u ~Nk XJ~d~N~d'd TU se T E'S MSSW aaeAass~aiMBIsIs&MêamIeflU&&MMeêIeIhIuIIêSIIttBSSIhS8 ~ Wi beg to aunouince to a'i persons interest- thit hatvîi i purch-ased the oldl establishede utererlhdaîeadsoebins buincss from MR. 1R. ORTII andi having taken stock anid thoroughly overhatiled the JO sanie, woc are now lu position to atte.nd promptly to the needs of the public in every depart-aent. Our stock is very complete and by promptand courteous attention to customers, selling at reascnable prircs and suppiying the best the markets aford we hope to retain former ceus- tomers and make pleasant business acquaint- ances with iiiauy new ones. We cordially E invite al requiring aniything in our lines to cal anid sec us. We'I1 promise to use you well and üivc - ou best value for your money. .Successors to R Worth, Bowmanville, 'w~~ ~~ 7i cee eee Want anything strouger te convince of thenerit of any article in daily us than unsolieited testimony of people who've used it'? The Range lias ail Canada to its ~ll~l back in testify ing te its monits in every thing -that goos 10 mako itth most perfect steve in the ) world of stoves to-day- aud thearm3 ef"Souiven- ir" owners recruits by tbousands every year. Wou[d that be the case if it bad not been proven "the best by test"-fer appearauce -for dura- bility for convenionce -fer up te dateness la appointmenits-imprvemets--ecenomv in fuel and general good service as atheat3r, ceoker,cooker and baker? If yeur tinking o!a new range question yourself a bit-thon put the "'Souvenir" tethie test. Sold every. where, One will last a lifetime. RICE & 00., Agents, Bowmanvil1le, TH4E GURNEY-TILDEN 00., Ltd., Hamilton. 'SETTER BREAD CGAN BE BuA'K ED WITH A FEW PIECES 0F - I --'m SAVE FUEL Il WOOD IN A 2 sTr2 ADTOZ F~' OU - .-~-.-.. THERMOMETER a FA M EXACT B OSÂ 1F WI PAMPHLET FREE froni our local agent or our nearest ho.fse LII.XDON, TORONTO, lIONTREAL, WINNZIpEo, VÂ!MOUVEB. RICE & CO., Local Agents, Bowm-anvi1le. SIPSON & BLAIR. H. F. HUNTEII, D. B. SIMPSON, Q. C.', CHAS. P. BLAIR1 ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT AR Y -Barrietere, Solictore, Notaries, etc., MorrsPublic Couveyaucer. Money, Private sud block, p staire, Ring Street,. Bowmanville. Company fiinde to iend at loweet current rat. Bocesfor the Ontario Bank. Private OFFlCÈS: King St., opposite Dr. Harndeu'is moneys losned at lowest ratei3ý Dental Roomis. Bowmanville. 3.m BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 3, 1900. LIBERAL CONVENTION. West Durham Lihensis will moot In lie Town Hall, Bowmauville, noxt Ssturday, Oct. 6,10o choose a candidate te coutest Ibis ridiugin their lut erest at the appnoaching Federal lection. Del- egahes are requsted lobe ou baud at 1.3 0 p. m. se liaIthie business of lie convention may ho over lu lime forthie public meeting te begin aI 3 o'cleck, promptly. ______ HON. W. MULOCK COMING. Af tonthie convention ou Saturday Oct. 6, a public meefing will ho held lu the TownHall, Bowmauville, commenc ing aI 3 p. m., ho ho addressed by lion. William Mulock, Post Master Genenal, Mn. James McMullen, M. P. for North Wellington, the Liheral candidate who will thon have heen choson aud oliers. Every electer is panticulsnly nequosted te attend Ibis meeting te hean a free, full aud able discussion o! the great political questions o! the day. West Durhîam bas net e! len heen bouored wili s visit !nom s Postmasher Genersi sud as Mr. Mulock is a capital speaker, sud Mr McMulien eue of the most brilliant sud wilty debahors lu the House o! Commus, ail can depoud ou bearing political addrosses o! neondin- ary char-acter. Libenals lu ail parts o! thie Riding, make il a point te bring eue on more o! yeur Cousenvative, on Independent neigibons wti you. NEWTONVILLE. Melhodist S.S. Aunivensany ou Sun- da - Oct. 7. Rev. H.T.Lewis te pneacb, and addi-ess the school lu the aflennooni .... Two now shops, barîxess and car- niage are te ho opened horse...Mrs. Choate is soon te take up hiem residence lu Tornuto. Sonny te loso bier,. Sbiloh cburcb anuivorsary Sabbatb O;ct*. 14, 1ev A. R Campbell, Petemboro, te preri'c...