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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1900, p. 2

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The Rev. Dr. Talmage DweIIs on th-c Uncertainty of Man's Life. Cenuine Littie Lvrls Muet Bear Signature of s5e* Pac.St!lnll wrapper Belon. remazed than maet people. Even tite moai confirmed invalide EXPEQI 10 GJET -wELL. Tbey expact somne new effect of medi- cines, or a new style of doctor, or a change of limats will helIp thea. It ies while ment are calculatin.- on long days that thefir dreisive houx cornes -wbila Lhey are expiocthag an en- largeruent f business accommoda- tions, or are getting lu their creps,1 or ana trying Lu rraugh-t a uew barn- sniddetuly ! Wonder not that the dcelcate bowl of lie wass broken at V=7 mau %Za as novhave go-ne te the trouble to muie a1 the fo-niiain. O-u. life is of sucb j 'se" 'u s_7crop, y u want soi ms place L put i tielicate mechanism , a finely poised, ruTE F ~ - calculatiog, bythie light of a Lunch, 81onai.% fatal. Tha wonde)r ic îhat,j T ho rach xtenionof oomis neeti-,.wich iuch saquisite machinery, the ITTE î~ILîU ~eci. fo many loads of corn, su many pivota do not oiesr slip, anti the <Lk~T5 I 11of wheat. It trust be so many feot aPring break, and ail the works in- PIL flC~ otP ' £ ronit, anti suO many foot tdeep. Ile says, stanrlY crash. The vast majurity F~l AL~W~ Wben I get the new building done 0f thea race go ont of this life with- _ FR hEC~L>tI! 1i hall have everytbing. Nothing then ont a physilcal pang. Thhy flash 4 ~~2ua1YeLIaila,-~oone~ for -me tut to enjoy mysei.' Iu an- away. - ticipation of the barn enlarged, ieo I kaow niat what had been the C URE SICK HEADACI-IL folds bis arma and says - If anybotiy - haracter of the last day that this ________ n-so mns-es- s'nLuail the world is prosperous anti main of the text hMd iveti-uhother DU, L. POTTFIR. happy, I amn that mian.' But bis ear it was susaino, or raiuy, interesting Offceasi rsienc Cîochd.,pp'itTinstv S twith thewrd,< Thou or duil; bncI know about the uight. IL Congregatiottal cburcîl, Bon-masaville. M Cme * o l Wer iitevsice corne wa a great night. Lt was a thrill- MI from .<l'" Who tiares îay that to me, rng uighit. It was a tremeudous 1 MIS VALUTRI< . the firniaman l ail this country P, night. As the text cumes rnshing 14 lse pepared te give legsans on oigan ansd piano aitber residese, Siig St. 7 fi was the voice of Goti .l" Thou foui, Lbîtîugh the darkness, hoe drops hisi ______-__- thi.s nigjït thy sou] shall 0e requireti pen. Ils fungess is big barn and! MISS8 ETHEL MORRIS, of Lhee 11, bis unsesliered cropa. "This night AITIST. Instructioias givein PAINTING What aas the, malady that took hlm - hy sont shall he requireti of thee.'5 Inle 1, 'aies- olor antinan. Stluerhobusig ectie tin pelnting fsomn nature. K Ï,N ona ps-omises, tir tr'ime"iately away-I knov n-t. But 1u h utrmra] hn lsg ati usual ps-ies ý8 m. tLb it inight he expirei. lHe nover buit about the exiL was htth-e was an- DU. J. C. MITCHEIL. the extension. Before the remainiug prepaneti for il. It waa not a Jack M EMBEROFCOLT,17ýGEOF PR'fSICIANS - sheaves had heen gathenet ieh was Of brain that keipt hlm in unprepaneti-' aud Surgeons, Onitario,Corones-, etc,~n-e o a vokoesue- Residence, Ennbskillen. 