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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1900, p. 2

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__,Pf0ý a,.e ed Quick curae fr S23 and 50 cent Botties. jEWARE 0F IMITATIONS. DUY ONLY THE GENU1NE., PERRY DAVIS, Coo's Cotton Root Oomponnd. le suceeelully uned nionthly by over 10L,00ades. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for eek s Cettua RaM Ceau- Fen. Take no other as ail Mixtures, pil and Imitations are dangeronis Priee, N~o. 1, $1pe box-, No. 9, 10 degrees stronger, $3 par box. 10 1lor 2,nsailed an recelpt of price and two 8-cent stamos>Thse Cook Copany Windsor, Ont. 1 an sd 2 sold aoo recoomended by ali responsible Druggists ln Canada. No~.. i doinî Bowaiîvilie by Hîliooii BOTri Ul & 505, Sf1 I'f & JUTaY; Croco 0by J. GEi FiLsaN Newcastle Ùy DR. Fxsiccms. ON TEE WRONUGTRAIN. The cl man waLm notabiy nerveus, as hie wandered früm one car to another ai-idwae becoring observed of ail thre pas-engers. Thea train was weil on its way whee lie stopped the blue-coated officiai and seriously înquired: )laar' lu thunder is ti' satini' car- lin usorttr iiungry. 1-ae was told there was -no dining car on thre train. H'm 1 letsurely responded the oîd muin. ,al, then, whar le th' keer tùv-k ejaf ,loi! ero-usv lanan' twist an tara 'Îchever way ye please. I1 no ail aboudÉt tilse things, ye knowv, an' ye kain't fool me. We have no, Pullmuan, said the at- \Val, bust me suspeiiders, wiar's ye're iemn'nade stan'? Nosul a thing aboard. Ana' no bootblack ? No, ir. Hfate tei ast ye if ye hev a barber n boa rd. Tuie ceinduetor said sometlaing about thie advieability of people carrying their ovnshavin.- ntensiis, wlereat thec old farmer blurted out: Wal, dai me buttons, I've got on tie) train. Tlaey tole me thi,5 waLs an accommodation train!1 'Sometimes you hear a man say, "My physician," with sucli an air of pro- prîetorship thut you wouldneyer dreai .tiat he 0ewes the dector £25, wich the med ical gentleman nieyer expects to get, and gocid i Tlî5, rtodutLOOt. Tho 51fes shiufd ha stro.-g aud vigoreaus, and easpeîally good on their U mh.The fod for growing and"hraeding ains shcéulil be national; that is to say, it sla'-aild consi'4 larig-sy 'of rUîrogenous cimrents. WeVsfi-b d give ouf breed- ing ainimais the, nppi)rtuity to take sauclah xrLsgivîag îhom theo mn of amplis pastures lu the summer mndi c-f farn yards la winter. Wo ih:Duld pic-vide theni ailla winter quarters waufficientlv w.arm and dry to ward off rheumnatismn, and we shaul i fced them some succulent food lu the sUaj- te-r te ward of alnn- tht arise trom constipation. LICE ON Hu1iSES. Lice on a horee au b3 got riai of by spuugi'ag the bcady of the, animal wirh huttcmaan-ilk whey, rubbiug it well intoa the roots of the h îî,r- repeat evary elght, and not liter than ton days, as ilis whey ý-ny klIls the 1Iec and hie qno, effe'anlwaee on the n1te corecggs. ThSe wahiag must be l kept up for sanie ttm2, il. order to kili thý evrmi a t t at:ýh cout, and hefare they la ivo lima to lay theiiri egg-'- Continue the o mh for et least a rrtoith or six w,eeks, at ruiervals stated, anid yau. i iiiget rld cf the [THE CJRGULJO. Thec- cf esny of