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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1900, p. 3

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LEÂVEN 0F TREPARSE ft * ev. Dr. Talmage on the Simplicity - of Christian Character. Cenuie A despatch frein Washington says; be bas been successfu i in the deep -Dr. Tliage chose as bis text, tieni, but, at the Inost unfertunate mo- S I. Sam. xv. 14;-' Aid Samuel said j ment, the sheep ilbea n h What reneith then this bleating of oxen will helexv. Oh., tr dear friends, S the sIlhepin mine iarl and the low'. let us cultivate siînplicity ef Cbristian ing ef the oxen which I hear V' character. Jesus Christ said "UTnless TheA maleiites thought -they bad yen bacome as ibis littie, child, you Muet Bear Signatture of conueried God, and that H1e w6uid cannot enter the kiugdom of! God." carry intexeecution His thraats We may play hy poürtiÉe succcssfully agaiust thein. lhey had murdered nexx, but the Lord God, will, af ter a fthc Israelites in bati ad nt wb.le, expose-our true character. If battI, and left- ne outrage untried. we are reaily kneeling to, thea world cl. Fac-Simtkt Wrapper Botow. For four buudred years this had bîceen w hile we profess to be lowl]. subjects goin on;and hep aid;"Godeit e f Jesus Christ ,the sereen bas already goig o; ad taLdsad;lGodciterbeen remov ed qandlilail the. hostm ef taee àd.dare -net pnuish us, or He lias for- ~evnaeg~ugo u y'ciy gOfteIu te do se." Let us see. Sain- haeargzigonu yprs. ' FO U!A C~~ ne, Gds popiet, eli eu te go Cd's universa tilsaavery publici place, GARER FIDZIE dewn sud siay ail the Amalekites, flotsu ye cannot bide hypocrisy in it. ron ILIOU~ESS, leaving one of theinalive; aise te o ngetnoa irdcfdusna I~I FOR TOP LIVEL. desf.rey ail tire beasts in their poshae rtn e en oeta FO O3IAIN ssinosepcml u s.yen really are. If yeu hbave the gracîe $910, ThO SIN le Amaiekites and îsraelites met;- efi Ced, prefess if. Prefess ce more FOR THECOMPLEXION1 tha, trumpets et batie blew peai ontanynhv. utIatth rd DIMZ7-M wte knIl that wbere there is oe £a iv yepeal, and there is a death, bush. Then byýpocrite in the churcli, thare are five there is a Signal waved, swords cut hcî eutside of it, for the reason ' CURE SICK HEADACHE. and b'ack; javelins ring on sIels that the field ils larger. Ihare are men ___________________________arms, fali trom trunks; sud heads rollinu ail circles %vho ili bow befora yeu, DR1. L. POTTIR. jute the dust. Cash after gash; tie ccd who are obsequlieu li your pre- Ofce end residence,Churh5t.,oppolteTriuity freez ed yell;, the gurgling of flirof .sence, ami rslk t]a1reriugly, but îvho, ogegational chureb, B wmauiile. M- ilm tied thîroats; Iba cry ef pain; the ail the w hille they are jin yocr couver- MIS EA LT REL .laugh of revauge; the curse bissed sation, are digging for hait sud an- tg epaediü iveleson onci an pinobetween clenched teafh--an airmys 'gling, fer imperfections, lu yeour pre- atuler residence, Ktng st. 7 death-groau. Stacks et dead on 'liseuce they împ!v (Illtfhey'are every- Sides, with e as unsbut, and moutbls tbiug f rienilly, but after a wbile yeu MISS ETRE[L MORRIS, yef grintng vengeance. lluzza for thie fin i that tlxey have the fiercenassaet a AitTISi. Instructons given lu PAIN TING! Jarseli tes!I lwo hucdred and feu cataineunt, the s lyuess