Use Bakîng Powder, .10 Centsa Pound. We open the Ç 3sort ment of STC .ly sedi Stoves of a~ runsh the most he rry in stock a var .d purses. GRAN Cail and see us- 0oW our goods. uccessors to R. Vw "As Truc as Steel,"s w w w w w w w. w w w w - - season ivith a magnificent VES and RANGES. We ý siuerior quality, those that eat with the least fuel. and riety that will suit ail tastes ITE WARE a specialty. ;-i is always a pleasure bo RICE & COe,.,e Vorth, Bowmanville. 4 Opposite Ontario Bank. Av.e.%fýdmlf, mIL mýM.âd & m A ae OP HI5 is the newest steel plate range- uenot made by noviicos, but by makers who have for nearly sixty years been studyicg steve improvemets-and np te date tuis steel range is witliout doubt the, most perfect-made lu Canada by Canadians for Canadians-best adapted te Canada ha- cause it is specially manufactured te meet the conditions whicl exist lu Canada- îtrong, durable and economcal-and the heatîng capacity is net equalled by any other range lu the world-best materials and best wrkmanship- made for soft or liard coal-natural rf gas or wood-a stove that will lat a. lifetime and give yen satisfaction eyery minute you owu lt-and it's guaran- teed-Costs a lot less money tian im- ported ranges and is a vastly superior article-daet particulars of it from your isearest dealer-or write direct to tie b makers-sold averywîere. RICE & CO., Local Agents, Bowmaniville. bly.. The Gurlley-Tilden Co., Liffitod, Hamiilton, Can. I Wlolesale Branches-Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg for the Boys and Girls§ Pity ltis, lis true that holidays are ended but ,cheer up, buy your School BooKs and ail you need at Po TREBILCOCK'S O'DEA'S Confederation Life Building, TORONýTO - A live and up-to-date selool, Irigî,t and cheerfai rooms, new furnisinîgs, and no stairs toelimb. Thorough instruction in Bookkeep- ing, Sliortland, Typewriting, Perman- slip, etc. 35 3m C. O'DEA, Principal. Appi AUl desirous of exporting Apples te ticelhome markets wilil)a lfurnished witb reliable lufermation by writ- ing te Uhen aMûSBoard of Trad LUe Yafls Bildng Toronto Canadian Ag-ent fer Messrs. S pec liIlne of WOODALL & CO., Liverpool, BT U1I end lPt11QU 1 T~ establisied over 50 vears ;Bt in the lieuse cf Commous and te lis -us,?fulnass. as au advisor on ail matters titat spccially conceru the farmers. A minister cf agriculture without port. folio .4avs T-on. W. Mutock. The people M p BOWM1ANVILLE, OCT. 24, 1900. MR. BEITH AND THE CONVENTION. Thc largest and most centiusiastic con- vention cf anypitlary ev er heM in Bowmnanville for tic last twenty years or m ore was hld on Saturday October 6ti. The delegates were business men, men representing every industry carried on in the county. Tlcy are men of intelligence., w;ýell versed la tic political history of Can- ada, and more particularly of récent years. They kuow that in this Dominion of ours from, sea te sea, tiere existed for the last four years a universal condition of conteutmcnt, lappicess, andi prosper- ity neyer parallelcd in tic memberof the oldest memory of theceonvention. Tiey kuew that upon thelr shoulders rested the grave respoesibility of selecting a candid- ate on wlom tlcy couýd at ail times de- pend to aid anduphold the hands of those s'plendid men, w'lose wîsdom, îctegrîty and statesmacship have largely coctrib- utad te bricg sabout our present prosper- ity To a leneficent Providence we ewe mudli-for tic seasonable shower, for tic suashina, and for the bountiful larvests. To tie Giver cf ail good our iearts shoa d le full of gratitude; but tiare is not the shadow oEa doult that tic blessing falîs on tiose who manage their ewc affairs wisely and well Wlat is true of the lu- dividual is true aise of thc nation, and tic prosperity that has foued itswa most alundanfly into every areca cf lu e iu Canada, is le no small measure due te thc wise statesmansiip, judiclous and patriotic management of eurcouuntry by tic Lileral Government tiat now and for thc last four years lias controlled her destinias. SThe members cf tic West Durliam Liberal convention knewing ail this fuît w cil, feit as never befote ticir respensi- bility lu making a pioper choîce, and wicn called up (n te