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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1900, p. 6

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IN A X0IIERN LAUNDRY. lltbùlgh a penny paye for the 1aundnyinàg of a collar iew people wht do net hava sainething ta do with the liandiryinq -ealîze tbrough how mauy processep that saine colian goas before the penny ý- earned. In a lauudny Whene uothing but colars, shirt waists PROGRESSIVE FARMVING. progreLsive fan , g oa-nt'ae- sarily imîply tihe trying of eveny naw Machina, thse testing of ever3e thsoiry, cent. The ducklIngs axe marketed whisn about nine weeks aid, wheu they do and should dress froin 8 ta 10 paunds paNr pair. DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTS The farmer should dIversify the produeits of bis farm. Thea dairy f aTrnar, whose land muns froin 50 to 250 acres, will surely have saine acres that will grow moreÀ of saine Other Ail japan teas are colored. CEYL.ON GRE2EN TEA enoughi to cever ail the operations, e War, ne inatter whal ther scorle. j Juring 'the first part cf the war in Soutiil Mrica, the foreign press, in ita 0i O1V kindly and friendly way, fia ute and sneered at our generals. They eVeni M'eut 50 far as ta Say tbat Presi- dent Kruger had isad orders tothe efetthat bis scIdiers were on noace 0aount ta shoot at 0cr gerierals-be- I n s il e Pelletas lsY Chg"re, Onlios a y Chante, but oïe thîng that never aaieta ia the qmality ef ~~~ ~'WM..L, h aiw&ys oan h at In oeS PoSts25,30 40 5 ai 60 I1îgIL~ remanlu Le- presses tili Monday morniing. These colars not only dlo îp more easily, but are muchi better to wear than thase t]aat have remaiued a less turne in the presses. AfteS 1 thLs there in the ironer, the poRýiber, the edger, and it in to this last littie imacihine that the smooth edges of colan are due. Then cornes the POint-marker for turn-down points, and the dauipening of the creuse with a smali wheel like a dressmaker's niarker. The collar le thén Put into the shaper and cames out ready tu wear. Large baskets of the collars are takeLa to thiB sarters, who put thein into piles accarding to the littie marks upaIn theim. Another persan searches out the box wbîch bas the partîculai mark. The litt of the articles with tUis rairk and the per&on's 'naine is attached to the box. A third parsan ta"~ the Varnients out af the box, pute thim in pasteboard baxes, and Passes thein to bc doue ap in paper with thellst ontaide. These boxes are taken ta the graýund rloar, put into lettered boxes te await the caîl of the ownex, and all this% for a penny a cal- lar. THIE OLDEST VISITING <JARD. The IState Archives af Venice are said to possess the o]dest visiting card of which there M. any record - of cours e leaving aside the Prabable, use of such articles for some thausauds of years 'in China. -Giacomoe Contarini, professori at the University of Padua, sènt the card in question as a curiosity to a Venetian friend, saying that the German students wJao came ta taly had the elegant and laudable custom of leaviug sach littie cards, with their naine and place af arigin, at the bouses of friends whcu tbey called snd fotiud them absent. Tbe card referred to bears a coat-of-arrne wýitb the mtta:. "Espoir me confort," and hcneath: "Joannes Weoterhof Westphalus srn- bebat Patavil 4 Martil 156." TAMING THE WÂVES WITH NETS. A new plan for diminisbing the force of waves lias recently beau tried et Havre. It le the invention of Baron d'Alessandro, and Italian residing in Paris. The apparatus consists of a network of waterproofed hemp, 860 feet long by 50 broad, ancLeTed on the ru1rfaceé of the water. t flattens ciet lheavy waves and prevents theni froin breaking, ai £ the manner et cil rLead upon tb» s9sï fr'ezing' weather comes caver witb most trYing cironînstances, Ireached two fesit of waste isay au top, and ha- !my old home. 1 was sa useci Up, and twoetn 51deGaif heap and sides of build- i presented sucb an emaciated appear- ing. 1ance that my iriends bad no tbought Iu ke3ping equashes don't leave that I would recover. 