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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1900, p. 8

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lii As Go-Cart. As Carniage. H ave you seen our Go-carts and, Carrnages; if 'not cail and see them. This cnt shows cembinatien Go-cart and Baby Carniage. It fils ail requiruments and is takingïthe place of othurs. We have other Unes of Carniages besides Furniture . 9.e. Our store is fual of ail the newest goods, toether with the regular lines fnom the ceaper te the btter goods. UNDERTAKING complete and evury attention given. Night bell on side of door answered auy heur of the night. L e M L'. , BO0WMANVILLFi. 'NOT LIKE MOTIIER MADE" 1BUT J BETTER Z ONES- BEOAUS TIllE IMPERIAL OXI e~ Is superoe te any kitehen cook st( -~ If yeni care te sue then FOR SALE BY Mason qS F. Roger The Gurney Fou ndry Co., Limited, TORD RANGE ;ove available in "mother's time"l ,m cail at 'our agents.* SDale, BOWMANVILL. rs,ENSILEj d, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver. ORMN OF TRADE MARKS STnde marks were used as f ar back as tl>.x6&h Century. Iftey orginated frein-the signs that, li t.he ..ity ages, were hung over the shops telflng of the wares inside. To-day the seives, trade mark is branded on the goods them- eIeenablilag the purchaser te identify the good from ath bad and indifferent. OnaSiater Shee the namu and prce appear on the Ssole >in a siate frame, $3.50 and $5.oo. Every pair Goodyear weted. JOHN HEU LLYAR, Sole Local, Agent.' ~~ ~ h m etUrn n sopey, m d oso. i prc orl igly sre l Ar Pei. llrorrai abr da ~ - mo r mae id mio 1de lani l --1 t.iphte, Piroicc aw i aincih ,erC euttl' tcn ànutok "Il 'Fr eo1,0 I. 00e Tile ic I r i ý% ad -we w ii..outhe j sciirgu a poil. o teni, re.n thre oee, iid 'e loîwar.i .'~r Umfl re or eyry charge (UirîIN coi&i'A(Y, PaX A2 eeiCanatda. B3OWMAN'VILLE, OCT. 17, 1900. NEW HAVEN. Visitors:-Mrs. Phipps and son Frank Toronto, aI Me. W. Jennings; Mrs. Andrews, Syracuse, N. Y,, at Me. Walter Ok's Miss Sîuweel, Cavan, at Me. Thomnas VanCamp'F; Miss Eva Mathews, towu, at Mr. Walter H. Folcy's; Mes. Walter Oku at Port Peery; Mes. I. Power wih friends li. Cart- wrigt; Miss Mand Lucas in town, Mes John Clark in Chicago. . .. Rev. W. J. Jollîffeolias been making pastoral calîs here accompanicd by Mr, Rd, FosterP. N EWCASTLE. Visitors : Me. Preston and Miss Mag- glu 'lait, Bowmaýuviiie ; Miss Kaleîrson, Hampton, gucut off heaunalMes. S. W. Moore,; Misses Mleda and Eva Couci andi Annie Douglas, at Newtouville ... Mr. Allan Wilmot, Toronto; Rev,H. T. Lewis, lNcwtonvilie, preacied -very ac- cuctabiy lu the Mthodist churcli Suc- dav moruing. Rer,- Mr. Edmison preached anniveesary sermons aI Shilol ....Miss Amy Coulson was tlirowu from ber carniage Saîurday cvening striking againat a truc. Sic susîained a severe wound ha the ioad and ha otierwise badiy iruised but no serions injuries are antiipated. HAMPTON. Viaiora: Chias. Tecick, Esq., Cobourg, guest cf lia aged friund llinry Eliiott, Esq ; Mr. and Mes. G. Neai, Pickering, at Me. Wm. Alin's ; Miss Jennie Me- Lean, Bowmanviile, ai Me. J. Coles; .Miss Eva Clatworîly, yisiting frienda in1 Fenelon; Mr. C. J. Kersiake and Mis BIla r yderman, witl friendsata Zion, Hope, i'ecently; Misses Lena and Elsie Moore bave ruturnud feom Windsor; Mr. and Mes. T. J. Carke. spent Sun- day wiîh frieudsatahNcwcastle .. .. Whhlu tireshing ah Me. G. Ham's Mondar week, Mr. Ed. Moore feul from tle stack striking on bis head rendering- hirn uneenscious f )r some heurs, and is still almost entiruly helpicas. Tic Sunday uvening service waa conductud bylthe members of, tic E. L. C. E.. Tic aLn-;al