MT. VE1iLNON. i ~~tgy~r~V~- ~ ~et~h. ;Ms~sForeén ce anC-ýantis ~ t ~'17 n ___ hu idr bmq Arir;vint ~Io '>,Ue 0o aNýot to Ce> rt rhequestion thai conicernseey motfatIîweifher i! isL better o Be ha/f iff, ner'vouis, wn.orn out, or io Be 'we (t, sfrong, Z4er fol and uise fut. The taf fer condit ion ýwv[ttbe yocrs if you ftake Hloodse Sarsapa- sltt, .4rrca's Grea1c.est BtoodMeýdicine,-- ihere is nofhing equat Io if. Af ter a Coldù-"I 'nai comptefety mwn dc'rn h- -sA.qZdl My)so' persçadé, 0F INTEREST TO FARMERS. Having purchased frorm the estate of the ilate W. T. Lockhart the grain elevaton, ware house and flour and feed business in the village of Newcastle, it will be our ambition tlfrough honorable dealieg both in purchase and sale te win the confidence and esteem of ail. Our flour and feed business will be supplied with a full and up to date stock snch, as is f ound lu largest places and wlll be sold at pnices to suit every one. We are neootiating in foreign mar- TH E j BOWMANVI LLE Visitons :-Mr. Riel. iRoutley, juýst back frons England at Mr.D.Hceddon's; Mn. Smith, Oshawa, at Mn. J.-lleatlie's; Mn. and Mns. J. Oke and elîdreni, Enniskillen, at Mn. Wrn. Oke's - Miss Katnina Argus spent Sunday with the Misses Pascoe, ilighfield Farm.. Among those who visited the great Industrial were :Messrs Eben, Arthur, Eddie and Miss Myrtle Milison, Miss Sarah A. Abraham, Mn E.N. Varnum, Mr. F. Stevens, Mr. Henb. Rogers, Mn. T C19Z h ,.in M M , e - , npl Mr.M mie Io take H<e-od's Sairsaparil.s.and aff.tier k, igetms t~c<f- u. 1Il the use of t- botfleF- ifoun ffwa.s-. 1 1nana serS r -te'. L As G-at As Carniage.ý Have you seen our- Go-carts and Carrnages; if not cail and see them. This eut shows eombination?,Go-eart and Baby Carniage. It fuls' ail requirements and is takingÎthe place of others. We have other Unes offCarniages besides Our store is f nIl of ail the newest goods, together with the regular lnes'from the cheaper to the better goods. UNDERTAKING complete and e-very attention given. Night bell on side of door answered any hour 0'f the night. BLeWMÂ0VR LE. If you look the nain dependc This isthie rn LOOK AT THE SOLE at the sole of the shioe you're buiying, and îe and price appear thereon in a siate fraîne, on it beIng a 1'Slater Shoe." egistered trade mark and a point of distinction.] ]Beware of the «J usi as good." 12 foot-ftting shapes. 7W Ail reliable leathers in black and fashion's shadles. Levery pair Goodyear wcited. JOHN HEELLYAR, Sole, LocalAgent.- 33OWMANVILLE, SEPT. 12, 1900. BLAOKSTOOK. Mr. Iz.F.Hrumer, Barnister bas open- ed a, Bnanch Law Office in khacksteck which he will personally attend the first Monday of sach month. Until other arrangements are made Mr. - Hanter will have his Blackstock Office Pimples on the face are flot only annoyingD,, but they indicate bad blood. Hoods S bsaood.l cures them by N EWCA.STLE. Visitons :-Miss Mauti Gibson, Ohio, guesl of Miss Dora Dickson ; Mn. J.' Watson, Chicago, al Mr. John Douglas'; Miss MeCGllongb, Newtouviile, guesîs aI Mn. Hugb Gibson's; Mrs. W.Deîong Is visiiing ber daugbter, Mrs.Meatiows, Hope ; Mn. Elivyn Mitdileton bas soecur- eti a situation witb the Massey-Harris Ce , Toronto. ... Miss Miaule tovekin is lelegnaph operaton in the R. Scobeli & Co's drug store.... .Mr. Arthur