-TnE STATESMAN and WEEKLY GLOBE will ho sent te now subscribers fromnîow to end o! nexl yean for $1.75. Onden te day fronu M. A James,,Bow- ruanvilie. MAPLE GItOVE. Mr. W. J. Coliacoîl bas encted a flue large silo. . Mr.and Mrs. Jacob Stevens NIs. M. Munds, GladNs Mundy sud Rosi Jeffenv are visitiug fr-bnds niear Sarnia.'Youtb and Ago" aI the League last week prov ed t e honee o! the mest interosting eveings we have even iad A spocial invitation was given te lie Sunday Scbool sud te lie eider members o! the congrogatien sud a od pinkling o!f',oung and eld ne- ,pou dd 4e pregram ivwsscomplote aud the hall nover looked se pnetty with its decor-atien o! flowers,, variagated leaves sud a flue collection o! pictures. iGrapes, pears and » applef4 weno:' -sonved by way of rnfoshments sud. old sud voupg eonjo% od a good time togothen .. Our paston preached a fine sermon on tbe Old Family Bible on Sunday aflen- Att-rud Messrs Arnot's big sale noxt Wednesdsy Oct. 10. Seechis, COUNTY CONVENTION. The W. C. T. U. convention beld lu Pont Hope lasI week electod the ioliow- ing officens: Pros., Mrs, Hoar, Bow- [mauville; Cor. Secv., Miss Neads, Bow- manvillo; Vice Pros., Mrs. Geo. Long, Oreno; Roc. Secy., Miss Brodie,. Pont Hope; Treas, Mrs. M. M. Tucker, Oro- ne. Sujperintendants o! depanîments are: Nancolics auJ Chiidren's Aids, M rs. M. Cr3 derman, Bowmauiville; Faim WVork, Mrs. J. M. Jouess, Bowmanviiie; Fiower Mission, Miss Roche, Port Hope; Press, Miss Reid, Orono; Franchise, Législative sud Polluions, Miss Knox, Oroe'no; Juveuile, Miss Bunner, Bow- mauville; Lumbermen, Miss Clarke, Orono; Sabhati Observance, Mrs R. -K Scot, Port Hope; Giving, Mrs. Geo. Wilson, Port Hope; Unfor mented Wine, Mrs. T. C Jewell, Bowmauville; Tom- perance lu Sunday Schools, Mrs. G. NI. Long, Orone; Parler Meeting, Miss Wade. Pont Hope; Scieuhific Instruction, Mrs. V. A. Colemian, Port Hope. Mns. Hoar, Bowmanville, was appoiuted dol- egate te lie Smith's Falls convention. A resolution was psssed endomsing the ballot for women sud erdering liat s letton ho seul ho oaci M. P. P., fer lie ceuuly sud te lie Premier askîug that they support the peitien sI tbe next sesion o! lie Legislature; aise tiat Ibis Youm lasI yosr's jacket, cape, blouse, dness, skirl, sud your bushand's suits, and childmeu's clothes, may ho seilod, !aded aud unsightly; but with s ton cent package o! Diamond Dyesyoeu work a migily change, anti make lie eld tI g s like new for Ibis season'sj wear. une effort lu this work o! truc ecoucmy will couvince you liat Dia- moud Dves are Imite monoey savers ho lie famiiy. r -t -- PRIZES WILL BE PAID. Prizes awa rded at Bowmauville Fai will be païd at the, Tressurer office, We-sc End Ilouse, neý Sainrday, Oct. 6. from 9 a. m. te 3 p.n One dollar will ho retsined for ne. year's inembersbip frein each exhibito: Priz3 winners must cdaim thoernoneyi person as the Trea surer le instructodt secure an affidavit freim those wl: sbowed contrary te the conditionsi Rule V. Mr. W. F. Alen, J. P.. is t]: Treasurer. WOMVEN'S INSTITUTES. Ail ladies of West Durham are ri quested te attend a meeting iu t] Royal Templars' Hall (over The Maso Co's store) 'Bowmaniville, on - Satturda next, Oct. 6, at 2 p.m. te hear an a( dress by Mns. J. L. Smith, organizeri Women's Institutes, aud te assist1 for ming a brancb for this Ridiug. Sout Ontario bas a very successful bnan< aud there is ne resson why West Du bam should net have eue toe. This a seciation is for tewn sud couutry ladi( alike-ali attend. GOVELINMENT BAKING POWJiER TESTS. The Royal, Bsking Powder is su ol candidate fer favor witb lhe Dominie: Ils patrons will ho pleased te know th, the receul Goverrument report giviri the analyses of baking pewders sold i the Dominion show thie Royal te ho t] punest o! croam o! tartar pewders, th mest bealthful lu character, and greatest leaveniung stnongth. It is sbown that the art in bakin. powder makingis te givo a pure ai boalthfulpowdon, o! higbest leaveuin power, whicb will keep indefluiteu witneut lesing its stnength These tu qualifications-effective keeping au ighest strengtb-it is impossiblet combine in a powdor excopl witbhfi use o! ebemically pure