I- th reuain1w rewrigfra h* e rgïO0 Our mmtto: "THi EWMOT DRUCEBET OTO E. : W .:es wrtmn oyto hgbim s bu rth alues al .0 *con it s tre utonwe are waring or tmthis NewDua usnestoeand to e epuatifweioe tai ezn aissumme i m nc buy mi.us il u aa. W r wrîg o 9u m ehoe ohDr n ug bargnes nbust cgnval ueaia m *m v th moT the s t fo h lat nnean ea Jfi rea fons dering ai st. W r ltbidn pabgbn : W.C OE H. m m un .N w accot tEituePbut Owe.edîgarumott ui 10v, W uiesandta gverucPsatsfaton atwhn anadm a ocbUysfo sin hea iil buy again. e arewrîn o a:. euaio utnoadwE N w gtthttaoRifcon are the best stoves made; ab--olutely tise best by test. Examine thein carefully, test them tisroughly, and y our c wn judgment wilI 2 canvince you that for price, style, durability, conven- ience, completeness, econo- my of fuel, and general utility of service, tliey beat the world. JAREATED VN are mucli preferable to any other kind. Souvenirs are sold by leading dealers cverywhere. One will last a lifetime. Write or ask for price be- fore purcbasing elsewlicrc, Local'Agents, Bowmanville. The Gù-rney=Tilden Co., Limited Stove, Range and Radiator Manufacturers- Hamilton, 'Canada. Ail desirous of exportiug Apples ta thse home markets wili be furnished with reliable infc rmation by writ. ing to Eben James Board of TradehTroilto Canadian Agent for Messrs. WOODALL & CO., Liverpool, established over, 50 years ; Boyd, BariÎow & Co.,Giasgow; M. lsaRcs & Sons,Ltd.,London,and firms in Bris. toi, Hamburg and other ports. 83-4m For the Boys anld- Girls. Pity 'tis, 'tis true that holidays are ended but cheer up , buy your School BooKs and all you need at F. REILCOKs Special îîne of -SCRIBBLERS and EXERCISE BOOKS. DR. J. COLVILLE, GRADUATE OF TORONTO UINVERSITY a nd Trinity University. Office: Silver St JN7ght calls answened framn residence of Mr Davis, Beecli Ave. 5 t DU. J. 5. SOlUERS, DENTIST, RA DUATE 0F THE ROYAL COLLEGE of Detal Surgeons, Toronto. rwan Bridge ork a Z ly OFFICIts-689 THE STÀR'S N~EW OFFICE The TorontoStar announces thse re- moval of Ita Btisiness Office to one of thse most prominent business locations in thse city, the "corner of Yonge and Adelaide streets. Thse Star thus gets upon the main thoroughfare of the city. Thse move is another step ln the pro- gress thse paper is making in ail direct- ions. THE BUSINESS NAM wio lias no Telephone flot only misses ail the convenience of the telephone service but lie is lost ta the commercial world. Tlie Telephone is the greatest business agency of the century. See that yau are associated witli it,- BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS (tTnder Twelve Years of Âge.) MOUNT ST. ANTHONY, RLIDEAU TERRACE, OTTAWA, ONT. This institution ls easily reaehed from Duffer. ia avenne, to which electrie cars lead from any part of the ity. The program comprises: Christian Doctrine, Sacred 1History, French and English Readinîg, Grammar Orthography, Letter-writing, Com- position, riîtmetic, Hîstory, Geography, Map Drawing, Penmanshîp, Linear Drawing, Object Lessons, Calesthenics and Singing. Ciass Hours: From 8 ta 9 a.m.-Study, From 9 ta 10.15 a. m.-French Class and Recreation. From 10.50 to 11.80 a. m.-English Class. From 1 ta 2 p. m.-Study and Recreation. Fram 2.15 ta 4 p. m.-Englieh Class. Jrom 6 ta 7 p. m.