thSe pluni crop is thes curoulio, ansi as ïpraying, niLla made Brlght, and '46alth and Wig Storeti by thse Use of Ur. Chase'a Norges Headache, backaehe, sleeplessnjes's, despondency, and ivregularities are thse resuit cf an exhausted condition of thSe body and nervous systero. No treatment wam ever eo effieacions ln restoring heaith. strength, vigour, asnd vitality as Dr. (lhase's Nenv& Food, the great iSiood bufîder. Mrs. J. M. Bradley, 100 Jane street, Ottawa, tstates:-" For zea-eral Fours I have been gradually running down ln healili. 1 bocamoe nervous and weak, and erldgrestly over iny utre '*Hearlng of Dr. hanses N1erve Fo*oa and the w'onderful resuits It has ae- compia2hed ln others, 1 obtained a boDx and began usint it as dlrected. 1 la- gan te inîprove tnrnediafely, qnd arn now restored te full healtii and vîgour. "Dr. Chase'% Nerve Food'ai an ex- cellent remedy, and 1 cia rcconsrnen(ý It to aIl who are weak, nervous, or rua dawn ln health" Dr. Ciase's Nerve Foed, the world'a greatest blood Isuilder and narve re- storative, 60 cents a, box, at ail dealers or EiJmnison Dates anadCo., iTorojto. TU XATER t DD IT.__ _ _ _ H-ER Eîsan SW1N.Pý DISEASES. old adage ThSe absence c-f guosi reeding quali- -"I reco rded ties se oftea met sith inluswîu i'n which tea- the, Westïi, dus to-la4uproper sedec- c h s t a u, luiudicious bneeding and impre- hst t pan food. t lias baen custcmaary te lih ng 9 aelect the amesti -st ia faima, witli- nover strik- cal suff1ilot regard to size or evi- os wic ~l da- sof hadily vigor. Young s the S am e have been clinoan fair hreet1ing un pie-- place. The fenonceate, thosa futliy mîturasi, andi, sanao cari be said of rheumatisr, n, la iniy instances, cspecially lu the whichi usuaily attacks employees c ps apre-bresis, in-and-in-breed- of ail bottling works, in the hands iug1lias& beau toit muai practiles. bbc and rms onaccuntof .hmfeed bas laid, ina Us eatlreîty, t îo lange and rmson ccout ofthA a prefeaetage Ofc-forn ani tce ltiae having to handie coid substances cf food elamaaut cf a aittogenous and dabb-lo in coid waier al the charactior. Tia penalty pli is se- year round. Mr. Oscar Perry, for- v -\rV. se 50il in theo amail size cof meriy employed at J. R. Hinds' the q îi-oeal ti8 rLoa ma-)tauity of bottling works, Kingston, Ont., lhe ycuag-pigs, nd lu the, linge pro- was a sufferer in this respect. pnardi).on f non-ha-odersa amoug tiiý Rheumatism affected him in the e'ae arms and shouiders, and besicl aS Wiîd hieug arue aidorn. or noveraf- the pain experienced ho sLiïfe-ed flatued i ith disas. ia - sually pocuniary ioss. After iaaving tîied die.- frmninjuriai es aeinubaitie various trca1uments Withont oitaniiig or front old ago. Pigs, ta neaviy sot-- relief, he was indusced te give Dr. Hal l'a tîca cuirl have u ýuaily almloat ag Rtleumstk- Cure a trial. Less thoa greantl fait ram il sease. In the haif a bottie gave hii relief, andi before tic entire contents of the fimt bottie oJerdisiLets ave have iiog ra wcre ueed ha was freed froni hi-ua- b._eiakiîng doaan in the limbe and tismi, and it lias net since trosîbles i hu. baci. rhaautii-m. andi vemy nmaay Hea did net look for suci rapisi restaîts, ùoi-ie-f ilis.. 0f course, the