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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1900, p. 6

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ALAAGER.l Over io,ooo Hlead of 5tock Seized by~ Generals Paget and Barton. A dezpatoh from' Pretortn, may;- event Of Commandant Grobler de- Gen. Paget, by makîng a forced fending the langer. march of 26 milmest of Harnma'a' Gen. Cunninghiam's brigade, Donsist- kranl, captured the isager of Gom- ing of the Argyle Highlanders, the Elandant Grobler, s&izing 2,000 head Berkshire Regiment, and the Sc'ottish «rf cattle anid 5,000 sheep. Twenty Borderers, bas returned here f rom the eat. Since Juiy 27 the brigade men who bad b5eau lef t in charge we racee70mls made prianers. Commandant Groh- \'hen the British occupied Kom.ati- 1er waa absent wjth bis trýoops at the poort the Boers, who had beau occup3- time, he being engagad in making an iag that place, bolted across the frun- tier into Portuguese territory. They attck n isernlwa. Cl.Pluerblew up their gurts aad destroyed mande a flank march for the purpose of their arms before evacuatiag the o-opratinig with Gea. Pagat in the town. CÂPTURED rank and file did nr.yh seem to me of s very high order iatellectuaîly. Thse Boeers live tîwelva lna ntant and gat the smre rations as tisa men who guard tisa'r. Every menhti a isteamship from England witis buleeks aboard anchors off Jasnestown. Th43 intie are taken asiore on flonts and lifted io thea oRfliy a big crane, Our owa .sodiers live thirtean ila ntant, and se are a littia more crowded tisai the Boers. Tisa latter have increased thair nccommodaticns by building isacks ü«f hamboo and iree branches. Tisey make Un roofs for tiese helters hy flattaning out Standard 011 cana thuat once contained tise kerosene usad ta tise camp. Tisera are about 2,400 prisouers ia thse wired inclesure. Lt is i full view ofthtis sea, and thea prison- ers spend mucis urne locking ont on thse xater, which muest ef thern neyer saw until t.bey were put ahoard the ship tisat toek ihem to the islIaad." 200 MORE REFUGEES6 GERMA1NY'S DEMA1NDS. 'ý;ames of' Officiais Who Nuit ba Surrendeareci. Aing thé Chinese officiais arise beanda Germany isas demantiat as tisa pric.e et pence regcotiaunas ara the Prince Tin, tise tallee otise bain- apparent. Yung-La, 'libe commander o f tise no(rtieru arrmes. Yu-Rsien, ex-Gevernrof etSIanu- sang, nroav Governor et Shan-si, Ohuug-Li, Rau-bang, tuions tealise hei-apparent, ibatisrepentedta lehave commirtietisuicida. Tuag-Fuh-Si"ang,' general of tise Kaxsu treopa. Kang-Yi, Ghiao-Sbu-Chiao, specisi Imperinicol ssenn aio naponleýd tavoreunsiJy outise Boxer morement. LL-Pecig-Heng, an ouat fan.ouritos aviseratacil troopa lu tise country ronfla ras n te set against tue Legs- lierg, on Fehruary 27. 1 amn sure the 'FRTt1fOlEtfltOFlTl . HELEN1i1~A thee bngahtis at whaaîl a wthnly n urgiers Continue to Floek Into Usina. A notorions Boxer adberent. people! cf Canada will lie pleased tu î -U LoOU~OL I1il!JV. he asthiwr parnl n renzo Marques. [liera ara othars. hear io w gallantly sud how -- ~~~tendad originally te ha parts of s uni- Adsatifrmbno sysA Tereosthtneoteotarpedilyu ve Il eheda IRISH SKIPPER VISITS, THE BOERS' torm. Ha fouid tiseprisoners who dpatch fr L oreu onaqusay; asTh cotstedsuie or tbeu kiled atenion. yu aeal eadi HILLTOP CAMP. were not on parole or had not the dsac rmLrnoMrussy;hi omte ucdo enkle cin -"Thse Garmman stesmship Herzog an battin- need 0e raken with suspicion. Saw Cmmuandant IRoux, but 311,,-ed r ujl n n iilaof Wering euaar tirfrofea sailed for Europe to-day. iler pas- ILt lea ceinfertallaChinesa w ay of la