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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1900, p. 6

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W AR tJ0'ITTliNOS. Au ntepî gtheatrical manager lu VJ'>ýza l has offerad ex-President, Et ýLjer £ V par week for six weeks ta delivr-lectures aon the Transvaal War. Kr uger is said ta bave refused the of"sr.1 Rusiefi bas now iseued an ediot thet she aunexed Manchuria as part f y #On the FarnL FALL PLO 'WING CONDITIONS. W lare spring wiseat or oats arc grawu, faîl plowing should ha doue on an extensive scale, as under usuel conditions ht permits the sowLug a! 4 tory. lu A. D .757 it wae besiegad srrie t h ecIe by a force af 100,W01 men. The gari taoni upseatherut. 0f thýe city, isow aven, whîeb wii5 but!r CORIN HODDER. e emeil 'one, Sccoesfuiliy isld out toriWe h as r rudit a ncmn'is and et tise endi o!fmt W ts ar regond it tire ade e sortie, campîetely rouLI t-rn and cob mieai. corn loidan shows iu iebesiegers, wba, îh le said, lait a higisar parcantaga ai digeslibiiity _W2_3 ee upan the fieald. flan eny otiser good coaa-sa food stuff, baîug 8 par cent. higiser lisai SCAT THSAT TLIAVELS. timothy hty and 14 par cent more Thasneo! people bave leard o!, tisa claver hay. Coîîtrary ta tisa le- raiwe doswhich iravai en extaît- liai ai many prar tieoil feeders, digecti- iiivl,iad really sep-ne to know as bislty te încreased 6 par cent. hy nish abou t trains and timo ruigtise ears, and tise vaiue ai tabes sa uad des. Bu thre ~ iia cars alone îs inecased neaýýly 20 r o "se'51.~i~ -igdj "is jectinluy par cent. as rernarleble in it.,I oadnass for rail., This je due ta the faofthat co'm- wev rding.plate mastication je al oc-ornIish- 1 1 of tfha îudemnlty which China owes1 these grains from two ta thrae weeks to hoe r. consequence Of the Boxers'!earîier than ia passible when thes atteoks onuillagovestchensk and other plowing is delayed until spriiig. In stations. T ho land wili ha useti for the feul or early wintar, plowing can Russien colonization. aiten hae done at the least expense, Tha total British casualties in the thare being no other timely wark for Soýuth Africau campaign up ta the' teamn or men. The teem is fulily ha. d- 2Lth of Septqwmber (exclusive of aïc 1anad to beavy wark and, notwth- et pesat l au husîtas> re ear standing the short days, more work ly 40,200. The Ions from diseasa bas' is accomplishedt dan during the i ung- b)eau twioe the number killed in as- er days of spriug wbon dia teami tn ti-a, and over 27,0OG men and 1,200) not inured to hard labor. Law lande, officers have been sent home as in can ai ten hae plowed et this season, valide. xvhich the snow and spring raine The ofi cers o! diah German expedi- wouîd mak-a quille impossible ta plow tiouary force in China bave eaoh beaun in the spring in time for a season- provided with an impraved sprit iamp able orop. UJpon fall plowad iand which will roastinL a few minutes' wboat and aats are ai tan eawn when birds, joints, etc. There le a dearth îthe bnttom of upturned furraw is o! table delicacies in Berlin. By or- stili frozen soid, and upon the earlî- ceia the Kaiser ail delicacies are'nc iswxgths rp eed being bought up by the authorities the profit in thaîr production. to e hatfinreÉdfer the use a! the Ger- eUall piowing cen lia done when the Èa orc6es in China. uptumned fui row lks leek and Oigta the feot that many hua- greasy fromn so muich moisture in the dreds of men wlll returu f rom the, salI. This condition will do no harm, war diSabied or iith healtb perman- as tbe freezing that soon follows entiy fjurd, t le praposed ta est ab- tsars ta piecas the most compact lîha "Khaki Associatiou. The oh I clods, laaving the sur-face soit soit jeot oc this institution will lie ta andl friable, while