7 h elfl.eoreapeti. They hauledtinruno nm.Nwamnwokoseog _______________- -loads of grain sOn the next day, but to do busines, kuows enousrht to cave A.EB. MeLAUOHMLIN, a-long procession followed bu!ont-to , SOUL. Al cf the idiots wiflir e BSrrister, Solicorandl Conveyaner-e. 0lite:-1 Brsaklsy Bloitk, King siseet He-onsll burial. If the wortu expresseti ils s-te-et at laet. HIe. wae nut an idiot.i Mouy t loss t easiieie ate. 1iyr sentiments in regard to hlm, iL would BuLIt, as!how many m-'nWarert pun over bis grave, -uIere lies intorred : for lime, andi fualishs for eternity! ROBERT YOUNIG, V. S. Te jweoah hp hysl FFi-lOBIN WEST DURHAM NEWS; a successful ma, of great enterprise, Tayko nubw-nte o 0.. Block, w-lare balmseif or is assistant will and influence, ant iehodopants, mouru- Ltg ugLtewnho t u befonudfroen8a.a. te Sp. ni. Nîgbt cals atJ eti hy the avhole neighbourbot. Peace to atraa nipot!su sesidesce, dhetly oppoite DrillShed. diUýlby ! for notlilug. iThey bave every-hîio' telegi rplior telephous willrcce-e lslonihi,t isteaches " Got wrote over bis- tei en. 171 - yr. rvean n . rr-do, ne i sunsi but their coule. Th-ey are1 ____________ _____ -grav,, ntion bs bru-ouran pi-caneful Lu have ail mb-mr titios gou.i T"rAIR WORK.-Ldewihn ai taph of four letters-' Fou.' That the -[I done oves-, ceu t Mas DîcKiNsoN s,Xing divine epitaph was correct, I infer excepL that for bi en. Tbey are East and Cor of Ontario St Bowmanvils.14-tf[ frona. the fmi tbnht this man had liv- prompt lu their engagements with eti so îmany years and matie nu pre- banks an-I brokans, but fail lu thein ýiARJG LCN1S-M . parttion for the future, anti because obige-lions to Goti. They pull duacu ,à,JÀmirs, Ilamer of Mas-nage Licenseç;.!h their batrns andIbu; 1i greater, 6 iece; Centre street. b was postponing eveny tbing until - - ____ '- -ieh got langer barns. AdditiOnal barn- Lo bol I the increasing crope. STO LEND - rouini cuuld not make bina bapiA. Show but bave nu ahelter for thoir $à .0 . 0 ngo moit- me the Man matie bappy hy wonltily i ouls ce gooti as a barn. If a mn giige 5teuity t as des ate saiesoil ilterest, A. .MI~d(HL5.-oiciosioasaniilgotaccumulation. Who are the mon wb-o ahoîlti couie ar Lhem xvtb asly ýgame, 1h -gn. -have Lhe moat anxiety, anti wonk the anti tr5r Lu chiost Lb m oui: of a. han- TAI e. andet ? The millionainea. The mon.tiret dollars, Lbs'y woulti eay, "No, you RmPEA T Er , T IL wbo have the greateat freedom, fruaom uLIIscwbtyuactnvn Genlemn' Clths mde Oder -cars are those whu livý on at 1" Put they allocv Satan tu awindle TLI DY WAGES. thmotu ___________________f&8__saitIEL DAY'SALI, 'PLIE RICHIES ,0F HEAVEN. Pnopenty s lke aitwatr;thelI Neitber was iL lack of Lime that D E N T IST R Y ,more you drink of it the thiratir you ushereti the main of the text D N Iarc. Soul ake thine ae-a" Ah!1 tid ialo the last honký unarmed. I 0. IA.RNDEN, L.D.S. sncb a proces? The soun is a spirit. andti haL beti, overseeing tbe woî'k- firaduste of thei Royal Crloege of Dental Su, Csan oterial tlhiugs be expece t L geonis, Ontes-io feet Lt ? tan the soul eai wheat, ori OIllf CE.Opoule