inerelase aud woild have beou satisfied wlth ob- cf alnn s osm xetoet taiuing relief, whereas tic mediclue ai3Ln at eacaet u has eted asente. the irafase lu tic sw tue. Dise, se Dr. Fiali's Riseunatie durc is l3uts lu in50 a ni nso-tahicy area- a resassite cent bettles, coutaininsg ten dfaya inceatnient.a rtedge sthnnirmo For 81le by aIl dmglists and delers lin rserdge -hanuosc iuedîcaine. TiSe Dr. Hall MedicinedC., Xiii. swin ncnease. Thea tact sentaius, titin. nt.naeetheless, tuiat the greator pro- partiSan cf thase railmeiî aoali -H~IŽT~ bcpre G fdu-oa-e- e suae exorcîs- - ed ia the managemaentof ps The mati îlity lan sie i lesome- ,-rOf nt our, serytuh fis c wut hei-sa llireiithAnsi hog- C:cel istamach le-as fatal aiith, saxn fdi argely ouonaniloganouasun Ib a nc iiiy cittbcac-euLs. Thle a mot-îliy annong Younsg pgs lvery g reËa n -Iil l aumch greater than h alicbuaieb' if due ente wore exerosu-esi in thea managemnent of tic - e-id. The old riSiable remedy fer Spaina hgîe, aplie rmd ,rtas ,11 e.4 , ancd ailfora of Lameaea. it conly terulny- a ë ,vjOaos a blem'shabecaoseA itdoies nt buter. ting ltrgeIvluc-r aus.\V N.rlh i'aitagaîa, Ont., Aib. 10, '98. i or la d . W a.-.J.xodclc snc~î savoli la-sd-luin rocding lu tS, maaiîi~ Str. iik.stîI:,iîîgîiî~ Sixwîn-,xpn)sing oun money uic the Kaaaj'~iiiie bi,5~15~ aeaas ii aplji ~ ; nie rmediesof a thief. - Wa o -uld BIei o-un brea ding sows witb iaul oye "y US G~ acTIr ï,a. >btue reteniLon cf sa mima. They el$, SI, for *e-A aliimet forrfamiyiio ~u 'cisnfo osea i- liai s 0e cii. s ëur druggit fer-icdal'aa.l ' ,ýhose1 oM oaeult Spvî ireaie'A Treatigeo.1the Ilorge," ~ asnraib agmgawl- t"hpebatSk Ires, r adlre.î,ses usdb agrgewl- DR B. J. KENDALL CO., ENOSBURG FALLS, V4T. rsifaýrine-sidaias, avîic-liara goosinurses The Oood Wor1k of Driving out Disease And Healing *ik Througrh the New System of Treatînent Stili Contin5ues. ls Another who gîves Testimony oft ThSe arvelloua CuratlvePowers of Powley's Liquifieci Ozone "I reaacily give îsy testimonial regard- aog tiSe aondenfial curative airtues of thSe cew sstîein of tresuimeet. Fer most cf tî'o yea'- i sellonS al thetortures of fte racki. My pains arere so severe 1 .xenid s'ea Cern 50baS that 1 coulsi easiiy be iSuard a block away. I hasi te be ajrned la bcd inshseets. I baS ibrea of theia at ontons ianlae city, bu t anti al tnei exe-îlent skill, uiiey failesi te cure tata. 1 geL sony Siscouinaged, and 515 xict Ic:nwavvlst te do, se great aras my -suffriîtg. Mr. Hill, tIse insurance agent, asked ine te try Poselas LiquifieS Ozcne, avadcla IdiS, ansi 1 found lu auonce began Le radlieva nMy -pains.--I tok about -uic bot- tes, and 1 am prend te say 1 amn as welI as ever 1 have bacc in my lifo. My work i-a easy le me ceasas iny ieabîb bas been 1 tia-1roxed ln every way. I havo nocom- mndesi the new tnealnaient to sîl my fiends, ansi i catanot speal, tce highly cf tiSe ntiedy as long as 1 live. " CHARLES DARIIV, 57 Humilton St. Toronto Powley's Llauiflmd Ozone at aiîv Dug Store, 500. "u-, s. 1 ermenth, mysaîf, but My famaiîy lukesi ihanitoo wail te test the keep- Sensi for Booklet "Fro, Expiaining ing qîralities longor. iii' iîaw systom of treatment. THE, Toimato Manmalade-Peel