BRITISHI WERE AMBUSHEB. Enensy's Suceess at Kaapmuiden Beported by Lord Roberts. A Sempatcli Item bondon says;- Iu a Sespatcli to the War Office froua Pretoria, under yacterday's date, Lord Robertes seys;-"Dýelisla's mount- eS iufantmy engageS De WVs force for three Soya eat Reitzb"mg. Ha drove the -Beers north oI tisa Val, near Veuterskroom. "De Wat ham b&eau spaking fraaiy of late, asauring 'tise burghBrs that the Enropean powers wouid stop tb- war by Ot. 10. ThuLrsdziy was the an- uivarsary of the ultimatum, to-day le Ixtuger's irtéhday, and tr nî-uorrow' it aililie a year durce.tise lirst shot nos, lireS. Thse Boers bave bean l- terested lu tb;ese datas, beloving tbat something would intarvene to anS the nar Lu their -favour. I trust that they 05v reahize that lheir ex- pectatîctis 'are futile. 'Au n ofortunate acclident occurred yesterday et KaapmtiSden, caing t aa train upseiting on the division over lKaap river. Tbree man vre kilied anS fifteen injureS. Au angine conveyihg tare Royal lilginear afficars euSaigis- -tean mati frointe Velakfontein, gar- ristîn proceeded ta ascertain tie na- ture ,),fb damoges. Tisa Boers aera lying iii wait for 'the party, anS open- eS lire. Ounisariug ol the attack, Capt. Stewart euS forty*man aI thea 11111 Brigade want î.o tise support of tisa engineers. "Stewart end oua private was- kiihed, two officers anS fiva men ware saveraly wouded, anS ana alficer and' ter men ware made prisoners." inurougotara. Wnat is more TAMPEREB WITII M'IRES. impîortant than the naine is the fact that the street wil ha ane of the fln- Systematie Deceptio-a Praetleed on est in bondon anS quick transit there- Boer Generaîs. an will ha facilitataSd by two street A despatois froua London, sa ys;-raly acs bAnather very important work te iu The reloia orrape dentoft progresse in Landon i.e., the laying of Daily Mail seudS thv' fellowiug, inter- miles aI tubes cantaiuiug telephone eerig dspath ;"Ero anEu!hah vire, anS cables. About a thousand telegraphist, wbo was cotrailer men are nasa'engageSd in thie work. csf thLngs for tbe Transvaal, 1isbepo ytmi agvr en learu that teewsssen Thi eehuessenl egvrmn affal' and thse work is being doue by temparin.g with ail talegrems the) post office departinent. Wbeu daring thse war lu ardar to mis- Ladubsba upISwt aeu repraseut operalions in favor af thea iment telaphanas the eystem ie ta ha Boette. Ha saye that Mr. Kruger was eedd ats cutyTeps constautly, wiring ta the commande5rs officedprian a otri i h inquiries as ta how maîîy of the Boers telegraplhs anS the intention is ta bcd beau killeS, anS that Cen. Cronje, have, al the talePhones cantralled by these ame Sapartineut. after the figlit at Magersfontain, wîr-i ed1 Mr. Kruger that be baSl countedi many thousaud British SeaS on the! It seeains ta ha. the ganaral undar- battiefiald. standing that Lard Curzon, Vbceroy Early lu the campaigri Commandl- ef Iodl7a Sesres to retira bafore the eut-tien. Joubert appealed to Mr. expiration aif-his tarn. of office bja- Kruger to stop thse Boers' loatiug, but' cause Osf the 111 affects of theclimate ha receivad an repy. Later ou ha wir- ai India upon ie owu anS Lad y Cur- ed froua Colanso, 'advisiug thse Preel- zou s hIaath.