Eprss hhle. corn, or hardwaref Tbis man bati VITLIED IRtbought only cof the Lbree .or 'VITALIZED AIRyards of huiman life, anti negantietinot- r ~the millions of f unlongesrretching ont ONTARIO BA K into the iufiniLe. P1 ako oý -BAN 1 ish Lo make two or tbree remarks eyes? Hea -y pressure cotesteu l gency. wkngBsies taoutld. malsexiL f roui the Inluyour head? And are Bownîieaei Gnsa ka uiness at aoutthis . ywisommeinies faint and DEO ISIL was in strneg contrasi with bais dizzyP Isyour tongue 1 ecel @d îb Savings Bank Depastmeiai andiIa hites-est alloed aetiurs-ent sates. Notice of as coulti be. We know mure about is I .i'i<lPlndUoe ssitiadran-si net neceesasy. Ail depesita payable'ibnatu i osbtIjtieo orfo iîesyu - n demand lbrs hnhshosbt ude o orfo itesyuP> the style of bis hous f rom thai Of!~ Arc you. nei'vous aud ir- EXCHANGEI bbc hear. Mou du net tike botter carers dableP Do you ofîen Vrdedgtas andoanda, afiso Go , SIer an'Op f thein hunses anti cattîs than cof aehebu ? Ad 'inIted States Gseen 'acks bultsim old a hurevs 1ei smvsfulo re you troubled about COLLECJTIONIS 1 confonts anti luxuries. Wlien the a- sleepig ? mfGea -ado e U-tdSae nitaD-rmt ataîurre'îýtrsaiea epoîsail partis bis was epreai, thene aaleeverything Jf~ ~n Ie'l iniou of Canada. o-n t t aidmninister t-o bis ýappetite. MI Wo-5g Telegraph Transfors - \Ve, visitooec came Lu thai bonse,the But there is a cure. nsten no donbt wouidt ake thon- ont "<sth lrlal Miade for large ors maul soins on ail pas-te s 'ene are acres csfb Cansada. This iaseeilhy ativastigeonstier n ay, "Tee rtwenty arso srs lving 0nAMantoba os- the Nosth- O lier-jant rsofcrfite c suakes ihcfundis avaîleble et once ai the place gaa e cs fcnffei ce ofl paymient. -o cf grove. Sec Lhsa shaep down Lu thait For other narticulars eall etthe bauk. vhe.Sstos ateu htbh A. J. MCCLÈLLAN, UEO. McGJLL, vAileYmina I Co-e f* u ha i Accouitan' Manages- ilqin! eant iclok ut thuse fg tnees. -There are corne figis ripe. Relp! younself. PlenLy of theni. Sec bow these grape-vines thnive-and these Aillman d s preuranates j" ALundance fevet gre ab 10... antiPlenty to cungratuhate. Yetai al that, lhotues!1 WhVaL thon ? lsehegance osf sur- rouniing n-o tef encef Cen not a main Mrs. X.-I say, John, I arn going t0, bide in bis fgIl barnne or in bis rich They set directly on stp nkngatoeter W~wardrebe f No, They that tnust in the lver. They cure can get at LUTTRELL'S, thein wealth anti boast theurselves lu conIstipationf, biliousrless, Bowmaniville,such goodiý3îead the multitude csf their riohes-none of1 sick headache, nausea, and I3uns, and Pies, and ther cah n any n-sans redeen- bis and dyspepsia. Takes Caks, ndbnother,,non give Lo loti anunsom for laxative dose each night. Mr. X.-A]1 right, Sarah, don't telli hLm, that lie shoulti ive f-on ever anti For 60 years year hyV1 me any more. It will flo not ses conruption. The succesaful man have been the Standard doubt be the best plan for of the extinl the uight-time bash-is Farnily Pis. the summer anyway. soui nequinet uof hbu. PFiS 25 cents. All Drglstis. The trareof te tex mate Ila a'staken Ayeir's Plls regu- A1---.Iluttrli.