Ltis flot ecessry for a man to eet ith an aciet to beconie rue ~ ~ ~ - orohris hscal1y irn- p~e.Friends of LrSamuel Donaldson, TO MARE SPONGE CAKE. The futility of llsts of ingredients without careful directions in the me- thod of putting them tlogether and of éooking them bhas been demonstrat- iy oooked sif t, add sugar, boU f if- teen minutes and can. This is much better than. the ripa fruit, and it looks clearar. Common sour apples that are juicy, or crabapplas, are the best fur this. Cabbage Cooked in Milk-Ohop half a head of cabbage, put into a staxu pan, over with watar and boit unti] tender. Tban draw off the water, add milk to nearly nover the cabbage, add Fry on a ihot gridd'e, or, by adding9 a little more flour, tbey nould ha frie d Ln spoonfuls in a kettý'l3 (0.;bot lard.- Old Zealand Sauce- ,utr in a sauce- pan a scant half oupfui uf ut one teacupful of good vinegar and a naif a oupful of watarý,. Let them Mome to a boil, and stir in two well- heaten e.fgËs. Stir untl'i1 it creams; if Loo ùhink add a little water. Season with sait and pepper. This salt is mre, Cloth dyed with that in an- deant times was worth @1U80 a pound, blut the oolor is too coars and pooi formnoderg tastes. The~sepia 1 f artiste is an ink ýniad by thb cuttlefish. Th- fish usa it to cloud the water andI hise theniselves when attaniked. Thare ian exquisite-silknmade frora the fibers of the Pinnia 'hellfi'Sh in the Mediterranean. As to the jewels aucr ornamnents