I 'l'e J. Hligginbothaffl&.,Son. -in oE utoee.yUÙLUV. . Lac- -' My ýPuUL' ti V ni lh3. V L .' h mae rgulr ad ativ andthe IOL; actinee, to~istrengthndth et L ties, eolleOats are the best procurable. If you want the best onlyremedy which nets dir ectly on Serofula1 in the b¶ood shows itself pres.anted the elimentary facts of the made in Canada we have iV, We turn our groceries quickly these organs is Dr. Chias(' Kdy- sooner or laVer in swellings, sorýs aience of nature, and the use of cor- 4 Liver Pis. Thoy ar-epurely vegetale eruptions. But llood 's Sarsaprlarect langusge. Developement of BQbsialarnsopoft Dooubysgr yth brr- Sand aet nleasantly and natnral]v anud coiiletely cures it. Pin - . .. . Tnil. ix f.bQln-. yT.-- SinS1 was i' gu nt,,toI li Boa ------------------ ----~----r' i..- - - ~ VrV r~ l~¾..-r'r'*~,-, -~5'3"j ~ ~1'&4t.%C~C+Cl,~. ~i - iün tii. ,m-I.a"e V-,'u 0d aT I. L ir-W ir~'.~ ~ ~--i a u cents a box. w 'ww ï w"~ u" w ~ I NEW HAVEN. ~. '~-~.j vvat was in store for thee chihren Of1 I Th~nkcriîv~T~I~V ~t ~ .'~ tion of-D.omnestic ISotence and Art --'th -t : ~ ~pu~ M r w~ w v~ w ~,ry ;-< A .Z 'U ' J. AL .X.A PaU MssBptrep Fltr i riýiinm; siiqss Myrtie williams home 1~ hm > tùh~igut i Ji£ni.i i. ,ent3S; soLD B r',10M £ "-a1A 400 ~I SERES [ 1Bind Used bv the (Condensedfrom the News.) Jo.Thn 1Rie1ahu hs beeh i .kp 1-~ nblBIyo~ra a -v iversaryxNo.ILL F-auggeative paper on - Eigrance Litera- Carmichaci diucd tare." She bel eved thar the teachir sisters, the Missets should aim ai ýimplantlug wthin the àlnf thp Oui...ni Saturdla vafter impbell, Treas I inch, Women'sI aiIy-go, ive5 O-ýibJeg L The roi3ait or the Matches wowre Fir-3i Match, 7 $bots, at 200 a 1 F. Morrio. àcore 65 points ~ilbe at Blackstoci, on the first V-o-Calla,-r- S-ett1e their accounts as soon Paine's Clery Compound is now 5 Mm~1a o echmoth a Oon fomas possible.1 do not wish to incur within the reach of vil classes of our ofea too 2fr tNwcsl om tbtulessm ccut rÈeople, and it is a very simple imatter Vo1 5.30 Pm onth econd settled verv soon, I must band them test its efficiency; the expense is trifling. frnr Vo 5.3. i. o h eodoe o olcin As tiiere are miserable imLtations sol1 d Df I ver or colecton. y some deaiers, sec that yN'ouget 0pvi et:-Temperance St., Bowman- R- WOODLEY, "-P.AINE'S" the kind that lias wrought Blle 4 of Higgiubotham's drug store. M-Sw* Tyrone, uchi marvellous cure. ... .... IýNSTANT RELEIF gaaranteed byus1nf MILBURN'8STSIERING HEADAC IT'Si 80 ploasatth)at c' hid ren ery for c idvi r o it; buit lt's death to worrn)S Of al kinds. Mt. LQW'S WORM SIyB1JP. lrie 20, .9 -à Ait (104110". CA *STo %J I tha l net W fI acLILt5 in mLUtonets- lighit. Every packet of Diamond Dyes lis warranted, and will give. perfect resuits when simple direction2 are fol- jlowed. There are imitations ; avoid themi if you delightin l good colors and use of poor dyes means ruin of goods and loss of moniey. 2 Col. Hug'hee, 50 3 W. C. Ring, ~ 4 W. Mlliga, 48 5 3. B. Wiiliamsmu L-148 6F. Morris, 4 7 J. 1. orris, -45l- 8 E-"W ýg b , 41) W. G. Kivr, Sec'ty, Treas, our Liie work being-