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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1900, p. 8

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Rtomizeirs, BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 31, 1900. HAMPTON. "HfÉt t e Nà if On thte Head.' -v oa ha'oje ernplians, pains ini the heud or kidnieys, stomach froubte and DJISTICT MEETINGi. A very enthusastic meeting- et the Midland District Council R. T. et T. was held on Thanksgiviug Day in the Royal Teriplars' Hall, Bowmanville. The morniîsg sesson was taken Up liaring the report of officers and dele- -t '-s ~ THEý%ISOýO .BOWMANVI LLE, ~ccu~T~ ~ F kI é ;~V - v ,, As Go-Cart. As Carniage. H-- ave you seen our Go-carts and Carrnages; if "not cail and see them. This cut shows cembinationýqo-cart and Baby Carniage. It fils all requirements and is takingithe place et others. We have other linos of Carrnages besides Furniture . ... Our store is tail etf ail the uewest geeds, tegether witli the regular lines from the cheaper te the better goeds., IJNDERTAKING complete and every attention given. Night bell on aide et deer answered any heur ot the niight. BOWMAN VILLE. 'NOT LIKE MOTIIER MADE" ~BUT 'ÏBETTER SONES S BECAUSE TE IMPERIAL OXI Is uperier te any kitelien coek ati If yen care te see then FOR SALE BY MaSon 6 Th Grny .Rogei The GrneyFou ndry Co., Limited t d ,FORD RANGE ove availabie in "mother's time"* nm caîl at our aîgents.* k Dale, -BOWMANVE. E. rs, ENNISurn.LEN.* JToron te, Winnipeg, Vancouver.* SIIOE CREDENTIAI O)n every -Siatez -'hoc"' a coupen found giving the shee's character. TeUs et the leather ln its make up,t It Is adapted to and ho- to care for i It gi ves the register number cf the which the makers can trace back to its birth, and shculd it up to their promises, make good the guaranece. "Slater Shees " ray be identified by this coupon an, nam3 -and price stamped on the sole. Every pair Goodyc; $3,50 and $5.00. JaS )n w"Il bc cshoc by t not live nd by the ar welted. 4"1<ý -; .» JOHN HELLYAR, Sole Local Agent DENTISTS. WIilho at Blaclrsteck on the first Moi v , if each month, at Orono ti'om 109 uto 12 p m and at Newcastle !rom 2:w0te 5.30) p. in. ou the second 1Mon1dav (4 eaci menti. Os'nsicn-Tomperance St, Bowman. ille. re;irr of Higg>inbotharn's drug store. NOTICE TO PAY. Ail pensons indebted to me for lum- ber, shingles on planing are nequested to cal ad, settie tliri accounts as soon as possible I do net wisli to incur cesta, but unles some accounta are settled verv so , must baud them ove. fer collection. R, WOODLEY, 414w*Tyrone. hareuies provet~iSoîilUC îU-Most effectuai remedy extant. Its sale is simply onormous. 25 cents a bottle. Family size 50 cents. ORONO. (Condensedfrom thse-News.) Mrs. Geo. Davidson is sick ...Mrs. Ed. Jaynes vîsited tiends in Manvers ... Mr. D. Patton, Toroute, was in tewn necently. . -.Mra. W. S. Gamsby and son, Clînton, visited fiiends lu To- ronto .. .. Mrs. Morgan bas roturned to Mn. Gee. Mosgrove's from visitiug east ...Mr.Thos. Dancaster, Orllia,visited hs father necently...Mnrs. Mosgneove, who is under treatment in the hespital, is recovering ...Mr. Geo. Stephens, Stepuons' Millsiuccoveringtfrom an at- tack of typlioid tever ...Miss Evlyn Honey, Central Business Cllege. To- route, was home Thanksgiving. .-.. Mrs James Gilfillan, Bewmanville, has been visitiug lier son, Mr. John J. Gilfillan.. .Miss Lizzie Rutledge, Canton, and bier sîster Winnifred, have been visiting thein aunt, Mrs. W.W.- TrulI ... Mn. Joseph Rickaby, dry goods clerk, wîth Mossns Holliday Bros , Brookln, was home Thanksgîving.