-Agýaîn- laryforsIxfmenthe. b-A. _ave m-ýen. Frona the uay things went on ahout that place, I kuow, ho looketi after hie scrwi business, and had plenty Lu do. Bot mîght ho net rather have hadi fifty bushabs of wheat less than ha caught in the last hour in suchÎ a mis- erablo predicament ? Xes, ho had Lime enoig la, --sa very man has, to propare bimeaif for Lb-a futere Men taik a,- ohougb ire n order Lu g eLt e pareh for eternity, Lheyý muest have a rnounn ,or a y ean- so go anss it uowmî, anti( rend nand pay. tri,-aven i la nota ,clu-udt Liat touches oniy the top of sýome bigi moontain ; iL touches eartb ail over. Andi that man avbsu bas time to eat, or sleep, un tbink, basitime Lu bo saveti. YeL that man tieti unpne- pareti.HUe, fell; nout as a n-an cvbîo tripe anti stan-oIes ou a rond, buL as m-en talling fron- ume ,Alpine cliff have heen avatcheti hy the peasaatry as Lbey go downi-a thonsanti feet, whirling in the air--daalied on the rocks. SU this man, fron- the Lip-top osf wordly prosperity, slippeti anti feul. Eig-hteeîi centuries bave passet incs thatý catastrophe. The hody of tisai nicistarmar bas ise s hoîougssy gone tu dueL thut nu une suspects w bers iL le. Lut bis soUl îtiI l lives-lives more aciively than yoora or mine. Anti ha remîmbn ers, a-sthougb IL wens uniy an bour mgo, th,-, tupendous impression oi that moeteheu, in desperate un- preparedZ .as, iere camne cîashing into bi% cars "'bis nigbt tby so! shah be requinetiofut tee.11 1f, betwveon ibis sud fiait. on six o'clock Lo-n-onroîv nontring, tbe samne Voici. shoulti aýccst oui' toahs, woulid IL fiat us hikew lae tisýeoi cntdfNo, 1 can aay for n-a ýny of you. You are nuL su avell tr,-sati for church as you are foc beaveni. Tisaidcss youubave, on avili wear out-g-t Ont of fashion; but thé robe of C hrist's nigbtËouoaness avili nc.ver wean r ci, onrLise latsaiages of lcavon, woar thse saine patten as the siarlissî Io not meatetosay tisaL YuQ are siaibe but Christ bas matie iL al il i-it. î.e h«-n matie, a tiansfer 'ut youî' ssiis ilntipolluion, so Ihat yon Ought Lu t.Isik Of Leaving this w unît only as yuu i nk oï going tu tt weti- din.Il is a ýretiing- the marniage rif the King's Sn U0c-.mucb dDes tieuth hurt a guudj ntan ?f Notisu mitoisas tti p ut bis litte finger. Tisey j-bu, lu hettîng YOnU tuwn intu zour n ht astrltiug-piace, shah ho s8crutched lu tbe baud wiLh a brien, ahaîl ha more tiamageti than you, 'by tieath. 'The grantiesi place ou éarth o scleep, tire &Oftesi piiow anti coveniets, are ire THE CR111 511 -kTIN'S GBAVE. III thone s me yone on sarta tisaiis tri be ouvieti, iL iathe n-an who tuies well. But nul, ihai way do ail mon make Lb"ir doprios. n ougbî to bave their acordiy affaire setîleti,s'O ibat thre eect anti administra-ors wii nuL be noufoundedi, anti au, that chiat Lhey bave nbonently eenmat be noi s-ca Lioretiancgtbo<se wbo have nu night til- . f itle autidu annuncemont shouiti be mis te o you to-.itight, what wounit ha he state, of your' farniliee? Rlave you dunore ahi ihat ycsu cao Lu fit tisenafor bea-venl Couiti you fel -Whate-er 1, as father or mether, rlouit do, 1 bave tons. They wilh ne- men-aben bow I prayeti for then- anti taiketi with Lien; anti wben tbey hook at my pilotas-e, beýy will eay, 'That wes a Chiristian