- Class Recitation.' Terme easy. Address: Sister Superlor, Rideau Terrace. Ottawa, Ont Hudsonl Riyer by D ayliglit. The Most Charmlng Inland Water Trip on the American Continent. Tint FÂLÂCE IROIt STEAMERS "NEW YORK" and "ALBANY," of the Hudson River Day Line, DAILY, EXCEPT SUN DAY. Leave New York, Desbrosses Street. ..8 40 a, m. ý1 West 22nd St., N. R..9.00 a. m. Albany, Hamilîton St.......8.80 a. m. Landing ai Vankers, West Point, Newbcrgh, POnUkepsie, Kingston Point, Catskiil and Hudson. THE ATTRAcTvE TOURIST ROUTE 'Ta THE (Jatskll Mountains, Saratoga and the Adirondaeks, Hotel Ch aînplain and the North, Nia ara al n the est. al n Through Tickets sold to Ahl Points, Restaurants on Main Deck, Orchestra on eacli Steamer. Send 6c"-n postage for 'Snmmer Book." F. B. RiiSBÂRD Gen'l Passenger Ag't E. E. OLcOTT, àen'l Manager, 31-tf Deabrosses Street Pler. New York. BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 26, 1900. APOINTRENT 0F DE@LEGATES. Meetings will be iseld ta appoint del- egates lu cacis municipality ta attend tise Liserai Convention in Town Hall, Bowmanville, Saturdav Oct. 6 at 1.30 p. m,, ta select a candidate &o contest West Durham lu tise Liserai interest, as fallows: BOWMAN VILLE, Council Chamber, Friday next, Sept. 28. at 8 p. rn. DARLINOTON, Town Hall Hlampton, Friday ncxt, Sept. 28, at 2 p. m. CLARKE, Pire Hall, Orono, Saturday next, Sept. 29, at 2 p. m. NEwOASTLE,, Town Hall, Saturday, next, Sept. 29, at 2 p m. à CARTWRiGHiT, Town Hall, Saturday next, Sept. 29, at 2 p. m. Let there be a goad attendance of Liberals at every meeting. A. E CLEmENs, M. A. JAmEs,, Pres. W.D.L A. Sec'y. WD.L A. HON, W. MVULOCK COMVING. Aftcr tise convention on Saturday Oct. 6, a public meefing will be held in tise Townllall, Bowmanville, commenc ing at 3 p. m., ta be addrcssed by Hon. William Mlulock, Post Master General, Mr. James McMullen, M P. for Norths Wellington, tise LiseraI candidate wha will tisen have been chosen and otisers. Every elector is particulariy requested ta attend this meeting ta hear a free. fulil and able discussion of tise great political questions of tise day. West Durham has not often been honored with a visit from a Postmaster General and as Mr. Mulock is a capital speaker, and Mr MeMullen anc of tise mast brilliant and witty debators lu tise House of Comiions, ail can depend an isearing pallîlcal addresses of no ard lu- ary cisaracter. Liberals in ail parts o! thse Riding, make it a point ta bring anc or more of yaur Canservative or Independent ntigisbors wîth you. PAY YOUIt DEUTS. The season has came round azain for s3ttling witis tradesmen, professional men and others witis wiom accaunts have been contracted during tise year. Tise credit system is a curse and long credits are a great curse ta trade, butýa great deal o! it is stili practised by im- pravident pe-ple and otisers lu poot r i cumatances. Fortunately, isowever, the custom le dying ont and tise sooner it passes awav entirelv tise better for al conccrned. This is the last year (ac carding ta tise prcvailing opinion) o! tise l9tivcentury and many people are înaking a big pusis ta get igist out of debt and start tise new century witis a dlean sieet.- Tisis l a capital idea and everybody wiso can sisould- make tise effort. Many cannot pay aIl thcy awe, but even tisese will feel better if tisey reduce tise number af tiseir creditors considerable. O! course, ail wha awe tise poor editar anytiing, 'iill know oihut beipg told whcre ta begin. Tisrec months remain for clearing -tise siate-commence at once and sec how happ ou wiIl be yoursclf. Ail ta- gethernow! Yo, iseave ho PRICE OF APPLES. Tise Rural New-Yorker gives reports from tise leading apple districts which shows that buyers lu New York State are paying $1 pet barre]. for winter fruit at many points. Lady's Blushis l a"'0 quoted at $1.50. Evaporators are paying fnom 15e. ta 275c. per 100 lbs. Some corres pondente think buyers arc over