-Mrs.:* Westey Thornten attended the wed ding et Miss Gray, and Mr. John Lord .... Mr. Alex. Smitb, who bas resided in British Col- umbia and Mauitoba for twenty y ears, is visting Mrs. A, llenry. . .. Mn. Pat- tenson, a graudson ot the late Asa Baldwin is bore from Viueland. N. J., nemoving the romains o! the Baldwin family înterred in the old cemeteny to tlie new. Mr. Pàttensou's mother was Wm. Wymau.. .. Mn. F. W. Wil- liamson lias purchased a splendid Jer- sev cow fnem Thos. Semerville.. About $300 was naised for Missions on the Orone Metliodist circuit Sunday week. SOLDIERS hi CAaip-Ex-Sergeant W. Jolinston of the ith Royal Grenadiers, Toronto, writos: "lit is impossible tor me te speak toe highly o! Dr. Chase's Oiutment for piles er any itching skin cisoase. It is simply iuvaluiable. Many ef our men used it whle in camp and recel ved excellent results." Membens et the Canadian contingents toek 100a boxes e! Dr Cbase's Ontment with them te South Africa te relieve the suffoniinga et campaigning. NEWCASTLE. Mrs. John Canmichael of New York passed away at home et ber father the late William N. Rose M.D.,Newcastle, atter a long and pain fuli llness. The funeral which took place on Mouday Oct. 22nd left the family residence at 2 u'cleck and took its sad and sorrowtul way te the English churcli followed by the bereaved tiends wbere 11ev. Canon Farncornb conducted the service and the words lie said iucluded the respect in wbich ahe was held. Retalled net ouly "One" wlio nad neached the end of Life's Jeunney, but were full ef love and hope te thesewho remain behind. The romains were then cannied te Bond Head aud interred lu the family plot. Deceased was boru in Edinbero being a grand daughter et the late Capt.Rose, Lincoln, Staff Office. et Pensions, and usece et Gen, Rese ef Eastbourue. Sho leaves tbree sisters te meuru lier bass, Mrs Harry Jeness, Bowmanville, Mis- ses Barbara and Charlottie Rose et this village..,. Visitons :-Mr. Hubert lied- gos, Pickering, at bis grandtathor's Mn. F. Ilodges : Mn. T. N. Rickand and Miss Draper, Bowmanville, at Mr. J. J. Uglow's ; Mn. A. W. Rickard at Norwood ; Mn. Chanlie Moaso, Newton ville ; Miss Susie M. Belîman, Claike, guest o! Miss Lena Clark; Miss Almeda Concli and Miss Millie Brown at Oreno .... Mrs Jas.Lovekin la very ll . . .. Rev Win. Jolliffe, Bewmauville, prmached verv htlpful and instructiveo sermons in the Methodiat cbnncb Sunday, which were mucli eujeyed. 11ev. T.J. Edmin- son preached anniversary sermons at Nestleten. SNEE ZE AND BLow-Tliat is what you must do wheu ou have catarnh in the head, Th. way te cure this disease is te purify the blood witb Hoed's Sarsa- parilla. Ibis medicine soothes and lieds the infiamed surfaces, rebuilda the delicate tissues and permanently cures catarrh bv expefing from the blood the gcrofulous taints upon whicli it dependa. Be sure te got IHood's. The non-irritating cathartic-Hood's PuIs. Presden WDLA. ec'y W.D.L.A. N\OTICE TO CREDITORS. Ail parties indebted to the firm of Drs. Mitchell and Graham, Enniskillen are kindly requested to cati and make immediate settiement to enable the Doctors to wind up the business in con- nection with the late partniership. MITCHELL & GRAHAM. WOOD SALE. FRIDAY, Nov. l6th-Mr. Colin Colville wil seli by "ubMie auction on lot 35, con 7, larke, tenl acres of standing timber-ýBeecl and Maple Sale at 1 o'clock shiarp. T. W. UNDERWOOD, auctioneer. MAPLE GUOVE. Several oi the sehool children have jaundice. ...,NMrs. W. W. Crawford and family have gone te join her husband in Florida ., *. Mr, Norman Tyler at- tex'ded the big- Salvation Army meeting lu Toronto,.. ..Mrs. Fred. R. Foley is spending a few days in the city. If vour stomach is weak it should have help. Hood's Sarsaparîllia gives strength to the stomacli and cures dys. pepsia and indigestie)n. SOLINA Mr. R.J. MeKessocik, our painstaking and energetic teacher, has been re-en- eaged at an increased galary ... . Quart- erly meeting at Elaad Sunday at 10.30 a.mI.. .. Mr. C. Shortridge lias returnezl from Manitoba pleased with the trip.. .... The two political candidates have heen canvassing thîs locality. But "Our Bobs" takes the cake lie...... Mr. and Mrs W.N. Pascoe have been visiting in West Whitby .... Mr. J.