eftaSnsake, sud lu On, W ater Color snd Clea.Sketehlur g tan us fasintingg rtem nature. KILIN on preîn:ais, fir- cuad metn wave fheïr plumas sud the sileof a devil. Ged w il expoe Img at iisua!prieb1.m clap thair shileids, for the, Lord Ged sncb. 1IThepun they load' xiii hurst DR. J. C. MITCHELL, bahgienhente iLr uhhair o vu hau'ds the lies tiey tell M EM4BEROF COLT EfGEOF PMYSI0IANS1 Yet that vicLrous armoy et grael 'wiii break their ewn ieuth; sud St the and Surgeons, OtarioCorouer, etc, iar1 c liesdenc. Enîsarlcn 74nqîaried hy sheep and oxan, very mroment Lbey i hink they bave l eod, througb the prophet Sanel, reid been succestful in deceiving 'youi sud A.EB. MoLAUUO]FLIN, Saul te slay ail tii." Amalekites, sud deceiving tha worid, the sheep wil Utsir, Bol!citer sud Couveyaueer. Offic:- te slay ail the beasts ilu thair posses-. llear and flihe xan xiii )uhew. ~ ktay Block, King street. Bowmauvl locnsytoloanat reasoueble ratés. 48-lyr, Sien; but Saut, thireking tha;lie knouvs . eirn, further frein this, subjeut imore f ban Qed, saves Agag, fia Ami- houx natural It is te try te put eff eur ROER TUOV.S lekita king, sud a fine dreve ef sheep sIns1 uapOo tier people. Saut 'vas --sWelTfDorHsasaMnEWi sud a herd et oxen that lie caunnof char ged with disebeying (od. Tbha 0 Bloek, wbere, hitnsl rlsassatt befoündfrs8,trtSp i.Ngtalsi,at bear te kili. Saul drivas the sheep mLan isays if -usa net hlm; ha did net e.den cdiretiycpexs1bd alb u xndw exrshm. bas save the sbeep, the, ariny did it; tryiug or aleihea wltàeceve1r.tatne ides that Samuel. the prophei , xili te tbmoxx cf off on fia sheuiders of -_________ - iud eut that ha bas saved cLhese shaep othacr pecolaJ. Humen naite ils tha IiAIR WORK-Ls-lies wishnF hair sdeanfrimsi.Cîne o a sain lil the agas. yon caunot .Ldnseover, "su at Mas uting -adoe o isl.Sme oe East and Cor of Otario St Bowmanviiia. 344tf and asks Saul the nexvws frein fie bat- fhiew oýOff the re-spen8iiii fe any sic fie. îSaul puts on a soiemu face-for'upocu the shoulders eto othar! people. ~/ARRIAGE LICENSES,-M. A1 thera is neue wbie can loek more Rare is a youg minu w1io JÀBiEs, Isouer of Marriage Lienuses. sim ta i gnie yorte- asys: "I kIew1Iamn deiug wreng, esîdeeice: Centre street.oentantegnie yor - _ ___ - * --an sd he a ss: "I have fnlfilied thei but I bave net bail any chance. Illd TO NDcema tdne f ethfe Lord. Samuel sfte 'i episad Ced, sud s V laOO.O 1ougond mort- listens, sudhbc ers the droveetfinethar wie was a disciple ef Godlass y e ecet ai mrderte1'tls fjutaiest.ýli n LIN, qrs~olicttor, Bowm anvitle,Ont . siaep s Lllte way off. Saul had ne, fashiciu. I aminclte hiMarne for my 1-m'ides fie prephetS aar would beý se h,1-t!i m ricgiug up.' Ah, ne; ý ~F% AmU F~TelE a sufe.Samuelsasys te Sail: 'If yen fluati'youg minubas, beau eut long ?¶.~~I~I ~ IiU UR have doue as (lad fold you, sud slil enougly in the world te; see xvhat iq Getee' lte aet rejtha Amalekites and al the beasais in rgt sd t a bt I aetîme'sClths ad t Ode.their possession, xhat meanefb the j rng, àsud ilu thea great day et etriy ha cauinot tbrow bi blefig t ficsbep u uia ers, i ssapon bis tather or mothar, but D E N 'TI SIR i awielovu t lacatew i ll iv stand for himsaiîf sud an- - Qr eflr ed. Yeu bave bad s t h a f b lu s h e s x v u ld h a v a c e us u m e d t h e i c n c e c , ~ e u h a e b d s l b e u ,0. .A.RNDEN, L.D$. ch eak et Saul. No. ne. Ba says, the tie influence et fha Holy Spirit. Stand fraduate of th e Royal Cotiege of Dentail mynfblSur.e ousbu he _____________________ geonsOntario armay-iad ssvad the sbeep aud Oen un Ofice. for sacrifice; sud then tiîey fbongbt OFFICE.