- This wil ha ganerally dent to sua for peaca. Mr. Kruger re- regretteS, becausa Lord Curzon bas plied, " Hava you lost ail faith lu GoS?" made a now record bu Tudia. As Mvr. "On another, Occasion, avhen the' Curzon, ha rosa very repidly lu poli- Boers ware suffariug cavera reverses, ftieal affaire lu Engiand anS gainaS' Mr. Krugar wired to ail thse ganerals a reputatian for a wida knowiedge af that 10,000 men ware coming ta thair foraigu affaire anS particniarly cf assistance frora the Cape." Indien matters. Lord- Macaulay LI-HUNG-CHANG PROTESTS Does Not Want tise Court Remioved to Singan-fu. sys of EdmunS Burke that, thougis ha navet viisiteS India, heha baSobtain- aSd agracier knowiadge aI its affaira tbau many men who badS peut thair lives there. This remark a'ould ap- piy ta- Mr. Curzon previous ta hie A daspiateis froua Shanghai,says: appointm.nt. Lord Curzou's caea as 1Li-Hnng-Cbang, Vhceray bLiu-Kua- beau aun unusuai ouae froua tise start. Vyii, of Nankin. ana.otf the pace couIn utise first plaýce, bis ýappelinauet -------- 0 - miesianers, and Yuiau-Shih-Kai, the was n distinct innovation lu daepart- TO AIB BOER PRISONERS. Gavarnor of Shantung, have tala- mental procedtîme, for it was flot un- graçised a proteet ta tisa Emperor anS: tii tisapost baS beou oîlared Lu valu Imperlal Government Now Cônsid- Dosaager Empreas againet tise emoval to thr'ee pPears, wba kuaw littia or no- ering a Plan. of tise court tu Singan-lua. Tbey say laung ofI Rdia ot OI ils needas, that thie A Ssptch froua Cape Townecs: iis. aun aili block lise peace 4overumeut vise drircu tu tiseunu- Panliament will adjourunaxt Mouday. .ngattiatis, anS loacStu hostile de- isual axpa.diant -of offaring it teaa monsrataitshy he alie lutise man not at tisai fume of titibth Tise freason tnribunale xvilihe convan- m-. . --------ythie alies n - -, but 1 ETS ORESROTE.Notes and omns London, the world's metropolis is being rapidiy changeS and modernized The Boer General, However, Again Managed to by tbat powerful and energetic body the London County Council. In old Get Away-Had Located ln the Vrede- days, wben the goveruiment of Lon- Son svas divided among a number of fortMou tain-sin C pe oloy. maîl badies, each haviug jurisdiction over a limited area but littia could bc A despatch from London, Wednes-, onghiy demuralized." The fighting doue toward beantifying and moder- day says;-Despatohesf froa Sontb lias been geing on for threa, days in nizing Landau in a large way. Now, Africa Say that Qeneral De Wet, witb the mounitains near Vredefort. bsaw'ver, the London Caunty Council 1,000 men anS five guns, bas been Thie despatches say that De. Wet's rules municipally over the whale great figbring wltb the Colonial division men were Sislodged froua their matropolis, aud it bas already inaugur- and the moiuuted men, under Colonel strongbýoid, and are fleaing in various ated works looking ta tbe improve- Deelwib recently left Pretoria direction&. ment of the City as a wvbole. Fleet with twQ borses eacb anid double The Boer loisses are not given. streaet is baing widened and rebut, tearas for the gous, for the avowed! The British casualties are saiS ta w bila the S trand bas been considerably PurPosle Of captiaing the Boer gen- have been very sligbht.1 wideued at dîfferent points and the erai. Ha b-as ne-t been captured, but A despatch froua Maseru sys that j ark is stili in progrees. Perbaps the It s dclaed asit asoftu hen100 Boe have entered Ficksiburg, mnost important undertaking in regard bedore, thiat bis comman*d is "thor-rot the p olic bîre, lofadurs to street improvements is the opening tbe aautian borer.of an avenuce, oue-bundred feet wide poll In S batwýeen HaIoborn andl the Strand. f~t 1~~ To get froua one of these ITLAh- N; great( parallel arteries of rf EA I) ON i, ifie to tbe other is at present -difficult, as a number of email streets How the Ohlef Boxers Will be Punished by the'running at various angles must lie traversed. Tbe uew street wil crossa Emipress-Four of the Leaders Will part of the cityrmade famous b3 Be Beheaded. ary people as Dickens land. Tbe marcb ofiimprovement will swep away the AikdesPateli frrsm Pekin, via Tien- enmenü, and that Prince Titan Win 1o1lsi roctures made famous by Li kaes Tebu and hlai, says;--A re- Ihae te the Imparial mul u r ono u h u illg4 spasetath German demands bas tary post roads on tb..