E IL. C. E. Tianksgiving social and entcrtainment will bu icid as usual thia year, Thanksgiring day, Oct. 181h. An înteresting. program ia bing rp Re.Rfrusbments will bu scrvcd. Eve yodycre and have a geed lime. Admission only 15e and 10e -Adrt .. Dr, Eiliott's lttera are rcad with great intureat by lis numerous acquaintances. Yen bave rcad ufthle cures by Hood's Sarsaarla, and yen should bave per- fect=cnience la ils merit, It wili do yen good. SOLINA Mr. W. N. Pascue lad a surcessful busking be... . Me, and Mes. A. W. Noden, Toronto, visited fricada icre afle au absence off aine years. Hu la now an elevator builder and contracter. ..Mrs. W. Werry and Mes. John Van Neat visiîed thiir faîbur, Mr. Jeu. Beay, Enfield, who was vury ili but is btter. ...The sale off Messes. Daniel and Levi Arnet was spiendidiy attendud and rices rulud higli... . Misa Lulia Hogarh las ieturaed from.-Detroit af ter an absence cf six weeks, and Miss Annie Hogarth from Tor~onto and Scarboro. .Our Division is flouriahiug, initiations ncarly crury meeting. Rer. Bru. H. Thonmas will zive an account off ils trip te England and Scotland thua Friday nigît 11What I heard and saw un îte temperancu question"... Ms. John VaîNest bas iad a succesaful rag be recenl.... Me. S Slortridge sustain-d a sight injury by fAiliug fmcm an apple truc ... .Me. Wm. Baker las not been su weIl off iate .. .. Me. John VanNest bast a lorsa lasi week... Ms. D. Hogarthi visited ah Me R. B. MitcIell's, Zion. . .. The Misses RcynoldsBowman- ville, visited at Me. Jne. Reçuolds; Me. Ells Pascue, Enflcld, at Mr.T. Pascou's 'YOUHEED TuHE KIND That 'Has Given New Life To Otb.ers. Paine&sCelery Comnpound The Only Banîsher of Disoase. -Give Him an Inch, He'I1 Take an Let the smattest microbe gain todgrnent in your b-ody and your 'whote systern 'wilt be dseased. The rmicrobe ès microscopie. But the gerrns becomte inches and then et/s of Pain. Uood's S.àrsapar.Z/a destroys the mnicrobe, pret'ents the Pain, Purifies the b1ood andj effects a perrr.anent cure. Run Down-"I had se'vere head- aches andi my constitution 'uas general run doýwn. Had read about Hoods Sar- sapanit/a, tried i, and af er asing fava boiles 'was entirety cired." <ciss ~Maiy Flannigain, M~anning Â've., roronto. Ont. Y eOKSTeCHý Mr. fi.F.Hunter, Barrister, bas open- ed a Brandi Law Office in Blackst6ck which be wiIl personally attend the first Mo nday ,of cach month, Until other arrangements are made Mr. Hunter will have his Blackstock Office at Frank ilawkin's Hotel. 37 tf Ail dib-orders caused by a bilious state of the sy6tem can be'eured by using Cartur's Littie Liver Pis. -No pain, griping or discomfoi:t attending their use. Try tbem. Mrs. D. MeAlister is quite poorly.. *.Sacrament of the Lords Supper was dispunsud lu Presbyterian cburch Sun- day vwee,.... Mrs, Wm. HaIlowell, 5th Ue, is rucovering from illness.. . . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carson visitcd Nlr. T. J. Carscaddon, Manvers.. .. Mr. Lycett, New castle, bas rented the White farm near towu uine in Hope.... Mrs. Albert Cha pman, Kirby,and Miss Nettie Lorri- man, Toronto, visited at Mr- John Stewart's. The D. & L. Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil may bu taken with mest benefiia results by those who are run down or suffering from afte effeets of la grippe. Made by Davis & Lawrence Co Ltd. Miss Clara Pollard extertained a party of ber young friends at lier father's resicence, Mr. Geo. Pollard, Friday evening weuk in houer of he eousin, Miss Courtmwight.Penn.,Mr. W. Stinson lias had a nuw woodhouse eructed. . .. The Misses Colville bave lost their driver huom lock-jaw... Mr. Lew Chapple lias gone te A nn Aebuur, Mich. tu study law .. .. Messrs. W.Stinsor and J. A. J eromej attended Millbrook Fair. Frem ail over Canada corne letters tulling us of the great benefits derived feom the use of the D. & L. Menthol Plasters lu cases of neuralgia, rheuma. tism, lame back, etc. Davis and Law- rence Co., Ltd., manufacturers, ENFIELD. Visitors: Messrs. Humer and Edgar Hurlliut,-Owen Sound; Me. James and Mr. and Mes. A. Hogarth, Solina; Dr. James Bray and Dr. W. J. Bray, Tor- oàto; Mes. Spronle, Cannington; Me. and Mes. N. Hudson, Taunton, have mcved hure having engaged with Mr. J. E. Dyer for a year. . .. Me. Heubun ilurîbut, Owen Sound, intended spend ing the Winter wlth bis son, Mr . J. F. Hurîbut, whiie on the journey down lie was takea sick and died at Toronto. The interment took place at Myrtie Wednesday .. .. Me. Jonathan Bray is impruving from his recent severe illnuss, Croups, Coughs and Colds are al quickly cueed by Pyny-Pectoral. It lessens the ceugli almost instantly, and cures readily the most ebstinatp cold. Manufactueed by the pruprietors of Perey Davis' Pain Killer., MT. VERNON. Visitors: Mr. C. and Miss Bain, Tanin- ton, at Maplé Corners, Mr. C. W. Smith and Me. Luke, Wbiîby, at Mr. J. J. Smitb'st Mr. W. Annis, Ebenezcr, au Mr. E. Millson's; Misses Florence and Mar- jorie Annis-visiting their Grandma Hold- en, Witby; Miss Maudc Heddon at Port rPerry; Mrs. F. and Mrs. H Rogers, En- niskullen, at Mr. C. Rogers'; Mr. McTag- g art and Miss Katrina Argue at Mr. L. eradley's, Enfield; Miss Carnîe Heddon is home from the West .... Miss Myrtie M ilison is very iii with bilions fever.... Mr. Arthur M illson bas returned to Mon- treal to resume duty on the C. P. R, ... Mr. John Pascoc is nnrsing- a badli, spraine ot ig time at Sln i ision Friday night. ORONO. (Conbdensedfro7h the News.) Mels, A. R. Gpmsbv ha visitinoe friends -- in Millbrook. . .. Me, J. W. Odll, Ce- Thc medicine tlîat las cured Vour bourg, was home Sunday wuek. . ... Rev friendsanad, neigibors-tie wonderfulI-H. T. Lewis and wif e, Scugog, were in medical prescription that bas tic appro tewn retiy ...-. :,iisa Tina Beer lias val off the ablest medical pracetîtionera retuiriued hume fromn an extendud visit -is surely tic lund that yen stand i in tie ......... Mes. (Dr.) Tueker and ueed off at the moment. childeen, are visiting ber fatier aI Beleville.._.. Me. W. and Miss T. Stan- Painc's Celury Compound la, to-day. t..n, EnnisKilletu, wcre guesha off Mr. A. the eniy agencyunder Heaven tiat eau Tambliinrecentlv.,.Dr.W.W.Andrus, save you if you arc suffring f rom rhcu- Mayor off Miles City, Mon , is visitiiug matisse. ieuralgia, liver complaint, lis moti)e md othêr friends .. .. Me. T. kiduey discase, d'rspepsia, nervousucas ClIapple, Billinga Mon., wras ltonn anid the troubles liaI arise hfrem poison- recentlv. ...Mr. James' Taylor, forty ud and foui biood. It cures tic shck as yuars a-go a compositur on'tic Orono aurely as nigît follotra day. Sun, publisbud by Ebenezer TIerce, iu Tic extunded reputation that Paiue's the resideuce nuw uccupiud by Mr. Len Clery Compound lias won as a ife Gamsby, was ia tewn lasI w( uk. Mr. saver lias induccd unsmcrupiuieus men to Ed. Botiriall,Bowmanvîile,was "dcvii" foul worthless initiations on the public, ah tle lime ..,.Dr, Neil Colville intends Many people are daily duccived by th1cm practising medîcine in our village .... miserable frauds. Tie annivesary services ha connedlion if Vou bave dccidud te use Painu'a witb St. Saviour's churcb, wiii be heldl Celey Compound, sec that thienamne Oct. 141h and 15h .... NIr A. Tambîvu ',PAHjýE'S"' is on evcry irrapper and lias purcuhased an. ý'Ideal" Brantford botlle