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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1900, p. 2

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DU-. L. POTTER. Offce and residenre,Cburch St.,GPPO5it Tlnitz Congregational church, Bowmanville. 25-6u MISS EVA LUTTRELL 19 repared to give lessons on orgau and Piano at ber residence, King St. MISS ETHEL MORRIS, AHTIST. In structions , iven in PAIN TIN G Iu 011, Water Cuior and China. sketchlug and 1 Itlng from nature. KILN on preinises, fIr. no a uuai prîces 5.m DR. J. C. MITCHELL* M EMBER0F COLTEGEOF PHYSICIANS and Surgeons, Ontario,Coroner, etc, Resideuce. Enniskillen. 74 A. M. MeLAUOHLIN. Barrister,Solicitor aud Conveyaneer. Offic:- Ble-akley- Block, King street, B3owmasnVille Money to lan a t reason able rate@. 48-lyr, 1ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. O FFlCE IN WEST DUlRAM NEWS Bloek, wbere imself or lis assistant will tofoutidfrom 8a. 9p. m. Night caaU, at reFildenie, dlreetly opposite Drill Shed. Calis by teraph or telephone will receivel rompt at I TAIR WOJ K.-Ladie4 wîsh1n', hair L. doue over, eall at Mas DicKjasON 6,aN111 aset and Cor of Ontario St Bowmanville. 84-tt M ARRIAGE LICENSES,--M. A. JAMES, Issuer of Marriage Lienses. lgesidence: Centre gtreet, ~~TO LETO $ e5 V . .00 un gondtrmort eecilty t rnoderate ,atCs 4 i Dlerest, 16 6m. Gyentlemen's Clothes made to Order. 0. HARNDEN, L.D.. liraduate of the Royal Cllege of Dental Stn geons, Ontario OFPICE.-Oppooite Expront Offlee. VITALIZED AIR ONTARIO Z10BANK oninuesto do a 9eneral Banking Binese t LoWmanville A gency. DEPOSITS eeived lu SavingeIBanik Ucpa. tinent aud Ilitet est allowed at current rates. Notic of I itbdrawal notnecessary. Aldep ,,sits payable mu demnand ]EXCHANGE idotght aud sold and Drafts issned c poi Europe Ujnted States and Canada, aisu Goldi, silvelr sud 'vnlted States Groenbacks bougbs cand sold COLLECTION& rrzmptly ade at current rates npon ail part a f rea tahn, the United States and the Do. inflon of Canada. Telograph Transfers Maede for large or smail surms on ail parts uf Canada.'This Isspecially advat tageonsto por- Çcilkrlivilng in Manituba or the No)rth-West, il M& kes the funds available at once at the plaec of pay ment. For other uarticularg Ceau atthe bank. A. J. MUCLELLAN, GEO. MeGILL, Accoutnt Manager Mîs. X.-I say, John, 1 anm going 10 stop baking atogetheî'. We can gel aI LUTTRELL'S, Bowmau ville, such good Bread and Iiuns, and Pies, and Cakes, and Mr. X.-AIl right, Sarahs, don't tell me any more. It will no0 doubi be tire best plan for the summer anyway. Alex. Luttreli. Baker anti Confectioner,Bowmanyille Teloplhona 97. DO YOU FEER TIRED IN 111E MORNI1NG? Dme Sleep flot hrlng Relreslimcnt P Do yen feel wretcbed, niesu and miser- able in the suorning-as tircd as when yeu went te bed Pts a serious condition -too serous to neglect, and unless you have the heart and nervous system atrengtbened and the blood enricbed by M4ilburr'sI*eart and INerve Pillsï colapse- la alrnost certain ta ensure. Mr'. Fred, H. Gr'aharn a we known yours man of Barrie, but.,1 Say;:-<' I h.1'eixud a great deai of trouble with my heart for four y'esrs, I was easily agitateti aud my Zx cilemnent caased my hearl lu hrob violcutly. I bat dixzince snd