ORIGINA r"L BLACKBERRY CORDIAL A RELIABLE REMEDY. You can depend on it to cure Choiera, Colle, Diarrhoea, Cramps, Dysentery and ail bowel complaints. It quiets the pain and allays irritation. Creamn of Witch Hazel. A soothing preparation for the face and hands. It removes Tan and Freckies. A f ulliline of Sponges, Perf urnes, Jrushes and al Toilet Articles. Sold by J~ ICCNBTHAM &SN BOWMÂN VILLE, w g g 4 As Go-Cart. As Carrnage. IL- av you seen our'Go-carts and Carrnages; if IDANQER( )US KXTRM-E HAMPTON. The following is taken from the Miami correspondence of a à1fanitoba, paPer respeeting Mri Mark Westaway TAS A Cou BO0WMANV1 LLE RIRBY. Miss McGinnis, Lindsay, is visiting at Mr. J.L. Powers'.. .. Mis. Dr. Beatty, Trul. . ...Mîs. Marshail, Barrie, and son, Kari, have been visiting Mr. S. M. Billings. Mrs. Marshall is the miother of Pte. A. Marshall, of the first Canad- ian Contingent serving in South Miricai until invalided to England lu July.. Those unhappy persons who sufer from nervousness and dyspepsia should use Carter's Little Nerve Pil!s, which are made expressly for sleepless ner- vous, dyspeptie sufferers. Price 25 cts. ENFIELD. Miss Roy, Toronto, bas been visiting at Mr. R, H. Cam pbell's. .ý..Messrs Frank Campbell and A. Smith. have Zone te Osbawa . ... Mr. B. Powell lest a valuable colt 1a't week .... Miss A. Gilbert is'at Port Ferry.... Mr. Loran. Hezzlewood, Iowa, is at Mî.J .E. Dver's ...Mr. and Mis. Edgar Wilson,Tilson- burg, is at Mr. R Pascoe's, EATING AND SLEEPING-Food supplies the substance for repaiîing.the wastes of the body, and gives streng-tn. Sleep afords the opportunity for these repairs te be made. Both are necessary te health. If you can't eat and sleelp, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. It creates a good appetite a nd tones the digestive organs, and it gives the sweot restful sleep of childhood. Be sure te get Hood's. KENDAL. Mrs. Marshall, Barrie, visited, Miss Aggie Patterson, at Mr. John White's ...Miss Lita Fersythe has returned to her home in Hope .... Littie Miss Etta McLean, Port Hope, is visitîng rela- tives here.. .. Miss N. Bowlès, London, visited at Mi. J. F. MeMillan's. . .. Mr. Stanley Jackson basreturned te Port ilope ... . Mis. Smith bas been very ill.. .Messrs Fred and Belle McNeil, To- rente, fermerly et Port Hope, have re- turned home l'rom an extendod visit with Mr. and Mis. M'm. Rutherferd.. .Miss Lockhart, Rossland, B C. is guest et Miss Sybil Comstock whe bas lately returned from visiting friends in Peterboro. Yeu neyer read et such cures else- where aq those accomplished by Heod's Sarsaparilla. did yen? It is America s Greatest Medicine. Mau becomies gresi or 'refined in ap- pearance as he opens bis mmnd te low or elevating thoughts. -Y -- 8- Il- -"-.*, - r, .'tuvJ Ii g Y c y O 'J5tf Iea :--il IJVU ol Ladies' and Childuens' Vests trom 5c up; a lot et Ladies' and Ohild-. rous' Hose, fast black, 10e a pair; oui best Muslus and Pique Ginghams at 10e a yard;,Coioîed Mercouized Pongee, 15e a yard, White Pique Shirts, 75e each; :Parasols frem 25e np; good Leather Boîts, black or colored, 10e eacb; some sutiýps in. double fold Dress Goods and many~ I -r THE R2EA.SON WHEN Pafie's Celery Comrpound. SHOULD BE USED. Nothing Like it for A sudden change front a torrid beat te weather et a changetul character! The change is a serions one toi the ailing, eay sleepless, despendent, iriale and for -those whose nerve energy is almeet exhausted. The quickly varying temperatures experi- enced duiing this month, add te the suferings and burdeus et mon -and women wbose systems are deranged er broken down. Long years of triumphs and Ésuccesse s have estabiished the fact that Paine's Celerv Cempound is the infallible cure toi thýe feartul lits that result from an imaied nervou systems and impure Paine's Ceiery: Comnound makes nerve fibre and neivo teorce; it purifies And enriches the boed; it regutates -ýdi- gestion; it promotes sleep and gis-eq te the entiro svsteffi a tuines et heatth that makes lite a pleasure. Our best people areusers and frionds et Paine's Celery Cempeundand iecom- mend it te their friends; it is pîescribed daily by some et oui best physicians. OSHIAWA. Mi-.E I. Rowse le bolidaying in Mnskoka .. .. Rev. Ed. Warren bas re- move I from ieon River, Michigan. te Port Whitby., .. Mis. 1. N. Walker 'and childien have