors Lt f6llew that they should be, immediate- ly with4nawn, and that we shauld leave te djplamacy the settiement of al thse questions relating, to7xepar- tuSn for thse indignity to which the, official xreerp,entatives have been jhe -question3 of future guarantees dors jnot tuo F exlusively upon per- gonalities, but up)on localitiesas weil, sonalities, lu,,pon lecalities as weIl. Foreign Pwr can scarcely be ex- pected again to risk tie lives of Min- isters at Pekin, whiebh, as experienlce has memorabiy shown, ile tee remote from the coast to be quickly reacird by a mnlitary force, and whici', per- baps, might bave bren rendered unas- sailable, had -the- Chinese -usrd, witb- more energy- and promptness, -tihe means of fiooding the intervening connrv h;,.h fhe ossna p. Much les and steady profits in conspetitive in,- dustwiee are over, and that sucli Pro- f its must hereater be madie f rom original puoeesea whieh shall be to a certain extent monopolistie, the wordI rnopolistic being useti to denote ad- vantages of location and exclusive! rights andi materiais. The second of basic propositions is that te' b8r successful in the broadest way ini- dustrial development must Utilize only scd materiais, ingredients and mnjthods as bein.g natural toe l the point of manufacture, anti must utilize ail of them, tiýisrpÀgardin.g Po Details ot the Relief of Pekin Arrlving. A dstesf rom Loudon says-Ac- ocnsfrom Peikin'descnibe the wild eniiisawhieh mra.rked -the m peting between the besiegerd foweigners and thair rlres The maon and women ciseereti a nd is hands wth the of fi- cnr, oties, camp followers-in. fact arrybod1y ws capnaithe a1les- ITio,,,food uppi]y had inot failrti, though tipro-pie in the Legations had te 111IE BRIJISIIAVNE Buller Captures 'Bergendal After' 5evere Hand=to=Hand Fighting. ~Adempateis. rom London, g3nys :-The geed many Beers were kilieci, and a establishied ln a f ew we eks, althlgh ca ptured. 7 tisene le an increaee ilaguerilla warfare "French advano,*ed on the lef t te in th;e-OGrange River Clo)ny, sxth thr swvartzkejee- on-the Lyde-nbUng re-d- N 8W S uM MiiA RY, GREAT BRITAIN At the 'meeting of tbe b1ar iron a- sociation at Birmingh-m, Enig., tie hIiigh price or iren was atnb tett the action of Englisis ceýaIiiniers. Dr. Clarke, Radical M.P. for Caith- ness, s ho wnote a )etten te Kruger bafore the butbreak ef the war, Ts~ cotimnrdby -t -e -tLa es -e spective of party. Last evenling ha was mebbeýd by Lis constituents, and was ony savd from a worse fate by L i (jv o r hý huIý'rt4e - -~~ -x~~arveI. power. T1he 10- five days. It wae oniy the cowandior dite and luter a é.harge by thr Bîfie v - - - f ~- -~ x deposition of the Emp6rer Kwang-Su - and the uLgarPatil'n Of the throue by the notoriousiy re4actio.nary Em4pres acc mlisir'd. An. the basis of theý entine work ail the water power of LakeSupeiorat tis pint bias been ing. But' even yet thsere are eoma very long, wats beïng Tead, lresci districts, nctabiy Cujerat, Rajputana scannwd thse faces of thse audience 'ad li~ ouh ~ û---n-bahrothe «itlhout any ign off fban s0 vfr eY. Daily Triegraph saeys tisat Japan cSeatedth ie dieturbrd situiatLm at Amoy wïth thse puirpose of aggresson tihe battle. Thse Chiinese lSas was 1,- Jamit iVescocipIl. 500 men. Thse Jo4panese drove thse re- Atecori tei TchrdRie, and his ofndr thtneenenmy inte Chili. I word is usuaily aken lan Nrw Bruns- ~ FTff ~~cswBrunswick r -. t r' ~ ~ nti tnuZ.~L~e"--u- tncrsss-n-tr. I lL. -u tevr rrfrmaneftie urisr pengofwork, eattier turning wheels or pass- 1wnene, frreven withnt. e c<Jmbineu in- da rP'oua. b ùsn o the Chinese eriminai classem, I nSking hr t pon rince Ci ng - larg efiis thraahingabtataget China te trade, andi there le noi dOubt 1ing chips thsrosagisthe canais anti locks 1fluence of apemitr nitrpcl Ts i.eae eete nrderd. wio escape justice and iregeister in ILmn-Yu, Prince Ohan-Chi-T,,ngandw rate. Sutideni thsefsiju etcia pure, n?,Id n w n rv~~ ~e -"*"' 'o- - k'fy ot ' ,a a ri! -lrn ~g the actxte pro - force as to overecïmer di se an ýd it, deasîrne, or LdnýanIso, Bstes &O00. famine oansed a çYsdoal i. 4epxensing symptcfms, end for tify tuse Torenita, cren-se La tise ailway returna. - l16a. ýT m 'int hv I -1- --I- 777ý'.7,-,--, --,-