shortuess of breath, vdd cften aruse in the mornings feeling as iix'ed sau whce 1 went to bed. 1 was terribly tervous. Milburn's Heart sud Nerve Pilla have done wouders for me. Titey have rcstored rny hcart ta regîrlar healthy action, giving me back eouud restul sleep, sud making my ner'vous sys- tesu strune anti viguros." Milburn s Heart sud Nerve Pilla sire Soc. a box Or3 for 01.25 at all druggists or by' mail,.'lhe T, Milbura Co., Limited, To- :.clOnt. Cenuine LIttie Liver lRIS. Muet Bear Signature of Seo Psc-Slnliie Wrirpper EeIow. NECESSIJY Rev. Dr. Talmage Tells Jiow the Grace of Ood Preserves Throiugh Temptation-s and Sorrows. A deeatncir from Washingtou, say8: wiitout une physical pang, iteaven' -Dr. Tulmaga citkraea,ý s tiat LJ.uke wilI have Lhi.1 xiv. 34. "Sait la goofi." Burt be chie! beantËy o! grace la iu The) Bible is a tictionary ut lite flni- tira coul. Il tares ltaI which was' est sinailes. Il employa, among living bard, anti cold, andi repula3ive, and creatures, clorks anti sagles, andi dovea rnakeý il al over again. Il peurs sud unleorus, and s'heepr, anti catIe; upon oi2e's nature wha,-t Dav id celle amongt trees, sycamores andti tae- "Lhe heanty of lvoiness." Il extirpales bluths, asuti pegvanates, antial-evaxrylhing ltaI la hatatul andi un- imoud,, andti lppies; among jewels, clean. U! jealo'rcy, andi pride, and peeris, ametitysts, and jacinthe, anti o%]vui'es, irk about, tirey are chrysoIprasesi. Cit uses nu Stale clained, and bave a very ',m011 sweep., illustrationst. Jesune hrows upen lte soul lte tra- In my texl, whicb is lte peroration greuce ut a sqummoir gai-den, as Be ___________________ n -nefni r- p-- Ipafue u aan:'Ianlit.usu Tery Omanl and as eae crystel, sud itoltisi it efore Bis congre-. 'lIsron ;" asnd 11e submerges il axiti tW takes as sugar. galion -as an illuýstration ut Divinslite glory ut aýspring morning us Be q FUR llEkflAC tlgraca i ' 2heurt, xx an lMesanys, aviat saya: I arn the ilgIsI." CA TRFR ZZ~ELweai know by expexiîneul: "Saltit la ov!you iamy search ail tise cartb 'ER FR 1 IEL isa ryl ar ntlt avos' 'iifying aýs lte rac2 of Cuti. Go Mi 0LISU. L STLT98 . ldé? ln thia text, antidu intsetiraI iýaca ahi titrouni lte deep urine-passages IFOR OÂLLOW lKIL I 16ay t lu ~tiraIgrace la like sailil s ut WýLlJizka, andi a d i utunder- FOR M E CONLiM IE ieaul1. Youl neeti nul go fer 10 finti grotinti kýingdomjs uf satitnLuHallstadt, liXIN te beauty of sait.- We live iu a laund andi shoýw ir--auyaiting Sol exquieite, __________________________ Iwhith pruduces tunrt-en millionsaout su trauisceudeutally beautilfui astitis S CURE 610K MEADACNE, itushela uf t inlua year, anti yeu eau gra c f Gui assioodand bang in taestite moruiug rail-tri'an, ant inl a eteruel crystals. _______ _________ -* eaxheueragel lu tte saat-mines anti Again, grae s lalire 'Sait, lunlte THE FIUIIRE OF CHINA. saît-a .prings anti ytu have itis article, tact tiretà i l a nec"ssity o! lite. merning, noua anti nigitt, (on your Man andi beast perith without sait. Wiewa I % or lnîs Receesaly Ecetupled table. Sait hec ail thts ieauty ufth lie liuIes antipitysicians,. al lte Frern a',,,r ~of lise îrturn.eow-flae, aanti waiter-iusm. with dur- world uver, tell us >liti&ait le a ne-1 Sir George Goldie reaciret Engianti