n iclouraabot aquater0f mngers were chlJefly Hoilanders, Gar- self-effacement lu times of stress tu Notes and Comments. -Prioners 1'retty tCenferlàt.ue, huit mile square, eurrounded hy naiigis Schiel, the Capured Ge,'man Astlllerl,1 mana, sud Boers. She carrsed a large clirculate tisese5 reports ia tbe sure sud lIe flliein cfCap aire fonce. Quiside of tisis fence and I Tvei a Xrams -about tweîva (feet f rom h waaan-' qunnltity ut bar goid; Prasidan fetnttiiaino en ne Thecisa CSOof, Mrs. Maybrick, sen- otTralngwhchth snteespa Kruger ranisaitishe Goverument more al tet reappear sereneiy in uap- te inaprisonnmeut for lita for Tise Latest newa liy British freigistar oieaog hcsts saii s bouse, p;er tLrnes. But of ihis the allies are thse mardar oftlher husliand, Las again fu thBorpioesaStHeeatroîied. Tisera were notices postad on awarea. arrivad recentîy aboard tise Hogan tise insida tance in Engliis and Duicis "Two hundred more Boers srrived lie hin rlg t unnd thiusat vhobe lr o-day. They svateatîncc.s'th Unoe tea.siip Masconemo, wiic warning prsuoersa tisiif they went gbere t seýylet ate thataIl the irinoetadthn ha h sana msm voag foi tie amusbeycsnd tisa firai fonce tisey would h unlhchteylet tKoaioori WOatK.UT ARMY HORSE-S. sheid liarelensed. Thie last moae- likey bl b shit. -à.weekbefre he 1wr îrmeutLhLatise 'Publication et a state- l tt le ilan d , ie ca us e is e b a s ci g in g i k i e l a a s t A k b t o e sa w re s rp a ra b y d a m a g e d o r h ri d .n, a tu, her hull tisa retarding collection cf ekippar vsited tis apice ouna of tis e bseiurghers, wvis ara still in the Lord Roberts Forbids Their Sale ment prepared liy Lord Russeil, wa wlld y sn-f ield hava enongis ammunition to last in Souths Atrica. chlot Justice ot Eugland, avio, lbafore harnaclea acouniulated hy lying topisoners, a cook, tteanat hayarkndteyar ldsa h rua bp av sy;-a sena.o o ia eah 7afcn icanth intrçqpie (waters . She a go >tinai because lia weui cut cf tise tirai eteedo h er n hyae Adsac rméaeTw as; 1à;eeaio u hbnh ascn fou tiat se <was -able te do onîy inclosure and raftased teuisaît wban detarminad te resist till il gives Oui. A for nLght ago tis- Caps- Timaa draw nected asitistisacaea. This statoment about 6 knots an hour. ordered te do go. Ties sntinal avas iried 'Governor-General Machuado, of attention te t:isa als arising ot indiciatee tisat ti ariter berieved in Oapti. Alfred Main etftisa Masoonomo by court-martial and exoneatad. Portuguese East Africa, ha at is wii's et the sale of army horsas con- Mrs. Masybrick's innocence. Mauy end as te, bow to provude for the Peu- damuod as unfit for furtisar service people havaïM.agined tiat had it in an Irlisman, proutd of lis national-,Tisa Boer Camp les on thée top of a hill * iiTransutal."atrou cfth Brerile officer'iisaanalace naalted sed fordthlatactItisa meuit.Ha oalled ni St. Helena meraly saisealtby spot and tisa aciuiboasi Io ftasric fiesýh as n o h atta bacause tisa8hip's macisinery bsadi rades bloav consianily orer it. Tisera Delgeiiy'a cionials aud Delisle's avare licugibt for a mare song hy Mrs. MVaybrick îe an Amerlcaau, the broken do'wna nd ha ithoughie ha n s ickness among aitiser the ucav force are ce-operating aiti tise liswkors, crammned lto trucks, hur- ecse would nover have beau heard of migisi gai It repaired tisera. iHo soldiars or tisa Boers. The original view tu rouuding op Ganeral De Wet, rial tu Capâ Towu, enduring carelesa agaîn afttr she aras senienced; noever- founid tisai thieaavre no abops asisore garrison cf tisa island is froein ahlacks îviso le reperted to lie soutli-wast of and inhuiain treatman. on thea road, theteiss, whiile