>ut rug zSt1ores. There are hiundreds of reasons why it pays to buy Drugs and Driaggist's Sundries at our store, These reasons are so weli known to mnost of the eltizens of West Durham that it is flot neeessa-ry to, repeat tiemn. An experience of ovmr 20 y ears behind a drug counter lias taught us somne things that can oniy be gained by experience. We know where to purehase the best. We know when to purehase, we know the best when we see it and we buy in large qiuantities at best pric6es. Eve ry serap of knowledge we have is iused for tlie 1benefiLt of our customers and in order to give stili better service, about a yýear ago Farm to renIt-driver wantiled, Seo advt. Mr. Fred -lianson, Rochester, N . is at home. Drink Salada Tea, for sale only at Cawker & Tait's. Miss Campbell, Toronto, is guest at Mr. Fred Roblin's.. Remember the Grand Concert Meth- odist ehurch Sept. lSth. SThe Misses Power are visiting rela- tives in Toronto this week. Try Freeland's Si per doz photos They are certainty ail right. Loyers of good tea shouid test Satada. For sale at Cawker & Tait's. Miss Susie M. Bell.nan of S.S. No. 2 Clarke, was home oyer Sunday. 1Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Thompson have. Mr, W. Ncol a envstn flirins at egae Miss L. Gravelev, Conal sgest îcf the MUisses M uiati Dr. Luther llog-arth, Detroit, Miel,,, has been g-uest of Dr.Biac be Mr. andi Mrs, Alex. Taylor are visit. ing her uncie, Mr, s.,lerdj Iamltn Mr. Ularry Cann attendedi the funeral of his step-mýother at Br:ooklin Saturday week. Miss Edith Cruickshank, Niagara Fails, is visiting her sister'Mirs. A. L. Nichoîls'. Messrs. -vi. and F. Downey visited their uncle, Mr. C. H. NxUxbridge, recently. Winter will soon, be he(re and now is the time to order your fur, M Mayer, furrier. Scribbi0jers leJatNichols'ý. Se5ribbýLers 2c.t Nichioîts', ýcribb1ers Be, at Nicëholls'. Seribblers 4c. at Nieholis'. Scribblers 5c, at Nichloils'. Pen and penliolder le. at Niehoîts'. E1,xercise books at Niehoîts'. Bring in yourfurs, now is the tim e to have them attereti andi repaired. M. Mayer, turnier. Mrs (Dr.) Totteri and daughter, Ida, Dowington, Mieh., are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Milîs, Church St. Mr. Edward 0. Butler, Brighton, bas been appointed clerk. of the Eighth Division Court of the united counties of Northumbertandi andi Durham, vice R. B. Maeklem, decea'tcuL 'issae nd iwysecetui. rrceneyer forgeÙ for one minute that, they ~ day s in this way: Tickets are g ood to CnaanBateO70i 25 cents, are fortunate in being able to purchase corne by any train that Dece ow- il Mummey il O 00 i Mrs. Thos. P. Goard and family left "at home" any of these goods for les For Infants and Chilide. mnii nWensa eno ept. il Smali 0 00OOfi on 5apýLrdav for Map'8 Creek, Assai money than inTorouto and at the s3ame l2th, and ail trains on' Thua lav 3th fi Bitte* Il 60 il N. Wt'i?., where Mr. Goard and soma time obtain the very best articles. T he fat- ~ and Frid.ay lth, valid to retu,-rn bv any BUTTER, best table, P 1h., o0o0Il members are aIreadv locat1ed. May', -dz .......000f ti.MyN. Riekard always bas a gooti choice for cit. l err train on S tra 15t h Sp.TLis is Gs ~ o....... 0t their new home in the f ar west be a you. he knows his business anti attends gfr ' 7 -~~ wtDP«. the best arrangement forousdr we POTAtOrus, P bush........ 0O00 prosperous one. to it and deserves youi' patronage. _________________ever hati to Bowmanvilie Fair. IA,~'tn...... Ot 75! will open thleabove Schl oni 56) Tuesday, Sept. 4th 65 TIfOROUGIL INSTRUCTION IN 17 flcokkeeping Penrnship, Arithmetic, Short- 2 F1aud, Typewritiug, etc.,, and ail subjects pertainiktg a Business Educa tienlo. For rates of tuition addres 00 -BmC. O'DEA, Principal. cotausg enroo- i h kiitchen 18x20 feet and woodshed 18x30 meet adjoiuing. A barit 120x36 feet with stone foundatton and stable Uniderneath3 straw shled 36x40 teet with pens ioder; driving bouse 40x2l feet. I{ard aud soft water (two wclls) Fot acres f chard, con. tain ig cho ie b car lug fruit. Situate 1t nmiles from Hlampton CheLese 'Fsctory. Forpatcl -ars apgly to R. R. LOýSCOMBlE , larrister., Il'tci GOODl TEA' isknw at a glance.