name tic inan, tic choice fait, witlout oue dissecIticg voîce, upon Rob,ýrt Bcith, Esq., ex-M. P, Twe thîugs steod eut pîmnntlinlutus con- vertion-the u=anmiy as alselute, and tic antliusiasm was neyer exceled- caver since Mr. Beiti was fist named as a candidat@ w-as lie as popular as le is te- day. Year ly year las lis populark'y bacc growing, and today tic circle cf lis frieuds was caver so wida, and wly ? Tee years ago Mr. Beiti presectcd lire- self as tic represeutative of certain prie- ciples which lad and lave for tiair ob- ject tic peaca, tic larmocy, the liappi- ness, tic pîosj erity and daveiopmect, of eut ceuntry, for ton years our represent- ative lias sarved us, and tic universat verdict is tiathehas servad us faithfulîy and welt. Net eue goed 1111 las evar leen placcd beloeteM ouse of Cern- mous tiat las net recs ivcd lis ýsupport, ane varylad measure las lad lis un- flicchicg opposition. But more tiantitis, Mr. Baith is oeeof tiosa memlars wiose actions, and wlese work, as a repraset- atîva, deont comae muchlunder tic public gaza Ftom loti sidas of tic Hense it is well known tiat Ž,lr. Baiti's werk lu commîttea is constant and valuable, and aspecialîy are is knowladgc and exp cri- ece sougit on att questions affactîng rie agriculturat înterests of the Dominion.- It was ne idle statemant týiat tic Hec. Sydney F isher, Mlinistar of Agriculture, imade wicn lec said tiat le introdtîccdno important 1il1 affccting tic farmers- witieutcociulticg IBcith, se valual was lis. axlericncc and advice onail mat- ters- cocnected witli tic farm \Ve aise know tiat at tic rime Can'adian loi ses w ara baing shippcd te Seuti Africa: le Swas tclegrapiad fer te go te Ottaw a in ordar te give is valuable expérience le shipping aýnimais lonlg distances, and.d- a1 eery slip had te be more or less re mcd- etled le lai fittings, under lis iustîuc- tiens Se imp ortant a place lias Mr. Beiti occuplied for tan years ie tic House 'tlat lis rejection at tic poîls now would la net eety a mistake by tuis constitu- -eeY, lut it would ha a serieus toss te the wiole Dominion for tic reasees statad. It is ne wonder tien wlien ive know tic histoîy of eut Memlber's tee years' work as a leglîlator, tiat tic Lilerals -iveuid net only make a unanimous lut entîns- iastic choice of liim for tic next tarm. Robert Baiti lias beau a fîiecd te tic censtituen'-y, lia las evar lae mst dili- gent in iearing tic wauts, iu listaning te tic troubles of people lu lis ridicg, and doicg att in lis power for tliem, and-tiis le las doue. for friend and fue alike Macy a Conservative can bear testimony te tuis stiatement, Tiare is stili anetier reasen for tic an- tlusiastic nnanimity. Since tic moment Mr. Beiti was first named as a Liberat cadid ate soe ten years age ihas stood by is guns uufliuchicgiy ; no mac ou carti ceuld induce hlm te deviate oe iota frem tic pati of duty It matters net wiat tic measure before tic Heuse miglit le, or it matters net wlat le is askcd te de from friands er focs ; Mr. Baeiti settles lu lis mind wliat is rigit, and Item tle rigit lc will net départ, ner vielate lis consciectious convictions He T TS[N HuS BOWMANVI LLB. Firms in the iron trade report an in- Mr. Eeith's meetings are now iu full crease of 97 per cent since -1895. swing Electors don't miss hearing The Liberal Government gets the the speakers. Tuie welcome accorded Sir Wilfrid credW . -Wby should manufaéturers Laurier thiroughout bis tour through want a change ? They do not. , Otitario has been of the heartiest char- Liberal Government lias been'tested acterý possible. for four vears, years of great po ,s Mr. L. Burnett having resignea the progess noination for South Ontario, Mr. Whatsan manwoud eu bak te Wn, Ross, Port Perry, will be the soup-kitchen ppriod of the early ninet- Liberal candidate. A capital selection. les? Every man silling to work ca Just as soon as H. Cook produces find work now. proof of bis statements about that, offer of a senatorsbip for 810,000, lie will get Agricultural products exported to a rmt answer from Sir Wilfrid Great Britain under Tory rainlu1896,1 1laurier., amounted ouly to $12,074,387. In 1901, BEWARE OF WORMs-.