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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1900, p. 5

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ble ýn Cure 0 0oi £* ,ONLI 15c. niumeneuois Corn Cures ou that DON'T CURE. Thene DOES CURE, A SINGLE ILLUSTRATION. A customer came into Our store one day lust woek and laid dowu 30c. and asked for a box of our Corn Cure. "'Our Corn Cu-re 15 ouly 15c" we replied 46aud you caun get your 15e hack if it doos net dure." *'Yes," lie said "I krto'thiat aud itlat isthe neason I put ;vnSOc0. Some moutlis ugo I got a e0ohre and thougltit t did not 'cure mae and asked for the money back and y'ou paid it ever without a word. I ound .however tIsat it did cure me and here is tIse iSu back again and 15e more for a box for another crn." TRY IT! It's Ifroc if it doos not cue. 0TOTT &JURY The Relable Drnggists. Read the A-bove Adv't. ~'tIllustrates our Method of Doing Business. Il was 'lu 1856 that our business wvas estab)lishied and in overy family lu thi coin', un label ou a package. is taken as a guarauntee cf botl qnality and value. We manuifacture a lino of neliable anid pôpular househiold nemodies and yoi get vour mouiey back every time if iliey de net givye satisfaction. Ounr Cougýli Synup, Liven Pills Con- dition Powdcrs, Bhood and Nerve Pis, Widrtey PuIs, Emulsion's Ced Liver 01, 'Worm Powdens, etc., are all sold ou tIse samre ternms-I'Money back if you aask foreit." We do net say thoy are tIse best because we man-ilufacture tbem but- wo manufacture theus because they are tIse best (quite a difeet lîang.') Cuil i an sec thc large botthe of Emulsion's Ced Liver 011 we soul for 65 ts. ý,ý. B.-We test eyes f roc and sl spectacles en tIse sume conditions, us medicines', "Mone'y back if you waut STOTT & JURYIIT The Reliable Druggists. BOWAVILLE, NOY. 14, 1900 Oystens as you ike thom ut Tod's. A few 40 cents jet Beits ut 20 cents ut Rickard 's, Gyste-r by 'buLk or served by dish ut Belore buNiug a new fur wrap 800 the 5 lended values and lange assortmneut 8h cwtt at TIse Mus ou Cc. Now is the time to have your i uns altered and made ovor iu thie lateat styleby M. Mayecr,Purrion. The mail from thse eust was severul hoes late last Thnnrsday mrning ow- i»g to a frei1ght car leaviîîg the rails near Grafton). "Richelieu,," from Bulwer Lytton "was presen ted lu. five acts ut thc tewn Hall Pnýiduyngt by Mn. Edward D'oize and comnpauy. Tic phay is taken from Prendl life and was dorver- 1 ,pnesünted. Mnr. D'oize as Cardinal Rjiceliu aud Mne. Lelaud Webb as Adrian de, AMauprut are penhaps the .trongest liaracte(rs. The Shakes- pearean play "Hlaieýt" 'was presented by this saieeeenipuuy Stunduy nigit -and ishbigilyVsDoken cf. The VWin gham Âvûciesays: Mn. ~ e Awde W i uns asbeefi th ~ .' l fith &petiW go. Before leaving rol ktdMr-A4't s 'the £worthLè i of poems anass wth a ioocr t t. 'tne book. r. A.wdo s~bownanvlttrîends aepieased te heur ho hlas been 80 kind- ly rmembered, Exelsior CounIcil R. T. cf T. recog- n îldte prtsenice ef eue of thoin former Lcm esMiss Carne Wigàt (YuOnue ffr)who uppearedIere ou Friday t i the Edouard D'Oize Com- hb.y prEýsenting -hon during tIe nng witi a handsome bouquet cf (roesfom tIe "R, T.- cf T.-lu memory fo balleen Mavou2neen." MissIWight eneully acknowledgl.ed leý favor bhw n ler ou lier frst profe ssionalý ý-pe-ance onibe15stagleren. ,gtos rsent t t cfanerai Amo-whoeemuhtfrmToI et Thlomnas Tod, baker and confoctioners fsiucy cakes a specialty., Miethodist auuiiversary and aunual Thankoffering on Dec. 2nd. Mrs. Fred Rcbliu and famihy are now comfortably settlcd lu Hamilton. Several niew members have receutly been addcd tii the Methodist choir. Mrs. W. R. Kuight went to, Toronto last week to undergo an operation ut thse Hospital, Brooklu Royal Templars will celeb- rate their 1lihaunivorsary by a grand concert Nov 15. 