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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1900, p. 5

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Do Not Neglect Your Eyesý%.~ T Our experience as opticians M costs you nothing. We test y ourn eyesight fre of ail charge and when its done at our store you know it's well done, fû Another new invention lias been added to our set of scien- tifRc instruments and 110 matterg liow complicated the case we guarantee to give yon perfect ti satisfaction if glasses will do it. f Remember our stock is al bouglit direct from the manu- facturers and is sold at much 5 less than ity prices. a 81011 & J URY, Druggists and Opticians. PWORD1 When you use a- Cough remedy why not get the best? For over 20 years Our Excel- sior Cjougli Syrup bas been the mnost popular remedy in Ws Durham. llundreds of prudent moth- er's consider it a household necessity.t It's easy to take and, costs only 25e for a large bottie. It's healing. lt7s soothing to the infiamed parts. It aUlays the tickling sensation. It's guaranteed. Stoti & j ury, The Druggists. ,.,GRAND VRUNK IAILWAY. ifOWMANVILLE STATIONi. GOING EAST. GOING WES5T. Mr tress.....8 si am. 1 *Express... ý 15 a. m *Express .... .0 1, a. M:. Local .5 15 1passenger.. S 8 e.. jPassenger.. 1 40 p. mý Local.... 655 p.m. Express.. . 7 88 1125 t Daily except Sanday. STOTT & JuRY. Town Agents The Calladiail Statesni. BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 17, 1900 Order ail papers and magazines from M. A. James, 1ev. J. J. Rae, Oshawa, was in town Saturday on business. Big Range of mst's and Boy's tweed -caps fr om 25e up at West EndHouse. .Mr. and Mrs. R. Gilbert, and son, Tweed, are visiting lier father, Mr. J'as. Morris. If you want a good pair of boots as a reasonable price buy thein at the West End bouse. Misses Ada and Alice Silver are visit- igthir aunt, Mrs. Fred Williams, lCannington. Men's and Boy's ready-made Suits, latest styles received this week at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's "The torture of toothache is quickly relfeveci by Low's T1oothache Gum.", Price 10c., Refuse substitutes. Mr, S. 1' Cranideli, the frst white child born in Reanch Township, died at bis home in Port Perry iast week aged qun ape Bid, N. B., says:.- -1 had an attaýc of Liver Troubles and i ndigem- Stovs Biacking Sets aI Nicholis'. Quiekshiue Sets a box ut Nichails'. Stave brusites tram Sets Up ut Nicholis' Scrub brushes f rom Sets up ut Nicitolîs'b biarvest bome Festival in St, John's churcit, Oct. 23rd.a Pleasant eveniug lu St. John's churcit b L'uesday eveniag Ocet. 23rd, Needies, ail sud ail caus for Sewing1 Mlachines for sale ut Ricitand's. New subscribers eau gel TESTATEs mAN la end ai 1900 for 25 cents. Wanlcd- a raggcd dirty Dollar Bill, for a lwa dollar Alanm Cleet ut Rick- ards. 1Chîe's hatching pleulifulîr at Tait & Co's. photo galleny every one lu a dozen good.t Winten wiil soon be hene sud naw is f the lime ta orden your furs. M Mayer, funnier.I A fourteen dollar Watch ion sale aI t Eickards for $8.00, only a few lef 1, come quick. Mrs. (11ev.) John Learayd died Oct. 5th ut iter home lnuett Landau ut au advanced age. Brninl your furs, now la lte lime tm have tem altered sud repaired. M. M'ayer, turnier. Metitodist Sundlay Sehool annivcrsary Oetoben 2lst., Rev,Dr. bunter, Toron- to, will preacit. Don't icI s good pictune gel spoilcd for wanl ai a frame. Fnedlaud makes allkiuds aiftrames. Mns. R. butchison sud daugitter, Listawel, are guesîs ai Mrs. Wm. Cry. derman, Citunci St. You cannaI puncitase Spectaclest fnom Riekard if yeu do ual necd tem. Hie oniy fils those wha s-cquire tem, 1Im menîse choice of Fieeced liued sud otiter seasonable lines of uudcnwear now being showu ut The Mason Ca's. Tait & Co. have a fine