Do You se TLE' e ~TO the, Public. E \~ý/e beg to announce to ail persons interest- I Eed iii the greneral hardware and store business Ethat lmvi ig' purehasel the o]&4 established t t:taken stock and thoronghly overhauiled the Ssame, wc ïare now in position to attend promptly Eto thie necds of the public in every department. SOur stock is very complete and by prompt aucd Scourteous attention to customers, sellino' at J' reasonable prices and supplying the bestn the Smarkets afford we hope to retain former cus- t:tomers and make pleasant business itcquaant- gances with iiianiy new ones. We cordlially invite al requiring anything in our lines to cal Sand see us., We'1l promise to use you well and Give you best value for your money. ReICE & GO., tSucêessors to R. Worth, Bowmanville. JUST)ONEFO if you buy a "Souvenir." Down goes _____ the gaunîlet ! Who'41 try te successfuly '5, refute the claim of'the miakers, or the ~ almost universal voice of the Canadian , ZpepeIta f ~ax~uu~w BOWMANVILLE, *OCT. 10, 1900. ELECTIONS NOV. 7. The Dominion Parliament has, been dissolved and Wednesday Nov. 7 fixed for the Federai elections. Nominations take place on Wednesday Oct. 3L. Mr. Thomas-Bingham-is -Returning Officer for West Durham. Mr. Robert Beith is the Liberai Candidate by unanimous choice cf the convention. BEST CONVENTION YET. West Durham Liberai convention last Saiurday was decidedly the hesi meeting of the kind ever beld in Bow- manvilie. It was presided over by Mr. D. B. Simpson, Q. C., the llouorary President, whose timely remarks put the delegates in excellent good humor fromn the start. The delegates decided to vote by ballot for a candidate and everv ballot cast in a full convention, [ess three delegates, was for our pres- eut member, Mr. Ilobt. Beili. This announcement was greeted with lusty cheers whicb were renewed with great- er force when Mr. Beiti entered the Hall. When the result of the ballot was announced to Mr. Beiih hie unhesi- tatingly accepted the nomination. H1e said h was very gratifying to hlm alter ten 'cars of service as their representa- tive ta be the unanimous choice of such a large convention. 11e did not enter upon the political arena from bis ownk wish and hie recog-nized now that many( party in ibis riding-; but since you bave again uuaanimously expressed the wis-h thai I become your standard-bearer, I will use every leg-itimate endeavor te carry the Liberal banner once more te victory in West Durham, Renewed eheering gretited this declaration, The conven'ien thon adjourned te make way for tile public meeting advertised te beg-in at 3 o'clock. A ROUSING MEETING. Liberals who attended the political meeting in the town hall Saturday re- turned homne in splendid spirits It was a capital meeting putting every Liberal in a hopeful, cheerful, buoyant mood. I here was flot a discordant note, the strongest possible unanimity prevailing throughout Mr. Simpsýon was again re. quested te preside and struck off in a re- markably humorous strain, saying "Our Bobs" enjoyed the same confidence and respect on bis battle ground as Gen. Bobs did among bis soldiers in South Africa. Hon. William Mulock, Postmaster General, vas suitably introduced and de- lighted the large audience wjtb bis prac- tical and.masterfnl address. He began by saying he had great admiration for Robert Beith who îs a Minister of Agri- culture without portfoiom. Hon. Sydney Fisher is.a pr-actical farmer but he lies,- tates te take a forward step -withoiit the opinion. and -counsel of Mr. Beith. Ho then told of Mr. Beith's valuable services in pa-sing opinion on the horses boughî for South Africa and the remarjcable suc- cess attending that particular shipment That consignmnent made a namne for Can- adian herses in South Africa and there is ri eligwhat, proportions tbe future Miss Nellie Maronoy has reiurned from a very enjoyable outîing at Peter- boro.. . . Mr. Webster J. Virtue was home fromn Oshawa over Sunday.... Mr. a nd( Mrs. Chas. Pearui and family, Port Perrv, weýre guests, on Sunday of Mr. Jas. Pye,. . .. Mrsý. Jno. Martin has been visiting hier daughter Mre-. Noble ai \Vhiievaie . . Dr. 