Row- landi is with -Rowland & Galbraith, druggists, Toronto. A BUJaWLE op NERvEs-Nerve force is tie ' e-ry lite ef man anti eveny ongan îc-f ti fhnan body is depeadent upon il. à iý:a soon as the blooti gels Ihin anti ve, anti fails le supply noanîsh- maent to the nerx-es thers cornes a train of to us disordens, nervous prostra- tion, ptsîalysis, epilepsie, insaIiity anti deatb Dr. Chases Nenve Foodi ne- bailda anýd vitahîze the sierve ceils waste dîb'. di-case, ocerwnk; sud wonry. Il fsi h- r25sioub)t thIc wond's greatest resteri; . Rcmedt by yo fairnî ýi b'sii. Ail dnuggists neeom mend Uunti sii! il. COURTICE. Mr, Chas. Gibson, Meadville, Pa., visited his parents hers thi'% week.... Mr. Chas. Marr, Grand Rapid, Min- nisota, was guest of his mother, Mrs. Marr, at the parsonage last week... Mr, and Miss Lewis, Brooklin, were guests of Mr. John Walter necently..- Rally day will be obsenved in connec- ion with Ebenezer S. S., on Sundav Sept. 23rd. Ail former scholars are invited to be present and those who are to:) distant to corne are beng asked to oeretrsil be presentsd. AIl are selcome. In the Septeraber "Succesis" a diseur. sive feature of timely interest is Sbould a yoDung man. who intends to enter business life, go to college? HAMPTON. Visitons :-Mr. W. anti Miss B. Clat- wertby, Southi Dalinglen, ai Mn. Jes. Ciatworlby's ; Mn. R. Allia, Clevelandi, Ohio, Miss Viola Lewis, Kinsaie, at Mr. W. Alin's .. .. Misses Ada anti Carnie Lord, Zion, Hope, at Mn. J. Lords .... Mn. W. Allia bas pundbaseti ires Brelbean & Saundens, Ynnferd, a fine youug yonkshire tb replace the one bhicl ibe 1lest receally...Mn. E. J. Clrebas purebaseti a Deering Cern binder anti Mn, W. IL. Gay a MecCr miack dtlle.. .. A number ef our citizeus are pneparng for the coming Pain on Pniday. Prepane for a big lime. CAN Yen TELL wny?-iou have constant beatiaches, are nervous anti sleepless ai nigît ana fele tireti in the morniug?1 Yoar blooti isu't carnyiag the rigbt materials te youn nenves anti othen ergans. Begin lakiug IHoo.i's Sars<aparilla, the great bloot i enicher, antfi you will soon realizechange Yen w iil feel better antid negn will reliel your ooJ i anti ejoy refnesiug sleep. SRecent Visitons: Messrs. Ws. and Diavid Moore, Goderich, and Mn. anti Mrs. Jas. Moore, Haytion, at Mrs. E. G. Pascoe's; Miss Jennie Hudson at Mn. T. Baker's; Mns. Bnowu,,.Morden, Man,, anti Mrs. Eli Osborne, Courtice, at Mn. A. L. Pascoe's ; Miss Williams, Bowmanviile, at Mr. Wm. Aston's; Miss Nellie ilsys, Toronto, at Mn. T. Pascoe's ;Dr. L. N. llogarth, Detroit, Miel., ai bis motben's, Mrs D. Hogarth anti Mn. anti Mns. Edigar Wilson, Tii- sonburg, anti Mns. R. Pascoe anti Mn. L. C. Pascos, Enfielti, wîth fieutis... Local breeders are getting ready for a big exhibit of stock at Bowmanville's big Pain ... Miss Leila Hogarth is going te Detroit te visît friends ; Miss Anale Hogarth wili visit lu Toronto... Division Wsdnesday night this wesk- sistens' progras .. .. Some foreignens campeti at Tamarack Swamp for a few days have goe westward. . May tbey soon reach tbeir destination .... Mr. T, Baker, C.C., bas atidedt te is alreatiy excellent berd of Short Herns, ai sire from Mn. J. M. Miller's bord, Brougham .... Mn. W. L. Law bap purchasedth Ie Wprl'rnp pnopenty PeIo7, Jnte 11iage bers