1Ladies wrapperette blouses from 6 cents up and wrappens from 81 up at The Mason Co's. Mns. Gare and two daughtors, Win- ipg, Man., are guests of lier mother Mns. J. Ruebottom. Sacrameut was dispensed to a large n umbor cf communicants at thse Metho- dist ehunch Suuday. A full lins cf ladies' suitiugs and dress goeds uow ou sale at The Mason Co's l)epartmeutal Stores. Mn. Isaac Wilson, Editor',Sentinel Star, Cobourg, and bis dauglitor, are ,4ufferng fnom tvphoid fever. Rev. W. J. Jolliffe, B. C. L,, stated soîno very plain truths in lis sermon Suuday morning on "'Revivals." Mrs.(Dr.) J.C. Devitt and Mrs. G. R Mason receive ut their homes this (Wed- nesday) and Thursday aftornocus. Mrs. W. Everson and, Miss Wiuuie, Everson, Oshawa, wore guosts of lier brother Mn. R. Il. Hamiey over Sun- day. Mrs. (Dr.) James Bray and twc daugliters, Toronto, are guests cf lier father, Mn. John Poster, 'Norwood Place." Ridli, warm, lioaltby blood is givon by Hood's Sursaparilla aud thns colds, couglîs and pueumonia are prevented. Try it now. Our readymade clcthing for men and boys is ail new and strictly up to-date, and ne botter value anywliere. Coudl, Joînsten & Cryderman. Wby net order your papers and magazines ut your eanliest cppertuuity? Dont' wait tihi your paper stops. See our new clubbiug rates. It 18 reported that Mn. George Smith cf Clarke who will be 100 years cf ugo next May is the oldest voter lu Canada who went te the polIs on electicu day. Concli, Johuston & Cryderman hav- ing cleaned eut, the over production lu ]:5aukets cf a western wooleu milh, are uow selling thcm at wliclesale pricos. Rey. Jas. Simpson, Methodist mînist- cr ut Lansdowne, dropped dead wlile preaching lu lis pulpit on Sunday morning. He was about 60 years of ugo. -Tait & Cc.- have- opened -a -branch studio at Orono where they make al styles and sizos. Orono gallery wihl be open aud il, full workiug order Doc. 1, 1900. 44- f, Evang.elist Martin who is conducting [special services in the Disciple church laddrossed a gathering cf mou Suuday afternou. Next Suuday lie will speak to wcmeis, WC cougnatlatle aolrold Bow- manville b)oyM.W. A Parks, M. A., Ph. D., on ha vinig the latter dogree conferred upon hlm by thc Toronto University. A brandi cf a raspborny bush frous Mn. HI.C. Tait's gardon was showu us iast weekr on which were, ripe rasp- bonnïes Th rather unusual ai this soason cf thse year. We notice by Montreal Dapers that Mn. R.L. Wenry's new songý "Khaki Heros' Welcomo Home" is being freqnently sfug at concerts and otlien gat honings in that city. Don't, say don't lot yeun mothen pas into thse 2Oth Centutry, witli those bout and rusty spectacles, wheu for a f&v silver piecei yen cau purdhase a pair of well filled modern eues from T. N. Rickard. ; It is suggosted that "Manuers and Mcnals" be tauglit in our scliools. We think that this is a gocd thing, us there 1are lots of boys and girls, who, while -apt encugl inlumuthematios, bistory, ;etc., will make veny duli pupils in mati nons. L Excelsien Coutucil R. T. of T., have decided te liold a grand rally lu thein Lhlall ou Twesday Nov. 2Otli. ,Tbe liter- ;arn'y and musical prograus wilI be fur- .uis-hed followed by refreslimeuts. Evony Smemaber is expected to answen the roll ;cal! either in person or by letton. Mr, Spinks of thse Bible Training schoo;Torouto, preaclod very accop- .tabhy lu Trinity dhurci on Suuday last- Ho shows a fluency and oarnest- uess quite remarkable for so voung a .man. It 18 expectod that ho -wlll oc- ;cupy the pulpit E ext Suuday also. L Mrs. John Fleminîg fell redently on .tlie sidewalk nean hon home, Welling- t on Street, and fractured lien thigli boue. -It 18 quite a serions accident te a lady o et lin sears but we hope she !xTii soorn be able 1te aron aa 1 The Sulada Tes Company bave placed tbom lu huudreds cof stores, aud Bine Ribbon is also o btuin able. Man eter eaing flmshave sîip- monts coming. Only laggards 'uwuit tli he t at. Colonisi. 