ingredients. Th report states that the euh enntirel cream e! tartar powders wbich --air up te tbis standard wero the Royal an iClevelaud's. A SEPTEMBER WEDDING. A very prethy wedding took placei Mr. I. lrwîn's, Bruton sireet, Poi Hope. on Wednesdlay, Sept t6tb, whe his niece Clara L. Jnwiu was inanried1 Mr, G. T. llsncock e! Port Hope. Th bridai party stood- unden an anch evergneen and wbite asters wbile tý coreoenv was penfermod by Rev. W.]1 YenBA.,D.D , in the presenceo! number o! guests. The wedding marc was nicely rend ered by Miss Let Skitcb, who continued playing tbrougi eut the ceremony. The hense we prettily deerated wit'a ferns, golde rod aud palms. The bride appearedi cresm silk, entrained, witb chiffon an peani trimmings, and csrried a harn some bouquet o! cream roses at maiden-hair ferns. The bidesmaic Miss MayIrwiu, ceusin o! the brîd( wore peari 'g)ra «y trimmed wilh creai silk, and carriod a bouquet of creai ro,,;es sud fern.-; Mr. J. R Haucoci Ne~~oyilewas .groomîsman. Tl bridegr.oomù's present te the bride was gold Chain ; te the bridesmaid, a cii cular broachi set witb perls.-Poi Ho p Guide. The zroom is s brothe O! Miss B. Haucock, teacller, Mapl Grove. DR. WIIITE'S DEATH. SS or MR. Tueos, WHITE, 0F CAVAb TAREN AWAY BT DisEASE THIAT lIE OFTEz ROUTED. NeytrYork, Sept. 24.- l"Ho Save others ; birsel! ho could net save, mightbchofllhiîgly said e! Dr. Ruchar H White, o! 120 West Fenrty-eighth St who died on Satunday lu Liberty, Suil van counly, N. Y. Dr, White, sllheug a specialist i u pulmenary troubles, foul pney te, the very disesse wbich hoe ha fought se success!ully lu bebal! others. Dr. V.' bite was hemn near Mill breok, Ontario, about 32 years ago. IdJ gradualod a thie University of Toront( suecaine te New York and look u pet-graduale wenk. Ho subsequent] becameee e the ph',siclins ah th New York Throat,, Noso and Luni Hospital, wliere lho devoled binisel! t disease o! ie lungs,sud ah the sain limie buildioigup a pivato practice.1 is believed by bis family thatliho cou tractedthiedisease froin some o! hi patients. Hoe !ound that bis luugs weî affocted abouts year age, but kept u bis work until last June, wheu f ailin health compelled bis retirement. H, wenl le Liherty in thie hope that change weuld bonefit hlm, but f ter short liime was obliged 10 take te hi hed. This -wss nine weeks age. i White left s widow sud eue daugitei three yoans old. Mns. White is th daughter o! Jullus E. Ludden, o! Nei Court of Revi-sion. Notice le hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to the Ontario Voters' Lists Act by Hie Honour the Judge of the Courty Court of the United Counti,'s of Northumberland and Durham at Kennedy'e Hall at Einiskillen ln the Township of Dalington, on Friday, ii. lth, ai the hour of Tan O'clock lu the forenoon, te hear and determine the eeverai complainte of errore and omieeioue ln Votere' List for the Municipality of Darlingion for 1900 eo far ase relatee te Poiling Subdivieione numbere Two, Four, Five and Seven. And that a Court will be hed ai the Town Hall lu Bowmanvillie on Saturday, October 20, ai the hour of Tan o'clock lu the forenoon to hear and determine thc severai .complainte of erroresud omiesione lu the Votcre' Liet for the sald Municlpality of Darlinqion for 1900 se f ar ase relatee te Polling Subdivieions numbere 0ne, Three aud Six. Al ersone liaLving bueinees ai lither or both of tNie eaid Co-urt e are requJred to attend ai the eaid time and plýace mentioneri. H. ELLIOTT, J», Clerk of Darlingion. Dated Hampton, Ociober jet, 1900, 40-1W Pity 'tis, ltis true that holidays are ended- but cheer up, buy your School BooKs and all you need aI P. TREBILCOOK'S Special uine of SCRIBBLERS and EXERCISE BOOKSI West EndHfouüse BOWMANVILLE. Nervous Debi Iity. A Suffrer From Weak Blood and Ex- Iiauted Mrvec s oi m is cure by Uslng Dr. Chaso'o Mrve Food. Mr. _. T. P. Lalame, rallway agent at Ciarenceville, Que., writes:-"- For twelve Years I have beezn run down with »«wVous debllIty. I suffered muai, a9d conoulted doctors, and used mnedicineaà ln Vain. Some months; ago I h'eard et Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, used two boxes, and rny healt I lnproved so rapldly that I ordered twelve . more. " I can say, fralkly, that this treat- ment han no equal ln the medicai worid. Whlle using Dr. Chase'o Nerve Food l' could, feel mny systemn being buit up until now 1 arn strong and healthy. I cannot recommrrend It too highiy for. weak, nervous people.- Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Io a tonte and reatorative of Inestimable worth. It nakes the blood rUc, the nerves strong, Increases the weight, and cures ail weaknesses and diseases of the nerves and blood. In pili form, 50 cents i. box, at ail dealer s, or Edmanson, D~ates and Co., Toronto. OIIONO. Miss Ida Gerry lias returned to To- runte..*Miss Lilly Hall, Oshawa, is visiting friends here.. . Mr.R Richards, Courtice, was recent visitor here.... Mr. S. HaIliday has returned home from the Northî West,.. .. Mr Thos. Vinson, To- rento, is home.. .. Rev. W. H. Adams, Claremont, visited the fair.. .. Mr. and Mrs. Thes. Smith spent a few days lu M1Yrtle recently.. .. Mr.Blake Crawford, Toronto, visited friends here ...Mrs. Gilbraith. Port Hope,- is visiting hier sister, Mrs. Wm. Jones ...Mr. Herb Hambly, Toronto. has been visiting lis aunt, Mrs. J. L. Rowe .. ..,Mr. and Mrs David Stevens, Little Britain, visited friends bore.. .. Mrs. Jeffery, Toronto, is visiting lier daughter, Mrs., J. E. Richards.. . .Mr .Edson Keat, Belleville, is home.-.. Mr. Daniel Hall has leased the late Thos. Hooper farm ... . Tait & Co , Photog'raphers of Bowmanville, opened their studio ever Mr.J.Gilillan's drug store Fair day ...Mr.Grenville Heckridge, Cobourg-, is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Kirkland ._. Mr.e3. L. Halls and daughter, Miss Phillis, Centreton, were in town recently.. Miss Minnie Hall bas returned from the city accompareied by bier sister, Mrs. J. Moat ...Miss Winnie Jones, Bow- manville, has been guest of lier cousin, Miss Bertha Jones ...Miss Editb Brownscombe, Port Hope, was guest of Miss Maggie Jerome. .. . Mr. Wm.Pope, Toronto, late proprietor of the Prince of Wales hotel, was lu town recently.. .Mr. and Mrs. David Bradley, Toron to, are visiting lier father, Mr..- Chas. Barrett ... . Miss Annie Layton, Toron- to, is visiting bier father Mr. Wm. Lay- ton. ... Miss Mary Coruish -and niece Miss 1Nellie Britton, Newtonville, are visitinz at Mr. Wm. Cornish's ...Dr. Ambrose Stanton, Goneral Hospital, Toronto, was in town last week. . .. Mr aud Mrs, Chas. McPherson, Orillia, visitod his sisters, the Misses MePher- son ..,.Mr. Jas. A, Henry, Amberly, is visiting his brothers, Mesmrs 4 oo and Geo. lHenry. For Inf=tt. aind Chidren. All desirous of exporting Applos to the home markets will bo furnished with reliable infcrmatiou hy writ- ing to Eboil James B3oard of Trade Toronto Canadian Ag-ent for Messr~s. WOODALL & CO., Liverpool, established over 50 years ; Boyd, Barrow & Co.,Glasgow; M. Isaacs & Sons,Ltd.,Londurî,and firms in Bris- tol, Hamburg and other ports, 38 4m For tho BoysI -The Victor is a special brand at $3,.00 a pair. This blanket is aý good big large size and a nice quality of wool. A good big cotton Blanket, white or Grey. at $1 .O0. N1To- department in our store lias advanced quite as mucli in the last year as our ready-to-wear clothing. We keep a big ehoice from eheap Tweed Suits at $4.50 to -the fine Worsteds at $10, $12 and $ 13.50 a suit. We have the Regent Suit in a nice dark grey Worst ed at $12. This suit lias the best tailor finish, a double-b reasted vest and in every way equal to custom work. If you want a niee up-to-date Overcoat drop in and have~ a look at our Regents in différent cléths at $ 10.00. Boys, Clothing.10 New Boys' and Chldren's Suite from- $2.00 to $7-00e New Boys' and Ohidren's Reefers from $2.00 to $.0 Have a look at our Clothing befrebuying. us ,Produce, Trade. your"%i * 9O Oash or John McMurtry, in 0me s GoodI-HeavyI-Homespuns 54 in. wide solid wool oloth in grey, mue and black at $1. A choice range of Home- spuns in ail shades of grey, black a.nd'brown at $1 .25. The best H-omespuns on the market at $1.40 a yard. Blankets in ail qualities from 30e to 75o a lb.