liue ai irames suitable ior phategrapta etc, ut ven*v low prices. Callsud sec them marnes. Subscriplious are laken aI T RE, STATESMAN office for aven 3000 diff enent papers sud magazines ut lowesl rates. No ueed ta set a heu ta gel Chic's, go la Tait & Cc. for ttem-they are flue, They have pictune trames fer sale 100. Wanlcd-A punchaser for a Sewing Machine ltaI is weil conslrucled, runs easy sud is guaranteed ior Ion yeans at Rickards. Mrs J. C DevilI will hold her past- nuptial i-ece piou ou Wedncsday sud Titnnsday, Nov. 14 sud 15 ut "Hope- land," Quecu St. Ttc name Tait & Ca. ou a photo vauches ion ils'qualil,us for ils dur- abilily, ask your ueighbors. Our repu- talion l iste'best. Ttc Mason Ca., have neceutly open- cd ont soae prime vaines lu fleeccd and wool blankets rauging lu pnice irom $1 ta $5 a pair. JusI whal you want !,Little Gold Photo Frames. JusI lte lting la sel off a dresser, ceulentabie or maullepiece, Freeland bas just received a beauliiuliy assonted stockt. Ail puces. Call sud sec tem. Mrs. (Dr.) ilerniman, Lindsay, se-, companied bv ber son, Mn. b. R. berri- man, have gone ta Joituston, Ps., ta attend te manriage ai Dr. W. H1. ler- nimun, wastas been promoted irom ltae medicai staff aiflte Hamilton Asylum, te ttc staff aiflte lockwood Asylum, Kingstan. AvTUiE OPERA boUsE-On Thunsdsv 1nigitt Oct. istit B. F. Milcheli's ali sta-r Company will appear ut lte Opera b ouse inthe, iunny eomedy "Smitt's Wifc. Ttc compauy consist of lwclve people sud cames ta Bawmanville wcil recommended by Pressud managers. .Under auspices ai D. O. & P. Ca. Baud. . Ttc trame stables oceupicd bv Dr. Pollen sud Chiai Jarvis sud a shýed of Mr. Gea. Haines' wcne destroyed by fine Friday ait-ernoan, sulpssed te have caugitt fram a spark ifrom a smokc staek. Forluuatly ltere was uitIe .wiud or the netwonk of irame buildings there would have beoulin ruina. Titere was some insurance. 11Rev. Dr. buntar ai Toronto wili lecture lu beliaif cf lte Ladies' Aid lu lte Mcthcidisl eburcit au Mondav c'ten- in, Oct. 2-2nd ou "Ttc Ideai Man." Ttc 11ev. Leclurer sud his subjecl have 'mGtl wilh veny great layon sud ino doubl 1there will bc a large gatherng ta greel him on titis bis first yisit ta Bowmanville Ttc admission bas becu placed ut lte 10w figure of Icu cents. A man knawu as Edward Coleman was arncsled bere SuudaY by Cie[c Jan- ,via on a charge af hsviug passed worth- lesa checkkslaeaanumher of inencitanîs lu Tarante. Caleman bought gooda for $2 sud pneseuled lte worthless check, which was accepted sud $8 iu change itaudcd back. Coleman is ttc ,maltaI played lte'same game sueceas- fully in Hamiltou. Delective Davis came down Mouday sud ecortcd itim la Toronta. Muce redit is due Ctief Jar- vis forn ii prompt arreal. 1 Mrs. F. J. Mannin - and Miss Rhea spent Sunday lu Tarante. Mrs. Geo. Downey sud Mr. W. )owuev visited Mr. C. b Nix, Ux- bridge recently., Mrs. Thos. Tod and daughters Jean and Olga visited Mrs. S, B. Tod, Ux- bridge, recently. 150 pair flanuellette. union, sud all wool biaukets, grey or white, prices ýl. ta 6. per pair. Miss Courtwright, Carbondale, Ps., Nvss recent guest of Mr. J. Pollard, Liberty St. North. Ladies, you are invited ta call ut Miss Medland's Millinery parier and see the lateet novelties lu heud wear. 1Mr. John Orchard, Sollua, was lu towu Friday haviug recovered, nîcely from his accident on Fair Day. A B argain-25 pieces plain aud f aucy Dress Geod s. regular 5Oc and 85e whUle they last 25c ut West End bouse, Balance of 1900 froc tCnew subscrib- ers ta Christian Guardian for 1901. M. A.. James, agent for titis district.1 Miss E. J booper returued fram R3ochester, N. Y., Saturduy aud will spend the wiuter with her mother. STATESMAN free balance of 1930 ta new subscribers for 1901-oniy $1.00. Compare it with other local