The medicinal property of eacli-of this herbs and barks is a specific for some pa disorder in the human system. The comI of ail these curative properties ini one tab' duces a remedy for al déiseaaes of the Stomacli, Blood or Kidneys wliieli for qui permanent resuits, lias neyer been equialed. LIVER WORT SARSAPARILLA YELLOW DOCK< WORMWOOD BU RDOCK-:: __ POPLAR MAGNOLIA is nature' s gran.dest remedy. It contains1 eral substance, no morphine, opium or oth, stimulant. Every box 15 registered ané bered, and contains a guarantet that ini purcliaser is not cured after using one directed, the price of the medicine will be rE OuR NATivE HIRPBS iS SOld in tablets, powderecl form, at $i.oo a 'box, containi day's treatmient. If you can't get it at yol gists we will mail it to you on receipt of prý THE! ALONZDO. BLISS CO., 232 St. Paul Stri.I. Montreal, Canad no Min- îer false Id num- i case a box as .funded. also in ing 200 ur drug- LýCe. ia. gM3M MMMMMMMMMM MlMmSMU UqM.,MM~ MMun3M m ie NEW 33n OREMMMMa,~MMM MS ~ 3M.MM- g:, * eee* Oee* se*O e",W vinMMMM3M3ME ion ,:.NEW_ RUC SFORE sa 0 en w s b orp,- ne to hog buiness wt o n eyusto conue. M M giv the re oftaeion wefarth eaorkin foranis ew D farMIOM * < Our forto n o W. C.T*LE PHn 3,fTwE MoosEst 0fPotHOie.BS O H ES E~~ MM~nanM n 000 0*0M 000M .list of articular bination let pro- SLiver, ick and t ~d~u~t~tnx ~ HON. SIDNEY FISHER. -_ __- i MINISTER or AGRICU,(LTURýE ADRESSES Itws lappy thouglit of Mr. Robt. THE FARMERS' FBIENID, Beith, M. P , to invite thie Hon. Sydney AmRe RStOrOd ta Health and Vigour by Fisber te open the West Durham Fair. Ulng Dr. Chasale Norve Food. Farmers of West Durham, you had H1e camne downv fromn Toronto on thse Many chidren are Pale, weak, and BOW M A N V ILLE. an opportunity on Friday of seeing and fast express and was'met at thre station bloodiess fromn their birth. Many others bearing theelHon. Sidney Fisher, bv Mr1. Beitis and driven up town where have their blood and nerves exhaust- Minister of Agriculture, the Cabinet lie înspectea the Dominion Organ & ed, and their sYstemns broken down byr Minister wlio lias àuceeeded so admir- Piano factory before lunciseon. At 1 the, ravages of disease, or as the re -_________________________ ably in promoting your particular 'n- p. m., lie was escorte« to the Fair suit of over-study at school. terests since lie took hold of his present Gýrouintis by Corp. Alfred Hobbs and 24 Pr. Chase's Nerve Food 15. the îdeal position. Have you reallv understood youngl Public School cadets. Arriving treatment for children. It supplles the wliat lie lias actually accomplîslied? at the 1granid stand lie was given a hearty very elements wblch are iacking in the Goverpment statistics show tisaivwcm by Mr- W. E. Pollard, Mr. W.paie, weak, and nervous. It restores repatd vsis t Gea Brtan ad ý - lln, -P. Trasrer 'r.Ggethse colour and richoes to the blood, repetet viitsto GeatBriainandb~ F Alen ~ reasrer ~~r ergeInvigorates the nerves, and buiids up N e rs the employment of agents there to Haines, P>olice Magistrate,and members the system. As a restorative after the make tiseir go qualities known, a of tise Board of Directors. Mayor Los- exhausting and debilitating effects of great deal lias been accomplislied comb)e initrodluced thse honorable gentle- rneasIes, searlet fever, and such ail- towards increasing the demand in the Man tise larg audience that liad as- Ments, it is of incalculable worth. Old Country markets for Canadian food sembled routnd the grand stand aîîd Mrs. St"phen PempsŽ,y, Albury, P. n. products. then called on Mr. M. A. James, Sec- eouuty, ont,, -writes:-" My littie grand- Tise following statement shows thse r?tary, to read an address on' behaif of dalighter, nine vears old, was very paie vale o epors i 196,thelat yarthe West Durliam and Darlington and weak, and- had no appetite. She vaueofexors ii186,th lstyer nin grcutualSoieieHere hati a tired, wornout appearance, and() ecd 3 ear's increase durin.