par ent.' I wani Lu g-o la thesuins way, anti gain the cerne bo on"Thé keys et anl organ may bu annot stop tao bit then- guetd-bye." "But I can,osi go it ternity aclth ail these ine about n-o. (ive me Lime 1 u raesin.' Death wouait amy, "Tu - bats Lu repeini! Ibis night tby sotil is requineti. Yen, ibis houri Yea, Ibis minute! Yea, ibis second!y" 1 Oh, 'by thre Grasuf Christ, geL natiy. RepeinÉ, anti say, 'Jes os, thou Son uf Havit, hism scy ou me!" lu Clirist you are sais. Oui of Rtrn, yen îmeish. "O Icraei! how shah I1 give thes UPi?' By wbat argument shal Iatitres, you-f Iiy wiaat impassionate appoal M-ay I muve yoa? I enu do nothing more. I heave you lus the hant o-'tisatS avior rWho iieti Lu raeen you. I leave you Le. thai Ged boulors wison-yoe muet ai hast appear, anti an-ewer for preseni acceptance or nejection cdf Mercy. Laord Guti Alinghty! f hava dons, n-y hast teocall hambnu. Ilotty ha ite I commit their i-mo-a iplriLs. Fon whloophug eeeigh antidopVaoCeo lene le a sinmple anti perfect seruedy. DREA-RY NEWV YORK.L There are streets achicis visitons to New York alavayc remark; the char- acleristî cross streets cf tise Lypical up-towsn region of long regulat' rows ut tecianaguiar residencesl'lut looek su mucis alike, wiLs ateep elmilar sLeps ieatiing up to son-bre sin-ilar tours anti a doctorlss iu -u eves-y sthor wiadow. Bieak, bars-an, echuing sinreete wisere duningi the long, munotonous n-onu- inge -nagc-an-bui'h" are caileti for, anti strawbennieýs ans soit fron- avagons Iby ait. ot resonant c oice.s, anti notbing el-se is isearti oxcepi at long intenrals the wshcense puestmau's 'vsele or the occasional slmuumîng uof is canniage tour. Meantime Lise auna gelsaraoundti l the norih cite of thes streot, anti the airing of ýbabies- anti fox-tes-riens gues on, cabile town et the corner one elevatet train tîfter anoLber approaches, ruera, anti nom- bloc ecvay in the distance ail day long util et luet thia meu begin comlug hon-e from husineme. These areth ie ortiinsîy unnomantic stneetýs ou clo live 550 fe-tvNsw Yonkers in fiction, iL ie su eusy tus put theru on the avenue on1 Gnumer-cy Park or Washington Square, but oin w'hicb moet 'of thena seernaLu live lu roui hife. A slice of a]] its layera ut s-ociety anti ahlitis mixet intereeie nuy hoc eeu lun a walk along on-a of ibase typical atreets wbicis ctretcb ucnçems the ilaut as straigisi anti stiff as mron grouves antiw'aste nuLt an in ch in thoir p)rogness f ronaune river, ensai uta shis'b ibey bave gradually encreacheri, to Lbe' oib'-r river into aabicb a1so Lhey extead. IL le a short m'alk, tise islanti lg so narrow. iwssive feet frlom theourgan-pipes, ba4t i every Lime thu se keys are toachet the Pipes reeposat; so these parents are îuw sxorcising influences waLIb wihi ýrelepontfan on lu the etennity, uf their cisiltireir. IL tbey play ani asn-0ben- so IL wili ho ain anthena t then,- If Lhey -play a dingo noW, if t wili be a tirgefior ever. Bu-t n-et f al, aant ci nuw EVERY CHiLD bos-bintotheworldwithan what 's to bacone of you 'PereonalhY. lnlheriied os- eerly deveioed tendency te dis- Tbis inighisi n-n y ol5mimeti sUnigbt. treseing, disC.ns-îng humousof theaskin, scalp, Then, "Tbis nigbt