1 contiuued ta tLhera o"t-doors after gathcring, ex- dxag ai ng in this condition for sev- Posod ta cald rains, as t-hey will be apt eral manths, wben oua day a cousin to &pot and rot after storing. Squash- asked me wby 1 dld not try Dr. as will keep their natural colar bat-I Wilkaims' Pink Pills. 1 was williug tewr an dry cellars Ithan iu hoiases built to try any medicine that was likaly psrrposely for, preserving thein, but ilto cure hie, and I sent ifar a supply whîen bro'ught out af snch collars, to af the Ville, After I had bien nusing th» chagrinU of the rnarketman, they the PUIS for about thrae weeks I fait som rot. Thei,(y are best handled on an inipravement iu my condition. Froin a largeû soale by keeping ini specially that tima 1 gradually grew i.etter, eectsd buildings, having pitionms, uew biadw seemed caursinig through whxethey are ta be piled two or ïmy veins, the stiffnes in my joints thrbee dep. ýSncb bouses sbauld have dise upý, and the aganizing pains thea doors afnd windows opau for the wbicbh hd so long tortured me vaul- air as late in the season as -possible, Êhed. I look la aill ten or twalve and when. closed bave the teniperTa- boxes af Dr. Willia-m-s' Pink Pilis, and ture about 45 degrees. ,Tàa paorast 1. havýe miae sitation in- aayîug tbat !ipened anas shauld be placed lu the À iv they saved my 111e, f ot wban warmiost part of the hanse. Sqniashea. I returined ta Canada, I had no hope that have spyotted may ha kept awhila tof a.coxzry by puttiug a littla air-slacked lime Lto the bale frain whichi the not bas beau eut. MAKING DUCKS GROW. Ducles vequire a week langer ta ln- cUbate tiss do hanus, and the yonug ducis wiii break the shahl 36 ta 48 heure before tbey ge6t ready ta came Out, Naver tny ta help ana ont untîl you are surebis cannait get ont bim- seli. Tise food sbouid bha about the saine asfor chickîcias, except more bnlky, asucîh as potatoas and eut claver. As thay get aider fecd eout green corn at nioon. The first three days faad thein froin four ta five tinee a day. ai watar la not itandy they wiil choike. Th3sY seain to get thair food down by givlug a nuaiber af spasmodie jerks, A gaod drlu'kiug fountain for yonng duckis le umade by taking s galion paint eau, weli cieaued eut', sud pumching a few haies wlth a nail half an Inch up freni that top or open' end. F111 It with weter sud place ovan' the opanlng an earthau fiower saucier and quickly lavent. Tihe saucer shouid be about an inch langer in dianater tisan thae au, thus the ducks will havie bal an Inch of wa- tain to*"muns" in', and jan wiii find tihis qulte inoughJ. Dîsakilgoarae muais ensier raised thain chekeus, and thae ggs ave mare fertile, ths l atchiug a large par Mn issil as aincesrae unned t'a bis aid home at Lhncoîn, Jeb., but tbe statemegats made above rao be voun h d for by eny ai bis friands in thi section, sud by ail of the neigb- bairs ina th vicinil y Qi bis aid borne. Dr. Williams' Pink Plils c-,re such appareintiy hopeicas cases as Mn. !Bisaýli's becausa they Lrlaao ncw, ricb, red blood, sud iLas rea-ch the reat ai th2 troaaie. These p:ils aie the caly medîcine offered ihe public that caon show a record of suoh mnar- vallons cures airer doctors bad faiied. I you are at.ail unweil, this medi- clie xiii restona you