-Opposite ExpressOf , if weuld hacf eo bad, anyhe x, te kili VITALZED IR jAgag, t ha Amalekite king. Sarmuel rl- takas the swerd, sud hie slashes Agag ONTARI otoeplces; acîl then ha tak,-s ,he akirt et bis coaf, lu trua Oriental style, ONTI-R10 ÏMsud rends if lu twaîc, ad muai as te eonùxiues todo saflouerai Bankieg Businiess et IiewmacvIlie Ageucy. say: - You, Seuil, juan lika that, shral betotrn iewsy frein yeur empire sud DEPOSITS ItoTn swsy freinyeur Chrne. Iu j eeeivlunSavings Bauk Departmeut and' rhhaxteseythtSub Iliterest aitewed et curront rates. Notice of at exteso!La alb 7%ithdrawct not necssery Alil deposits payabte! disoeying Qedxwon safilof et seep g e démacd i oeancd id sud Pasissutinp on Europei nitet i tates sd nada eS tei, Silver ced elted Statci es roonhaks bheuç,it cùd soId Promnptly mnado i cu!rmtreet upon Il parte Teleg-raph ,Transfers, bl cde forl1arge or mEmli surns on sI parts ef Canada Til ise pecallaitdvaiu tge;Dus to par- $CS IsliigiluManitoba or the Norýth-Weqt, Ih înuke iba fends avaitabla cf once ai the paco o! paymeumt. 7Fpr other Darticitîcrs eau atthe baik. A. J. MCCLELLÂN, GEO. McGILL, Accaunta Pt Manager Ail Hand ï Mrs. X.-I say, John, 1 arn going te stop baking altogetier.. Wei can get at LUTTIRELL'S,! Bowrnanville,such goodfiîead and Punis, and Pies, and Cakes, and Mr. X.-Al1 right, Sar-ah, don't fell mne any more. It wilI -no douit lie the hest plan for ý1 the summer anyway. :. Alex.. Luttrel, Balcersud Cofectioner,Bowmnaïtville l'ee ie 97. INSULTE]) Ida-Elrnora. receivcd a terrible iu- $ulft ta me caýin- 3/1i ,y-Whsfxas if I - Idi -Wlcy, au eid lady saw flic han 'il, ,:f bIs golfclubs prejectmug frein I h1utmg sd a.,k.,d hlmbexv mccli à-,xxodchL C "arýge f, macd an umbraila. but lest a kicqie i." I learu tirst, frein ti. ubject fIat Qed veili expoýe hi pucris>', ame Saul prafactis ie bas tuifilledtheftaDivine commission 1>' slayiug al fie beafss blouging te the Amaiekdtea. anti yaf, af the ver>'moeant ha la ieling fia i ter>' sud pract1sing fIa daluaion, ~i secret comas eut, sud fia sheap bleat andthfeaoxer be.iow. A hypocrite is oeexxhe preteutis te bc it hat lu e lanet, or te do whafL lie Idees nef. -,Sanh eas oui>' a fype et s class. 'Tie modemr hypocrite looks awfully selemun, vhinea xvlieu ha praya anti turing bis publie tiavenion showsa a gmeat tial ofethfe vhites et lia' a1es. Ra caver laughis, or if ha des langi, la sianta son>' for it atteme aria,. as tiougii lia lacoîniittat setegreas indiacretien. The fit at turne lia ge»s achance, ha, prays raient>' minutas lin public; sud whaýn ha exlerf a en te impi>' fiat al liaherace ara sînnars, xiii eue exceptiou,.hi$s modeaf y for- bidding the sfafiug whe niat eue is. 