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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1900, p. 2

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Mltaand Strikers in Collision at Va",,-lleyfield and Several lnjurecL K! drapatch f rom Motreal, saye%- Two ýimanicýs cf the 5tb Royal Scots 'x ercualedouf for active service et Va'lleyfield to-day, aund lef t by spucial train'n about twco'clook. The cali f0, are nam lthe usual way. The Mýayodl of Vallcyfield Wrcte to Lieut.- Col4 [loy, I..C., at Montreal, stating thaýt the strike lu the Motreal Cotton Company's mills had assumed auch fthe mills on f ire, and grave trouble is Rnticipated. MORE SOLDIERS DESPAICHE-D. Ie respaonse to the demnd for soi- duur.s, wbich wpLs received heru ahout il o'clock an urgent requisition n'as sent eut, and arrangement s bave been meale to despaîcli several liundrud 'accu by special ahbout mlidnigba to tbe scee th tb'trouble. proportions :ind the actions of flie The Monareal Cottonl Company ia FI iriakers wcre su-eh as to warrant miii- building a new miii there, and fhlaj- tayintervention. H1e stated that the benrers culployed in lte pruparatian &trikýers interfercd witli those work- work for ils construction askcd for anr ing, and refused to all9aw coa to be increase of wages a dollar to a takuni te the boliers, and that the dollar and a quarter per day. The police of tac t«wn ceuli fot tope witb corïpany refuisud to accode to the de- therioer.. 1e tereoreaekd fr nand because the men accompanicd it faoronpanca f Ilhltta wîb fElwifh threats cf violence.leyhe power to queli the distiîrhsne b y suteecded in prcventing any further arrest or thcrwise. wrkgcang on tsLidc, and they arc The trequcst was dol3 aigned by the nowaiwternpting tc prevent the run- May' or ot Valleyfield and two justices ning of the rOis wherc ahere are some of tho peace, in accordancu witli tbe 3,000 employes who are not on strike. ltCtiO1tfjTtiuA~y74jf La niglit the supply of coal for the Col.. Roy, on the receipt lof the lett er working of tha mli was nearly ex- put ihimusef in Coummenication wîvth -- _- l 1 __ t, Notes and Comnrients. Kruger bas sqlled for llollaud and South Africe will resume business. Mr. kruger we are totd Ibas f ormed bis plans whiob are te secure interven- tion on the part cf one or al], cf the Enropean Powers. Mr. Wessels, oee c fthc Boer emissaries who stili remains in Ameirica state that no onu nead be surprised if ftha whoie cf Southi Afriba sbould rise ln reballion before ïabs year is eut. But we can assure Mr. Weissels tUat not only the people cf England, but ciao tir e cople of Europe wonl be very mucli. surprised if ther e wcre a general rebellion lu Soufli Afyica oe'cre the end of 1900. lhera3 ý i wili settle down to busi- nes and every day wili put a ny chance or possibilify of a rebullion further off. -3r. Karuger and bis friends trram flue thme are vcry likely ta conduc, a pureily papar campaign. Eacli 'c'e-eing ye'ur sees furtber explora toi th le 'en aboeuf Hud- son 111y'. TI is not onl3 done by 1 heard until y paurud in severll,' vui1e.Ys. 'it1 Briish had t-ecntly woumded. lum etnly, nien le- turning to Pc, td, the colueju was sn]iPed et b ueBoers y ha ixere are nccensary to keep lhE' strean fruee tram cb:uc ai the eat officlwac prisbt t-a aps eve u . One-ciabeînethajýda aI0 ork le to a 'reater exteut h3 private imdlvi- very iug - ,tii, agîTit es suLatÉel bigli- dul llJf]y ir ouest et golIt. 0ne ly practcal and u c3,ýýsfui. A large of tbýý Ixt Pariles was from New te-cm is set a Il nhe hasemenit of York 'sft ta T he party cf nine nn-,v-e-'r-1 nt theb-tr, eluvt cd tuIe up lu J' a'frin M uheon fthe C. tour fts L frcl Iie Eroor, Profesor P.ý R., by canoe to Moose Factory on Eng-es V,-' a fI-' ~ ~ o ' ja sarc mes B-kiv etructed au iron trougli abut i evun From fI tht-duit they selle-I in a couple teft in wcdah, and- two tout dee-p in thet vicinity had beaur snipin_- at the British contiýnuousiy.11 The Boer Cammandant de -Villiers hua ýdied et Bloemnfoin tein of w Ounds received in3 a recent battle. b-us more cities cf over a million lu- ha bitants titan a 'ny o býer country in t-le -or-Id. lb-use coit-ies-ar--Nev Yccki:., ChÀcago, and Philade-lphia. It is rot likely that anaîlier ten years will se more addcd te (bis list as hue neza flirce St. Louis, Bosfton and Baltimore are sf111 a long w ay below iliat mark. ,y ir world aud possibiy the cunsus of 1911 will show (bat Glasgowuxu ms ,On. Over Enir aryof Boer Snipers Killed by a Single Shot. A 'desptehtr- -î-aa, Orange conceaied behiind the husb ou the river Rivcr Coi, sas en Seftles col- bank. A weil-eimed- shrapnel shell UnIt te daung agruaut deal towerds %vas sent into thte bush. Eiglit of the Pacifying the (Jieurbu, d cistrict lu that Boers were killed, and fle icnna, wlio neighbbo'urhood. ?tbe columu balaed at was woundad. surrenzlered. niglit recentlyý, ami the rear-guard G'enerai Ruerls columu bhas burm -as attack'd 3tfhe Boer,, ml jour- cd the village of Baithaville, 3j miles cd ineey rifle tfire. The Buers froarnCommando'a drUt, te flic grounid. creî t ut over theiand, and wc ren ot The reason for ahis was tErxthe±iaxr i f ni us. s ---C ioweCito etun t tc Transvaal. ptrcscnt. na nuilcilice rlIe ree.aasi- wutex i~ t-nd uPrf 'E r K-En-'cch a 'ilsled in, iandtsuaon. io i(:e, stelgrpîs th c b ,ar of sceuug De Wut ef rupruaenting rss5 Li urr 5lotw r en ilI u n oo.p thape, ms po[ t ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ U Qrr', 1, ý. pdà L rr i .-zuiy u- ens aiâm C olonel Ayton bis capaured Field Adaîc roniubnSout.irAtrica, and Lbu'y ceanot witîballowls, and wl),rr the river migît alie grillaIt and carved woedwork, 0dtî iiju -,ago utu fç ueli u eîtîeuîan w11s 11H=I CLI llu îcu .LC tteuuîiu~LLS~a -- - ------.-n<..~. .~. .~ .--,.~4in'--"'-~ur ~-"I r-coruristsu iW'---~xs~x~sr~ ------ _____ __ ~ ~ , ~ . rs~rs.o .s~nirLcu~s1r.ic... - ~ .~ ~ rr~ ~ -usai. y PowIey's Uiquified ozone saves t he I4f of the Rev. iIUam Fawcett, D. D. . Eitgland h- t!4c 1, . i lup

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