gh OZON 0 fTrntLmts. pounds cf ripe temaices; put ,if, a granute or porcelain ketile with font Peuiunds of augar, eue quart cf eider Pîleuoa mxtue-sdoc ro kîi iisvînegar, tavo tablespeonfaîs of ail- ina i, eiSer meara mut h tes pcea andi four lumps cf whte ginger .J-nriîe th' roein ary mmuagj0reot. Boul 1111 a 11111e thieken Ilian titt ls bcte, aliupia hacs pe-catsup, mn zýtircugla a colander and xi a y apreii. wlicapturae miosicf huewieht them. a:nsithey caia b' buirnesi. if how (Civ.-Cbop oee peck cf shcii fi k o are nii ýer c- il 'e groen t~îtefour pepparesud six axh-muutta îrnsiticheeic avli aclarge culoý.ns5 mx with eue cup ef quLckly-Jispcssed cf, ansi fer thie mes- saIt auj î sandc-ýver nigiht; in the ani Mtny set plautraces in the peul- mnlg-Ian wl. Bi îio ttr y riw-b-matie itk-anugre- inues u wo quarts cf vinegar ansi able lsiia-je fer haiîs ansichiekens,oncfwtnasdriagn.Te %viLe hais destneuy-the curculie. Anj threeo pinta cf vînegar, two pouindn citer mci- y l t sits tle toc ~iiOf Sugan, > o tablospoonfuis cf swhite dry r hy -r~sake lie. hisniastard B d, twc tablespoonfuls of eti ut t O- L ii ris ,ýne Sisýri ijg, wti 10 ts eia: ra danip amli deav, ansi tiSý firsi ap-plicnaties i caîni ho made ju.s s e 1blse sas b-gin te fr11, ans àt -heulsi ha epated once a w ork u 10 days, or nfter every ain thut -asnashesle iaie- off. One avay cif coirag lus sancak ila tepuithti- limie ici -ifirie siave, ,ndsi xxiiia icng pole eieva-ta li te atop cif the troc. O bora- utce a slap miSder for short Irec-s. aid us cemmeas lasder fer Incas cLnuamon, anc etableapoonful of cloves. oue tblsp fcfallepice ansianc-- haîf tablas pacuful cf ginger andi bail with the tomatocs, pepper sud enions fifteen minutes. Mustardc Pickies.-Two quarts cu- cumbers, 1 ,vo quarts green tematees,ý two quarts cruliflcwam, one quart smaall ons,. Make pasteoef tbe fol- lewiug ; One large eup fleur, oe balf paund mustard, one ansila haîf tîbatl axîitppo-rt il.j pounsis sugat, eue tahiespoanful tilmerie poavder ansi eue gallon eider GARDIEN HINl'S. vinogar. It Lsc-f 11111e niae tout-y tegrow Stir' paste until itilboils, thon tar tunisies andi tumnips for tabl-' u2e on il over tbe vegetableis, which have c-I- grouad iba t s h -us long lu seaked wovr niglat in weak aine. eaIivlio. iey a-a vanr api te ý Brins ta b, ho c when turnes on voge-- ha, warmy, ansi ae bave nover- founsi tables. any t;re-tmca4ýt tlaat as-e-nid pravent it, '-c1i ci a pieca cif iai ihInnile un HINTS FOR, CLEANING DAY. grissansd Iras lbainsa sefor 'seoal Tisane paper in lli dean an 0 olal yeari, ansi ne malter if riS- grass le any, kinsi cf glass. nenily rua c-ut. Po uibafere If scruhbing brumhes are stoosi on ic lima for soaving tli s- 5d, ans Ileni to dry tbey aili lastt ach long-- ses,ý abutt400 poussAs Of 'OinM ee00er. faitilizer on il broadacmes, tIlion han- Aiwaysb ang long broorn uap hy s rowis in la veli andsiGsw radis-h cmSIat ta-n ip-u un drill1,abuat aine mis~ taý oe fotapanrt, thicuniug 1 proe-- par distance aa final hoeiug. Tiey g-ro-îasequ qiii? kly Éhrtif put Lu early ina thec spiining th a e haoui of lte J îsay in tisa-teý fotloîvw ith a irter cnep. Rutabaga tumnips fer table usa shsu at ho scia-n ntil about ; th