it wiil crc ie st tisai ouald de tie job, se ha told bis Wee, tItidia regirnant. Tliey have Ku.pjes station, witiî 900 menan sdsand ison resoid. It was tise ien- ef Engina that ail perseans are aliîke plghsitte the Gcveg'aor of tise island, notiig te do witb tisa Boers, who are! ihre.e guns. iou of tisa transport officers tisatilutise eyes of tis aw,mai, tl it would iso ge tise engineurra' force <of tisaguardad 'ontiraly hy men of tise Glou- Bafugees#tram Pescisetatrooma stase tisa animals shoa-LIli a nursed sud, ted lie mo,3itumuortunatýe ifthapossession Britishs Cruiser Niolia, iying off the caster Regimnt, Lieui...Coi. Evans tisaitishe Boers are badly eqti,ýppad $0icis to lim~i b, bat iastaad et ibis a of friands sud means actad maabar- Liînd to f ix thiags. They could net omsnnanding. The off icers of tisa ragi- týar as srnmuuitîon ha concaerned. sysern. cf gross craeity sprang icto nu-er to tise relace of an innocent tako any ýpay for ît, bui tiesakipper mont and tisa 3oes officars, al etof existence, su tisat tise dealers migbt p&rîy. Tise Hoen'Stcretsary hais net gava themna preasnt on liahîf oethtie wisom have tise lierty cf tise isiard, on 1EBICT FROM 111E BOWAGER. profit. yet tnken action but turtiar de- RoganaLine, parole, fraterniza ia Jarnestoavi sud On learnuug tise tacts stated liy velopmr ais et this *8celaebirated casa Xiesaaip wa thIsriy-six heurs an- talk about îhe avents cf tise aar. Wa Aais tePw' t etisa Cape f imes, Lord lRoberts lias les- wtll haîoeked torwird toeavilisinter- cisred withna9-09 yards ofe iapraciPi- Tisera is esole cunneetion witis Capets Pwe Be suad an order forbidditugtie sale of est. touaesraetftisa llaud, of f tise oalY Town.. sud tise printer ot Jamlestoava Continued. srmy hersas ta any part Of tisa col-___ pot,, Jamesto wn, iic lies btwaaa gekont at interrals a littie scrap cf A despateis troin London, Wednes- ona.-o big kiudly deed lha bas ta e ato'ep ridgesa nd la se aarrow that cable uaws f tis a wr <n sa seet outday, aya -A deapatchis teseStan- received tho gratitude otfîll isumani- Political; propists look for la ratura it ea afford teuihsve only oaa sireat rad papaer about four inchis square and dard troi Sisanghsai says tisaiChinese tarlans. ftepüetGvrmn nGet aithomut a elani to atarbeard or port. sella irt tuBoers and Britiona fer a' officiais thora report tisai Prince Tuan oii. preeGooruaniinedGfra Wisan yentry te gai off tise street you penny n copy. It in aise posted in tise b:as issured a secret edici in the naine DSR YI 1ELN O Stssae iats oaaeiaiib hiavas b use an alpenstock ualess you St. Helena Club bouse ai Jamasiown; 0f tise r)Owager Empresa, hnferming electioni tino have lironglTtMtisat'lis are a naturnl-boru mounainnclimbar. aviera itilediscusaed hy mai f rosa btse sut boi t rougisout the Empire ilcin iehv ruh h à,t Wisauatisa Maiscuonmao droppod anchor aisipea tas. nrsy ll port and tisa et-' tisaitishe court bas dacidad te continu th1 ie BogCno t i eBorsAncnia patoltria tisaara agauattisepoaeraai aisa- Blwn p.Lion and avilI appeal to tise elactors to &Ïbe aas quickly surrouund8id by a fleet ficers of tisa Britishis cruiser Niolie, th I liai h pwr a hl. b alloaved to moka a permanent sit oft buniboatd filled aitis natives urus aviici la sncisored off tisa toava to sea .ever ost. Tisa 'edict îb'reateiatisat A daspaîcis frein London, aya -tieua fts otsArcnqeto tiinge, toe slI. , Thha sd fruit, neek- tisai noue o et tsaoers escape, o sayofca vedo uortî Tise Wsr Office hlasrcivel the fol-tiaailserefrugndiar- laceLs, bracelets and punses made of assistad tn eacaping, by sas. Ospi.: Maudiis aili hbeieaded as a traitor,1 lowiaag