- Siberian fron- tebeei l1triberad 1ie beaun transmitted to Li-Huugi,-Chang. lier as a furtbor punishinent fer aid- streets, more air anS ligb<t and better transit facilities. No naine bas yet been This says that Ying-Nian, presideut ibp th.a Boxers.gieteuwsretaSvioss- û 1f the censrate: leng-Yi, assisti ant 'lrustwcruhy Chinese reports Say ge itio n a Sre tade One is t i h Grand Secretary and President of the that Élie Dowager Emnpresle serions- eio'sarmd.Oni tti e Civil Board; and Chiao-Sbu-Chiao, ly iii at lai-Yuan-Fiu, Province of cailed Dickens Avenue, because of the President of the Board of Pun!shment, Shansi, anS thenfrea baud og the Em- ascain ftegetnvle.T wil bcdecpittedandtha Prncemany, bowever, the naine le ont llfl wiliha ecapratd an tbt Prncepgver in affairs of stete of laie is poigaogi udSlsuyAeu Cbwang, Duke Tsai-Lan, and Prince regardeS as confirmnatory of Lhese ra- is proposed as a balance to Poseberry Yib will ha seitenced te lifa iruptis- . orts. Avenue, anothar large and recantly would leaS ta proteste froru afl thase resident alang t hat streans. The latest reports are, howevar, th----the addien Of tha flow froua the canal bas béen an impravament; keepinu up ibe- levai ofithe, river in' summar and Seing away ,vih, the sitencb wbicb usualiy arase froua ihe exposai flats Ln August. [Tha condition of affaire fiu and about Ciai bas beerÉ great- ]Y improved auS it would thius 'ap par thlat the tew'ns below Chicago are not geing to suffair, but rather the re- voesa. Ou the other baud tîbe ex- Pected lowarbung of lake levais hitsot foilowad the opeuing of the cani,I and it wrauid hus app8ar,Ëbat this,E ana of the greatest engineering feats of the century, whereby theý waters of Lake- Michgau flowt th.oogb the Mississippi inrto the, Cuit of Mexico, will hava a wholiy benefi- cial affect lu the tbickly populatai district tbrougb wbicb the canal iuns. The wonders; of wireless telagr apby1 grow apace. Ibree years aga iWvar-1 cani and bis ass istants were ouly abie1 to telegraph a distance of niue Miles, naw the recagid test les ixty- fiva miles, fram Portsmouth ta Plymouth, Englaud, îitb a large promontory intervening. 1lhlui- ventors say they will soon telegraph una hundrad anS fifty miles. L'irty- twa warships of thietBritish fleet will ha fitted with the apparat us. l&s time goes on it beoomes more anS more evidebt tilat f rci a pacuniary point of viaw the Paris Exhibition uvîll lia, a býuge failure. The management issuad eixty-five million tickets lu the expectationi of ail or neeariy all beiug used, but up ta the euS of August a bo ut fif ty million tickets remained lu thia bads of the original epeculators wh; h bhought thein ujÉ at haif their face valua trani the management on the axpectatIon of large profits. Tbe facE 'value of a ticket is ana franc <19ý cents) but t.ey en aucpurched for 8 canats apiece and lu quandias a f one bundrad for very mauch less. The at- tendance bas neyer beau auytbing like what wac expected. The reasons as- signeSd for thie failure ara numarous but chiefly ta fauirs of muanagement. The first mitake svas the opeuing of th4e Exhibition lu April asheu the