papers. Mr. b. J. Hooper of TE STATESMAN staff visited relatives lu Rochester, N. Y. last week and had a splendid autiug. Mr. Fred N. Farrell, bamilton, visit- ed his father-in-law. Mr. Thos. Brim- acambe, aud other frieuuis ut baydon. We are pleased to learn that Miss Nellie Saunders who is suffering from typhoid lever i Toronto, is progressiug uicely. We give Weekly Globe, Weekly Mail and Empire, Weekly Sun or Far- mers' Advocate to new subscribers to, end of 1901 for $1.00. Mr. J. W. Bickle, of b. M. Customs, Cobourg, sud Mrs. Bickle were guests of Mr. W. Glover last week and gave THE STATESMAN a cafl. Owing to the great increase lu price of paper we must insist on puymeut of subscriptious lu advance ut the $1.00 rate or the $1.50 rate must be paid. Writing from Maple Creek, Assa., N. W. T., Mr. James Gourd says: We have had a great deal of ramn and snow but the weuther is looking more settled new. Magnificent assortmeut of double breasted suits received ut The Mason Ca. They are shewing some choice lines that cannot be procured else- where. Mr. Chas, B. Jcffery has success fully passed the supplemental exams ut Victoria University, Toronto, lu New Testament introduction sud bermen- entieg. 11ev. W. Limbert bas returued fram a two weeks trip ta Cleveland, Ohio. Ou Sunduy he preached in one of the leading Methodist churches lu that city. -Xapanee Beaver. Mr, Johnî James, sr., haviug dispased of his house sud lotý in Oshawa ta Mr. And. Thompson removed ta Bowmau- ville last week and is now camfortubly setîled ut 22 Ontario St. Mr. John B. Swits, Alderman, and MrFred D. Cherry, Police Commisston- er, Schenectady, K. Y,, were guests of Mrs. R, Cherrv lust week. This is Mr. Swits' flrst visit ta Canada. 1Mr. J. O. LaBelle sud his volunteer fire brigade did splendid work with the h and fire engine Friduy. We propose .that he be asked to orguanize a company .farthwitb. It took,2) minutes ta get ;the big steamer ta work. Ladies sud Misses Coats---buudreds 1of themn, the very latest styles bath German sud Amorican sud everyane .uew. Beyond question the finest stock .shoXvu by any house in these Counties, just ta baudu Coucit, Johuston & Cry- dermau's, Mr. Cccii T. Oke has gone ta Deser- outo wheree h as secured a position in a large furuitune business with his ;cousin Mr. T. W. Oke. Cecil's cheer- fui countenance Xiii be much missed ln the home sud by bis muny friends 1about Ebenezcr- 1 ITCHJING- PILEs-Mr. O. P. St. John, .Dominion luspector nf steamboats, 24E 1Shaw street, Toronto, writk3s-' I suf- fercd for nine v-ears -%ith itchiug piles. 'Af ten tryiug manv remedies in vain, I began ta use Dr. Chase's Oiutment sud it bas entirelv cnred me." More people have been cured of piles by using Dr. Chase's Ointment than by al Lotiter treatments combiued. It neyer .fails ta cure piles. . Bowmauville lias seldom been privil. eggd with a better play titan ivas put on ut the, Town ball Thursday night. "A Cavalier of France" a scene'laid ut 1the Court of benry III of Frauce, wus well preseuted, The leadiug charactens .were Mr, Joseph De Grasse as lIeue de Froisac, sud'Miss Clara M. Langley as Gabrielle DuBois, and well did they .performn their parts. bis layalty sud counlrage sund her faititiuiness elicited 41-8w* R. WÏOODLEv, Tyrone. E BOWMAN\VILLE MtARKETS. Corrected by J.M~eMVurtry each Tuesday 3FLOUR, P 100 los ........