TElIPEINUPEOCESS -~ IVbUeh fla1e eAl in CreIun t GnCm dte On th ar Frba lyte most fameus gun man- afcer u the werid next to thai TUE HflflE'S FOOT. ;nRrup aGermany, ta that ef MM. La the -atural construction of the Scnede t Cie' moýre popilarly borse's foot, the horn is secreted frem k Aini~ France as "Le CrQust." the living surface, and myriads of Thie Ibusiness was founded by ai ½eautifuî vascular and sensitive tufts Engishanan engineer of the name dependent frem this surface enter the of Wilinsen, who e3tablished hirnsel: behr-n tâtera te a certain deptb, and et reusotIn178, sd e'etediro [play an important part in the ferma- smelingwerk. L wasber tht 'on of the sole. Tbe newly formed rhortly aýfter Waîî's discovery the tra stam ngle we pt ite se.hemn is soft and spongy, and incapable At te peset dy. he ork, mnes cfreaiating expusure t the air, but as At .h. and reappear la the butter, causing it te seen go Off flaver. Streaky butter is the result of the saît net beng evenly distribluted. Wbere the sait bas net penetrateýd a white streali appears, as saît deveieps celer. A littie more werking reme- dies this defeot. Coarse, inferior salt frequently containa lime, and if used on butter, the lime wbich la a great bleacbing agency, takea the cler frem the butter. Mettled butter ia us'ually due te the butterbeing tee ce]d and firm when xv'rkedi, thia sait net being able te dissolve and penetrate threugh it. SOMJITEINO QUITE NEW- CYOUREN TRA Situe flntînr ase alun sn',more Asludn.,e cursed himself, lie gnashed bfis teetb , ho, grewled, but he teek eut bis penkite ail the same. Re put il back into bis pecket, asked bimuself wlsetber lie was crazy, but twe or ithree minutes later, wben lie was about ta epen bis uncle's deer, lie sudden- 1>' started back, and befere he -ceuld stop binseif lie steed, knife la baud, strug- gliag, not with bis own temptatien, butI with the latter. 11e was ail perspirlng and the latter aras feirly cevered witb the s- A PRIME FAVORI !TEwthltdrkebeeesitecelngoÎy OmrJLoJsr crym.a. In Lui..anke '4i, 3,4050adOo prck e bs aiean wenlbage np ir- n ~ ,. A littie paint properly ýplaced i - 111 held of it ai lest and was about te aa WlT V I alù V make a fine bouse out of a aId a ~ ~~ it eut feetsteps were heard outaide the tI.?Li gate, sud the judge, turning pale as I iltk wytedny înmmnn * ~~deatb, jet go et bis quarry and tUpteedItviiteawytedgyi rie Til b Ut B a is way beck te hie uncl's deer. dowvn appearance, sud make h lýýoki BOX. bat nighit be dreamed et a bitter bex.r Itws sumiebow centuaedl with bis ceint- fresh and' new, To -ng am om Bjautpeephele luinthe de-wes at ai- e e ta 3; t--c- 4-c c-s eflwssMStiaes _______________ -r arn '-1 o c, , r £ T rT ttP ,Z r~ ~ - r ~+- c- - - e- - ".t- -' - &- ~tZ5it k2h.2xfac.,entzttucs,1 c-t- tIîbI ~ ~.- tu.--c-ve.u- wthn hLeP-h3 w ~ r r-~4nr.unu.~ .4~L~ŽtV-- --r zsuuuett:r>tr the -- .~. ~ ~ r~r- - - a.. - - ur r~r X~tt Z21 tii?- ~, r-r. - 4-. .- . ., .3 5; ___ __ _ _ ~ #zt~r- 'z:tt -~ ut. 't 'Lm~st ~-t~--~----- ~ ~ - f---t sait: :t~--~&L-raw4-r-k=vr~c-3;=u4mi, 3; ~ - - - __ _ _ __ - r'~r r- - w - -. w3;-'u.(r .,.,.,,-w,'.3'--..-' ..r- t- g w - r - - w - t . - - - r ccd t-- 'i '~ 4 f'-" r.r 3.4-4 w---sre~.--~r-.- ~ ii.-rŽ..~r.t-..-....... --e--w- 4-t - ---.4-- -w---- . -- - - - - t - ---------.---_____ w-- -----w---- -------------.------- -----t.---- ---------- -- - -----w--.- -.----------------------t--------.-----.--- -.3-r-- - -~ - - - . . - ~n-r4 ,--cii~r-.w ~ -- rw#. - - --~-. -.-- w--- 4t-ti-jc. i .3--, - 4- i'~ t' 4- v r - - - -3w$ ~ - -, t' g-w ;-~~9 h ý Q