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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1900, p. 5

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leliable n Cure. 0 0 uiuONJJY 150. Tiere, r-P numerou s Corn Cures on the mrkt that DON'IT CURE. There lone that DOES CURE. A SINGLE ILLUSTRATION. A eustomer came into our store one da last week and laid down 3Oc. and aed for a. box of our Coru Cure. "Our Cornt Cure is oniy.15c" we replied "and youceau get your 15e back if it Lde n ot cure." ",Yeg," he said "I ; that and that is the reason I put 8re 0e. Some months ago 1 got a box here and thouglit it did not cure me and asked for the mouey back and ï ou paid it over without a word. I ouud however that it dîd cure me and bore is the 15e bacli again and 15c more for a box for another corn." TRY IT! IT's free if it does not cue. STOTT a JURY The Reliable Druggists. ea d th e Above Adv't. f2"It Illustrates our Method of Doing Business. o-O-o0 It was 11i 1850 that our business ,Was establï6;VfSd and in every family in this couuty oeur label on a package is takenas a gutarantee of both quality and value. .We manuifacture a line of reliable and popular houýsehold remedies and Îyou get your mioney back every time if they doj not giN e satisfaction. Our CoLigh Srup, Liver Pis Con- dtion Powders,ý, Blood and Nerve Pis, Kiduey Pisý, Emulsion's Cod Liver Oul, Worm Powders, etc., are ail sold on the samne terms-"'Money back if you ask for it." We do not say they are the best because we manufacture tliem but we manufacture tliem because they are the best (quite a different thing.) Cal and sce the large bottie of Emulsion's Cod Liver Oit we seil for 65 ets. N. B.-We test eyes f ree and sell spectacles on te smmc onditions as medicines, '(Money back if you want IV," STOTT & JURY, The Relîable Dru.oggsts. BORN. 1 Games 5c at Nichoils'. Christmuas toys at Nichoils'. Doils, ail sizes at Nicholîs'. Notions anti novelties at Nicholîs'. Picture books for Xmas at Nidhoils'. ,,Chics" stoppeti after Dec. ist-Tait & Ce. Wc sei Bisseil Carpet Sweepers-L. Morris. Mr R. B.'. Audrew was !home over Sunday. Our liues of cheap f urniture are cheap -L, Morris. Order aIl papers andi magazines frein M. A. James. Mrs. S. W. Sauders Sr., is visiting frientinruLondon. Rev. E. E. Howard, Blackstock was lu tewn Thursday.' Mr. W. Kelsey Hall, Peterboro, was iu towu last weck. We are forced te bld over several articles for lack ef space., Miss Mabel Grigg is visltiug Miss Ella Merrificld, Port Hope. Mn. Ed. Kennedy, Ottawa, nas been guest of Mrs. Dl. C. MeDowell. Col. Sam. Hughes, Lindsay, was lu town Frîday, guest of Mr. IL. W. Burk. Mr. Stanley MeMidhael, Hamilton, was guest et Mr. J. J. Mason whilc lu town. Miss Jennie Spry lias returned from a two weeks visit with lier brother in London. Miss Miltinet Grigg las returned from a summer's visit at Owen Soundi anti Midianti. Wo have a large stock of Quartercd Oak'Furniture lu Antique anti Golden fluisiies.L, Morris. TIc Commencement Exorcises in counectien with Bowmauville Higli Sehool will be lielti in thc Town Hall on Friday Dcc. 21st. Tait & Co's large group will be made up onugetiing the nest of thc business men ru wlio have promiseti. Kiudlv corne right aloug. Messrs Thos. Devitt. Toronto, and Andrew Devitt, Blackstock, were guests of tîcir brother Dr. J. C. Devitt, Qucen St., Sunday. Uxbridge Methodists field very suc- cessf ni anuivensary services Nov. 1111. 1Rev. John Petts. D. D., preacheti anti EtIc thankotfcning amountedti te ver $1000. Mr-. H, J. Kuight atteudeti the ban- quet tendereti the returneti soldiers trom boutl Africa, at Cobourg Fritiay week ianti sang sevenal scugs tirat were wclh Lreceiveti. Municinal matters will ciairn aur at. ttention next week anti until electiosi 3day, Electors, den't promise yeur vot( -tilI candidates announceti theimselve* af ter nomination. Thene's fun ahead. f Farmers'Ativocate of Nov. iStI con- rtains a photo et "lHernia" Mr. R. Beith'i 2 veer olti Rackncy filly, winner, o ýfirst prize lu every competition enter&~ Sin 'cluding