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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1900, p. 4

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aa0aa u aa 2 20Va M i.UMê Ma 5u.a a n 'a NEW A 7D RUQriSTOREI:! a a Is worth mon ey to him-Is worth money to you. R Its the reputation we are working for at this New-Drug a : Store and the reputation we hope to earn is summed up in Our maotto: : "THE MOST 0F THE BEST FOR THE LEAST WE :: CAN AFFORD." That means not Drug bargaîns but Drug values, always: considering quaiity first. We are not building up a big banik , accounit it je true, but we are doing our utmost to build aa, bucsiness and to give such satisfaction that when a customera once buays frr"us he wIl ";l buy -agajur. We are workmg for a we hope to 'have enough business to enable us to continue to u a give the most of the best for the least money, and reap a fair : reward for doing so.> W. Ca TOLE, PHiM. B. Two doors East of Post Office,.: Thinking of a Furnace? For warm air heatig you can't -llnd anything better than our latest construction- THE OXFORD 400 SERIES. They combine cnorinous power with a most gratifying economy in thue use of coal, and may bo simp]y and easily regulated ta suit every varyiug degree of temperature. Their irnproved features promise you absolute indoor comfort al winter long and very mueh smaller fuel bis, MVake a point of seein)g them in justice to yoursef-You'Il find thcm superior in cvery detail-the newest 1 ,and best warm air furuace made. ~ SOLD BY 400 .SERIE8, flason &Dale, Bowmnan,.ville The GURý>NEV TILDEN CO., Limited, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vanzouver. We Wat vcry Person in Canada Uiga Stove to Realize that are the best stoves mnade; absoluteiy the best b'y test. Examine -thesu earefully, test theiu thordughiy,, and your'c wn judgment wl convince you that for price, style, durability, conven- BOWMIANVILLE, SEPT. 12, 1900. The Toronto World says: If Senator Cox cannot be persuaded to be the Liberal candidate in West Peterboro, the choice will Ililely faîl ou Mr. J H. McClellan, manager of the People's Coal Co., Peterboro. It is understood that the Hon. Mr. Stratton prefere G. M. Rogers to J. H. McClelan. But "Joe" McCellan is a geniai man, who wears his heart on hiesteeve, and wili doubtless be able to pateh up things with the Minister. Mr. McClellan was a former resident of Bowmanville County of Durham, where his brother Mr. John MeUlIellan now resides, one of the town'c most respected citizens SIR CHARLES AND) HUGH JOHN. Huagh John Macdonald, "son of his father", arrivcd at Montreal last Sun- day and wiii tour the country with Sir C'harles Tupper and Hon. Geo. Foster. The more you thinkz of it the tranger and more incongrusus becomes the association of Sir Charles Tupper and Mr. Hugh John Macdonald on the cam e platform. Mr. Macdana]d's chief dlaimr to public consideration is in thc fact that he is the son uf his father,-the -son of the man whom we used to be so con- stantly reminded declared:- "A British subject I was bora and a British subjeet 1 will die." Sir Charles Tupper, bis running mate, has latelv announced hic policy very unmistakably la the declar- ation -'Laurier is too English for me". Now the question arises which is the true Tory policy and who is the actual leader? No such unce rtainty exists in the Liberal ranks where there is but onc palicv'for Ontariao and Quebee; for the French and for the Englishi, for the native born the citizen by adoption- the policy enuuciated bv'Sir Wilfridl Laurier, "ta make Canada a nation, a nation within the British empire, a nation great in the eycs of the world" POLICE COURT. GEo. HALNES, P. M, and M A. JAMES, J. P,, presidiag. ---Seturday nîornî-ng--four-v0Tung--mu iu the vicinity of Courtice werc chargcd with making a disturbance ln front of the P. 0. and annoying- Mr. C.WLent, post master and mail carrieoth night of August 28th Seveirl w11te es were examincd but sufficient cvi- dence ta establish the charge was-not adduced and the case was dlismissed. H. F. ilunter fti prosecution and R. R, Loscombe for defence. Mr. Lent told the court a terrible tale of prosecution and the court aseured hlm that if the offend crs were provea gulity they need not look for miercy after commuitting suchi dastardly acte. The