'W. E.« Graham leaves here this weeýk much regreited by his numerous acqaintances. We will miiss the genial Dr. muchi in our villag-e. Ail wish hlim snccess- in -the pursuit of more knýiowledge .. . .Mrs. E, G.Pasco)e's big stock, sale ai Solina Is 1next Tuesday. Farmers, attend, Constipation is cured by llood's Puis. 25 cents. COURTICE. If you lik--e a good heartv laugh as well as ani instructive lecture don't fail to attend Ie.C. O Johnston's lecture lu Ebenezer cburch Thursday Oct. lith ai 8 p.m. Subjeci : Englishmen, Irish men, Scotchrnan and Boers. Admission 10e.... Mrs. Ellens, Columbus, is visit- ing ber daughtûr Mrs. Jas. Hancock.. .Mr. Herb and Frank Hancock visited frienda ln Foley recently. ... Mrs.Kirby, Michigan,.lhas been visiting at Mr. A. W.yborne's ...Mrs. Philis Ashton, Hamnpton, bias corne te reside with lier nephew, Mr, A J. Courtice.. .. Messrs Courtice and Power and Messrs Lang- maid and Brooks took over 875.00 in prizes on' their shep exbibited ai Mark. bam fair,.... Miss Bickle bas been eu- gag-ed for another Sear as toacher ai Mt. Carswell .... Mr, Bert-Gauy, Toron te, bas been home for a speil .... Many from bore aitended the Liberal i ally ln Bowmanvile on Saturday. . .. Mr.R. O. Short bas rented bis farm te Mr. W. Fursey, Zo.. h Squires farm js* wetst of here bas been leased te Mr Cornish ind ibhe Trewin farm ioMr.Hill ...Messrs John Penfojund and son wil seli tbeir valuable farm stock, machin- er37, implements, etc., on Thanksgiving -Y-IV . . . . . . . . . . ib,- tant sale, Seoclarge posters. lrdly ho a larger sale in ibis district tbis sea- ton. Attend early. Attend Messrs Arnot's big sale next Wodnesday Oct. 10. Sec bis. If y ou once try Car ter's Littlo Liver Pills for sicýk headache, biliousnoss or constipation, you will neyer be witbout theui, ÏTboy are purely vegetable, Smali and easy te take. Don't forget ibis. SOLINA Mr. R. L. Werry bas been promotcd to sporting eýditor of the Dailv Witnoss, Montreal... . Mrs. Silas Williams and Miss Lului VanNest visited at Mr. J no. Lane's, Cartwright, over the week-end ...Mrs. W. -Wýverry and son Edgar ait tended the fanerai of Mrs. William Wright, Cartwright, on Saturday. Mr, Wrigiislf t witb ibree young child- ren .. .. Ms Magg-ie Rogers of Winni peg is home. ... .Misses Stevens, Ennis killen, visïdtod ibeir brother Mr. Blake Stevens, P, M_- «. Miss Nellis ilsys bas returned to Toronto after a pleasaut visît boE ..M s Etelle Reynolds vis. ited ai 1ampton. _ Mr. W. C. Fursey bias loased 'Mr. R. O. Short's farmi... .Mr,. aud rs W. Werry celebrated tue 37th aicnersry of ibeir wedding day on! thýe 7 's.Mr, and Mrs. M. A James cebratedib eir 27th annivor- sary ai besîimo place and rne .. .Mrs. Ehi Pascoe's big auction sale on 'ITuosdlayuct his a mosi important sale, valutablelhighi bred stock, etc.... Officers of soina Division for the ensui- ing quartr: W. P.-R. J. MKessock; W. A-Miss MNabel Pascoe; R S.-Ed- gar Werry; A. a. S.-Miss Maud Revu- olds; FS -Chaude Law; Treas-A. L. Pascoe; Chap) -J. T. Rundie; Con-W.'1 Chas. Werrv; Con-Miss EIIa Mont- g-omery; I. Sent -Mrs. JI T. Rundies, Ecezma in Its Worst Form.l BackCovered With Bliiter - Terrible Itching - No sleeppoPeesbie - Dr. Chase's Ointnmt Slmpiy Marveilous in [te Curative Powers.