thy coul shahl be aud bleod, heton-es an ebjeci cf the mort ten- der solicitude, foo nly ecaune of uts suffes-sog requireti of thee." WbaL theof? Into but leancuse of l5the tiful fs-rtbat the tiisfi.g. whaLscens wolti ou b intotiuetg uraion-is te lac lifelong and mes- ttc futus-e whatsceles ouldyoube iýtýoducd8I happinres and prsperity, Rente it becemes Wouit yon -go whore youn chiltirein, the dutyefnaothers of such afficted chidren to anti k-udre, ant fniets bae gen , aqueini beinselves wiih the bent, the pus-est, Isd enoat effective treetent available. or wher Lise m a-n, of 'the, text wentt a mshwtcvOsSatcrneb ifbey wbo titc witiseut Christ are su skin sud scalp of ers-mts anti s-aIes, geotîs appi- stations Of CovsneRA intameni te allay itclaing, thorughiy rminet thait he,,' nover is-itation and ilnflammation, andI seothe andhebon, gsi: over it. The mn-ocf the textislafomiotred inluthe se-es-e cases by milti doses of CCîUsÂRAseaBrars-, affes-d istsant andi grate- to-;nigbt jusi wbere he was eigbti'in fnl relief. speedy ces-e, sud icave notlaing te be huntrt ysns ug. Ihusapt ~ teeised by asixios parents. Sold by aIl iteinial dhamists. POTTR Xa âa:e Gospel c-ails have been uttenet sin,, CxxiM.CoimSe lPs-ps., Bssiss, IL .A then.. Hs bas n-ut hourd oinsecf tison. Ho bas been galtherihg in bis crope B y. Mte. Won;'a Pouehcaîne, ever situce, but iL Le a hanvesi t of- Lgfl Rrscg everlasting wretchetiaees. loticaîl- dj q ;Soltd nicoanmeuded by a&Z 1 l . druggisis lu Canada. Oui y reli et hlm a f oouinL hic hast hoan, anti be i -:abie enedîclîle dîscuverei. S wbotis a f 1oulisj a foui for ever. iforma csf Sexual Wekgngesrat efe tof urel Perbape, like the nmijnil oîf tise. text,1 or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of TO- ysu uneOpabout Stimans. at effeisofaesp you are a u h uit langer, barns.-of pice, one package $1,six, $. Oe ill fpiifius Ysou are planniing for wonîtiîy ac- i tui cure. Pam-phlets fs-es ho any atidress. Who Wood Cerapa-ay, Windsor, 0Ont. cunla utin. Do nuL fus-net Lu project WospisaaitemiilaBwnehi a plain f-or e ternity. You 'ucknow- 1WodsîotîJs-yIiigie olda &Inss owaileb1, letige yýorselt immortai; whore, thon, J. Gilfillan; Newcastle by Dr 'a-ncombe. While they rouse the Ilver, restore full, regular action of the bowels, tbey do flot gripe or pain, do fot irritate or infame the InternaI organs, but have a positie tomec eff et. 250. at al drug i»str ow by mail of C. 1. Rood& Co., Lowell, Maes. will you be a huin4ired 'years from ntuwe You say that pesrhaps, by sojne g.reat 'exsceptiosnyou might be alive a hundred years frui now. Then wiiere wil 0ll ubi a t the, eud of a thousand yeari,- Where will yoiu-he a million of, from, now? A bil. lio!n of yeax<j A trillion osf years? A quadrillioin of yearse A quintillion of yearsg But- a handred years are nothi4g a million of, years are nothing; a billion of years are nothing -a trillion of years are nothing; 1a quadrillion of years ara nothinjg; a quintillion of years are Éothing- COMPARED WITH ETERNIIY. So 1 ask you, will you speni eterniýtY? Oh, prepare for l. Leave it not util the last hour. Leave it not un,- tii you get sick; you may neyeýr ha sick. Leave it ýnot until you get more time; you may neyer get more. time. Leave it tijo)t aotl you gel old; you may *radver get old. Leýave il noti un- tii the sýpirit strive's more powerfully; it msay niever strive again. Leave it not un-tbl to-morrow. Tbis night- thLs night, thy soul may hie required of thee. And suppose, Ln that moment you should say, "Waiî unttil 1 tan kosetel d-awn and say my prayors." 