$1,81ta$230 WIIEAT, Faîl, bush .... O 0 01,O65 Sprtng......... û (i0 ' 065 Red Fife.......0 (0"0' 75 3 Goose ...0 63 il0 61 BARLEY, P bush, No, i 0 O39 0 O45 Il i il2.,0 39 0 40 n n 3.0 25" 030 nTwo rowed 0 39 0 40 OAý vs, white iln............O00 0 O 23 ffi- ,, 1t............. 000 0 51 BL.Yt1WOIRAT Il.............O00 0 O42 Slave Pipe Varnish lOctsq a eau ut Nicholis' Nausea, indigestion are cured bv bood's Pills. Attend barvest borne Festival Tues- day October 23rd lu St.John's citurch. Mr. Ira Bates of Buffalo, N. Y., vitI. ed bis aunt Mrs. J. E. MacWaiu last week. A white swan was seen ut gouch's pond last week by a number ai aur local sports. The Willing Workers of St. John's churcit will hold a bar vest home festival in the Scitool roam lu Oct. 23rd. Treasuner's sale of lands for arrears of Taxes in Northumberland sud Dur- humn takes place lu Cobaurg, December l4th.. Tite list i3 a very short anc. barsit purgative remedies are fat giving way ta the geutie action sud miid effecis ai Carter's Little Liver Pis. If you try tbem tbey will certaiuly i pieuse yau. Titis is the best lime ta' order the WEEKLY GLOBE Or Mail sud Empire, Farmer's Advacate sud auy otiter papers which give balance of this year fi-e ta subseibers for 1901. The of the Kingstou fuir are $600u the hale this vear. Evcry- body was paid lu full, a commendable action for them, as thev go dowu luto their owu poekets andi make up the deflcieucy. If you had taken two of Carter's Lit- tle Lîver Pis befere retiriug i-ou would not have had titlcaated tangue or bad taste lu the mouttitis maruiug. Keep a vial with yen for occasionaluse. The last order for Crocus, Tulips, byscintits, Euster Lilies, Chînese Liltes, etce, will be sent off Oct. 29, Reduc- lionS mucit lower than Tarante prices on ail ordens reeeived before titis date. Steît & Jury. bAVE You SEEM imrtns?-The euorm- ouslaugh success ai the season, wlll be ut the Opera bouse uext Titursday eveuing. Yen will laugit as yen neyer lsugited befare. Full of instructive iun sud comedy. Ail the latest New York hits sud wtty sayiugs "Smith's Wiie" by B. F. Milcheil's ail-star players Every lady lu tawu shauid see this show. Mrs. borace Cooper, Red Deed, Ai- berta, writes : We had anathen faîl of suaw an the 23rd of September. The storm raged three nights sud two a >~ But the grain lu stock was not injured, sud net mucit damage was doue. Tite 2711î was like a beuutifui spring da-y iu lu Ontario, and the suaw was nearly al gone by the 28th.-People there expeot- cd picnty of fiue weatiten yet.-Packet. baw ARU YouR NEUVES ?-If they are weak sud you feel nervous sud easily 'fiustrated," can't sleep, sud risc ite meruing unfreshed. your blood is paon. 'troug nervits depend upou rieh, nour- ishing blood. bood's Sansapanilia makes the nenves slrng by enrichiug sud vilalizing te blood. Il gives swect neiresiting sleep sud campletoîr cures nervous troubles. Begin takiug il ta- day. T he auiniversar.v services of the Meth- odist Sabbath Schiool will be teld an Sunday next. 1ev, Dr. flunter, Tara- uta, will preacit ut the morniug and evening services.lunte aitennoon au open meeting wil be heid lu the churcit witeu a program ai recitations sud siuging wili be given by mexubers of lte scitooan sd au uddness by 1ev. Dr. bunter. Tise Suuday Sebool Board are asking ior n uoterng cf $100 ta aid lu the Sunday Scitool work. The Durham Counly Teachens' Con- vention wiil be held ut Port bope ou Ccl. 19 sud 20. A good programn is assuned; a uew feature will be a most iinteresting pieture travel talk illustrat- cd by lime light views bv Mr. Frank Yeigit, Toronto, on Friday eveniug. OeSIecial feature will be an aidncss on Fndny afteruoon by Mns. boodiess, Principal of the Sehool ai Domestie Science, Hlamilton, ou the teaching of Ltit important subject. Sec prognums. Meetings last Sunýiay conductcd by staff Capt, Stanyan ut lte S. A. Bar- rucks te best attended for samo tiole. Much intenest was manüifested sud some very instructive taiks given. Next Sundav the meetings wiil be con- dncted hy Ensigu sud Mrs. Pugit who have beau in Bowmanville. They fare- weii far a uew tield appainted. The 1meetirgs will be intercsting as titev are tvery musical sud frst-ciass officers. Don't miss