Eyes,ý Our experience as opticians costs you nothing. We test y our eyesight free of ail charge and when its done at our store you know it's well done, Another new invention has beeý dded to our set of scien- tific, instruments and no matter how complicated the case we guarantee to give you perfect satisfaction if glasses will do it. Remember our stock is al bonght direct from the manu- facturers and is soid at mucli less than city prices. 3101 & JURY, Druggists and Opticians. le WOrD ABOUT COUinH Miss Bertlia Crage, Buffale. N. Y. is home. Mrs. J. L. Smith. Whitby, was guest of Mrs. M. A James Saturday. There are 160 students aI the On- tarie Agricultural Collage, Guelph. Rev. C. W. Barrett, Bethany, wil preach lu the Methodist edurci next Sunday. Mr. Malcelm Galbraith of the East End Pharmacy, Toronto, was home over Sunday. Scribner's Magazine f3r November lias a dharming bicycle stery caled"The Wheei ef Time." Mrs. W. Kniglt- and Miss Helen Kuight visited Mrs.W.i .Hallet,Whilhy, Tlianksgiving Day. Mr. Geo. Smith, Gaît, was instantly killed at Lindsay by ceming lu contact witl an elecîric wire. Miss Eva Trewin bas secured a posit- ion lu John Kay's, Toronto, lu the Bric-a-Bract department. Mr. Wesley Brooks, Solina. delivered te Mr. Davidi Clarke, tle. Darlingten butcher, a dressed calf weighing 266 lbs. e3ev. W. J. Jolliffe, B. C. L., will asÈisî at the epening'services at a new Meiliodist dhurci at Bethany next Sun- day. "The Coming Presidential Electien" wîll appear lu The Living Age (Boston) for Novembor 8. The article is by Mr. Edward Stanwood. The Christmas number of the Uanad- ian Magazinie is expected te surpass ansvthing ti~t lias befere been put out by a Canadian journal. Mr. H. G. Hutchesen, Manager Western Bank, Port Perry, and Mrs. Hutchesen were guests of lis sister Mrs, A. A. Sutton over Sunday. Tait & Ce. have epened a brandi studio at Orono whero they make al styles and sizes. Orono gallery will bc open and in full working order Doc. 1, 1900. 44- tf, The Nevember numbor ef Medern Culture is the bightest, mest attractive and most thereughly American maga- zine the oublishers have 'rot given us Wood for sale-sea advt. See Nictiolis' window Saturday. About twe columus of matter crowded eut. Bargains that are bargains at A. L. Nicliolîs' Mr. M. A. James accempanied bis son as far as Toronto on Moneay. Mr. Richard Jarvis. Chie£ of Police, bas gene to Muskoka for lis annual deer hunt. Mrs. Tilley is lu Toi!onto at lier son's bedside, Dr. W. E. TilUey speut Sunday there two. Miss Nickell and Miss Young, millin. ers, were ln the city Monday replenisli- ing tlieir stocks. Ladies, you are invited to cal ut Miss Medland's Milliuery parlor and see the latest noveltias in heiad wear. Balance of 1900 frse te niew subscrib- ers to Christian Guardian for 1901. M. A. James, agent for this district. STATESMAN free balance of l9jM to new. subscribers for 1901-only $1.00. Compare it witli other local papiers. We give Weekly Globe, Weekly Mail and Empire, Weokl.y Sun or Far- mers' Advocate to new subscribers to end of 1901. for $1.00. Messrs. J. T. Hooper, Jas. Deyman, Herbert Creeper and V,. W. Downs are onjoying an outing lihunting gaine iu Mauvers and Cartwriglit. Owing to the great increase in pnice of paper we must insist on pavment of subscriptions ln advance at tie 31.00 rate or the $1.50 rate must bie paid. D--r. P. C. Trebilcock wlie was in charge of Dr. Tiiley's practice lias lad te return te duty lu Toronto se that tle office liero îa temporarily losed. In tho Ozone Co's. advt ou inside page W, C. Tole, druggist. Cobourg, should ha Bowmnanville. It is great testinony te ilie monits of Ozone. Magnîficent assorimeut of double breasted suits received at The Mason Co. They are sliewing soe cheice linos that cannet ho procuired eise- wliere . flov . Jmer W.L Pediev's lecture in PEnsoiNAL,, Mr. W. H. Ives, T.[orouto Jainotion, was in town last week. Miss Lillian McComb, Orono, visited friends in town recen tly. Miss Bassett was guest of Mrs. H. Campbell, Milton, Thanýsgiving- Day.. Miss Gale recentiy vibited lier breth er Mr. H. Gale, editor Theï, Enter prise, Coiborne. Miss Viola Bottreil spent Thanks- giving day guest of Miss Edwine Hal- lett, Oshawa. Mr. Robt. Co-vle, jr., and Mr. R. H. Rutherford recentiy visited their homes at Coiborne. Mr. James Reesor, formerly of the Standard Bank, visîted hlis parents at Markham, recently. Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, Caunington, will take part in the anniversary services at Pontypool Nov. 4tli. Mr D. Burk Simpson,Q C., was lu Lindsay iast week cenducting the Crown business ut the Assizes. Mr. John L. Mason and son Webster of Davenport, Iowa, have been visiting lis meother Mrs. S. Maseni, Sr. Mr. W. L Spry has returned from bis trip to the Kiondyke wliere lie las been witli a surveying party, Rev C. Parker, Coiberne, willi con- duct anniversary services at Garden Hil next Sundav ana Monday. 