'ihema are a great nan>' durches fiat have fwo er tirea acclesiastical hypo-- crifas lu if. Wlen fia fox bagins te pis>', loek ouf for your chikena, TIa more gannin melilgion a min lias, fIa jmore confortable ha willbe; but yen may k nove a religions impostar by tie tact thaf ha prites himntalcouîeac fiat ha is uncoinfortabiýe. A inuoe thut kint isleoetimmensetdamage te fli, Clurch et Christ. A sli p may ont-- r rIdes mutai t orina andti i a halntiful et werms in teula pienkan> sink if tote Ia botom. A mac n a>', threugb pcicy, lude bis esi charse- I teri but Q0d wxxli 'etr ,,x.i ý ar oen theue i a ' ~îiii I expose hî,m jan 'a threugil>'as tboebgh qe blandau ponhis oaeu the' cr, hyp îe." Re,' a me f iuk Are prepared from Na. tur&'s mild laxatives, and while _genltie a , reliable and efficient. They Cure Sick Headache, BiL- iousness, Sour Stomach, and Constipation. Sold everywhere, 25c. per box. Prepared by C..Hod d&Ca, ,Lowell,Mgs&. fer yourseif or f ail fer yourseif IUv lsa a usiness man. lia ssys; "1I ku-nw I da't do exactly rigit lun trada, but ail tha dry geods m'en do if, sud al the bardxvarc'men de; nuDs, sud I s:w catt yerr s n, upon the shoendera et oblier mercîx arsi.Gad wPul held yen esponsiel" ,for xvhst yen do, sud thein responsib'e for xx at tiay de. I wau;t te quoeeon' ýpassag6 et Sariptura fer, yeu. I thhaik if is lu Pr overhs- "If Chou ba xxie, trin siaha ewisa fer thyseif; but if thonsernesf, thon cloue cbaIL bear jr." I Learit, furtriber, frenu thIûr ubject wha bied meast by' extermination. Saul xvas tuild te slay ail tire Ainsia- kites and the beasts lu their posses- sioni. He ase vs Agag, the Ainsiekita kicng, sud seome offiahesbeansd exen. Ced chastim" s ira fer if. Qed likea nef be hypocrifical lu anytiing; yen.u ara never sate If yen are. Ou the meaf inopportune moment the sbaap xiii last sud th,-,exen beiiow. Driva ont tis lasf Amalekite et sin frein yonr seul. Hava ne mercy oui Agag. Dawxx wiîb yeur sina-do wn wltb yens pride-tiown wlrub yonr weriliness.,I knew yenu canet achi2ve this xvamk hy your evnarrm; but Almight>' graca is sufficient-flaf xvliiciisav.ed Jisa;pb 'iu tha pif, that wiicb delivereti Dan-- ilinl the dan, that whlcb shieitiad ili-idraci, -Mveshaîlh, sud Abetinage, fiiet whici ch~ered Paul lunftha slip- wrack. A LITTLE AUTOCRACY SctOOcbisen Fellow tise îxasupie of ' llsbt- sois Crteeo ePlekted Fish-Woeàà Mctts flisteaitîha, The bisfory efthfe Cocos gronp of isiauds, sud île lertsisht naL s couple et Euglish ativeuturers, Rosa sud lare, asclumeti over the natives there la unusual. lare snd le.b>' coincidence, seffiati aimuitauaonsiy ou isiaudsinlutfe Cocos group acd esci te hmiastar thaie. Afrer tîve years cf petty warfare are a1îed. Front 1827, wiau fhe original Rosa firaf settiet inl the Cocos, a Rosa bas ici-- ati the urc.hipalago. Tha tirai rwe Roisces, fie fafliez anti granifti la'oe flie prasant propriaer, rmditPe s- I lanis, ase their Highland ancst(ers hlad held their lands. lIera was a formai aunexation of the gronp lu 18.57 b>' nofhing doua by halvas. Ged xviii a Brisb inan-of-war; but unurl eda- nef may lu a seoul tIat ias hait lis andi jen leara ago fia Rosa iynasty was baifthfe devil'a. 121cr" ma>' be more 1practcal>' nmoiesteti hy cii>' uunsie ains lu oreuî fisc thare wera 1intarferauca. Even ccxv flicBiisi Amalekites. Wa must kilti rien. Wou Colonial office leaves fthe es ram. info ns if wa apuara Agag. lare lai>' teogovaru fhe isiautis by tha fis- s Christianu ihosays; "I wlî drive cuti difional metiiedsand hy past axpari- ail the Amaiekitea et sinfrein my ance. heart." Rare lus jealiuca>, doven goas: The Cocos lalautia are about 10 de- téat Amaiekîfe. Rare is tackbitiug, greas