if doue under the gai. ail thons who have served in1 sapea moisture conditions in' the Scth Atrîca ta combine for cha pur- 1 epring the resuits w oulJ lie the, ra- pa)ýce of ;assieting their maimed and. verse. Fall pluwing ai a stif f sod disabled coQmrados, seeing that the' nat only causes every furrow toacat amaýIl Gajverument pension wlll ha, as a drain ta absorb the reinfail, but quit inetifficiant for iliair neede, the upturned furrow conitains the JheDoaffer-1-Empress and Lmper- 1wira and cutworms, and thas axpos- or a-o Chine have teken refuge et lai- ad they ara frozen ta deeth. 14 you Yuen-Fu, about 2W> miles trom Pekini. desire ta test the beneit toaifaul plow- It i, É, anold Tartar, city, surr.aunded ing, plow a widao strip acrose the field üy afomîal wall eght miles in in late faîl anxidt'oia bance at. the circumieene Tai-Yien-Fu le re- usuel time in thea epring and notete uondas having been the sceeeof recuite et harveet urne. Particular- the Most famnous siaga in Chin5eae bis- ly il thse land ho a sod, youw~il Lia traatinent 1 aoutd procura but with 1INear 'tua globne tisera stands a glas itta ocr nc affe0t. Tisa trouble was1 case two feet long and a foot and procnounc,&d consîumptiou of tisablod! a bal! aride an d igh, wisich je near- antd I was tcild hy tise duotors tisai you woud ni crame at-rosa a case MIe it in fiva hrundred. Wisen almocit dfisctauraged and not lnowing what boa d'o for tisa hast, a friand o! mina urged ma ica tny Dr. Wisliams' Pink PiLlesaying tisai ha ised n son wis wais affilicted with e somewlat sirn- lier disease and isad been cured byl thea pils. I det-ded ta. give Dr. Wil- liams' Pii.k Pil a trial and secuned Iy twO-thirsi fuît ai the rareSt pearî,, carefuily seacied ý for many centuries; and a singlalisandiul o! wiicwould a "King'à raneoýM." These are but two items in tise mast marva'lbons collection nif rocs-ý ures tisa world has eerseau, andtisa aggragate valua jf, which no meni kniows. Amnýg other teasures0f the Shharea umelesgnld veses fui ta tise rin o!diamonde and arn- box and name-but imita- tions ara dengeros. Tise original and only ganuine cura, for Bright's Dicease te DodsKidne.y Pills re I ftycrts a box etail, PRESCRIPTION GARE" 1 . through tilàe h ie qInter and made ta take on eny gain. In fast, when coufined to an exclusiv'e hay diet they los. ini weight, and at ane place where the experiment was performed tha loss in vight during a three weeks' trial was neerly 85 pounds with four pige weighing about 14G pounde each, Alfalfa pestura îs doubtiess a help ta pig raisin.g, but hay alune can only answer ta keep pigs alive until other fead (,en be secured. A MTANGE CASE EYE TROUBLE WHTCII DEVELOPE D. BABOO ENGLTSH. I aboo English in, the descriptive title given ta the extremely ometse lenguage in which many, two-thirds- educated- natives of India express t±selves. The magazines and CEYLN ORFIN UIA exlspaýpars of India are ful of t. One wil dipiaa al J~sa Te th caa a r:ridical -eays of e certain lawyar's Salada black is d1;sp1Acing ail other 1 plea, "Bis childlike gimplicity fasoin- blet-k te-as.j ateid ail, and xvas prouf against the demoralizin'g influences af his honor- COINCENTR1ATED) WEALTH. able profession." The late Gx. W. - Steevens gives an exemple af baboo Dazzllssg fllspiayî s i sar OfuaieEngiish iu bis book, "lu India." It je ltayally.a f cebla effort to express admiration .Within the wal1ls of two am aIl, tMy the speech o! Pundit Madan Mohian rooms et W'inds.