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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1900, p. 1

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TERMS :-81.50 PER ANNUM. OUR TOWN< AND COUNTY PIRST; THE WORLD A7TERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EditoradPopitr N~W~SERIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17ý 1900. VOL-UME XV o 2 ston Cryd,,erm Have been busy for some days openi ng out NewF lGoods.. And they are at present al ready to show a Superb Stock ot. Silks, Dress Goods in Black and Colors, Ladies' Jackets.. The very latest styles, both inî German and Oanadian. B3ig, S.tock of New Car pets, Curtains, Linoleums, and House Furni*shi'ngs. NO BETTIER VALUE ANYWI1ERE.... Couchl, iohnston & Cryderman. BowmANVILLE. It la a long li me ince we have matie auy specig Roin Fumiture. Jusi caîl anti spe the stock we Sbelaeve yen Wiil say il is tire largeat anti hast vaine our town. Wa hava evarythiug Lu Bcd Roin Purs Sin Golden Oak, Mahogany, Waluut anti Elin. Springs, Malîrasses, Pillows, Dressing Tables anti tact everything you may mquira, Our pricas rangg SDon't ftrnish yonrroin untili yeu sec what we have ~want your trade andl will treai you wci. I Mi. D. WILLIAMS BoWMÂNVIAvLLE Undertaklng recelvea prompt and para ual ati ai of Our E ebave anti ever smiewn milire-finist BrasaB Wardrebes, c7 frei$12l e, ti ofnr led in up. BETTER BREAD CAN BE BAKED WITH A FEW IlEGCES OF "ffy ARSAVE FUEL PÀII Pi1L&T FREE frein ouri, agent or Our nearest bouse. LONDON, TORONTO, JIONTREAL, WINIPEG, VANCvrnt.z RIE & GO., Lcéal Agent, iowmialv.1le, A Cash Buyer Always reaches the best market and is thuls able te place before bis eus- tomers the very best goeds at prices which many credit men must pay for the same goods. RICKARD, Bowman- ville, pays cash always for ail goods. Remember it and know that on Priday, Sept. 14, Fair Day, yen rnay become the possesser of an A. 1 Watch, fuliy guaran ýeed, at a figure which la reaily astonilshiug. Aise Cleeke , Rings" ail kinds of Jtwelery and Spectacles are te bc sold te you lu the same inter- esting manner. Sewinx Machines, lat quality, prices iew and terms of pay- ment the very easiest te respensibie persons. Post Graduate Optician in attend- ance te test your eyesight free of charge. Grecers' due bis taken as cash, Jeweler, Watchmaker and Optician. BowMÂNVILLE. White IDishes Gost. We wiII sel! al our White Dishesý at cost for one month only. Cali and see them. Cash for Butter and Eggs. Ha Bos 1 "wfealBewMNvl 9 LETTER FR011 DR, ELLIOTT. At Ohumbele, instead cf the frame bouse which I have b,,een fortunate enough te eccupy, I had the next ex- perieuce of sleeping iu a native but- mmld walis, rnud floor hardened by heat, and mat roof made of palmn leaves suf- ficient te keep ont the sun but needing thie assistance of a niackintosh lun wet weather. lu the morning xvhiie the cemmissioners irere havn various palavers with the native c 1ef made mv visit of!D isection te the towu, had bÏeakfast at 12 o'clock'. The' n after a rest we again started in a blazine siun te cempiete the march te A,,zumini. The roadway passes lu part tbrougigh dense bush, again lu open land and lu places across plantations of banan, enssava, ya'm and cern. On each side of the path fer miles at a stretch are thieckets of pineapples, wýhile growving 'amlongst them are talipalais some beaïing cocoa- nuts, others from whýich the natives gather oit and the timber p)aim-,-tbe juice of which wben fermenited ferms the native alcohelic beverage "1tumbo". OccasionallY we would meet parties of natives with palm ail, rbbrand food stuiffs going te the market or on the wnv te the towns from the plantations. Ail is carried on their hatheir bauds being alwa,.s free, and what leads they do carry! One yeung girl of 12 or 18 yeanrs had a bundie of 10 or 1,2 poles on ber head, ench about 14 feeftlong aud 2 or 8 luches thick. The wý,,eightmust