Ilat yon purchase. Wheu yen n indm.ill. . ... Mr. R1. C. McCullagh lias baye securcd tic genuine "Painu's " eeturncd b orne froxm Monîreal. Carke you bave the only mudicine that eau sized uip the political horoscope 'whiu effectuallv banisli your lond cf miseey there aýnd gives ilas lus opinion liat and suffeing, and give you a new, tIc Toies wont carry a single seat in vigerous and happy life. tlat Province. niaineoff bis wîfe, who died July 7th 1888, agud l 77 ears. Sortîr ater set- sINST1ANT ]RELEIF guaranteedby using MLUBIIIS'S STERLING HE&j>ACHE POWDEIIS, No depressinzafter-effeet. tITIS so pleasaflt that chiidren cry for if; but Wst death t b irms~ of ail kinds. Dit. LOW'SIWORM SyltUP. Price 25c, All dealers. TA CMCo. BOWMANVILLE' AUCTION SALES. WEDNESDAY, 0CT. 17th, Me. J. Dernpster will seil 18 mileli cowa, 40 stuers and ,heifers and 60) ewes on the premises cf Mr. Wm, Hendersea lot 8,1 con 2, Darlingteu. This is a lot off first- cl' animais and a rare chance for farmurs te iiuproe their stock. Sale at 1 p. m. L. A. W. ToLE, Auctioneer. THuRsDAY, OUTr,18-The farm stock, implements, etc., of John Penfound & Sou will bu sold by auction on lot 83, con. 2, Darlingten. It compris sorne thirty bead cf cattie and other live stock and a large quautity off implernnts. JAmEs BisHop, auction - uer. Se large bis. Sale commenc- es at 12 o'clock, This is a very large sale. MONDAY, OCT. 22,-Me. Thos. Ilowe, lot 20, con 6, Darlington, will seIl by auction tic wîole off bis farmi stock, implemeuts, etc. Sale at 1 o'clock. Se posters. L.A.XV.ToiE, anctioneer. THUBSDAY, 0cr. 25-John Barrett, lot 32, con. 2, Clarke, will suIl the whole of bis farmo stock, implernents, etc. Sale at 1 p. m. Seobis. L. A. W, ToLE,, auctioneur. -NESTLETON. Tic new Methodist church will bu epened and dudicated on Sunday and Monday Oct. 28 and '29. Service at 10. - Bo a.m., 283) and 7 p.m., Sunday. On Mouday a Fowl Supper wili bu seeved from 4 te 8 o'cloek, tien a big speech- iicatîin foliows. Preaciers and speak- ers are Rev. T.J.Edminson, B D,, Rev. S. C Piilp, Dr. W. T. Harrison and others. Go and enjoy a goed tirne. Tickets for suppur 25e and 15c. Se bills, ,1l A P AMILY NECESPTY-Mr, J. Wright off 126, MePherson avenue. Toronto. says:-"1 amn aiways glad te say a good word for Dr. Chaso's Syrup ef Linseed and Turpeutine. It lias heen lu use in eue famiily for twe years, and we bave neyer fouad it fail te cure cougis, colds and dhest troubles. It is eux regular stand by." Dr. Chasu's Syrup of Lin- seed and Turpentine la a f a-,ly neces- sitv lu tbe bouses of Canada and tIc United States. 25 cents a bettle, Fam- î1v size 60 cents. Mrs, J. J. Virtue lias beenvisiting lier mother Mes B. Sylvester, Lindsay.... Mr. O. L. B y rs lias been appointed Gen- eral Agent for the Frost Wire Fonce Co. at Welland andlias started off on his first trip for them ths weck .... Judge Benson w111 hold court for the revision of Votera' List lu Bycr's Hall here on Friday i9th at 20 a m .. .. Our popular teacher Me. W. J Stacey las been re-engaged for the fouth year here .. . .Mrs H. Rogers lias ,returned home after a pleasant summier's uuting in *Brighiton. THE ONLY HIOME 1PÂflKAGE 1)VES IN THE IVORLD IAT 01-QVE PELiFECT itESULTM. The sdientifie preparatien of dycatuffs and putting tliem up lu proper shape fer family dy3uing bas been bronght te perfection by W'ella & Richardson Ce., whe are proprietors of tic celcbrated Diamond Dyc. Thesu popular dvus bave banished feom. tic homes ut Canada madder, fustie, logwood. cochinual and ahl otier antiquatcd dye-stnffs. The werk cf horne dycing'la now doue quickly and successfuily by Diamond 9> us; tic pro- cess is one