- T. Rundie has been spending a f ew days at Mapfle Grove,. . Mr and Mrs. John VanNest, Bowmanville, have been renewing ac- quaintance here.... Misses Flossie and Aura Osborne and Miss L. VanDyke visited at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's recenativ.. .Turnips are being harvested, 'he crop is conFîderably below the average ..Mr. and Mrs. J (ha Rey nolds visited at Bowmanvlle.... . 'Ple Loyal Crusad- ers intend having a Xmas tree,_ That Hacking Cougli is a warning not to be lightly treated. Pyny-Pectoral cures with absolute certaîntv ail recent coughs and colds. Tak-e it in time. Manufactured by the proprietors ef Perry Davis' Pain-Killer. The Youth's Companion Seventy-Fifth Year. Thelie ew volume of The Youth's Companion for 1901 will mark the paper's seventy-fifth year of continuous publication-seventy-lv e years, during which it bas had the approval ef three generations et readers. The constant aima ef The Companien is te carry into the homc reading that shall be helpful as well as entertaining-xeading that shali contribute te the pure happiness ef ail the tamily. Strong in tbe assur- ance that every reader gained is a friend won, the publishers offer te sen d The Conpanion, froe for the rernaining weeks of 1900 to those who subscribe now for the new volume for 1901. There will net be an issue from new until 1902 that will not be crowded with good stenies and articles ef rare interest andi vueDplomatists, Explorers, Sailors, Trapes, Indian Figliters, Storv- Writersand i-belf.Made Men and Women in Maaiy Vocations, besîdes the most pepular writers of fiction, will write for The Compapion net only next year. but during the remaining weeks ef this y ear. Týhe ew subscriber will alse re- ceive The Oompl-anion's new "Pluritan Girl"I Calendlar fer 1901, litliog'raphied in 12 colars. Illustrated Announce- merlt et the v-olume for 1901 will be sent free te, any address. with sample copy eft te paper. 111EYoUTH'sComPANiioN, Bostoni, Mass. We claim ithat the 1D. & L. Menthel Plaster wîll cure krmbagrobackache, sciatica, or neuiralgia Pains quieker than any other remedy. Made by Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd. i*--reu -peUaKVIer-s-unougnurui armlu 1V- erent inannen apparently put all in a suitahie mood for worship -and as lie advsîinced lu lis subject he warmed te an entbusiasm that carried lis beaners te a peint wbere tbey felt impelled te neacli and take bigbor greund in christ ian service. The two chiot things dev eloped wone that cbistianity to be rebust and hlioathy requirea centact with secular and e verv day aff airs and that the institution et eantb centaiuly eqn the purifyiug energies of Christ- int. The names et the ueminatiug committee worc read and the delegates tlien nepaîred' te the edheel noem ton dinuer. In the atterneon the meeting waa opened by Rev. J. T. Edmisen, B. A., Newcastle, Honenory Presient et the District. The Secnetany's report show- ed that the werk throughout the district bas been well sustaiued altheugh the absence of neturns from a few societici made it impossible te compare figures with last vear. The follewiug are the new efficers: Hon. President-Rev. T. J. Edmison, Newcastle; President-Mr T. J. Rick- ard. Newcastle; lat Vice- Pnsid ent-Dr. MI. M. Tucker, Orono; 2ud Vice-Presi- dent-Miss Addie Cole, Maple -G-ove; 3rd Vice-President-Mr. L. T. Countice, Bewmanville; 4th Vice-Pnesîdetit-Mr. A. J. Bick le, Oshawa ; 5th Vice-Presi- dent-Mis8 M. M. Moment, Orone; Treasuren-Mr.,A. W. Annîs, Tyrone; Secretar v-Mr.W.R Courtice, Ceurtice;« Conference Representative- Rev. J. G. Lewis, B. A., Newtenville; Representa tives on Executive'.Committee-Mr. W. J. Robinson, Clarke; Miss E. I. Ellis, Hampton; Mrs. F. R. Foley, Maple Grovo. Att.. the introduction et the new officers, Rev. J. S. MeMullen, T «% one, gave an address on "llow te reachi and intenestvoungmen."Both in theaddress and the discussion which tfollowed pan- ticular-empliasis was put on per'.onal work by conversation and brotherlv contact. "Ou. weak peints and their cure" was taken up b v Mn. F. T. AIlin, Hampton, Mr.W J.Rickard, Newcastle, Mr. H. Souci, Orono, and Mn. L T. Countice, Bowmanville. The peints discussed wene, "DulI