itbility adddtit. [i la b 2autitullu to te cesscity ut .life. Anti su witit te recenlly by lte cbeamsbip Majestic, on naked, c ye, out untier the glass -youu grace ut Goti; you. muet have il or his returu from C'lina, vhere tie han ec the stars, andtihie tilamuntis, ant i de, I kuow a great mauy peuple traveleti-for neyerai moulus lunlte ini-[ltse whtite trse-brancitea, anti lte speak ofet i as a mere atiorumeat, a terior. Ileplyiug ido an inquîirylpllnteis, andtihltabridges ut tires uSsort utfasoeulter-strap adoruLng a wiater bis visil had ena bled hlm tlutlire;Sun glinla Item. bthera is more sol-dier, or a ligisi, trotiting dessert torm any dtiîXile itsa aslte e-besb architecturai s'kill lu uneetf titese huonughitnluafcar ltae greaitesl part way ut dealing witlte Ciinese ques- iCry.etais ut sait itan ituman ingsnnity uft'lie banquet uf lite ita0 over; or a lion' generaîîy, hae sad: lia s ever demonstrati run au AUism- medinine lu he a lkan atter calomel "Tielime lhec long gona Iysy lne a bra or Stý- .Peter5oIl noulti.taesail andtimusî.rt-plaslers bave flle t l simple rsmsedy coulti have overcome ltime, witir u 1finiuenÈ upon Ido their worir; but ordiuariiya e re tisaI malatiy trom witicit C'ina bas eleïuily for an augn uf Gudti o tlu eParfluity-a String ut bella arounti braie aufturing tuortire lest sixly years une-liraithlie glorina lu. sait-crystal. ho -a iterse's cecir wtiie ha draws lte -nemeily, a struggie betweeu the w liii lit" grace uof Gui; à *41 perteî.tty 1usd, andtilunuowise telpiug itim to civilizatien, o! China anti that of the beautiful. 1, have seau il emeotit out tiraw it. So far trom ltat, 1 declare weat. Iu 1870, tiseFranco-Garman wxinkies ot care froru tire brow; 1 lte graesoutGoS lu bu lte tirst anti war openeti a ne-w era in lte histury haxe ceeu il maire an agean oufeeitise lest uecessiî.y. il is food Wae of colonisation by Europe, antinl con- ai-mo iu vung agaîn; 1 have ceeu i it ul lakie, or ýsÈarve itotuau 'eteruilyI sequenca uft Iis nexv movemeul, lte ll lit hestoopiug aioulders, anti put 1uoffamine. Il la cîoting withorrl Chinesu puzzle la noax su compflex tiret spaîkie m irthedm11 cys, Suiomon dis- w1ihaefec tolt ilu u auy realmeul uviicit oiilti nul do eux'ecect its anatumnical qualilies eian finie erer. tIOlatie auofsud iufiuitely. mocre itarm titan gouti muastehosaii, I iamarrxx tu tire boues" Il linita ny lno u xxiis tct weaud healsso o! a comçsiax' nature. Il heip lut digest lte footi, andt l purify luet -s&hOrewvardl Il la tire laSSer, must, itowever, untiauger, or appear lu Ilie blool, andt lu elm lt-e pulses, anti 1 andthie oniy latiter, ou which we eau endanger soe legilimate ambitions quieW lthe spenandtr insteati ut put- icianb Cavy truru eternal Isurnings. anti inleresta. 0cr goveruimeut iras a ing a man lu a phllosupticai hespit- il la e positive nscessîty for lte soul. ditticuit teck iuntiealing ailirperbaps ai b ite experimenitati upon hy prayr 1 -utl er aiywtîtt tise- muet critical junicture lunlte bis- il, kees h im so well lirtt e duesînol affct wultibu if a person refusti tory of civilization inceslte feu o!f needt lu e prayeti for as au luveliti. 