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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1900, p. 6

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7 U ieulrly the lungeý: -wior-k,inud th,,' mct ionr sý_eîas t; bc a spiri't iini us 1, yonr liver Ï2 out cf orae1r, E~~n ih isnt hou)gh- the ai ;0 f [IF BilinansoSic Heaach, Hart o! bjets ttibý byone toucbh cauld Revm Dr. Tal ag Dw Is on U dýsbr, ron ipation, t, r! brak unt te ù oul' window What coldt coma in with ýso littie damag a Gare f or il11an. onaiethou-gh wa arrive attera On retirmgi., and tomiorrow your di« year's voyag'e to-day? r-n uýnegetiVe organ 'i0b.rglte n wisb yoti good cheer for the bar- A deapatc'h frein Washington says; The, onie remindinig hlm of his origin, yen wi be rgtatv and re1ady vest. Iitaping machines neyer sw ath- -jIlr Dr. Talmage prleacJred from the, other speaking o! bis destiny- fraykidof, work. Tjhiýs bao edý thieker rye, sud corn-hbosker's peg ths flown teýxt; "'The eartb ,la full himasî,f the connecting link between been oue expeienc o!r othera iit -hk flo-%ii ; 1te yours. ý IIO 'PuIS. are neyer riçpedoifdrer dro oýf thný4 jgoodn,ss o! the Lord."-Pssalm the animal oreation and augelie inu 17l teligece Inhin astiang co- 01 by aIldiin dealers. et&ii paleýs neyer bent down 'under s.weeter xxxiii, 5. te0gue bauy and avnml' strange com-bsy Litti iV~' lUS Thaason of haxy~ bis~~ ign the tem#poral and et9r _____________adhps nve se_______________________________of_- shouk out larger wheat. The gar- Nothng iotld ltoPit.It reosd o na, te, fnit, ad te ininie, ustnerýs are full, the store houses, MutBa intr f dowcn th[rough 'lias wqeels and anonths, and glosry. The earth for his floor, and Watcbi the, law o! assocation, Or are 1 avcrerowded, ftie canal, iits way lighJhed by bu.rniug cities, or beaven foir bis roof; G.Od for bis Fatia- the 1m1ysteriu h1 ,,,king together of ail are hlocked witb freights pre ssing cl-efi by caveiinnous graves; noýw strewn er; eternity fur bis lifetime. p~ou zvertogt rkeo et down ta th, arkes ý7 wiîi oxange-blossomas, and then with The, Ciaristian anatomist,gzi the giviu ~ithe por to ialth gh hadrnead funeaa weieds; amid instruments i Ou the confirmation of th& human take- bold h, th clewline, aud draw Whistîe up tia, flagmen at dead cf thàt pipeci "the quickstep" and drain-1 i mad ",the ussaa mar, esThrcame, iw"cderfluliy made." Volumes have wi-th inde s-ribable velociËy-oýne conle down to f eed theý nioths of tias the g-ates of the ntorning itcmbeenj writteu of the hand. Wodostiought sitartin-ig up a hnndred, andctes ~ FOR I~AOAC~L carryeafg on oui. shloatlder a sheaf o!f instrument 1 With it we gire, frieîndly tbis agai:n a1bnada tecipo wish yeU ignod cheer for civil sud ARTE andR onIhE~ noh. Childrsn o recc gnitin, aud grasp the sword, sud ons bird omti wakes a whole religions liberty. No, officiai spy Fao OIIOU:OEs, in olidaydress, climb the, rock, and write, aud carre, foires !rieo h irn on0e wthsuurd~i nalîda FO~ TOR ~ hold up th4r bauds tblhi s it, sud ýand build. It constrncttd tias Pyra- sro ilrua uoceta dieritereewt h ans te ~ COOTWATN. ol agegoca uit 0 bldLt wlcome nid, andiaoite.d ue Prthenn. I Wmicdyou anmay-tht she!