estimatIng tise, crop wbich tisey say is far bclow that af 1896. Tise Montreal. Ttade Bulletin says tise higli aceau freigis and tise cost of tise fruit bei-c are very mucis against any profitabfle returns being received fi-cm England for early shîpments o! faîl fruit. Contracts a! winter varieties have been made in Ontario at 40c. pet bbl. up ta 75c. for tise fruit, and'in some sections as iigis as si has been paid, whichis l considercd a prctty high price. We stili hold ta tise opinion that tise crap lu Canada bas been very inucis aver estimated. Tise wind starm isas reduced tise crop for ba r-dling from 15 ta 25 pe"Ai-cent lu tii itric.t, but there. friendl1v contèst beétweu tise West and East ridings of Durham. We don't fear tise resuit. Everybody, who can, go down and help ta ewell/4he gate receipts and show yaur good-will. Tise Town Park is a capital site-for exhibi- tion purpases. Single late en G. T. R. for returu ticket. MARRIED PEOPLE LIVE LONGEST 1 Try t sometime. Buy the wl Marriage License froni M. A. JAMES, appointed b y the Gv ernment, Issuer f or tbe Connty of Dnrham, and with proper cane wil ast a life-time and give yon happiness. MORAL.-Don't remnain un- maried. Von can also arrange to have the Wedding Carde and compiete ontfit peinted in hu orthodox fashion bv yont obligIng ble ser vant M. A. JAMES,Isser of Marriage License atlosresidence27Centre St.,or a TESTATisS MÂN offae. Bowmanvilie. BOWMANVILLE FAIR. The following are omissions and cor- rections to thse prize list as published iast week: L. B. Davldson let pie on 2-yr old Jeri.ev bull and Jerseybulzl caif. A. H. A. 'Fletcher, '2nd on Louise Bonne de jersey pears. Mris. Rd. Hughes 2nd prize on tea buns. Mr. J. W. Sparling 2nd prize on picklng oni ans. Mr. T. Percy 2nd prize on short red carrots Mrs. Percy lst prize au drawn thrcad work . Miss May Gaud Ist on coll. Baisams, Mr. John H. Kydd 18t on coll. green- house plants. Mr. Jos. Pattinson lst on crabappies. No award wiii be made for green running race as oniy one heat was mun out of three. WHITBY FAIR. WEST DuRHAm EXmntITORS WI N A BiG SHJARP, OF PRIZES. Tise great centrai exhibition for this district known as the Ontario and Dur- hsam Exhibition Association was h ld at Whitby iast week. We have until this year objectcd, ta the naine, but wheu we read the prize list and saw tnat baif of the pizes came ta West Durham and ta former residents of this county, we cisanged oui- views and think the name most appropriate Beiow we give a summary of the prizes that corne this way: Thse number of prizes won by each is as follows: HOnsEs: Road or Carriage-Thomas Cowan, Orono, one first and twa third prizes; Isaiais Irwin, Purpie Hill, one second. Cecii Glass, Kendal, one second; A A. Gamsbv Onono, one first and one third; S. i. Pickeii, Courtice, one second and anc flfth. General Purpose -Jas. Hancock and L. Annis, Court ice, each anc first. llacknevs-John Oke, anc flrst and one second. Heavv Draught-Thos Baker, Sauina, ane third; H-. Fletcher Werry, Kedron, one second and one third. Canadian Draughlt, W. G. Batty, Foiey, one flrst; D. Heddon, Solina, one second. Special Class of Clydesdales, H. Fletch- er Werry, one first. CATTLE: Durhams-James Leask, Taunton, ane second. S. Bray. En- field, ane first. Jerseys-L. B. David- son, Newcastle, three flrsts and ane sec- ond. SmExP: Leicesters, Ailiin Bras, New- castle, ane flrst and three seconds- W. C. Blackburn, Bowmanville, five firsts; Southdowns-Thos. Power, Bowman- ville, five firsts and twa seconds. Shrop- shires-Levi Skinner, Tyrone, two firsts and four seconds. SWINE: Berkshires, S. Snowden, Maple Grave, seven flrst 'S and five sec- onds. Yorkshire White-T. J. Cale, Maple Grave, flve firsts and four sec- onds. Tainworths - Colwiil Bras. Newcastle, six flrsts and two seconds; S. Snowden, anc second, T. J. Cale, one second. Pailry, Nokes and Diiling, Bow- manviie seve-n flrsts and six seconds; T. S. Shecridani, Oshawa, twa flrsts and twa secondsz S. Snawden. ane flrst and thi-ce seconiý i, J.