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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1900, p. 3

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EVOLUTIQN 0F FI REARMS. 2fbiee Tîtousanti ý,kott a lffate Slhn 'feal in thea Barre]. A machine gun of a novai charactar ias been inventati by an engLniear of Ne-,cas41ae. The gun is a patent cen- trifugai, quick-firing machîne-gun, t Wsf ive feat high, anti weighs about f ive bundreti wight. It le intandai for battle6hip, earthxvorks anti garnison pupie.The motive power la elec- tricity, tranismitteti to a motor at- tacheti to tie sidEý of the gun. The motor causes adisir to revoive, at a very higla rate of speati. The ballets, v hich are introduceti into the nter- ;b>r of th~e disir at the axia, travael aiong7 curvea in the interior ta the cir- uumferenca anti are thore. impelledi tIhrough a barrai. It Ls claimati that thie disir iili rotate, undar the inf lu- ence of thre motor at the raie of 12,- 000- revolutione a minuta anti will eject ahotm f rom the mididlea f the gun with an initial velocity of 2 tG00 feet par second. One of the ciief characteriistica of thre gun isi that it wli mantain a continnousi tire. If necessary a shot may ba dis-] chargeti at every haif ravolution, but in practice ona ahot eva;ry fourth re- volution will lie founti sufficient. The lliets are spherical andi measure 3-' 16 inch in diapieter. The foliowing are the result.a of thei tests already matie xith the gun: 18,- -001 rounds of shot at tha rata of 3,000 a minute have been diaschargeti from thej i-un. These shots consistati of nclsteel soma of brass, as usedi, in ancleati and chilleti mtai. It was testei -savan tumes privately, no w(otoT was useti nor is one yat at- #On fihe Farm.A. THE CANADA THISTLE. This plant is one of the worst weads infe6tîng our fijeldis, on account of its being a perenniai andi multiPlying not o-nly by seeds but also froni its extansively spreading, long under- ground root stocks. This pest may be destroyeti by severa1 methods, ail bas- eti upon the principle that whatever wiil ef f ectually exclude the plant f rom the'liglvt and air wiil derslroy Lt. Par- ticular empliasis must ba laid upon the effectivenas wtli which this is dore; no haif mcasures wili do. Varions spe- cific directions have been gîven, but for badly infestad fields, undar aver- age conditions, nothing ta more effec- tive than a thorougli suinmer fallow, to lia repaated the following year if found necessary. SWINE DISEASES. MDrtalLty in swine is something ap- palIling in this3 country. 0f cour-se, Lvery mucli of it le due to the preval- .nce of hog choiera. But the fact ra- 3mains that hcg choiera La not neariy so fatal among swine with marked 6tamina as among those witl lss in- herant vigo)r. And 'hog choiera La mucli le6s fatal witli swine feti large- Iy on a nitrogenouo diat than on one higlily carbonaceous. The mortality arn Êong young pige ta very greýat, ant i t 1 Idf~a4d in much lgreter tUan it would oth- erwise be if due ere were exercis- eti in the management of the liard. Happily the remedy for thase thing6 s largely Ln our hands. Wo ahoulti avoiti in-and-in-breading in swine. We shoulti select sows withd an eye te the retantion of stamina. They shoulti bce chosen froni gooti, even litters nurs- ed by large, fugged, weli formeti dams, u hidi; are gooti nurses and gooti miik producers. Tha sires shouiti le atrong anti vigorone, anti especially gooti on their limbo. The foodifor growing anti breeding swine shoulti ha rational; that la ta say, t shouiti consist large- ly of nitrogenous eleme8nts. 'We shoulti give our braeding animais the opportunity to taire mucli exercisa, giving them the run of ample pasturas in thea summer andi of fanm yards in the wintar.