Bîgyour Recipes to us, we will 1111 te orrectly with the purest and best drugs. Anything in the Drug lune you can get Sat our store, A fulliline of Patent Medicines and a good supply of 01I SThe remedy for Couglis, Colds, Bronchitis, Consumption andi ail LungY troubles. J. Hî ggînbotham & SOIt Druggists, Bowmanvill e. As Go-Cart. v rave you seen Ou Go-carts Ilnot call and see them. As Carrnage. and Carrnages; if This ent shows combinationlGo-cart and Baby Carniage. It fuls ail requirements and is takingýithe place of ethers. We have other Unes of Carniages besides Furniture . . 0. Our stere is fulil of ail the newest goeds, tegether with the regular uines frein the cheaper te the better goods. UNDERTAKING cemplete and every attention given. Night bell on side of door answered any heur of the night. BOWMANVILLE. You Cap, n'elîzevýýfl_1q ýk1M f WIIAT A DIFFERENCE THE Oxford. R<ange _ fW ill make in your kitchen-until yen see its patent improvements. If yo're a housekeeper eaul at our nearest agent's and examine its new features and devices for saving turne, trouble and fuel-the fjrstý cost of the range is a sinail matter when yen consider the :year% of economy, comfort, and convenience it will give. BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 19ý, 1900. WEST'DURHAM FAIR. (Continued from First Page.) DECORATIVE AND CONSTRUCe TIVE ART Judges:-Miss EL Macklin, Cobourg, A E McLaughlin and Jas Giltillan, B A Bowmanvilie. Paintin n China or Porcelain, Miss EMorris, Miss H Morris. Most artistic piece of china exhibited from the beauty of its design, Miss C L Neads, (recomn- mended) Painting on Glass, Miss E Morris, Miss H- Morris. Painting on celluloid, Miss E Morris Miss Hl Morris. Paintin '- on kid, Miss E Morris, Miss H Morris. Painting on feit, Miss E Mor- ris, Miss H Morris. Painting on velvet or plush, Miss Hl Morrie Miss E Morris. Painting on satin or silk, Miss C L Neads, Miss Hl Moris. Painting on linen, Miss E Morris, Miss Hl Morris, Painting on bolting cloth, Miss E Mor- ris, Miss H Morris, Photo frame paint- ing, Miss E Morris, Miss J Jennings. Folding sereen, scrap picture panels, Mrs F J Manning. Folding screen, oil paînted, Miss E Morris, Miss H Morris. Fiaque, Miss H Morris. Miss C L Neads. Pottry decoration. jar or vase, Miss E Morris Della Oshorne Map drawing, 1Vay-Gaud. DOMESTIC SCIENCE Jndge:-Mrs Thos Bradle ' , Oshawa. Collection Canned Fruits, Mrs. R Fieldling, Mrs W H Dustan. Collection J eflies, Mrs J W Sparling, Mrs S Snow- den. Tomato Catsup, Mrs D Heddon, Mrs J W Sparling. Orange Marmalade, Mrs J W Spariing, Mrs A A Gamsby. Raspberry Vinegar, Mrs R Hughes, Mrs S Snowden. Coll Pickles, Mrs A A iGamsby, Mrs J W Sparling. Home made White Bread, Mrs R Foster, Mrs A C Allin. Home-made Brown Bread, Mrs W Kiliman, Mrs W J Langmaid. Plain Buns, Mrs A C Allun, Mrs al Foster Currant Buins, Mrs A C Aluin, Mrs R Foster. Tea Buns made with 2Oth Century Baking Powder, Mrs Robt Fielding, Miss Joness. Cocoanut Cake, Miss Joness, Mrs R Fielding. Collection Pies, Miss Janess, Mrs R Fielding. Collection Fancy Cooking-, Mrs Robert Fielding. Largest Henr's Eg-gs, H Baskerville, Dr R Young. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. Judzes.