1Death would îespond, "No lime now to say youir prayers.' " Wait untîl I iget my frlends together, and i bd thena 1 goý Death would say, "You IÇ- rn- U ' I R FL anda- vril l Y U; 1,is &Thp I -7ven vîand ïre,,ard Yonrha'issrneo'assnyitasge. C1 s15 s 5'bsJ..A.iGlassstn, C at .air ot'r ena-sn i l7.sbly f gls%, invrwar isittC l i s a 1cfîselsa. W'te yardýe n e nlserm i11ýreer (arcs is nsel t e i rl 1 t nese ssasi rst, scel ti a, srnen11anM a< i Gob n Si srpssltisa i.l ien ..r R ainuSiis .j tmo t s o *.1aset i l 'Clblirshta Pa t e p c.jih t8 ilo-'tsa da rb1 eh sa" nC "ilridsinino- repene i5s £ sssidchasa rco creUeoei rig5r.soytiar., ' .stea-nt anch s-ne inantulaM.lill eiatit tstsan .1so 1.li1 "1s. ratie tinrstsiOnagelS grenîssi. Whaas di SI~e aiefa anldl 1-1 Cw mfg Ig ailiittent, set tens. reins-n moey. and 515 I w,,e snSdp -sîpa i handasse e-isol. Ih C~~~I~S D ~ C~ONS, ~h.neplbsep nic ase,. acnsrae Aaeii'n t' saO"nnt. anSdsein C0s.s.wiilllast C10 ynars COL1S î~ii~î~5 isAaLT JUPPLY CWSACY.EB« Tersais. y 25 and S ornt BeIlî CEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Wg etf PUY 011.Y THE GE-UtlP.1. iirl PERY AVI' alqu rt2anli 9 Y' 0tiC utthe ready for un ýur DAM -t D 7 C Beacc.~ ~l ïllation s PEOPLE RECOVERINC From Pneumgrda, Typhold or Searle% Fever, fliptitheria, La Grippe or any Sarious Siokfies FR E E Pi!, at15i -h-.l O1 fiiidi ýM ns, ith' a' ain ise )j is g..Z- -e; 'eva Zinas.-iar -sIs r .a erseéy - -i e', st ae t f a Wrtoesrrdilais.iig idt- d Pi 19e elslsîoim' sledGl Roseriosetl10ets. eae. T1 y sW' erytta.05 - ci-'i es-se . s-tsi y rettun saau. Ilr-ossis S supp5p Co.. *Baoxa Teensta. ce ts iNiis etnt-e, s1i t-elat ylinas HOW NI(TRE WARNS. Souweso.las.a Loest for ae-vugt-this Le the tiiscovery mate hy' Dr. Lotis, profoesor ut chemistny lu tisa Belfast collage, anti iis coatjiutor, As-. Bmw- thorne, of Lise rame colhego. 'ILhein attedition hati Sean caile tolularge quantitLisof ptnefying soaccresti outtiie Boîfast anti Dublin. In ve sti- gaLionprovsad tiraI the growtsofuthtir wint tdepenteti hrgsly on thesw- alge polluti=ofuthLiewater, andi that, in fuot, it uni>' flounnisissatInlulocahitiss wieesucb pollution exiastet. Tise Ireslris ut Prof. Letts' expenimente woro rreeently etommunicatedtoLuthe chi--mica section ufthtie BriLlis as- T[haeisoura wa p3sse witb happy pros- -pacte inceew are naere. pleasing( t han Lhissa cru wtd vi Lb fruition.-Goit- - smith. Require the N-lrve Toning, Blond En- rlchlng, Heas-t Suatalning Aûtion of Milburn's Heart and Morve Pilla.' It is well known tisai afies- any serions ilînese itae heurt antinos-vas are extreîneiy weak andtheib bloot gs-eatly impoverieheci. For these conditions tbere is nu reuiedy squale Milburns i-heurt aot Nerve Pille. i restores ail the vital forces ufthtie body whchi diseuse bas iiais-ii re nd weakened. Mr-. T. flasnicoti, Aylier, Ont., ss'- "Aboul a year ugo 1 bad a severe aîlack of La Grippe wl.icb leot mny syctem in un exlîausted condition. 