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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1900, p. 2

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PERISHABLE PRODUCE PROTECTED BY ICE. Telnpeatere ThusI~Hlalaligea at the Freezilug- F01ii-aele %Aise Ueed. 14he use û$f 10e for beating purposes Is oise oef the Most curjous devices in the-- tra-nsuort&tion -ai --per-alhe- goads. A nerw kînd of car la double lined, and has at each end four gai- vanized iron cylindors, reaching from the floor to near tbe top. In eum- -mer thesae ylindlars are filled with Ice and sait, tamped down liard, ýandj it is claimed tisai a refrigerataor - hicle thus oquipped does not need avy vonewal o«f tt stock of ice on a jour- nov clear across the continent. Tise remarkable point, bow aver, is that the car i6 iced in winter juet thce same, for tise purpose of preventing freezing. Ire la normally at about 32 degreaýs Fahrenheit, and it is very ra- luctant ta kive u_ýp any oe its term- perature. Hence. 'ihen hit s zero weatlieor ostside, the cylinders of te- latively warm ice act as staves, islp- img ta keep up the thermometer in- side. Anosther novei cevico by whichis ie lse mployed for protection against cüld consists in throwing upon the car, when thse weatiser la near tise zero point, a stream of watar, wisicis promptly freezes and forms a cam- plete coet ail oveir the vehicle. This prevents radiation aof 4eat froos the oar, and so tends to keep up the tain- perature inside. It is a plan Ère- quntly adopted in the transporta- tiDn af bananas, wiich are prticular- ly susceptible ta cold. Fruit ai ibis kind le but in paper bagd, inside of heavy canvas bags, and covered with sait ihay xvhgn tise tamperatuae la dangerausly 10w. Large siippers of fruit ln thse South Lave found out by expurience tisat it ffes not do to taka the fruit, espe- clally' peaches and cantalaupesl, aud lioad it Ùpou tise cars witliout chill- ing it first. Accord iugly, one railroad is that ïpart olf the couutry is about ta establisis, at the largasL siipping points along lis linos, cooing roorna, in wisicisthe, perishabla merchaudise may ho put for a whilo hafore sand-1 jOn the Farm. RUN DOWN ORCHAiRDS; Tisare are a great mauy orcisards ail over the couintry of the "lias- been" kind, tiiat are noi exhausted because ai aid age, sys an exehange. Tbay - -.ra e WlI plunted- origiually, peýhapa, and for a time wall cared for, but evetually -tiey have fallen loto negleot, and tbe trees became mere comberers of t.he ground, tisai inake no returu for the, lunIs they oc- ciapy. Sumetimes ài la beause no effort h'a beau made ta keep up the firtillity of tbe sali; samietimres tise vitlty of tbe trees bas been lus- paired by overbearing; sonret imes tbe greed of tise owner bas promapted hlm to try ta ruake thse laind do double duty, or tise is lacli af cultivation, or a seeiing dowu that bas changed tise texture ai tbe soil audweakenad tbe growth; pruiog ls perbaps beeni negiectesl, and tise top thickeus and prevents tise entrance ai air and ILigbt, insects and fungi have been par- uiitted to mu]tiply, and in scores ai ways, d.ifering la different cases,, cases, neglert bas producad the inavi, table cansequence, dateriorution. The causes are 50 uureraus ibat i his in- possible ta lay down any prescrip- tion for tise cure oi a run-dlown orcb- arid, but this usuch je certain, tisai trees must not auly (bc startel weil, but tisera le neyer a timn10tieir -his- Prouounood 1no!ilabeo- "'HE STORY 0F MES. AGNES FORAN 0F HALIFAX. eIielwRh&g IliflsinatUen or thse tung* a Se- vere Cough §et lit and Mer 150c!or Salt] Mies Case Was Uopeiegs-i>r. 1WlilIanss Pliak Pills Have Bertort-d Mer Mealgli. Froin thse Recorder, Halifax, N. S. Mrs. Agnes Forais, wiso rasLdas% at 21 Agaicola streat, Halifax, N. S., tells a woudeful stary of ber consi- plete restoration taeisaalth, after a protxacted and distressing period af exlarene illness, anal she attrîbutes ing it On iS journoy. Oranges on the ber present happy condition,, under treos will endure 261 dagrees for an Providence, ta thse marvellayus quali- hour or two, but ia four hours will ties af Dr. Wiilianis? PiniliPlus, freee isid. Oa roausneuaiibu rhwuMIrs