0Cî.,idrenciry cor CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE. one of thse most touching incidents lu the life of Christ was the scene lu the Temple, wliere, as a boy of twelve, lie was f ouud lu deep discussion witli the chef priests and sages of the Jewish faith . It is at subject which lias eyer appealed te the poet and painter, and few episedes le thse career of our Saviour have heen more reverently depicted by peu and pencil. The greatest of all the pictures lu which the chld Jesus is shown lu the Temple lu disputation with the Rabbis, was painted by Hoff man, the German master. The colorng of this, painting 18 superb; and the drawing of the faces of the principals wouderful. This is particularly true of the face of J esus -the countenance is fuhl of boy ish beauty, interfused witli a higIs and holy intelligence. No more beautiful con- ception of the face and figure- of thse Master lias ever been placed ou canvas. Arouud Hlm are showu, the Rabbis, grave and thojughtful men, whose astonishment at the wisdom of the y cutli 18 strikingly depicted. SThe paintinîg "Christ lu the Temple,',. lias been accurately reproduced lu the most delleate colours lu keeping with the subject. It is lu size 17 x 24 luches and is a beautîful study for ever-y Christ- ian home. Oun readers wihl be iuterested lu lu knowing that thse Family Herald and Weekiy Star cf Montreal, have secured tlie riglit of this famous-picture for their subscribens this year. They have also another interesting picture entitled "HOME PROM THE WAR. " repneseuting the happy return of one of oun Canadiaù soldiers fromn South Africa. It is a splendid souvenir cf the lette war, and appeals at once to every Canadian, It lias been speciaily paiuted for the Family Herald and Weekly Stan, and will be sent along with the picture, "Christ lu the Temple" te eveny Pamily Herald subsciber îtew or nenewal, Au interestiug descriptive pamplilet will be sent free to a np cf our readers sendiug a nequest for it by postal card te the Pamily Hcrald and Weekly Star, Montreal. See Nichiolîs' wiudow Saturday. Try Tod's home-made maple cneam. If yon want a gcod Oyster Stew go to Thos. Tod's. The first snow this 4eason fell on Tliursday last. Keys found. Enquire at THEE STATESMAN office, The Decemlber Delineater is now ou sale at The Mason Co's. It is fulli cf Xmas ideas and suggestions. Ladies, you are invited to caîl at Miss MedIaud's Milllnery- parlor aud-see the lattest novelies lunliead wear. Balance cf 1900 free to new subscrib- ens te Christian Guandiau for 1901. M. A. James, agent for this district. STATESMAN free balance of l9j0 to uew subscribers for 1901-ouly $1.00. Compare it with other local papers. Very flatteing press notices are given of Mr. Stauley McMichael Heur hlm lu R. T. cf T. Hall Friday niglit If youneed, a new jacket buy ncw while yen have a good choice. The price wilh suit yen at The Mason Co's. Caîl and 'convince yourself cf the splended values lu winter goods sliown at Mason Co's store. Our goods speak for theinseives. Owing to the great lucrease lu prîce cf paper we must insist on paymeut cf subscriptions lu advauce at the $100 rate or the $150 rate must be paid. The matching cf paids at the seam is a very difficult tusk. Thle wliole subject is madesimple by an article appearinig lu the Delineater on sale at The Mason Co's. Rev. W. J Clark, London, will proaci auniversary sermons su St. Paul's church Sunday Nov. 25th. Followîug the tes. ou Monday eveanug, Rev. J. Jý Rao, Oshiawa, will lecture ou "Some People I have, met." Witliouta doubt Cream