--Thos Paterson, Bowman- ville, F Rogers, P M, Enniskillen. Set Horse Shoes Jas Morrow. Wood aCarving, Isaac Tabb, Miss Margaret F. Allen. Rag Mat, Mrs A A Gamsby, Mrs R Hughes. Rag Carpet, Mrs John Medland. Woolen Mitts, Mrs A A Gamsby, Mrs D Heddon. Woolen Socks Mrs Gamsbv, Mrs Heddon. Woolen Stocking, Mrs Gamsby, Mrs L Potter. Pancýy Mitts Miss Young, Mrs R Field- Sing. Home spun Biankets, flannel, Mrs R Fielding. Home spun Sheets, Mrs. Fielding, Mrs Gamsby. Carpet, home-made, Mrs R Fielding. Crochet Quilt, Mrs T M Gibson, Mrs L Potter. Coverlet ail cotton, Mrs R Fielding. Knitted quilt, cotton, Mrs L Potter, Mrs JM joness. Patched Quilt, cotton, Miss Neads, MrsA AGamsby, Quiiting, Miss Neads. Mrs R Fielding. tckn Yarn, Mrs. L Potter, Mrs-, A AGmsy Home spun fiannel, 'Mrs L Potter. Hoine-spun flannel, stripe. -Mrs L Potter Botanical collection, ýGor:don Jury, G P Freeland. DISCRET IONARY, Recoinmended by Judges *vorthv of pris-es:-Collection Wire Fencing, Wm., Foiev. Pair KnittedGaiters, Mrs J Neads. Head Rest, Mys G W Soper. Yarn Mat, Mrs G W So per. Grade Heifer caif under 1. yr, ýFrank Allun 1 and 3, Allin Bros 2nd. BICYCLE RACE. George W. S. James, Creighton Higgihibotham. MILITARY DRILL. Blowmanrville Public School under command of Corp A Hobbs. BLAOKSTOCK. Mr. H.F.Hunter. Barrister, bias open- ed a Brandi Law Office in Blackstock Iwhicli lie will personaily attend the Ifirst Monday of each month. Until other rnements are made Mr. Hunter wiIl have lis Blackstock Office at Frank llawkin's Hotel. 37-tf -An archieci designs, and his Plans are execuied bya b -dr. The greatest builder. of healfth Li Hood's Sarsaparitta.1 jî tays a firmn fouindation. - h makes the btoad, iMýe basis of tf/e, pure and sirong. Be an archd iect of your fortune and secure Hood's as'your heaith buitder. Headachs-"41was compltetY ian do-wn and 'ruas troubt5ed 'with head'aches and dizztness and Pains in my -back. 1 took Hlood's Sarsaýparitt.a vhich in a shori limne entirely cured me." Mis. L. Win- ter-ton, Orange'oilte, Ontario. SOLINA Winid did considerabe damnage to the apple crop and unroofed part of Mr.W. N.Pascoec barn Wednesday ... Many red tickets came thisâ way from Bowman- ville Fair .. . . Sdool meeting at the Hall this Wednesday evening to elect a trustee in place of Mr. Ehi G. Paseoe, deceased. . .. Brothers furnish the pro- gram at -Division this week-big time.. .Misses Mabel and Lola Argue Lave been visiting Toronto friends .... Rec- ent visitrs :-Mr. Fred L. Bray, En- field: Mrs. S. Trevail and familv, Cour- tice; Mr, Jas. Stollery, Toronto ; Mr. Geo. Blair, Taunton ; Miss Lizzie Elford, Toronto ; Mr. Garfield Tom, Collingwood; Mr. Chas. Blancliard, Clmu;Mrsý M. A. James and Miss E. Sophia James, Bowmanville. 2UT. VEkCNON. Visiters :-Miss Geneve Whaley, To- ronto, at Mr. H-. Abraliam's ; Mr and Mrs. J.T. Rundie, Solina ; Misses Maud and Rose Walters, Taunton, at Mr.J no. Paseoe's ; Mrs. Butson, Mrs.Norris and daughter, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Butson, Port Ferry, at Mr. Jno. Orch- ard's , M'iss Eva.Soiich at Mr. J. Pye's, Eniii e n ; Miss Carnie Reddon ac- companied lier uncle Mr. hidi. Routley home to Kerwood .. . .Miss May Milîson has returned to Albert College, Belle- ville ; Master James Annis is attending Hligli School at Whitby... Ail sym pathize W'ith Mr. Jno. Orchard who is laid up with a fractured hp... Large numbers from this vicinity attended Bowmanville Fair. OROXNO. Mn. Matthew