- steeo!truta. Bissedbe Go1th.t ta FOR SALLOW~ a binghfant it coM_ý in, aod by the made the barp, sud then strnck ont! binderq th:at goesý forth te gather thedawnrersmuiftepr- FOR TNECMPLEX~~ altarLs o! Goci rfflt awhile. Came in, iof it ail the worid'o n iuaîrelsy. In it harveat cfJ the past, aud birg it in-petsdeernatoo!aasb- oh seaso.a, fra:grËaut witb a thons- th ht arbie of Penteliceon mines' to th' p'n Yor power suarn o yVge~e u mmris sd ou ou uaneaad itsif ;away into immortai' ciy 1, thogia rt-hougiat o! the n re e udGnlsAmna ________________________and Calvinist-Trinitariart an] Unit- tha weighlt o! ilnnumpÂrabis merdaes, s culpture. jEt reins in the Wit su-h inPf in sud fias-Potstn andîin foot.Ct CURE 80K HEAACHE. and toi (Le ajur th,-n!ifai hearts bow gins; iL, hoids the steamer ta IfLai uraa u[d nrstaung man ia-Irtesanftig ud Rman ch- ____________________ g1r'eo is Ltn g,-odesa o! God. in tias ses ; if suatches the fire frona lau alut Then oxoll scepsce hlmus th n DR., L. POTR. y s sublimiel egotism mani bas eiaild witb its delicate touch, sud -tegh th1n1lpe1sed,,nptopulsrofil nan aainae te Ofic ad asdacsOhreStopoitTrulYcanta to appropriats Ibis worid ta niakes the iastiong quake witia its bOuuld inkene1 of noscrl, the sagle nppar!aithsclI b.eiieve 01ugeaioal bnch S.opmoile 25Gmhntaiwhn fnt that aur stupeudous achievements, Wba po ' f ~ a-rsigsgath rabbif lu that ail otiar denominations wonld luci ssi sntaii minoriLy. The bronght -dowu tiae foreats and made qnickneesý_ eA heaýring, the iaoney-hseehn nohr u r hmsrs EMS VA1 LUTTHELL ,Soo lifie a cmuea ïhýe ma ais >,. hAi,-et un ddinavL_îor f tongue. the spideir in adhat ol esot n lo at herresi,3deace, Iiug St. 7 ed wiihetac astanoaes o! animai the cartia witia ail th]e< cities that ifare hot anc ta a million. We thunder ou wif h enterprise and pow-' MiSS V-l1ETELMORRIS, cjhil niarge a ur useas of God's 'good-'er. Four fingersansd a, tiumb. A ARXS1. ntrcionvienjo PAINTING nes and ce te, s bettterunuder- hundreai million dollars wouid not la01 se or and Cia Skeichlng and stamnIgo! tiar. tcxt if, hefoire we purchase for you a machins as exquis- piniiug tfi.m nature. KIILN au prernises, fir- bgetmaipiss rlm ointa ta laok ait tha~Lcullia!of ourr biasl- ite sud wonder!ni as yonr own baud. DRl. J. CI. MITCHELL, iuig, wya loik at the goodncaso! God Mighty banad 1 Iu al ifs boues, sud RIME OF COLTEGEOF PHYSICIANS r t tih?, irrafîonai c atlon muscles, anti joints, 1 lecaru that !_Lard surgeons, Otario,Corauer, etc, On 'a s'aimer day, wiaon the air God la g.cod. Residene. Ennlskiiian. 74 and fiaigrassa ae m'agI popuinus witia BeiaOld the sys, which lu ils Daguer-, A. E. MeLAUGiHLINt, you wiil n'aI hear ýa aannd 'of dis- rean gaîîery, in an instant catches the ~lSlay tradCnelacr fe: 'Vle re s niesas, parmiasme, a heartiess mountain sud fias sec. This perpetua] M.ea, o13ijatraal yscianl-boa rabbe2d abi:d's n'est, te's ,,rapiaung a!fiasenerves; fiis or a hanteýr bas broken a bird's win.g, humanvoe capable, as has been, ROBlERT YOUNG, V. B. or s pasture bus heen robbed O! ai etaimated. o! praducingr sex enteen tri]- O ýFFlCE IN WEST DURHIAM NEWS aban hr oe pabetg on .,Bude nd iey-w Bieck, wbere himeîeli or lis assistant wlîîimadter esu laigIlos r ude u ieyt. be, ïauîi(from 8a. m. to 9 p. m. Nght calis at from ni fia locik, Tiae whoie sarI h bli:lions, onue bindrsd sud eigbty-six rseÊiiî)e, direetiy oppo2ite Drill hed. Callby ,s fiii'i.d with animal deligati o millions, fort y-fonr hu_ùdr-ed sud fi!