- tle four the atidres cf Dr. Çhase's Nerve F ood for hier, and years tise Liberals heldth ie reins at Tirelo 'al Sidney Fishier, Minzster it lias helped lier very much. She la Ottawa: of .4gr-iculture. galning considerabay iu weight and Cheese Butter Eggs Bacon West Dur lam Agrcutualkoks real healthy.1" 1897 14,676,239 2,089,173 978479 5,060,393 boit rrave con ho' wh1ch.yo ail dealers, or Edmanson, Bates aniýd1 0ù 1898 17572,763 2,046,686 1,255,304 7:291o85 ave IQfrreU. upoII thm in attenuing C 1899 16,776,765 3;7D0,873 1,267.0639 9,53,.5s2 their Fair anti speaking tise words whisi Compiany. Toronto. 1900 19,856,324 5,122,556 1.457,902 12,471,497 will formnally declare it open. Tise pos- You beaî'd Hon. Mr. Fisber say wliat ition whiclivoiu occupy, anti the Marly a very valuable belper bie hati found duties dlevolvingupon you lu vour office. ormmeMr. Robert Beitb, 10 be lu must necessa rily 'nake il a matter of ln- A p ie sS h o e ,% matters pertaining to agricultural convenieýnce to you 10 be here, andi we interests generally and especially in can onlùv repa y you with that gratitude live stock matters. We lu which we feel. ______________________________ Durham feel proud to know Ilat Mr. We recognize tise filness ftig ia I eios of exoringApis to Beithi's assistance in tisese imatters l5 SO you sisonit be wlti s , when we remem Al dtise h o e rt wll e frmled t iighlv valueti by tise Governmeut and ber tisaIbeiug a farmer yourself of tis roearet ilbfunse shoulti do our part to ke('p sudh an ex- mavvassadn, svn ai l ig 10 bleinf(rmation'by writ- perienced, useful man in the position youfrof inanticisosen stutiy. you igt wbere lie' eau rentier ilie. farmers of are well prepared to criticize us, offer B of TaeM )d o"itt.w axi&t to geÉt Canda uci ecelen srvie.gooti anti tender ativice tb us anti o s E nJaffes'Bo l Toronlto farmin-g commnnîy concerning tise Building «<j L.L..* L'i f l MR IIE NRBEBEDN.inlerestsvwiieh you see about you, anti Canadian Agent for Messrs. J ni ai. - Mil FIliE ON11118 BREDIG.wiicour Fairs are ititendedti 1 WOODALL & CO., Liverpool, promote. We congratulate voi upon Hon. Sidney Fiser told tise farmers your attalumient 10 tise important establisled over 50 years ; Boyd, of West Durisar on Friday that ise bcd position wýhicli you liolti, anttie Barrow & Co.,Glasgow; M. Isaacs & been activelv engageti in farming for 'emiueul 1 suciessful management Sons, Ltd.,Lontion,and flrms lu Bris- W e ha"Ve a igntoV over a quarter of a century. 11e cer- of that oilice byv \ou, anti we hope y ou tol, Hamburg and ti ler ports, tainly las a practicai knowledge of Mnay long beýl, spared to contribute your 83-4m agricultural matters. The, Farming experience anti knowletige 10 tise as Worlti coulalus some gooti ideas front sistauce of tise publie in whatever posi- ne w D m r e ss G od s a t m edji bis peu on horse hreetiing in Canada. lion yen may finti yourself. AI1+I1 Mr-. Fisher says: "A breetier must We mieed wtmpesue aW% [ I have lu hi1s5 nind's e; e wbatlise Maflts iWtîetvi, inîle eare 1n 0 P the Br1 e~ 10 produce. He must uinterstauti suf-ohetintsesceswclaeei ficintl th law ofherdityto nowvour efforts in 1896, s0 8000 after bein wîat 10 use for tise purpose of producing întou of lt( eprmetassîguedt a certain type. A horse breetier musti h 'ngstictrlyrmo pik wisa cornes niearest tb lis iiction wicl existeti betweeu this Tis enerpisig hrsobretie wiî ~ country ati o ur neiglibors 10 tise soutis, ý1h eterriinghose reU..r illgoin conneetioni witl. a malter cf sudhqnn andtiose wis h ave (doue so iii Canada senting tisecatîlemen. We refer 10 lie have redped a pý-ofll ou their invest abolition of quarantine, permitting tise ment. Tise