sentIh latitude sud 110 dagreels iovn gees tîhet Amalakýita. "And es. lie>' are 1,200 miles soutliwaat wiaf slaxigirer le makas amoug hie' frein java sud 500 miles frein Christ- Sica, atriking rigit ai-ici ieft. VI/af i mas Islandi. lhey numbar tvenfy- ils ttbaf eut yctsder lifting np his headV tw)o, anti the largeat fet tuant las su Ir ila Agag-if la worîtiina-s. If lsanuaverage dianater et ninu miles. The old sincha cuneit hbas to strike doxîn. i population is abent 700, cd wiiunthe Oh, my bretîran, 1 appeal, this mcn-' greafer portion ara native loin sud icg for enfie consacration.. Wit 'h- fhe test are Malsys. Tle Rosastam-- ont be-linesa ne inushah sea the h>' are the ouly Ecropeas iuiahifjig Lord. I kniouxv mac xvbo are living tha group, sud thongh i ah fe maie with rhir senis lu perpatual commun- i maembarg oethfle third ganeratien xvere ion xvifh Christ, sud day b>' day arae ducatet inl Scotisuti, aud ara de- walking xithin flic aigît ef heýavan. scriied as waiil-educjtedý quicir andl lu- lomw de 1 kuow? 'fli' eL ,11me so. 11 fe.iigent, rIe>' bave aimoet ail con- believea rh[fnu. 'hey voiit nýon lie tracted native marriages, sud tiirown about it. WX.y eau une e it ail bave iheir lot in witii fie peoeawvontne>' this censecratieuf Why _ýa s>'sma mie. Tlair sons aud daugitars witî eifth fiains ln u ctseul sud leavae th"rs1 few exceptions, naitier speýak uer un- te blean sud iio frepsuesddersa sd Euglisb, sud Gcorge Cienias conrdamuatien. Chriai wili nef tay Rose, the badoethfI famil>', and a lu the bouse xx'itb A.gag. Yen mut limnu cf remamkable foire etcharsoc- givie up Agag or give u-p Christ.- ter, veas ai fee time aigbi eau yearm Jeass saYs; "Ail etl that1 heurt or vitiont hbasting Englisi apoenan sd urina." Seul siew the poorea est of ïeocontasîses te helng s littie mat>' lu sleep sud fIa neanef t fe 1 oxan, ifis use. and kapf seaf t he funesît sud ilaI Ailpunismnttaare matai eut b>' faticat: andti iere aree Christ lues wxvlnîie ofetheiaRose tamily- upen tira ad- bave alalu fie mor unpupular oet fiitvice et a cemmittea ceuaistiug et trangresisions anti savad tnase wlich' Geerge Clunies Rossand a native anti are n reimspectable. If vel nef de. Ila Mals>' citizen. Tlisa fiiraamen Etarnal xxar againsf aIl the Ansa- bava the p ownr et iutlictiug tfI etf kit ea; nce rc>' for .Agag, panait>' but fie>' have neft exerciseti I iearu, titi uer, ft..n nus subjeot tihe rightin luasdozcn years. Wiieu saxva flan if la vain te try te tietrauti Ged. iLe made Mr. Rosa wrifas if sud pesta Rare Sauitbtottght ha hati cheatati if ou fhe front et liis bouoe. If lakea Goed out eft niisA shoep sud exen; but! affect tweiva heurs atter ifs poatiug. l ie, loîar bis croxvun-ie, lest bis empire. TIa peopla are ver>' ordarhy. Yen 'ýcaunet cheaf Qed. Icqw etten Anothar hlueer bit et landtinluthe ir hais hbeaa iler Chistian mecn jave uPacitic fa Christmnas Island,,rieur the hsýd a large astata, sud mt lias gene.1 equator sud near>' due senti efthfe lie Lord Qed came intônitfe ceut- Hlawaiian gteýup. If is about flirt>'- ing-bocsande-ilssii; "I bavealsîoweei tive miles long, Tia atoll embra-cas a yîon teo lava ail fluas preperfy fer fan long hageon, fia wafer et which ha- tiffean, or f veat>'ysear3, antd yen lava contes .se sait af fines thmouigb avap- nef doue justice te My poor chiltiren ýeratien as te ha