sweepstakes at Toronto Iu *t dustrial 1930O. Mr. John Maynard, Jeweiler, Camp belîford, formeriy of this town, hati hi; stock seriously tiamageti by fire an( water, on Friday. Thc fire onigiruater lu the upper story thc occupants c wbichl lst alrnost everythiug. n Mr. R. Peate of the DO, & P. Ce, en tertaineti his tcllow rubbers te au oys ter supper at bis resitience, Brownu St -on Saturday evenug. A most enjoy able eveniug was spent, all presen 0expressiug themsclvcs more than pleas - d. THE STATESMAN was tielaycd oeedta, last wcek te enable us te publisî th, ti eclaration et thc Returning Officer ii thc reeut election. The tacts of th, ýcaFe wouhd net have been known yet ti the great mass of electors bati we ne t.gîven them iu our belateti edition. West Durham Farmers' Institute i ýtexccctiughy fortunate lunliaviug ou tih deleg-atien this year Mn. A. MeNcil Walkervillc, anti Miss' B. Maddock n 1structor on Dairying iu Ontari, Aýgricultural Collage. Sec list of mccl ifings anti ail wlio eau arrange te attend * Auniversary andti laul offcriug sen vices et the Mcthetiist dhurch will b ,helti ou Suntiay Dcc. 2nti. Rex'. Di 6 Workrn, Toronto, wiil prefth at 10 30 a. m. anti7 p. m. Special music r Lbeing prepareti by thc choir. -Tii It Trustees are asking for 81000. Au in terestiug anti profitable time is expect .9cd. ;t The publisher ef TIc News coulti ne carry ou lis business for tîrceînontb .but fer thc patronage le receives trou Liherals, anti yet lie charges 11cm wit] bh ig ityet"& rMost scurnilous piec T -- --ng guir1,.y BUSINESS CHANGE. Mr Wallace Downey, son of Our worthy towlsmn Mr. (Üeo. Downey of the Organ Factory, has purchased the Il bakerv business, oven and entire plantr, with good will from Mr. W. L. Keys and with ample capital and a tnorough kuowledge of the business make effortsr to greatly extend the business. 11e is a very respectable yollng man, one à whom everybody iikeq, is full of energyc and knows how to make good bread. à He lias leased. the Dr. ilý eid propertyb from Mrs. Prower and wllIl make his1 ananouncement next week.t FARIVERS' INSTITUTE MEETING. D)elegation: A.McNeill, Walkervîlls;t Miss B. Maddock, O.A.C., Guelph. Bowmanville, Monday Dec 3, at 2 p. la. Courtice, Monday, Dec 3 at 8 p. m. lu Sons' Hall. Orono, Tuesday Dec 4, Town Hall,at 2 P. M. Newcastle, Tuesday Dec 4 TownHall at 8 p.m. Blackstock, Friday, Dec 7, Town Hall, at 2 p m. MR. BINGHAM'S REPORT. So mucli interest is feit lu the latest turn of the political kaleidoscope lu West Durham tbat we this week pub-1 lish lu full Mr. Bingham's report of the1 case to the Clerk of the Crown lu Chan- cery at Ottawa. In the face of the op- inions of eminent counsel therein given, .could any person say that thc Return- ing Officer couid have acted ln any other mauner than lie has doue ? No inutiei doe to ether candidate: lie splreorts the case fullv and leaves the proper tribunal te dlecide wli shall represeut us or wliethcr the election is voided by the irregularities that took 1place. Just as we go to press we learu that [Mr. John K Galbraith served Mr. Bing- bamn witli legal papers, being a notice that a dlaimi had been entered at Os- goode Hall on behaîf of Mr. Thoruton .for the seat. Isu't it ratIer strange that the service was eutrusted to Mr. Gai- braith instead of Mr. Loscombe? MR. BIM*lIA3M JISTIF LED. 1Probaby the publisher of thc Mont- zreal Star did more than any other 1 uewspaper maniluthe Dominion per. sorîaIlly anti thougli the two daily papers, - -The Dailyv Star (English) and La 1Journal (Frenchi) and ttee Family lier- Baid and WeeklyStar-for the overthrow sof the Laurier Goverumeut and the restoration to power of Sir Chiarles .Tupper andti lqi Couservative following, se that an opinion like this f rom sucli a ,fsource carrnes great weight, aud we amay add is in accordance with the -mind of most honest thinkers : Frein '_The Mont realStar. It is only to thie WVest Durhiam- Returniug officer to point ont that aithougli we think lie 3 made a mistake lu accepting the cheque das a deposit, lie las not committed the