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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1900, p. 3

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Nots ndCom ens, and it is stillinlu cgress. china made necessary; unless circumestancas com- j týî tQ. an attack on many of the nations sea- peiled it to be a principal. ~ eral menths ago, and this trouble is Aw itmiin an EJ'nglieh newspaper stili uncer way. Now tisere are indica- The latest reports from Manchuria atS3aghi cmat sensibiy and tiens of war between Roumania and show that the pacification of t hat veysncefii b1 nto ta heB1ara ouztry aloug te.principal arteries bhmase ,ssiiity tte foceigners is due ù omncto snal com toý t1ie iabo . 0 irstiani mission- Tha phrase the Eastern question 0f cshd nd nicat iecntion b coe- n r ias7ý. testo on ht i eant, aleug untilthie present disturb- pîîednd thater et cnncoftie e le e stroýgpin sa t sauras iniChina, tise relations ef Turkeytwa th eatnfrm us0te i4ý Sibarian railway and Newciswang, and tisis mssinarismore particiularly, te. the resi ef the world, or the re- vho xemlif in their iives the higis lationis of ber tributary or -ex-trb-Pr rhr s ocri n es mooeiJt ted the true diguity of tary atates to hier, toeaech ýotiser, or* grapis, will soon be re-estahiichati. Se WtrncvLlization. In the Treaty souse of theci bar countries. Just at tittie has the (fer aastern part of pora te ive o "acerai mt-present Tuirkay and lier interests _and Mancharia laeen afiaci cd by the dis- rit- mn tha foreign rasiîdenta" antipaties, as oeil as the quarrais ani turbances, tisai a Russian mission Lre aun outrage on the best hes of asOpirations ef the states in thse Balkan sent dtoi the Moyueu Ri ver Valley, tientie and a libel on Western region, are overshadowad by the neer the Russian fonlier of tisa Us- ctlùten"and thay "do more te Chineise conflict anu-d tise British cern- suri district, f cund the inhabitants ~apro he ayforcorup officiais, patgn lu South. Afrira, wh;'ch is te quietly folioxing tissir nsala vocations te'nt on itirrtug up the gnratend in th.e obliteratien of the two le- in antire ignorance cf the troubles peupfla ofChin, ban ail the mistakes publicls in tsai quarter cf the ,,-rid. in the centrai part oCftise country. of al i tha mýisinarias put togather."1 Thei'a te a chance, , howevar, that a Asrgrs1h esristatots T ug uthtis country, isower, conflici euch as is threatiened between otuprai'esi hta m (lieetisoreigner le otherwLse un- Roumania sud Bulgaria, uhkcisweuid mI motatnw1etia nle periai Comamission has beau sent by btow, ie t first introduoad in the hring in Turkey, u's Bulgarie te nomîn- Itise CiineseaGovramentte the Yang- ~eolnofa iîsienary Who lives aliy tributary to iRat power, would queiya orllifeý, ce ihat ail hi3 roopen thie issua in ail its tse Valley, tio report upein the atti- grave piope;rîlons. [inde,0f the Vicer'oys of Nanking and i~e ii nigb:hura on close acquain- --- ankow. Thee are two V:Ceroys who ta ~acquire a favorab -le knowl- The Balkan regiou's troubles have wîth Prince Chiné, are-said to have ~e o an ndivduai forigura.d -more than oncÂe profoundly 'ffeciad [beeau proposed by thie Japanase Goveru- ê'oesAwtisi partionlar knowi'ge ague thse history of Europe. Tisey caused 1 ment as asseciates with Li Hung favçooably iu generai of th.e foraign- thse Crimeas War cf 1854-56o, bctwean Chang to ireat with tbe Powerc. Tise ew'S",Russia ou tise eue hâand and Euglaud, e ommiîssion daacribed may have sonie Unquestiunably tiss t a desarved France, Turkey and Sardinia on thse conaection wîth tbis teatter. tiibito te Imisi ris.h ethe'otisaer.They ai-se inclted the Russo _____ rneseiaryraher than tise soldier or Turklish conflici eof 1877-78, wisicfl at At tise time of King Humbrt'si as- msuan,)f commer-ce who represents the eue urne thlroatauad te draw, in Eng- asntouomureaoitaer- murl availon of Western civilhza- land aud semaeof tihe other countries. ditedtLi s h ie acoe-aot whomire If nec shquld begin betweeu 1lcumania dicted tithLs s,, sor a ut hod mWioe ssLeonaries live in tise ln- terier, awîay frorn oreign civiliaus wt off'ýcaLns, tisera are ne honuses of W Ucv kpt for, or by, foeagnars. In Lauilao-,ý,estise are no lolieries luasdby and &upported by foreigu- eoes.Thorano natives arae uffed and kit-ked, for thora are