despatcis troin Lord Robents, cuIts of hier bard wvon campaigu. No bright browniis aas and photo- Mann seid: is famiiy desiroyed, and the tonis! daied Pretoria, Sept. 24 ; graphis of everyisistig on tisa island.5 "Wisat impressed me unost about tise of is nceators destroyed. . "Polel-CIaroa repents tisai he tound di h ie iaatiin tearete Tisa romin hwhich Na oleon died, his Boomsaras tisa great diffenc nerIAdsacst ieDyNasreii Teaior eaLn oin, 98- tisa Boers aineteon years ago.aililibe houseai Longwood aud every memaori- ages. I san arnuny gray-haîred sud'r Pekin. says il la persistenily main- Peunder, and one' Creusot, vbcis hatigrnad odrao lyts ai of tise Little Corporal on tise Island patnria rcisni-lookijàn mof 70 and s lot taiaed tisai tbe Empaer bas leftishe bEen destreye 1I, 30a rifles, 30 boxes of Lilierals should not lie alloavedtut stop aivare amiung tihe ibinga pisotographed. ef boys avio couid noirbavaeiseen more Dewagor Empressu d la nowa aiTai asmalarn aiinunition, 40 Lo f ominluasd spoil whist tisa poliey 0f th. - Long Ceusorvative5 lias avon. Tise other Tisera avre aise pletures otftisa Boers tisan 15 or 16 years old. Men eft burng 150 Siilea waesi ef Palm. shelas, etc. rac ie yts rposi ia as tisey xarched 1ilirougi tiesa sreets middle age eseamad tu, ha tisa exceptuon. "Bartoa bas cspt ;ured 720 traes ex- esn ve ytepohsla ht et. Jamesiewn under escort 'of British Tisay aere chiefiy very eld or 'verv y enTTa, 150 cattle, aid 1,000 hisaep." te isewa votera lista aili no elaraady aoldiora. Naarly avary enaetftisa youug. 1 talkad aiti Col. Scisiel, tise SvvLEDTHE W HARMtS MANY BOE, .GUN'i-S FOUND, tiearl exwt ye laaisel utheseld aiip' CoQmpany bo.ughir Oaae or more German artilleray officer, aid cannot A despaelifrein Cape Town aya; lista tisa Lilierais wil hata a mrions picturas and sent tibm home te friands iay tiriai 1 ike hlm. Haearas incliaen 0 ieasSeedd hi Va- 1A lreniae fgnmsl a-iiavnae eaetuedsrn and relatives la Britain. rtoi ha averyheýdy. Tise Boar off icers tîni-Henri Irifles. arge naveben et gns, ogthey dam-diavnge castsoa isr- Capù. Mann lad neyer heen on tise wera appareîtli atisfied aitistheir A dealpaici f rom Protonsia gys:a- ,hv ba oni lu ie Cro hised liy tba old liassaililibe eisiet]y iislalnis, sud, bha doided toigo asisore condition. I alise spoea atis Commaa-1 Many of tisa BoeriN, itiis known, axera Pci river er oetof teis orga laaad e ie ase andtitahie n lok around, incidaninily daut Roux, aris, Ibalr, apudranodatiMata- uirfesLt raiaiyiea haofiaRpu- visiting tisa camp o h orpio-Winstoa Cisurcbill.. Roux is more tisan is quita possible that tbey bave been tlieuonaihe ay tcksneava eraurs-e getottn îe vilg gis Sli iu. lieaa e lai Tise Unionistis are funtisar ara. Ha myatisai; tisecamap ta about six footi la i is qceaofettise iand- jarmed for mine tune anti biaeap- aigrlis miles of resichas, tise majority tir ' " a tse Ibeiug ta geo-d condition. urgung tisai teiba îhral leaders are se fiemules frein tise soeiaedreci semest amen amoug tise prusoners, nMstou, but a t ainea lime, informatsion ~1iie ia esrn oiyeuh line, but hy tise zigzag rondcs aindiag eofaavhoim are biig tolloava. Ife said tisaiisas Corna touisaad irom trnstwortby, dve ttnusrgpoiyc b uth as ieuth orti tlle beliared tis-ar ol mfon ha ovar sources ibat ou tise evacuation of BRITAIN'S REPLY. unet1nrytsen ovvrts -about iwelra miles aaaay. Hoeaent and ezpresed tise hope tisai tbe Brut-Zeerusi, ou Auguik 8a large nain -, ward abea ise eonutyand ilish artis up in a twe-wisaeled trap sud on thie !ah migisir end il by giriug the Boers ber of tsMartini-Henri rifles anti am- She DeeIietiot Ag ree to