- Mr. John Kelly, ZD Trinity etreet, To- ronto, ln an Interview, made the foi- lowing verbatimn staiemient:- IlI have beeeni troubled _with -eczexna ln -almout its worst form for the past three years. At times my back and shoulder blades were llterallY covered with patches like water blisters, and thege, accompaied with terrible Itch- Ing On niy legs, Put sleeP Out of the question. 1 trieci varlous well-known olntments (naines rnentioned), and dîd everything Possible to obtaln relief, but with littie sUccess. 1 had frequently heard of Dr. Chase's Ointment,, but meeting with so ma-uy disappointments, 1 had flot tried ItL Seeing the advertise- ment one day I concluded to get a box. Since using Dr. Chase's Ointment, 1 arn like a new being. Its soothing and heaiin.g roperties are SIMPly mari-el- loua, aild I arn honestly gJratefui to Dr. Chaae's Ointmnent for the release from long suffering.' Dr. Chase's Ointment, a Positive cure for all itching skin disea8es, 60 cents a box, at ail dealers, or Edmanson, Bates anid Co., Toronto. TYRONE. Mrs. Thos, Gardinor has returned from Lindsay and Burni River.. .. Miss Ethel Skinner is visiting Mariposa frionds .... Miss Addie Lindsay and Mr John Mution are added te the iyphoid fever list since hast wriîing.' Others are doing nicely .... Miss Florence Fraser, Miss Jonnie McLaughlin and Mr-. Frank McLaughlin were delegatos to Orono Convention E. L. C. E on Tuesday. .,. Mr. John Collacott's big auction sale is on Tbursday, Oct. l1. G1eatacrowduexpected -A-CLq&Lte tD-uuy sorne gooc stockl implemenis, etc , is offered by Mr.Jobn Colacott's sale Tbursday nexi week, Oct. 11. Sec large posters. The best that moncy can buy should be your aim in cboosing a medicine and ibis is Hood's Sar-saparilla. It cures wben others fail. AUCTION SALES. WEDNESDAY, 0CT. 10-Messrs. Daniel aud Levi Arnot, lot 27, con. 4, Dar- lington, will sou ibheir very valuable bigb-bred farm stock, macbinory, implements. etc. Stock is suporior; imploments mostl.y new, Sale ai 1 Jp. mBIomptioneSelrgepses pA. mn. prmptlv. ee lrgepses THuRsDAY, 0CT. 11-Mr.Jobn Collacuit, lot 4, cou 6, Darlington, will seii by auction the wbole of bis higli bred farm stock, imploruents, etc. Sale at 1 p. m. L. A. W. TOLE, auctionoor. WEDNESDAY, 0cr. 17tb, Mr. J. Dempstcr will seli 18 milch cows, 40 steers and hoifers and 60 ewes on the premisos of Mr. Wm. ilenderson lot 8, con 2, Darlingion. This is a lot of firsi class animais and a rare chance for farmers te finprove iheir stock. Sale ai 1 p. m. L. A. W. TOr.x, Auctioncer. MON-DAY, Ocir. 22,-Mr- Thos. Rowe, lot 20, con 6, Darlington. will seli bv auction the whole of bis farm stock', implemonts, etc. Sale ai 1 o'ciock.* Sec posters. L. A. W.TOLE, aucilîeer. NEWTONVILLE. Rev. H. T. ,ewie, B. A, Scugog, brother of our pastor, prsiacbed anni- versary sermons bore Suuday7..The chiîdren spent un cujoya bIc titue ail tîmeir annual tea Friday afternoou .. Mr. Charles kloaso visited bis mother -West End House BOWMANVILLE. Good HeavyHlomespun, 54 in. wide solid wool c1otl in grey, blmue and black at $1 A choice range of Honi spuns în ail shades 0Çi greý1 black and bro wn at $1 .25. the market at $1.40 a yai ln--Kets.) Blankets in ail qualities from 30e to 75o a lb. The Victor is a special brand at $3.00 a pair. This blanket is a good big large size and a nice qjuality of wool. SA good big cotton Blanket, white or Grey at $1.00. ' No department in our store lias advanced csuite as mucli in the 1ast r- ~'. ~ i.' t~l ~ ~' ~ ~ , ' -.~, '- I ~ -1 -i --i