You s E -q, 10 Cents a Pound. IPease Economy ** A Furnace with a world wide reputa'ion. ~BEST BY TEST. Economy Ileaters are unex- 4~~celled in eapacity and durabilitv. "1~ The perfected produet of 15 Y- EARS' PRACTICAL EPR I ENCE, cnAmbining ail the latest O and best hturrovements. Manufactured by the J. F. lt will be a pleasure for us to submit an estimate for Syour consideration. RICE & ~o,, Soie ets Successors to R. WORTH. Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanv 11e. Il ~ idea is a special feature, I Il ~~ Sold everywhere. One 'will I jj ~ last a lifetime. I RICE & CO., Local Agents, Bowmaniville. IThe Gurney-Tilden Co.,Timîted, HamiltonI For the Bo"i-ys and Girls. Pity 'tis, ltis true that holidays are ended but cheer up, buy your Sehool BooKs and all you need at Po TREBILCOCK'S O'DEA'S Confederation Life Building, TORONTO, A live and up le-date scitool. bright and citeerful rooms, ncw turnisbings, and ne stairs te climit. Tborough instruction in Bookkeep- ing, Shortband, 'l'ypewriing,-Penman- ship, etc. 353Bm C. O'DEA, Principal. Ahl desireus et exporiug Apples te bbc home markets will be lurnisitcd witl reliable infcrmation by writ- ing te Eben Jamfes Board of TradehTronto f ~.,~u~uIanVYb Un S pecial uine ofî WOODALL & CO., Liverpool, .1 eslabtisbed over 50 y cars ; Boi SCRIBBLERS andu EXERCISE 'Barrow& Co.,Glasgow; M. IF aan Sons,Lbd.,London,aad firms in B B OOKS. toi, 1bamburg and otiter ports,4 ýyd, ,s & Bris- am T For Infants and Chilidren, T'h- fa. BEW-ARE F, rWORMs-Don't'ltlworms gnaw lte ritals et your eilîdren. Give them Dr Lows Pleasant Worm Syrup and titey Iltsoon be rid of these parasites. Price 25C. BOWMAN VILLE, OCT. 31, 1900. SIR RICHARD Sir Richard Cartwright was well pieased with te great, number te eleclors wbe crowded bte towu hall Menday nîgitt te bear itim and bte clectors were deligltcd te lisîcu te lis coaviaicinoe address and his excellent Englisit. 'l1lte language of lte Globe reporter: bis masteriy exposition et thte achievements and policv efthbie Liberal Government, lte clarity and force etis oratorytils keca wit and ttc viger et his o nsiaugits on te record ef b is epponents . w iii1 undoubbedly strenglthen lthe tand-i etfbte Liberal candidates iii every conslituency wbere he bas addressed inep'tings, and West Durhtam was as cordial ia ibe wclcome as any conistiýuecy ie bas visibed. Sir Richard speke aI greater lenglth but witit eveu mere couvincing cffect titan aI etiter meetings ie las addressed. Mr. John b. Kydd, Superintendent eft bitemecitanicai department etfte Dominion Organ & Piano Cemieany, and Vice President of West Durham Literai Association, occupied te clair and intreduccd lte speakers. Mr. D. B. Simpson, Q. C., bonorary President etfte Literai Association, and Secrcbary efth1e Port Darlingbon Harbor Co., was te firest speaker. lic nmercifulîr riddled a latter ltaI ap pearcd in te Mail and Empire on Sat urday signcd 'Independent Liberal" referring toe cgraîts Mr. Beitl itad becured fer te Harbor. Tite writcr alleged taIbtese grants were for bue tenedit et Gril beelers, sear Simopson prcsented bte stock list slow- in- titat 9) per cent ef bbc stock is held b y Conservatives and taI bbc dividend last ý ear was enly eue per cent. Mr. Simpson was frequeably alplauded and bis speech cicared away te dus1 raised by local supporters et and writers for lte kaloidoscopic Opposition [candidate. Mr. James Somervilie, ex-M. P., Duadas, told t( meeting how mucit be admired RebertBecitit aad titen in a stort address contrasbed very greatly 10 tte disadvantçtge of te Opposition te records efthbie two Goveraments, clesing wit thbie sentence. -l can't sec how any man possesscd et common sense. wbo en reason on te condition et ttings, could refuse te support te Liberal Goverament." qir Richard Cartwright was enlthus- iasbîcally received and quickly warmed up te lis subjects. Hie paid a higi tbr'b-ý utc te bte abilib-v and fidelity witb witicb Mr. Beitit iad.