censecration, meptinga," "Pledge hneakipg," "Shirk- ing nosponsiility, " 'Lack et Loyalty te ether churcli insti.utions." Ibis part e! the pro gramn waa speciall * interesting as it touched on points o! interest te al leaguéns. Miss Davey, Oneno, Missiouarv Vice Presidont ton thîe district, tollowed witb a report o! the Missionary worx. The ameunt raised in eennection witli our Forward Missionary Movement was semo' thing ove. $320 and while quit. an advance ever last voar is net what lad been airned at-$500. A special committee was appointed te look after the missionany interests et the district and sec if this department could nût ho put on a more permanent basis. 11ev. J. S. I. Wilson, Courtice, tellowed with a rousîng miasieuary address wherein ho depicted the relation et the Leagues te the evangelization et the world. Duning the atterneen the members et the Orono Ju1niar League sang a very nice seug that *vas much enjoyod. lu I the et-ening after a very inurrest- iug seng service by Orono League Cheir. An addness was -iven by Rot'. J. G. Lewis, B. A , Newtqnville, on the "Need and trend et the Evangelistic movement e! the heur." The speaker theught more et our euorgy sbonld be given to spread scriptural hehinosa rather than devotiug al ou. wonk te conversions. He intimated that there w'as a weaknebslu oun syst m just bore, that ý ouug converts wero not develeped as they should bo into streng cbnistians. After giving seme causeiâ ton this stato et thingýs he suggested the foliewing remedîe: A botter example by eider christiaus. hess selfisliness in business, a bass igid following et seciety, and a more thorougli grounding lu chistian taith. -Rot-. R, P. Bowles spoke on 'Realitv lu Christian Work. "Th. day shal reyeal it a-ad the fine shall test evers man's work." Iu the liglit et comiug revelation a-ad judgment ho plead for a more active address et ourselves te the thinga- that shaîl stand. He said too many et us simply plav at the business ef God. 1h. wheela et the machiuery revolve but are attactied te ne reali work. If every eue weuld de bis vert-, very best wbat a transformation thoeé would be lu ali our churcli work. upwards. Our Special at $5.00 is a stylish made Jacket, material is beaver, colors-black, bine and green; raised cord trimming, lined throughout with briglit colored mercerized Roman Satin, Another very attractive Coat in fine Kersey Cloth; colors, black and fawn, beautifuily lined and faced. A very handsome Coat at $10 00. Dress Goods. Ail our inew goods are now in. We have just opened out another shipuient from the Old Country (imported direct) entaining some et the very latest novelties. H5andsome Suitings to seli at 5Oc a yard. These are a snap. Also a very special lino in fine Suitings at 75c. Special...... 10 dozen Ladies', ribbed cashmere Hoe, two kinds, clearing at 20c pair. , Two lunes Ladies' Vests, regular 20c. We are clearing the lot at 2 for 25c. THEASONCo 4JOURTICE. Recent visitons: Miss Maud Arnot, Taunton, guest et Miss Bonnde Rich- ards; Mns. W. Moore, Tyrone, at Mrs. AWyborn's,;Miss Cora Drew,Hanmonv, guest ef Miss Mabel Walter; Miss WVil- son, Brighton, with lien brother, Rev. J. S. I. Wilson; Mr. and Mns. A. 'Aunis, Tyrone, at Mn. Levi Annis' .. . .Mr. R. W. Clark.elias been ne-engage 1 at No. 4 at an advance e! salary .. .. Miss Littlejohus and Miss Bickle are taking lessons lu yeice culture at the 0. L. C., Wbitby Geo. Reynolds in visit- ing triends in Brock.. . .Mr Jos. Peu tound and tamily, Tyrone, have meved en te thein f arm bore. That tired, languid feeling aud dull beadadho is veny disagreeablf-. Take two o! Cai ter's Little Liver Pilîs betore netîning, and you will find relie!. They nover fail te de good. ENNISKILLEN. Mn, O. L. Bivers bas gene te Welland ... Mn. A. Davey "and Miss Nichols, Troute, are guesta of!Ain. J. J. Gibson ...Hon. J. R. Stratten, Provincial Secretars', was recent guest o! Dr. J. C. Mitchell.... .Dn. Gralam bas returned tom Toroute te spend a week settling up the business o! tlie late firm ot