-Don't let worms year ending June 80, the simount was gnaw the vitals cf your chldreu. Give them Dr Lows Pleasant Worm Syrup $72,559,421. Vote for Beith who lias and they'll!soon be rid of these parasites. doue more for farmers cf West Durham Prices25e. thau T horuton could ever accompliali. The pelitical outîok seems to indica te, looking ail over Canada, that the Bien. Win. Mulock lias doue more for Liberal party will be returned to power Canada iu tlie.Post Office Department bv a larger majerity than Laurier had iu four years than Couservatives ever in the last Parliament. did. The poor. as well as the ricb If ever a goverument of Canada lias beneit y rducd psta raesyetmade honest, faithful and susrg-etic beneit y reuce pmtl rtesyeteffort to carry out its obligations Io the some electors are so blinded by party people, tlie Liberal govetnment cf Sir bias as te vote against the Goverument Wilfrid Laurier is the eue. that lias- accomplished so mucli for Their gentie action and good effect them. ou tlie svstem really makes them a per- fect littie putl. Thev please those who A few eld-time Conservatives met at use them. Carter's- Little Liver Puis the niew cotumittes roims Monday mav well be termed "Perfection." evening te sliow their love f or Jonas C. It is very liard te believe tliat Mr. W. Thoruton, the what-am I-now? candid- R. Brock would say that IlLiberal, ate Tle fnnypat c th tbng asReformer and hypocrite are syneny- mous termis througlieut tlie couutry. tlie report telegraphed te The Mail. The Mail and Empire and tlie Globe se One would think te read it that tliere report hlm1 however. was au "'oldtime Conservative rally.'l Whyi are the Conservative leaders se *bitterlv denuening lion. Mr. Tarte? O well, boys, keep up courage for a few Because lie was a trusted and henored days, West Durham will clicoseaiman member of that party but flnding lie who always sticks te lis colors, No was lu very bad compauy, lie turned in renegade peitician need apply. bis lot witli honest men. Very littîs complaint is made a gainst TYRONE. the Liberals for what they have accom- plished la four years, but because they Miss Lena Cade returned on Friday have not et accomplished ail they set from a pleasant three months' sojouru ont te de they are charged with break. lu Woodstock ...Rev, A. MeKim ing their pledges. Such nonsense! Young was guest cf Mr, W.R. Clemens Further evidencecf tlie growing time for Tlianksgiving and made some fly. under the Laurier Administration is lng calîs on eld frieuds before leaving - shown by the returu cf marriages in for Victoria University, Toronto ...Ontario. lu 1896 there were 14,9J4, iu Miss Ceakwell, teacher junior dept., P. 1899 the report says 16,514. The popu- S., spent Thanksgving- at ber home, lation lias also increased over 500,000 Whitby. Miss Cor cott and Principal we are told. Ramsi attended Teachers Convention There is no evidence te shake conifi- Por 1~p... ad rs Richard dence lu the men lu charge of the Davey reent i 1test lis brother, Mr. country's affairs, For four years the W.J. Daveyr, y... Mr. and Mrs. goverument of Canada lias been la the G. A. Watts spent the the week-end hands cf the Liberals. The resuits are very enjoyably at 11ev. A. C. Wilson's, apparent on every haud. Trade lias Methodist Parsonage, Pickering.... inéreased, deficits have beed turued Pleased te see Mr. Jas. A. Souci ont into surpluses, wlisre there lad been agalu aftsr a tîree weeks tussle wlth stagnation lu the mauufacturiug indus- typhoid .... We extend syîupathiv te Mr try, now added life and vitalitv, immi- and MrsJas.Oke,Enniskillen,iu the sud- gration las become marked and poured don removal cf their littie infant ...inte Canada, aveu from the U nited The work cf excavation and furtler State-,, the people making permanent praparation for a furnace undar the homes lore. AIl is chaugad 60 coin- churcli lias beau rapidly pus-hed te plately that the people are wall content ling werkers. at least another terni. Ne oua knows better than those who Milhuru's Sterling Headache Pew- have used Carter's Little Liver PuIs dors give womau, prompt relief frem j DR. J- 8. SOIXERS, DENTIST, É lA DUATE 0F THE ROYAL COLLEGE ëf Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Crown and jBridee work asicaî. OTFICIL.