(lischargcd bis duties as a'member. There arc bwo classes et members-talkers and workers. Mr. Beibth bclongs te te latter class and witencvcr titere is lard work te be donc titere Mr, Beiith is found. The parlia- mcuebary witip neyer bad any anxicby about hlm cîther, for te was a1way s aI tis post. Ileference bas bean made le the favers àlr. Beitit las ebbained for !te riding, eue tiag le couid say, namely', witbever layon lhe bad hnd granbed, te itad neyer yet asked for any for timselt. bis titeught first an al wavs was for bis countv and ciintryd And, furbter. it matcr-ed not whab pub- lic investigations werc made there was ne danger efthlie name et Beititbainig fouad ln bad company or la question- able.transaclions. Sir Richard covercd eusiderable greund in. an bour's ad - -dress, making reference te île varions measures wibb witici te Literai Gev- cerament bas had te dealàand cbalieng- cd teOpposition le prove ltaI one dol- lar bas been corruptly spent since bte Literals came labo power. On al te imillions expended ty titis Goverument, Conservabives opposed enly about $80,- 0.0 in tteclbouse. Cheers for lte Qucen, Laurier, Carl- wright, Beitit and lte Chairman closed tte meeting. lIn 1885 fitteen iron firms in Toronto. employed an aggregabc ot 1,610 men; thcv give werk te 2,8-25 or an increase of 75 per cent., The most et Ibese men are machînisîs, engineere, houler makers3, etc., wbose wage-s would average aI least $2 a day. Eigitt piano factories in te same city employed 712 mcn ut 1895, 10-day titcy bave over 1,20) or aa increase et more titan 68 per cent. Otter manutacturing trades 1 have developed in like proportiou and tbis under lte administratien whicl. ac- cording te Sir Charles Tupper was bound te briag disaster and ruin te Canadian iadustry. Vote for Beili and beip te keep thc goed limes wiith us.- St)cki r, gs. Do you want a bargain 'in good, heavy Cashmere Stockings? We clearedl a Une of 40 dozen last week from a wholesale house so we got theM at nearly our own price. This.week we will seil 50e fine ribbed cashmere Stockings for 35o a pair. M ber there is only 40 dozen in the lot. will -ail go this week at 35e a pair. R&eqàumem- They We wiaot yoar Prodace CAS*4 Joh cMurtry. M ______ i Laurier will assuredly be reburned Notiting cau be more encouraging to to power. Vote, for Robt. Beith who the supporters of the Governmeut as will be la touch wibh thte Governetent. indicative of tbe desperabe outlook for Thtequsin is nlot have the Liberals the Opposition as recognized by te spent more 11mo1ney than Conservatives, Tories themselves, titan the systeminatic but have theiy spènt what they haver perversion of facts as they appear from wisclv and weli. No Conservative day te daY in lte Tory p'ress. Vote for member baqs se far in the House dared Beitit and honest government. te charge the Government wibh misap ýEngland speaking immigrants have proprialing one dollar. tried their fortunes across tite une, and Let any eýlector rýview the record of are well satisfied that the p)rospects are thec Liberal Governiment. lb bas in- far more înviting in Canada >undee the creased thte business eft h e country .mproved conditions brougbt about immensely; mùanufacturers aIl over thbe titrougit Sir Wilfred Laurier's states- D)ominion are working to the extent of manlike administration, hence tbey are their capaeity; ail kinds et workmen coming in ttiousands from the U. S. are having steady employment at lanIn place of losing titeusands yearly of creased wages; the farmers have done the best of our population driven by better the last four vears than la 18 adverse circumstances to seek a lîveli- years 1under protection. These are hood in the States, 9,000 people came things that the Laurier Government fromi the Republic te setble in Canada sitould gel credit for. in 1898, followed bY 12,000 in 1899, aud It is astonishing how quickly Mr. 8,000 more in te first haîf of 1900. At Hugh John Maedonald appears bo have the samne rate of increase for te bal- dropped out of -sigbt. bis entry int ance of te present year, this will make lte fio'ht was quite dramatîc, decidedly a total lanttree years of at least 40,000, so. 