have been 150 ibs. though she carried it as though it might have been 25 lbs, Azumini lies ou the east bank e!f a river by the sanmename on a bauk risirng some 200 or 300 feet, On the banks of the river are thietradlers'buts No white men penetrate t!his far fer trading purposes, the native still re- serv.ingti for bimseif . We remaiued here two tdalys. Whiie Mr. Jamfes was palaveriug with the native chiefs on varions matters, 1 was tramnping about the place, both the towu anud the bush surs ounding it. On the seco)nd day with a black corporal 1 weut on te) the" next tewu Acaruo. Azumini is the nnrthern boundary of the Ibo peopie(:s, bcýyeud them las the Kwa couutry a id tuie Arro, the Arro people baving te pass through the Kwa ceuirty to reach Azumini mar- ket. These races have many aid quar- rels and the country abou, is continuai- iy in turmoil. Ne Arro or Kwa comes te the market unarmed arA (each party of 5 or 6 womeu carrying 9: , la under an armed escort. Prom the lteks of many of the muskets, threia at the trigger stoed as much caso f irjury asee20ft. from the muzz'c ie.-Athough meeting a great many sucbj parties, we were net molested and returned wîth a fair collectionof mètii 0 f varions sorts. Here 1 saw the ýiterior oaIaa native ju ju bouse fertL, flrst time. The wail at the end wz'>;, eomjýlte covered witlî rews of hîun nskuls-a hîdeous sight. The dJ-týu prlest or doctor wore a bracelet of ;ruMan teeth, andilu conversation with itiIm he told me through My interprete,,r they were tbe teeth of enemies siain in battle, after seb edgiug a nd w,ýa!tingLhe fur ther told me in answer teý a direct question that tie.y hadai been liaken frein bodies wbich had beaýu eaten. AI. though the white marn ecnoue tof it, this caunabalism stili coinues in thre interier. The details of it boiug tee. horrible to write, 1 shai î sn nthing of it tW Mv medicai werk at Azu.imini wasverv interesting, seme of the diseases here not being sean on thQ cat A decter is a vvry adjunet te t he jpolitical agentj in the advauces bein,- made into hbluter- land. The natives fWlly realize the aupcriority of the Euglishýdoctor te ib6ir own and wiren a wealtiry, cirief is sick wili spare ne expense if tirere is any p roapeet of relief but if the case îs a iopeless one thex' prefer te let the man die rather tiran have miAeire which wiil ouiy temporarilî relieve hlm. one o! the chief s wbo bad been active in kOeepig the rends ciesed agaiust ibe white man la niow vtry, sick. Twe ef his men were lu Azumini during my visit and Mr-. James cailed bath in te question them regardiug a preposed march through tireir country. They demurred saying it weuld be u-Qsafe and that auy party attempting te go tirrough weuld be turned bacýk. B3ut when be dropped a word te the effect that a med ical man weuid be along, their toue immediateiy changed, telling bim finai- ly there would be ne difficulty in getting through if bie weuid bring the great white doctor te see tlieir father. My' bront leaviug se seen I was unabie 'o go but by thiý, tirne Dr. Hlaniey wiii bave been there, wbich means another British advance post and anether tribe under treaty with our Qucen. Wisbiuz met tgive tbem somes medcineto carry home I endeaveredt t make a diag nesis of tire case tirrougir questieuing themn To get auswers fromn thein al My questions lad te go threugh thre four ianguages-English, Ibo,m Kwa and Arro and their answers back lu inverse erder. lu about tan minutes of talkiug and listening te the progr-esof My werds and theirs threugh tire tougues of others, I had a vague stery oif indefi nite pain, weakness, indigestion, and crazy fits. Then making nu the medi- cine, directions hati to be given verbaiiy as they do net read or write their land- uage. How the interpreters described teaspoonful te people who neyer use anything but their flugers te eat with andi calabashes to drink f rom, I have not yet learnied. We made