- teiegraph or telephoas willireseive p rompt ai tno.11- yr. feat'hred, adsdacaed, sud horned, fessa sounds. if we coud reaixze tae aud hoofed. Titi.bee huma if; lias aonders of aur physicai orgainlzation 1-1 AIR W'ORK-Ladies wishiuq7 hair rgcroia if;- the aqirrel chat- we siaouid become hypochondrinos, East and Cor of Ontario St Bowmanriile. 34tf Inria if; fiais iailknatals if; the whale feariing -every moment thatstmre sipouta il. 'Tias sai, fthe, riinaceros, part o! the anmaliai. ivulitibreak N RIAELICENSES,-M. .-- e:the, g-,izxiyibear, ',asetaad, the wasip, daxin. But many men have Lired, 1JA, s nler of Marriage Llceu teshe..sý hie hi edace: Cenàtre treet. thi. sspi er, latisi-ii, aete r iioughisa eeny yeare, sud nat s _ -hameiy1 deights-joy as aur joy Is ta n'erre -hss oaased ta trari, or ajnuscle $ 50.000.00 O LN ' çs GOtclimbing fa.r05 na acontrant, or aiad t gage ec uit eat nîrderafe ratesofaiInterest, cnacrawUingf lIrasagiafai uni pulatie. A. .MLîusîîsloiciorBewuavlientbuffala pluuing g semsfthe; prairie; 1 t ak" s step higiter, sud loak at 16-sm.crocodile. Thsikiing in tropical Sun; s5551-man's mental constitution. DD ~ mT AIIflf pif ing on ihelc; ostricla aIridiug -Beiald fias larisia benevoisuce of_ UI.II"'U ~IflLUIIacri sfia. deert ar 0SOM'rny God in powers o! perception, or lias Genleen' Cotes ad b rdr.bunidies o! joy; titey do not gai moping !acuity yon have o! .tra'ueporting ______________________made___________ or ntiaueitanihyy; tiaey are nul ouly bal!fiaiLs onîside world itao yonr awn supplicd; .Codsasys fhi"y aefii mind-gs'iasrin u mbynur lrain fias E N 1 SIL i Gd's andfeids ll tme 3"rommajesty cf the atorai, sud ths splsnd- D E N ISTwirgoO. feed ahtiasebood,1 ours of thae dsy-dawn, sud lifting Lu- as iiphardsallteefekad1 oyu idteoceasuas sasily as C. E.A.RNDEN, L.D.3 tends allniasse herds. H1e swesteua ytan might put a gises o! wafer f0 Oradateo! be RyaiCole g o!Denal h,2,a *claver top for te oxsn's taste; your liips. gfenoa rtoll f etl Suad peurs ont crystailine, waters, in______-__ ntoscaps o! ro-ak, for tite hiad tb OFFCE.OppsitExpessfllo. driuk eut a! an h'3 wsy dowu titi. VI1TALIZED 'lAIR ci-agis; sud pou.ra uie"fjar into fiae, cap e! fias.ineyauckle ta refresihe M~>~l!i umming-bird; sud epreadsa sban.