wiil b a vat noiwrk afelctrc rainey, s~.whi.hth5 Citizen May !U alalj'iâne of traveling. Ibism.etame izis- of thse matro- pis i w t thý,. bustiin.g business niia a bas Log atvaita'd. Foryears ti-,, ity ncuhas h'an j ,,ted and jervdby ca4buî rahbs home at !3L4 ýp- l'UBý tebiefffice iii the uity, ai evsry ay hhas wasted at Icsianb mby thi a teliluvian As bi ye'ar il by ha b-is sýen bm- s1fh4a a p itiRa' of biis life, te ne pur~ -. Oo dy a month or twelve days a yaaa ,h ba bi,,-'nn lalte ABOUT MILKING. If thare is any one tbing that re- quiree tise daLryaan's personaai at- tention muore than any other it 1,s milking. Mure good cows are spoil- cd eveiry year by ýcarelesnilking than in any uitser way. A very littie milk left in tbe-udder at eacl amilk- ing wiU *cause tbe test cuw tO de- erease, and eventually tu cease milk- ing entirely. Thse ilking ;sionld not onîy ha dune tliureughly, bat it shonld be donc quickly, and, unles thse uea and clean of some substantiai food, likd Jobnny oake or cracked grain, andl at thea same time, will obs'erve thffli tc, turn about and lbe looking foc bugs andl worrrs. Thay always have t hBr littie eyes opin. for a bug or bits of graes, andl they will keep Up tipa bu-se of foaging until their littie crops are disterïded. They are stýIlia littles mngry. TIsa faGt of the naatteir is that there ts a genarai rule obsýe!.ved by ail suc- css.ful pûultrymacn, and lw hile each w 111 have bhis own. bo.with no two of theaaLike, it would seens that thi,raB are many methoelis of keeping claickis healtby andl well f ed.- The point is to kaeýEp theanahealthy andi gr cra ing. Tha ýpesna who lacks me- thoail w ilI fead in, a bunngling manne r, sings, shouId be dune quie tiy. 1, givLng al hinds cf impruper foods, SOMLjTlIING quira NEW- CEYLON (le.EN TIEA Same flavor as :apan, ooIy more delicious, O NE S U RE SI1GN 0F j.DEA TH A Fhsk>11 ey s lie lia4 Trl9ed S t lit The question, of aniseltey sure sign of deatb bas tru iiankind from anc&ent tinses. R bas been most variously ansuere,bnt neyer to en- tire satisaction Tedficliswe meet with are- First. , that mot ail or- FLASHES 0F FUN. Wba-it a a9trong fc that Mr. Mirnmgley bas. Yes. Hae used te, be thea iron-jawed man in a cirons. Hfusband-What!1 No ice tbis swelt- ein.g weather? Didn't the ienian laave any ? Wif e-Ile lef Ë plenty, but tbat neow girl has bseni keeping the refrigerator openalil day to cool off thse kitchan. First Jlas-Yes-; affliction bas vis1- iteal cur ceiop. diviy poor sister le gonie! Seoa.d H en-So sorry! Did she pass away witis a white mni or a co]oredf nain Cardinal Manning metr one day a drunken IrishMan uon a London street and said; Patrick, 1 hava joined the temperane sciety. Perhiaps pour rive-rence needed it, was Patrîcks re- nir. .&. ~ of the flinetias'l-A obtaln'iýtbe iguaranteed te evtisfy the Mos~ t clrtedrikeý. CE]«I,OT 1jŽ- CU-bâ.. In Leaci Pa,,,,ts 26, 3v>40 50 and 60P. 101 -Are Âstonishodl 4-..,' 1f you bave noticed the dîf. ferencein the appearance of a building that needed, pain- ing'and after it bad receivedý( a c 'oat of paint, you've be astonished. lPaiîît.does more to incerease,