1Mr. F. Outram, Port Hope, was calied to Montreal last week on account of the serions iluness of his aged father. Mrs. R. Freeland was ln Cobourg Wednesday atteuding the meeting of the Toronto District Congregation3al Association. Capt. W. P. Milligan, Newtonville, attended the rifle match atLindsay and visited friends ln Soutli Ops and Pleasant Point. 1ev. J. J. Redditt, Uxbridge, lias been eiected President of the Provincial Sabbath School Association.whicli met in Brockville last week. Our old friend D. J. Goggin, supenin- tendent of Education in tlie Northwest A Victiml of Piles For 2 Yar-A Constant Bufforer Fromi Bleedlng and Protrudlng PiIes-Curod by Dr. Chas's clntment. In vain did Mrs. Jas. Brown, of Hin- tonburgh, near Ottawa, search for a cure for piles. In Europe and America site tried every remnedy available, but It remalned for Dr. Chase's Ointment to effect a. cure. Mrs. Brown wrtes:-'I1 bave been a constant sufferer fromn nearly every form cof piles fer the last twenty years, and during that tinte both here and la the Old Country have trled most every. remnedy. " arn only doing justice to Dr. Chase's Olntment wahen I say that I be11save It te b. the best remnedy oh- tainable fur bleeding and protruding piles. 1 strongly recommnend Dr. Chase's Ointment te motheru, or lncleed te any person suffering frorn that dread torment-plles." Physiciane and druggists recomrnend Dr. Çhase's Ointment aa the oe pre- paration that wîll neyer fail to, cure piles. It la guaranteed -te positively cure -piles, whether îtchlng, bleeding. [or pro truding. 60 cents a ba.t al dealers, or Edmansoan, Bates and Ce., Toronto. BORN. HlocRIN-In Troronto, Oct, 10th, the wife of Mr. A. E. Hocekin, of a son, BRIMACOMBE-At Rochester, 159 Driving Park Ave, Oct. 23, the wife of Mr. F. Brimacombe, of a daughter. CONrLN-In East Whitby, Oct. 19, the wifc of Sebastian Coulin, of a daughter, WANAKER-Ifl OshawaOt 21, the wife of Walter Wanaker, of a daglter. MICHELL-In Oshawa, Oct. 20, the wife of T. B. Mitchell, of a son. MARRIED. AII'KE -FORGE-In the Methodist Ohurch, Windermere, Oct. 16, by Rev. R. S. Frallck, Mr. Willam Aitken andi Miss Anmie Matilda Forge, ail of Windermere. HERIIIMAN-WILLIAMS On Oct 18,404 Cypres M- ilgh Class. Groceries. CAWKER & TAIT invite al to miake the E Sstore their home-when in town. Our stock is first class, bought in the best::; Smarkets for spot cash, therefore enabling us to seil at prices that defy competition. Don't overlook the fact that we sellCrockery E SIn that department, (Second Storey,) you -will E Sfind the most complete and up-to-date stock in E SWest Durham. w- Cash paid for Butter and Bggs. E de- BOWMANVILLE. C W E A T E 4041E GOIiN4 EAST. COING WEST. iof a IxermnLuauouîuîcr ai Iwell written in McClure's 11011ve and Winnpg-reP s.1 A feurteen dollar Watci, fer sale ut agazinDr. A. S. Tille.v wis strieken witli1 Rickards for 88.00, enly a few lef t -î - --4 -4i . F - Ies... 10 17 a. L. ocal. ...815 The terrible brutality inflicted en a -" ding tour and returned te Toronto rn uyu us o stetm Mgr..54 1pm Passenger.. 1 40 p. m k n o~1 655 p.m. Express... u 8 " herse lu Tyrenie Saturday atterneen, with ail ceierity where Dr. Tesyad te, ave them alterefi and rcpaired. ýM. 'il 25" witb Dames ef the perptrators, bas seme other specialists eperated success- Mayer, turnier. Z al xeSna. been repertcd te the authorities and fulv ou him in the General Hospital on Don't let a goed pictur' get spoiled tSTOTT & JrrSun a. rn twe arrests May be oxpocted as seen as Thursétay. Ho is doin- nic,,ly and ex- fe ate rMe. rdadmke Ae tshle Ceunty Constable returns. l pects te return here ilu about 10 days. allkindset frames. GOazaz-In Oshawa, Oct. 25, Elizabeth Doug- las, beloveti wifc cf Chas. Goheen, ageds58 years and 2 mnths. tiILlUOty 'JUb.C1,fltflb~ .U4ILU UUgUhI, daughter cf Mr. James Logan, London, Out., ageti 35 years. STIAvER-In Detro.it, Mich.. Oct.2, W. E. Shaver, aged 41 years, Brother cf Rev. M. A. Shaver, ConIgregaioui*c1urch, Cobourg. UQIOR SALE-20 acres of land near TESH OLIJFMON 1 01 , FTN KEU-,-"WHY 18 THEF WPPY THOUGHI RLWRYS PREFERÈD TO ANY OTIIER RRNGE? L>~J IV 21Lfl.N V tflflLJ. 'J'.) J- ments for a geed praclical business rmfeouew prttns of lrist- freinRiekard if yôu do net need tliem. good general servant ai once in family cf - training is tlie Central Busiues Cllee a eds whicli are arriving daily. Hie enly fils those wlio require tliem. fieAplteMA.JM, 38 tf. Toronto. Wltl'itis splendid eçuiment AI whara inev.Immense clice et Fleeced iined and_______ ýe stock wasTlie Spoen'or Dramatic Company benprocigevrletvsvuJohnston& Crydermad.SMSK&BAR t. SEMPSOýÇ & BLAIR.