- oà îBA PLK quel of a hundred fields o! huait- -Yuctcuh îartiaesodoGeera Bakhg BsiessaIwiaeat, s'nd lets fia. ioney-bee p iafbs.yurefit ilasvmanviiieAgs'-cy. nasti ta toany cap o! iai] f bel banquet; jboell nu sud felsis egrassh oppîr tfa go any moisde- DEPOSITSwbere be lihes, sud gires fias flocks a demand EXOHANGE Yena, GodluiasheBibis aunoucss ortr bis cars fer those orders o! creabion-.l UnîtS Sttes nS C ad, aio GaS, Birerand ys Iafhs lebas bsavsdl up foîti- St -td Sttes Gan aaaks alit anýd sot lS fictions for their defeuce-Panîliovm' gv COLLECTIONS civ, 18; "T'eebigia his are a refuge rtho ad Promîiysuse acl1rreot ri pon Il parts for thc wiid geaIs, ana tfia rocks for iî~srs n t! ereat Bri1ale flic Uitsd tttsand the t uh, s" He watiaes thes iird'sý tr,3 k nest-Psaim civ. 17; "As for the statut, waiow fe cug Telgrpl Tanter hfasfir tees are lhem hanse."He see- TheWOUndS 10 echM MeS to lage rnali eusseon all parts oa!t ,t>fthe cattie have euough grass- Terinoh Caad.Chi, iIsrpeialir edrai;tageauista pe- i ng2 801,bad 'o r a 'c liri 1gi l Maiioba or ihe, North-West, iti Pskalm clv. 14; "H1e causera nias graýss !euhsctgi î-31ke the illanuide araîlabi staonce t the place 'ý7ý t!pyiet grow ferrfias caffie." He sees ta if ;fuh-ý-; Foreternatculrsat'athe bank. bliat nia cows, sud shesp, sud hbarges Isg Sopftby A. . MCasasa, Qt.O. McGILL, I have euaugh tf drink-Pain civ. 10, UII Ascnu11: aas"'iei senldetia fiassprngs i nt n fias valîsys, wiih un amaugth fias is fhey gire drink fa, every beat a!fias field; lias wild asses qusacia their lWydid Gnld nase ail these, sud rrr~ Miay make tfiaso 0happy ?11mw an- ing, sd riskig aid tfias irrationaiî t eutfor ailhfiaiheiuging ud an- Mrs X.-I ayJohn, 1 arn going 10 ceto h b epfs hn- vndecuho ai stosp 1bakin f altoearoWe fg !so rnany values frem lias iris-' osmfo scrd can gel uýat LUTTRELL'S, lioae Icreation in earth, sud air, sud Adlerow n h )-o i3owranav î e,sch good Breadl Onan-tseasss, sud ail caf bis, rsepiuig dise Se oirny;î xd sud uîîs andPies andI fiingsansd flying fowi, permitted tOo at rn rs n Cakes, and ~~job Lu ias ýepraise tiýastigues up !rom cmotiieer ca. !dhr. X-A1righit, Saraha, don'b_ bell sercpb sud si-changel ? Ouly ans so, 5cn otewi mle 1a111y More. -îî will no lutiona, ancexpiaustion, ons ansie- cue ew oihs d doub beIhe esbplanforGod la goad. " Tias sarf h is full e! the od;te53cn iel the summer anyway. gcoorness o! the Lord." buecfr, euedcogh 1 faiteastsep higher. sud notice tfias of bronchitis adwa 'Alex. Luttreli. adaptationi o! the worid toe ascani- iq3; thendlasz BakranCeuec~ourBwînnrilefort sud happinesa o! man. The sixt la la more eooia o îepee97. day o! crean'on bas arrired. The pal- chnccae dc- ace' o!flias world wass made, but fiacre îSUmnption. It's the aize Il wa fas ire lie Lastdra w-snoking te lirelini.'Leviathan yQU shouidkeepenhad sent ciankes, sd u noud iruled fias deep; tfe s sale tbe air; "AIlTfamileselt te b. ou Ibmý, in Ty leCli dni î, watçh Yfor sud-dan attacheo!cýrou underbaudtactflacsmoot pathes ias.lion the field, buit wbare was ias or thea 1u r. vs-cau ciaocf bc iaikenssp<.ldia stylc-e a!be ivas cresled. Heavar t roieasasain eeuy h la eerepresenltedl e. eÂR.Wns,., crisS; ajjý, n1 .d biS14, 005. BaliaS, iels Bei, hs's ,penuug lpera u sue isbd rn h sri e -"~---~ ---~ as. f o i * ~LATE-REXE ESNMAHO T ~ E o h u sa d e J ~ r o u sî ~ u u a. or e I S d 7 O'. nu ý ha~pine y emaI au esri inelancholy existence. t11,e ,mtioy u in ý slc r o~orf1~ vitise are fouud iu ail stti 2so!lj!e:-The f arm, te ofc, h oizh m the trades and the rfsin. _ ___- RESTORED TO MANVHOIOCDYB!OS .