Taaiswascallad, upon hyý-- msade by thse Weather Bureau in re- a representative of tlie Acadien Re- gard ta lenions ls that in lagobtea corder, who stuted bis mission, she and other places where quantities af cordilly weicomad hlm ta ber ple'te- tisema are used for lemonade sud atiser ant home, whosz iu tise presance of tory wh'efn tbey do not quite, re- quiro attenrtion. A iree neyer ha- camnes runisdawnlutissway witbaut haviig for sanie previaus seamons given warning oiflthe doara that was impending. It moui draw food f rom fertile sali, andl if fertiliiy la failng, ita appearance will inforni the watcis- fui owner. It should each seaso have au aiundance ot baalrliy foliage, andl-if -it ,fails la 'thiafýtse-cause should ba loaked for. It cannai) snfelye bear tisa hurdan of susiaininig a large amaunt ai uuprofitable wood. Evaery intelligent horticulturiat too, recogmi ,zes thse fact tisai tracs must ha pro teotead agaInsit insect and fung- oua pesis hy intelligent spraying. There are those, af course, wha have made up ûhbir mLnde thai sprayiug is useless. Tiserae is a good deal ai spraying tisat Ls uselees; tisai mayj ha concd.ed. Il la ofais doue at lupro-' pair times, witis impraper materiale and wiLis a ladk ai tisat thoraugis- nasse tlat la esseutial ta praviug the advantage oi sprsying. Spraytng la aalonot s50ucla a cure as a preven- tive. Alter a diseuse or an insect, lias thorirugisly gatinl its wor,spray- ing is ati likely ta aýffect! a complate cure atouiproperly dioneiL wauld have been parbaips a perfect preven- tiv e. But tisis, by the ýway, is oua a1 th,, p3oints at whicb thare ie a greast des] cof orchiard neglect-a neglaci Cisat briniga is awn punisismnt, ani until tbi's far)i la realizel by owners oi arche rds tisa usually large pro- portion of rundown treas ussy 'be ex- paced ta continue. Tisi srundown orcriard sisould ha stucieýd if it is ta bu cured. Mhe trouble sabould ho diagnased carefully hefore tisa cure la attempted. Ils feiilty neaded? Supply i. ils culi- tivatian wanted ? Furnisi tisai. Shonud tise trees ha pruued, tiined, scrubad, scraped aud ireshened up with tiese oup washes i Give tiser whai they ueed. Perisaps tise trees have lived too hlgis and tisa roots need cutting off ai a point where they are, say, a quarter ai an incli tb;ck, Many an uuproductive orchard bue heen naude fruitful lu ahis way. -An orchard tisai bas cositumoney and time to ak Iaia ugbit ta ha kepi praduc- tive. Tise best way ta do it je ta give it sanie attention every seasois snd hartseis ta the wuriugs wvisici tise condition ai tise reesgives ta tisa ob- ser van toaw nar. -t -_a oord d eal_ bat- ter -ta prevent difficulties tisaista try ta cure thier, but mnany au or- cliard tisai is in a conition tisai sacras ta ha almasi bopeless cuis ha resiored ta iruitfuluess if tise trees keedug is o ye f ixed ou tise causeaif] tlse teTrrr movos away froua lt as muais as ha, cap. Tis- camman prac- tuoeaif rivers le ta lieep puiliuig tise rein on tiese ade he chies an. Tisa consequence ta ho runs yon lista dan- ger 'hé dues not ana,- -parisape istoaa ditois, up a baisi or againsi soute, ob- stacle wbhich ovenýthrows your veisicle.ý Yeu biams ise ia rse whieu you your- sel f Jbaveced thsevaccident -by-pull- îng li6 isad ioward tis titg ha ahies ai. A goad driver always shies before bis sorse, tâisleby naticilg tise pricis ai the car af tisa horse, or by saine p -aviaus acquaintaisce about bis fail.- Iog. Tise driver gives liglit but con- tinuolle suatoisas ta tise rein opposite, ta tise side at which ih la expacted to shy; tise harge fenls tisai ha is ha- ing pullad away fror tisa source of terrer, and pusses wltisout shying in, niosi caes. Lesruera ai 'driviug, and'tiisse ivio wis ta correct a bad babil witb tiscir hersas hav;e only ta try once or twice ta ha assured oaitise sounslncas of this advice, the result ai 40) years' experieuce ni town sud country driving wltb' young sud ras- sive animais. JiLOAT IN CATTLE. Bloat un ca'tti'. roma ;hatever cause, is very dangeraus, and unless b lp la soon obtaid tise animal I die. Tise muai effectuai way ai re- lief is to use tise irocar and iicanula, au instrument tisai is deigned for ibis purpose. If this