consistiag of 50 acres for $80i. Easy and Pleasant iloffle DTlmQvuND- uLS Will Color anythi-ng Any Colon. The most woaderiul belpers in the home to economical dressing lare ýV'-e Diamouti Dyes. They are so easy te use that a cd ceau dye a ries anti Per fect colon witb them. Diarnonti Dyes make fadeti anti dingy dresses, blouses, capes, jackets, stock- ings, scanis, laces anti draperies look, like nsw. Bewane of tiyes tliaI daimu to colon cotton anti wýool withà the sarne dys. I 1t is impossible te get satisfactony resuits frein dves of that chanacter. Is DiaRnonti Dyes there are special dyes for coloring ahl coiton ant ixus gootis anti special dyes are matie for ail wool gootis. Each of the Diamonti Dve colons te guananteeti to give full satis. faction, wbsnuseti acconting te the db-sctions.- NEWTONVILLE. On Wednesday Aug. 29tb aI 4 o'clock,' Mn. Chas. G. Gladman, Chicago, Ill., anti Miss Nellie Watts were marnied inl tle Methodist cburcb, wbieb was taste- fniiy decorateti with fiowens anti fiags andC filedt t overfiowiag witb intenesteti fientis. Mn. Gaîdman was attende i by bis brother, anti Y iss Watts' sister acteti as bidesmaiti, witb Mn. John Reid's litile tiaugbter Jessie as maiti of honor. The bride was beautifully Cness- eti in white sick anti chiffon, wors a veil roses. Tlhe bridesnsaid's tinsss was of ongaudie anti the little maiti o! houer looketi verypretty in white silI anti lace. The offciaing clergyman was, Rev. J.G. Lewis. Aiter the wedding supper the happv couple 1sf t for Toron- te, lIeuceste Chicago.-. A lange numher iros thls village altentiet Toronto fair -. ... Miss Lulu Haucock anti Miss Reidi, Peterbono, who bave been visiting frientis anti relatives bers bave netunu eti home. . MnNoden is laving bis bouse nepaineti -.... Miss Louis Siseman, Pont Giranby, is visiting inientis'bers, Miss Siesman intentis going te Cbicago shortly ....,Mr. Cles Hancock, Peter- bore, who bas been visitiug here lias returnet borne. -... Miss Gertie Moase bas neturneti irs anenjoyable visit lu Mariposa . .. .Mr. andt Mns. John Pethick anti son Chester are hom e from Toronto ...Miss Rallie Pumsct, Rochester, N. Y., is visîting fionde bers. ... Dr. D. M. MeKeuzie lias ne- turnet ires Gat .. ..Messrs E Mitchell anti S Joues bave neturneti ires a camping leur.... Miss Nîna Loekhant bias retarasdt te er boss la Wiagbam ...Mn. Wilbur Ranceck, Port Hope, was bomne over Sunday. Hsinses, anti caille have collc anti crarnps. Pain-Kilier wil cure 11cmi sver y tirne. Half a bottie in bot waten repealtid a few limes. Avoitisbsi tutes, tIers is but eue Pain-Killer, Penny Davis'. 25-s. and 50e. Cunnie guests et Mr. C. S, Stewart; Dr. Farweli, Saipt. of Protestant Hospital, Ottawa, guet of Dr. Graharn.. ,..Mn. Byron Davev, Pickerinz, Miss Davsv, New Yonk, Mns. J. E. Virtue, Tononto, gues"ts' of Dr. Mitchell..Mn. Joseph Small, Colfax.,,IEl, having speat a week with bis brother in-law, Mn. Thos. Cri.returned home this week taking wvith imii for a visit Miss Mary Cnaig.. -Miss Crookshanks is attending the Model Scbool at Port Hope.... .Dr. R. M. Riggs, is convalesing f rom bis fer- ions attacek of typboit.... Mn Walter Cryderman bas given up Mn Jas. 1Pye's farm . ... Mn. R. Vintue anti wif e and Ms Editha Vintue. Toronto, bave been visiting tbe(r mother