&K oWM. A-'iALEER. WM A. WÂLKEE. E. CHA.FBE.CAS. E 8YPH~LS utld agonies for my" Oa " syS~O S philis 1 --errtaise3erO 1uIs i STR I T U RE fce fýyrnalhcame tr0td0me t MCrca OU REDtalah, ec.hoyhe r crýn Nheir!iw ilethod Treatmout cured m aa!wweeks. coi ten lerit -CREGUARANTEED OR MONIIY RPN Capt. Chas, Ferry pays:-'letem life te Dra. K. & K. %At 14 1learned a bad habit. At 21 M d ail th e sTmptomr I M o!flieminai Weitnes sud sperm torheLmm n derrin a~nd scakenlng rmy rîlulity. I1nmarrisetV RC EL v ice o! My !ionily dactor, but il a md experience Tlu igitebu menthe wo 'mca divorc.d. 1 F EM , -e conenitad Dra. K. & K., sWho restored me ta manoead S ON bythir.5w ~fthd 'ratsa. Icitainew lfe thrillthrcsagh fURi E six years ega. Dra. K. &k K. are scieuifiac peci ate un 1 hartiy rccommeIdtc. W-We freat and cueVaiodEisnsNrvu ei&eSma ýWak ess, Gleet, Stricture, Syphiis, UvlatrefllDcasgeS14 u ~Kidney and I3adder Diseases._____ fiuensas ! toeb. Mn's aîve, lu m tree, ana tue rîgln or inue ,ý 17 YEARS ~IN uL HU iLI Av Z il, '. w ,.a0 i i~ lint frecimniteiana l h h (O wbrshipGol sccordilig fa liasdia-e - sAeasvelaEvyuot ho cAremletnj.m eauhif, o iaw lsi a c.a usa ortales a! tiair consciences weuid bc IHre l cBoSIs iî~efrr uaiyae 5ro iaa sreuga reîîr asos îro cuesteaI iasepoint a!fiase bayonef, C INSLJION FREE. No mattoarv ýifores bt n@J1Oa itoa ho,%st (,u_,viý t erli cra!rw fcharge. Chargesres Me llFl 6blî l0oir" -feriniass repeca fis a, fansd witia binaS !lewing p apte 'bilatsaeoMn.l eeotglSlS eid osîicaOa fas ysa reias!O! "liae hemnea' bridîlsa. Z-NO NAMES tJEIEDWiTHOUT WRITTEN Ç0CONSEN. PRI Osupîior-b th i essn ascr PraeayelasùrdILe reyhig V LNO mediicne sent C. O. D. No names on boxe or env'lr forth f mule al. Af ha that as ea te4!Lta iavLrd hinTg ps vrtll oil~l ai usinlatat o~c rgt Ilb bi esl-n c laiuer- a asb eahpraise tment.rdp1 Te ing dieclisyreffastia sad t5' iashepeople nomse ao fout Sj bis cbju ud cl civl- h0 Laa. Ta atories, aud of! frant Western prair- aisa whiciah raried snd foarned upen lias iss, sud Up fromi rmines, aud outfrfnm race baýs heca:ue s cryss al panhway forests, sud in froint.fias wials shipa s___________________ far ommrceta marri onu. The sud niastever Go's hiigaf siines, sud thunda-cinS ias set lziL ahreGodas rain descends, sud God's merc fiai molti 1made1te'corne doivu God5s rlaind esceua, aud Godos rasmcy'" ioeteuit sund carr mai-hge Man, dissatis- brooda, lefý the fhanhsgîring arise!1 fiid i!:bisslowuoesso!fsdrance- -'------ - - ,-i -iuîe a ~ ' mentshoutd ta he Waer su lias For tsreuty-fonr years Vapo-Cresoicuia lise 1i Ilcrreti t c'itr "t5rtru,1St c riaoai l'ir, "Oome sd uI. Cme ud een cxiensireiy useS for al tarais of Iliroat and notrilAii"l n Iranchial troubles. AIl Druggisia. draw!" "aai sud hiaipo.' And îiany - _________________ answr, Ayay, are corne;' sud theyPLINAIT1. jaitidbana-lasRire' and 1the water- - -aa i-sIiulfis fly, and lias rail-' ag. cs'.uAro îrrt-soiil- C ia tran rttes aasu ta sfar-siip For lias !frst lime lunrnauy yeasa- ~ il-' " t n'Pars'iTt- t' IJý tiitn , fa ig Uncle Panl Krugsr lsbeiy celebrated, se .e 'iro.I5ye ieri .WiterSov i trio i corns cagbiu, pating tlciughis birtbday ont o! bis oWu country.'