management kuew it woild not hae ready for sigbtaears until June as mauy 0f the exhibits ware niot lu place tili that time. Another serious mis- take, was tha placing of tha electrical exhibît lu an'otb-er part of the city and Idemauding another fare for admission. This part of the exhibition waseaven later in getting luto shape than tha generai part. 4eI ï,d ta this was tha policy of baving veriy few free enter- telumants on the grounds. On al bauds abjects. of iuterest anS iffereut forme et entertaininent were placeS off lu "sidejshows" the prices of admis- sion' ta wbicb were exhorbitant. Sucb large prlc's werae hir,,er'e rasiurau- tare and others for prîvileges that their termes lu conceiuenca were mucli higher than exlpecteýd. The officiai aunotincement of tise elevation of Lord Roberts ta the post of Commander-in-Chief of the British A£my camne ou hiks birtbday, wbila ha was stili engageS lu the work of the oampaigu in South Africa. ýIt i8 neeS- less to say the appointmeut will ha popular as Lord Roberts la regardeS ae the foremost soýidierÉ Britain lbas baS probabiy for, a generation, The record of hie tisa loi the Army is as foilows: Lord Robert.s, oI Kaudahar anS Wa- terfaowd was horu at Cawnpore, Indie, Sept. 30, 1832, of Ir;sh parents, hie fâther beiug Gen. Cir Abraham Roba- eart.-Ha was educated et Eton,SanS- huret and SSs"nme lee joinedftie Beugal Artiilery lu 1851 as Second Lieutenant, andwaas pranrotad as fol- 5 STRÂTIICONÂAKELLE SURiROUNDED TIIEY REFUSED TL SU RIENDER. kEaehlei Tir Boear,-, Bt time lilI' Pii'ly IVere EveliîiîEa.Iy lIUdýlRed 'Wli11 A despatoli Iroin bondon, says:-A special despatoli Iroin bydenburg says: -"A Boar prisoner tells the story of the avay lunsyhicli a patrol oI five troopers of Streihoaîs Horsýe, under Sergeant Brothers, met Seaab. Tt ap- peacstehat tbey avare suddeniy sur- roundad by a et rang force of Boers. TheCanadiens indignianbiy refuse-d to surrerîder,-anS a murderous-fIra was exchanged et short range, until av- ery înan lu, the party was riddied with builets, but flot belote eaci Canadian baS aceounted for tismeesBoers. Sir iRedvers Ruiler, whbile paceiug through 3Macbcdodorp, anS bidding Iareavell to tise troope, saiS ha chauld ha greatly pleused to fell Lord Strath- roua of thea magnîticent w'ark of his GENERALRSIGPAND Boxer Outbreak Similar, to That Which Occurred in the North.. A despatch from Hlong Kong, says -d 1ynasty and restore th Chinese, as Lt is said that' the authorities here they beivethis is the only way of have received information that a estabuin peace in tha kingdom." genralrisng n he outernpro -London, Thurdy Oct. 11, 4.50 a.m.- generl riiug n th souhernpro- 1?b Standard, commenting editori- ,inces bas been planned for the month a]ly upion the attitude of the United of November. States 3aîis:-Every dissent, ee The, wbereabouts o4 th, rebelis in the oin minor points, from thie,;uggestions Hlinterland is not known, bot is belier- of the pow ers is unfortunate. as it ed'to be ten miles north of the British ieads to fresh correspondeuce and to bordiers. 