'Like a meteor hie suddenly ap One thing lte Conservatives in West peared in lte polkbical sky, he .,wept Durham are doing withoul doubt, that across the hieavens and bas once more is predicting with great gusts tite vic- disappeared. That he bas been a tory tbey wisit for. One can hardly distinct tailure se far as accomplishing believe tm sincere, especially when anything for bis party is concerned, is we hear the ground for th&Oi faith. f ully admitted on every hand; indeed, Estimates made inilte excibemnent of a the only thing titat aupears te remain poltical contest are seldom accurate. te gve distinctive cl'aracter to Hugh Our Liberal triends and supporters of Johni's sbare in the campaign up-to date Mr. Beith must net be deceived by the was his undertaking te work ln the boasting et the other side. deadliest opposition te lte most promn- During tbe last year of Tupper's ad- mnent plank la his party's platform by ministration, the total expert et agri- endeavoring 10 secure the abolition of cultural products alid animais and titeir tbe duly oin agricultural implements. products frein Canada te Great Britain Tbe son didu't fil the "lbust" measure (thal is in 1896) was to the value of $42,- of his daddy. 000,00). Titis year under Laurier's Straws are-said to indicate wbicb way "-Too British" policv, the total bas risen te wind blows but slraws are of littie to $72,560,000. No wonder, when Sir use in the face of thte present hurricane Citarles las te face titese figures before et public opinion in faver of Liberalism a jury et Canadian farmers, hie is led te Giant oaks are bending before its irres- declare tbat Laurier is too Britisht for istible force. Take La Presse for ex- him. ample. La Presse is, by long odds, the Hon. Sidiiey Fisiter's repl.y le the most influential and respected Frenchi cold storage manifeste 0f lte Opposition Opposition paper in Quebec Province, leader is characteristic ofthte men and and its correspondent, "au old Parli- his deparîmental work-,businesslike, mentary baud", atter carefiilly sizing straight-torward and effective. it is up the situation declares:-"There mainly taken up with correcting lte will be ne change et figures in Ontario. mure glaring et the numberless mis- The Liberals will keep a inajority et 10 stalements et tacts wiih crowded thc te 15, that is lte position. It is useless columnns efthlie Tupper production. 10 beat about the bush, Ontario will be Liberals could net waut better cam Lîberal." That the Province of Quebec paiga literature Ihan Tupper's mani- will aise be Liberal witit as great em- teste and Fisher's reply published side pliasis as il was in 1896 is practically by side. conceded by the Tories. Ib is safe bel One week more and tle fight wili be ling that bbc Government w$ill gain in over. Most of lte talking bas been theMaralime Provinces, and the reports donc, and a vast amount et solid work from lte West are becomîng more accomplisited, ail et witich however is confident every day. Altitis. however, leading up te lte grand finale on poil- must net lbetray the supporters eftht, ing day. "Get eut te vote" is lte Government into le condition of talse Liberal watchword on November 7tb; security or undue confidence. Evers- and until the door efthlie polling bootit vote must be polled, and while il may is dused and lecked noe arnest Liberal, net be possible te adopt lte suggestion no supporter oet dean. and capable Gov- te 11make il unanipious",t thera s, 'S0no ramexit, must consider that bis task is reason in lte world why Ibis Govern- accompîisited. Mr Beith is entilled te ment should notrecpive lte overwhclm- x our best services, and te every vote ing plurality of the popitiar vote 10toitat can be secured iu bis tavor. Rell witichit is record justly entities il, and up a big majorily. and wb'ch il wîhl receive if every man takes tite trouble to vote as ite honestly If taken intfiiebbe D. & L. Emulsion believes. will surely cure lte most serions affec- tion ofthlie ]ungsý That Irua down" 0h11 d re n C ryounefactrd. an facbured by ltâe Davis' and Lawrence1 . Ca ST Aue%"K%1 A ) o.,Ltd. Is there a mnan emplo ed in the Domt- inion. Organ & Piano Jactory Who wishes to return ta the conditiont of trade la1895? Surely net. Then whvl oppose the Governmont that has aided1 sa much in promotinz and securingi trade ?