verifahie brins, In Wlcn the beggsr cailati upen yen, yen tIcs veater we touni mac>' hargef ishaes hiourdai bîm off yens stepa. Wbeu lifeaahi> pickied. Evitieuti>' the>' ihat my snttfering cidren appeaJati te >'u beau tbroswn evaer the reef frein the fer lelp, yewnadsine marc>'. I oui>'i ocelan. Tieugi, doubtias mentIs oeh asked for so mudl, or se muci; but their tiesit veas partect>' preservati. Ou iu.ii t i . if m- ., - 1--- i the ovcasion of a visit lein 1898wxan- I xiii taka if all."GQed asîks cf us oe sevauth et aur tfume lu tieway et Sabbatîh. De yen suppose vea can getý su leur oethfat f ina anuccesafuly avea>' tienit.a trua object? No, ne. Qeldbas demanid eona sevati et yenr tinta. If yen take oeehlur et fine fiatiia te ha devoetteGod's service anti insteuti et keapiugHIs Sat-- bath use if for fIe purpesaetfwriting your accouats, or makiug xoldiy gains, Ced wili eraiuiy hriug yeu îne, juilgmeurn for fixe abusa of thsi tinte. Let sainau snrampfte odo thut wlici Qed ftenus hlm ne do, or te gef ont ilune a place xvli'ere Qed telis lin nefte o go-t ha natural xorli as we 1ii as Qed la againan lin. The ightmings are reai>' fuistrike lin; nia tuaes te mmc hlm; theanc tei amite hlm; the watei te droven un; sud tne a esti teswalloxv urn, hose wioe apîlucai>' robas are xvoven oui et besît-stiieaga; tflee vhoeaflae bouses are bail ouf t u sknis; thbe whose sprfcging fenur.ains araeftha tsars et oppressai nat;on-lave Ie>' succestuhi>' ebeateti (od Theîle set day xiii demosfrste. 1f xiii ha toucti ont on fIat day fiat' Qed vin-- dicafti net oui>' Ils gooduassansd Ris marc>', but is pewer te take came et is owln igits, sud fIa rigi s et His Chturch, andthi ise t Is oppress- ai chilturan. If xiii be- seau lufhai day, iat f hiugi we ns>' aylave robbad eucr fello-ffs, wea neyer hava auccssa- fu>' rohbed Qed. My' Christian friands, as yen' go ont iute the, worid, exîi auOpen- 1"rtiChristian nreauemn . Do chorati undeS fia le cii the isiaut lu 100 teet ot wster, whicii was ce clear fiat oue ceuldse innumerable tishesetof inu>'pecces swimimiug abent. lliey veere gmaaedy for hait,, but Thse mot effective sk ie purlfyIng aud beauti- fyiug soap lu tic werld, ac e eaas purosi sud iveseteot for toilai, bath, sud nursery. Tie eniy prevautive of pimplot, blackhoads, rad, rocgh, sud ail7 ekin, radi, rougi Stands vitil itcltitg -palme and siapeless ucia, dry, thin, aud falliug hais, sud simple baby biemiehes, bacanse fie enty preventive efthte cause, riz., infismmatIon and claggieg of tih e ots. -5,15 overwhers. YForiseoetstF. NEWB,siîL ou. ce ÂSS Osa. 008.,1Sie reps., Boston. V. a. 4. Tie (irea! RengUt/iRemectg. S.* Sansd reccmmended bya dmngias u anaa.Oulyreir j chiamedliîca discoverai. Bah I feme î pxaa e~kessail affects ef abuse i sixwQIfcmxi. Pamp ietefiso ? . Tho WedComspany, Windsor, Ont,4 WGed, PIiaapiotMie sold lu Bowmnîauviiia by Stott uy Rigginbntham & 5eii ; Oranio by I , ilitanc; NeWcastte lv Dr F artîemibe, Hay Faver like CATARRI, is s germ disease. If you have beau unabie ta ward it off wth DRUG madicines, it is becauso suci preparations do NOT KILL the garmq. Hay Fever is far beyond the resci ef mare local remadies. These who rai>' upon tbam for s cure lose valuabla timeansd permit the. disease te gain beadway. POWLEY'S LIQUIFIED OZONE- cures the mosi obstinata form of HAY FEVER, becauso it is s