1 lu ISh ultait tire bodly. Tie er- Napoleon. . amn speairing noxv ut a iiealty religion glus wxoi e, ltae lange ouniS "My travels were ounfirledt luSoutht- -out oftIaI îorbid -religion taI t rgî vîtlt itvr ou crn anti central .China, for lire muet ils for ltres houra on a gravestone crawl tirruii"hthetirbreliae ar l peuple, 1 italievedati irIhé-loug-ux- -a religion liraI prô.ispers test in a - wo-ri flutter, andtihie lite wouîd te pected, reolution wouid proceeti froru-bail chute outhlire vr 1 1speair o!flire g,,,. itIprucess ot dccthir lego- liasse ragions. Titat lte Pein guv- religior tirai Christ preaciteti. I aMp- lnïg un in many a une b&cauise titey erument loui titis viexv was stuwn hy pcse e be tiret religion bue cou- tienlls atu iiegae titair ssndiiug tows lu lita vice-royalt y queredth ie xorld thiedtLase will b haem oxXî licorurs weéker eunS vairer, o! ltha txvo Kwungs lte mont, experi- Ianieheti; andti lt a man a buntireti antil after a w4la ,tise pulses ut -ife aunSastleant pwerulstaeaenyearsý ut cge xiii come lu trom bIssi- -will stop entàrely. 'Bfe lirtIbu- ut tira empire. Il is certain ltaI Li ue-s, anti say, -I teel tiredI, JtirlnirîkvtL anS la baplizati sirnî ha sav- Huang Citang's arrivai at Canton last i# rmuai be hure for me lu go,"auýd 6d, andSlte tliaIbelievelh nul citaI] January alune savadth ie sout rom ca_________________________ new% edtilou ufthlir Tacping reballion. b arei" Sait, a neessity for the lite utflits body-thte graes ýtf GoS Su laIe as two mouls augo lte ides o o! a viaîî seina ouitrairin itaa necessitty for lise lite outhlie soul. sortit was sut anlerainad y lte muaI Agairi, I reýuarkItisaI gru(es is lira axperianceti residauls, andtihlia aar Salt lu abundance. Ced, bas strewu, vassale ut varions nablunalilias, wbich Do not think -sit *-a vast profusion ail overlte itat beau dispaîchedt l lte Gulfo fras l oniens. l-ussie em uitu Pechili turing t-a aarliçr Boxer trou- S' mmn hag Iatcla. Tfhere laone sragîtu ut bles in April, lied beau sent back luconum tio I tin ortry taI turne out ninety ter former stations. No doubt lte Wil ý er strike ' tthouts undti oue iu a yaar. Englauti titreatenat i ovement lunlte Souths you a sudden antI unsa'anti Iraly have inexitausti- anti centar outhlitaempire woulti bave i-î b.Itdes hle ru outrces iu thtie respect. Nor- differeti in motive fro lte Boxer -hc e ht wy niSvdewtît ii nuw outitreai u intae sortit; but 1 doubt ay bov'awhbew-it sait beneeti. Ase- wister, (ilte long run, il avotilti It creeps itg tria yil-d'ng fine ititdreti dtirousasut have beau mure favorable te foraigu- wkaog. ~ usre anSuaily. Nearly v-li the na- "Tire plintatlaliaIcpal ron it-rucir-salt, spring- i S 'a sises;-salI. ChrisfýthlrCreator uf ltae smali proportion inlerested inl Ererpean commerce, te Ciinese pao- littie c o 1 d, lie1wr1, weirel lutltereÀ Ounr lext, - oîin btaitw ltj it'Siecome imore anti mure ple-aibtoagit, as a raie, muet courte- - iý oua bu individuel travelars du nullt:l hciig tsg-iiat st he- wr aur Swant us ur our -customs. No doubt cuh then a littie Ioss arn-S its arige xvera boreS, andtihie Europe',lias nihtolu eacit ltae Chi-.. iweîght; then a harder pn Ta eaworkedt, aud lilas crystls nase iunlira art o! war, lu pure science, cough; then the fever r e galberadS. S 'tae grace ot Goti a rd> ts o avhicbnical anti ther and the night sw eats.. l -Liiianet,. Il