- Cale, anc first. GRAINS AN Drs: Jas. Lcask, Taun- tan, twa flirats and two seconds; J. T. Cale, anc 1first; S. Snawden, anc second. RoOTS: D. lleddon, Salina.. anc sec- ond, Jas Leas, anc second, T. J, Cale, anc second. Vegetables; T. J. Cale two seconds. DoMESTic MANUFACTURES: 'Miss Young, one,,first and anc second; Mrs. D. Heddon, Sauina, one second; Mrs. A. A. Gamsby, Orûo, anc flrst; Mrs. J, T. H. Hlancocis, Foley, anc first. LADIES' WORK, USEPUL; Miss Young, twa seconds, Miss Maggie Neads, anc second; Mrs. Gamsby, anc flrst; Miss Ethel Mrris Bowmanville, anc flrst; Mrs. J. T. *l Hancock, ane first and anc second. LADIES' WoIIX, ORNAMENTAL: Mi!Ss Belle G. Allen, Bowmanville, five flrsts and two seconds; Miss Maggie Neads, four tirets and two seconds, Miss Ethel Morris, seven firsts and four seconds; Miss Young, anc first and anc second; Miss Clara Neads, anc first and anc second; Mrs. D). Heddon, anc first; Mrs. Gamsby, anc first. OIL PAINTINGS; Miss E. Morris, four firsts and four seconds; Miss C. Neads, tive firsts; Miss H. Morris, two firsts and four seconds. WATER CoLons; Miss E. Morris, six firsts; Miss C. Neads, two seconds. DRAWINNS: Miss E. Morris, two firsts and anc second; Miss Helen Morris, twa firete and three seconds; Miss C. Neads, anc tlrst.and anc second. AmATEUR PRîTOvGnÂî'îs; Miss 1H. Marris, anc second. MISCELLANBOUS: Mrs. D. Heddon, two flrstsanid nc scod;Mrs asy From Montreal. Tuniisian (new) Aug. 4, 9 a. ni. Nnmidian..... 11, 5 a. ni. Corinthien (new) 18, 5 a. Mi. Parisian ...........25,5a-ni. siciian(new)-....Se-Pt.1,'à a.ni. Tunislin (new). 7,5 e. Numidian-" 15, 9 a.ni. Cornîthien (new) 22, 9 a. Parisian..... 29, 5 a ni. Froni Qoobes eP. ni. 4 p. ni. SP. nM. 4p. ni, e P. ni, 6 p. ni RATES 0F PASSAGE. Flret cabin' $5000 and npas.'Return $100 and npwad.. Seconýd Cabin85,r$3i.50 and $0 Third Class $22M> and $2350. Allan-State Line, New York to Glasgow. Lauarentian , Ang. 18, 10 a. m. For ttekets and every information ap- piy to M. A. jANTEs, Allan Line Agent. Bowmanvllle. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamn- boat Company, (Limited.) IStr. "North King"y SOUTHI BOUND. Lv. Cobourg.............. 1.25 p. m. Port Hope ........... *2.80 P. M r.Charlotte, N. Y........ «7.15 p. m. Rochester, N. Y........ *7.50 p. m. NORTH -lBOUNI). Lv. Rochester. N. Y ........ 825 a. m. ilCharlotte, N. Y ......... 8.50 a. m Ar, Cobourg.............. 1.20 p. m if Part Hope............. 2.00 P. M, e-~Time subject ta change with or withaut notice. Il.1H. .JURtY, Il. H. GILDnnSLsmVE, J.Agent, Bowmranvillc. Manager DON'T BE DuMEo There have been placed upan the mar-ket sevenai cheap reprints afiaan obsolete edition af *"Wetster's Dlctianary." The ae eing afforeti under varions names at a 0wpnce dealers, agentei, etc., snhn a few Instances as"a pnemium for subecniptlons ta parers. An..ucernenas afthese compara lvely Worthless aevrymisleading. They are ad- etbe thasubstantial equivalnt ai a hîgher-priceti book, whle.they are ail Reprint Dictionarles, phototype copies aoafaok af aven flfty years ega, which was sold ion about $5.00, andi wihicis as much superior to these Imitations, being a wank ai some ment instead.ai anc Long Since