ýor Casteie je storeâ eMalavaya at a native congress. plate of gold and silvar sufficiently liaeoo, ,oiin i INTO RUNNING SORES. valuable taeie ý. its ownar a lmtIion- name&. Ie bras a sweot vaice, and fis aire nealy twiýe over. A single gotd oner a! tis aumst entisusîasticaily wel- liecter-4s alIl StVas C-ru ioi tthe dinner-service f ctr 15[) guests je val-,cre !mno iacnre lt Wooda,, ansd iteevery Wqas Loee'ed 5555eued et £3O00 a golden peacoo infr., Nither feul nor short, not as Alnmtslsi opelese --r. WIVl Pink s ~ wbose hody quivacre in tisa radiante etonit but thin, not dark, dreseed lu ipin wreu--b a cre.0f hundreds of!icostly gea, is w OI th pure whsite, wiib a white robe, wiicis Froue tise Herald, Georgetawn, Ont. 20,4000; a tiger's ,head ai gold,' with goois round hie ehauilders and ends Our epoter recetlyhadtheeyes and teetis ai crystal, ad e Sclt.d downj below the Inees, Mr. Madan pleaure o! cili gat Of gOlci for its tangue; mOnstar Moisan stands likaE iffei's Tower Thompson, papermaker, et Wmn. Bar-jdsesad,;iios n hed l ber & Broc. rnila, a well known an ihs tnfsgnnd hld alwisertha addressies bis f ellow-congreee- r6speted 'citizen o! aur town, for the ai pure gotd ; rosa-water fountains,'m... 1faute, enarmous winie-coolers and B tnsaatig !rad d pumpocro o! arqqirinrg thIse details o! uc-olcae us esad 1nigfrad d bis souls long illnesand lis me- puch-owhils, aifortucned cnasmirably preserving hie conter o! each ai whîois le e fortunethe minie-gravîty. Hie speeches ara f ull ai markahy mecaery trough ha us ture, are ail u in l profusion. plui n prin ttmus o! ~Dr. Williams' Pink Pille. Mr. plui n prln ttmns Thomnpson liudiy gave ucstth" followi- isQunlchejevuaetmr and bie ralling and interminable than £3UJ0090; and a single dessert isentecstae u !hemuhl iug ifomniabotinwo acisawitl eafr r service a;S,3 errcrseute e Cabinet quick' succession, praducing a thrill- igtel! :-"Abot6011,w a netbal! yeas btlnster s muOmslperpetuty ; whila ing impression on the audience. Thare what i tise very jawele î n lber cî'awn are i ui ahevi-;toal al fiften yaae aid toakwortjs e tiîrd ai a mIlian pounds. ln hiseoye; and haoe naastsesoe paced! te ha infla rmmation l i l loit, iBu tj aita w bn mn iamr itecneas ompanysee eye. Hallewas taken tea aphysic-iený,,Bt ct ase contate a the Sanha _____ ofthe_____________________ wAhsQ advisednie ta tale him ta anth Onls -et oteSas eye spacialist which 1 did, anly taeîtreasurebous;e are wortis alI île find Ont thiai ho had lest tle sighti Queanspssin s, castiy as tisey o! the eye comptetely. Tbe disenise aa spreaid from his eye ta his wrist$ One a g o f gold, on wisich wisich hecame greatly swollen, and iail the countriesoa the aarth ara was lauoad no tees than elevan urnes. rnarked Wit msuceaigerna-dia, mande rubieas, capphrs mrl His whole arm wa.s ,orpltetay use- 'pi's mrie base, atthrough lha wae not euiïaring andhil Ie rarsu a pracods tone any, pain. From bis wrist it went to -ta the num be r aita.ns ai tisousands; i Isedaietndmt paiful niaiady ta whlch hie font whicl wae also tant-ad a cou-' while, 'as if th i eanat a suificient mankind ïe sLibiect. Dadd'e pl, ofties ut wihou brziingte.ildisptay ai richesi, around us' pedestal Kidney Pills wtll cure eîîy .iaf. ,Thamaexti mcive on rIhe troubleonwihtL stdsaepd eyavnvrfie n ivas teto îe upper part o! the ieg h ai cfueorrmu. gold coiSns , ry onesiylehave.oveare i ibere il. Irta citLarge quantitic aOnaeaifxhih le is-vorth £35. Tiho value the only remedy tInt e'sar of aterruinin fomth sos.Al o aibs wnariglobe le £l,000,000 bas cured it, and they are ai mtta munin fro tia sra.Ailthe only ran-.ad7 tIsait an, ti% is t my boy was undar the best sterifng. -. - -Thera are irnitiations - n - a '-t uo ~ o - -' - o-o -a. ka-n~ -as=osg'sr ~~¶ro rsevsva~smosc.s ~'~'o-o-m~'- ~ n- or... "~"'~ ' - OYLON TEiA, tous accounting for it8 uncquslied purity. Act 0on go -1adVie au become a conqtant user, Ini Load Paete ta25, 30, 40, 60 and 02o, Pul1try, LButter, Egsand Gother Pro-rduce,. If yen have any correspond with us. VWe want 100 O-A RLOADS ta supply aur tr ade. The Dawsonm Commission CO,, UMitsd, Toronto. 