cf Violets is the most charmiug toilet preparaticun kuown fuir roughuness o! the skiu, cliapped hands, etc. The manufactur ers, Stott & Jury, wili give a small sample free toany cu'stomer wishiug to test it. The seventh.,verse lu "Scotty's" lines last week should nead:- Scctlaud lu Gladstone lad higli hope Or 'Piglitiug Mac" witli Boer to dope, Witli tiugling bloed they praise Wau- chope At Modder River. Nicholîs lias bought the large and well asscrted stock of books, stationary and frtucv goode, -carried on by Mn. Jas. Goard at about haîf the orizinal cost. These gocds must be sacriic6d to make rocm for aur own importations cf Christ- mas goods which are arriving. daily. Corne and got a bargain while they last. 5Oc. Plan cf Hiall at Big20. TFhe qua r ttte numbers wore remark- abhe for tbieir perfect barmen y and pures5t bheiug cfz voices, as well as for the rarest quialityv of concerted enundcia- The Meifehossolhns were (mntuII 4astîc- ally geeeduttue Grand jOpera has evnn.The programme rendered1 was stncng und well sustaiae(d th rougli- out.-Daily 1Xezs, Dant'de 1. c PERSONAL. Tnr STAýTES.MAN invites faIl itsrealters tOolo- tributoe te ibis coleme aU items cf a personal nature, the arrivai anti te partere cf giiuts, the movements cf Weill n pneople, business men, etc. Senties a postal caru drop a note ie our office letter box. Mr. D.* Trainor and family have moved fromn Raglan to Columbus. Mr. John James visiteýd his son Mr. John James at Columiibus ]ast week. Mrs. Ed. Kennedy, Otawa, is zueat of lier mother, Mrs. Di.C. McDowell1. Rev. E., Roberts, Lindsey. was in tewu Monday calling on old friends. Mrs. S. illman, Oshawa, visited hier tather Mr. W. Wrighit, last week. Mr. Thos. Fitzgerald returned home Sunday moruing fromn a trip to Eng- land. Mn. A. J. Mcçulloch, Enfieldi, hàs been re-eng-aged as. teacher of Ashburu sohool, Mr. E.R. Eddy, Brookli, was elected President of South Ontario Teacliers' Institute. Mrs. Linton and chiîdren have ne. turned from a pleasant visit witb fiends in Toronto, Mr. Elmer Beliman, druggist, Col- lingwood. lias been visiting lhis father, Mr. E. Beliman. Miss Walters, Lindsay. is guest of- lier sister. Mrs. (Dr.) J. C. Devitt, "lopeland Cottage. " Mr. Wm. A. Ormiston, Witby, was necent guest of his graudmnother, Mrs. R. Jeffery, Wellington St. Mn.- Arthur llamley has recovered from the typhoid fever and lias neturn- ed to flis work lu Osliawa. Mrs. John Down, Libenty St., was calied by telegram te Rochester, N. Y., to wait on lier son, Sidney, who ià very iii. Miss Mabel 'Borland lef t Monday morniug for Toronto where she enters the Western ilospital iiu tr-aîuing- for a nurse. Mr. Jas. B. 8pencer, of the Farmiers' Advocate, brother of Dr. John Spencer, was married Nov. 7th to Mid_.s IRead of London. Mrs. R. Cruikshank, St. Jolins, N. B. ,and Mrs. J. W. Kerr, Toronto, are guests of their father, MNr. W. F. Allent, Beecli Ave. Mrs. E. E. Stouer and M ýaster Prid. barn left Tliursday mnorning for Van- couver, B. C., wliere she wilîi make lier home lu future. Mr. Fred R. Foley has gone tot Hall- burton and with lis brother Rev. H.W. Foley will enjoy a few days'hlunting lu Algoma district. Mr. R. O. Short, of Bowmanville,- was lu town Monday on lis way h0me fnom a visit wltli frieuds at Goodlerham - Linidsay Post., Rev. W. J.