no rowdy young lereignp 'drunïke3' l drag tisair nation's esarcrlim he ire." Tbhnie sof 0r xcivilization go witis the trader rather than tishie iney TW- ecvii repUtation fereignere have in Csneoeyes te not msada by tise naialturisbuzt by "thse man or wc- aend Bulgeria thero te a chance tisatiti wouid extend te othar nations. The issue isol-eautisem t ise dadm-and by Rouamanie thlat Bulgaria shahl suppres i s Macedenian reveiutieuary cern- moittea, which is making coma rul fer Routaena, but Bulgaria rfuest. interfare witli ithe acte of risat society. Roumanieaud Bulgarie eccuyei a smal pace coatiste map of Europe, apparenat who hes aver succaeded te a iirone-would menifasi absolute tendencies, would mule htes kingdem with a sirong hand and that his ac- cession wenid inaugurate a uaw era for Italy. I was added that in-- stead of rendering isiof suisser- vient to tise caprices of every epise- mereal legisiative majority, ha weuid, but their quarrail, nevemihelese, -te cOoýW huruto ii e Pritamenb s mias- aroueinig sema cencaru lu every cheu-to lu se fer tient if it did net ful- calaery intu ta continent. ýA war ln fil its dutie,3 ha would caîl it te ac- i is" tkeu, tsogisparicpatd l b ceuni and send it about its huai- ~smai contris aitisaoutet 1wunoe, rçaliztng that at times whan ravive tise Turkish question iu'a usnoitàir thesa isters of tise day uer aspeet cf gravity, an-d ba a soeleous thse parliamentary majoritiy repre- THE BUSINESS POTIN F THE TOWN ENTIRELY DESTRqOYED. The Less Ovei a Quaî.ier et' a nflhlee-Oiily ltraeintoerd et1Ad, A desp-trUihf rom PreOnit., says; -EPorty-tss bi,,nea- oue wr burm&up-i tatbe f ire whih wet Paris at an eariy arWebnesd-ýay mcmr- inig, ans i I s xvii,3 inotl t to ove&r a quartpr of a mlin Ail the prs-eirézas vestr.-y&d n art ti hýpria-i cî'pai bwÀane'osesctia{n, The,,f ire w as firttobre, by the ni2ht nattshmu et tise sv ineey miii. Ha- saw a liihjt ilu hiecool of the SIýý,idrum miii, aüd slxsrty ater th,ý gLiic f ell in and flanis satforth.. Sie at once tuirned i;a telepihone. aairm, and t]13 culunteer cbrigade gati stpeedily to, wurk, but tbý, high gaie bcid fanned Lh3 conflagra,1 t ion ýito sich an exten t thait tha veiin st ructure was. a bic zing nmass efeany cJci comU bihamade. A greur3,al aarm wa.s tho5n given, and the inhabitantis tstre.aned from their 1-,es The ciry of "Firel 1ire 1" rndon every strieet, and atii Paris 'vasl quickly a scane of tarma<il. Tli spak from the buraiai-ig tîmbera cf thj-e miii '-peed-1 ily ignited thâ paeft- fianetdoor, aied lthe estoLrie on th-L ther 'ride of it. The fire-fighteýrc uc ! every af- focrt, butthe f[aa ýkept 'ý the upper lundand cepngaagfrom buiilding to building. Tiret ee atome caughitand thc2nancother;uiiiýl nearly tcb?, whle sLde ofthe stree,,t on w'hich tihapmiii had been eit'uated w ýas fuions- ly burniing. Then 1tha flames coi-. menced to cross tise thoeughfare,, and u 3 - ____________ Allies Treat. With -Prince Ching on These Terms. A datepeich, f resu London,sayc-- A dee-patacis b ,tisc Contrai NaTe sfroun Shanghsai isays tise allies are treatiug wit 'tis :riinicaChiiag for a.n armistice. Tis bates of the negotiiatfiomns le; 1. Tiai Manchuria sali be mad.e a buffer Stats. 2. That Eutropean garriso<cs shatl ha astablishead a itraaty ports. 3. Tiaitbe iciierPq cof tisa Box- eris elLll be put te deatb. PARTRITION OF CHI1NA. A despaicisfrom Londeni, says:-The Pekin correepondant of tha TLies,, in a deapai ch,, datiad September 4, says thiat Russia ha-s decfided teoi vtbdraw lier Legation f rm Pekin, leasing a ptrely miitary ccrnmand. He addls LhtisEt1 wae expected that an an- nouncanseut (of tisis dacision would ha made officùially to the other powers ou September 4. The other powera xi irieesumibly aise wilisdraw their Legati!onýs, Pekîn remaining under the înlî.'i.ta.ry control cf the powars dur-,ig tie winter. At the leist meet- ing of te iscommsanders'U was au- uounced that i Ru'a would maintain 15.000 twoops, lu China during lie win- ta.Tise German commander said thai Germany would keep the came lis Jpaee c manerannen-,nced thtt Japan w>ouiil maintain an army of 22,000. Ise Bri-h b c,.mmiander iu was dacided to seud te Brauniferd ceiimk eauuc enrgrd nogid hi-, Gov&,rneul's poiic*y, xvhicis AID FROM BRAlINFO RD. 1,beiass te stili bei-g ensi ierad. Tisechief