Gibson is sick... Mn. John Armstrong has returned te Mont- re.l.... . Percy Long is attending Higi School at Newcastle. ,... Mrs. Morgan is vibiting liber sister. Mrs. Brintnell, Castieton. . .. Miss Kate Ruthenford is home 'r omn Elo-a...,. Mns. Pollard and Mrs M ,iltenr ollard and son are visit ing ini the city... .iNr. J. T. Morrison, Wodsokws ireceut guest at "Mill- vale"... .Mr. Hlanry iMerrifield, Port Hlope, spent Sunda.yweek here.,. .. Mrs. Geo. Mw ris, e l, is visitiug lier sister, Miss Lizzie Epps, Kirby.' . ... Miss lia Musgnove is visiting lier aunt, Mrs. HulhGi ahamn, Toronto,_ NMism Minnie Hlallis visiting ler siïster, Mrs. J. B. Moat, Toronto .... .Miss Bertha, Gilîman, wlo las been visýiting Mn. N. F. Hall las netuirned te the- city.. .. Mrs. Thos. Souci, whli ad a light stroke ef parai- ysis, 1s imucli improved ... .Mr. E. Tan- ner, Lakýefield, visited Mn. Jas. Linton recntl. .. n.Cless. Morgan, Oak. field, N. Y., visRited ils sister, Mnrs. Geo. Musgrov.Mrs. Hockrîdge, Mar- shalltown), Iowa, is visitlng lier sister, Mrs. Thlos. Doncester. . .. Miss Edith Clapman. book keepen at C. G . Arm- streng's, is recoverig . . .. Mrs. George Musgrove las gene te the- Toronto General Hospital for tneatment ..,.Mr. and Mrs. Wmn Barrie and family of Dalington, visited at Mr. T. J. Shanp's ... isHattie Williamson is suffering from an inijured arm... Mn, Addison Rickahy, cl1erk at C. G. Armstrong's las gene te Lindsav ...r. Moment and Mn. John aud Miss Julia Moment have geniete Brooklyn, N. 'Y. 110W AIE YOIIR NEW HAVEN. Edward(1V anC amp, Batod svst en lils hý(thcr Jos.Vnap. Wm Wod and nie,3ce iNss Elliott, Chatham, visited Sami Wýood.. . .Wm. Witheridge of Toronto attended tic f uncral of lis niece Miss Nettie Withcridge. . .. W. C. Blackburn, Providence, lias purchased a farm frorn tic estate of tie late Levi VanCamp. Miss M. E. VanCamp retains tie iomestead. KIENDALL. Mn. Gilbank, Manvers boundary, lias rented tic Wmn, Scott farm, 6th uine... Several from here attended Bowmanville Fair .. .. Mn. and Mrs. T. J. Canscadden, Manvers, visited at Chas. Cason's..., We extend a hearty welcomc te Mr. A. Lockhart, sr., and wif e who have corne te reside in our village .. .. Geo. Perrett lias rented a farm near Lotus ..,.. P. Martin's barn was unroof ed iv tielieavy gale last week.. .. R. McGrati lias nented tic Simpson farm, 6th hune- NEWCASTLE. Miss jean Wilmot, Toronto, is guest of miiss Eileen Thorne.... Messrs. Henry aud Aylward, Toronto, were guests of mr. jas. Eilbeck, "Thc Willows", over Sunday. .'. .Miss Hoskin, Toronto, is guest of miss minnie Eilieck. . .. Mr. and airs Geo. Coldweli and Master jack left for their home in Brandon, man , after a pleasant visit wih Dr. and mrs. Parn- comb .. .. mr. and Mns. Howden left for, Toronto Saturday after a pleasant visit with their daugliter, sirs. Wm Argall. EN FIE LD. Recent visitors: Dr. W. J. Bray, Ton- onto; Dr. L. N. Hogarth, Detroit, Midi; A. Hogarth and Miss A. Pascoe,,Solina, Miss Nellie Heys, Toronto; Alymer H-ezzlewood and Mr. Sykes, Oshawa; P. Martin and Miss F. Stovin, Mancchester; Mrs. F. Griffin visited fiends at, London; B. Powell, J. Vintue, F. Reynolds, J. Ashton, A. Niddery and C. Powell visited Toronto Fair.... ,T. Hall's silo ivaï blown down Wednesday morning; fruit trees were stipped of their fruit ..Samuel