been guests ef Mi. James Leask, Taunton. ...Miss Bella Cari visited relatives in Toron te....Miss Annie Hunter, Newc.astle, is o-iQt .of - --r ail Vic j.,aligbu oy li rUU CI -mL. Jehn Westaway etfIampton . VlWest- away, eni poPutar druggist, lately passed bis final examinatiens and re ceived his diploma as druggist and pharmacist. Mr. Westawa.y is te be cengratulated, aise that lie steod next la eider et distinction te the three Imedalists in this year's finals. EADACHE ALL GONE-Mrs. Mel - bourne Parker, Toronto, N. S., writes: 'II have used Mil burn's Sterling Head- ache Powders, and after taking one or twe toit better at once, and was able te R'et up and go on with my work."ý Price 10c. and 25c., ail dealers. DARLINGTON 0OQUNOIL Town Hall, Hampton, A'ug 25th. Counil met this day; members ail present; minutes of last meeting read and Confirmed. A communication was received fîom R. R. Loscombe, reter- ring te dlaim et Mrs. G'Idersj on the premises of late J. Campbell. On motion It was resolved te abandon possession on payment et tuneral expenses as expressed in the deed te Campbell. Frem G. W. Alian as te eirer in taxes on lot 16, Con. 10, for the year 1897. Amount waa allewed, The trustees et Mapte Groe School appled for permissionte place a tance on a portion et the road. allowance, Referred te Corncillor Aunis. The (ileîk ws.s anthorizad to procure 1000 fout of.plank for'bridge at J. Martyn'a mii. J. Hoakin applied for pay for moving earth frem ditch near bis place. Net granted. The Clerk was auther- ized te settle wlth Mr. Gay aud 'have the deed et the roadway te Darlilngton station completed. The application et trustees of S, S. No. 3, teo ollect locali rate $325 was recelved and tyled. Ceu-ncillors Brown and PaEcoe repoîted bavinq met the cemmittee from C3art- wright Council and arnged for im- prevlng a portion et the townllne west of Burketon. The estimatea tor the year were submltted and a By-law (No. 576) passud for levying the rates rcqtuîred, as follows.-Ordlnary town. ship rate $548903, by a rate' et .0027 mills on the dollar; General School rate, $4520, by a rate ef .00188 mille ;1 For County and sinklng fond rate $3440 40, by a rate etf,00143 mille; LThe sum et $4789 72 for lecal school' -1 Miev wi il --o ci meklv . These a uo tation&wil! ffive vou-- 1 VA-l*- 'LT-11-ý iur-, ý 1 rFtp.Ft Rfi th" paf.. ..+ -+ f. .4-% * Ille Fia't Thursday and Friday, Sept. 13 and 14. We bave just received a large invoice of British Goods that w'be here and ready for sale on lFair Day. Also a large poortion of our 'iew stock of Ladies' Manties will be on exhibition at our stores and we believe the ne-w styles will please yon. It will be a pleasure for us ta show yon these goods whether you bny or flot. BOYS' STRON G SOHOOL SUITS,. As usual we have leading values in Boys' and1 Mien', S- 7t s; aise we are already selling a number of Fail Weight Overcats. We are nis- ually stocked in Men's Overcoats. Every one of our Co vert Overcoats are new stock this season in bine and black beaver. $10 line we sold ont completely and have an entirely new stock of equal value. 1i might be wise to buy early. Goods are advancing and last year we -were often out of sizes in the quiet~ selling lines. Working Coats, -fined, onfly $.0 nnlined, 50e and 75c. Overails with or without bibs, from 50c up; also the fancy, neat patterns in Moleskins that are in sucli demand.L BOOTS AND SEQES.. We have a fuilt hue of Boots and Shoes bought at bottom pricýes, We keep lu stock such makes as MeCready's, Marsh, Wes5ton., Leggat, Winn, Oberholtzer, Aines, Hoiden, MeKellar & Dallas, Williamis, Togarty, Horseshoe and other equially good'lines. No donbt wc have the goods and the prices are right. GROCERIES. 9- bars of our own Soap, 3 pound bars, special quahity, for 2.5c. Trilby, Cyclone and Primrose Soaps, regular 5e bar, 6 bairs for 25c. Lamp Chimneys, regularly sold for 7e and 10e, our prîce Se and 7c. Ou teas are the best value, Have you tried oui Black Tea at 2e DRY GOODS. .. . Our slaughter sale of Summer Goods has enabied ns to clear maeny lunes. We stili have quantities of some of the better goods whieh we have been holding at higher -prices. This being our last announcemfenit of Summer Goods for this season we have decided to put on sale every- thing of a pnrely summer nature at sneh ridicnlously low prices that -1- 1