Iinef JnIy, as îh'y an- b'tten if gr wn vcry qulcikly. fiey abouIho la rows a tis nsi Oua hiif Ée tirc If you-r baby is delicate fa-at apatr, and i alnesi te aine inca-1 and sic klv and its food does esa or a foot a partinlathe rosa- flot no urish it, put fifteen SHIGLE FRIM 'UPS. or, twenty dr ops of Scoît's A n-aslulnsnyiSa spuu upinExhfulsion in its boule three lbe, cul-vor plueu li-laof UMinneýsotai A Mi1chiga lingle- manufacture-r or four times a day and you basliitesie-at f Sndton ait will see a marked change. uiiha-ysuiLable ta l ransform thSeg thuu-<tus( cf 1irage stumape ie oshin- XV0 have had abundant gîte, iîcai stucupsnea stand f com proof th-at they wiIl thrive lawce 'or etaaagrouasi. ansi are- as yuai, as tiSe day lie îree avas, on this ernulsion when other euit. food faïils to nourish thcm. BETWIIEN THE LINES. I h is the saine with larger Miss Pasay-Yes, ansi ahen lie proifL pesesi 1 Iiosi tepretensi that I didn't Chilsurefi that are delica te, came for bu at ahl. Itriasi bard ual - Scot's Emulsion seems to be tu e hibu read auy encouragemnentOteeenn lcigi hi in my face, but he dud. ýteee etlcigi hi 24iss Peripety-Ai I I suppose hp food. Do flot fail totry it if conîi reasi belween tho linos. your ch idren do flot thriVýe. Bicyt-ists, ycung cr eldsi, ali car- It is as useful for themi in my a hotIe cf Pain-Kilier in uluir sîsi- dia baga. Il cntes ruts ansi wouass tiner as in winter. wviui asetierfiil qui-kuess.Avo- idsi 50 tutej as heno i labuteaPin-Kijler. A.rk 3azar -dec/aýr üe ttis ih ot trme. Penny Davis'. 25c. ansi50c. SCOTT & 8O0WNE, Chemiots, ToronleA. SOEJECIPES. Swoe Meln Pcles.Takea half bushel of ,ater melon rin-ds, patre suld sFrcet an-si oak in sali water over niglr. StearU nutil tenIer and draiLn. Mk a syrup as follows; Threpoints Cfpure eider vinegar, five pounda 0f cuýTgar, lncaen nces of stick cnan a ad nsie, ue ea ' of whole cIoves; bail haîf anu acehfore Lui iniSbmelon. Bil theN mel- on ini1th-' waî,er tUi it looks clear. Take thoeees euot carefullv aud, put lne, x7h- a-as fthe melon. bui is dor.9 and 1-aken out strai4the sys-up thr ough a s: 'vo or colad17r and i3a oouven the melon. The sanie avmupt-aui ha usesi for msilting is-sahpîckles; but lia penchas o'hould bd boilasi but a fev; miautes if at ail. Some hous-keapers pre- fer te put tic peachos in a jar and Pour thSe hot syrup over theni, me- pearuag lbhe process every moruing1 until ithcy are thorougbly pcklod.I Mixesi Pickles.-One colando r of sliced green toma tocs, oie cf sliccd, onions, oeeof cucunahars parei and slicecdhaif u incha thick. Spriukle wlthsait anmd let stand ever nigit, then drain. Have a large heasi of eauliflowcr braken lu fiore-', steami- cd and drainied. Place in a Jar a layer of the slicedI tomat oas, a_ layer of culons, ef cucumb",,s aud of cauli- flowem. Seald oue-hiaif cup ef cclcry scesi, ene-baif ounce of wliole ail- sPice, cnea tablespoonful cf blîck pep- par, one pounsi cf brown sugar and tLwo tabiespoonf-,is c f-w iola mus- tard with oe gallon cf via-gar and pour over ici. ocer with horse- radiala leaves. The onions ma y ho omitiesi if netILked. My neiglabon wbo gave me ibis te- cipe sîid Ihat pickles medola 'his w ay wcuid !kcep two years