ta baalth, ,but be sure you get tha genuine witb the full eine "Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla Loir P aie People," ou the wnappsn axouind each box. THE ENGLISH HELLO! During the year 1899 the Nati onal Telephone Company, ai England, tablished no leu, than 615,000,000 talk- mng connections Sinangat its subi scnibers, or about 2,000,000 per work- lig day. t le remarkable that this figura exceedB that of the telegram8 recarved and dasýpatched by the Gen- eaa Post Office durnug the smre year by nine timez. A Thlng of Beauty la a doy."1 Nervillin Is a ,ýoy aise. No rexnedy in the wor]d equt'als it. Neuralgia and nheumatim are neiievad aimost ln- stantiy and minor aches aud pains ara ckired byasilge application, Nervi, - lnins lsure ta cure5 la -ategeiiurL uÉuai-cire-ustances,-a- general can bardly býe a yaung man; and w hile saine of aur generals Lave reacbed th@Lr rank earlier than others in the service, their average age le rathar above than uder flity. Ail1 of thera hav~e bad ta "xxork their way Up"I ---a procesia whicb bas taken thein frous thirty: tu forty years. Sanie of them, perhapà, are physi. cal1y net :>te'o"fit" A-1 wheu tbey wvere younger ; but tihe canditions wLich sor:round an Officer',s life are sucbh as to make hln as good a minsuý practically at fiity, or leven sixty, as, a civilian whn., la many yaars bis junior. I. generWi nmust ha able ta be lu the saddlel for many liars at a tins if necas:sary, and the "rnobility" aif aur generaIs.In Soutbi Africa shows bow well tliay cau stand thie test. GENEHiALS AND MVEN. The relation betweeu generals and their commsuds bave aUtered very much, dor tbp .bctter in the srmy dur- ing this lasit ity or tbirty years. Farmerly a ge'-,a' aiI Lad x ay Iýtllecou- nectio, witb, or infiaence upon, bis troops, aud took Lut a comparstiveiy insignifi-3ant païrt lntheir inetruction. E, uased to he, dreaded an a great ma_-- nate wbose principal fonction was the carrying oct af tb' annual inspection, and of course haý was a familiar fea- ture af a field day ; but t"eman hbu- self vas an uuknown quantîty. Lt is quite otberwime to-day. Theý genetal now knowýs bas aiticers and men, and they know their gencral. lai no other army is there 50 mach sympathy between commander and commâand as there Is in ours, and thi applies to the whole body ai aur gen- ARE NOT ORNAMENTAL. Lt in ufquastionably'au excellentfeas- ture lu aur Army that aur genarals are nne Of thein "aruamental"' soldiers, holding thenselves spart in a sort ai splendid isoelatien, as it were, fain their men. On the contrary, knowing wjat their'mai eau do, thay are lot likely ta be eithar hnrricýd on fiurried. Thse persenal elamant bas always entared, vany largely luto warfare; e0 muck Ob, ia feet, that nearly al eam- paigne are ideutîfied witi the nain 1-f individual generals. Lu aur neserve ai geuenak- tllera must needa ho many differencffs ai disposition, ai tempera- ment, aai cblax'aeter In the men whao are conpri,"ad within it, sud it is weli hat it sbouddha so. The point ta hes la- that the f ield of choiee wide acllîg jointe.'leel utuasure w-ay- h a i v C e- b n a n d e c a - to r w n t a m t t h r- '4 , W , 5 f l O ta son iu Andreaeerg. Cahol Paar5 is1essfls Cru. Eiadens Pieb5iares i-tar u haa rae A RARE CHANCE Eceis3Wrs aledr a-ieeeîicin Ta, cuitivate a calin, bopef ai spirit lies O 1 ALE SMnra lu1 the uâc, aof Putnam's Painis Cr Extractor. Lt neyer faits. I ae no scre spots on the flash and is there- A ship having two owueSgMust be a partnership. Ï orDà e loL, er of ap k; and foi,.i-i 'o f eovvr eciu UNEeUth iI~~s ii~5tN~5 tNUI~~l. GOLD FrîrDf. Ladiles af Canada-.Sisters; BRITISH