l fr ail land, fr leaps anti bountis i ltae western avorîti while itI yet creepin. eîryiug. Pardon for ltseavral turig tsa inetenlt cntur.. ut er cure your cougyh ia,>;cofrt for lte sharpaat suffer- lteir code ot etii s as itigit as ourslgbgietlitfrbtaiicre andt érir system o! local guveruimaul, - ît aldo h t,ýWhtirne. Arounti about lise SalI hy pariait councils, had, unîi lte tirst laitesoe! Saraloy lisera are tan Ibota- ituin«Erpasa ua iity anti -uen tcrling day anti nigisi, anti intrsiono! nropansa drabîityyet Itbey neyer exitemat the saEue a'itich! evary western natiun muet ad- Iesrs nii ielev ios mire aniev.anti Millions o! urrace sol o "I do nu lvsi toluSay anylising aboutlno lte so-calleti castrai guveruimaul sb! ry lo'txte GoS for Bis mrci-.y, ltera Peaim, Untorlunalely, lte real roli- .wruiha neirorilfrhos glus o! tire Cbisiese-anoeslur wursbip farÀbeel gen s in, tor lte marder-, -os wictiheir entire sciai syatem drs aig un lte drop o!fltse gaI- anti thîsir tily lite bava bes baseti for lw ll n oen u rry mîlulue ano oaie îhThe pressure on the cut ift!EBurcape, Asie, Af rina, Dirisllanily, lika TAoism or Butditism, chest la lifted, that ed- 7Nortis- antiSontis Amerie-a, antialiltise lu- lte -saea idivîtduai. -Titae -twà in&; of -suffocation As -re- Islande oftlie -seas,-weni-t duw- in luil ceesare asen-iaily asti nacessarily iioved, and you are cur- lut'-day, titay woulii have rouru anougit arauda ~~~~ed. You can stop tha etat unosu en antagonialic; andthi iif act is tully liîl cldwit a25cearnb y o Ismu a ati at reoginized bvityhltamal.ori'y o0.lte btte; ld h aer cenhs rîaging la sime layublt-eep an' -I - I It prevunte chafing, redne@, ancud rougitues of-h lIskieScii5lltrtaioalhrys i Sa.--- ing n cuiIrrIation, andi wben followud by gen. tic applications utf('JvInURA Ointmant, the great ekin csure spuadily cures ail forma o! "kina ud soaly busuomeand redores Use has'. Great e!Engfisr Renedy. anoli udreoommenided by ai t druggists lu Canada. On] y reli- able meticîne dlsc.uvered. 2h, errguagerreteef lu cureail ore exuaI Weakuuss, âs:1 effents of abuse or exeeso, mental Worry, Excýessive use o! To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Malleti on receipt >f ris, nepakag $, ix,$5eOewti!! prae, S'MffleU ure, Pamphlets tre toasny address. Tuhe Weed COMPIMY, Windsor, 0"S Woo&s Phospitedise soldi uBourmanville byi St-ait à Jury, Higgitibotbant & Son;t Oruco byj J, Glifllan; Newcssile 8v Dr. Farecuibu. ed, and reacites lit out to ltae worst wretcb lu ail thae eartb, andsays; "l'ut tIsa I !we-ar it Lowl wear it for ever!" Aga'in, 'the grace of! G'od la like sait iu the way we cogne at il. The sait un thse surface is almoat always im- pure-tsat witicit incrusts lthe Rocky Mountuins'antilthe Southt American pampas and lu India; but lthe miners go do'xvu tirugit tthe saat and titroug thlie dark labyrintits, and along by gaiierjes of'roek, and witit torcitesaund piekaxes find titeir way uuder lie very foundations o!flthe eartit u witere tite Sait lies titt makes np thte nation's wealtb. So wîth tite grace of God. Il je lu ite profouudly sougitt after. Wititaill the conrentred energiýes ot body, mind, and aul, we must dig fur il. No man stumbles accidentaily on it. We need to go down lutthe very