wbo bas been seriously Mi. 1AME AND DISEASE. A SisoyLxsSe ON THE MEANING 0F A FAIIILIAR WORD. Dsaeis the opposite of sase. Web- sien defines disease as "lack cf sase. uneasiness, trouble, vexation, disquiet."1 It is a c.pnition due to some tienang-e- r..en t of the physical organisrn, A vast majority of tise "disq-ease" ires, which people sifer is due te impure blooti, Disease of this kind is1, cured by Hood's Sarsapanilla whicbi purifies, enniches anti vitalizes the blood. Hood's Sarsa- parili'a curesý senofula, sait rheum, pis-- pîes anti ali eraptionis. It toueýs the stoinach Randcreates a geeti appetite, anid ;' ives vigon amid vtality to the wbole bo iIt rverses the condition o thin g, giving bseaith, comifort anti ANT[OCH. Miss Burgess, B1luevale, is výisiting4 Thos. Little....-Miss Dawson was nec- eut guest of Mrs. Curtis'. ... Mn. anti Mrs.Smith. Toroaito, vîsited at M.W. Benetts. . .n.D. M. Somenville was lu Lindsay recently. . .. Miss Beatnie Poster ias' returneti fnorn spending a a coupfle ef weeks at the lake*. . .. Mrs. Davidi Walshi is visiling ber sister Mrs. Isaac Ciçsbledlick,,at the Willows. . .. Mn. Richard Been, Oneno, bas purchaseti a bolack, mare fros Mn. Wm Wadtell.... Mnr. John Hall, Newcastle, visiled at Mrs. R. McLeod's.... .Mr. anti Mrs. Stephen PFoster, Mn. anti Mrs.T.Nagls, ingersol visiteti Mn. Wrigbhton Poster M-àaster Chas. Malcolfis, Tonounto, lias returneti borneaccompanieti by Master Sandoy Smnil.. .. Mns. M. GTamsby is Li... .Mn. G.Bigham bas betunueti to Toroito. ... Dr. H.1 G. Beers, Lindsay, calleci on fientis ne- cently. ______ MOST COMMON AMONGST WOMEN. The Trouble is Easily Ooltrolled ýPAINB'S CBLFRY COMPOUND Produces Prompt and Permanent Cures, Whienwý-omen are afiicteti with slecp- lessness anti the manvilus arisiag thens- fnorn, te shoulti be aware o! the lact tbat tbev eau by thein own efforts, cen- tral ai banish al troubles. By dhe a-e o! Paius's Celery Com- poundti îleimpure blooti that unter- mines the stornach andthîe nerveus sys- tesi eau be punifieti anti enrîcîstianti the number of neti corpusles iucreaseti. Sleeplessniess that causes mudli o! the niervous prostration amoug worneu is a trouble lIat Paine's Celeny Compoundi nieyer fails te cure. Paiue's Cslcry Compounti by uts well kuown nounrishing powers enables tle nerves te gel baek thair coatrol over the circulation, se lIaI the blooti sappîy beeo.ncos grealest wbene il is most neeti- ed, as in îibe stornach afiton eating, anti leasl hît ils presenceseau enl.y do barmn, as la the brain wben sleep is If weanied, worrieti weak anti uer- vous -womnudesire full beaith anti a happy l! e, we urge tIbm te gîve Paine's Ceieny Compounti a f air anti honest trial. Pains 's Celeny Compoundt bas a marvec.1ous record of raniti anti perma- nent canes lIhaI embnaces, sveny city, tewn ani village in our broati Domin- ioni. N-ýo ethe(,rimedicineis se freqnontly prescnibeti byeour besi physicians; ne othier can s0 surely meot the aliments of alllicteti wonenD. and the prices are right.- GROCERES.. 