the returu march te Akwete with an escort of 40 men o! the 8rd West African Pield Force, mostly ilansa and Yoruba men. We traveied ia regular bublh fermation, au advauce guard of 10, a main body o! 20 with the carriers and a rear guard of 10. Tiare and there on the uîarch, stops were made te give the men drillinl buQh manoeuvres, volley firing, advancing ou stockades, &c. Wheu we reacheti Akwete tewn ou the evening o!, the at day's marcir, we eutared on the doubie,cbnrging through the town and makiug au attack onuoe o! the native cempennds. It is marvel- loua bew the carriers can run, boit over failen logs, jump rivulets and cliib through shrubberynand net bacs the load on their heads. At the Censulate thre saie shain attack was matie, capitulat iug lu short orde,-, wbMe we made !i madiately fer our chairs, mat patieutiy 'wbile our boys took off our boots, sat iu psyjamas until the bath waý ready and then had the pleasurable sensation e! being cican and getting into clothes not senked witir prespiratien as if just fromi a wash tub or a beavv ramn storm. 1 assure yen we ail siept well that night and that my bov had considerable dif- llculty in rouaing me iu the merning. At saven e'cleck I was on the launch1 and at hall past eight thnt night againi lu Benny having my lat dinner in1 Africa. Thc foiiowing nsoruiug at ten 1 was on the "Sokoto" and off fer Eîrglaud. Ou the Geid Coast we pieketi p a nuin- ber o! those who escaped fromn Kunias. ai with Governor Hodgsou and others wbo remained with the relief. Most e! them. are iuralidcd home the resuit e! malaria or privations-a few frein dYseutery. Seme e! them weut tirrougir fearful adveuturea in their at- tempt te reachi Kumassi fer safety andi their condition ivas net improveti by beiug on short rations wiile shut up in1 tireir fort tire. A sbip returnLn'g from the West Coast ef Atrica la as near a bospital sbip as eue eau imaginie-that is ai regards the numirer o! sick people. Some days there are as many as 16 aud 18 liu their ca binus withf ever,, A large p erceintage bave au attack betwcen Sierra Leone andi the Canary Islands when we get into tire' trades. I bave se far avoided much reference ln mY letters to tiie daadly charactar o! the1 West Africau Coat. Practically evcry European bas an attack e!flever dnring bis flrst few weeks tirere and liumbers are invalidati homo every ycar. Iu some o! the goverumeiit anti trading places the deatir rate o! the Enropean popula- tien is fri-ou 10 te 30 per cent. Gorerui meut offiiais come eut euhl or a year at a time and tiren have 6 moutha leave te rocuperate. Annett, Dutton and ini oeil have beau very fertunate indeed, noue o! ns having been sick anti I amin now quite out o! reach o! the malaria and amn in mest excellent baalth-in fact the manager of the *'Metropole" at Las P Imas, remarked that I ooed more t1ke one who just returning frein a scaside resort than frein tira West Coast. 1 thmnk my excellent condition at present la düe te my lat fortuight o! marciring and boating lu the interior combiued withi a very pleasant sea voyage and the bracing wiuds o! the North Atlantic wirich have reacbced us the past week JII . To be c:ntinued. SOLINA BOY OX TOP. l .pacng EXPLANÂriTIOn X. ul with tire National Publishers' Assoc.i- I[tt atlen we had ne idea o! ibeir scnding aur subscribers tire offensive circular icîter tireytiti We strongly disapprove Meetings xviii bc heldd-lu West Durhamn of tirecontents o! tînt document and lu lie Liberai interest te be adtiresscd by as soosi as a copy o! it was sent te us we wrote tirem insisting tînt ne more o! tic prominent speakers at thc places anti thein be sent eut on any accounit. Pro- on the dates felioxviug: viens te receiving sait copy we lad TUESDAY, OCT. 23. written them iaIo te senti out tire acceunts COURTcE,-JOSeph StratfOrti, Presitent, tili about Nov. 1, but tire-r md alî-eady Frnr'BnirTieCmay doue se. amr'idrTieC pny We aise wrota Mr. Gardoer o! Tor- NEWVCASTLE.'