low- est strata uof earnestness and taith le find it. Stuperficlal exploration wiillnol turn it ep. We must strive, and implore, and dig until vie strike tite spring foming with living wae- ters. Thon the w ork of evaporation bhe- gins; and as whith ie saline waters are exposcedlio the sun the vapours fluet away, leaving nothing bot the pure wite sait at the bottom of-tite tank, se, witeulthe Chitlian's sou! is exposeti to tite Sun of Rigitteousuess, the vapoure of pride andi selfishuess sud woirldliness float off, andti iere le citiefiy ilft eneatit, puxe, wite ito- nes obf iteart. Titen, as luntthe case ot lthe sait, tite furnace is added. Blaz- ing troule.s, stirre)d by smutted strukers of darkuessl, quieken lthe etvaporation of worldline.ea and lthe crystallization ot grace. But, I. remnark again ,that tite graca of Goti La like tite Sait lu itapresurva- tive quality. Yeu know titat salit a"b- sorba lthe mýo4stnire of articles o! food, sud inf uses them witit brina wbicit preservea themn for a long wiie. Sait is thte great anti-putrefuactive of the w oriti. But for the grace of God the ertit wud bave iema astale car- cass long bafore titis. bit grace le the only preservative ot iaws, and constitutions, andti iteralurez. Just us soon as e guverument loSes this Sait ot Divine grace, il perisites. the piibsopiy eut tiis day, so far as W je antagoulatie te titis religion, patre- fies and stîuks. lThe great want of ur scitoole ut larning andi our lu- stitutions uf science, to-diay, la pot more Leyden jars, and gaivanie bat- tecries, sud spectrscopes, at iio sopitical apparalue, but more o!titatl graes hut ull teacit OurM en ou, science iat tite C-odcf the uni1vers'c is lthe Goti of lthe Bible. We want mbore4 ce thýasait of God e graesil our boiues, in oux scitools, lu unr col- leges, l ux seroial life, lu unr Ciris- tianity. And tisaI whict itas iL xvili live-t bat witicx as il not xvii die. I prociaul the teudency uf everytting e'artitiy' lu puatretaclion andi deais- lthe religion of Chr'ist is lthe only pre- servative. Aly subject i8 une of greal congral- ulalion lu those wto bave within liteir seuls titis Gospel auliseptie. Titis sait wll preserve lbam lthroug thlitatexnp- talions and aorrows uf hife, nnd ltraugi lthe ageis uf ete.ruity. I do nul mean 10 say ltaI yen will have a amueti tlime because you are a Christian, On lthe coutrary, if you do your whiola duly, 1 will promise. Yeu a vcry rouis tlime. But I llbiutk lthat Geti Omnipotent will see yuu througt. 1 ltiuk He -will. But wisy du 1 talle likçe an attelaI w heu I ougit 10 aay Ilknew lHe -viii>? ,R efit by thse power of Get hrough faitir unto complets salvation." Goveruor Geury, recîtedti t methe scncs thveougi waiticit t ad tipasseti lu thte Civiivar. lHe saidtiIat lthera oameune battis 'upun witicit very- Ihiug seernedtil pivot. Telegramflrom Washington aaid lthaI lthe lite outhtit nation depentied upon lthaI slruggîe. Hie said le me: " I ient mbtisaI bat- tic, air, wii ,my sn, Ris m-lhrant 1 tho-agit everyî-'ing .o! hlm. You iruow huas a faîbar wilI fs-ehletwartis hie son, wiu l coming up manly, anti brave, anti pooti. , Wel, lthe baIlle openeti anti concentraS, anti il wae awfal! rses anti riders bent anti lwîateti astipiieti ap logaîher; il w-as