- acos fa dep. 11e , n lo e was lacmu aI R sfeubumg, Cape co a Etiesc îdatccdI' cutan roro' : ocaI SruetîS Tine mans mral usture. MadeLuibistheCaloiy, ouî October 101h, 1825, sa whiacuouly faurîssu emigrsted acta s -'I img !G-S.Va apciyfo heiifisVas] River sud began bis vrizS ,d ioyneuf; capable at firtf o! terual joy, aud, 'it-hoc i u'ow disordered, still, esîser. 1He bas besu lwicerncrried, tfi!rstMrs. Kruger dyiug young iFL"'.' rr eh,îe i i t, rilevy Cies lirogh the ltoc upertirs force of hea- adciildlessandbsfml lmeL t s d n s d d u d ai i n s a e d - o i l i t s s i w aMS a c u l t i r . Ihan îiLs origi'nal !hct aulessddultr.L f ad 'mGlSrta ttttt n sGoîiera iXlr,- undv feiiy aulisthan the ex-Presidcut. bas as maif tyItti, Se,. ai,,naey i fiant msy blossoui sud bear fruit inex- mi / rtnipopi U adrritlSS bsasihl. îranofslfy wiflu ~ graudeblldren as tbs Qusen. Hie he- ,. fIBET&'iuiMÂlAS5tiiYcMArsx iraj every 4pa ity; asanul desfinsd ta longs bu tbe Doppers, s secttout uttia Pî.AMER MADES range ti n alimifed spiaire o iiyProt etants rcsemblîfug tfiaQuasi'r. - F~C Lfj3RiJ IN EllMELIED Thaugia oniy the ruler a; 227,09J p-lo IÎN us s R CF idrA)r.5 IltlYAR 300 log ferte ordha utouahepie, Prince Nicbolas o! Moufenegro ~ ~ RL~i~O~Qo A QUICK CURE sudfia saar yslnt hahbar sup-ls su intetesting sorereigu. He is ans 5i 1OCU ped ilis aiudi the stars thaf, iun ,, icar OLTCOLU tici cure fu~afagiatBiero!fiase mosf liicrsry o! Euroe nRoy-ii shahhavebenualaî, au.bured aiS sties, hsring wriltesole enihist., -tel0, the iling thundrs o!the isa ay aidramas, which have bheen pradue- Yau sc thl Go hassdaped eery-an ahebcstage iu bis owu caunfry tbiu faouicamomn nd dratag.and in SI. Petersburg. Thes PrinceWt4reintot .fuC'aaiuRmdfrci Flessal Ibi ,(ifortine palats; music bas elsa composed paetry, chie.']y f'~ iî~~t' rt ~ '- ~ ~ 0TsDL~ ~~C~ forfb~ Ca; iesuy or iassys; aora warîike and paîriobic type. HeSsuc-ai oStct3iiscaicXBole25eus forthenosnli kidre fo au afec-ceeded bs rache, wlîa w55 assassini-, oyarecliutritabLro .-Ir iu'î irlu i 1eitedftrtOurttfarc ctors line pcîy or ourfste ; religion aIeS, wheris annteen, narrsad fathe O~~~cocW rtc ~r ~ S&lA 5t OLstd for saul WesýePub in a garosu, saine yeat, aud bas ftrec s anud"" wtt.îîrr..rrrtc -- rpPmeLosPsK sud tl is ouailtashetreesawe six dauglalers, ans beiag th-, pros 'ut mnay est exepb bre and tiers one. Qusen o! ltaly. ----- 'Te f!e- aui nfrsi au itsîen, One o! tbe most extmsordinal y lc____________________ bsn~ ~ ~~o Ihuan anis unture sud men iu tbe woi le ic . F. G Cua prordenc-wnnsrs ! md sud bell, Prinicipalo! fibe HRoaliN'orinak oL' bîad, wudes o caa, ud irsudCollege for tfiasiind. LHe 'e loth rihihoart-0,;~ d'p aao ies !udauibeses; l sud liveS allhi bs early hife i l As Pianr iio îiaauaydtt citnua aS oundaý; lyrirs ianiea, ir; .ira, sud lest bics sigilI by an eccidet , a 1p sLia idys u h ic;deilbnigreiocns ia heXlien s 1111e 'boy, hi an bSonae yc aeeîi r ___ I - ei Jcss;-oes)fr Irtanthe matnu- InJursai by an acacia iboru, if mImai icen Rig S l o tsns ad is Grndcifîarel" cf GoS stion ensucd, andSsocu ia hesight XX's sppy o. Bx il t.Ta ah rsau liti, or hesoiasill i 'bgliir asois,-itate1Io ear sg ix~ ~ ~ i a0a l d-tb rich a inii"bsosynn .d. a ag nslta Iruoiatha nîa ' tbrSr e tlys Ité a ild p nsl.irna 'trs ir cnt re a. to le0 oL'a i Gaua canbxtaiOia0ea cria; came BtiiTittr - atrem-it.An. iny er Chrit cane fasare il1? ùttta e. ~pi u r tone glie. Iitcr'01catett taasi a xi ar iI s, la ac nue LIse tias latrio.. 