* Jolliffe, B. C. L , will preacl inl the Methodist church SSunday nmorning "Liglit that must trot be hid- dec" and lu the evenring- on " Is our sighteousness of the3 Pliariýsees." Capt. W.A. and Mrs. White farewell- ed at thse S. A. Barrackls on Sunday. They have been remioved to WXinnipeg, Man. Tliey have made maîiy frie,nds, who regret thein ear]y nmvl Mr. Arthur S. KnTononto, wasi recently presented wuvth ïa bropemea by the Royal CanadliaiiInîma -icet for 'Conspicurous b.ravery ani1 presence of mmid in rescuing Miss, Jennie W. Fraser fromn drowüng in lake Cutanlo on August 30th last," Mr. Arthur Hlumber left Melýnday morning for Toronto to fil a position as window dresser ln Bachrack's on Yonge St.Mr.llumber bas displayed his ability as aclever aud artistie artist lu this line many times during liii lerk- slip in Messrs. S. W. Masout & Son's store and with greater facilitie3s and wider scope for his talent w,,ill bring credit to himself and his native town. Try Tod's Horne-made Canady. Bargains that are bargains at A. L. Nicho ls'. Be sure and read T. 'N. Rickýard's ad ou thse first page of this paper. We stili waut your ragged Dollar Bill for a $2 Alarm Clock atL Rickard's. Have your watch put lu. Order before the hurry of Chiristmas cornes on Richard, Bring lu your furs, niow v s the time to have tliem altered and repaîred. M. Mayer, furrier. M. Mayer lias a fulli une of ail kinids of furs, liats, caps -'.nd gents' furnish- ingS, cali and see for yourself, Suliscriptions are taken at THEm STATESMAN office for ovdr 8000 diýfferent papers and magazines at lowest rates. Subscribers must no longler send money on account of Tnra STATESMAN to the National Publishiers' Association. <Seethe fur Caperinies, MIuffs, Rifs, Collars, Coats, Gauntiets, Caps, Roýbes, etc. etc., at M. Mayer's, Practical Pur. rier.i Fer Infants an hildreu. Nervous and Deblitated, DJmoet a Vltim of Neniaus Prostration -Was, Rotore i te Heaith and 8trongth by or. Chase sNerva Food. Mrs. D). W. Cronsberry, 168 Richmond utreet west, Toronto, Ont., states- IlMy daughter, who sews la a white gooda me.nufactory, got completely run down by the steady confinement vand close attention required at her work. Mer nerves were so >exhausted. and sehe was so wealc and debilitatefi, that she had to give up wor entIrely, and was almost a victim of nervous prostration. Il earing of Dr. Chase's Nerve Foc,& zhe began to use lt, anid was benefitted from the very first. It proved an ex- cellent remetiy iii restoring her ta health and strereth. 'After having tiseti four boxes she is now at work again, healthy anti happy, and attri- butes ber recovery to the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Poco&" 1As a blooti builder and nerve restora.. tive, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food la of in- estimable value. It makes the biood red, tIse nerves strong, andtihIe whole system healthy anti vlgoaous. 50ca Lbox -at ail denlers, or Edmanson.- Baten & Co., Toronto. Mr. Sifton said at Brandon that every volunteer who served in South Africa wiil be confirmed in the Possession Of the rifle, the property of thse militio de- partment, which he carried throughout the campaign. BORN. ROBERTSON-In Clarke, Nov. 2, the wif e of Mr. John S. Rlobertson, of a son. HoBnu-In Oshawa, Nov. 4, the wife of' Mr. Wm. Holba, of a d aughter DRINsLE-In EaSt Whitby, Nov. 3, the wife of Wm. Drinkie, of a daugliter. DIJRRANT - le Oshawa, Nov. 6, William Derrant, ageti 59 years. MARRIED., WOOD-Kax's-In Winnipeg, Man., Oct. 24th, by gev. S. Cleaver, Oirlando E, Wood and IlarrietE. Keys, thjrd daughter cf Mr. W. L. Keys, Bowmanvilie, COLTON-HAINES-In Cobourg, Nov. 6, by 14ev. D. N. McCamns, Mr. J-larry Coiton, Coi- borne, and Miss Ells B. Haines, Cobourg. GRANT-CARMICHAEL-In I'.yrtle, Nov. 1, bjy 14ev. J. F. Mears, M.'nns rant and Emma, only daughter of Mr. John Carmichael, both of Myrtle. RoWE-COURTICE-In the Cathedral, Exeter, Devonshire. England, on Thursday. Octob.