hearing their fane-well addnesses. Seats free. Ail made wel come. Wednestlay uighl aiter te fair Mn. Snowdeui of Maple Grava wita had been exti.biting ut the fuir ieft ,his herses lun btite park aven niglît, ýasteulng thc gate us te thaught sccurely, but by somne mjeaus the gate was opened durng lte nigitt sud lte orses got out. Mn. qSnowden lunlte marniug flndiug lte bass of his itorses, whichi he inteuded driviug ta Miiibrook fai~r Fniday, put the tlelepitane to, wonk aud sent mes- sages lu ail directions, Thursday nigitt he. receAiveda nmesage say-;g lit *DIED. DâAwsoN-In Orono, Oct, 5,Mary Aluin, reiict of the late Rdward Dawson, aged 80 Vears. MAcDOUGALL -do Oshawa, Oct, 6, Peter Douglas MacDogail, aged 27 years. IoAG-In Oshiawa, Oct. 8, Mary Paterson, widow of the late John Iioag, aged 79 yearS. WaîdRT-Near Blackstock, Oct. 4, Caroline A. Seniey, beleved wîle of Win. A. Wright, aged 30 years. M/AN WANTED-A steady reliabie iVman to ocre for herse, cew anfi do general werk. Apply te STATES MAX OFFic E. 42 tf S ERVANT WANTED-Good gener- al aiservant wanted at once. Apply te Miis. P. Munocu, Rlgin St., Bowmanville. 42-tf SERVANT GIRL WANTED. -A sgeod general servant Rtone in famtly o0 five. Appiy teM. A. JAmEs,Bowmanvtlle. 38 tf. JOME TO RENT.-A good eiglit- >roonmed bouse on Prospect St. Hard and soit waler. Apply te REAL BRtos., Bowman- ville. 39-tf C1OTTAGE, FOR SALE-Comfartable ~)brick cottage with large fruit garden on Churcli St., Buwm.anViile, Apply te A. R. SMcLAIJGILIN, Barrister, Bewmanville, 42-3w F ARM TO RENT-Fine Lake Shore -Farm-225 acres-l10181 and 2, B. F., Picker- ing, for a terni of years. Favorable ternis fer Sa geed man. Possession te plow aI ou ce. Apply te W., J. H, RICHARDSONt, boekselier, Wbitby. 42-3w A GT WATED ,heMutual theOntri Muua (Etabised 0 earý;lowest yraies and higliest profits) waut a byve Local Agent for Bowmanvilie and vicinity. W. KFLSEY HALL, Cieneral Agent, eePe Ont. F OR SALE-Eleven "acres of land, -A!lulot 13, con. 3, Darlinglen, en which are a geod framre bouse, containing 5 ro'ucs, wood- Shed, aro and 25 beariug apple trees, liard wHater.X W iebcsjld cheap for cash. Apply te HExRy BuoinRss, Oshawa, oIr te THE STATES- 0mAN office, l3owmanville, 41-3w' SIM¶PSON & BLAIR. D. B. SIMPSON, Q. C., CHAS. P. BLAIR, Barristers, Selicters, Netaries, etc., Morris' Block, up-stairs, King Street, Bewmanvilie, Soliciters fer tbe Ontarie Bank. Private *mooeys loaoed ai lewest r ates, DR. J. COLVILLE, B GRADUATE 0F TORONTO UNIVERSITY 6 U a od Trinity Unoiversity. Offlce: Silver St ..Night cails aoswered from residence of Mr 6Davis, Beecli Ave. 50-9. DENTISTRY. G. C. BONNYCASTLE, L. D. S.,1 D. D. S., tHener Graduate in Dentistry of Torento Uni- versity. OFFIcE:-Over Coel, Jolinsten and Cryderman's stere. Bowmanvills, 18-lyr. WANTED.':.ME, ..revery lila-Y Ilrougli Canada te introduce ou edtcir. *ps wcrds en trees, feoces alog reads aond l censpie nous ples, aise Jiîluig dsmai ad eiimater. Commnission or saay " .oprmoI nthad expeusbes net te exeed $250pr day. Steady emp oyment in good, hones3t, reliahi e "n« Ne experieneceneefiful. Wfritfull particulars. Empire Medicine Co., Lonîdon, Ont, British Ailerloan O 'Gives a imn pruetical business subjec * ias brougitt succesto tahu of aiYoung meu sud womt * &udeuls piaced in positiai *yeur. Boak-keepinz, Stenagni Typewritiug. Peumfan *Business Law, Adverlfi acourse ets ltat undreds in-200 ns last sîng. 0f Unusual Morit, Known and Pralseci the WOrld Over, la Dr. ChaeWe Kklney.. LIver Pile. HavIng a direct and*cornblned action on both the kidneys and liver, Dr. Chase'. Kidney-Liver Pilla are the mnost valuable as a famlly medIine, and positlvely cures constipation. andl ail forma of stomnach trouble, Mr. John WIhuto, 72 First avenue, Ot- tawa, writes:-- Il usel Dr. Ohasea