tisa Terms armufre tishe cotryvek aili hw. way pasedmet any groupa ef Boers teraristisai aoult net lie huriliaiing. uninla raie, oaing to carelesanes f et'ts Geriuan Note. rslsteni e-weswl hw bounti or an fo te a. Sema fe t en I iti n ur l sai Cr us i av ive is o n tie part oft tie omm issioners or A de patcis froin L odon. says -Tie isaoue workigavr tsefarineaeh ta ooao'ski.e oo ie ie toa roerer avas responsihle for thien, lofti British' Pramior's decision 1 refuse i!A very graiifyiag igu in Sentis imtaus. Tisy gav tisetnisi akipar a ise Bor cap. I eard tsai Conje aisitiflu ha Laddres'heofice, r ofgethtetise tarma f tis Germ n thfeicale th resusp ofo ut bsines Miiitary saînta. Sorn'e et tisen sileatnd thseGovrtur are very fr:endly andaviere thoy bildbeau tored. tnote uns coinnanicated verbsliy teuin Johsanesburg. Pimpiug is noar but mosi lookad somewvhat soiexun.j andi froquntiy dine togetisar. Tishes emnAnssadrhrCotgigo t entss ie ia Tisay amokati icug-siamnd pipes andtPueoefficors a t i mai simd kme as PLENTY O F SUPPLIES. von IHstzfeldlt-Wîideýnbu.rg, duriag ù,avare flooded, andtinlutbr' case of t'ise wove ne uniforms. Capt. Manna aav maen ntlof aca but ffiocat cf tise long intervieav th.isaaternooni. langer minai thia aili take tavo o Briltis Troops ai Komnatipoori Not 0111Y s1f-v omîticials ara cegnizatît tisea menuisa. A nuinler cf producing Short etfi niions o et xIsaord Salisbiury saiti to Couat mines, isoarever, are ready te atart A despaicis freai Londion, says: La a von Haizféldt-Wtdenburg lu regard crusini as meýna as s mocirate nm C o n sti p a te d B o w els telegranq te tise War Office, Lord; toitla Itact deralopaieni in tise Chia- lier e ofrlea aur.h areoîc ci~ ss e nypepia ad Oher odiy Doangment-Dr Chao~oRobents says :-"linn smiiioai's Col- ose qeto.Ofiiicrelies lharo tisaa loyau tbousaîd Kaffirs are now Clv Rîe t DypeplaandOthr Bdil Deanemets-r. hac'aurunaarmived an Komatiproont no-day. wr aeaincline!telu ielieve tisas.bis Lord- employed! ou a noua railaay lino, but Kldney-Liver Pille are Unique as the Only Treatmont j Pole-Caneax' setea tînt tisey are gai- slip a',otsid agrea avibis Gerrnany. Lu- as soon as tris isl coÎnpletetl, tise geai- Whloh Permanontly Cures Constipation. L ing ample supplies througis car Con- 'iead et dong s09bus e at alinsm ex- eam iavork cf tise Rand waililibegin te __________________ uh as. Loreunzo Marques. Tise Porta- nactly tise ternais lanarbici Wahington's j more again. A serions item ia tise gus fiil r er ii n bi-refusai ,xascoeuchied, andt iis, saitiaj rba a ts qeto f rolling Constipation, or iaactirity o et tis i tts; "Inu h, fa'l et1895 I1'lied îhier us fiiI r rroiiqu îi. iîi fiiIt ereattv fsok itsu tca anth bowels, ta probahly tise causaet more or four boxas et Dr. Ciasaes Kiti-jug.tsAeoiedre,"ialtsemr gt nbspytse ianmfoi distressa sud suffantng tIa aay othox' uey-Liver Pilla for Const iaoe "Seventeen officers anti 319e men atdPsss isal h mr organic tierangemani. Oncet iboavels and SI emacis Troublas sud neyer tisa Canadisu Roýgiment starte t iis snrpmising, cousidorng tiss.tishe Wasb.-' stuffa ýto toaci tie aorkers. Coi. are coastipatiedth ie kidursys becoma founut anythiug te comparaeaitis iorniiug on their avay to Canada." ington offieiais 1usd net tiese ligstesi Gircuard, dimcior of Raihways, bas bloggati, tisa irer tos'piti sud tise stc-, ihuna, I batauffereti frein tiseacoin- -----l -ikigo htEgadsattd mach anti avise adigestiveysieya plaints fer maay yearmsud talon sgetdta h rdci ie Dompleiely iniarfered waitis. many kintis o et ailcine, but [t reý- GO'RID OF TIiEM. cobieoulti ha."lin soc t flhe isast aches, tisae e