1 coulti not negain strength and was ersy nenverîsiand eleep. leas at nig-ht, and gat ap lu the mos-ning as tired as wben i went to bcd. I hadi o ciscsg>' and n-as in a miser- able state ut Ieultis. IlMiibus-u's Hsast and Ne-ve Pills, which ï got at Richard's Druîgâtes-ehere, chan.pe4 sme frein a condtion csf miery to-é, d health. Tise>'builthin y cystan, stred ,,.h. or any other eve0ta ldnesS." À despatch f rom Washingtone says: -11ev. Dr. Talmage preached fromn the folluwing text: "This niglit thy sou] shaîl be rerîusred of thee."1-Iuke xii. 20. My text introduces us into a fine taxm-house. The ozcupant bas been wondexefuIIy susr'pssful. As fer as 1 ean tel, he was an honest, industrious, enterprising mare. The crops were com- ing in. The msow and the granary were fl, ad the mein anti oxen tug- geti away' ai other loads. The inatter was a great perplexity. After you eyes lsnnkq, réd and b, urd;pnpl.o fie;yab RESTORED TO MANHOOO BY DRS, K. & Ku JOHN A. MANLIN. JOHN A. MANLIN. CHAS. POWIMRS. CHAS. PowJIUB ýc 1 1 Y -~ y i 10O NAPES lOR TESTIMONIAL$ USED WITIIOUT WRITTIN CMEY John A. itanlin OaY$:-"I wesaoe of tee count les. Yi VA R I O EL E, tissuof esrlyignorauce commuseset t15i'se of seg.I E MISSIONS: ANh gayo rep ladespair. ho draine ou n sy ssr woee waakeoiiniy intiellect as n-eh as env seiual ereti ppst ýos I MPOTENCÇN/ liSe. My broüser advleedn e a alest rsottoe enli,1 lueatndeabîtion. 'Tie n-as four pears ago, aud np il amrnamrried rand happy. I recommenti theso reialebl specisllats to ait mp afihited folosmen." CURELS GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.- CON FiDENTAL. "The vices osf early boyhood laid the fonssoation of mi <un astona "gay lifili rend exposanra io hiord di- ub ~ m seeses cornpleted the anseck. I bad alltihe syrmptoinsýof SUJhî iII, ELiss1ls Ner-rous Debiility-#-ankenepyes, es-mmieons, drai lu.innt nervonanees, n-eak bsýcietc. Syphilis canned ieny hais-te VaricoclCrd fa11 ont, bons peine, escers in mout n d on tongu De,, r bloteltesou boidy, sic, I thank 4ostl trid ci -. lii nredy &Klergn. lihe restoreti me te bealth, vigor anti happinems" CHAS. POWEIIS. L-T We trc't and cure Vai'c'E, missionr, Nee vous Deiility, Seminal Wnegks'ze.7s, Giee4/ Strih5ere, S3.ctsis, Unnatus se/Dzsc/îarges, Sdi Abs, Kidney and Bi'adder Disases. _____ 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO 1118K. Aeyna victien? 11ae-Yeuon ist pAr-e pou ccaat'm ltin mar. READER rim e Isor lloîl bren dîseasedHave you a n a -s et Our New Metbod Tseaiisc.Lt il1 cte .Yeu. W bat itl ias dons for oihehai hwfIl do for vou. CONSULTATION PRsuE. No nielr acho lins s esd pou, write firainulionest opinion Pree of Charge Charge Ies ýaabln. BOOKS FREE - "The Golden Monitor" titnastrated,~ on Disesee of Mcen.' iaclose postagea, 2 cemli. leeieti. WNO NADAKi S SID WïTiiOUT VVRITTEN CONSENT. PRI- VATE. No ivio dïis-e as-t C. 0. D. No names on boxes or envel- o.s. Evelylan cnleeti. Question 1l.t and oSt of Ts-at- ment, FRE._____ ORSIKENEÎJ & ERO No 48 SHELIBY ST.

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