'Ai deta-chi-ment of 1,000 Chi- furtber deIay. We can only hope that riese troops took up a position at San wshen Lord Salisbury le free tio turn Chung yesterday and 1,000 more arriv- Jais attention to China he will fiud adî there to-d-ay. sorne middle course thlat will secure Ten thousand more troops from the support of ail the powers,." India haaebieo reouisitioned for Hong The Shanghiai correspondant of the Kong. The ldtLh Baengal Lancers and Morning PosL, wiring Tuesday, says; the Hong Kong Regiment have beau -"The Taotai of Shanxghai and the recalleS fromn the north to Jlonig Kong. Vicaroy of Nankin have protesteid The present indicat ions are that there against a deraonstration by foreign will bcea Boxer rising similar to ithat troýopsý." ahioh bas occurred in uortb China. IShanghai specials say that the "A considarabie_ body of- rebels, p.rin- real reason for tbe suspension of Yu- cipelly Triads, are in the Kowloon Elrien, Governor of the Province of hinterland, anS it is liievad tliaY Oc- Shansi, w as the Siscovery that' bis cupy two positions tan miles nortb 0f ,uîpposed army of 50,000 uumbered the British border. Oue thousaud Chii- only 40,000. oese troopýs f rom the B;ogue forts have A dacpatch from Shangbai, says: arriveS at Sam-Chýun, anS anol ber: Sdîng, the Taoai, bas receivad a tale- thousand from. Canton are marching J gam fro#n Gen. Su reporting that a to thle disturbed disrict.ý It i5ssrious reliellion bas broken ont lu ruouted îha., iighting bis ûccurred the, soutb-xxesteru part of Kwaugsi land t:hat the Chiuaeiï Imperial troops province, that his 3O,0ý00 troops are ln- bave beau defeated by the rebe!is, adequate, anS ha ueeds at least 1O00,000 wlio are marching towards the siouthb to cope with tbe danger, which is and hava,1'ooted caverai villages. It directeS againýst tbe Mauchus, anS is also reported that the object of the threatenýs to become worse than tbe Triads is to overturn tuae Manchu Taiping rebellion. Even whaerea womau remaine eîugl6 and bas to aeria lier owa, living, sise CONTROL 0F RAILWAYS.. e flot troubiad ta the saine exteut; M-i she les less amabitious, le satisfiad wltb Russians Said to Be in Complete a littiand that littie le eamrned with Possession. imore ease. A daspýauci frein bondon says-IisTe Anathor thiug ta hae borne iu mid EngieJactttesîîondente lu China are le that by nature woman le înteudad again agitai aS coucerniog tise coni rei for housebold SdutEs, anS, flierefore, of tise railavays anS axe danounclua çjeain doiug wark whici sehe likes; if an arrangement, wavîh i aiso serai- sbe doe n ot actually taise pleesure îîfficialiy eninooinced in Berlin, h1 fin if, at iaast ih dues nat aunoy ner. svfich tisa Iuasians have charge of thse But with is an it veiry lraquantiy rîttroads froira Tien-Tain to -ibanhaik- happeiis that tise occupation, as nof wan anS Tien-Tain to yiangtsung, the crna which would bave beau salect- asbile the Cermaus control thse lin" ha- ed baS there beau auýy option; bhiu- taseen Xangtsung euS Pekin. Tiesa ndodfImen are engageS lu wark 'imes' Pekin correspondent Seciares whicb thay dislika, but axa fairceS hy Ithat thisinova s rnikingîy improves thee rircumastaucen to continue lu tisat Position of Russba, anS is a detrrmu particular lina, Womien might take te i be Britiss' ho ar'exiliing and thî,,i2 witisrmes igna tion 4-at men f r e ala 1 undertake at once b e rester- and fumae, andS o wear theniselves out aotion aI tise reade anS taork camore quiückiy. Wliy Women Live Longcre Than Men* The facf that tise palcuhatad lan.gth of ile Ls greatar for woman than for men le ana which, most probably,,bas been noticed by camparatively few people, yet it le borne out by statle- tics. iv Wbnt le the reason of this diffaýr- ence? Pbysieiana -do not crtdit the fair sax with superior vitaity. We usualiy regard a worman as a being tsf finar susceptibilitias and aggrega- flofaInarves, anS fluer natures gen-, eÀrally waar ouf mare quickly than, the raugher anas, Iu short, waman are the "weaker" vessais,, anS as Kucb t.hay shouid u abisu s long. Man, wbo leade a frear 