Xldney-Llver Pis for deranged liver and pains ln the Lack, wlth excellent resuits. "My wlfe iileoI themn for stomAch trouble, and pains -ibout the heart, and la entIrely cured. They are Invaluable as a !amally medicine." Score- of hundrede of familiç.s vwuld Ilot think of being wlthout Dr. Chasei Kidney-Liver Pis ln the house. They are pureiy vegetable In composition and remarkably prompt and effective ln action. One pili a dose, 25 cents a box, e.t ail dealers, or Edmanson, Batesý and Co., Toronto.. DONT IMIISS IT. "The World on the Move," 11ev. Jal. W. Pedley's lecture in Trinitv church on Tuesday evening Out. 23. Postponed from the l6th. Admission 15c. Watch the date of Liberal meeting in your section and attend. MARRIED. Ooorsa-'JorcE-ln Toronto, Oct. P0, in Bloor Street Baptist charcli, by Rev. CJharles A. Eaton. Mr. Charles M. Cooper, B3owmanvlle, and Miss Caroline V. M. J oyce of Toronto, ward of H. P. D wi ghlt, Prïsident of the Great North Western Telegrapli Company. FÛRIT KEENAN-At St. Bapil's churcli, Tor- onto, Oct. 10, by Rey. Fathet Bre nnan, Edward L. Fortt of the Ontario Bank, Toronto, and Rose M. Keenan, daughter of the late Thomas Keenani, Esq., Lindsay. TILLEîY-PIIULP-At Widelletd, Wllcox St., Toronto, Ct. 10, by Rev. John Potts, D, D., Albert S. Tilley, M. D., Boiwmanvilie, and Ameha Caroline, yonngest daughter of Mr. Richard Philp, Toronto. PRIcB-SALTER-In Hampton, Oct. 10> by Rev. E. E. Howard, Blackstock, Mr. Wm. W. Price, Toronto, and Miss horena, daugliter of Mr. JesseSalter, Hampton, Beeause il is madeofaittc best mutenial sud by lte mosl skilfni workmen, aud because il posseases featunes wiicina aliter range eau passeas. Ttc adjusl- able damper ne gulules lte draft as perioclly as a valve daca a steam englue. Ttc connugatedi veutlialed aveu insures perfect baking sud lte transparent oven door shlows an inspection ai bukiug, wilhout lassaai test te lte aveu. Il bas a deep angulan fine sud lte original duplex grate, witich separates te ashes fnom ltefine wittonl dustoanwaste, Ailthese peints accunut for lte supcniorily of lte HAPPY THOUGIIT. DUSTAN & HOAR. SBOWMAN'3LLE. Now Opens Fail Term in the: CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, TORONTO Rot.gEter anytMime, Ten Teacbers, Sixty Troc- wrîtigMaies, Uoexceiled Faltiesfor asistinggrduttepositions. Write for Calendar. W. H. SHAW, Principal. Yonge & Gerrard $tg.,, Toronto. Must be sold ta macke room for winter goorb. O te Câatham Wag- c'on' 1 Palmerston Buggy, 1 set of 81Àlce tooth H-arrows, 2 Corn Shel- We have a few lunes of Papers we are selling at REDUCED PIRICES to0 make room for New Stock, samples of which w e r e shown at the Fair, If you want sornethng good at reduced price corne IHigh Class. . Grcre, M n CAWKER& TAIT invite ail to make the ~3storetheir home when in town. Our stock is first class, bought in the best Smarkets for spot cash, therefore enabling us to Eseil at prices that defy competition. Don't overlook the fact that we sellurockeryi SIn that department, (Second Storey,) you wil ind the most complete and up-to-date stock in SWest Durham. j ash paîd f ôr Butter and EggS., a-CAWKER & TAIT. 3z @A ~Ladiîe 'Coatsf1 j SW. MJXSON & SON 3- Invite you to cali and inspect Stheir grand display of Select, Stylish SCoats for Ladies' and Children's wear. Al new this season. te-Dou't fail to soe our window dis- -:r play. S.W.ClYasoil & SOlla1 ,iNext door to Standard Bank, Bowmanville. THOUGHI ALWRY8 PREFERED TO 1INY OTHER RANGE ?î~ NOTICE TO P AY. Ail pensons indebted ta me ion mum- ber, stingles or plîsiug are requcsted tla ean sd setîle Ilim acounîs as soon as passible 1 do ual wishtola luur casîs, but uulcss some aceounts are settlcd vcnv soon, I must baudtem aven for collection.

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