Bray, W. G. Ormiston and John Ormis- ton were successful exhubitors at Bow- manville Pair. HAMPTON. Mrs John Lane, Toronto is visiting at D. Taylor's, Camirian Woolen M ilîs... Miss Mabel Pascoe, Toronto, h v siting friends here. . .. Mrs. J. Bellamy, Moose Jaw,'N. W. T., spent Sunday withhler fater, jas. Cryderman, on lier' way te aiontreal .. . .Wm. Law bas sold his farm souti of tic village te uis son-in law G. White, Newtonbrook . ... Visitons te Bow- manville Fair repent the exhibition ratier hetter tien usual ... . Rev H. Thomas and family are expected home from Ecg- land this week. ... F. A. Cole and wife necently visited friends in Toronto recent ly .. .. jas - Stollery, Torocto, visited f riecds here lest week ..... The drownicg of John Elford and wife at Galveston, Texas, is veny sud. Boi were wcll kcown 1lere. 1 COURTICE. ir, acd airs. R. E. Osberne and Mn. and airs. A. E Rundie who lave been at- tending the greet Western Fair e t Lon- don acd visiting relaives at Mitchell andi Fxeter, returned home Monday eharmed with their outing . . r F W. Gay is et- tcnding Ottawa exhibition.. Rev. . A. Jewell, B A., Welcome, occupied tic pulpit ieîe on Seibati and lis dis- courses were profitable and intercsting. . .Rev. J. S. I. Wilson iineeched accîver- sany sermons at Port Grecby. ... messrs. Brooks & Langrmaid and air.-Blaire Cour- tice are ettecding tic fali fairs at Peter- and Lindsay and exhibiting their floci of shcep. mr. Aif. Wyborn accompecies them as "master of ceretuonies".. .. mr Herry Plain is ýdoicg a large trade with lis new mcCormaclk cern harvester. Make OId Dresses New DIAMONlmD DYES I The Sim p est and Easiest Way of Home Dyeing. Their Great Sàperioity over ail other ways of Home Dyeog-A Ten Cent package wili Coior from t),-e te Five Vounds of Goods- Colors that Wili, Not Wash Out in Strong Tol MAS BOWMiANVILLE New Goods for EaUl and Winter Tra A large shipment of new double breasted Suits jnst 110W receiveÉ We have both Men's and Boys' sizes in stock and in elegant new styles Aise just in a special line of Men's and Boys' Oxford grey ilalifaý double breasted Suits. See this line; we neyer before liad better value Ordered CIothillg We have an excellent assortment of new and stylishî ScQteh Twe Suitings. Our new Twill 'Worsteds are excellent value. Orders an 110W coming ln freely, leave yours in turne. Boots anld Rubbers .. Our new Rubbers are in; it will seen be time to have thein red 'Also some extra values ini Boots, Sippers, Trunks, Telescopes, etc. Ladies' Coats We have an elegant assontment this year, ail the new, ideas. Wý think they are the nicest styles and best value we have e-ver sho-w Our full stock is 110w i-this is the turne te get the best dLl'ce. New Dress Goods Direct importations. No store can shew newer sty-les, ne store cai give bctter values. We ask fer a chance te show you our Dress Good even theugh yen do net buy. We are aIse shewing new geeds in the fellewing lines : Iosiery Gleves, Knittcd Geods, Blankets, Carpets, Table Linen, Towe1s, etc. Jewelry Departfflolt. We have lately added te our'steck an assortment ef Liadies' Soli( Geold Watches bougbt at sucl a. lew price for cash that they are witbil the reach of ail. Yen can 110W get a Seiid Geld Watch for less than wa paid fer Geld Filled a short time ago. Aise received a lot of new silve