jn an or- dinary slo:- jar. 1 have kepi, thcm Jmai Pdece cf string throatgl the top ofý the handie. Hot vinegar put on a clotla will re- monve spots of paint frotu a window. TiSe vinegar mustt ha quito hot. Tarnisied brasa mty hc clearo-d by rubhling wîrh laimons eut in halves. If very dirty dip the lamons in a littie ash sifted through mualin, and wash well afterwards. To clean vannishesi paint take the tea beaves whici are laftinl the toit Pot, peur soeahot water over Lheni andi lettier stand tan minutes. sihan pour the tea loto a basin. W\ash tlie paloit avth a dlean flannel, and dry wiiîba cdean eloila. Te take grease frrni wallpaper lay a sheet cf thiek blot ting paper over the stain andi thon press a bot iron over il. As soon as the blettinig paper hacomes greasy move iît; bring a loa part over tho stain, sud then apply the iren agai. Hepeathîbs antil the stain bas quite dis appa)ared. Seraps of soap shoul inover ho wasted, but ha carefully collicted, and put away. Wheu avanted for wash- te g flannols, etc., t'bey cm hbcaluti srali places ansi hoilosi te a jelly. Af- terwards dilate with rainwater and this aili mako a heautiful lather. Small pieces cf toilai scapshouili lbe ccllectad and kept by thaemelvea. Thon meit theru wlth a littho milk andi forni loto cakes., APPETIZING CELEIRY. Lt is w-cil kuown that elory is an excellent foosi ferthe nervous system- la nmay householde it is the prac- Lce te discard flac coanse green stems sud ail the green beaves cf ibis ex- pansive vegotahie, whiich, as au ex- changesasys, ila a utstake. Every scuni bit cf clery is velu- ahl e. TiSa outside sems coint-ai, ail the narva stimulants in an ev -n greater proportion than -dc the ten- der white ores in the cedter cf the cluster. No liousewife shoulI throw away a souns i plce cf ccilery. Slow the coarso p-iris. Stewed celory is delicious; -ansi haro lsa asimple me- cipe- 'ake the gre'en auteidae taîks that eau net ha caton raw, waueit boni thoroughly, and acrupe off the rusty spots -wîvtl a kanife. Cut up the calery n hailf-i:nea places, rasarx'ing ail the souaid green louves ln a howl hy thetuselvos. Put the minced atoms ou to cock in hciling , 'tr' sud lot tleam stew eue heur and a ha If; theu add the leaves, andi con- tiene the cookiug fifteeu er twenty minutes, longer, etting the wmtc bol-doavu se iait thorea y honoue te pour off. Sait te tuste. Add a littl papper, a suiacl pieca cf hast butter, and a feîv spoufuls of cream or rida milk. Serve hot, This is a diala te giaddeu the heart of un ec1pi-- cure, sud eue thît aili at the samine tume bud up wasted tissue, sud sup- ply nerve power. TIfoeeblas on h-înd b-Lt a littie ste-wiug calery, not eo-gh te make a dial, for the family, au excelle-nt preparation may ho ma-de by adding cahiage cal up into iShpis-ces,anud lotti g tic calabage oeek îabout twen- ty -five minutes-net longeý-luii lac ceeery, It aili he ofaud that the cahbage will partake ef the flaver cf the celery. The dressing shouisi be the sanie as for steave icalory. Again, a few cclery louves or stow- cd staiks, added te steavesi culs, give the latter à moat agreeable fia- ver, ansi make on!,)s accanpabla ro many people avbc -iai ke 1honîwhen cooked as