-MI-. Louis F. Heyti, Q. C. ente, tire Dominion Reps-esentative, àsud WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24 compiaineti of tic notice being s0 dif- NEWTONVILL-Hon J R Straton, Pro- feront frein tire oee assureti us would vincial Secretary. ira sent with tire acceunts and in bis re- Diy just te hanstiha saya: "Tt certainiy KIstux.-MIr. joseph Stratford. iras a misiake o! semaeue seudiug tha t TEIURSDAY, OCT. 25. notice lu ibis case, anti a misiake I have BLÂCiçSTOCK-Hon. J R. Stratton, Mr. ne,7er before ireard o! being made, per- D. B. Simp son, Q. C. haps lie, mistake was only mateienlutire FRIDAY, OCT. 26. case of tire oe suirscriber. If they ORONO.-Hen. G. W. Rosa, Premier of were sent te ail, it cerlainiy was a Otro mD .Smsn serions errer."Otro r D .Smsn We ballera the anme cireniar waa SATURDAY, OCT. 27. sent te al, as several o! tiresanme kinti ENNISKILLxN.-iNt Louis F. Heyd, Q. have reacheti us. Alil subseribars will C., Mm. D. B, Simpson. make remittanca direc; te ns aitirhe MONDAY, OCT. 29. usual rate, anti sendtihie notice tbey BowMANVLLJ.-Sir Richard Cartwright, ecaivadt teus with their ramittance ast Mm. James, Somerville, Ex-MI. P., Mr. once. We cannet excuse auci n mis- D.BSmsn take ou tle part o! tic N. P. A. and ,BSmsn have recalleti our lisi o! acceunta. TUESDAY, OCT. 3o. KESNDAL-Mr. jas. Somervile, ex-M. P. WEDJ)1NG BELLS, WEDINESDAY, OCT. 81, COOPR'u-JOY'CE. lu PI r- Street Baptist cburcb, Tor- auto. W e (j, iestiay, Oct. 10, at 3.80 P, . . tu wetiding taok place ef Miss Caroline Viola M. Joyce o! Toronto anti Mr. Charles M. Cooper o! Bowmaurilia. Rex', Charles Enton performedtihti ceresneny. The bride was givan away ly lier guardian, Mr H. P. Dwight. Tic bridesmaiti was Misa Mary Preston, anti tire groom was attendet by iris brother, Mr. Frank Cooper. The couple left for Bowmauville on the 5 a'clock train. Tirse werc about 6. guests preseni at tire cereiuony. Tire bride was attireti in a benutiful'tires of wiritae rgandie. Tbcre wcre a nuin- ber o! vainable anti usaful prements given te the couple. Upon thair arrivai ai Bowmanville a large numbar e! friands greeleti Mr. and Mrs. Cooper at tha station. A raceptien was aficrwartia helti at tire groem'a hanse, Lakcviaw Villa,,Darhingtou. PRICE-SALTER. TYRONE.-He Trnas Bain, Speaker, House Of Commons, Mr. D. B. SiMp- son. THURSDAY, NOV. i. Ba.ADLEr'sS SCHOOL HôUS.-Hon Thos. Bain, FRIDAY, Nov. 2. HAmPTON -Mr. Robert J. Gibson, cx- President Cartwright Liberai Club, Tarante, Mr D. B. Simpson SATURDAY, NOV. 3.' LrSKAD-Mr. Robt. J, GÎbson. Mr. D. B. Simupson. ,"Meetings begin at 8 o'clock, p. ni. Tic Opposition candidate or. any one lu bis b ehaif la comtiaiiy inriteti te ir present wvhen a fair anti full hearing wiii ire aliowet i hm Erery eleclor shouit attend. Such a list of speakers has net beau lu West Durham at any election for many years andi arc aIl men of prominence anti muci siroulti e expectetifroei cm. Wc pro- phesy tint ne anc neet be tisappointeti. Lookout for posters lu cennection wlth cacir meeting. A. E. CLEMENS, NI. A. JAMES, Presitient W.D L A. Sec'y W.D.L,A. A very quiet yet picasant avant was La calcîraiet ai tic rasitience of!11r . anti1Larier la gooti enougi fer Ca nada. Mi-s. Jesse Saltar, Hampten, on MWcti- Premier, Laurie3r'a majijO,:r i lu 189 nesday, Oct. 10, wireu their dngirter wajs 219 1. Lorana was uniteti in marriagPa te Mr. W. W. Price o! Toronto. T ha cera- J. Isanel Tarte was cIctati iv accla- mony was parforedai v Rcv. E. E. How- malien lu 1896. ard Biackstock. Tira bride was becoinm ~ ~clla ae oymjrt iuly attired inl a dreas of white swiss mualin witir lace anti satin trimmings e! 819 in West Peteriroro. anti carrieti in ber baud a abewer ilugi John Macdionaldi veteti againat bouquet o! creain rosas. Miss Idatierinio on etsfrnGat Trewin, Bewsnanvilie, -wns britiesmaidtherdcino od ru ra anti iore a bccoming