derri>r of declaring the ininority eau- f1 tidate elected as was doue lu the Baird case. There is no reason whafevcr te u question hus faith ins the matter and in - decidiug not to take the responsibility tof deciding thc leg-al issue raised, but 7- to make a special returu sting. forth ýt the facts and leavinoz tIe decision to -the House of Conmmonis, lie (Mr. Bing- ham) RIAS SHOWN GOOD JUDG- y. MENT AND FAIRNZESS. A IQNIFICENT RECEPTION. The publishers, of the Farnily Heralti aud Wveekly Star, of Moutreal, may justly feel prouti of tIe magnigeent reception their uew premniurn pictures, "CHRIST IN THE TE2MALE." and 'HOME FROM THE WAR," have received. Tliey deserve it too, for the pictures are certainly most beautiful. Either one of them alone would be considered a splendid premium, but wheu one Ltuows that each subseniher receives both pictures, lie'eau easily understand the demanti for that favourite paper this scason. Clergy of ail denominations are pub- [ccl y requestiug their clîurch members to secure a copv of the picture, ,CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE." Try T.od's. Horne-made Candy. Try Tod's home-matie maple cream. If yon want~a gcod Oyster Stew go to TIos. Tod's. See our odd pieces in Parlor Furni- ture-L, Morris. Keys fouud. Enquire at THE S'ATESMAN Office. .Thomas Toti, baker and coufectioners fancy cakes a specialty. Be sure andi mati T. N. Rickard's adi on the first page of this paper. We stili want your ragged Dollar Bill for a $2 Alarm Clock at Rickard's. Have your watdh put lu Order before the hurry of Cliristmas cornes ou Richard. Ladies wrapperette blouses fror 60 cents up and wrappers from $1 up at The Mason Co'S. Bring iu your furs, uo'w is the time te have them altereti anti repaircti, M. Mayer, turrner. A fullli no of ladies' suitings anI dress goods now on sale at The Mason Co's I>epartmental Stores. The Deceinber Delineater is now ou sale at The Mason Co's. It is fulll(if Xmas ideas and suggestions. Ladies, you are invited to eall at Miss Medland's Millinery parlor and sec thc latest noveltres lu head wear. M. Ma.yer lias a fullIlhue of ail kintis of furs, bats, caps tnid gents' furnish- iugs, cali andi see for yourself. Balance of 1900 free te new subscrib- ers te Christian Guardian for 1901. M. A. James, agent for this district. Subscriptiens are taken at T ri E STATESNIAN office for ovi)r 8000 different papers and magazines at lowest rates. If you need a new jacket buy now while you have a zooti choice. ýThe pnice will suit you at The Mason Co's. Sec the fur Caperlues, Muifs, Ruffs, Collars, Coats, Gauntiets, Caps, Robes. etc. etc., at M. Mayer's, Practical Fur- rier. Call ani convixice yourself of the [splended values lu winter gootis sîowu at Mason Co's store. Our goods speak for themselves. Ontreadymade clothiug for men and bov s is al ucw and strîctly up to-date, and no better value anywhcre. Coudh, Johuston & Cryderman., Why not order your papers and magazines at your earliest opportunity? Dont wait tili yeur paper stops. Sec our ncw clubbîng rates. Owing te thc great increase in- price of paper we must iusist on pavment of subseniptiens lu advance at the $1.00 rate or tlie $1.50 rate must lic paid. Couch, Jolinston & Cryderman liav- ing cleaued eut the over Production lu blankets of a western wooleu milI, are new selliug thoea at whlosale prices, The matcbing of plaids at thc seam iE a very diffienît task. TIe whele subjeci is matie simple by an arti 'cle appeariug lu the Delineater on sale- at The Matiol CO's. There is nothing botter for children's ceuglis and colds than Dr. Wood'i 1Nonway Pine Syrup. It is very pleas- aut te take anti always -cur3s the iittlc eues' ceuglipromptly. Couch, Jolinsten & Cryderman sa) thcv have neyer solti as many Ladies Cen ts se early in tlie Year; but liaving beuzlht an immense stock they have a splepdld collection te select from. Don't, sav don't let your mothen pasi into the 2Oth Century, with those ben- .and rusty spectacles, whcn fer a feYý silver places yen can purdliase a pair eo Bwell filleti modemn eues