tbey nsaauy are. We have sold piles of Boots the Iast five or six weeks and have lots to dispose of yet, and very cheap -flrst-elass goods at very smali uricea, Oui carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,eolored and black at $1,00. AMen's Caif and Cordovan Blms, sewed and rivitted, from $1.40 to $2.5'0, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Children's Button and BILms 25c, 506, 75e, worthb 50, 75c, and $1,00, Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond in prices. We will tell you what the stock is ia oach and, every pair. The reason we do that is because we know, Latest Spring styles now in stock ln every lino. The publie is invited to inspeet our stock; no trouble to sho-w goods--we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Baga, Satehels;, Shawl Straps, fancy and plain ; Dre8ming, the very best that eau bought. Cheap trash dressinig is dear, it will ruin the boots it !i appi.. ed to. Repairing donc lu alis branches in flrst-class âtvi!e, Fine work made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking my eustomerrs for past favors and hoping for a continuarîce of the aame. Beaver Bloek. Ilowmnanville. We "Hlold a vaster stock thanL has been," and are as usuai prep-ared Lo give bargains lu Clothin2x IDry Goods, Groceries andHad re ------ e - - --- 1 _ -ý , - - FOR OVI. .FIÉTeIY IiAUS.G nt Cl h ng Ms.Win8tow's SootuiiagSy ne p bas lisnajsed bay G n s 'o h n millions of n'lotiaers for thelr ehildien arbile teethillg. If di-aiurbsd s ai iht andi broken. af Good Tweed Suits to order .$8.0,0. Goo I Serge Saits to order $8.00. your rosi by a -stUkchsiZssuffeut5 anal eryli wihtbý3 tpain sof utntiettasee ai once lt We have a very large an;d weil assorted stoe! 10 osetfol egs wrCtab-le Socin.I wl elethg orWorsteds and Tweedls, 00111 Foreigra and Domiestime manufacture W littie sulleref ai cîce. De-pend ugasiit'lo uncr, Iare bounut 10SUIT iou., there le no mistake abcut lt. Ileicuresl)iarrliSa reciates the meiaeh azid licas as, eiamncin'ad Coue oîe tt îmredoras lifflammaaijota, an tol li ieg othe wiole esoem. G roce ries and H ardw are. teethitg is picasani to thSe teste a'îdis lhe n e- senipticî cf cisc of the ouleét aid tiesi leinrie In our G-yrocerv and liard ýarae Departinenîs vou wsil finso our stock e hysiciaiis ansi nurses in theeUitedStSeie well assort2d, boughtithte best mîarkets at the ciosest prîcos, and vili rsce 2.5e a baille Saisi by ail diuggisýts tiroa giý ott tc s stîs Be sure ai ask iorci s. ,.ki be sold at tlieiî -gbt prîce. Some pecople want quatity oliiers quality, suws5t-higSv toc we eau please boti. THEOd ~'<>_IESL y Ugiesi price paid i n cash for produce. Give us a eaul. If yeîî diviSe ilwaaiSce globie' s aies int eca-en parts the ser covers eigbt of those, aith au asrmage depîli cf 2,- HAMPTON. (X,0 fathonis. Try uoicmnagine 12,000 feccl of souSd, ppendsiicular souaxoatr Il ing upon aigbt.