dizzino'as, lneiineti for Dr. Cbase's Kitiney-Livergtamg udrwy Ci srn weakness and dimuasa et vision, pains 'Pilla te cure me. an noav walh andi Irisis-American Mlercenaries Put On CÂPTURED T11E GEiNERAL. j gai thnga notr y.e at ha ctrou la the hachi, aides anti Emba, tisa ac- strong, but continua tuo bale oaa or doecacsanbytetctiaiia 3unîslticof ewinti anti gem ou htis obvepulls a aeal le ceunteract tise1 A a Porlugueso Transport. Booms are reportaI as haviug 200 stomacli, pains anti tuineas ln the ne- unie ariti condition la tisa hlooti mnd A eptcs tion Lorenzo Marques, 5,00 Cislnese Put to Flight By locomotives anti 8,000 cars aisitison; gion efthtie sLemacis anti tepressien ito keep tisa boavels pertecihy regular."ey:Tie IsbAeca aîy Russians. sdt vn e i1elaigdsryt tnul tiasprnteney et spirits. Costipatien eau aet ho cured by Mn. James Gardiner, Bath, Ont., aerving w iltiste Boers have beeu e- Ar depateis from Si. Petersbunrg, tisa ailways otftisa Transaal would thse use etsastis and i shrilar aeaken- Baye :-"L avas a sutfei'ar for tonty movoti foin this ainlaraeks to tisegaaYs -Tbe War Office anneunces tuai lie seriously crippleti. Tisane ara Isn ad dbiitat pugaive.Ti-. yaara from indigestion anti constipa- Potgus ransprI nina, bip--Gen. Ssceroff, tise chiot of tise Bus- abut 0,00 -hît pepeIn-is Alter the truoops ha~d given cheers for, the Queen andf the Field Marchai, the latter vshoohi hanýds with the Cana- dian officers and presented tltem one liv one to Lardy Pobert, andt more folicaxat, as timo passes, Lsy ise liargisers tired cf fightiug for a bast cause. As iu tisa pasi, progresa of avents lu China is slow. The Rossions par- siste inlutiseir determnition teawilis- draw tbisir iroops trona Palm. Wliile morne cnitica viav tisis as a mnistake, eaving toatise neeti of a a'ary sharp hesson to racistise Chinese, otisers, 111e Dr. Morrisen, inke tise vieav thtii sncb a aiLharafvat aili put a stop te an unisearahia state et affaira, as tise conditions et living iu Poilu under Russian jurisadietton avare intoierabla to ChLnese sud foraigners alile. Cerreaspeadenta aftrm tisaI aridauce aceumnîntes cI tise guiht of tisa En- prsoesud as te ber complicity in morne o0f ha î Worst tentures et tise Boxer movemeat. Tisa Japanese, Unitat States, anti Britdis commandera ara u5sdeav'îin:i to punt a stop te tise bol- unmg, and ti t îekilliig ef non-combat- anis aud avomen aviicis bas been, it la ta e ha eanetigoing on to a hangar ex- beat lInon is imnagineti. Lt il nufon- tuate that such tisinga aisoulti occur, fer w hile tisa ruIons et China mrequimoti a s-harp lessen, tisa people cli China sisoalti bave rece-iret a propen impres- sienofuthtie humnity ost Chistian na- tions. Tise prelilen isefore indiridual commandera avas a nmi tdiffieuli ona, eaing te tise peosî]iar nature efthtie expeditton, but it is to e lospedti ta tise tino tisai rernaiui.afer tise treepa te occnpy portions of China aili not sec s repetition of tsese metisets. TROUBLE IN CHI-LI. Mission arias Are Tisî'aaened Wih Atlaek. A despatcb frein Paria says z-Tise Temps tiu evening publisises a de- FAREWELL. JO CANADIANS. Lord Roberts $ay3 Their Conduct WiIl Neyer bt Forgotten by Country or Queen. A despatch f rom Pretoria, says "De,,eply 1 regret the lbases you Gen. Roberts, ia the presenc e of Lady 'have ssuffered. 