la noù ut baud. a knife may bc us,d, tiesa ll blade, ai a penituife baing tise aigbt cLa.1 Use tiesa ma lais-je ofai aj citkiffe, wlii rubisar over tise biade, ta suake terigisi languis. P terighit aidaeai tise oow againsitisaewall. Place tise kndfe on tise lait lle about nindway bstweu tiesethart rbnsad bip houa. Giva thse kuifeae sharp blow witi tis a bad, withdruw tise knifo, inseri a goose or turkey qudl, sud. leave ittisera until tise gas ascapes. Tise quill sisuuld ha watched so thâtt it may net iscoonia loggad wth bload. Tise naxi day afr ' tise opera- tMon give tisa cow aise aud a balf pounda ai Glauber's salis, and if se le ual cisewing ber cul by tise next day, give ber s strip of sait poris.I Tisa kuhfae peration le fnot dangeous, but tise ga.1s la.. f uirti M~1~P~ maaiea~ -wit n-inn ~n riS I -Tanisai lu pace wjau isrwn ipi tia fed-If ou aveneyer exporlenced tise pleaurcderived froie drisnr rpure sud frag. liag huard. vre'hrallier otte plan f ou ,--v rant tea hecoie acauaînied wiih il ai once by a-ieg r groar for ta baisa grouud ieed aud tisis rrum- 7 ble îi flue. If nat couveuleut ta baise theon acU wltheL atisn jillisor water ratiser tisaista mix uma cald. A litilecane un feeding ivil niaise a con- D IX.bNInLaFakt,2-Z'405,6. sideabla diffaraunca u isa h grawtb uhd-ees ~ d 0 0 o Greeon CeylIon sud India Tes iihicis le uaw beiug iuiroducad ista Canada,, in tise Weil known pucisages ai tise: "Salada " Teas Compauy, isas gai aise greai sdvautage aven Japan Tea; and' tisatii, wile il la ai tisasame l favor-1 sud tise saie lighi ca]aning liquar. it ie vory mucis strauger and absolutely ires irai adulteration, wisicli prac- tically no Japan tes is. Cayloui Green Tea s lasald in tisa sealed Lead Packets, ai tise-"Salada"* Tea Company and le alwaye freais sud fragraut as well asl beau isful. AN ORGANJO TROUBLE ANYWAY. My paetry, saidthtia iard w ho was nai sutisfied witi tise wuy ini whicis tise world wsts baing ru, always cames iran tise heuart. Oh, repliet ttheLAdY wiso avas lu- cljned ta, take a chearfol view of things, 1 somehow gaita a uppasiug àt came frai yaur liver. A w oni wiiis a scrawny -nack Idosa't apprave ai decoliette gownas. If you have Bacisache yoii have Kidney Dise;ase. if you negiecc Backacbe ft wilI dgvelop9into sonethlin worse -Brgts Dis- euse or D3iabetos. Tbere is n use rubbing and doctoring your back. Cure tise kidneys. Thae îa only coekidney niedicine but it cures Bacliache avery timie-. !~fl,.I4 fPaint your hoiise with good~ oie an f'resis made paint and yOVu will have reason to be pioud oft its appearanco flot only 'for a short white, but for a gooci long J RESH i 51 rt i wlll give you reasonable h Ide when you see tham on your j ieconomtiiai' and durab1.e Âsk ~/1 your deaWer. MONREL. Esi'd ît42 HlAPPY LAND. H11e vwba otalks to mucis wili isea It eppeara taeliv tise stom ai tise, i5flythinga afiiblseli tisai aremo peapa a Sosahlaa, wiicl isau isecamplimentary. coasai ai Africa ai tise outrance ta! i-OR, OVER FIPTY YEARS tise lied Sea, fer ta ma ta afa tise MRS. WINSLOW'S 5001?IING SYRIUP pbuabe us.d by mother. for their ctijidren ieeihing. It Sools use ai bis property ta a maon erwise th~e aiild, sofies the gene, ollays Pais, aume vina eelio, and lhetcboit aemedy for diarrhoSa. 25c.a boat dit ghter ha alises ta marry. Mr. Sold ty ail. draug#ià througtout tth e nrd. Mýe ce Glet bleu, -aho sccampanied Mr. Ren- and sOi for'" .W sciw oothisa 5jrsP," nul Radd's mission ta ,Abvesinia ,states I;i airfrapro eba ý1 thisr ha oliard tise use af bis mulle 'tise misfortunes off hie neigihboneisan ta tise wife af bis hbaud Sanali camal- 'a single coeaiflis own. driver, sud se informat i hm tisai aie ----__- - -Wauid _bh linaratita have -hlm as a $100 Reward, $100. sou-iu-iaw, but unnontuuaiely ber The readero ai tht, paper will ha pIeased S dauigiter wasaulready married,' sud lbars that ihere is et lesat oaa dreaè-dds un ist cseh wa sî tisa tscience lias be 'ablhe ta cure lu i;l it , in ha cse i w,%imapssil hýa ceGeand Ilat le Catsrrh. H aC satrkè ase could make use ai auytiig ha- CGis hthe oniy positive cus ~na-- wnt joasgI~±o Jiin. ~the meicl fraariiy.C rrli baigucn 1

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