IATMERICAN DYflIING ,C0', food, ma t U t ha ba been kiled but Great Britain takes early al the M îtel oono t s&Q,ýu ,a a few hours; indead, live rabbits, epre rd- iCnd.Eglh Sotch and Irish boys produce tha t'eas R O O F %i 1%., "amettitv,s goats and ah3-ap are saruetimes f ed ta ai Ceylon and India. RedorOrsý,en, 5L-àÂ1'Iýqý. delicate and ikly animais in zoos CanBada consumes 11,000,000o pounds !Puiand Su5 abojPl- e with tjauN oat beneficiai resuits. ai calored and do[atored Japan Green T ro~tt, der 5oU! rs>. s5i alRsa teas Grean tea ai pure natural ,,t. i5troewhm>3sl(q "lýh3 races ai nien and animais dii- gen aare beiug introducad froin erial 1 e'- peiitu~ ur tLe~l~îaW fer more iu their initernal icoustruc- OCylon and India. Tbey are now oun d i tiaon than luinautward appaanc5e. sale wlth aill ilve grocers.TH OT UrIOU Ta vioceral anatomny aisaie races Statesmen sec obstacles ta prefer- Tima î- TGS enliai trada wlthin the empire. Yon of paople lis somawlaat like the goat, ladies eau sweep asidealal obstrue- the, rabbit and th-- hao- wile in oth- tiu. cra it is more like that ai the dogý, B gpatriotic sentiment on your thaeu ca td animaIs ai prey. The breakiast table. Your grotar will ATFLO M TI . smal, th digstie inenstnis get these pure teas if you auly insîst. sinil tu dgetiv itestiale Tue Salada Tea Cemipany bave 7I roany feet langer and afirmuch larg- elaoed thani La bundreds ai stores. air surface sud uapacity lu vagetabia Mfaiy atiier leuding iirms have eating nations than lu ment eaters, shipuseuts comoing. Oniy laggands IEKATSPE. and ithii ludicrous and luvidious fact a-e b0 'the arang of ina cat. Curp:ople The u n a em nn feto nalintestine, the vageta- inary things lu bis patb. and Western Cancada rian nations hava fnonfýCtweuty ta twenty-seveu feet, sud naine hall.. Boware af Oint ments fop Catarrh Mortgago oprain viduais ai thain have basa found ta that cantain Morenry., have au enormous leng'th4 aven a as m lecurY will urely detroy the sýnse af much ias 50 or 55 feaet. TUi act le maîî sud compng itbî-y di-ngthe wol setrnHED Canada Peimnn uIdne whe cn rig tbeag ib ,cous surfafes oFiriu - teiOifiîd t byKoni, GubersudSncb at .hould nexer ha nird excepi- on tE--ifi3dt[pbyKong, G-ubrr ndàe70oi p1ion- f ram repîutable vhysicians, as the Toronto St., TORONItS. oîfhuer great umadical authoritias. lug hywl oitofdtýtego r can P osJb lY d aiiv a frai-a th n . lil's c atarrili BRaiSa OFFIsCE S- "Of aIl th2a world the worlkngmau Cura, manuactured by F-J. Cheney & ( a,, To- winnipseg, man., va couver, B. o., et. john,.- ledlo 0., coritains no Oir cry, and is talion in-a ai this country has ta think as he îerenàdly, acting directly faon the binodaSsud worlda. lecis iuna seuse a beast ai mucons surfaces of th e etaLm. In buyiig b u r d n ; a c a u o t li v e o n r a i n O u - I a l i e C a ta r r h C u r e h o s u r e r a n g e t th e 5 0 D U - budn eono iv nri.Oe ne. ILits taien intarnsliy,and made litnale 1tat paid Or- t h i d f t e i o a i b i s t i r-Od y i oa ,. ' r F . 3 . . C h e n e y & C o . T s t i m o n a C oui t t d ~ [s ueeded ta keep lus brain active. Sold by Druggist,3, pite 75o per- bottle. }Iali's Famiry ill arc the bes.'n issued for aa His labor le ilereiy fait aud coin- -l - -Yi<~ two, thrc-e, four , er pettiv. ýll'!lis ad nolr Lsin is Mutability ai temper aud ineonsis- o leY.--t4cn woaikthat le nat ilu othars. Ha needs teucy with ourselvjes la the greaýteat ,,sstsoer Liabilitie. je rapid norve rapairiug food, o-trng rad weaknems of ûeuman natuxe.-Addison. th pbilic Landry, Wasshu lehs iau5,is " rsey THE QU7EIN CI' I 0- ln 4 Aayeur dealer for 0 'i

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