111e anS goee ine for atistatics tao a fat greater axtent, ougist to ouflive womn by many yaare, yef lie succumbs soaner thau shie. One reasan cammauhy assigneS for the differance le lIant sa nany are an- gaged lu -uniheaî occupations. That le f ruýe; but thýose who advcuca tii reanu orgef that niumiers af wameu are amphoyad in professions or b'us-- nae in which tbey rmn very greut riiss. Thînis of the woenu, youaig and mniddi-e-aged, wha are acting ad nurses, attaudiug on patientesciel fer- ing Iroin inlectious or contagions dis- cases. Even La tha hauseisald ift is e woman who attende ta the sicis mai- bars of tise family. AnS the womao workars at injurions trades are to ha counteà by thouýsande. The usuel probable causes aIof nn' Long-evity araetise ragulamity of ber 111e and ber nate ceaýrfulus. They are paotent factors lu existence, but they are olten mest sight of by the sûmougar sax. Womeu are apt fa cati thabrIlvea raonofonous rather than regular, but wbaflior tis is Is 50 r not, if le this aaameniess which serves ta hengtben tisa datation af their existence. More so then amen, they bave tiese ame duties ta perlorua day hy Soy. They tise et the saine turne, hava tiseir mneais et abateal inforvais, supernutand thim or Ihat houasalolS Snty on given dayse and retire ta reet et about tisa saine hour. Thay 'bave bhiair wories-tbê oblîdran feu iii or tha servante givt troubla-but these ara liglit camper- aSd with the anxiatias ta wbicis men are subjer-f. Meni, aithar thtaugb necssty or neglect, Sa not maintain the sàe regubarity bnuthe tirqes aI rieing, eat- ing and retiring. They are mare glîvan ta pleasure that takas thein uf of the groave4 anS as il le upon thiýn that flus.tha raspionsibility aI keep- iug the hanse togetuer ay praviding the uacassary .linauciai resources, they'-ar-eubjectad 10 business wogr- ries and troubles af wisich thair part' nets kuaw littie or nothinz. 1 4 I 't the l2tb of .1unae, 1899, anS proceeded fartber nortis euy mcni bas beau knowu to Sa before.IH a scswitb- ln 241 miles of tue pole ,sheîî ha turn- aS Iback. S',ansen feil short of tbat mark by 19 mailes. flhe expedition sufferaS mauy hardehipe aud three of the Party pencshaS. 111 account wbh,bcb wîîl be out lu, a few avaaks le awaited with aagerîiaae. Wltli bis raturu ihe ruineire rvivaS that be le a totb he bushand of thse yanng Quee of HaoIlan. 48 0,000 POUt BS 0F POWBER Susslaus Aiso Capture From Chinese 144 'Gunse 26 Ilags. A Sespatch froua Moscoav, soya -lIt bas beenau acertainad ibat duriug tisa moutis of J1uly anS ku'gust the Rus- sians captnred 144 Chinaesa gune,. 26 flÎags. and 180,000 pounds of gunpandar. NEW CAS AND BELL BIJOYS. Remarkahly affective as an aid ta navigation is a gas buoy w hicb at the came fuma la a bell buroy. It is lik ely to play au important part lu the pro- tection of the cbipping as weal as ha- ing s most important factor in in- creasing anS devaboping commerce. This leso becs use tisrougb ihe pro- par use oI thase buoys a harbor could ha made navigable ai any liaur, et Iom, tiSe as wall as whe-anthea tiSe le full, whiie fogs anS tbick sud stormy waathar woild n longer ha a bar ta chipe of ail tannage. The height nI the buoy over al is eigbteen feet. Froin the avatar lina ta thse focal planaIt, measuras tan feet six luches, and the diamater of the body nI the buoy is sacen feet, tise- total veght baing 6,860 peunda, Tise body of thaeliuoy f rins the ra- ceivar for the cempresd gas, anS îe Sf eufficien , 'S a, otg 'vaP ope r Iaioy - ancy for Ilotation anS of adi qate strengtb ta safaly held a pressura of