Obsolete. The Webster's Unabridged Dictianary pnb- lished by aur hanse ie the only menitanions anc ai that name. It bears ont imprint on the title-page andi is prntected by copyright frani cheap imitation. As a dictianany leste a liietimae will it not be betten ta puncisase tise LATEST AND BEST, Weisster's International Dictionary of ENGLISH, Biography, Geography, Fiction, etc. Size 10x124x43j incises. This Book is tise Best for Everybody. STANDARD AUTHORITY of the U. S. Supreme Court, ail the State Supreme Courts. the U. S. Goveronient Prlnting Office aud of nearly ail the' Schoolbooks. WARMLY COMMENDED by College Presidents, State Superintendents af Sehoals and many other emninent authonities. Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Rccntly abridged fromn the International sud next ta it the best for the fampiiy and student. Size 7x10x2% incises. ape«rtmn pages ether bool c sent for the asleing. - Q & C. MER RIAM CO..' Springfield, Maso. Bleedlng Pies A PrOminent Businessman Teetifle te Nie Cure by Using Dr. Chase ointà ment. Net & aa.y pannes but manuy poople veliuiteer rftemrnendations of DI. Chaae's Ointinent as an a.bsoliâe cure for every form of pile&. Mr-. Jan. Jackson, 09 the Laurle Spoal Company, St. .Alexie dcz Monte, Que., write:-" Tou mxay put my name ta a.ny praise you C,&n Cive ta Dr. Chase'a Olntment, for It has dons me more good tissu& anY medlcine I ever used. "I was troubled for two yer with tkat cruel disease, bleeding piles, a.nd after Uslnt Dr. Chase's Olntment 1 çaR Bay I arn entlrely rld of it. It la a treasure teaai sufferlng from piles.- Dr. Chane's Ointment la guaranteed ta posltively cure any case of ltchlng, bleedlng, or protrudlng piles. it has uIe'ver yet been known to fail, andi car- talnly wlll flot fail ln Four case. For many years Dr. Chas.'. oint- ment bas stood alone sa the only ab- salute andi guarar.teed. cure for piles andi Itchlng skIn diseases; 60 cents & box. s.t ail dea.lers, or Edmanson. Batea & Co., Toronto. -Dr. Chase', Syrup of Linseed andi Turpentine han by far the la.rgeet sale of any remedy for throat andi lung troubles. 25 cents a bottie. SA Business S Educatiori in this College ineans an education that will fit* ayugman or woman for the prcWlaffairs of business. * Book kecping,Stenography, : * Tvnewriti ng, Penmanship * * Business Law and Adver- :Tasty booklet on businers studies frthe asking. SBRITISH AMEFUCAN BUSINESS COLLEGE, * Y. M. C. A. Bldg., cor. Yonge *and MeGill Sts., Toronto. DAVID HOSKINS, Chartered Accountant, * Principal.* 4b 1w AL 'LAN uN E 1 Bring Produce, Tracle0 ous « your, Cash o,,r 4 John McMurtry, Rlice & Co., West End House BOWMAN VILLE. HoWOSDuDsang.d Good Heavy Homespuns 54 in. wide solid wool cloth in grey, blue and black at $1. A choice range of Home- spuns in ail shades of grey, black and brown at $1 .25. The best Homespuns on the market at $1.40 a yard. Blankets,.. Blankets in ail qualities from' 30e to 75e a lb. The Victor is a special brand at $3.00 a pair. This blanket is a good big large, size and a nice quality of wool. A good big cotton .Blanket, white or Grey at $1.00. Clothng.10' No department in our store lias advanced quite as mucliîin the last year as our ready-to-wear clothing. We keep a big choice from cheap Tweed Suits at $4.50 to the, fine Worsteds at $10, $12 and $ 13.50 a suit. We have the Regent Suit in a nice dark grey Worsted at $12. This suit lias the best tailor finish, a double-breasted vest. and in every way equal to custom work. If you want a nice up-to-date Overcoat drop in and have a loôük at our Regents in différent cloths at $ 10.00.