that wxould astoniali eue grandparents. To-day millions aill ver the werld use the scientific Diamond D3-ea ln pref- erence to ail othors. Diamond Dyes commend tbemselveï te al who use them, bucausu they are the strongeat, brigliteat and fautest, and the easiest to werk with. Diarnd Dyus, like aill ther perfect and popular preparatiens, are ]airgely imiÉtated lu style off package anîd tie way they are put up. Tiiese imitations are3 wortblfss and aduiteeated dNus, ruinons te ail kinds cf guuds and dan gerous to handie. Great caution is ad- viscd wien bijOmng dyea for home use. Ask enly !or tl e "Diamoud" ; sec that the name la ou every paeket. TYLiONE. Rev. and Mes. J. S. McMulicn and Baby May visited bis home, Bethany, ru- Lcently .. .. Rev. R. L. Edwards, Puuty- pool, preadhed a missionary sermon Sali- bath morninz and Mr. D. F. Walsh, Oro- no-, preached inthe cveninig.. .. Mr. Ram- say, our obliging schiool principal, took >charge of the service aIt tc Sault Sab- bath afternoon... . Mrs. Wallace Staples is enjoying thc healthful atmosphere off Gravenhurst Sanataeium..... Mr. S. J. Henry found a purchaser aI Peterboro ready te give a handsome figure for bis beautiful baya ... The sick are. ail irn- Talk oi Ordered Clothing, FLieecUnderwear, Qulality anld Style, ~ Sanitary Qualities, Prices, ~Dur ability, Experîenoed Managieent, ~Washi>g, Tinely Advîoe. rcs Gentlemen who are partieular about haviug their Clothing made in the most approved style are coming to recegnize more an d more the advantages of plaeing their orders with us. Quality and Style are ever the two first considerations. Prices are always parud as closely as is compatible with first-c.lass materials and honest workmanship. The departmunt is under the management of our Mr. Couirtice, ywho personally superintends the selection of ail materials wh~ieh go to muake u.p a perfect suit. if you are net already a customer we uarnestly invite yoar insper,- tien of our new fali and. winter stock of Worsteds, - Serges, Scotch Tweeds, Vicun as, Trouserings. Among au almost nnilimited variety of makes we eall speelal. atten- tion te -Wrighit's Health Undurwear. We wonld emphasize especially their Sanitary Qualities. These garmunts absorb the persperation as rapidly as it la emitted threngh the pores of the skin and carry it te the surface of the fabrie where it la evaporated, thereby preventing the body f rom being suddenly ehilled by atmosphcrie changes and guarding the wearer against -colds, rhenm- atism, etc., etc. The fle*'cing is woven iute the fabrie and is gnarautuud net te wuar off until the garment is thoroughly worn eut. lu washing yen have te use only ordinary caru as lunflne woolens. Pnies in fece. linud goods range fro)m 50e te $1.50 eaeh. T HECo.A 0N tli ng la Hope he was impreased with tic great Want cf a dhurci off is taiti, and largel *y at hîs own expense lue secured the erection of tic Anglican Churel et St. Joiîu's and it stands te tbis day as an enduring monument off lis devohion to tiec dard for wbichb li as always preseeved a meat loy ai attacliment. During tic earlv days off tic forma- tion of municipal Guverument he filed1 the responsible duties off Commissioner and when tIc present systum w as intro- duced lie was elected tic first Recru off tic Towiiship cf Hope and during many veara of bis active life bue filhed a number cf honorable positions in tic *if of the peple and lu the yar 1814, Rer Majesty was pleased to inake huîn one offhe justices off the Peace lu the year 183,) lie was married te Miss Eliza- beth Frank, eldest daugîhter off thc late J. Frank, Esq., a gentleman who came with bis ffamîly fromn Yorkshire, Eng- land, ini