Watches and other Jewplry. We do net ask as big profits as th regniar jeweiry stores 13ut our geods are jnst as geod. ALL. ARTICUE SOLD ARE GUARANTEED. FALL FÂIICS. -Clarke Pair, Onono, Sept. 25-26. Cobourg Central, Sept. 27-28. Hlope, at Port IHope, Oct. 2-3 Cartwriglt, Blacksteck, Oct. 2.. ENNISKILLEN. Mlrs J. E. Virtue lias returncd te Ton- onte after a pleasant visit among lier old friecds... Tios Staicton and xife and Mn. Herring and wife,, Zion, have been visit- ing ne etives hene. . .. Webster Virtue lias secured a position in ticeaicLaughuin Car- niage \ý orks, Oshawa. . .. Dr. Mitchell et- tended tic meeting of the Canadien Mcd- ical Association at Ottawa lest week. [Ask tic Dr. uis opinion on tic medicical properties of Ottawa drinks.-ED. C. S.] Bicyclists, young on old, should carry a bQttle of 'Pain-Killer ln their saddle hags. It cues cuts and wounds with wonderful quickness. Avoid sulisti- tutes, thiere is but one Pain-Killer, Ferry Davis'. 25c. atid 50c. MýAPLÀE GROVE. Mesrs S. Scowden and T. J. Cole were very successful exîtibitiors at Port Ferry fain winnicg prizes on ail stock shown.. ..mn. acd 'irs. Fred R. Foley spent tic week-end-mn Toronto ... ar and Mns. R. L. Mason leave tuis week for Indianapo. &~NIT. ' Will he at Blackstockz on the flrs Menday et eaci menti, at Orono f xo, 10 a. m te 2 p. m. and at Newcastle from 2.80 te 5.30 P. M. 0on the second Monday of eachi mntI. OrFrc:-Temnperan-ce St., Bowmnan- ille,rear et Rigginbotlam's drug- stüre. iNotice- to Creditors. Ir. the Matter of the Estate of COR. NELIUS MUGrARRIG LE, late of thte town of Bowmanville initte County o.f Durhtam, labowre, de- ceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Sc. 33 of Chap 129, ». S. 0, !1597, that ail pensons having claims or demaxmds againist lthe estate ef the said CORNELIUJS McG'ARRAGLE, de- ceasei, who died on or, about the 21st day oi August, 1900, are nequired te secd b)y post pre- L aid, or deliver to t he undersignied s olito)rs fer .avid Durke Simpo, u xeuoetteas will and testament of thesaid dlte«eaýsfhed o r befone the TWENTIETH DAY OF OCTOBER, 100, their chistilan and surnam)es, and addres- c-amuo, roZ.4.tLt and reso__ ulurnnmnanreov. Ifor profit. A. W. Chase's Kïiney-Liver Pis are weakýneý,ss or a foui cond itiûeone ic fRèT uear aiiI ail gaib l 1-1 le, a '~ ~ St;îefx g headaclies are eured, the Ail the lung iealing properties of the world's greatest cure for kidney, blood. It is metneue real remedy know aive Cedan ; Sait, ePlaster and Fort Cntpto scie yHe' us The Trusts and Guatrante op bea -il"red, and tie brain brigltened the plne are bottled up in Dr. Wood's liver and stomiJh troubles, and lias te-day thiat neyer faits te benefit. Get land Cemnt always in stock. Cal Pice 25e. T.I by Mi!i uns Sterling Headaclie Fow- Norway Fine Syrup. It is tie most an enermeous sale lu ail parts of the Faine's Celery Compouud andonlyand inspeet oun stock and pices before 1VRS ntxseh~Simpsou & BLAI B, OfBo ac ders. - bey do net weaken tic heant. satisfactory remedv for eouglis and Dominion and the United States. Que "Painle's if Sou would he weIl and placing youî orders elsewhere. WOR auis aoe DR. O W'S WOhllRM oiitr o s d Pnice I , nd 25e. colds et ail kinds. Price 25 cents. pih a dose, 25 cents abox. to . MeClelan & Ce,, Bowmanyille SYRUPle used. 25c. Aldeiaers, 36 4w