ýr 18, 1900, by the Ilector, Mr, W. R. Rowve cf Swan- sea, South Wales, anti Miss Emniiy Ana Courtice of Ebenezer, Dsrliegton, County cf Duerham, Canada. STNSso-KEEaE-In Wiipee, Man, Oct. si1, by 17ev. Mr. Vrooman, Edith idlet Keeler, formerly cf Oshawa, anti Mr. John Stinson, Keewatin. DIED. BxAFR-Ie Slratford, Nov. 2, Rachel M. Meek, heloveti wif e cf ev. E. W. Baker, pastor Central Methodist churc b, Strstford, ienlier 45tb year. formerly cf Port Hlope WaLO.9-Ie Port Hope,, Nov. 8, Bertha Emma Austin, beioved wif e cf Mr. Alfred Wetch, aged 24 years-. ALLIN-ToI Darlington, Nov. 7, Mary Allie, beloved i wfe of John Allie, aged 78 years. Cus eNewcastle, Nov. 1, Edward Wiltoe Cross, aged 79 years. 14SVCSO leOshawa, Nov. 3, Margery W inntfrid, infant daugliter «fMr. and Mrs H C. Hav ýerson, aged 6 months3. PASSER-At College Hi, Oshawa, Nov. 2nd. Gýlad.ys Reta Isabel, yonnýgest daughter cf Thomas J. snd Lonisa IParker, ageti 2 yesrs. 45-tf SERVANT WANTED-A good girl Sto dohousework. Appiyat once stadng wages to MESs. D. M. ToD, Oshawa. 46-2w, M~ONEY LOST - On Wednesday mone,,Nov. 14, between Martyn's store andPotOfc or sornewhere on Queco or King Sts., a waiiet countaîming a Sam oi money. R4e- ward for return tO STATESMAN Office. Ë11OELANDVALE STOCK FARM, oins U. 0. 2. C. Wm, Werry's Yorshire stock Hog lie's a good one. Another lias been ordereti from Mr. Brethonr's famous pens for future service, Thanks for past patronage. 48-4w JJ-1OUSE AND LOT TO RENT-That _U brick house with stable aud dr ivtn'g house on Scugog St., recentiy occnpied byý Charles Wright. butcher, with or withont teln i tached.' Suitahie for betcher or retrifae. Apply to RoBTr YOUNG, V. S., BOWWcanvilie, shed, barn and 25 bearing appe rees. Hard water. Will be s ilt che ap for cash. Apply to HIENRY Bun«ass, Oshawa, or te TRE STATES- MAN office, Bowmanville, 413w' STOCK WANTED--25 good Cows. kspringers or lately renewed, veal calves or younig calves a few dayvs old; any qnantity of hogs, aniykied; any quantity0f catile. Parties havie g any of the same for sale will please send word to or eaul on S, i. 1ENLS box 1, Bowmnanville. 46-2w B OARS FOR SERVICE-Thorobred _r erksh ire and Tamworth Boars for service dfn lot 84. con. 3. Clarke. This Berkshi re,,was HamilptonT 'uesday, Di3t.4. Bowmanville, every Satur- daly,aitJohn Helya's SoeStore. OU ýiÎ lV UOa I11,, M.) ',Él-p4F. 1I Two pet enit ~ill b dedaIter Dec. t.Tax- es taken at Bowma,îvilwle on Stays 1nY. S. ollrdCollecter. 'igh Class.. Groceries , E CAWKER & TAIT invite ail to imake the Eý store their home when in town, Our stock is first class, bought in the best Smarkets for spot cash, therefore enabling us to Eseli at prices that defy competition. E Don't overlook the fact that we sellCrockzery Inl that department, (Second' Storey,) youi willi Efind the most complete and up-to-date stock in EWest Durham. Cash paîd for butter and Eggs. U i84UIUXI TAITà= E- BowMANVILLE.' The leading store for high-class Stapie and Fancy Dry Goods At Popular Prices. . . . Ladies' and Children's Coats, latest designg and Special Values. Ready-to-wear Clothing for Men and Boys. . Abundant in quantity, unsurpassed in. quai- lty and durability at satisfying prices. -Butter and Eggs wanted. Packing Cases forsae Nexýt door to Standard Bank. - - - BWÂTIU Crownl rian, The Leader in Elegance, Effliency and Economy. It is made iu two sizes witli and witluout oven. Examîine it before yor, buy your Heater at Àutn A~~s BOWMANVILLE. MEN and WOlEN!ntoth evea eatet of the Toronto. ,Tbe cic îhnr tot hýib'. ~ G ay entr or choolat isny 1ure adeev froffi oer tee capableTecestt niina isrcinantiprd ni aefor your Scea Wriite for our cirlas tl anlrie ndge soiepstcua".Addre ' i ýW. H. SIIAW, ïPrillcipam.ý 1Yong-Ie ê& Ger-rard St iorQti Mustbe oldte rmke nuîe'i for' wtegonet 2ChutlmWg lr,1seconid lindllgitWaggon, 2seconlanhýd Bug is aseLin.. t'sNo. 1, Phows. Jno. S. Ruridle, One dcoor osi0fL,. MORRISý Pumniitume store, Bowmanvllle. - -------------- --------------- ------- Il --------------------------- -

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