-i3 SpadinaAve.,- Toronl o. 16 -if. WANTED:.ME In every iocahity through Canada to introduce our goods, tacki~g %p eýwqgz~~rds on trees, fences, aiong roads*and ail conftpicuous places, aiso distributing smaii advertising matter. Commission or saiary W6.00 per month and expenses not to exceed 5,2.50 per day. Steady employment to good, houest, reliabie men. No experience needful. Write for full particulars. Emoire r4edicine Co. Loridorý Ont, *British American, Business c1eei19 Gives a course in practical business subjects that lias brouglit success to'hundreds r of Soun- men and women-200 students placed in Positions latst6 , ear. Book-keepinz, Stenography, * Typewriting. PeunmanshD,* Business Law, Advertising. :BRITISH AMEICAN j BUSINESS COLLEGE, 'V. M C. A, Bldg., cor. Yonge andi McGill Sts., Toronto, DAVID HOSKINS, Chartered Aecontant, Principal.* DI 1N EEN'S We have made a special effort this year to outpace our repu tation as the largest fur dealers Our stock con- tains many exclu- siv e designs i n S Jackets, Caperines, Full Length Coats, Etc, of rare skins. Send f or in.ew j catalogue. THE W. & T. DINEEN MO, LIMITED, as. oný Oca an sh( M i M I M M M M 5T~LPLATE RANGE fý z M Do you want a'bargain in. good, heavy Cashmere Stockings? We, eleared alune of 40 dozen last week from a wholesale house, so we got them at nearly our own price. This week we will seil 50o fine ri*bbed cashmere Stockings for 35e a pair. Remem- ber there is only'40 dozen in the lot. They- will ail go this week at 35e a pair. We want -yoar Produce CASj4 JO-!i , c urtrk7ày. 1 IL -Àý fýLI ýý,àLllIU-ý-1,ý-ýLýF'l ýýý Farmers, worki-neu%, business men, do you really wish to ses Canada again ruled by a 11nest cf traiters?" If not, dou't support a traiter. Laurier wili be returned by a bigger majority than lie lias had if se, wbat good can possiblv cornete West Dur- ham by changing its represeutative ? What the Ceusarvative Government dared not do, Lîberals have successfullv accomplish@d-raduced latter postage ail round and the revenue la ahl right. J. B. MeColl is working jike a Trnjan 1 lu West Northiumberland and the in- d ications are that hie will wiu by -a pretty good majerity. His opp'oneut is Geo. Gillett, the former membar. The Toronto Telegrarn is Conserva- tive but it !B ver.y fair te opponents. It says : Syduey Fisher's l8ft baud bower, Robert Beith is his riglit land support according te William Mulock will be re-elected as tihe ridiug 16 Grit te the cere. MT. VEiUNON. Visitors: Mrs. ilolden, Whitby. at Mr, E. Annis'; 11ev. Anderson, Orone, at Mr. Jas. Garfat's; Mr. C. H1. Pasece, Toronto, Miss Kennedy, Euuiskillen, at Maple Cornors; Master James Aunis at home; Mr. and Mrs. John VanNest, Bowmanviîle, at Mr. James Heatlia's; Miss LiIly Gilbert at home; Mr. and Mrs. Butson, Brocklin, at Mr. Jobu Orclard's; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Heatle, Cadmus, at Mrs. J.- G. Haatlie's, Miss Myrtie Milîsen îs convalescent; Master Hugh Annis met with an accident con- flnine hlm te the lieuse for saveral days ....Mr. Eber Milîson lad a valuabla herse dia. ..Eloquant discourse Saîbath morning by 11ev. R. S. Auderson,Kirby ...Mr. H. Abrahiam is erecting a new fence in front cf lis family residence.. .Mr. C. W. Soucb's and Mr. Jabez Moore's handsome uew residences are nearing completion. COURTICE. Miss Bickle spent Thauksgiving at Canton .. .. Rev.Wesle(y Lent, Midhlgan, visiting lis brother. C. W. Lent, P., M., preacled n very helpful sermon at Eben - ezer Sunday.. .. Mrs. J. S. I. Wilson was home from Gravenliurst Sanitorium for Thanksgiving. Pleased te sce lier looking se well. ... .Our lied and Gun Club is bagzing9 soeaflue ducks ... . Mr. John Penfound and Son's sale was wel attended Tliursday' aud geod prices were sacured,,especiallyv for catte .. Mr. Brown and family, Minnesota, Who last spring nouglit the Trenuom "Lake- view" gardans. have takan possession and moved into the lieuse ou the property. .....Mr. R. Beith is meeting with a very learty receptien lun lis cauvass in this locaitv....-Mr. and Mrs. Bunt and Mrs. R'ýundîs, . Canuington, are visiting Mr. R1.E1.Osborna ... Reeve