1 should have been Roberts, and h is daughters, inspected happier if yod bhid returned lan our six companies of thea Canadian regi- fulil strength. The regimeant had had ment, who were on their way home 160 killed or wounded; but no one after a year's service in Southi Af rien. oould expect ylou to pass through so Crowde were present, and the men, arduous a caulpaign witliout losses. who are in excellent heaith, making a "I arn sorry that: some of you are aplendid appearance, the scene wras a ohliged to ratura sooner than the orilliant, one. rest of tisa regiment, but I. recognize After tha marcb past, Gen. Roberts theý urgency of private affairs, I arn addressed the trot ps. Ha said u onfideat tîbat thie Queen and Britishi -I cannot allow yoa to depa-t witim- people will never forget your services. ont, expresing my thanks for and If, it; eiould ever be may good fortune appreciation of your loyal services an.d to visit Canada, 1 hope to meet you excellent work, especially at Paarde.. ail again." Miss Pert-Ii's luckzy for you tbnt you don't have to live by your wits. Willieboy-Wliv? Miss Pert-'-i isre! Thîsi proves i- Sornarville Jour-lal. PczsibiY Se-atched le-Cue. "lWould you lilia me to lie-a shirt wqist ,,enan?" hea skas] tend.eriy. "I tbiu-k go," she reolied. "Conatsar sande of sncb rougb cboth, yen know,", Chicazo Post. GAY LIFE AT NEWPORT. Slow soeiety in Reported te Be (jet- tlng the Best of Enuit. . 'The ceaseless struggla agaiast that Im- placable foe of the very rich, ennui, still goas on," wrîtes our special correspond-, oýnt at Newport. "Several times it really saerned as 19 tedreaded bugaboo would wiu the day, c'd only the most indefatigable exertions on the part of society's ablest leaderg ihave held it at bay. All the old amuse-~ aients- are so rery old and tiresorne, you Ituow. i "It's so extremely difficuit to hold thg attention of these sated rninds. They'vti sean everything, eaten everythîag, drunk every thinig. "Mxis. Simpleton Snagg's boar hunt ii her magnificeat villa, Brick top, ivas a glitteriiig auccess, The pig was a- prizi one, with a jeweled ring ia its pink and wvhite nose and a gold bangle on its sin- lious tail. "Aftar beiag carefully washed in cham. pagne and covared with creamery buttei it was let loose at exactly ridnight. Tht plg had the run of the bouse, includini the magnificeat suit reserved for Couat Paresis, and the gentie porker led hit pursuers a rnarry chase, "Ha was finally le erâby Young Fuzzy Flypp, who, it will lie rernember- ed, led the german so beautifully at the Washe Boards' barn warrning on the s'teenth. "Everybody says that Mrs. Snaggs -drnply ouitdid herseif on the boar hunt, and ail the fashionable world is woader- ong what she will do next. "O0n the 27th Lady Biskit-Shuter wlll bave ber indoor huirdle race, la which the Mellowhunk riders are to participate. The entrance ways ut aither end of ber ýaodstona palace will bie enlarged, and nu inclined plane is to lead up frein the lawev to the hall, whicb ruas strnight through the bouse. "The hurdles w-Il be erected in the hall, and the riders, are to circle about the lawn and then one hy one dash up the incline and loto the hall, takiag the hiurdles and thea exiting by the back d7oor. This promises to be one of the cetching things of the season. "A shoot the shoots party ls to signal- ize the coming out of Miss Lotta Doujo. The Dongh palace bas beau fllled wlth' carpeuters sud imasous this wveek. "Tbey are building the shoots, wblcb will hegin at a point sorne 20 feet above the roof sud then descend at a Sharp an- gle throngh the entire bouse, ernergiag biy a front window qud slrnrniag over thü, lawu. The car is sixteentb Century, and the shoots ill lie greased with Al butterine. Miss Dougb and Lord Sali ivill open the festivities by desceuding la the first car.1 "I regret to annouince that the marlea- ette party to whiclb Mrs. Heavie Bluff's Boston terrier hadl invited ail the swell dogs of the set