me .wiso 10 day stand at intercisangeof our cattie. We'celieveti tise ieati of 1k, isorse breedinz intiuslry tisat it was ,igootianti proper arrange lu Canada are men wlo liave boltily ment, anti are gladti 1 findti iat wisat , ,.Bsue a nmi purclaseti ai leavv expense wbat tis9y was prophesieti for il lias been s0 prac Piy S a ntreda 1kuew was requiredt 10produce a certain ticliy lempflei.sW not tis suc 1article-an article for whicl tisey were tcayexsî orkngflisi e moe inties u-h sur liey ctela remunerative creaso in ex porto ieknt fcIl idays areendedbu h sto e yu re ,-â prc.If we eau impress upon our pri'uîr f eki ng socktes utt is s o r o u 11 average farmer wlo wanls 10 raise a colt pArcmparsslY ;t(ow lIaIokrse ixee) or two a vear tisaI il pays liim 10 use aAcmnîsrniýýugDecembet fr tesxch er u ly y u stallion of a given type, tise mAn wiso exotseinthi lu tiem 1896, 577 were PayouL hav tke te ea i hrs beednô epote, t,(lilth-,samne number cf Q kr~ moill eanti-place tise a89d,40,758 % %ho l BooKs and ail q u a rtl e rs hav et laken lse lealiors dpae tredng otsetig'e? be 89 lise tise farmers.d in vle for tlise same perioti from u ed a must disabuse our people of tise idpa 9U717 1 6 ,5,sbowinZ tise wisdom VQ n eda ,htia rî goti-looking entire horsoe atis plrae t he oulurgn i zin tise ~ gýooti enougis b use for service., ipotnc tsearageen. ePI R E B LC OK1 beliove tisaI this, is tise true baIlle reaize tisec oetuns of tise fact w w corneider tisaI on a yearly basis grounti on whicis tle fight for mpoe-Iis meanls aincrDeaecepr ro ment las te be mlatie and.Ii truýt tatt ssuc rom a ,se expor rt what I have saitiin , 1115 article May edt 1081 ,00,dntimoueys receiveti from i ,.Ç lelp lu tisaI batlle." -10,00 10 14000.Tise atditional Sp cia lne of'NW e W -be ideas. Wlat man lu tiss'district bas a>market wh ch pradîIdall fft oreit RIBB oea uhaes wir. ail agee ith ese ondea1so s,-hws iucess. dIl afored tSRI E S andEMRISE s o o .o r r e ~ g o s doue s muhas r. R.Beits, MP., bpfore for the surplus stock cf tise kintin (uc 10 promote the lhorse intiust ry referredt 1. . This is a boon wbidh must BOOKS, W _________stand as a lastLiug monument 10 your s__how.___________ne________ OUR BIG FAIR. fortsight. We hope thaï; your visit will be as 9 Everybody,1 younan llkst laubot vi as it 18 10 us, anti-New D re--s oods a: Evryoty.yongani lt, iss t a wl tisa yn jl tk away witli you tisaI L s».Î attend a gooti agricuitural fair, Ini kintily feeling whicli we uuisesitatiugly deeti no attraction lias ever suporsetidei etendt 1 you. tise popular counly fair in tise public Believe us to be, Sirso'm e specl pr ces hearl. To many country people il 15 Faithftully ycurs CE tise event of tise year, and we confess it Tise West Durham Agricullural Society, __________ is scarcely less highly regartiet by dwell- W.1 PLADPrstet ers i town andcit_______of wNew13Furs -toLlook Prat.enE en l owsanidiis ay fwhmM. A. JAMEs, Sacretary. ___________ bave neyer known anti loveti motInH oue u F u s t oo i earîl inicail lier mootis, fascinalîng anti o. Mr. Fisher thaukeci île directors oîîerwise. for their appredialive wortis, anti was -vvest Durhsam fair is overv year a lamous arclua communt.H rani ojed lsso toyon. men ani referred tu ids qute(r century lu active cadns f the tistrick anti onlv farming, atiisaîdi lie enjoyeti coming in t lis au education, promotinghallnover attendeti a gatiseriug of farmersL nd e 'N q 1 th J u I * enerous, gootinalureti rivalry. Il is ibu brigsmtig1 ~itL d e o l t a k a fting recreation afler tise long, isard wihlm ibiitulle s Rerig 1<) tise ______________ lie~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i agiutrs' fecliae n i h is ila,. efrn g 1 o 4______the______ ih n x i ii n work cf summer. In iltishe beauty of malter cf tise a4tiress, lie was gladti 1 N L le to nd.