sud a forrce ax int t tisa ise orreoisipreut adds;-"lisera Le- sceeue by epeciai trainl, isud îba 2esm avs y titiiever, thît Lord S'j'shmy1, e as eidad tiset car pres- iýoudly ciseered when thy rriad Tie usubri a p'iinl ai Brantford men, efiater,î),culeen ef- mcihIiss esÊ1 umablr, u'tai tht we forto, suroeeded i l hcigtisa cern- me rerae furbiser ite aback- fiagretien on the eesta st sides, gr'(uud, lis egi tise ob[Vieratii of wbich they did et Hi' dry g'û' our Influence lu Pekin wiil react agetusi us tIsa oughaui Acte. In thse hast !nform&d quarters tise opinion le exprestced tisai Russii aad Germauy arm actilng ln. accord., Russia is seeik- Eng tise definite alilnatia>n cf al tise territoryinorth cf the great wall, aend Germany the anuaxation of the Provinces of Shantung, Kiangsi, and Yang-tiga. Russie ceeues aisc, te want te resýtaea tise power of tise Daýwa gar Empreisis and Empaer, wieiln:g influrenca tliraugh thern oer tisa remlaainig provinýes- of China. The 'dismemberment of China seams aimoist inkevitable. It te net antici- pated tihat Rus-Je xiii withdmaw li- auycrunsacs but wiii rainfaorca hemr troops now occupylug Man- ehuria. Prýince Chia-g, befora raturu- ing tec, Pe.kin, vvent te bave, au andi- eues cf tise Empaer beytnd tise great waii, - wheme tha Irrperial joimrney hed beaun arî'actad, peunding ,eveutsin Pea- kin. Prince Ciigsonis dataiued by thea Empe~ror as a heostege flor hie fatiser." 1 The Shanghsai correspondent of the Times, tiring Wednesday,' confirmes tha reports of'the :unaasy feeling tisera ccuceruing Gemmanys intentichs to- ward thse Yangise provinces, and espe- cially the Kiang-.Nin doris. Tisa St. Petarsburýg correspondent cf the Timse says he is lu a position te assert positiveiy tisaitishe Ruesian treepe in Menchuria are prapariug fer, a war catspaigu. Tise Sisangisai corresp>1.ondant of the Associatad Press, wiring Wadnasday, and confirusrng the resport as te tisme of tise four conditions proposed by a certain pow er as. isba basis of negetia- tions, says lie bas it from a Pekin sjource, usualiy reliable, that Prince Ciig has :tiraady began te nagotiata. BURINU EAB iAT i8EAI GALVESTON CITY AND ISLAND UN DER MARTIAIT, LAW. Show That the Di$aetÇr' Vs ol.e IWIde. stîreaegi taen Saplôsadl. ESTTIIATED LOSS OF LIFE., Go Ivlstoia ... .. ... ...1,000 teO 3,009 feaxajs City .......... ...... ........15 Alvin............... ... ...... ...... ... 7 WaU às ........... ...... ...... ...... .. i Reeuise.rg .... ...... ..... ...... ... 3 Siaatirke ..... ............. ...... a Biismri aui............... ...... ...... 20 Ps'gaa-.-P int ...... ...... ...... 12 Mâiouri City......... ...... ......... 4 Anig letn ........... .................. 3 Rasi Beinard......... .... ...... 3 At Yaricus peints aloung casi ... 1,000 PROPERTY LOSSES. Ga [v'estonl.............. ...... $10,000,000 Al1vin ........... ... Tiown swept away ..... c.c.c........... Tcvvn desiraoyed lig;lu........Loisi-s f $3,000,C00 WaIlis 72 bouses wrectrýed-lees $0 1,000 Setteirccike, sommer resorl ... Dastroyad Peag.ri, sueall towa-...... .....Dastroyed Alla LoMa -...... Tein destroyed 2A [itr....Twenty han-ses wraciked Cti'iia-uE ......... .....Al blouseis azad 11àismom .... ..Many biouses wrTecked FuIibair ... Sixty houses blowa- dovvn Ea s irami... Wipeci out of exisftence A despaichli rons beeseton, Teas, saye:--Tsl" ugbcîat Brunswick, whicis arrivoed boreIsat aigsi f roim 6alvestenj brough.t a.ddîtioae detailis. Tisa hormore on Sua-day wacre as notisdng comlpared w 11h MonIcady'o. An aetempt was made tc, bury tised"ad, but tisa gmeund was full of water. an-cif was imipOssi- blo, te dig tronche«s., AIId. MoM aster and S. P. Mormisseey secusxed ýauýthiomity ta hiavae thea is-dies takea- to sea fer buriai, aa-d a berge wae brougi up te lise Twalfithstarent whsarf for tisat pur- pose. Tise f iromea- IeudBed hemete service, lu bringing tHebodies te tise wvharf, huit it waairnosi impossible te iget mon teoi band].a themi5 Duiring Ühtis tormind nfterxvardsa greai deel cf boia-g w4î0 doue. Manyp stores hed bepiu bl)oead, tisoir ewuers ieaving te leok aller tisair families., A bulletin receivad ai neon states tisai Goeanor Sayers bas piacad Gai- veston clty and tiand undor martial iaw. Ad lutant-Genarai Scurry te or- t'

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