uwful, sir i We quit ftiring andti 10k lu lthe Point o!flthe ayoneï. Weil, air, 1 ditiu'l feel lire myseif tisaI day, I1 hati prayet to Cet fer stranglir for taelparticular baîtha, anti 1 went inü Il feeling lthaI I bad in nay rigirî arm tiesa treîglt uoftlen giente." arr tise sîrsuglir o! tan giaute Wieil," ha saiS, "lthe btla aasdei'peaee,1 but afler a xxiiile ave gaineti a litIle, asti xemrhSon e litîle. I tan-i eti aroundti luses lthe troupe anti stont- aS, " Coet-bu, boys P anti I eleppeti ucrose a tisaS suldier, anti lo1il avas miy son! I sexy et 'abs tiret glance ha waa Seati. anti let 1 uidn'ltidare 10 stop a minute, for lthe criais tati coma lu lthe baIlle; au I jusl gut dexan on1 my nees, anti IIthrew my arma eruini m, anti 1 gave hlm one guoti uise, anti saiti, " Gouti bye, dear.' anti sprang up anti abouleS, 'Corne on, býoys!' HoSuilleira inthe. Chistian cn- flet. Il le e tierce fight. Eternal ages seeru depantiug ou li t bite Hfeavsn is waiîing for tIse bulletins lu~~~ enneltse--tremenieus- -rssue. Hall or' siot, geash o! sabre, feu o! bulîle-axe, grosning ou every sida. NVe ctirinol stop for ifuge or be-reave-I ment, otr cnytising aise. Witir une ar- dent embrace, anti une ioviug maszaie ruIler our nrew elle, andti ien cry, Come ou, boys! i'Tbere, 'are utiter teigitt lubu caputarat, titere a-'e utit- o r cruains lu be %ven." Yal, as une u«thtie Lorti's surgeons, I muaI binti up two or lthrea ax-ounda. Jýus lifttheni now . atînver Liey be. 1 have beau toldti ltra eîs ot' ing lue saIt tlu sîup.lta bleeding rot a aaju»>rid, anti au 1 taira týhiiesalI oX Citirist's Gospel, and put il on lwIe ýê eirated ssi, . Il emarts a lite t first, but &ec ! the bleedineg stopsý, atWl lu1 tite f lesh comas again astha fktils of a littie child. 'ýSalt 4. gu4od J" 1900 I-N A 'NU TSHELL. Tihis century recalved froru lts decessors the horse, we bequeaýhtb q bicycle, lte locomotive, and the nMIOfdOr. We rseeived te goeqiansd hé. queath thete ypewriter. ,We received lte scythe, simd 4a. queath the mowiug-muacbin8, We recelved the baud printIng preas, w'e bequeath thte cylinder Pr ee-s We recerived the pýainted eanv'aa; ,-we bequaath lititugrapity, phoLograpbhy, aud colour pitotography. 11 ,We recaived tihe landlooin, we be, qu.eath tbe cotton and wool6n Ils- tory. We rcaived gunpuwder,we bequriatt lyddite. We received the tallow-dip, we b#%ý queath the *electrie Jarnp. WMe receivud the galvanic batie'.y, we bequeath the dynamo. We reeaived the flintbock, we lie. Maxims. ýWe rsceivud the sailing-shis, we be- We received te beacou signal-fils,ý we bequeath ltae telaphone and wliY8. i"e teleSrapiby. We raceived ordlnary lght., wr ï>&, queatit Routgen raya. - DR. A. W.-HAE A TA ent Cirect t tewè- parts by tIsa IMpro-ed Bowr,~ eals tIse tlcece car passages, stops drlýI Cat an adHy eeRlw f&.AU dealer s, or Lr -A . W ýCisas medlCln'sCe,. route sud Ji la caused by a particularly vicious and venornons anima 1 germi which has its nest ini the membranous lining of the nasal orifice, The cure of the disease cannot be ao.. complishied successfully wvith DRUG medicine. OZONE is a powuermw GERMICIDE or GER1'%KILLER, //! and an înfallible antidote to the --crm principle of Catarrh. IT. CURES THE DISEASE by KILL-ý ING THE GERM. Drug me&.