9. bars of our own Soap, 3 pound bars, special qunality, for Trilby, Cyclone and Primrose Soaps, regular 5c bar, 6 barsý for Lamp Chimneys, regularly sold for 7-. and 10e, our price 5c and Our teas are the best value, Have you tried our Black Ta't2e DRY GOODS.. Our slaughter sale uf Summer Goods has enabled usb to elear mii lunes. We stili have quantities of some of the better goods which have been holding at higlier prices. This being our last ann,,ounceini of Summer Goods for this season we have deeîded to put, on sale eve thing of a purely summer nature at sueh ridieulously low prices t] they will go quiekly, These quotations will give you some idea:ý ol Ladies' and Chidrens' Vests from 5c up; a lot of Ladies' and -C'1 rens' Hose, fast black, 10e a pair; our best Muslins and Pique Q~i~ at 10e a yard; Colored Mereerized Pongee, 15e a yard, White Pi( Shirts, 75e eaeh; Parasols from 25e up; good Leather Beits, black eolored, 10e each; some snaps in double fold Dress Goods and ni other artieles whieh space will flot permit us to mention. T HE MASON Dc FALL FAIRS. the world the nesuits obtained. The following testimonial of Mrs. W. Eaton, 10 Fenning St., Toronto, has the ring of truth, anti bears out the claim that it is a cure beyond a doubt for the 3-oung, middle agsd, and aged. Mns. Eaton savs-"Di7, Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets have been of great benefit te me. Formerly 1 had so mach backache it extended- to my hips and limbs. At times thene would be an acute lamsness in my hips and a burning that causes disagnesable sen sations. 1 find that 1 amrnch invigon- ated since I used a bot île of Dr. Pitch- en's Backache Kidney Tablets. My back bas rscovered from its larneness, and I'arn sleeping well niights. From my experience ln usi-ng the Tablets I have much confidence in thens, and I can highly recornrend tbem" Any readen cf this paper ýcan obtain a trial package of Dr. Pitcher's Back- ache Kidney Tablets absolutely free by enclesing two cent stamp for postage to The PitcherTablet Co,, Toronte, Ont. When giving addrsss mention this paper. 1legular size 50 cents per bottie. ORONO. Mn. John Armstrong is home on his holitiays.... .Mr. F. M. Williamson is home from Toronto.'... Miss- Elmo Dobson visîted at Toronto .... Mr. John Cuttîs spent a few tiaysin the city last week. .. Mrs. P. T. Allia and son C lare uce visi ted inl oono...M A. Waldon, Toronito, was in town, recentlv Mn. Ro)bent Foster and daugîteýr, Amvisited Toronito.,. . .Mn. Amo)s S7s a gns t&1Mi lid to ide.. M.Robt. Wýintsn and soni Fred-, visit- ste oot. n Rt. Momrenit and family7 have retnirned homie fromi Wash- lanaIslad.... M. Davidi F. Walsh and moULher hiave -one te Geneva, N.Y M.anti Mns. Wrin Jones are visit- in- fientis at Betbany and Blackstock 7:Mn. andi Mrs. R. Knox have ns- tunned from Muskoka.... Ma4er Leslie Palmer, Detroit, Mich., is visiting, lis uncle. Mn. R. Cowan,.. . .Mr. and Mrs. Win. Besunish, Port Hope, visiteti her fathen, Mn Wm. Ballagh......Miss M.E. G. Waddell and Mn. D. M. Somervi!le recently visited Col. J. Hughes, New- tonville. . .. Mn. Wmn. More *y, Trenton,ý an old Orono boy, called on friends, aften an absence of twelve years.,.I Mn. E. Hulghes, Newtonville, visited n.Ruddock Waddel.. .. Miss Lena Moment bas returneti fnom Limoges, Francs, whene shre has been the past two yeans furthering ber studios ... Miss F. M. McCllough has gone to Baffalo, to spend the winter with ber brother, Mn. W., T. Lyness ...Mrs Henry Anderson accompanieti by hier grand- daughter, -Miss -CuIyer, -Nsvan, Parrny Sound District, is visiting bier daugbtenr Mrs. Harny Hooper .. .. Mn. John Odeil, wbo bas bëeet spending- the latter por- tion -of bis holiday at home, bas resum- eti duty as mathematicai master in the Collegiate Instituts, Cobourg .. . . Mr. J.1 Wood bas leased the fans owned byt Mr.R.Best and tenanteti by Mn. Harvey fo.. On Suntiay Sept. 2ad, Sabra Mal- loy, relict of the late J. L. Tueker, after a tedious and liagering illness passed away. Mrs. Tueken was in ber 8lst year anti was an honored resident of Onono for about 60 ysans. She was1 ons of oun village's earliest settiers, andi for many yeans, aloniF with ber matters that bad a tendency to benefit the village anti township. Hen remains were laid alongside those of!lber bus- band, whom she survived oven 19 yeans. The funeral was large anti was attend- ed by many old friends of the familv. Rev. T. W. Leggott Ponducteti the service. Two sons, Dr. M. M. Tuckeri and Mn. A. A. Tueker, mourn bier death. SAY :-Df' yen want Gil- mnour's Celebnated Higi Clab. Doors for that nice new bouse y ou are building? If se, telu- phone No. 15. Ntwithstand- ing ail reports to the centrary we a re stili selling and going te ssii, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, pickets and ail kinds of dresseti and undresscd lumber and are continually receiving fresh stock to meet ail the demantis of the trade. A consigument of splendid No. 1 doons- arrived fnom ths Giimour's factony at frenton a few days ago, a nd we are pre pared to supply any grade of goods manufactured by tbem at short notice andi at reasonable prices. Palnted and graineti ceiling a specialty,hcadqaarters aise for shingles-British Columbia No. 1 Red Cedar and.ail grades of Pine anti native Cedar; Sait, Plasten anti Port land Cernent always in stock. Cali and inspect our stock and prices befone placing your ortiers elsewhene. Mclellan & Co., Bowmanvilie I 3owmwwtni1e Fair?, MACHINE, OIL HARNESS OIL Having bought my M'ýaçhine Oit before the adva%ý.nc.e in price, 1 'will con. tinu to seil at Iast year-'s price; alS& AIe Grease, Hares 1O, alil ki1d. of Plow Points and Soles ke:Ppt il stock. For thirty days b~nigMouday, July 9, wli sel! our Cariage -Dusters at greatly red uced prices to clear, as well as Carniages andf Bicycles, both new and second hand. Jno. S. Rùndle, One door east of L.' MOP RIS Furniture store, Bowmianvýille. ALLAN î, UNE Fromntra. FroiniQuebe Tunisian,(niew) Auýg. 1, a. mu. (p. I. Numidian.*........l,, 3 PM. Gorinthian (ne-W) "18 5 a.m, 4 p. lit. Parisian.......... 25, 5 a. ni. S3P. nM, Sieilian(new) .. .Sept, 1, 5 a.m, 4m Tunis ian (new) 7, 5 a.m. 8 6. Numidian .... 15, ï;p. nm. Cointhiani (new) -9C, 9 a.m. Cpr. ms Paisian ... 29,Sans . 6 P. M: RATES 0F PASSAGE. Firet cabin, $5000 and npw-,ards. RetIin$1». sud u wards. Secondl Cabîn $35, 537.50 anc $4Ol, TirGls $22.50 and 2850 Allan-State Line, Ncw Y ~to, Glasgow. Laurenian, Aug. 18ý, 10 a, i.1 For tickets and every Information ap- m- A. JAMES, Allan Line Agent. Bowmafnville. boat Company, (LIMn Str. "North King le SOUTII BOUND-. Lv. Cobourg ........ ...... 1.125 p. m uPort Hope ....... .....12.30) P. m Ar. Charlotte, N.Y ......... 7.15 p. m Rochester, N. Y-.......ý7.50 P. m NORTH rBOUNO.ï) Lv. Rochester. N. Y........ 8.25 a. m ilCharlotte,N.Y ....