1a 0irae r, mutid S.fesia1îvoisuitFd a mais cn ltta asw bt oS has doue fa -hLmI Mn î a inn rbte hie gaue foneves. Dr. C'ri ploihl, bnwveuKINoIL S padn,,.Ls aGnaiage; Who carne fa Eugla'd in 1871, l a a esaitfet uicsmn Chrit rerace if.licla blpiea; A- Aptue clîmber, a c: 1bLd. a ceallruseS-hti migfygrceLaprfre. Essua isfThomastefeitrrinu-yuguba.andiaa harsersana, sdlabsnsea Iiaesefaa'KdePl~wi fortolsiibths nlarsey.Ihstrmsaigi-e pointsansd a listing ta rnost prurdtfiseiclHlhr, 'TdeeHi «eusbiforiu ore tlgoî,ahsiiaanuarctndatiesl, udps--e in Ibz hmoi ay He,, isbiu;su i mue f occi o m H theflaceuse o!fiaad complexions, ted, rougia men-.iiý- -l1fI Whoa cue inies ter1IaI gloress baudis, !aiiiug hait, aud baiay biemishes, lif bias just Issu reparleS thaf Dir. bacît ri ltiase Ihaebeu ilc stramjua bs ua. Jan,1 sing vzlaclged tt-einamed, ai-et- Nansen, irbo celebrated bisîliy- oa thiiI artl rcmmnyten l Ssidtvaywhera.Srtai5o (s.lrNawssavscre, inI la iarliday an OcI aber lOt-ia, is foi) icsca"Casa e Hamme ta a its a f earleat chain I londosii. Fsil.-5efe- t,. Itav, t',cii. Aasia undertasie a joint expiditîm f faiii ariuiutl mpemut, rllOt Ligh ferthiresiSadarke-ss 1 Grace m e ie.. Site Pct1s., o>i . CI.l Nort h Poles 'tf fhe yourîg EDuit ! Lta' lsuy l ç hacia rat dir inel 1 e1ils ara!!aïili, sud men - --- ~ Abrnz, Whbo bas tecentiy broiten o e aiB~ e4esc i rejeeif, . !but usai-en celebrates if eoue 4lt' 1a'h nread u18915, Nausen rà cgaac sl ieci Li ivsaygond caser for the nation- Th Grs!ifli e r c, - gof f0 witbiu 26f) miles a!fiase Pale, 't k,,ý , ci e -La cide aiý ussu uiechs i te s laSand rýcomumeuded bY ail while tb ,Duke 'tas 238 miles ao!f'thenlai al.Iesebrtaan - ha cmef i rie ufil 'iau-draggiete lu Canada. OIly te J tu!aae ilothasa. T o su year abe aeditîleSîsos'red .Sl tbe funued 'b 'rkit.larecognition of i Ce, Tara1;, C t' ma--s c iitdo nation. ac fflr paeid ta cure a' flthe eminenufservices lac bas rend- anuSheares al vsite mu tom a Svua'i ealcuese, al effana aif abuse - If issgaofan a tobc elleh. fow areicese Mental Wrry, Excesire use oalTo- ered 1teiathe useo! mienfifSc expiaor- strugetht weuIdmiSkeep cti eco OIm rStaiiut.MalblStanrecelpi aio thie BîihGos emumont pe-l'itil n l olccaaepca $, six,S$5. fieat ie se, e it 1trg cLS us io:oS1 ùi'enay, WI oîcý,OfLts o! the ' Cha, llnger Reparla. 1 '1 10 ts 55,C5iaoitt alLenas' or tsa fin a! n iSaît, o fie sip-firat sioîgl'iidîidual ta rceýive - ~ oah udSs~~r - fai -SmoL e f pî isasoitfltrsuiie y bL if t bl brauia inIht alaly ssait U i J. c4,iilat. NeWOal2oetiv Dr 1 il bois, undredpaner i ]'i'ii -j lue marskies iiio-soiu, a- f -A t-il L-

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