-3levenths of the an-, Ua t AGT tire planaIMUTBC ILGIT A patient minutiaticiru iSas ho n- au lte pains te mueorai us that tha aisl as îis i a ie(srne bclkcf rin- at-ad aaighecu ani a W'y eis i that tlie majonity cf chlb- haif million million milions cflois.sia Ive1betult etlile FertiS msa uan taiuStîdy iftrulla The iest ansaver la fendesi on - avOur tea sl Saîs su surs ~the noxa genorally accepepls axioni ual i,00,00 OiO,îOeooc t uSlaofli ho tha life bislory cf the individual ila un asi copOalcuos ry iS-a, nt. i5epiioeeof the sieveopnental iistory eveni body kls -a great uais- cf tue nacL. Wieu finrtspeeci axas île- 1 tites cf oc"qtii Sali. But uhal saune veloposi it avas probably usesi witIr the sal laluiaifsioeiurlyeoipie. 201direct tulf uiness neav displayesi by na only are iaee in îu eblorides andSi ul- îspiug infant, but as i. becama more paite cf schare inii, magîsainni perfect ansi complexe ansimou-elon ans lie, a Iici ar luusîs- e înyfecuiiy undon cautrol, il -,vas -ed b y iue bua litcrntains aise sili' t, bemeus, aeak te conceal lieir thauglaus, a stauge bromide, lodine, fluonie acisi ansitiSe of development that Estern nations i exiles of nickel, cobalt, mauganoese, have ual yet passes1, ans ilidreu for zinc, silver, leaS, fiopper, aluminani, a variable numben of years pass These pills are a spe5ific for alîf baniu, atrontiuîn, Arsenic ansi golsi tîneugli Ibis stage-. Il must aise be 'diseases from disordered ara, aisetouas in iilu, aleng asihlahose remaemberesi tint decail la lie naturali nerves, weak lîeart or watcry Piood. rare moInts litium, rubidiumi ansi iefense of thes weolr e-eand a htrles, Thasv cuare a s-sithatin i ziin nI,, ,e Sha: "Oh, dear! I founsi a grey hair in my heas i is moning." Ba: hala sheuisi turu grey, ït would soften tIre effect cf those wrinklecq yen are gettitsg," child, unless it bas ruine fsitl inlathbcsrothening, faint and weak spells, love 'of is guarliun, huis no cuber Se- shortness of breath, swelling cf feet rfeus'- agaix1st jus: or osijuat punaish- and ankles, nenvousness, sîneplea1s,- aneit iulîîe ',lie. in aaany casas ilte httla mûta utt1a lea cf 'net guiîîy - ness, an2emia, bysteria, St. Viles-7' baut nu iraien-- ale ted iinocf ù~ dance, partial paralysis, brain f, ri-lîrts of the atIti at-eu-si, andi are .feriale com-plaiîats, gcneral debiiityîU 5exporteS tet inculpalte easelvas wbell andiackofvitlity. Priceoc. ab-oz Castoria is Dr. Samtsuel Piteher's prescription for Infante anti Chikiren. Lt contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narietic substance., h is a karmless substitute fer paru goric, Drops, Saothing Syrus anti Castor 011. Il is Pinas-ait. Its gsuranteo 15 thirty year' S e by P111lIons of Mothlurs. Castoria destroys Worms and alinys 1 everislîuess. Castoria prevent"s vomiting Sour Curti, Qusres Diarrhoea anti Winti Colle,. Castoria reliea e3 Teething troubles, cures Constipation and ftuecy. Castoria assimiiales the Foodi, regulates the Stomach and Dowciîs, givisag'healtlîy anti natural sleep. Castoria. is thoe Chiliius Panaeea-the Mother's Frienti. Casto-ria. Castoria, "1Castoria, is au excellent aî-diciic for "Caster5la s o reil adapteS to cl-ilîdreu chiljdrL-5. Mous- ra bave repeaiedty totd ine that I recommnend IL as superibe te auye of is good esîecci îpoîî their chilsiren.' seription luowa to me" DR. Gi. C. Ose.ooa, Lowell, Mas. i A. AsînasR, M. D. Brooklyw, _N. Y. THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF

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