- ...8.50 a&r Ar. Cobonrg .........12 ifPort HRe............U -/&DTime subjeei 10 change Nwith i wilhout notice. i. H. .IURYv H'. H. 1p-,RSLEu J.Ageat, Bowm",anvîlle'. -. ag FOR !internai use R53U AD [LOW OIL cannot beexaefpd.a reeiieving anud Soothissg nei-yff ail pain, cn n 1 ivi 1 ýf& "ý jý&7j;4y -L ý-L k-1 rr- -r -L LL r. 5r-~4 e 7-.~'~-~.1Ya~iT ~W4 t:c~h1k~ i i~e 1West Dunihami, Bowmanville, sept. 13- Ontario andDnhm Whitby, Sept. 1î7-19. Linidsay Central, Sept. '20-22-. Central Caniada, Ottawa, Sept. 14-22. Cobourg Central, Sept. '27-28. East Duirhaqm and Cayan, Miilbrook, Oct. 4-5. Wéoodbridge- Fair, Oct. 17-18. Northwestern Exhibition, Goderich, Sept. 18-19. Central Exhibition, Peterboro, Sept. 18-20. East York, Markham, Oct. 3 5 East Peteno)oro, Nonwood, Oct. 9 10 Clarke Fair, Onono, Sept. 25-26. Hope, at Port Hope, Oct, 2 3 Cartwright, Blackstock, Oct. 2 3. BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS (Under Twelve Years of Age.) MOUNT ST'. ANTHIONY, RIDEAU TERRACE,OTTAWýA, ONT. This institution is easily reached f romn Duffer. in avenue, te wbich electrie cars lead froni any part of the city. The programa comprises: Christian Doctrine, Sacred History, French and Etiglish Reading, Gram-ar Otorpa' etrwsig os e sîtion, rithmeîic, Hîstory, Geography, Map lrawing, Penmanship, Linear Drawing, Object Legsons, Galesthenics and Singing. lass Hours: From 8 to 9 a.m.-Study, Frora 9 to 10.15 a. m.-French Glass and Recreation, Froni 10.80 to 11.30 a. m.-English Glass. Prom 1 to 2 p. m.-Study and Recreation. From 2.15 to 4 p. m.-English Glas$. From 6 to 7 p. m.- Glass Recitation. Terras easy. Address: Sister Superior, Rideau Terrace. Ottawa, Ont Notice to Creditors. -Tn-7Y&Mae r ofW eaW- DATVID FISHER, late of the Town of Bowmianville in the, County of Durham, Esquire, de- ceased. NOTICE lehereby given pursuant to Sec. 38 of Chap. 129, R. S. O., 1897, that aIl persouDs haring cdaims or demands against the estate of the said DAVID FISHER, deceased wlio died on or about the eleventh day cf April, 1900, are required te send hie pp.t, prepaid, or delleer te the undersigned solicitors for the Trusts aud Guarantec Company, Limited, administrators with the wili annexed of the prcperty of the said deceased, on or before the FIFTH DAY 0F OCTOBER, 190, their christh.,n aud sur- namres aud addresses with full particulars lu wlaiting cf their dlaims and stateinent of their aeecuuts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, dnly veritied hy sLatutory declaratiou. And take notice that after the said fifth day of October, 1900, said adminstrators willl proceed te distribute the assets cf the said de- ceased amcng the parties eutitled thereto, having regard ouly te the dlaimscf which they shall then have notice, and the said adminis trators wifl not be liable for said asse L3 or any prthereof, te any person or per sous cf whose damnotice shall not hav2 beên received by thern or their said solicitor s at the tise cf such distribution. Dated September Isi, 1900. The Trusts and Gnarantee Comspany, Limited, T. P. COFFRE, Manager. SimrsoiR & BLAiR, cf Bowmanvilie, Ont., Soicitors for saiS administrators 36 4w WORJIS eannot oxist oither in ehiidren or aduits v.lcin DU. LOW'S WORM SyRUF h used. 250. 411 deaiers. 1