powerful Germl. - cide, It destreys the germ, builds up fie system, makes the bloed ich and hesltby, - stimulates and puis naw lite into tic slug- - gish organs anmd clears tic system aof agi poîsonous secretians. ALL DRUGISTS-50c. &$1.00 cf ignorance n d folly lu yonti, overexertion of mind ad bdyîLc -,,EHEý ed y lsraepoera aynencoustantyfi iithlvçad tr,, 0colaucioiy xistence.ny but dad ne soltce or c.mfer thora.U victimes are fouud lu ai, stations of Ili0.Te: e farm, tire office, t o worksp h ep, lub p tha irades and the profession. RESTO RED TO MANHOQO 8VDSS. , C Vixt. A. -WALERI. Wtt. A. WALKEIi. 1111. CHAS. FERRY. CHAR. FERY. sige5t 'rEATuurîT YrS rskTMtrSDlvqroad but IMltsd as" ? tllu--NO NAMFS OR TESTIMONIALS UlSED wITROIIT WRITTKN CONSENT.'a Wsi. A. Wsiker op- ith ti îet 15ay aesIf j enolues or "ais Ti',c~s eentraz SYPHILIS utidanff rn I wuess n lsctwa E MSSINS yphi la n teePrivai. Msses. 1 a n ees inth M ISINS mouth sud tiroat, bones , hair I1 e. I)Î#se ou STR ICT U RE f ,d inais ca e ss'eus, cmara nac1 C R Dpotsiel. -y eâi me b c nd n t me hai Ne MiodT-reatr eut co in ln afew le wei Yon feel youraeii gainiog every day, 1 iavâ noter lieur r heTf ail ngt usuc JW'CURES GIJARANTEED OR1 MONZY REFUNDEO Capt Chs. errysay:- w zilft'IfDra. K. &K lAt 14 1Cas. erray hbi.At 21, 1 ad ailtbé stos I POE ean sud ftSparîuetoriioee, issBOn e emn and 'weakening my vite.Îity. I1 a -1 ,24 undera vice of mY tamiiy dector, bu w %ad oxperisuc. Inluigits n xmentis we ware dito]ci1 Mfl~ff1 eh n c one r s.11 i.a & K ., w iie r a ild jt u ,.,y norvos. W wea nitad again sud araeap-Ti a __________ s4ix yecrs ao e k. are c eif tiii pi lansd 1 ieaÎLIY reomueud. tiibml. - tWe treat and' cure Aaiooe çinNrvosDbîy e na. ""'Wakes, leStricture, Syphiiis, (Unatural DischargeSlfAu e iny and' Bladder Diseases. 17 YEAR8 IN DETR6d .2-7,10,000CURIE>. NO RISÎ< lae a orBiood boa4 disease J? avo eno kot New MthodTrosisuent wÎll cure von. What i t iasdouOe fr otier t-s ,MwT'dossr DO SULTAT18N FRÊEE No mqtter wio ise trected Yen write fer' o, opest opinion il et'-ofierge. Uhargos reasenable. BO0KS FIIE-"Th* boin Monitor' (ilistrated), o Dlsesesof on.Inoise Postage. Scouts. Seuled- ýVA S No Me Ilneser Rt W . HOU nWNSENT. PRI- thie shark8 toek then as fast as we got tien heoketi. Itftrequeufi>' lap-- panai that s fieb a foot or fwo long veoulti gef en the beok. It veonit un- medistai>' ha awallowed b>' a higger fiali, anti the latter, xvhile laing pull- ai t hieesumreaieb>' fha lina, veonit ha gobbled b>' a sihlailk. TlI etui like a fiaih, ie, but I giva yoru ny word fiat if sta fua. The goverumeut et Aunohbon la-, landi la ver>' ike fIat lu s comic opera. Anbon us lu latitude 1 degree anti 24 mninutes sentit sud longitude 5 de-- grees anti 38 miute a esat. A century age a race, et ceai black, itbieviug, murierous anti tracherons natives, livedti tire, but au Englsi, man-ot- vear uent tiown thama lu 1821 sud setfled ttae cusseinesa oetfhie natives b>' safvbroatisides. Tie biacks bava. beau geot iane titat day. Young meu are heugitfofr lushaude b>'tfea yonng1 wemeu anti the Ceveruor hlithfiapriv-- ihaige et nemnug al tIe childa hi oui the isiand. Tire xonten own fie isîsutis wood wliali titamn owu fia fruit crepa. Moue>' is aintost un- kueven tiaere, ail cemmerca being car- riai on b>' bartar. PROFIlS MADE -IN THE SLAVE- TRADE. Tie ceat oethfiaslave-sip-rie amaut etcapital ra-quireti-is su im- portant natter. Tha ster>'of fthe Bainimoee cheener, "Nixapoleen," is me- murksbie frein tlis peint- et view. She measumeti but cinat>' toua. Ilia matie a number et succasaful veyag- as-but the tacts iu eue xiii suttice In 18355 abe fek on s cargo cempeseti et yecng negîccaesfthfe Kassoos, the Fi, anti Siambre Butions nations- tierce yenng tigifters, ever>' une. 0f flasa, aIe Landai 350. 