Vou Bakin0 10 Cents a Pound. 1To terublic. e WTe begf t announce to a!1 persons interest- Eed in the g'eneral hardware and store business ýj Ethit havia~g putrchased the o14. established 2- bu3iness from MR. R. WORTH and having E ta k-e n stock amd thoroughly overhauled the Ssanie, wve -re now in position to attend promptly E to the needs of the public in every department. zOur stock is very compiete and by prompt anid courteous attention to etistomers, sellino- at E reasonable prices and supplying the best the Emarkets afford we hope to retain former e-us- Stomers and, make pleasant business acquaint- LEances with .,,i-,ny inew ones. We cordially Einvite al] requlring anythin. in our lines to cau l Sand sec us. We'l1 promise to use you well and g ive you best value for your money. t Successors to R. Worth, Bowmanville. BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 17, 1900. Robt. Beith ismeeting' with an en- thusiastic reception in his canvass. Great good nature should mark '-the present political campaign. Our "Bobs"* carnies a broad smile anyway. People who write lettera save, one- third by Mr. Mulock's reduction. To elect real business men to office pays. Next Thursday is Thanksgiving Day and Canada has great reason to thank Providence and the Liberal Govern- ment. Robert Beith is not a discredited pol- itician. H1e has a dlean record and you always know where to flnd him politically. Were it possible to elect Jonas Thorn- ton what earthly good would come to Conservatives la West, Durham? lie claims not to bc a Tory, but un Indep- endent. Electors of West Durham, you are sovereigns of the realm. Use your poweir to elect a man who bas influence at Ottawa and a man of whom you wll feel proud. To vote is a matter of inestimable privilege and withal a matter of ear- nest, conscientious duty. You cannot perform ycur duty better than by vot- ing for Robt. Beith. With most of the factories running over-time and the country flourishing, why should any man vote against th e Goveruiment that bas doueso much to bing the good times ? No matter how long you live, eleet- crs, yeu will neyer have an opportunity to vote for a truer man than Robert Beith.4He is well liked by ail who know hlm regardless of party prejudices. Robt. Beith has been ten years in Parliament andhas a dlean record. W hy should ho xot be returned? What can a man in opposition to the Govrument of tho day accomplish for his conîitit- uents ? I __________ -- _______________ - I M Ladies' 3 Speci*als. A Fine Ail Wool Be aver in iFawn Shade Silk N/civet Collar, lined throughout with Roman Satin, at elIothing,. 3 Specials, This departmcnt is very caref ully looked after and you will find in it thc latest in Mcn's Ciothing. 11egent Overcoats in * BOWMANVI LLB. $8.50.