maximium penalty- is a fine af $50) for each offender andl six mionths fimprisonument. , Mr. Lent is a civil servant in thac cmploy of thc Domiinion Governiment and smiashing, thc windoýws orthte post cfficeand dîaub-_ ing his cArr4ages withi paintf is too seri- ous ail offense for the Goverumlnent ta overlook - A private detective may bc put oni the case and thien look out for squalls. MANITOBA LETTEH. EDITOR STATESîAN:-After a stay of 24 hours in Winnipeg we took train for Brandon, a run of 133 miles. The country through which the railroad Troubles' Kldney and laddler Aliments tliat Would YeId OnIy to Dr. Chmase's Kldney-Liver M1r. Wm. Giles, carpenter, Sault Ste., Marie, Ont., rtates:-'«Unsaiiclted I write to tel you of the good quailes or Dr. Chme's idney-Llver Pilla In curing urinary troubles. I do flot write for your especlal profit, but for the good oft those afihicted as I have been. I ha)ve used eight boxes, and do flot 110W feel1 the aid trouble ln the least. -"1 feit relief one hour after taking the f ret Pilil. It is a great source of comnfort to nie to know that there ta sa medicine to lbelp my wealt kidneys. Those mis;ýlng further particulars mnay addreos nme as ablove." Dr. Chaeze's Kidney-Llver Pilla are specific for al kidney, bladder, and urinary derangemiients, and liver 25 cents; a bo, a ït ail dealers, or Ed- manson, Bates anid Ca., Toronto. Dr.Chs' Ointment is a positive and absolute cure for piles. It ie the only preparatian wbich la guaranteed to cure every farmn of pilies. 1MR. BEITH'S HACKNEYS. As usuai lihe Hackney Stud of Mr. Robt. Beith, M, P , covered themselves with glor ' vat the b.Àdustrial Exhibition in Toronto thiýs ear. The credit for winning ii, suchi keen competition is very great and we congratulate aur geniai membjer an lis victories. Follaw. ing are the prizes won: llackniev stallion 4yrs and over Squire Rickeil llackneyv filY, 2 yrs, 1, 2, 3, Herminia, Sylvia and Cressida. Hacknuev '\ arling filly, 1 and 3, Tit- ania and Helena. Pure bred Hlackuey mare or gelding lu barnest $25 pre3sented by the Cana- dian Ilacknley iMorse Society, Mona's Queen. Sweepstakes for best llackniev mare any age,Iern. Best HTac1kney mar-e registered -in En lie iackney Stud Book silver medal by EnglisI llackney ilorse s50 ciety îMonias Queen. Dag Cart harse aver 15-k hands 2ud Poay iu harness over 131, and under i4ý nand.s, ý2id, Darrington., Thoro bred fillly 'Hag-gis",' ist for 3 yrs aid and reserve for thie sweepstakes. FRIDAY EVENING'S CONCERT lu addition to Mis8s Beverly Pobinson, the ditnui 'e anadian sopran o ind Mr. OwvA ml who is one of the1 mnost ife and talented of Canad ianeouussau absolutely new feature wilhe poue at the concert on FrdJevnn.I wili be illustra tedl sag yMsr ieand lHarvey lin ic h snject of the Sang will be iilstrtedbv ostbeautiful stereapti- raui viw l iniwîihthesag i n m c. deîghiulma-nner. The Ca-mnittee aesecured these ar- tisîs at v~ raciaditional expense adnpa ~ .ýfMesr v ad ur phyv au t -ublic eauret assured of lis;teinig ta ;,caow> ùtîthe like of' which balls nee he qua-lled in theh4 tr of thie town, Piano Selecti Aria". ..e.cte ............ iheRevuge~.Tennyson DweuT A. Smily. l Signor'..- illeyerbeer.. Lc(e Huguenots 3everîr Robinson. Song, "Tell 11cr that I'm Bowffanyvlle Cail at MliAL BROS. for Grapes, Geni Jars of ail kinds, Sugar5 Oystârs to arrive Friday nigbt. Make your heaciquarters at Hieal tBros., YOU ARE WELCOME. For the Boys alld VIS Pity 'tis;'tis true that holidays are ended but cheer up , buy ypur School BooKs and al you need at P.a RBLCC Special lune 'of SCRIBBLERS and EXERCISE BOOKS. mUi West End House Apples Ail decirous of1 exporting Apples to the home markets will be furnished with reliable infcrmation by writ- ing to Eben Jamies Board ofTrade Toronto Canadian Agent for Messrs. WOODALL & CO., Liverpool, established over 50 years ; Boyd, Barrow & Co.,Glasgow; M. Isaacs & Sons,Ltd .,London,and firme in Bris- toi, Hamburg and other porte. 33-4m Y.Ou will be cmn our Fair on Friday. The management say we are to have a better fair than ever this year. Be sure and make this store your H-ead- quarters,. We will be- pleased to 3how you our new goods. New Dress Goods and 1 1 1 S BOWMANVILLE. Welcome to Fair and to This Store......e UVENIRS

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