- j' cines only stupify the gerw-r and gietemporary relief, OZONE annihilates it. AI Orugglsts 'ion. &$Lok A (qODSEN4D April 11, 3891 , 1 THE OZONE COMPAINY, Toronto Dear Srs-I consider your Ozone a Godsend, for I have neyer -,een ani- thing like it, I amn using it myseif witb the best resuits, and though 1I,'have àpeiât over $50 in inhalers and other Catarrh rernadies, yet I have never met witb the sato results as I have uith OZONE. Vours truly, THOS. BOWDEN, Berlin, Ont, OZOPNE All Germa, thtis Destroyxinz the Cause of CATARRH MqAKE NERVOLJ$U DISEA$S'D MEN 5< U [~~IIT of Ignorance and folly iu youtb, overezertion Ç~gind aud body ma iI, llE REL1 ed by bat sund expusure are constautlv avec nqi the lives aud Luurli .ashappmess o t onsaude o romisng Young men. B3orne uaaesud wtber at a, al at the blusaom of manhood, while others are forced to drag n wayfutesM ýý'melancholy existence. Others reacIs matrimony but find no solace or eomfurt there, Thle victims are fouud in ail stations of life-The farm, the o&fce, the. workshop. tise pulpit the trades and thse professions. RESTORED TO MANVHOOD SY DRS. K. 6K -u A. -WALNMR. Wu. A. WA.LKE. MIlS. CUAS. FERRY, CA.RfE. MaSuRXRE TÂflNT &TTBTEÀTnsyMI»ivorced but tnlted again 32i-NO NASES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT.-«5 Wm. A. Wnlker o! l6th Street sy:" have ener I SYPHILIS untold agonis formy '*gay lhfe." I waindiscreetwh I ~ ~ oung md' igoet, As "One of tIse Boys" I cotrte 3 4 SSIONS "philisd thrrivate diseases. 1Ihad ulcere in b- I moutIsanud tbroat, bouespains, bair loose, pimples qun STR I 'CT U RE face, linger nulle came oI, emisinbcietl u OU oth , etc. bhey helped me but could ot cure me. CUR E)Flnli i frieudiuduced mefotry Drs.Xannndy &Ker, Uair New Mlltbud Tseatmient cnred me Iu a few weeks. Their traatmen ïs nwoderfl .,wYnfuel yourself guining every day. Ilhave Lever huard cfthur failin to cuei .nl tcW- ICURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNOEO Kap. has erPay:"I owrnylife to Dr.s. &K. MPO E Y wurorain sd weakening ~vfy~VARIîOELE une (vice o! My family doctor, but It was aEMSON sýad xpurience. lueightetnumoutbs we weru divoreed. Z _ýtýhun conaulted Dlra. K.&ÇM,who restorud me to manhood bythoir New.HeMcddTreatment. Ifelta nuvrlifu tbrilltbrougli n, yxnerves. Woe reunnitedagzgiunud are hap . This was ~ rE _six yeura ago, DucIK. & IK, are acieutifico ecimseand I hua Myreconuuuud thons.," e W treizi ana' cur ricocele, Emiesions, NVervous Debz«lity, Sem'n Wenss, Gleet, Stricture, Sybkiiis, Ut-Matural Discharges, SWV et4 1, * inyand' Bladder Discases. ____ 17 VEARS IN DETROIT, 200.000 OURED. No RISK &READ R Areou~vitimavoUottt hx,? Areyon contemplatnsmer New Method Tretetwl ueVn bti a ofr others it will do for ys'on 1 !CONSULTATION FREE. No mztterteo ha treated y on rite for'an honest oplxsloa F'rcm "o!Chlarge. Charges ruasonablu. BOCKS FREE-"T a ~oldou Monitor"' (illuâtrated), onI ý,Diseuses o! Men. Incluse postage. 2 ceut, t3 ealed. 92FNO NAMES USEID WI'l !3OUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Pl- VA.TE. No mnedicine sent C. O, D. Nonames on boxesq or rnvfl..__ o e V,~ erythingeonfid6fltlai. Question list and coos or nt s~FREE.Tra' RS. E & KRGA DETRI

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