tic 'Car 1817, isettlingant Bow manville Tic issue cf this happY mar- riage was a family of five aouna, William John, Thomas A, J. Arthur, and Samu. el Fý aIl off wborn witi tie exception off John F. are stili living, also tirce daughters, Elizabeth (Mes. Fee), Elieîî (Mrs. Choatu) and Aun. In polities Mr. McMurtry belongcd te tic old Tur Scîcol, loyal Io Crown and Empire. Mr. MeMurtry may aIse bu said tu bu a centenarian and lias wit- ncssed in has 80 years as a resideut, tbis country risu, frorn a few strugghIing. hamicta into tic Great Dominion ex- huuding from tic Atlantic to the Pacifie Ocuan. And se closes wiat ail must admit te be a vury unique a nd a muat remarkable life and a trnly great and wonderful aga off 96 ycaes. Thu funcral took place on Tliursday from lis laIe resid encu. Af ter a short service at thu bouse eonducîed by Rev. G. A. Field, M. A.. tic remairîs wure removed to St. Paui's cburci. Perry- îown, whure the beauliful and imnprus- sire funural service off tiecheurcli waa conductud byRector,Rev. R. Aý Rooney and Rev. G. A. Field, M. A. Tic inter- ment teckr place te St Johns cemeterv,. Part Hope. service bcing concludud bv Rev. G. A. Field, M. A. TIe pal bearers were ail MuMurtrys, William, Thomnas, James. and Samuel, sons; Juin and Thornas, off B2wmauville, uephews. Al the membees off lis fam- ily weru present. Child-ren %C"ry -leor CAS*tâbT -RIrA SO0LI D .T i-- y reunmal reîu 1 Sýnppiy do., DlirA A26'oit . - - Nickel piateI1e~ / Iiiy , 2 a .Ilio Slie, at 10e.; o n asdintyar md' i,, 1ao eî. e.Thry il t aigt. Wte e-d t'iweln '.-ales O -11en, rt-rnm"ey au wc serýd yoor beautiful Wwtch p,,tp.iàJ. LiE5i POMY 0 O., box 23 raronii.. DENTIST,':. -Wiil bu ah Blackstock ou tIc final Moaday off cacl month, at_ Orone from 10 a. m tii 2 p.. m. and ah Newcastle from 2.30 ho 5.30 p. mn. un the second Muuday off cdimenti. Orrîcn-Temperance St., Bowmaa- iile,ruar etf }Iggiubthain's de ug stere. BARLEY 1WANTED 9 a 5000 BIJSIIELS good, 'heavy, briglit Barley want- e d 'immediately a t m y Elevator, N ewcastle, T. H. Eversoil. Newcastle, Oct. 1, 1900. Notice to Creditors, In the Matter of IWELLS TV. CRAWFORD foec'rl of the Township of Darlý*iintr,.n in tse =lunyofDahe ,Fa eae ino et. NOTICE le hereby given that the aboya nineteenth day of September 1900 made(é essigueu f hisespeIte to me for the beneft o bis 9reitore taouder R. S. 0., 1897 Chap. 1,7an ail other Acte applicable to aselugmentsan conveyances. Thi e reditors are notifled t to meet t iMy office Me Kinuon Building, Toronto, 01f S-AJII' URDAY THE TWENTY NINTHl DAY F 0 SEPTEMBER, 1900, AT 10.30 O'OLOUK A. M., for the inerpo8e of reeeiving a tatamrbent of theo affaire of tbe estate, for the appoinament off ln- epectore, giving~ directions for thce dispoHal of Plie estate, settling fees andi renuuraton, a orderlig the aiffairs of the etate generaly., AU01 pereons ciaiming to rank upon the &ae of lime aaid iueolveut muet file thireclim proyed by affidavit with me on or beforeth date fix for eaid meeting after wvihaelî 1 wSil pýroceed to distribute the aseetE of lhe paaehavitig regard lu tiose cldais oniY wbtch I shahli eu have reeeived notiet- Bowmanville Septemaber 20th 1000X. JAàips P. LAtPGLEy. Trustee, MeKiriuuc Building, Torontfoý SIMPSON & BLAIR Barrnseos at BowmanvilleOusi., Soicitors o the patate aund the said James P. Lan,5ley. 3k) 4w, FREEU Waieli for sel., ente Fins aii.o ou. insiw iisheol ini Old, îand vert Pufinitalionti _m sho s Enirad i i vecy ery t.oeL Cieh.'r felit orîamenieddixi la an excellent Uie ber senol Fins. Skil ihoîn,Î au orWatri mli be u2Id. GEM PIS Co., i O lu A

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