> We shouldi provide them with .winter quarteras ufficiently warsn anti dry to ward off rheumoa- tism, anti we shloiild feadti tbm some succulent food i the winter to ward of" aimenta that arise rrom consti- pation. TUIE CREAM. A gooti cow oftenloeeas flash when in full flow of murk. Coavs wil do better if tbey eat ail of tn-eir foodi up deoan. In making up the murk rations a variety of footi should lia useti. Mcsty feati or foui weads wli give the mUdi a poolr fiavor. Ail the elemeiita to maire growth aro in the akim milr. A poolr process of manufacture wil spoil the produat f rom the fineat creaml. Water is a 'necesaary constituant in She as Vorvy F ond of A oup of Tan Andi Had hecaume accuilboineti To tiei use of Japa1 StIii Thare was Just a panuliar About chte infusion IThataehe Nelv.ex quite lhked Su sha pordereti And pondereti To deatie wihat it wae Iforriul thouglit Paint Yais This wam t Because the scurni Andi greaniali sedirneAt In-due atat Nothing aise Sh e was a prudent woman Su sie argueti Iliat a renedy must be souglit For whiae Prussiaýn Bine And Paris Green Wlere ýaiL Rig4,t in their place Tirey were Oct cîf placa ln her 'fea Anti Must 'Lie injurtous Su She got nt.ervoua Ant i rrtab e Andtitold iber dactor Of bar fears You are riglit Saiti ha De as I do Anti le tolti ber hcow he diti it FLASHES 0F FUN. Edytll-Don't ycu thinir that char- acter In a yauug, man fa everytýhing?" Etbel-Oh, yes. if ha lias nothing aise! Mrs Bayview-Is the blue grass of Kantuicky reaiIy bluineCola. Kain- tucik-No, it's green-same coior as your blue sea, you know.- Stoughton-Did you piava a good time at the banquet.last night? Man- ha ttan-Spiendid. I dranir mysaif in- ta insensibiiity before the speainig bagan. Jim Uppercut-Dia La awful-simply outrageous! Bill Slambang-W'ot Ws .im Upparcut-Dess bers Chinesao boxers. Day're actooiy gittin' more spacp ln de pirpars dan w'ot we isi ~The Thrae Dagrees-Johnny- Paw, wbat do they ruean when thay say, a man takes thiags easy? Paw-iliat ha is ithar a philosopher, a kodair fienti, or a klieptomaniac. Richard-What's got into BLiy? Hle g oas ln bathing half a dozen tumes ave.iy day. Robert-The doctor ad- viseJd buto'tare a drink of whiskey upon coming ont of thse water. Cadiey-Jovel I shouiti thinir you'd live in more comfortabie'and stylisis quartera than this. liadiay-So I1 wouiid if 1 hati the halvas andtidollars ]i've loianedti t soma people thab do. M1r. Boreni-Shisa asiret me to sing, and insisted upon encore after en- core. Miss Pappery-Yes, alie told me afterward Chat anything was bat-ý ter than sittin.g thora and talking, ta you ail evanlng. Fli"-Wh:ile 1 was out saiing thLs sunimer 1 fell ovarboard inito avary stormy s"a. She-My graclous! But w~a~a ~ax7x~, C0R-'ZTOIT L& as the. standard andi worthy of amulptio-. Then why rot inslst on havng the ackno'wiedged standard. Un Lead Packets 28, 80, 40, 50snd605. Not only ta paint, bu' tQ have nt your house painteci wlth goaçi A Pl1easu re to Pai n , cenhns an.Pltt In calai. and Imprayes yaur house Imprave the hanse. They are valuable Paints, but also ~RIOoomlaal, wear andi tear is PRIM__wflat tells when yau paint- Aslk yaur dealer. MONTREAL. Est'd 1842 two combatants, bats' are made, and Prosperity sentis the balloon up, eaclt faction encourages andi appiauds but adversity pulls t down again. îts chosen man. lihere are regialar rounds, and thé game is usually kept FOR OVER PIPTY YHARS MRWINSLOW8 SOOTflING SYRUP hss heen t'p until ona or the other lias hati uneS nothers for their children teething. lsoa hc elloug or pehapshtll o ld, softens the siens, alisys pain, cureswin4j enoug or erlip netli oa --car- salic, eatiIs the best reràedy ftee diairhcea. 25a.a bottis, riati off the scene wYunded. liard Mn. W Ildrginiow',uZu the worlM. % sur* aud»for*Mr$Win6ow4oothiug 5yrup., heatis can stand liard knocks, andi vo]untearB for the sport are num-ý Whe n a'man gûts rattieti ho prob. erolus. At the beginning there is ably has a screw loose somewhere. generally no malice. A hard biow ais struek-ït is exricted-it is the 1_ _tNRA OE IETR . t -- - 1 -t -J

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