gowu of witie Britaiii. orgaudie mualin wilh lace anti satin Rbll.Beith's majarity a i lus last irimmings, wbile 11111e Miss Rata Kers- lcinws5.Ti ie22sol iake acitid as malt e! houer iu a wbite ceta a 2 islm 5 hnt swiss muslin d ress anti very gmacefuily be givaen. prasentedthle ring ou a deceratati plate Craig's majority in East Durbaam waa toter groom. Tire groomsman was 169. Libemals hope te win tire Constul- Mr. G. B llowes o! Gaît. Tire wedtiing marcir was playati by Miss Etia Salter, uency tins liia. Greenbauk. Alter thoe eremony' a Sir Wilfreti Laurier rceivcdt a greai sumptluous rapasi was servatiand latter iiToatls it H - su tire evcusng lire happy couple 'eft eva ininrn tolatn. He is mit sirawers o! niec anti geet wisiras fer I popul ar everyxx'irre.. tir 7.40 train wesî. Tie reidte's going Exercisa , our right,'electors, by vot- awaY drass was a green suit andi black lino- for a m-in who ia s erved hia con- velvet toque ta match. Tbe bridal prasents were bath vainable anti nusu- atitnenucy faitlîfsl ly fqr tan yaars. erous, showing tire bigir cteein luCaladians have alrat.y sas-eti $4,00, which bIh bride andt groom are irelti 00 a year by tire Britishr prefercuce ly their many friands, ireti prescut anti accuret irv tiie Laurier Gev ersîment. absent, whe ail jain lu wishiug irti e' 1 eieCmileti Mr.aud Mrs.Prica mauy cars o! iappy LieralPi canieu aipbNorrbar wedded hie. iea addtinEsNohubr landi, fating a Conscri-v' majoriiy o! TILLEY-PhILP. 197, Tha-Mail classes C J. Tiiorulon as.a A vcry pretty wadting was so'lcmu- Consarvative. Tire News dubs hum an izati Wctnesday aftamnoon, Ott. 10, ai Independent. Doesire kuow himscîf Widefild. l WonxSt..- the retqiden<.e of 1I hatho blonffa o now? Mm. Richard Plilp, Toronto, when his youngaat daugiriar, Caroline, was unit. cd in marriage wiih Dr. Albe, t S. Tilicy ef Bowmanvillc. The coran. .îny was performeti by Rcv. John Polis, D. D. Tire large bav wiudow of tiretira w- iug rom, where tire britia party slooti, wns beanti!nlly decoraieti witb pink roses, palîns anti farna. Tire grocin wasatnîet by iris brother, Mr. Herbert 1R. Tiller. Toronto. Tira bride,1 wbe was ascorleti by liar fathar te tire airains o!flire Weddiug Marcir, was costumet in a irnsome gown a! white laffela iik, wiih an ovartirasa of crepe J tic cicue, wbila buncires o! orangeq biossama nestieti amng tise fluiff folds, anti a large iroracabe o! theiranme orna-; messîti tire front o! tire long train, lire' samne bridai flowers being usetinlutira fraso!lirah veil. T he brida carrnet a bouquet e! white rases. Miss Maud' Wilkinson, niece a!flira bride, wire as- sisteti as irWitinaiti, was gewvnet in.u white Intin silk, witi transparent nkoLe, andt sleeves y! inserleti mon~sehsre de' soe. Sire wore a large Gainsbamoîsir bat o! hmack velvet anti carniet a sprayj e! pink roses Tira britia's geing-,va yt gown was o! Frencir bIna cainel', hair' cliih, with stiteiringa a! white, c Jar anti revers o! glelilir A d(lý-iy chapeau a! bine veix et art ,ilk coin- pleteti a s'ery becesning cos-tume Th~e hbout ai victory la goilug -UP al ovei Ontario for- Laurier. Er iderces show tlint Libesals wili make as grand swecp Nov. 7. Yen tou't want te iose your vote OU Nov. 7. Vote for Robi. Beitti. No cloubt exists about Robt. Beith's pelitical stardin. lie des netchan#ge bis prinizipies at every election. Yen know whero te flud hlm everytime. Times have changed since ttice Liber- ais camne into power. In 1898 werking men were everywhere 'Ieoking for work and the country was -overrun witb. tramps. Now employers are looking for men and can't flnd them. The prosperous tiînes have farnisbied werk fur ail Makes the bread more healthf ut. Safeguarcis the food agaînst alumn. Alum baking powclers are the greatest mnenacers te health of tbe present dlay. ROYAL RAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORnK. op 4

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