1 A glass of liquor is the toper's spir- itual comfort. TO CURE A COLA> IN ONE BAT rake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tableto. Ail dugaistt refund the maoney if it faits te cure. E,. W, GroyezW signature inen on clboi. 250 The hand that gresps too mnuah hoids but littie. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this parer will be pleaeed ta learn that theroe t east, ane dreadýd di-ûse that ecienca lias bee ,able ta cure 'l ailit9 staaes and tbhat ks Catarrh, aV Catarril Cure la the only positive curc nyw knawPn te thse medical Iraternity. 1Catarrb hedn'1g;acous, titutianal di.eae, requires a cntttoa troatmsnlxi. all's Catarrh Cure latek iner naily, acting directly upon Âth e b:oad sindý muccus surfaces iet the eyetm, teeydes- Lraying thse foundatiao ofdtUs- Wear.e ad givin tbe pattant -ýtr gh b bilding upthe c neilftution and as islugnature in dlgitA work. Thse prop-rîeieo a sozch IL, i h la i curative pw 1ethi he2y aarne3 l{ur- drad Dollars for any th a ies ta cure, Send for het of te't Mon i"I . Addregs. F. J. CI{iiEYý&CO.,Tcledo,O. Sold by drurgis9, 75c. HlPUs Faily Pills are the boait A ooiifidence man je a man -wjio la unworthy of your confidence. FOR OVER PIPTY TEARb MUS.WINLOWS SOTEINQ SIZRUPe bîetý6 oseShf usiser fe thfr hildren teetbio5;. ltZs b ",d b &i il drugpý,.stsou1su iewr eer "dS ask for IlMrs. tuuseOwtb.h1i ng 'ru tý à Joneh was a conuindrum and tha whale had ta give hlm Up. W. P. C. 10-48 Carbollo Olinfetarqt, Ue&pS, On menost, Toth Poww-crý, tc. have bPeess awarded 1001 medals aed dialmsfrspra ou@ diseeese. Asii your dealer tu ohtaina supply. Listea sailsd free on application. F. 0. CALVERIT & CO., A. GOODHITIRSE TEST.' Raviewing, the work doue hy horses of ýdifferent nationalitiesilutha South African cempaign, thie conclusion muet be reaohed that the Engtish proved tharneelves as good as any, when they were fairly traated, whicb they were not qn thia beginn'ng of the war, when they were in hope- lassly unfit condition. The Lon- don omnibus horsas eepecially dis- tinguisliod thenisalves in pulling baavy artillery., Thue 1ustralian and INew Zealanýdbohes, of wbich much was ax- pected, did weIi et firet, but soon fell victines ta a kind of catarrh whioh kapt them on the sic-k ibet for weeks, Ar- gentine cobe, imported in enormous numbers for mounted iniantry and galloping Mexirns, are 'deseribed as tractable, but very saft-hearted, If pressed, they incontinently iay down and died as the easiest way out o! the trouble. Thse Indian-bred ani- maie staod thse summer in Africa very well, but thse iinter very badiy. American-bmed horces only began ta arriva in considereble nunibers toward thse latter end of the war. Thure wi.l hae an enormaus, number of good horses lai t in Sout Afxica after the war, as tisa Britishi authorities du not intand ta transport niany back ta hngland. Thousanýdeis ftbern, ai course, will ha required fotisa rnunted force, whicb will bava ta ho maintained for a long tiin ta coa. Tise correspendents inetet upon tise importance o! en- coureling the native breed, whiciscar-r riei the Boers sa wall. Big men as they are tbay cantrived ta gallop away frorn tise Jritisis cavalry. SHE H4ALD. "AhJ!" said the younsg tian wh 'tisa litile blid spot on tisa crowncf hie haad, "youa lufe bas iseen a calrn, placid, emotionlese one. Yoa ha ve nover met ycu.r fate. Yau ha va nev- or been ho th.e graep o! an nvarmast- eriag passion that bas selza)d you. by the iseart strings anti held you quiv- e-rinrg 1" "Suraly Il have!1" ase replied, won- dpringly. "I am learning te play Te aisnd fer eue Camplote Ota', wt'n SellrateR 3CE &Go. 158 Vgest. TorontO, Ont. aQi : LASBROS., ïj

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