is indeflnitely postpoued because of the sudden death of a hale lstier of Mrs. Vera Flitt's French poo- dile.' lie 31dified ItL "ýSir," she'exclairned, "do you mean to Say that I sprang frorn a rnonkey ? The advocate of the tbeory of evolu- tion lookad at ber pretty but Indignant face and saw that it was up to hlm te back oui as gracefully as rnight ha possi- ble. "ýWell," be said, "possibly you neyer sprang frorn a rnonkey, but l'il bei yoi, would if one carne upon you suddenly ia the dark." And yet they say men of science do nit know how to dodga' clevarly. "'Yeu sec." said the heiress conlidlen- t ially, "my father likes the count very nmch, but he is afraid the dear boy io inclined to be careless about rney mat- tors. lVhat do yoyn thinis about it?" "The faLt that ha. bas proposed te you," said Ms Cayenne thougbtfnlly, "mîght possihiy lie taken as very good evidlence to the contrary."1 Thse ohesCongres.. *'Poor Mrs. Tieddown!" exelairned thse tirst wornuof fashion. "The Mothers. ('ongrass nicets nexi week, and sha can't attend bacause of lber childien." "What a pity!" syànpathized tihe second wvoran of fashion. "l'm glad 1 lsaven't any children t keep me nwayi" Casher - 1 can't bonor that check, madam. Your bushand's accounn is o'rerdrawn. Woruan-LIuh! Overdrawn. is it? 1 snspected somelhing was wrong whea he sigued this eeeck - itbout waicg for nie to getthie bysteries. A Beginîner. "Yes, Sir, I admit that l'rn eofething .f s beeinner lu tbe race war busines naiysolf." "Ehà! In what wav?"' 1 seow i and swear iuwvardly evýyn tima I bear a eon Song. "-Clevelid sipaicisfrein Shanghsai auhici smaya tisa maiscienanies lu Chi-Li are threabenod. Enropean troopa isarving beau sont againat tise Boxons, Prince Ching, it us assertetil as proteste th iaï,t be Yaaienalahne is qunlifuati to carry eut tiseir exterminaioen, erdereo hy lb. MRS. KRUGER'S ILLNESS. Cannot Loava Pretoria te Joli lier H'usband. A tiaspateis frona bondon, says;-A rdespatcis frein Protoris say5 ihat, in tise opinion cf han pisysician, Mrs. iKruger is tee- feabie te travol ce Lorenzo- Marques te join honr hu.sbauti. Sie avililibe obliged c ne smaunlu Pretoria. JESTS FROM YONKERS, A Budget of Wltticlms t WVleti Yon WISS Plense Snile. Miss Cotinoütie-AuI% ýdwly do yen tiîk tisai l>y ssarryiusg une you w cuid c-,eter1 abla te peuforai a tryiag dut'y Mr. Jesiou-sell, yen lunoav ilat lu uuity biscre's siroogil. "Tis abusiness ef scndiug ono'a w' ýfa te tise country je awf1illy cosniy," remzirk- ati Jones. "Of course," resooed i Snith, "dou'i tihe avoietscran admit it by ssying notising lut 'dean' juat hafere tise le-ava- takiusg occirs'?" - Brown-l'I liet thaitishe mnjority ef fiash tat aie cauglin latise hsook arc fa- males. Green Wliy? Broui -Yoiu Izi' t lieir sez le gical on having e "line drepiled." ,Sue-if iboy sliosld roviraeIthe oldtimîe gag, yen arould ble tise tiret te suifer, Ho -Tisaiavouitld a ajoke. "Wbai did you thirili cf tise coruoîi-ri's effo.rts ?" "luas an aavfui 5trýl:n." "tuViy," rauarked th ie jacter, "hoi-se- leas carrnages a5re isoiing i00w. Tlsey usedti tecarry farrn produce luinlser doavu ou our faim 20 years ago." "Oh, wavia a as'ring!" rajeinedth ie cho- VU.s "Net aI ail," aras tisa comploant me- ply. "Tisey were avieelbarrows tmon.", She (sarceastically)-AlI tise nice young ussen aie not tise moaltmuitul. île <aartonically)-And ail]tisa youusg iodlas ihat paint are ciel amblais. "I expecite olire le seea m undreti," me- insnked tisa jacter ssîîsely. "Wliat, years?" aias tle enger question orf bis gusm. ~'No," aes tisereply; "boilles eofavine."1

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