- Vill you kiii the goose that lays the golden egg? No you.wont. At least 10,000 actual farmerssettled in the Northwest ]ast year, and this present 8eason is proving oe eoe yet greater activity thougli the officiai figures are not Yet compiied. From 1897 ta 1899,100000,settlers came into tbe country and one direct result of this tremendous iDfix bas been that in two years under Liberal Government there have been 10,70) entries for land in the west as against 9,60) in the last 5 years. If the national policy is making us rich il i4 a most conclusive argument, against any change of Goverament, for it is Most evident that if this business boom is the result of the Tory policy, the Tories themselves did flot know how to work it properl.y. It is clear that the counýry is benefitting just 110w from a happy combination of the riglit polics, and te right men to work it, and it would bu the craziest kind of folly to change either , therefore-vote for Beitit. THERE IS NO CHANGE. About a year after the lastDominion elections the Montreal Star, 110w the organ of Sir Chartes Tupper in Quebec, said in an editorial (on J uiy 21, 1897): "There are somne gentlemen promin- ont in the Cotîservative party who can do the party and the country a great tiervice-by retiring into private life, Neyer did a pelitical party sa much deserve, neyer did a political party sa much need, a beating as the Conserva- tive party deserved and needed one at the time of the last tederal election. The Conservatives were distrustful of each alther, dislo.) ai to their leaders, and among themn were men who were quite riglit to distrust eachi other. Be- fore long there must be a great recon- structian of the Conservative party and the exigencies of the situation may as well be recognized at once. Some of the old leaders can neyer be leaders waiaa and now is the fimie to get rbl of them. If the Conservative party is ta command the respect and confidence of the counbry it must have leaders worthy of respect and confidence," The Star must be greatly disappoint- cd to find that the leaders of the Cou- servative party are still the samne as in 1897. 'lihe ganz of incapables and unworbhy men whom it denounced in 1897, and said must be got rid of are stili ruling the party. Not one new man bas made his appearance as a leader, so that if the Conservatives de- served a beaing in 1896 bow much more do they deserve it in 1900. They have shown themselves incapable of improvement and it is te, duty of lte people to turn them down. Plum Puddings and Mince Pies oflen have bad effects upon tite small boy who over indulges in them. Pain- Kil- 1er as a household medicine for ail sucit ilîs is unequalled. Avoid substîtutes, there is but one IPain-Kilier, Perr~y Davis'. 25c. and 50u. D.J- S.'SO3MERS, DENiTIST, GRlA DIlATE 0F THE ROYAL COLLEGIC of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Crown andq Bridge work a Cialty. OFFICPI.:-6,.l Spadrna Ave.,Toron . i -tf WANK4TED.. RLAMEN In $2'ery Iocality through Canada to introduce our goods, tackir.g np show cards on trees, fenees, along roads and ail conspicuous places, also distrlbuting smaili aivértising matter. Commission or sahu -$6 P pr month and expenses nlot to exCeedt $250 par day. Steady empinyment to good, honest, reliable men. No experience needfal. Write for full particolars. Empire Mediîcine Co., Lonidon, Ont. :Britishl Afferican, :Business College ..... Gives a course :in practical business subjects that has brought su ccess to hundreds of Soung men and women-200 *students placed ln positions last y ear. Book-keepinz, Stenograph, Tyýpe writing. Penmanshil,: :Business Law, Advertising(. SBRITISH AMEHICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE, S Y. M C. A, BIdg., cor. Yonge and McGill Sts., Toronto. DAVID JIOSKIN,-, Chartered Aceountant, Principal. DIN EEN s migh elass We ha-ve imade a special effort this yeLar to outpace our repugtation as- the lagst fur dealers in Canda. Our stock con- tains many exclu- si vle designs ini Jackets, Caperines, Full Length Coats, Etc., of rare skins. Send for new catalogue. THE.W. & T. DINEEN GO, LJMITED, Il Cor. Vonge and Teinperance t. TORONTO. Tnim9 ETE DEo%Ê%w IEMI B-OWMANVI [LE.,