11e>' cean $16 eaci, sud sou fer 1$360 eaae. WLr[h ail expatusea ouf, iucluding a preseuf ot $5,000 te ir surgeon, Richiard Drake, whesc kuoweage oethfe coasa about Matanzas ensaid1cr te detge s Briffithcuiser, sha cleareti more V A , HSE'$ C AT È " ïâG i E t5 seni direct to ie dwgZ, t rs bitbQlithmprcved ixic;xî. tas ha elr, cimars Ï1. ie pastages,stoeps dioppiris itnîl tiroat andi permaanrîiy cures Cataarh ni d i-iay Fever. .Bioxvîi froce. Att dealers, or nDr. A. W. Clase -a mdictue Co.. broute aud Sulfate. A 1bressmalcr's lbuttes Are Sueh as to Cause Backache A Toronto Dressrnaker bas Fouud a positive Cure ansd Giadly Tells About ILt. the arduoce occu- pation of dises- habve roubes a > their ouvu. Running sewing l bacines ail de>' long, beudia cr m-crk tiat require tiegrectestofcare, 1. tesemrath. thing that bave tua dcs mauy a woman excîsim, "vemy tint takea atiubh wiib my needle it oseras as tiaugli 1ara piarcicg my awn biaek." But thaae wbe suifer tram backache, heoadacie, pain lu the aide or ccy dersuge. ment ef the kîducys wiîi be gird ta kuow that thore le a remedy fiat nover tele evea Iu the worst casas. It le Dean's MIldua>'Pis. Mme. P. Coyler, the well"knewn droe-- makor, 224' Bathurst St., Tomauto, Ont., gave the foiiowiug etatemrent of ber experi- ence with it: -For corne tinta I suiferitI a goodd uni frein weak back, a tlred feeling, sud peins ccd aches lu varions parts of in>'bcdy'. Smno, I bave nsod Dosn's Kidue>' Pills bhe pains have lef tmne, mnybaek bas got straug'xr and lia kidua y troubles bave beau cerrected, 'lbattired, dcli, drowsv feeling tuat uoed te eome n nme bas nove gene, andi c m hsppy te se>' I have net 1.11 se veu lu year% ae et present.'t Doan'e Riduay Pille cure backache, arnte or Wëek baok, Brigitsa diseaso, diahafes, dmopsy, miot before the cye, ioss ofnemor>' rheumatisni, gravel and rurinai y Lbî,e icea yarîcg or cid. The Dosa ILciuey 2iÂh1Co.. Tomonto, Ont. flien $100,000. Andi yct $5,000 wocld h ava been cousidareti an anermmens price fer a linfle schooner like that lu thesa days. Ilu cciivaoyage sua paiti about fxveuty dollars net pretit ou esci dollar et the coat tofcen.- strucoen NEYER RUN.' Te mun te catch a trahi or anaumi-- bus is s practice that shouiti caver le indulgad lu affa>£nueaet SQ ý3, Eve teenaxîoS8a at is srdIt, isl calculated te e hiarm.ful te flic delicate cerds andi vaiveis oeth tia ehrgu.n, but if if fas diseasedth le excite- ment sud strain are positivalv dan-. garons. There's nothig so bad for acough as coughing. There's nothing so good flor a cough as Ay er's Cherry Pectoral. The 25 cent sîze is plat right ior an ordinary, everyday cold. The 50 cent size is hetter for the cougu of bronchitis, crou, Igtip, and hoatseness. The dollat size us thec besi for chronic couglis, as In consumption. chronic bto- chtis, asthta, etc.

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