frorntT, N Rickard. Without adouit Cream et Violets iý tIc most charming teilet preparatier ruenwn Tntrerugliness oi the sîlu schapped bauds, etc. The manufactur ers, Stott & Jury. will oeive a smal ALLI-In Sunderland, Oct. 26, to Mr. and Mrs. T. Alun, a danghter. »OBERTSON-Ifl Clarke, Nov 2 thie wife of Mr. John S. Robertso, ouf a daughter. SHÂARKAN-In Orono, Nov. 9, the wife of Mr. Eli Sharman, of a daugliter. BEcKER-In Oshawa, Nov. 9, the wife of Mr. Jno. Beckrer, of a daughter. TAIT-In Oshawa, Nov. 1,,the wife of Mr. P. Tait, of a son. LEÂmiNG-In Oshawa, Nov. 7, the wlfe of Mr. S. Leaming, of twjn sons, 0one stili boru. McBEra-In St. Louis, Nov. 15, the wife of Dr. A. A1. MeBrien, of a son. SMT-Near Enniskillen, Nov. 16, the wif e of Mr. Fred. Smith, of a son. MARRIED. SCoTT-SÂYv-A the residenee of the bride's father by Rev. J. J. ]»ae, Nov. 14, James Scott and Rarriet SayS, boîli of Oshawa,. CLAK-G.ERRow-At Scugog, Oct. 24, liy 'Rev. Mr. Ruttan. Wil.i m J. Clarke, Solina, and Eliza, eldest daughzer of Mr. John Gerrow, Sougog Island IIERON-WÂSHI2EOTN-At Glendive,Mvontana Oct. 24, by Rev. Mr. Wý arman, W. A. Reron and Ethel, youngest daugtLer of tha late Robiert Washington, H aydoii. LowE-MooitE - At the residence of lier brother-in-law Mr David N. Mutton Bowman- veile, by Rev* J J«olliffe, B 0 L, Î'ov 20, Mr Wi.a Lowe, Port Hope, and MrS Ram-Lah Moore, i3owmanville. DIED. Ur-At Myrtie, Nov. 9, Margaret Graliam, beloved wife of Mr. Thos. Duf. aged 38 years. HOLSTON- At Newtonville, Nov. 12, William Roiston, aged 94 yearo. FELT-In Osliawa, Nov. 13, Everett Orlo Felt, aged 41 years. RusE-lu Denyer, Colorado, Nov. 11, Rosa Phillips, beloved wife of Josephi Ruse, aged years. Interred in 'Jorento. GÂt.eAT-In Darlîngton, Nov. l7th, Jean Greenilees, rellct of the late Roger Galbraitli. Ricui.-lu Newtonville, Nov. l9th, aged 80 years, William Ricli, Sr. WaRiNER.-At 7 Shuter St. Montreal, Que., Nov. l4th, Marionse Nora, youngest daugliter of 14ev. W.VI . Warriiuer, aged 8 years. ---OSElIDES-No. 1 extra HORSE- RL IDES t2,25 ecd. J. 0. L. COLE, Ramp- ton. S TOCK FOR SALE-Farrow Cow and 2 yr.old Reifer. J. E. L. COLE, Hamp- ton HIDES-1-ighiest price in cash for Rides and Skins. J. E. L. CoLE, Rampton. TOEXCHIANGE-Heavy pair liglit OSiigh fo aligterpai. -J. E. L. COLE, Hampton. B EF DRESSED-Cattle dressed at Bmy slauglter bouse for 60 cents. .i E. L. COLE, Hampton, WTAGON WANTED-Good second- ,giadLit Wagon, suitalile for peddling. J. E.L. COLE, Butcher, Hampton.47-tf. UA 'OR SALE-Single Cutter, Photon, -A-Top Buggy, White Sheepskin Robe, Ray or Grain taken mu exciange. J E L COLE,Hampton. TLARD-20 lb~ Pail A. 1 Lard for $2.50; IJ10 lb Peu 5$1.20; 5 lb pail 60c. Balogna Sans- age 3 IbS for 27 cents. J, E. L. COLE, Rampton. u'ARM FOR SALE-73 acres of lot 9, 22con. 5, East Whithy. 5 miles nortli of Osha- wa; well watered. Terms easy. J E. L. COLE, Hampton. LAMBS FOR SALE-Niimber of ewe LLamhs and Buckîs; 2 yr-old Leicester Ram, thoro'-lred-first tome, first 5erved. J, E. L.. COLE, Hampton. MEAT SUPPLY, - My peddling wagon makes tic route in Bowmanville on Wednesdays aud Satuirday s; ai Burketon on Friday noon. J. E. L. COLE, Butelier, Hamp- ton. migh Class. Groceries. CAWKER & TAIT invite ail to make the E ~Estore their home when in town. Our stock is first class, bought in the best ~ Smarkets for spot cash, therefore enabling us to Sj seli at prices that defy competition. Don't overlook the f act that we sellCrockeryj SIn that department, (Second Storey,) you will «a find the most complete and up-to-date stock in E ~EWest Durham. E Cas pad fr Butter and Bggs db-. BOWMANVILLE. The leading store for high-class Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Ai Popular Prices Ladies' and Children's Coats, latest designs and Special Values. Roady-to-,wear Clothîng for Mon' andBo s~ Abundant in quantity, unsurpassed iu qual- ity and durability at satisfying prices. t2eButter and Eggs wanted. Packing Cases for saleffl Next door to Standard Bank. - - BOWMANVILLE

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