zf te maxipu .EM -61.50 PER AKNUM. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST ; THE WORLD APTERWARDS. M. A. Ji~MES, Editor alld Proprietor~. NEW SERIEs. BOWMANVILLJE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAYI SEPTEiBIUR 26, 1900. VOL1JME XLVI No. 39. Couch, ',Johnston & Crydaerman H-ave been busy for some days BEY. H. THOXÂS' LETTERS. The sail clown the St Lawrence was ail that heart could wish. We got to Quebec in due time and took on a few more passengers and then crontinued our course down this great and most picturesque river. At RLimouski we had to wait several hours forithe mail and when the tender stea med alongside wo were deepl «y impresse1 Nwîth the importance of Canada as a. great high-' way among the nations esprecia!lv as a medium of travel betwcwn Asi-a and Europe. The bags an(! boxes of mail matter were simply immnîenise, piled up the afternoon and tili late lu ihe even- 'ing the view of Ireland ýand passing ships occupied the attention of the pas- sengers 80 that we could not think of holding another service so great was the excitement and longing to- set foot once more upon the land. We reached Liverpool about 10' Monday morning and ail landed safelv for whichi we feit teankful to Hum who holds tiie waters lu the hollow of his hands. We ianded at Liverpool on Bank holi day as it is called, a day set apart for pleaeure and pastîmes as is our civic holiday. Unfortunate for the citizens and ourselves it rained heavilY ail da.y, howverwepassed through -the usual that Miss Gladstone now occupied the COI'CERN[LNG BAKING POWDERS, castle, but everything was stili and thej only sigu we saw of its being oceupied RPRS~ILR EEU EAT was the appearance of three boys whoREOTOFILN VNuDPA- came out of the garden and informed us MENT-LARGE QUANTITIES OF IMPURE that they belonged to Miss Gladstone's POWDERS FOUND-SALE 0F 'ALUM Orphanage. We were about to enter POWDERS FORBiDDEN. the garden but the boys told us it was not allowed without permission or a guide, af ter waiting awhile and seeing The Bulletin of the Inland Revenue no one we retraced our steps and pass- Departet(o 8 contains analyses ing the old castle, which is in a state ý o! 15 samples of baking powaers decay, we noticed a few men working bought o! dealers and manufacturera at a distance f rom the old wall, but they in the Dominion. The alarming were too far away to speak to, so we statementis made that 85 per cent o! walked back to the village just these are alum mixtures. opposite the park gate stood the Glynn In view of this large proportion of Arms, an hotel -bearing_ the maiden alum powders, Chief Analyst Macfar- M. A. ý4MES, Editor and Proprietor. VOLUME XLVI No. 39.