Drs. Mitchell & Graham. See notice......At the Liheral meeting here Saturday ex- cellent expositions et the local and Do- minion 's affaira were given by Mnr. D. B. Simpson, Q. C , and Mn. Louis F. Heyd, Brantford. Both speeches were reploe with tacts and general information on the conduct ef the present Government. Mn. John McLaugblin occupiod the chair and openud witi a short speech showing hiniseif to e ho ioougbly éon versant with the pehitical situation.... Quarterly meeting in the Methodist dhurch Sunday morni ng. Business meeting Monday at 7 p. mi. Thev inake eue foot as thougl i lie was wonth Iliv*g Take eue o! Carter's Little Little Pi Lafater eating; it will relieve dyspepsia, aid digestion, give toue and vigor te the system. SAY :-Do you want Gil- mosnur's Celebrated Hig!i Chah,, Doons for that nico new bouse y ou are building? If se, tel.. phono Ne. 15. Notwithstand- ing aIl reports te the contrany we are still slling and geing te soîl, Doors, Sash, Blinda, Meuldings, pickets and ail kinda et dressed and undressed lumber and are, coutinuaihy receiving tresi stock te, meet ail tlie demanda et the trade. A consignment et splendid No. 1 deors- arrived trem the Gilmour's tactory at froenton a tew days ago. an~d we are pro pared to supply any grade o! goeds manutactured by them at short netice and at reasonable pricos. Paiuted and grained celiug a specialty,headquarters aise fer shingles-Britishi Columbia No. 1 Rcd Cedan and ail grades et Pin. and native Coda.; Sait, Plaster and Pont land Cement always in stock. Cal and inspect ou. stock and prices betere placiug youf endors elsewhone. McCleilan & Ce., Bowmanville Milburn's, Sterling Headache Pow- Clora give womeu promnpt relief frem mentily pains and beave n,) bad atten offects whatever. Be sure you get Milburn's, Price lQc, and 25c., aMI idealers. BARLEY- WANTED à 5000 BUSHELS good, heavy, bright Barîley want- ed immedîatelly at mny Elevator, N ewcastle. T. I. Everson. Newcastle, Oct. 1, 1900. WEDDING BELLS* CUTTS-MACKAY. A petty weddîng was celebrated at Chalmer's chnnch, Weodstock,on Wed- nesday atternoon Oct l7th when Miss Lella MacKay,.fourth dangliter of Rev. Dr. MacKay formerly et Baltimnore, ont, was nlarried to Mr. D. D). Charles Coutte, head book keeper for the D). W, Karn Ce., et that town. Reiv. D. 'Mac- Kay, father ef the bride, assisted by Rev. Dr. Mcîavish et Deseronto, per- formed the ceremony. The bride who is oeeoe the best looking of Wuedstock's many goed looking daugliters, and wfr> is well known in Stratford, waï esert- te the altar by lier father. She wore a gown et white brocade, sîilk tnimmed with silk guipure lace. .C panel ol roses finished off the s)--rt. The tradi- tional veil and orange blossoms were vnand the bouquet the bride carried. was et white roses. HILLMAN-WRIGnT. A vorv pretty wedding toek place on Wednesday Sept. 26th at 30 Oliver Ave, Troute, home ef Mrs. ]H. Merriday~, when lier sister Misî Rachel A. Wrlht , third daughter et Mr. Wiiliam Wright, Bowmanvillo, was married to Mr. S Hiliman, Oshawa. The ceremonv wa penformed by Bey. J .T. Morris et Me Caul St. Methodist cburch. The bride appeared in electric blue sîlk with chii. fonland lace trimming and carriedà handsoma bouquet et cream roses and niaiden-bair fernas. Th. bnidesmaid Miss Dolly Wright, sister 0f the bride wore cream cashmere, with lace trim, minga. Mr. Everett Spencley, cousin o the grûom, was groomaman. 1he presents were numerous and handsome Mr. and Mrs. Hilîmati will reside at Oshawa. Methodist Magazine and Review for October contains a heautîfully illustrat. ed article on "Kenilworth Castde its Memories. " Cliaracter studios given of Isaac Sharp, the fm Quaker missionary, 'and et Bethoven, the great musician. "!' liis Drift," hy Rev. W. Ilairison, "A. 1ýtpmrance fi Brook Fiarm," and "The Pýastorate oft the Reverend Samuiel Wle, lli read witb interest. William Briggs Toronto. $2.00 a ,year. Children O0ry for C ASTRI'M 1A. y Le MOIZRIS 1el

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